Selfie Style Disc Golf | Vergennes, Vermont

Yall ever played disc golf selfie style!? Me either!!! How low do you think I can go on this short but scenic par 3 9 hole course??

some of the best ideas are born out of desperation right and when you don’t have a tripod or your camera you film a selfie style round that’s right selfie style wait how’s this thing work oh my God you guys selfie style round I feel like that’s the only way to do it can I be like kale Laisa today and get it done we’re about to play nine holes selfie style and where are we I’m in veren Vermont at Falls Park check out this beautiful view we’re about to play a little Ace race style course I’m here visiting my girlfriend for the week got a week between The Preserve and the West Coast stretch went back to Emporia booked it got my van back luckily I didn’t have that for the west coast and uh going to have that for the rest of the season all fixed up getting to come see Megan and her new job here in veren beautiful look at that we got a short course nine holes let’s check it out out we got a ninh holder here at veren fall Falls Park and look at whole one beautiful tight Gap it’s going to be a tough G honestly especially with the selfie style see if we’re ready got my OG bag packed light cuz I only brought two bags with me so I have nine discs total probably won’t touch these two mid-ranges but I will have two horny toads two yellow roses to PO with as well as another backup for extra putts my throwing yellow rose and y’all know the drill Tour series Penny putter all day I’m thinking that’s probably what we’re going to throw here on hole one just got to hit the flat shot there through that Gap right there try to get myself a little bit of fade over that bush if possible all right see what we got kind of nervous y’all never done this oh the videography is going to be suspect but we got some style PLT you know what we’re going to off the top what am I talking about oh my God I’m going to go ahead and uh apologize for the Cloverfield style videoing but you know I guess that’s what you get with selfie style I’ll try to dial it in as the round goes on get better at it and we’re off on hole one all right I’m assuming everything’s going to be a par three here so we got a birdie look from that second shot through yellow rows in the in the D plastic they fly very similar to the penny Putter and the premium Plastics they fly quite a bit more stable though here we are straddle put to get around this tree first part of the day selfie style we got it in US come on got the drop let’s get it and one Birdie on one let’s get it if you’ve been foll my channel for anytime at all you know I’m big on the details and details like where to go after hole one are the kind of details that’ll have me coming back to a course every time I wonder if it’ be easier to flip the camera around and film like this spin y like this see the reaction oh my God no I don’t know we’ll sck this way and I’ll try to make sure I whip back pretty quick for yall and focus on the camera once the disc is out of the hand I can’t control it right so don’t try to mind game it all right we got a mandatory here as you guys can see on hold to Turf teapad very small but just big enough to throw a standstill on which honestly I think that’s kind of what this hole is asking for I might as well do that with my selfie style all right hopefully this is decent camera work for you bad camera work but I got back on it oh look at that shot though selfie style Park job Penny putter colde Clover 20 no luck needed there pure as we walk up to this park job look at this beautiful view you’re greeted with if you’re on the back side of whole ones mounted green not only birdie but the very in falls in the back gorgeous y’all so cool I can see why someone saw this while was like yeah we’re making a town right on here y’all let’s let’s plop it all down right now here we are in hole three another Turf teapad double mandatory here elevated pole on a little Mound not too long probably around 200 ft but you do have that low ceiling as you can see with those limbs there kind of blocking you so if you want to throw an ace run you got to test them a little bit unless you’re going lefty or righty forehand swinging it out I’m going Penny putter though y’all know yall know how it is straight at it can we lick some chains come on give it the height test them limbs oh look at that artwork the two foil Lone Star killing it with the foil game okay oh watch way left but it’s a birdie and we’re okay with that here we are about 16 17 ft on the elevated basket D2 yellow rose putter of choice been loving it a little bit straighter than the blue bonnet I’m just getting such a good flight out of it extends in the circle too really well tall guy no problem with the tall basket you guys look at this whole four how beautiful is that a little bit shorter we’re on the turf again but it’s just perched there in the sunshine beyond the road big tree trunks got a couple small gaps to pick which one you going for you know me I’m going Penny putter straight at it straightest Gap we can choose there that thing is begging for it I’m going use a little run up on this one oh way left get down hopefully that’s not blackberry and then something nicer I got to give that one a second go though May bust out one of these yellow roses here oh that has a chance if it beats the trees but it didn’t I want to take a second as I’m walking to go make my fourth birdie through four holes to let you guys know about a couple new M molds lonar has just been working on the Yellow Rose obviously is one that I’ve been loving um there’s also the new Trinity that I just slipped into the bag and I’ve been messing with and it is really good also the text just dropped and that one is a nice understable sixspeed Fairway so a lot of good stuff happening over at Lone Star disc check out some of the new stuff and don’t forget to use code Clover 20 to get lucky and save 20% you can’t beat it truly little bit of a hairy lie I can see the disc in here basket there all right oh gosh get that big old foot behind Okay yall see that behind it this one there we go put this basket all right I don’t want to get on a knee so I’m just going to straddle out as far as I can got I can this thing no M sometimes you just need a sign from the disc offl Gods to work on your hip flexibility and hit some yoga later bang okay here we are whole five perched in the trees there once again I got to go Penny Putter and I feel like the pest way to get in there is through the left here on turn that’s the biggest way to get in but I’m going to test my luck just straight at it maybe get the Ricochet off these branches on the right side there knock it in let see what we got [Music] oh keep coming out a little bit early out of the hand that’s something I need to adjust for I’ll make the adjustment one more forehand maybe forehand something I need to utilize a little bit more often wher wh wants some action oh fluffed it hit the tree oh no okay I think it’s fun we got ourselves an oldfashioned hanging basket not sure why the Pole’s on top but you know what no material left behind y’all okay got to go big straddle here as well wide stance get it out let’s go y’all that was sick a little bit of Tailwind I knew I had to pop it bang back to Turf ho six wow also hanging very beautiful check that out love the shot here with the natural flowers on the right side the long grass I don’t know looks a little longer than some of the rest maybe I am glad I brought the mid-ranges since I’m throwing this kind of awkward with camera in hand so I’m going to go to the ranger cuz I want to get ace and I think if I throw this on a little smooth fan grip flat I might be able to get a good flight out of it so see what we got hey y’all I feel so goofy doing this but hey we’re here for y’all and to Showcase this pretty sweet little course oh get it up solid line y’all just needed a little bit higher all right I got to Showcase this beauty we teed from over there in the grass come over over these long grass patches and as you get here you got this little blanket of flowers at the base of this beautiful what is it willow tree oh my gosh you guys and then another little blanket of flowers as you get back to the green here starting to bloom so beautiful out here in Vermont the Green Mountain State aptly named what we got where we at through clear disc oh here we are all right see if we can knock it down okay we’ll pick up y’all seem the lie it’s legal we’re good to go little sketchy spot here though bag on when you’re wearing the OG though feels like nothing’s there so doesn’t even matter easiest one two five down through six y’all if I Ace this hole I might have to play my next tournament selfie style here we are this one looks like one of the shorter ones yet maybe 180 or so just tucked around the corner left perfect shot for the Yellow Rose give it a little bit of height Let It Fade around the corner don’t know what’s left of the green but doesn’t matter when you have the Yellow Rose in your hand and you trust that gentle but Dependable finish this one’s the Bravo plastic New Bravo’s been pretty sweet a little bit of added stiffness all right shut up and throw Conner I mean when you got to disc that money you got to talk it up let the people know we’ll check it out I’m going to hit my head on the basket as I come up from there if I don’t watch it all right if you live in Vermont in the summer you know about these crazy psychotic flies that they have disc a little long in the basket which I don’t hate cuz I’m trying to Ace out here another OG bag on putt I think so little awkward weight shift there but we got it all right bugs are really coming out I got a posy and the wrong kind of Spectators with me a freaking these flies in Vermont I don’t know how you guys deal with them there’s mandatory here if you can’t see it don’t know why anyone would throw that in the right minds but you know what we’ll keep the psychos away so make them do that playing into the Gap it’s a little tight and hairy in there and why not throw the Yellow Rose then since its natural Thorns might provide a little more of a prickly penetration than the penny putter test it out it’s a good theory oh my gosh yeah like I said hit the branches shanked it hit hit 12 Trees still fought to the basket good job and this fly get out of here hey hey I was too rushed in my intro to notice the beautiful log that we’re perched on here cuz these flies are freaking getting after me and here’s my disc okay we got in here it’s a little deep hopefully there’s not a lot of ticks in this state but if so I’m going have to to do a little check later cuz all right Course Maintenance woo got the stick got everything but one I need to Ace the final hole to go nine down through nine selfie style let’s get it woo yellow rose be popping I feel like I’m just walking around I need like personal flamethrowers to get these flies out of here this is crazy y’all these guys are coming after me hey we got the little black blood suckers you got the big old horse fly type guys with the v-shaped wings those guys are mean and you got you name it every species of fly that’s the thing about these winry states Michigan Vermont beautiful temperatures in the summertime you just got to bring the bug spray otherwise you’re going to get chewed up tell you what okay for the final hole of our selfie Style video I might as well throw like this right backwards with you guys and use the camera to aim myself let’s try it might as well we’re 7 down three we got one chance left and try to Ace it selfie Style video here at very end Falls beautiful short course not super crowded haven’t seen anyone else out here playing not too many Walkers so I think you could probably Safari this if you’re a player locally and you need something slightly harder come out here mix up a couple holes who knows maybe I’ll come design yall little Safari 3 six hole Loop while I’m out here this week if I get bored enough probably not but all right got too much King to do let’s be real Hing and Nik FY cell oh I yon that one wow going from the wrong basket D maybe I should have tried that strategy earlier I kind of didn’t hate that felt interesting but I don’t know I didn’t have that awkward time where I just throwing youall on a 360 Loop loopy do thanks if you’re still watching this video and you didn’t get seasick you deserve a a metal champ oh man wow let’s take one last look at that view as we’re getting up here all right here we are one more look at the beautiful falls in the backdrop of hu’s green bu people fishing out here I’m sure there’s some good angling and we got a C2 look to cap off our round with only one birdie Miss see if we can keep that alive and finish eight down selfie style yellow rose C2 putt I got faith in you buddy let’s go come on oh my God no y’all thought I just ran one in on your selfie style oh my guy Luke taught me taught me well I thought but you know it’s all good enjoyed playing out here at veryan Falls Park if you’re not already subscribed make sure to hit that button maybe hit them notifications so it let you know every time I post a fun or silly video like this and who knows if you make a selfie Ace inspired by this video tag me I’ll share it to my socials maybe even I’ll send you one of my penny Putters there you go go get it the bait’s out will you bite oh


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