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Sat. Share the Love Club! Lets Appreciate #GarrettTemple for his key role on the #Raptors this year!

Join us LIVE at 9:30 AM EST for a Saturday Share the Love Club for Garrett Temple!

good morning Raptor freaks Alexi outs here it’s Saturday morning we’re doing a Saturday share the love club and today we’re doing a share the love club for an unheralded somebody who doesn’t get enough uh credit for some things he does for the team Garrett Temple now he’s only on the team for one year this year could be back next year not totally sure we don’t know what’s going to happen with Garrett he turned 38 last month so he is getting up there and he you know he’s got a Wonder this summer whether he’s going to be blessed with another NBA season and NBA contract who knows we know that Garrett is very multi-talented and no matter what happens with Garrett this summer he’s gonna be okay he’s got all kinds of different Horizons he can go off into and do very successful things we were treated this year with Garrett calling 905 games at times he visited the 905 once and he he was doing uh color commentary with the game and he was absolutely really good really really good so he’s he’s a great uh broadcaster that’s the thing he could go into broadcasting after this and he would be so good at it there’s also the whole side of that he’s uh studying the elsat that he is uh somebody who’s interested in law and somebody who has a lot of experience around law and things like that right now so in some ways he may not come back to the NBA next season because he has to uh to take the bar exam within a certain period of time after taking his LSAT so yeah if you want wants to become a lawyer in some ways his NBA career may be done at this point so there’s all kinds of great options for Garrett Temple in his life and people would be like well Lex why are you talking about gett Temple these would probably be the same people that are still asking the question is why the hell was Garrett Temple even on our team this year it was kind of mystifying at the beginning of the season in the offseason when we signed Garrett Temple to a one-year contract I was like why why are we doing this don’t we have Thaddius young don’t we even have auto porter Jor I mean these guys kind of F that older veteran role on the Raptors but I found out why more and more as the season went on it wasn’t like something that was uh frivolous in some ways you know what you know what he is well just like those little roly poly bugs you see in the garden yeah those pill bugs you know about those they come in and they detoxify the ground of heavy metals did you know that that those little rolly green bug gray bugs that you see that roll up into a ball they actually eat heavy metal toxic radioactive heavy metals in our ground and they detoxify the soil so in some ways that is kind of the role of Garrett Temple we had a toxic team last year under Nick nurse and a lot of confusion a lot of weirdness where the team chemistry wasn’t right The Vibes were wrong and some ways that’s what Garrett Temple does he fixes Vibes he fixes things as far as maybe the team’s not being as professional as they should be because he carries himself with a certain level of professionalism that you know is just rubs off on everyone around him in some ways when you have a young team like the Raptors are with youngsters like Scotty and Grady and Emanuel and RJ you got to have a older vet that knows how to carry himself in the most professional ways to show the youngsters how it is in some ways the passing of the torch from the old to the new in the NBA is changing because vets are not as prevalent in the league as they were a couple years ago they’re aged out earlier in their career than they were in the 80s and the 90s the 2000s it’s crazy just how much veterans just don’t stick around in the NBA at this point it really is a young man’s League at this point so having somebody like Garett Temple around to kind of show the way for youngsters on how to conduct yourself as a professional how to live an NBA life the correct way is really really really healthy and good it’s very very good I know that Garrett really enjoyed this season with the Raptors even though it was very challenging he said that this is one of the most challenging NBA Seasons he’s ever been a part of with all the trades and all the different things happening with the Raptors in the first season of Darko rakovich you know in some ways Garrett was so helpful because of all the ups and downs with what happened with trading cakam and anobi and shuder out that we needed that steady leadership throughout the whole thing and then the second half of the Season we had to call his number more often and he came came off the bench he started a few games and absolutely showed up in a professional way ready to play when his number was called so in some ways Garrett did everything that the Raptors and Darko rakovich and MSU jiri asked of him this season he was a great Mo rle model to people like Scotty in fact Scotty talked about how Garrett was an influence on him this season that he very much showed him some ways a how to be a professional even better and I love that you know Garrett took a special interest in Grady dick he said you know Grady the way his career went his rookie career so far has been very amazing in fact he said this was the biggest growth he’s ever seen in an NBA rookie in his whole entire career in the NBA Garrett Temple said that the Grady if you saw him from day one at the beginning of the season and you saw him at the end of the season the Leaps and Bounds that his his maturity and growth took and just his first rookie season were huge huge it was like night and day the first half of the season for Grady and the second half so yeah Garrett is instrumental in a lot of this stuff the other thing about Garrett that I love so much is that this guy is a politician this guy is somebody who can talk to everybody in the league in some ways he came out there and brought respect to the Raptors instantly in the rookie year of Darko rakovich in some ways Darko being a new coach not a head coach until this year being an assistant coach but taking over for times for Taylor Jenkins in Memphis he really you know he’s in some ways he knows the refs in some ways he has the respect of the referees but who knows if totally and in some ways having Garrett Temple around to politic and Lobby beside Darko was very helpful because D G’s been around forever he knows all the referees he knows all the other players and coaches and in some ways he is somebody who can get in negotiations in different ways for us whether it’s before the game visiting with the ref crew and talking to them and saying hey how’s your kid oh yeah that’s great oh you going to go fishing this summer all right you know just little small talk me and friendley with the referees can go a long way trust me if you don’t have nobody on your team that’s friendly with the refs well the refs may not like you so in some ways having Garrett Temple out there to Schmo is very good and if there were problems in the game well Garrett was going to see them after the game too and saying yeah what what was this call where was his whistle and he could get on them and he has a voice that has been heard around the league for a while so that it is respected so yeah it it’s a it was just a hidden bonus you know some Raptors fans if they’re only thinking about dunks and three-pointers and scoring they may not understand the importance of Garrett Temple and why he was a crucial player in our wedgie season of transition this season we’re going from the era of SE yakum straight on into this era of Barnes fully you know in some ways to steady that ship that Darko was sailing he needed a guy like Garett around to kind of help him and keep things level so I appreciate Garrett Temple I think Garrett Temple is a very class person he has so many good things coming up in his future even if his NBA career is over this summer man that guy is gonna be so successful and you will see him again trust me he could end up being uh one of the Players Association heads like lawyers for the Players Association down the road watch he goes gets his law degree and he’s a full-fledged lawyer he could be the main lawyer for the NBA players after his playing career he has so many different options I mean he could coach too we didn’t even talk about that that man could be an assistant coach on a team if he wanted to be and eventually maybe even a head coach so the the future is so bright for Garrett Temple no matter what his his uh his destination or outcome is this summer as far as NBA contracts as a free agent so yeah I applaud and Salute You Garrett Temple for coming to Toronto this year as a pro helping be a pro level around our team helping young players like Scotty do what you did sitting next to Scotty in the second half of the season on the bench being in his ear telling him what to see what to look at feeding him information while he’s hungry sitting there wanting to help his team win as they really really had a hard time in the second half the season Scotty saw more of a vision from the court side instead on the court about what it takes to win in the NBA and in some ways Garrett Temple was giving him footnotes while he was watching and telling him exactly what so yeah salute to you Garrett Temple and your lovely wife your amazing father who broke racial color barriers at LSU just just a great quality person I’m telling you Garrett Temple is class of the league a best friend of Kyle Lowry and uh you know what somebody I’ll be very proud of even if he’s a oneandone one-year Raptor I’ll be proud of him in the annals of history for the Raptors I will always speak kindly of Garrett Temple because he’s a pro and I believe he will never ever Sully the Raptors or Canada like some who have played for our team like Rudy Gay uh have done and afterwards he’s just to class he would never ever put us down so there you go there’s my Spiel my 9 Minute Spiel talking about the the greatness of Garrett Temple and why Raptors fans should respect him and be very appreciative of him he taught Scotty a lot so you L young Scotty lovers that love Scotty so much you should thank Garrett for helping Scotty be mature and get even more better as a veteran more and more in the NBA I’m telling you right now all right here’s commissioner Jay Trevor Jay the commissioner of fun the fun channel of the Raptor Street Channel we are fun on this channel partly because of Trevor Trevor J that’s right let’s see what he’s saying this morning good morning Raptor family happy are those who take the life day by day uh complain very little and are very thankful for the little things in life happiness is the joy to have there you go I like this man my life’s been so crazy in the last couple months I have to take things day by day if I think about too much like a week or month ahead I’ll get overwhelmed in some ways I really have to focus on my day ahead of me and today well I’m going to go see Wicked later tonight just like Scotty did about a month ago Scotty went to Mish theaters Princess of Wales he’s a good friend of David Mish and he went down and saw Wicked and he got to go backstage and meet the leads of that play of course that is a spin-off of The Wizard of Oz told from the the the the point of view of the wicked witch it’s quite an interesting story I have seen it before uh but not at this theater but I’m excited we’re going for Adriana’s birthday tonight and uh well I’m going to be like Scotty and go to that but that’s what I know what I got to do today tomorrow I got a little mapped out but I really don’t have much mapped out much further than that in some ways it’s getting me overwhelmed thinking too far ahead but I like that yeah I could work on complaining less that’s for sure I know that and yeah being thankful is a baseline of gratitude and happiness so just absolutely be thankful for everything be thankful for the Sun in the sky that we have light and Things Grow from it I mean that’s a simple one just be thankful for the sun y’all there’s all kinds of crazy Sci-Fi movies where ain’t no sun and it’s cold as hell yeah so let’s just wake up and be happy for the Sun how about that that’s a good one yeah happiness is the joy to have I love it Trevor thank you for your words of wisdom this morning and he’s also saying Garett Temple very good leader we need him back in the locker room well that’s up to Messiah Bobby maybe one year of Garrett around Scotty and Grady is enough maybe the lessons have been taken and that one year of tutoring uh to the youngsters from Garrett Temple is enough but I don’t know I wouldn’t be upset if they decided they wanted to bring him back one more time just as a very veteran minimum end of the bench leader kind of guy like he was this past year but I also think that in some ways maybe Garrett’s ready to move on in different ways not necessarily because he didn’t like Toronto but just because he’s that kind of guy he likes new challenges all the time and as long as this as much as this last season was a challenge for sure it was uh you know what he may be looking to do another challenge past his NBA career at this point so there’s a lot lot of question marks about what’s next for Garrett and I know whatever it is is gonna be success for him Dana’s here good to see Canadian Dana a big time Blue Jays fan and also a dieh hard Raptor freak she’s saying good morning everyone we will be I’ll be listening today I have so many errands to run let’s go Raptors let’s go Garrett Temple that’s right that’s right how many Raptor channels are putting content out on Garrett Temple at this point I’m serious no nobody’s doing nothing in the middle of summer except the Raptor freak being here talking about gett Temple this morning that’s right let’s go Dana go do your errands that’s right amit’s here our season three Raptor freak Champion Amit gaming is here I’m so happy to see you Amit I hope that you’re having a great day so far uh morning y’all hope everyone is doing well sorry I haven’t been able to be here much lately been getting ready for Toronto five days to go there you go AMT will be traveling to Toronto in the next week to come see his grandfather and do stuff here in Toronto and that’s fantastic on it I hope I wish you a safe travels and uh yeah don’t worry man I know that you’ve been busy with the end of school for the summer and also getting ready for your trip and you know what you did the heavy lifting the hard work and won the season three championship of raptor freak trivia so man you you should breathe easy and take it easy now you know I know you’re looking for that classic card and get some of those points still and competing in season four but in some ways you got your Championship my guy and I see that you’re not as Cutthroat as you were just a month ago but Amit salute to you and seriously much respect to you for being our season three Champion My Guy seriously that’s a big accomplishment that’s a year-long competition and whoever wins the Raper free championships this is a big deal and I’m telling you you’ve got something very special coming to you still to celebrate this Championship all right and I’ll show it to you when I can it’s not ready yet though uh Trevor J saying I am still here in Atlanta I tried to get tickets for the fever and dream game yesterday but it was sold out that’s what a great sign Trevor was on a Facebook Chat saying yesterday I’m really trying to go to this Indiana feed Atlanta Dream game here in Atlanta but I can’t get tickets because it’s sold out wow what a different time makes in a couple years for the WNBA that you know it used to be you could go to any WNBA game and get a ticket the last minute and be able to walk right in it doesn’t matter well at this point nope that’s a hot item ticket and you know what if you snooze you lose you ain’t gonna get in there and Trevor found out that yesterday Trevor listen this is the crazy thing Trevor spent this whole season jumping around the United States following the r CHS on the road he would get tickets in Philadelphia he would get tickets in Boston he’d get tickets in Madison Square Garden he’ get tickets in the crypto arena in LA and he couldn’t get a ticket to go see the Atlanta Dream host the Indiana Fever yesterday in their Arena that is crazy to me and that is a sign that the WNBA is growing and big bigger and bigger what was that quote that you guys quoted yesterday that ticket sales in the WNBA are 93% up wow that’s a huge growth and I’m so proud of that league and that league is coming quick and it’s going to be badass I made my All-Star votes yesterday I did some All-Star voting and yeah I voted for some names I voted for some names like Clark and iscu and uh Wilson yeah I voted for the big names in the league like terasi and uh Brink and Rees that’s right I I voted for the names when I voted for the WNBA Allstar because I want the names there the ones that are doing stuff the ones like bana Stewart the ones that are big time in that League that’s right I was voting for the names that’s right juwel Lloyd that’s right that’s right the names you guys go vote for WNBA it’s good good stuff all right let’s see what else is going on in the chat Cowboys here good morning Lex dap to Cowboy Bradley you’re awesome Trevor Jay and the Raptor freaks I met Temple after the coach’s challenge what a great person I can see why coaches and players would love him on their team let’s go that’s right when we went to the coaches open house uh as a group the rapid freak family went down there as a group we had like 12 of us down there and watched the coach’s open house with Darko and Evo and everybody J we we after the the event we were supposed to meet up and cowboy got separated from us we were at Real Sports already having our little uh get together afterwards to talk about the event a lunch and cowboy went somewhere else I don’t even know where he went but he somehow ran into Garrett Temple outside the Scotia Bank Arena and got to talk to him for a second he wasn’t the only player he saw I think there was one other Raptor that was with Garrett at that time but he he said he was a really cool person really nice guy yeah I mean he’s a real deal Holyfield Bonafide what you see is what you get is Garrett Temple that’s right right there yeah good morning cowboy from Trevor J that’s right dap and Trevor J is bringing up some major news after going down 0 and three in the Stanley Cup finals the Edmonton Oilers have tied the series to three and three and there will be game seven on Monday let’s go Oilers bring that cup home to Canada everybody’s getting behind it I went to a cannabis shop the other day and I was talking to the guy a new cannabis shop around in my neighborhood where I just moved and I was like man I gotta get this blue uh uh blue raspberry cannabis drink just in honor of the Oilers because we gotta get some blue in there for the Oilers and hope that they can come back on the Panthers and still win this cup well now they got a chance there’s one more guys I can’t believe y’all have won three straight so take care of business down at Florida sunrise on Monday and win that seventh game and make the improbable something that has not happened since the Maple Leafs did this in like the 50s y’all seriously the Leafs came back from being down 03 and won the Stanley Cup in four straight way way way back and now maybe the Oilers will do it this year so yeah I don’t talk about hockey much but when a Canadian team is in the Stanley Cup finals and they’re about to play a game seven yeah I’ll talk some hockey oh yeah I’ll talk some hockey go Oilers the whole country is behind you Raptors Nations behind you too my guys let’s go McDavid let’s go yes I’m so happy about that Adrian and I were gonna watch the game but I fell asleep all right let’s see Cowboys say good morning to Canadian Dana and Amit let’s go Raptors that’s right and Cowboys got the team Canada on blast there’s Dylan Brooks and SGA RJ and Letts Andrew neard Zack Edy Kelly oen Mo Monique myself and Jordy Fernandez and Rowan Barrett senr all in the lineup there I love it we’re on our team Canada kick right now Trevor J saying three days left until draft night I think we’re gonna see lots of fireworks that night and lots of surprises I won’t disagree with this Trevor this prediction is probably dead right that this is going to be one of the wildest drafts ever in the history of the NBA there’s nobody knows who the number one is still they keep going back and forth between raker and SAR and then sometimes they keep saying kingan could be up there or Reed Shepard it’s crazy There’s No Slam Dunk number one there’s going to a lot of speculation gonna be a lot of draft day trades there’s gonna be just a lot of wild crazy action on draft day on Wednesday and we’ll be leading up to it with good content coming up uh tomorrow I will do my Sunday Special Report it will be on my five recommended players to Messi and Bobby for the draft I will have my five names ready for tomorrow’s draft and I will present them and maybe a couple little extra ones just on the side but yeah five names that I say green light go on Messiah and Bobby and go ahead and draft these five names that I will give you guys tomorrow on the Sunday Special Report so please tune in tomorrow 9:30 a.m. my Sunday Special Report on the 2024 NBA draft and the Raptors and who I think they should be looking for and targeting on Wednesday and Thursday first pick on Thursday that’s right there you go Mo’Nique is here the Super Fan Monique Lawrence we love Mo’Nique so much uh I can’t believe it’s just a couple weeks since we had our fantastic hangout on your birthday it was such a great event so many great things happening uh reverberating from that and it’s awesome and I appreciate you Mo H good morning Raptor freak family always great on the Raptors always great on the Raptor show whenever I could listen to Garrett Temple even said he would love to be a raptor again if all is good yeah I mean he’d love to come back if it’s all works out right and yeah if he if it can happen I’m okay with it you know we could have worse people at the end of our bench trust me and Garrett Temple he’s the kind of player that even if he doesn’t play a single minute the whole year he’s contributing trust me he’s contributing yeah it was great like Dennis was doing the Raptor show during most of the Season while he was still here but then when Dennis got traded at the brookin Nets he kind of did the show one more time or something but then they switched it to Garrett Garrett took Dennis’s number too number 17 at that point and then he was the guest on the Raptor show more often than not with uh William Lou at that Point yeah and always well spoken always easy to offer his opinion and always pretty you know on point as far as not causing waves or causing problems or issues so I appreciate Garrett Temple in so many different ways and I appreciate him for his broadcasting honestly and his the way he does interviews Cowboy saying I can’t wait to see who Bobby and messai pick this year and what other signings and undrafted players we pick up let’s go yeah it’s going to be exciting this week’s going to be exciting you know Monday uh Monday I’m going to do a Monday moment and it’ll probably be uh it won’t be exactly centered around the draft uh and then Tuesday we’ll have the first trivia that David is running so we’ll have to see what the questions and how the format is in some ways I’m not doing the trivia he’s going to prepare it for me and I’ll just administer it so and then Wednesday we’ll have our day of the draft uh wow Wednesday moment in the morning and then Thursday a reaction and more setup for the second day of the draft and then Friday freaking out about the draft even more more so there’s going to be a lot of draft coverage around the draft starting tomorrow on Sunday yeah uh let’s see monik saying love Garrett behind the scenes too by the way yeah yeah it is awesome and what a great guy like even a after everything you know Dennis got traded to the Nets and his kid was gonna have a birthday party and the crazy thing was you know he would he had to have it in Toronto because the Dennis’s family was based in Toronto Ellen was here with the and they they had to uh get a different cake because the cake was a Raptor’s cake they had ordered it already and got traded and well they wanted people to come to the party and well Garrett Temple has a child and him and his wife missusa 2017 came to the birthday party for uh for Dennis’s child still even though Dennis was not a teammate anymore in fact Darko came to that birthday party also and brought his family to it too so the Raptor support for former teammate Dennis just weeks after he got traded and coming to the birthday party for his child and Garrett was one of those class acts that came there with his family so that says a lot about him right there Allan Tam bam son okay we got our bam son today from alen where’s your 12-man roster Allan is it evolved anymore as we go closer and closer uh I love all the talk and the comments and the News subscriptions from Watchers talking about the teamu team Canada uh roster build fantastic fantastic comments in one of the streams recently all you guys filled it up with a very Lively discussion and I appreciate the two commenters not going uh ugly with each other and just having a really good discussion about how they saw things and talking about Melvin eim and different things about the team Canada possibilities with how they build the 12 Man team and I like that one guy who’s commenting about cin gie he thinks he has a really good chance just because of his shot blocking I think you’re right this is especially true if Zach is not available to Team Canada because of the team that drafts him so I think that in some ways Mondo cile is going to have a better chance depending on if Zach is not available so very interesting comments guys I appreciate y’all filling up the comments section I was like wow there’s like 18 comments in here I was like it’s crazy but yeah good stuff and uh thank you to the new subscribers welcome to the Raptor freak Channel and I hope you can catch me live sometime if you’re not watching me live watch me at one and a half speed the the under two hours will go B really quick if you uh put it on one and a half you can understand me still trust me you can understand me even at the one and a half speed all let’s see who else we got uh in the chat this morning it’s Kareem Kareem Thomas the full ass it’s a complete crap if you want the Lakers to win why do we even show up yeah I want to explore Garrett Temple’s closet he was a has a great sense of style with his fits this guy is so well put together on and off the court yeah totally I mean this dude listen what a pro he was just a pro like showing up to work the way he carried himself with the pro I mean in some ways I’m part of this generation I’m not a big suit and tie guy I don’t like wearing a collar on my shirt in some ways I’d rather wear a T-shirt and just some pants you know that’s that’s kind of my thing but Garrett no he comes and dresses for success and all year long he was showing the craziest tailored suits and uh in some ways at the end of year they had uh Raptor admin posted a bunch of pictures of his fits over the season and Scotty’s like this is the drop we’ve been waiting for yeah Scotty appreciates Garrett Temple’s sense of style and how he came to game dressed to the nines every single time and in some ways once again that’s an influence on the youngsters about being a pro and caring yourself as a pro in some ways they used to have dress codes around the NBA where you had to dress like that that’s part of the reason why Garrett still dresses like that is because that’s what he knew when he came into the league so long ago because they had rules about this they’ve relaxed those rules in all kinds of ways especially around the pandemic that’s when coaches had to they didn’t have to wear suits anymore at the sideline so it’s very interesting and you’re exactly right Garrett’s underrated awesome thing that we should be sharing the love for is his fashion sense and his style uh what he does GQ quarterly that’s right gentleman’s quarterly right there that’s right uh he’s also saying Kem saying put in my country over my partisan Allegiance I’m hoping that my Maple Leafs are enjoying the golf course while I cheer on the Edmonton Oilers game seven the best two words in sports yes yes why is it have to be on a Monday though NHL you guys like having games big huge games on Monday it is what it is in some ways go Oilers that’s all I care about the momentum seems to be with them I know hockey is such a momentum Sport and well they figured out their goalie finally on the other side of the Panthers and they’ve been scoring on him like crazy now so now you know what let’s finish the deal y’all made three if oh man if you guys don’t make it all the way that oh my gosh so good so close but hopefully you just get it done that cup needs to be on the north side of the Border everybody in Canada knows that that that cup belongs up in Canada once again after over 20 something almost 30 years it has not been in Canada so let it happen bman let it happen NHL let that cup come home to the Home Country where it belongs and that is in this great country of Canada that’s right let’s bring it back baby that’s right Cowboys saying June the 26th at 8 pm and June the 27th at 4 pm don’t be late that’s right maybe in some ways no I won’t do that I was gonna say I’ll do a live stream on one of them N I won’t do the second day of live stream it’s gonna be boring so yeah we will be ready Cowboy we will be ready for that draft and I’m sure we’re all going to be very much interested to see the 19th and the 31st pick we’ll have to see if they change where the Raptors will be selecting because of a trade uh Monique saying great family man Mentor interviewer you name it part of the NBA Players Association that’s Garrett for you yeah yeah and he’s a rep for the Players Association too so in some ways he was a resource on our team for our players to ask questions about player association rules regulations rights so it’s like you have a a human resource you don’t have to look it up on the internet Grady just ask Garrett he knows oh Garrett what how does my benefits work when I retire how many how much money will I get oh well Grady this is how our pension works in the NBA you know [ __ ] like that how easy is that how great is that to find out as easy as just calling Garrett from the other side of the locker room say Hey Garrett I’ve got a question about our union rights okay yeah let me talk to you Emanuel you know stuff like that you know it’s real easy real good resource in the locker room because of his Players Association stuff yeah Allan Tam saying this can be the 2028 Team Canada roster in the Olympics okay he’s looking ahead he’s looking to the next Squad he’s saying Shay gilis Alexander Andrew Wiggins uh Jamal Murray uh Dylan Brooks RJ Barrett Leonard Miller uh Benedict Muran uh luget Dort Shaden sharp Andrew nebh hard Trey lyes Zack Edy and Extras OA brassette Nel Alexander Walker and uh uh uh Brandon Clark and uh wow wow okay Allan I see the direction you’re going in okay some of it I I get some of it I’m like you know but okay I can get it I can get behind it Tom Duke has reverted Garrett Temple and Grady dick back into the emoticons there they are there is good morning from Tom and there is Garrett and Grady there we go all right all right commissioner trivia is here David saorin good morning so let’s get the classic card of the day commissioned by Trevor J the commissioner of fun and administered by the commissioner of trivia David saborin so I’m going to pull a card out of here for the classic card today David will adjudicate who wins how many points they will get and I just showed the card guys at this point I am just the tool for the game and he is the judge I am not in charge anymore guys just so you all know wow this is gonna be this is oh my gosh this is a crazy card I can’t believe I just pulled this card and honestly I have no idea if you guys are going to even get this I don’t think I would get this if I saw this card this is ridiculous this is totally ridiculous all right first person to write the full name in some ways I don’t give a [ __ ] about spelling today I really really don’t if you can somewhat get this guy’s name oh my gosh yeah this is crazy all right here we go all right first and last name please this is a rookie card which is crazy but that guy looks like he’s in his 40s this is insane seriously all right smooth do you know anything about Atlanta Hawks because honestly I don’t know if you guys are going to get this in some ways I might have to give you guys some very specific Clues all right but let’s get at least three guesses before I actually give you a clue but look at that guy right there look at that guy Pete marovich is a great guess in fact that is all all right I will say this Seymour the last four letters of the last name of that name you just guessed and this guy’s name are the same he has a vitch at the end of his name that’s the only clue I’ll give you that’s not Pistol Pete and that would be half assasinate James because that’s not the full name Billy hasset David saborin David you’re the trivia uh judge how are you playing oh this is a weird one man I’m gonna be honest I’ve never seen this player in my life is what I’m gonna say seriously I’ve never seen this player in my life all right their first name is basically the first cosmonaut in space I don’t know his first name is the first cosmonaut in space that that may be too easy of a guess to get the first name if you know anything about space travel history and you’ll know the first Russian to be in space you’ll know his first name uh that is the answer for the first name and then the last name has the end of a Pistol Pete’s last name on it so maybe you can piece it together there I’m telling you this card’s insane this card is insane this is actually a player I’ve never heard of and I didn’t even know existed until I just seen this card so I was like how the hell are they going to know it I mean seriously you got to get it from my Clues today I’m serious so listen to my Clues his first name is the first cosmonaut in space in the history of the Russia and then his last name has the end of Pete Pete uh Pistol Pete’s name on it Vladimir stankovic that’s a great guess uh Tom but that is not the right first name uh and that is not the right last name either uh yeah yeah do you know what it is but you’re not gonna say it why don’t you just say it Kareem aren’t you trying to compete in the Raptor freak trivia for the season four we need to get this card in some ways it’s like ah who can figure this out Vladimir is not the first name of the first person in space Tom and we don’t count the monkey that they spent yeah yeah yeah Vladimir is not the first name of the first person that went in space for cosmonauts yeah I are maybe the first Russian that went on the moon or something like that I don’t know I know the first name is that uh but who knows uh that’s what makes the classic card fun it’s all about knowledge exactly Trevor it is fun and you have made it okay wow look at this I think G got it let me just make sure yeah he did it’s not exactly right yeah it’s right it’s right G got it I don’t even know how he got it Sergi bar barich barovich yes sergy barovich all right David you can adjudicate on this as far as they just wrote it in I think you should give it to G because I in someways that’s my personal recommend even though Kareem’s got it spelled more correctly yeah yeah sir Seri Sergi 200 points to G okay so G you just got the biggest total for a classic cards so far but adjudicated by Judge David uh David saborin 200 points to G yeah this guy all right look he’s from Moscow he was born in 1965 look at his face guys look at that man right there he looks like trouble doesn’t he like this is like the Russian Pistol Pete or something right 6 fo2 162 pounds no College not drafted he wor number eight I mean how long did he actually play for them seriously he was in playing in the 90 too yeah I didn’t care about the spelling I mean this game this name’s too crazy come on now Sergi bazer bazer V or whatever it’s a rookie card I’ll bet you this isn’t worse jack [ __ ] let’s go over to Russia and see hey hey comrad how much for my Sergi rookie card maybe you could get out of a prison over there I don’t know with this card I have a Sergi rookie card let me out maybe that was a bad joke Lex all right so 200 points to G ruling by Judge David K you’re right there though you’re right there man you’re right there all right good stuff man the classic card undefeated look at this crazy ass card this is insane when I pulled it out I was like who the hell is this I was like is this bulky from perfect strangers who the hell is that I don’t know who that is oh so good all right let’s see uh uh Alan Tam saying uh Kelly alen Dwight Po and Melvin eim would be retired by then maybe maybe I would say Wiggins might be too uh Allan by then too I would say maybe Wiggins will be retired by then too Allan so don’t expect Wiggins on that list you might want to switch him out too because he’s pretty old you got to remember another four years on top of the 12 years I think he’s already played in the league hasn’t he already played in the league like 12 years you you got to remember Andrew Wiggins is no spring chicken uh let’s see Cowboys saying Tom Duke’s in the house let’s go that’s right Tommy is in the house that’s right uh Kareem saying it’s crazy word that Garrett Temple has the same knowledge if not more when it comes to coaching I personally see him taking a job as a g-league coach or an assistant on an NBA team that could be true I could see that I mean I think that honestly I think he’s gonna go the lawyer route first first of all that’s the most lucrative and he’s already got the skills and the ability he might as well get that under his belt and become a full-fledged lawyer he doesn’t have it all finished like I said he has to do a couple more things still and he’s got a time period where he’ll run out if he doesn’t do it so it may be that there’s a little in between time where he actually nails down the lawyer stuff and then he circles back and maybe does something like that I don’t know if I was him I’d probably do that if I’m not playing the NBA and my body’s done I think I would go and get that lawyer uh profession started as far as whatever he has to complete still to be a full-fledged lawyer because that’ll open so many other doors for him in fact that could make him be the leader of the NBA Players Association and for the years to come or even a lawyer for the players in certain situations so yeah I could see him doing the coaching stuff but in some ways he’s you know how many players are actually like trying to be a lawyer that comes through the league I don’t know what percentage that is it’s probably not as high as we think yeah Cowboy saying David in the house that’s right commissioner trivia in the house cool cat’s here she’s in the house good morning Raptor free crew great summer of for sports yeah I guess this hockey stuff is kind of picked up all a sudden I’ll ignore that parade that was yesterday I’m G ignore that parade yesterday Tom Duke saying go freaking Raptors go good morning to coolat that’s right and cowboy saying Raptor freaks let’s go there you go Cowboy speaking of raptor freaks listen if you need help Cowboy will come to you he might go to you because he’s Tada cleaning services 647 833 6844 franchises are available but you know he’s working in your area and he can help you with summer job jobs that need more than one person you know Bradley can be there for you so you you go ahead and call him that’s right Allan saying it pisses me off that bushe and Clark never participate in the Olympics well I know it’s a weird thing now it has been pointed out by Raptor freaks this week that bushe was a part of a team Canada uh like in 2017 or 18 so he has represented Canada but not on the highest level uh uh before in the past when he was younger now Clark is very young still he has time and in some ways he’s been hurt the last year so in some ways them not inviting him uh is probably because he’s still coming back from his injury because he did not play a whole lot this season for the Grizzlies right so that’s it and then the other thing Rowan Barrett Sr said about the young players like Leonard Miller and other really young guys like Prosper uh is that they have their time to come soon and in some ways he wants to get that bracket of players that are kind of already established in the NBA and kind of already have things going like nard like Murray and then over time as these younger guys come up like Leonard Leonard Miller they’ll be more capable in the next cycle so their time’s going to come and the crops of young Canadians coming up like Oliver rayu are very promising so it’s all in due time and row Barrett Sor sees a very bright future for Team Canada and the pool that they canw draw players from so all in due time the younger guys will get their chance and in some ways we’re in that we want that part where it’s like Jamal Murray SGA time yeah and then those guys will come up sgaa be joined by shayen sharp and Maturin and uh uh Leonard Miller over time watch it’ll come it’ll come that’s right that’s right uh Allan saying I think Ken Burch might be replacing Edy in this year’s Olympics if Edy can’t participate yeah I agree with that in some ways he’s the second biggest guy at the train training camp inv invit invi invited to the training camp out of the 20 in some ways Kem bur is the second next legitimate center after Zach as far as size and be able to hold people with strength now cin giley is kind of around there also and he once again is the Dark Horse to maybe make this team on the outside this because of his shot blocking and some of his Rim protection so it’s interesting because Brett’s not a full-size big Trey ly is is he’s okay but in some ways I don’t really know Trey lles for his low poost defense with his size and stuff I’m know him more as an offensive big that can shoot threes and do more of that stuff now Kim Burch is a known defensive big man in some ways his detriments are on the offensive end but they’re not on the defensive end and if we’re really looking deeper into what Rowan Barrett senr said at the press conference this week he wants to shore up the defensive side well I think Allen’s on the right path with figuring out that if Zach’s not available Ken Burch might be getting his spot yeah I think he’s right I think he’s right on that David saying Grady dick is gonna be a great piece to this championship team DB I love that David I love that Pro prognosticating that Grady dick is gonna be a big shot player for the Raptors in the future he gonna hit some big shots for us and Big Time games and we’re gonna win championships I’m all about that David all about that Trevor saying Lex that room you’re in good background it’s all right in some ways I like to play with light my dad’s probably crazy he’s like you don’t put the bright light behind you but in some ways it’s mooded enough that it looks okay on there I appreciate that yeah David saying it’s perfect okay cool I like that Allan saying what what team is USA’s roster what team what team is USA roster they’ve announced it a long time ago we already know the team there’s speculation that Kawai will not be able to participate and he will be replaced and all the Celtics fans want just more Celtics added on to it I don’t know that team’s interesting there’s some good players on that team for sure Joel embiid yeah that punk ass [ __ ] playing for USA shafton France and Cameroon Pascal’s going to Cameroon to represent Cameroon what are you doing Joel you’re trying to buy uh some sort of award since you can’t win anything in the NBA you’re gonna go and get a cheap ass gold medal on an easy ass team you’re gonna try to at least I still think y’all are not going to make the gold and there will be a failure by the end of it in some ways I’ll take the field as I said to Chris I’ll take the field you take USA we’ll see who gets it in the end the gold in some ways everybody say oh they’re just going to get the gold old it’s USA for sure I don’t believe that I don’t believe that I don’t totally believe that cool cat saying I hope Temple comes back to lead this young inexperienced team yeah I mean I don’t know is one year of tutelage by Garrett Temple enough or do we need to get another year with him around here I don’t know that’s up to Bobby Messi they’ll gauge it themselves the best from the inside that’s right most saying I always love hearing the Garrett Kyle Lowry stories yeah they’re golf buddies Kyle Lowry and Garrett Temple probably hit the links at least a couple times already this summer since they both been off probably get on the phone and say Garrett come on down to Miami I’m gonna go play some golf all right I’ll be there Kyle and boom they’re out there playing golf best friends Garrett Temple and Kyle Lowry the gro that’s right cool cat saying welcome back to the city hangout yeah yeah welcome back to the city uh welcome back to the city hangout oh like for who who should we do that for I don’t know and FY saying good morning fam happy Saturday good morning to fiery salara good morning MJ I hope you’re having a great Saturday morning so far James is here good to see James one of our WNBA fantasy teams James is saying who’s the best WNBA player right now and he’s saying Caitlyn Clark I don’t know I mean I really think it’s just Aza Wilson I mean in some ways she’s a two-time champion right now she’s the MVP she’s a double double machine she’s on a whole other level than anybody else in that league so it’s really easy to just say it’s AA so I don’t know I mean in some ways Caitlyn Clark is very hyped right now in some ways maybe overhyped at this moment Angel ree is under pre underhyped I guess because she’s actually doing really really well but yeah there’s other players that should be getting more shine that aren’t as uh in the spotlight in that League you know people like danana boner and Joel lyd these are players that are big time they’re doing things like boner just had like almost undefeated the start with the the connectic sun they had not lost for like the first 10 games of the season so you kind have to give some shine to boner danana boner of the connectic Sun so I don’t know it’s AA Wilson if you ask me I have to pick somebody’s AA Wilson yeah g saying did Bruce post this week is gonna be an interesting I quickly saw something was wasn’t sure yes G as Monique’s put it she put it in our Facebook Chat uh last night and I was like oh Bruce Brown’s tweeting about draft week and he knows something’s coming up so yeah where is it I’ll go and look exactly what he said yeah Bruce Brown tweeted should be an interesting week smiley face with a cowboy hat of course I’m sure Bruce Brown’s favorite emoji is the cowboy hat emoji I’m sure that’s the one he puts on all his texts wherever he goes and especially when he texts Tim Hortons because he misses them he’s always like hey Tim Horton I miss you Bruce brown cowboy had a Emoji yeah yeah he’s gonna have an interesting week I’m sure he will he’s who knows he has he’s open to anything he said whatever Messiah wants to do I’ll be cool with it he wants to keep me here and try I’ll try and play for them if he doesn’t he wants to trade me okay so be it I’ll go to play for tibs in New York like he thought he was already all right yeah fiery saying Garrett Temple was an amazing addition to our roster extremely supportive overall effective on the court when giving minutes media Savvy and eye candy with his fantastic suits oh so fiercely you saw eye candy little eye candy there yeah okay yeah nudge nudge wink wink photograph is she a sport Eric Idol all right let’s see yeah um yeah I I agree it’s just Class Act cool dude in some ways you know if Grady wants to be more like Garrett that’s a good thing Scotty said Hey Garrett I want to think more like him that’s a good thing j James is saying Messi’s gonna get us a gem draft night I love how he used the little gem uh modicon I’m gonna give James a dunk for using the gem emoticon to really bring it out there all right James you’re at a demard de Rosen 10 my guy that’s awesome I love you having the gro Gro number 10 yeah I I hope so I mean his track record is pretty good I mean if we really took all the teams and we looked at all their draft picks over the last 15 years or let’s say 10 years uh messiah’s hitting on more of them than he’s missing sure he’s had some miscalculations but everybody’s not gonna bat 100 you know 1,000 you’re gonna have to have some misses some swings some strikeouts and well that was just that’s just part of the the thing she just cut the shower on it’s so loud Adrian close the door all right let’s see uh what else you guys are saying uh G saying thanks Mo this week will be better than the finals yeah I think so you know the finals got really bad ratings guys did you hear this like fiery posted something in our Raptor freak chat talking about how the finals were one of the least watched finals in ever seriously the FI they said that nobody watched the Raptors finals that’s [ __ ] they watched the Raptor final way more than this finals between Dallas and Boston so the ratings for the finals were absolutely horrible NBA so you thinking oh we get the Celtics in the finals it be ratings gold [ __ ] people hate the Celtics nobody wanted to watch that [ __ ] and there you go there you go you find out real quick all right let’s see uh Tom Tom say he agrees he agrees with uh Monique agrees with G and Tommy’s got Messiah and Bobby on blast all right so he switched it back to the Canadian uh to our Toronto Raptor heads here uh fiery saying it’s always good to get mentored by someone like him where wherever he goes next season thank you Garrett Temple AKA The Vibes fixer yeah I like that nickname for him I’m gonna give fiery a dunk The Vibes fixer that’s why I I compared him to at the beginning of the stream a pill bug the pill bug goes into the ground and gets the heavy metal radio activeness out of the ground the little roly poly bug is so underrated in the world in the natural world and and we should love pill bugs if you scared of little roly poy no they’re doing the hard work they’re actually like toxic cleaners they’re cleaning our environment and some ways we need more species like the pill bugs cleaning all the toxic mess we were putting in The World man-made stupid ass [ __ ] so yeah Garrett Temple was a detoxifier for the Raptors last season and that’s part of the reason why they hired him brought him in to make things more steady in the right way Vibes fixer that’s right that’s right Bryce Lawson is here Bryce Lawson on his birthday week good morning morning Lex and Raptor freaks good morning to you Bryce holding it down in the K tuck for the Raptor freak family down in the Bluegrass State that’s right James is saying Delon Wright is an unrestricted free agent wouldn’t mind him back on the Raptors as a backup point guard that’s a great idea I have no problem with that is’s all kinds of good reasons why in some ways we need a good solid backup point guard Delon writes a fantastic one MSI and Bobby he’s uh his teammate friendship with yaka purle is extraordinary good in some ways he’s bench mob so you come back with those benchmob vibes from back in that time on 9:05 he’d be a great backup he’s not going to be trying to start he’d be a different look he’d be steady he’d add a good defensive uh backup for the backup guard and like I said there’s a certain chemistry between him and Perle from their days in Utah their early days on the Raptors their friendship that continues to this day so uh highly think about this if Delon wants to return to Toronto and run with Scotty and RJ and Emanuel as a backup point guard do it do it MSI seriously Delon Wright I love this idea by James I think he’s exactly right I’ve been saying all right if it’s Kyle Lowry that’s fine if it’s Corey Joseph ah it depends on how good he is still Delon Wright any of these backup point guards that are vets even guys that were here already yeah yeah yeah Delon Wright two thumbs up from this guy for that idea James right there yeah uh Kareem saying after the draft I know most of us are looking forward to the NBA Summer League and Rico Hines pickup tournaments but what I’m looking forward to the most is Grady dick sophomore carabana season Kareem I thought he was gonna say Olympics but no he’s talking about the second year Grady at carabana well all right let’s say this you know I told Scott on Twitch a couple Saturdays ago two weeks ago uh or maybe it was last week I don’t even remember maybe it was last week I said Scotty you need to go to carabana this year because he was complaining he’s like I can’t go to Canada’s Wonderland because everybody mobed me well Scotty go be in the parade go talk to Jamal mglur and get yourself your own float and you can have the Scotty Barnes float and just put your trade school on blast or whatever you want to put on blast and get up there and get grade to come with you and get on the float with you you don’t have to worry about people mobbing you because you will have the parade float around you and people will stay away from you so I’m telling you do that go be in the carabana parade my guy you will have so much fun just ask Grady and I I I think this would be a good way for you to get out there and see the public and have some distance from them so I’m just saying Scott you want to be out there you want to have fun get the Vibes man and go down to that parade this year with Grady just ask him it’s crazy good very fun uh Trevor saying Canada beat Mexico yesterday somebody used a racist comment and got banned from the channel okay so Canada women’s was playing uh Mexico women’s under uh a team in basketball and apparently there’s somebody out of pocket in the chat saying racist ass [ __ ] well the channel banned him from the game from watching okay Trevor that’s right that’s good there shouldn’t be any tolerance for racism in this day and age in 2024 people that think they want to bring racism back and make it more prevalent and okay you’re crazy magga Trump idiots yeah yeah you idiots yeah PC culture here in in Canada yeah you’re racist no we’re not trying to go back in time to like uh segregation and stupid ass [ __ ] yeah yeah so everybody who’s still trying to be a racist and open public forums yeah you they repercussions I’m sorry you get banned from being on the channel you get uh ostracizes you get kicked the hell out and that’s what happens that’s right FY saying Lex in reference to the WNBA All-Star don’t vote for Brinks sadly she tore her ACL you know I’m voting for her only because I feel like she had that kind of impact and to me she’s a star I know she’s out I know she can’t play at this point but I did it just as a symbol of how she’s done so far this season in the impact so I know she probably won’t make the team but in some ways I wanted to vote for names and to me she was a name this season I didn’t even know who she was until our draft and then when uh you guys started talking about the draft I and I saw her and way the way she plays where shot blocking the way she is I’m like she’s a star so I know that she’s not g to play but in some ways even though she’s a rookie and she’s done for the season I wanted to give her that honor and say you’re a star to me because you I can tell you’re going to be a star in the future I don’t think she’ll make it though but yeah I’m not endorsing anybody vote for who I voted for I just kind of named off the names of some of the people that I did uh Seymour saying Calgary ain’t rocking with the Oilers provincial rivalry I’m from Ottawa Ontario I’m I’m from Ontario so really I could care less yeah so the the the Flames fans are not getting behind the Oilers because of the uh Arch rivalry between the Oilers and the flames that’s ridiculous Calgary get over yourselves you your city is just on a a [ __ ] uh streak right now with your water problems your PC government your stupid ass stuff happening and now you can’t get behind a a a team in your own province that could win the Stanley Cup yeah you bitter losers Flames Nation you can’t get behind this for the whole country then [ __ ] you Calgary Flames you idiots Flames Nation you should be rooting for the Oilers we just need the cup to come back here I tell you right now if the Canadians were in this position right now I would be rooting for them to beat Florida right now even though I hate Montreal so much so I would just say that okay so yeah get over yourself Calgary Flames nation and start rooting for Edmonton is some things are bigger than that kind of [ __ ] and that’s the cup coming back to Canada come on now Seymour’s got the right attitude yeah all right here’s our guesses for the classic card it was a really tough one seriously a tough one I was like is that cunis martial lonus almost almost is yeah so yeah good job by G getting the 200 points yeah uh you came through with the Google image search G came through with the Google image search I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know if he actually did that but maybe he did uh Kareem saying ain’t no way in hell anybody knows that guy other than his parents Wife and [Laughter] Kids nobody knew this guy he looks like he’s like Ben Stiller in a basketball movie like wearing a mustache or something like that it looks like he’s a joke like a he’s like Ben Stiller and dodgeball but he’s playing basketball instead I don’t know it’s a weird weird uh player and it’s so weird that we got that today so weird yeah uh let’s see Monique saying news and notes Emanuel quickley has a new Instagram account we’re not totally sure that is his account I know that you think it is because it’s like the following in this that it may be but we don’t have total confirmation on that uh Sim L court and Jo Jeremy and Joseph win championship overseas Jeremy Lyn winning another championship Serge Baka winning a championship this summer our former Raptors continue to win our champion Raptors continue to win and other places so yeah congratulations Jeremy Lynn and his brother Joseph on their recent Championship I don’t even know what league or what it was and yeah Simo uh has a court he’s opening up in Toronto I guess and also of course I’m sure they’re gonna have a charity game at some point like they always do in the summer uh with simu and Jeremy Lynn in Toronto somewhere so good stuff on that yeah check out this new IQ account I’m not totally sure if it is actually him but it could be it could be just like Scotty has a lifestyle and a business account kind of thing G said I Googled Hawk’s Russian rookie with mustache no joke that’s all he needed to do seriously that actually is really brilliant and smart and in some ways I love that about uh G doing that because honestly G’s are number one Raptor freak Champion he won the first season of raptor freak trivia and in some ways he didn’t do it by Googling and searching he did it off the top of his head with his knowledge so the fact that he did it this time for this I give him a pass because I know most of the time when G gets trivia points he’s getting it off the top of his head so hey in some ways he helped me because look I could have been sitting here with this card like this for like 20 minutes and y’all are gonna be like I don’t know did that guy used to do ballet or something I don’t know maybe he’d defected or something I don’t know it’s barishnikov I don’t know who that is it’s pistol it’s the Russian pistol Peak is who it is Sergi basar revich basar revich yeah I don’t know I don’t know I mean I ain’t never heard of him either no I never heard of this guy this guy played in the 94 like seriously this is like uh rockets and Knicks year uh in the finals and this guy was playing in the league this guy looks like he played in the 70s seriously it’s crazy yeah yeah Tom’s laughing at G good job good job D to sheriff uh uh Sheriff saying what pop fam salute to Canadian Cowboy that’s great and there’s the mug Brothers I love it alyo to the Dunk champion all right you want me to give a alyo to Kareem I will give a alyo to a Kareem Thomas he is the Dunk champion 165 165 dunks there you go let’s see da David saying the rich get richer I’m not even sure why you gave it to him because it’s not Kareem’s not even talking here you want me to give it to Seymour don’t you all right let’s see Trevor saying Wilson is the best player she had another double double last night there you go there you go I agree with Trevor Wayne’s here good to see wayne strainer word is Christian Koko is on his way back from his medical situation is it true that would change a lot of our scenarios hope it it’s near true well this is the thing we don’t have his rights right now but I’m sure Messiah will be talking to Adam Silver and telling him yeah we deserve to have his rights and you guys need to put him right back in our system he can’t be a free agent in some ways Christians already said and his member in clutch and them are already saying that he is a free agent he can go wherever he wants this is Rich Paul and his [ __ ] I don’t know how this is going to go down even if he’s healthy it could very well be that we had one mystery ailment mystery medical year and then all of a sudden he’s out of our system and boom all of a sudden he’s on the Miami Heat that’ll be some [ __ ] so Wayne I’ll be curious about this we know it was Christian’s birthday yesterday or wait it was his birthday on Thursday and some ways if he is getting better I like that but for some reason why do I not trust the NBA and handling this Fair for the Raptors as far as he’s our second round pick and all of a sudden we don’t have him three years into his career just because of some mystery ailment this is [ __ ] this is absolute [ __ ] now we have to see if we can retain him that’s the thing in some ways he come back and all of a sudden he’s on the Lakers that’s some [ __ ] is what I’m gonna say Wayne so we’ll have to see I don’t know if it’s true or not I have not heard official word now if you’ve heard something in the grap Vine well I’ll have to see if I see it too at some point yeah see more saying fiery is the real eye candy whoa Seymour calm down calm down ah Cowboy saying what’s the farmer app say today all right you really want me to go look at the Old Farmers Armen act today I have not been doing this app uh this uh segment of the show in a while it’s the full Strawberry Moon you guys we had a full moon yesterday just so yall know it was also the summer solstice apparently Cowboy today is the best day to set posts or pour concrete so if you’re doing any kind of job with concrete or putting post in the ground Cowboy this is the best day to do it apparently according to the sign signs of the stars and the planets align so you go ahead and pour that concrete today is what they’re saying pour the concrete uh uh Bradley that’s what it is there you go uh alyo to sheriff all right we’ll give an Aly to sheriff Seymour Pape that’s right where is he 71 71 is the year for Seymour Pape right now there we go uh let’s see David saying bury your left shoe that’s what they said on the farmers almond act no they said pour concrete and set posts you want to build a new fence it’s a great day to put the concrete in the ground and put those posts in that’s right alup to David all right we see JN Stockton’s here today give Davis saor trivia commissioner Davis aborn a dunk from Bradley 121 121 for David now uh let’s see David’s like all right and uh Monique’s laughing uh let’s see yeah Cowboys laughing too SE more saying Lex what’s your thoughts on Ryu committing to Florida University him being being a Gator I hate it I hate it I hate the Gators I hate the Gators just like the Flames hate the Oilers just like the Leafs hate the Canadians yeah I hate the Gators because I’m a simal I’m a Florida state seal just like Scotty Barnes just like Mitchell Wiggins just like uh let me see Sam Cassell just like uh who’s another one Charlie Ward yeah I’m a seminal and we hate the Gators Mike Miller Jason Williams all these stupid Gators that have come in the league over time yeah I hate the Florida Gators absolutely hate them in some ways I love Oliver Ryu because he’s 7 foot n he’s Canadian and he’s a future Prospect for Team Canada but otherwise collegially he can suck it go on and lose in the SEC all over the place Florida and when you play Florida State we better kick your ass that’s right put that Oliver u in foul trouble and get him out coach ham that’s right Leonard Hamilton let’s go yeah that’s how I feel about it yeah f e Florida State that’s right Scotty be so proud of me right now it’s like when Bruce Brown showed up on the Raptors this year Scotty went at him immediately and said something in a press conference about Bruce being a Miami Hurricane and saying some nasty stuff about the Hurricanes oh Bruce is a nice guy but he is a Miami Hurricane he kind of dissed U ofm and I loved it because that’s what we do in Florida we hate the University of Florida Gator and we hate the Miami Hurricane and the Florida state simol are the best Collegiate football team in that state and that’s what we always believe the simol baby that’s right Bobby Bowen Deion Sanders uh uh Warick Dunn baby let’s go let’s go let’s go all right let’s see what else is going on in the chat Wayne saying the Celtics Dallas finals was bad not because of the Celtics because but because of the Mavericks I I agree with this completely they had no real roster they offered no competition for eventful watching or a final our backup point guard has to be veteran yeah I like all that what Wayne’s saying here I think he’s right I think he’s right if there was a better opponent from the Western Conference it would have been better watched I think if it would have been a matchup between the champion from last year Denver and Boston that would have been a way better final I think in some ways they’re gon to try and prop up Dallas but I’m gonna say this right now Dallas is a flash in the pan they got to the finals this year they’re not GNA be better next year it’s [ __ ] they were kind of Lucky they got the finals this year so everybody’s already like they do the too early to in the season kind of power rankings on ESPN and they’re already saying Dallas is going to be a top three or top five team you’re bullish you’re full of [ __ ] you’re absolutely full of [ __ ] they got lucky they got this far this time and uh next year they’re gonna be just like they were the year before and the years before that this is just that one year where they rose up and had a chance which honestly they shouldn’t never had the Western Conference should have had a better representative in the NBA Finals seriously seriously and I totally agree our backup point guard needs to be a vet yeah piy saying no Rico Hines channel was super boring last year despite having Pascal on it not sure if I’ll watch this summer yeah I don’t even know how it’s gonna go down this year I’m sure seak will be there still just because of his uh friendship with Rico and his history with him I don’t know if the Raptors will be there in full effect at this point I have no idea in some ways Rico Hines did go downhill last year Fier is exactly right it was way more boring way more boring the year before everybody got spoiled when the Raptors were there in full effect and that place that the highlights were badass the year before Rico Hines last year was down this year I don’t know what to expect in some ways I don’t care about Rico Hines runs this year if I watch them they’re there and they’re interesting and Raptors are involved sure I’ll cover it but otherwise if there’s no Raptors going there and nothing really to cover about it I won’t I’ll ignore it because there’s so much more stuff going on this Summer that R Hines runs may not be necessary for me to have on my channel just to get more content we’ll just have to see who goes there and if there is Raptors content there I will cover it yeah let’s see yeah it really was bad last year fiery David agrees Rico hind runs were boring as hell last year in some ways that’s true fiery saying thanks Seymour it’s a it’s the Positive Vibes that helped my looks there you go F’s all about being the the the um eye candy she’s all about it MJ’s like cowboy saying Ali oop the fiery so true I will not watch it unless lots of raptors are gonna be there that’s right I’m all about that I’m all about that all right Cowboy we’re gonna give fiery a dunk and you know what I’m going to give you one too just for being uh so so so nice giving everybody dunks Bradley you got 58 dunks now at this point 58 yeah all right Seymour’s laughing uh and nameless is saying sabon sabonis who that name sounds made up like it’s from the movie semipro this is Seri bazer bazer revage that’s Sergi B bazer revage nameless yeah very interesting name and yeah good job by G he just put mustache rookie Atlanta Hawks and he got it Russian ma mustache rookie Atlanta Hawks and boom this guy’s name popped up I would read that text just to find out who he is but in some ways I really don’t care really don’t care some ways this is your NBA lesson for today Sergi baser revich basar revich yeah hurting albertans hurting Alberton why can’t you get behind them Flames Nation put aside your differences in some ways you know the Oilers got way more Stanley Cubs than y’all in some ways let them add another one seriously we need to get behind them y’all come on now come on now Cowboy saying nameless in the house I love it Allen saying bushe and Clark never participate for Team Canada that is not true buet has represented Canada in the past in an underd division uh like in 2017 so that’s not totally true Clark has not no he has not but Clark has also o had injury problems in his young career so far so give him some time uh Cowboy saying phone’s going to die later Lex and Mo and rap freaks everyone have a blessed day safe day yeah you too Bradley go set those posts and pour those concretes that’s right yeah and fiery said not barishnikov yeah I brought up Mel barishnikov cway has got the Raptors fully on blast at this point the team Canada guys are gone and Garrett Temple’s even in the chat at this point in the modons I love it how Tom switches it over so quickly so cool uh Mo saying yes he did Allan I posted a link in reference to Chris buet yeah I’m trying to correct to him Mo because that is true Mo’s the one who knows this fact she’s the one who shared it with us yesterday and I was like oh buet has played for Canada in his past you know all right let’s do some of the stuff we normally do on this channel real quick we’ll start with Leo’s life tips first of all he’s saying this morning don’t be distracted by emotions like anger Envy resentment those just zap energy and waste time time there you go that’s for you Calgary Flames Nation don’t be all messed up and envy about the Edmonton Oilers and what they’re doing don’t have resentment that you’re not the team in the Stanley Cups it’s Zapp in your energy Calgary Flames just be loving and happy that your fellow albertian team is gonna have a chance to possibly win the Stanley Cup on Monday in game seven against the Florida Panthers so come on Canadians get on the same page and I agree with uh Leo here these emotions hurt you they take up your time and they’re just they’re not useful and the more unfuckwithable you get as far as like not taking the bait on this like getting angry you know this is the thing if you’re in public and somebody angers you or something like that turn the other cheek because the power in that is way more P powerful you know if you have anger they’ve got you they’ve managed to pull your trigger and you just don’t need that so have more self-control and one of the things I practice in my own life is not reacting in the moment sometimes things will happen very quickly and worst thing we do is like make a an Impulse response that makes it 10 times worse it’s like amping up in a fight somebody said comes at you and says something really wrong and you kind of say something really wrong back at them and it just builds up the bad energy well if somebody comes at you really wrong and says something you don’t have to say something back to them just silent just go away don’t give them a reaction and then you know what you do you have a moment of space and Clarity of thought that you can think about how you want to handle this situation with a better way and maybe over time it’s the more healthy way and it’s also the way that actually stands up for your self-respect in a more uh way that actually gets it across in the right way I’m just telling you y’all don’t respond in Anger don’t respond in resentment or Envy they zap your energy like Leo’s saying and in some ways if you learn how to not respond in the moment and kind of deal with it over time and you could respond eventually but if you don’t do that initial emot response you can save yourself a lot of grief how about that how about that I like Piggy backing on Leo’s life tips and giving a little bit of a extra angle on it from my point of view on it too yeah I hope Leo doesn’t mind that if he Leo if you have a problem with me doing this uh you know just tell me please please just tell me all right let’s do the Instagram stories y’all it was that Young’s birthday yesterday and everybody was coming at him with birthday wishes all over the Instagram he’s just got birthday wishes from everybody all Every Which Way business partners former teammates uh just friends everybody just celebrating the great amazing person Thad young is in some ways a lot like our guy Garrett Temple that we’re celebrating today also we love you thus you’re gonna be a great Raptor in our history forever as much as the people in Brooklyn and Indiana and Philadelphia and Chicago love you the people in Toronto love you too Thad everywhere you played people love you when you leave I know that yeah it’s true yeah yeah let’s see Scotty Barnes uh on Legacy Scotty they’re always posting crazy stuff on Legacy Scotty about Scotty he had new picture that came out yesterday of him in a red hat in a car and Scotty’s looking uh like he’s in full summer mode and he’s asking how’s everybody there you go Scotty also uh Kelly oen they did a draft thing with the Raptors and they showed Kelly in his uh draft Jersey which was green and gross uh and then they show them now they showed a bunch of the Raptors on draft day like RJ and uh yakob and showed them later on and how they looked and SGA was they were Team Canada guys so that was pretty cool to see and then also Kelly’s celebrating Pride with his wife and they put the dog uh a little hat and a tutu on the dog in rainbow colors so yeah rainbow railroad for the uh Kelly and his wife’s dog celebrating Pride let’s see uh precious is at the Pure Balance Camp uh he will be uh there on uh uh in New York uh as a special guest so go and check it out if you’re in New York area and you want to see precious he’s at the Pure Balance Camp uh I’m not sure what dates they are and these are camps for kids this is in July July 16th is when it is Mr New York City is distancing himself from the Raptors organization a bit more and more I can feel it and I think that in some ways he’s a total free agent and he’s not totally sure what his future is going to be so we’ll have to see what’s going on with Maris it could very well be he is not going to be at summer league for the Raptors we’ll just have to see how that all goes down uh Kyle Lowry’s on the golf course as I said and it looks like he’s actually in Scotland or something so I think Kyle Lowry’s actually at the home of golf talking about golf what do you expect from Kyle it’s summertime he’s definitely doing that looks like Jordan wara is out on to Toronto Island I think that he took the ferry and he got went across the water and he was over in Toronto Islands yesterday uh Jordan wara taking pictures of the CN Tower from across the water across Lake onario so Jordan even though he’s a free agent and not totally sure if he’s going to be on the Raptors next year looks like he’s been around Toronto the whole summer been going to FC games Blue Jays games uh just being in Toronto a lot Jordan wara see showing that he is very interested in being a raptor next season too as a free agent Emanuel quickley is uh there’s his new account that Mo’s talking about it’s it’s titled I’m good but God is better I believe that is his new account and Mo’Nique is right but I don’t know for sure exactly yet but he’s promoting the hell out of it and it’s basically like he’s is he’s putting out out like u a lot of stuff about his religion on that channel I’m good but God is better and the quote of the day is Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase that’s a quote by Dr Martin Luther King Jr and the word of the day is Embark to make a start to engage enlist or invest in an Enterprise have a wonderful day all right Emanuel you have a wonderful day too my guy we appreciate you and we look forward to you as the starting point guard for the Raptors next season Muhammad gay has got nocta official nocta it’s a package from them I guess and he’s saying much love to Nike and nocta for a package in the mail and there’s your Instagram stories for today for the Raptors the Raptors 905 what’s going on with them yeah there you go there you go there you go uh Cowboy wants to me to give a alleyoop to miss Moody Jillian Jillian Moody is gonna get an alleyoop In Absentia from Cowboy even though she’s not here 35 you got the Christian coko 35 Jillian there you go all right let’s see what else we got going on in the chat and we’ll finish up soon uh let’s see wayne is saying uh 189 million over four years sounds like we could have manage that you’re talking about seum all right well how much is that four into that um so it’s like 40 48 million each year 48 million so he’s just under 50 million I know it sounds like we could have managed that but also you got to understand this Wayne that’s a big piece of the salary cap and also I don’t think SE yakum does fit with what we’re doing at this point I think that in the time without him that we saw a difference with how we ran our offense with Darko and even though the team wasn’t winning and they didn’t look good there was more fluid movement around our team so I think that it’s just really like a big picture thing and sure I I would say this once again because I’ve said this in the past week and I actually said this to David on the phone first if we put that money on seaka and we just spin our wheels and it’s not going anywhere in some ways he’s part of the reason why uh it would be and it’s not a dis on him he’s a certain player and he really fits with the Pacers way better he fits better with Miles Turner he fits better with Tyrese halberton and in some ways uh he didn’t fit with us right and even though we have Nostalgia we have a history with him we love him very much he’s a grow he’s a top four NBA Raptor of all time to me uh it it’s just not the right thing and a lot of teams make this mistake and they just reinvest in a top guy because they feel like he’s the guy that they just need to keep around for no matter what like Dame Lillard in Portland is a good example of this I I I just I agree completely with us trading him and this happening this way at this point because I realize we could get SE yakum on a fouryear deal like this and we’ll regret it like a year or two into it because we do realize it’s still not working so it’s a long-term deal it’s four years that’s a long-term deal in the in the league now and uh in some ways getting locked down with that we would maybe like the Bulls who were locked down with Alonzo ball or Sixers locked down with a tibias Harris and in some ways I’m not saying SE yakum is not worth that money it’s just that his fit with our team around Scotty is not it’s not worth that money it’s a fit that is worth it in Indiana because in some ways halberton can take care of the clutch and Miles Turner is a much better big to play next to him in certain ways so I don’t know the more I’ve thought about this the more I’m very very good with how we handled seak at this point and I don’t have remorse over him not being on the Raptors at this point I love SE yakum I always will celebrate him I don’t want to Sully his name he’s so so important to our Raptor’s history but it was time to move on and I think Massi and Bobby did the right thing not trying to hold on out of nostalgia where it could be a problem down the road because it’s just not the value is not there for his contract because of certain things so Kareem saying laugh out loud what are the odds I do Concrete in today’s my day off [ __ ] these damn Farmers man always [ __ ] with my vibes I don’t know summer projects people may have a lot of summer projects going on who knows do you are you actually pouring concrete today Kareem well what a perfect day to do it seeo say Bradley Beal is the most overrated gator ever yeah that’s part of the reason why I hate Bradley Beal he’s a gator yeah he’s a gator I don’t like the Florida Gator in general I really really don’t uh Mo mostly football but the basketball team was very good B Billy Donovan’s days back there oh my gosh yeah yeah I’ve always been Florida State it’s just how I was raised I was raised in Tallahassee and Gainesville was the enemy town down the highway from us so it’s like yeah Gainesville versus Tallahassee there’s still a very very good rivalry between Florida and Florida State you go to that c that state you wear Garnet gold or you wear orange and blue and yeah we know which side is which Tommy saying Andrew Wiggins is only 29 years young just saying hope he rises up for himself in Canada sorry Mo laugh out loud okay so uh all right I still feel like he’s way old I mean I guess he came in the league really young right so that’s part of the reason why he’s like over 10e vet and he’s only 29 well also Tom once again age is not really the best way to gauge things you could have a 38-year-old uh Kyle Lowry and he can still play in this league because of certain things then you could have a 32y old Cory Joseph and he can’t so in some ways I will say this Wiggins is already showing a downtrend on his career because he’s had a little bit of time away and he’s not playing as high level as he was two or three years ago so it’s kind of like maybe he peaked around the Warriors last championship and he’s he’s not going to get better in the next four years I don’t know a lot of it depends on him he if he wants to be like demard to ro and work his ass off like crazy all the time and he’s just a certain level yeah he can have longevity but in some ways if he’s casual about his career his career might slip through his fingers in the next four years before the next Olympics so I don’t know I can’t even tell you I don’t even know if Andrew Wiggins is gonna be good for this year coming up in the NBA let alone for Team Canada and their invit uh C Camp right now so there’s a too many question marks with Wiggins to prognosticate the next four years for him know is kind of what I say hey Den’s here howdy everyone hey Den it’s been a little bit I’m gonna give you a dunk for showing up and saying hi to us we appreciate you great Raptor freak Deni you’re getting your first dunk of this year that’s right you got a gry dick number one man you’re a gry dick number one there you go you gotta start somewhere there you go and Tom saying hi to denial everybody’s saying hi to Denial on his return to the stream very very cool very very cool all right let’s see uh Cowboy saying Denial in the house Ali oop at 3.3% there you go you’re at 3% on your phone you better hang that up Cowboy you better hang that up most saying W stream W Vibes keep at it always good times good times approaching go Raptors for Life uh a raptor freak family crew strong forever go Canada hey Lex did you see the new OVO times SSS sweater yeah apparently there’s a scar brro shooting stars CBL sweater collaborated with oio of course Drake is a part owner of that team I have not seen the sweater yet I think you did post it in the in the chat let me look at it and I’ll react to it right now let me just see because I know mo oh there it is it’s a really neat teal color it’s kind of like Charlotte Hornet’s color is that the color for the shooting stars because that’s what it makes me think and it’s cool because it’s the oio owl in gold and black and it’s got like blue stars over it which symbolizes the scar brro shooting stars so yeah it’s pretty cool I I don’t mind it do they have it in other colors okay they have a champion shirt too that’s pretty cool a Canadian Elite Basketball League champion scar bro shooting stars one time for the ends there you go I like that it’s got the obio owl small in the in the skyline that shirt is fire actually I really like their Champion shirt in some ways people need to be rocking that out on the East End there’s a black hoodie and it’s basically it looks like a Raptor’s oio owl hoodie except instead of Raptor’s red on it there’s the blue shooting stars over it so yeah some of this stuff is really cool Monique seeing this swag for uh scar bro shooting star CBL Champions uh of course they’re with Drake so OVO licensing is there so very very cool uh Mo’Nique thank you for bringing that up and uh me putting that on blast I actually like the the designs they have there uh Jay’s here good to see Mischief Lex who’s the best point guard in the draft for the Raptors to draft my two guys are 6 fo5 Carrington or 6 fo5 Juan Nunes you know what I’m gonna agree with you I think that you guys bringing Bob Carrington to me in the last week has made think he is the best point guard Prospect other than very high guys in the draft like Reed Shepard around our place in the draft it may be possible and also Juan Nunes is fantastic so yeah I I will agree with you Jay you and I have been lining up a lot with our vision on how we see the draft coming up and a lot of your opinions you’ve been coming in here with opinions on the draft a lot in the last few weeks and I I really I agree with you I think that in some ways Bradley talking about bub Carrington so much last week has kind of brought his stock up in my eyes I’ve watched him a little bit more since Bradley said that and I mean if the Raptors really are going to go get a point guard this draft which I don’t want them to do I would be happy if it was bub or Juan Nunes of course the Juan Nunes pick better be the 31st pick if or undrafted at the end of the draft and buob Carrington if they get him at the 19th pick I mean I guess I I guess in some ways he has a lot of Promise he has a lot of promise but tomorrow I’ll have my top five recommended pi for Bobby and Messiah for this draft this week on the Sunday Special Report 9:30 a.m. tomorrow so I don’t want to reveal them until tomorrow uh Wayne saying what’s the latest on Oakville Saturday ball my son played League there for years and if not working will come and play kindly advis you know what I totally wish I could but um because it was Adrian’s birthday this week and we had already planned this in weeks in advance that’s part of the reason why I’m saying it’s probably not going to happen this time is we’re going to Wicked and seeing the play down at princes of Wales at the same time so unfortunately I got to tell my cousin Jarrett that I won’t be able to come there now I don’t know the details about where it is and stuff like that maybe I could send you guys down there if you want to go down there without without me but if you don’t feel comfortable with that we’ll have to figure out when he’s trying to do it again and get on it I’m gonna text him and tell him I can’t come today because of the play but I want to go and meet you guys Wayne and play with you guys in Oakville at some point so I will keep you guys updated there may be another opportunity but today’s not going to work just because I got to take the lady downtown and we’re going to go see a show so at that same time fy’s got Garrett on blast look at Garrett Temple on blast let’s see Cowboy saying Mischief in the house Al you from Mischief there you go we’ll give Mischief a a dunk the baseman he’s got a Kyle Lowry 7 guys he’s got the GRS number at this point Kyle Lowry 7 what is going on with that why is it doing that way all right there it is seven for Mischief all right let’s see Trevor saying this classic card box is going to be more harder you got to know your NBA there you go that’s right Trevor J saying this is GNA be harder you got Sergei come on now who’s gonna know Seri Seri that’s right who knew that who knew that g did that’s right that’s right uh let’s see they are not there they are not there it’s all good it’s all good I’ll read it the right way for you Wayne Uh full ass is saying calgarians could use a boost in the economy they should all be all in on the Oilers and not the Stampede there you go I like that I like that yeah they ain’t got no water in Calgary you’re still going to have this tourist event and they’re going to make the citizens suffer and all the water will be going to the Out of Towners they’re just showing up they’re trying to make that money off of yeah Calgary get your priorities straight it’s because you have a horrible government that’s what’s going on out there I know what it is is because you have a progressive a a piece of crap conservative government in Calgary that’s why you have all these issues with infrastructure and your water all messed up you better fix it that’s right Tom Duke’s got that Blue Wave he’s got the oil Oilers Oilers that’s right have a good day rapid freak family all right Tommy yeah W’s for me thank you Tommy I like that I like that yeah diamond is fiery I like that I like that fy’s got love eyes and uh Mo saying uh per s osai likely to be in summer league of course not sure you saw it in the Facebook Chat yeah that makes sense I mean in some ways it doesn’t totally because he’s going in his third year and usually guys don’t play in Summer League in their third year but if he’s going to come and be in summer league in his third year I won’t be upset more playing for him especially going there with Grady because we know Grady will be likely at Summer League being only coming into second year but yeah that’s not normal totally that a third-year player goes to summer league but if osai wants to go do it go ahead go do it denal saying Raptor fans are so dedicated they probably watch their games with the side of poutine and maple syrup Raptor Nation that’s pretty stereotypical but I mean I wouldn’t eat I would eat some poutine while I was watching the Raptors why not why not I’ll I’ll be a ser stereotype but yeah it’s a little stereotypical maybe I’m chugging the maple syrup at the same time there you go Tommy’s all about it he loves it 100% Trevor J saying OG’s looking for 200 million for five years yeah I knew this 40 million a year is what OG wants Fred’s getting 43 why can’t OG get 40 yeah our Raptors are bound to get paid sakam getting paid OG gonna get paid Fred got paid last year just not by us that’s right let those other teams pay for them I think is worth that money a lot of people across the league are probably like this is crazy well you are not respecting the power of OG an anobi when you think that he is not worth the contract numbers that Trevor just put there that’s right most saying that Serge ja Baka just dropped some new music that’s right he’s probably got a new video he’s got some new guest appearances people singing for him over the music but yeah we love Serge he is a talented guy he does art with his life whether it’s how hungry are you whether it’s his fashion and fashion weeks and uh European cities whether it’s winning championships on the German uh German team that he plays on this guy’s a renaissance man and yeah he’s got a lot of things going all at once and some ways as we talked about Garrett Temple today and how amazing he is well some point we’re gonna have to have a Serge of baka share the love Club seriously I have not done a Serge Ibaka share the love Club we’re gonna have to do one at some point yeah Seymour saying East Side scar bro shooting stars there you go 100% yeah those are nice designs by OVO so definitely check it out Scaro shooting stars a very early CBL champion this reminds me of what Larry tanon bomb said recently about the new WNBA team the Kilmer group is starting he said at a ribbon cutting recently for the WNBA he expects our WNBA team to win the WNBA championship in the first two years of its existence that’s what he wants seriously Larry Tenon bomb is saying he wants the Toronto WNBA team to win right away so that’s kind of badass I love it Larry let’s go let’s get a championship in the WNBA right away in Toronto that would be amazing seriously maybe they’d be a little bit like the Vegas golden knights and an expansion team that gets to the finals in the WNBA right away that’d be awesome what if the Toronto team wins the WNBA championship in the first year of his existence that would be a badass thing wouldn’t it it’d be so cool let’s see wayne saying I know this week is out question for the future timeline yep things got to be scheduled yeah they popped this on me last Sunday Jarrett at my grandmother’s birthday and I’m like dude I’m all about this so we’ve got each other’s numbers I’ll feel him out on when he might do it again hopefully he’ll do it uh sometime this summer and we’ll definitely try and get everybody organized hopefully he can give me more of a lead time and then I can get y’all organized like I really hope Mischief will come too and we have your son and you know anybody else who can come and David wants me to come pick him up Bradley you want to come over Kareem you can make it anybody who’s around the uh Oakville area they can make it over there we’ll do it and we’ll get it more organized this was just two thrown together at the last minute and to be honest it’s they just are going down there to shoot around and maybe if they enjoy it maybe they’ll do it regularly so we’ll have to see we’ll have to see Seymour saying I’m gon try that today poutine maple syrup and fried chicken there you go that’s kind of like a playoff of a wa chicken and waffles with the maple syrup except throw some poutine in there also man that’s just like a big Canadian mess right there W uh Kareem saying hey I’m from Saga and won’t mind coming down to Oakfield to mess with some kids bring my 19-year-old he’s a Hooper there you go that’s what I’m saying we’re gonna do this I want to play basketball with some of the Raptor Freaks and we’re gonna make this happen at some point we’re gonna figure this out yeah and most saying go Larry T yeah she loves what I just said about Larry saying that he wants the WME team to win right away win that Championship right away all right let me see is there anything else in my tabs that I forgot about um yeah we’ll do more draft stuff tomorrow guys we’re definitely going to talk about the draft heavy tomorrow on the Sunday report there is a birthday today we have a birthday for one of our NBA champions Raptor Champions mercenary Danny Green it’s Danny Green’s birthday today guys and I believe Danny is let me see he’s a 20 30 he is 37 Danny Green turning 37 today so happy birthday to Danny Green for former NBA champion with the Raptors the Lakers and and the Spurs so yeah Danny Green’s birthday today guys yeah mercenary mercenary green ranger all right David game over 200 points for uh G on the crazy ass Sergi basaric uh rookie card if you want this card like maybe somebody out here is a big fan of this guy you can get this card at the next Raptor freak hangout I’ll bring him to the basketball game seriously I’ll bring this box and especially if Kareem’s coming I’ll bring him his Doug Doug Smith book and uh yeah all the cards will be there too so you can take these cards when we play basketball too all right y’all thanks for watching me today once again I’ll be back tomorrow for Sunday Special Report Lex’s top five picks for who Bobby and Messiah should Target in the draft this week so if you’re interested in hearing my opinions on who I think these guys should select tune in tomorrow we’ll do just general draft talk get a lot of draft stuff in so y’all do some research today think about more about who you want maybe we’ll do extra Scouts tomorrow so maybe what I’ll do is since we didn’t do a scout today we’ll do like unlimited Scouts so if you guys want to give me names tomorrow or we could do even we’ll do res Scouts of some of the guys that uh we may have already done to revisit and then I will tell you which ones I want yeah denal saying anyone here have a a DTF printer and have a a Gideon account connection I need good prices on blanks and someone to print some designs that’s an interesting networking question Den I do not have that myself if somebody else does uh then uh they’d have to get in contact with you but this this may not be the time because we’re kind of busy and we’re about to finish Trevor saying me and my cousin are hunting for tickets for the commissioner Cup Final on Monday I’m heading up to New York today to see my brother all right commissioner Trevor Jay is going to try and go to the finals of the commissioner cup in the WNBA on Monday with the the Minnesota links versus the New York Liberty so yeah very very cool uh Trevor of good luck with that all right guys thanks for watching me please like comment subscribe and share and if you like this Channel lot you can join membership has its Privileges and there’s levels of membership you can ask David saborin he’s gotten to the point where he might get a cross country trip with the Raptor Street driving across the country to Canada of Canada to Victoria British Columbia next summer so there is perks on the different levels of membership all right y’all I appreciate everybody have a great Saturday rap Raptor Rize your day just like nabia would and uh do your life like Garrett Temple be a a multifaceted person with a lot of options because you are all about different interests and you’re increasing your skill level and all kinds of different stuff all the time whether you want to be a lawyer a coach a broadcaster or continue your NBA career Garrett Temple the Raptor freak family wishes you the best of luck in whatever Direction you’re going towards at this point we’ love to have you on the Raptors again if not as a player but in some sort of function but I know that your horizons are so Broad and bright that you could really do whatever you want so much love and respect to the temple family uh Garrett his wife and his father uh and his his siblings and everybody in the temple family all right y’all thanks a lot and I’ll see y’all tomorrow let’s go Raptors Let’s go Team Canada and let’s go WNBA Toronto

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