How to Break 90 with ONLY 180 Yards off the tee

BREAK 90 by making decisions around the golf course and how to get the best out of your golf game so that you break 90!
this video is for high handicappers and beginner golfers who are new to golf and want golf tips on how to shoot below 90!

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right welcome down to another video today I’m at CH kard my home course it is a pass 70 it is 6,000 yards and today’s video is how to break 90 right with the help from shop scope I’ve got data from over 200 million gol shots and they reckon for break 90 you need to be hitting off the tea on average 220 yards but we all can’t do that we can’t so they’ve told me some other data which I’m going to get through in the round and I reckon we can break 90 with only 180 yards off the tea maximum clubs I’m using is six iron that goes 185 Max so six iron all the way down to pitch and wedge I’ve got two pitching wedges 60° is gone no fancy wedges I’ve just got an old school 56 and a putter it’s going to be interesting this going to be really interesting but I think we can do it I really do so how are we going to do that dead easy we’re going to assign ourself two double bgys try and get 14 borgies and two PS that is a target we’ve got power freeze we can reach them all hopefully we can power one in the power freeze anything over 100 yards I’m going to use the bump and run no fancy shots High I’m going to try and make it basic the World handicap average is between 15 and 20 handicap no 180 yards it’s not a lot we’ve all got that in us I think we can do this there’s a nice giveaway in this video so make sure you watch it so let’s get on the first te it’s a tricky task but I think we can do it all right here it goes nothing like a nice 446 yards per four to start so let’s just plot we get a five here we’ve done really well will be a bonus all right mindset that is the widest path free in the world good job it is cuz I pulled it left like we said it’s all about trying to get a five we are allowed a few double borgies so if we have one here so what not the end of the world right we’ve been been unlucky there actually the wetest part of the course were plug so we give it a cleaning a drop 270 so all I’m thinking it’s just again just pop it down there don’t worry about it we go straight I’m not going to get in them trees they’re 190 away so let’s get it back in play really punch it down there it’s a nice swing should be landed in Middle got a bit of run there come out wet say it rained so much last night but it’s warming up now hopefully I can get the old jacket off right golf makes there we go it’s 115 to back 100 yards you ready he time just like chip and run it I’m not going to do anything high and just try and get it on the green cuz this will be a great five sayfe shot right Target in front it’s just a chip and run is it just a chip and run sit and that could be so good oh my God what I like about that distance bit off obviously it’s not something to play all the time but it’s such a safe shot straight as a die I uh I enjoyed that that’s going to work today that’s uh that’s bloody Bobby dads like that no no way Finning it no way this no way that that’s just a little bump and run I like it I like it I like it right that was so unlucky that say look it’s pitched here you can see itself can’t you it just come off so good it’s good safe shot right guess what I’ve got same Club eight time just uh get it running really give myself a PT for a bgy I get a six so be it it’s one it’s going to be one of the hardest holes today this it’s gone in what a nice little chip that were lifted and just pretend it we a putter wow safe as those only of you would a bit like your fancy wedges right okay let’s get a bgy talk to the intro about three pots so this is only one this these are big big pots these no messing with these get your mark and have a good go God that looks so good so good right I’m curious cuz I did a competition from the white te’s I don’t if you’ve seen that video yet I had a bit of a mirr and had every Club in the bag should be noting that should be nothing in it a great B get that one that’s uh what t-shirt’s coming off now wow I got six in the comp Saturday honestly warmer clubs all right great start we got this lovely power 4 now it’s only 270 to back so 69 it is again I’m treating this as the biggest power three in the left now if I pull it left like the first I can’t go in the water so it’s great so left is a good line in cuz that flag looks a bit naughty so 69 got 180 Brilliant and that weren’t the best swings left left left going hit the tree okay I’ve got a shot in orever what I am going to say I was a very lazy one that not like my second shot on the first all but the good thing about this is is like I said in the intro we have a plan you can’t always do your plan we are not robots this is real Golf and again we make a b here it’s fine it’s fine I will get a pass somewhere else all right another drop off the path doing well tonight right 120 130 back I’m going to do the8 chip and run again like on the first I was close to just like chipping it down there front are green so I don’t go in any bunkers but I just think I’m going to do with that shot again the a TI chip and run exactly same shot as the first nothing crazy just a a Time chip and run kind of thing there’s no difference to the first side is he going to get there Jesus chicken and rice I don’t believe this that first t- shot with Ry that was like not even a it was just a an easy chip and on middle at Green wow I would have took wedge in Flor going to be a great video of this I’m hopefully like trying to be serious maybe people up 20 15 can learn some it but I’m going to learn some it myself today I’ve got that funny feeling how good with that I’m impressed with myself that I would never take that shot on never I think you probably never see me do I would never just take it on Wow Wow Wow right two put slightly uphill right to left like I said I had a feeling we could get a power on one of the power frees and sneak a few PS for help us get extra bories or double bories if something happens bad this will be a right bonus be it it I have you know I have it’s a bit of a knee knock a but of it it that is a very KN knocker that that’s that were vicious that right this is massive massive not see much in that just being a bit confident in the stroke that is fantastic dby wow wow wow a two P boom a par gives us some insurance that’s fantastic that tell you I think I’m going to learn some I would never a time there never chip and run never ever ever right p for 408 yards into the wind got my 180 Club but I’m going to steer on the caution right inside of the fway cuz I know I can’t get on in two but if I go left left left there’s a ditch what could catch me out right inside there trees here but it’s okay you can bunt it down there they’re not like going to change anything so just left of that bunker would be a nice line that’s a crappy shot but it’s fine there it didn’t really matter what I did there long as I didn’t go left what a great swing but we’ll take it it’s not about perfect there’s no way you can start planting perfect shots ever it just doesn’t happen golf you have your good and your bad shots but if your bad shots land in the right place that’s the ticket the Golden Nugget right we have got 255 to the pin it’s sat down terrible so I’m thinking loft is my friend here not going to try hit my 6i and get it right up there I’m not I think loft is your friend here just for get it out and if you can get it on the fway it will will get a bit of a run so a time I’ve got and I’m going to R it just right inside of the bunker if possible I’ll take that and I didn’t know this but the PIN looks like it’s on the right so I’ll take that that’s done all right that cuz that was a horrible lie I think if you take anything more than a a time there could be in trouble so happy days that we good that could be a cost management hey we’re in great position here we’ve got 115 to the pin 105 middle I’m going to go with my strong pitch and wedge there a bit of wind there and I think little bit long is a safe shot just in case I pull it left or right should miss the bunkers but the wind is you can’t see the flag moving but you probably see the red flag behind it’s like coming and going it’s gusted like I can feel it now shot scop say always charts at the longer club now it a longer Club I’ve pushed it is it a longer club that goes over the bunker I’m sure our handicaps what I’m saying 15 to 20 45% you a short now I’ve played to the back of the green there pushed it a tad or the LI might have done it and it’s perfectly fine missed the bunkers yet in boom Shak a lck told you I’m going to be serious I’m I’m buzzing with that cuz at first I thinking right me of a club and I thought no no there’s wind let’s take you know let’s take the bad stuff out of it happy with that oh good with that I’m really glad I’m doing this video because all you see on the internet is out to play to scratch break a I’ve done break a myself try and do it cuz handicap is eight and I don’t know if I’ve told you yet but how many times in 10 should you at your handicap well if you look with shot scope there 30% so three out of 10 okay put for par but I’d rather have a two putts and a bgy well I won’t but I want an easy bgy or not turn me gray or need an air transplant cuz I’ve lost all my a pulling my fingers out for get enough well that can’t be any more stress free than that can it that’s a great bgy that that’s how you want them and I’ll tell you what I play in comps and there’s many many many a time well I always play with driver always and a it’s like a you go for The Greening to and I’m always what’s the word sometimes my bgy what I get is a scramble bgy or sometimes you can get a six but that was s Food For Thought this it really is I reckon a lot of people watching this even people in my handicap or lower are thinking to yourself maybe I’m playing some holes on my course wrong comment below be interested cuz I think I am right tricky all this we got 164 yards little bit of wind into but it will die out after the first bunker cuz of the trees blocking out so I’m going to go 79 I am going to r a little bit right if a pull it no problem oh I’ve absolutely flushed it lost it in is it beating the bunker as it on the green don’t know you heard the sound of that I’ve absolutely flushed that so I’m pin highing the bunker okay so be it it’s not left that was a great shot I’m taking all the positives that was a fantastic shot right I’ve absolutely hit that out the screws so but didn’t hit it the best best best it could have been there or 6 I and go for it I just hit it 10 out of 10 but if I didn’t hit it 10 out of 10 it would uh so leaves in a bunker first of far or we’re going to put it but the lip will get me there but I were close to putting that so like we said in the of no fancy clubs just got the oldfashioned 56 let’s be straight I think any on the green give us a putt is all we want is it don’t try and be silly just got to have Pace a bit of pace through the bunker shot W the best but it’s out I’m not a professional so I will take that this is a dangerous hole didn’t say it of all the out of Bones left and all these bunkers which you got in you will take a four which is a borgy but I’ve got a chance of a par look at all these bits it’s like it’s bloody Autumn already we even had a summer okay PO for power very dangerous all can feel it going right to left see we can have a borus it’s just a little spot there right to the pin it’s it you had it but dangerous all I will take a b there every day of the week not bad dust bit less aggressive but a good P good four right golf makes here we go par 4 just coming back of that ballet it’s 288 uphill wind left to right easier said than done but on the fway should be good this should get just about bottom of the ill it should give you a nice flat lie it goes a little bit further it’s okay but when left to right so solid shot that straight down the middle wind’s just tailing it out right side of the F oh that’s got up further and a far there a chance well you can if we can get a green in red where a lot of the video I’m not going for but if you can I think you do have a goal for it there might be a chance sir I’ve got 118 I’ve gone to my strong pitch and wedge only because the line is a bit of pill and I think my pitching wedge will turn into like a bit weaker one so here we go be great we can get somewh there there boats if the wind does not touch it it’s a nice line that oh I like that I think it’s a weird one I’m going to try not attack but though I think that was the safest shot have a go for it okay really good chance of a bird here but more importantly if it’s a par that’s the bonus that’s a bonus but it’s not the bird is a b actually B far look a bit right to left give her a chance too much take my time this a massive P this massive cuz there will be somewhere in the round where it won’t go to plan that’s always that’s even when they on tour cading There’s Always Somewhere in the round we sticky and we’re going to get the sticky bit but we’ve got a bit of insurance so get in right here here we go golf mate a 260 yard Par Four got my 180 Club cuz that is definitely the shot and I’ve got a lot of room here with this The Landing Zone you’ll see on the drawing it’s probably only going to be where the fway starts so I’m classing this as the biggest PA free in the world wind is right to left it’s looking straight down in the middle that’s a nice shot if I do say so myself very nice take a bit of that we’ll have a bit of that let’s get the sand and seed right how good with that left myself pretty all right though so while we did sail it do no such thing as getting it high fancy wedges 56 up in the a bouncing I’ve got my 9 and it’s just going to be in between the two bunkers like a chip and rum If It Gos a few inches short or a couple of feet short I’m not bothered if it goes back at Green I’m not bothered so little chip and run with a 99 safe safe shot all day I rather have it there than the back at Green ping downhill and putting uphill now could get a par which is a bonus 180 and a chipping R honestly who would have got like your 99 or old p a 79 and done that it’s not on the green but I’m very very happy with that I’m confident we can get a two power it’s just a little bit fluffy they out cutting at warm it’s on a Monday so it’s grown over the weekend but I think Potter is a safe safe option again doesn’t need a 99 I think it’s want a nice P or pill what the hell I B driver here gone for green load of times and three W and come off with sixes but that is brilliant but the fun starts now I’ve got a Bonus proper bonus P but the problem is I only want to do two and I mean two double bgys technically ony capture of three and a half next door is 470 yard Par Four so it could be unreachable in three but don’t win so we might have a chance yes all right here we go we’ve got 460 to the middle and 475 to the back D wind no this goes 180 but I think we could get 200 out of this down wind and we can get a bounce as long as we don’t get this little up slap all I’m thinking here now just just swing smooth it is wide as anything that fway swing smooth and come on wind get up that’s a nice punch one let’s see if you can get that top tier got a big hard bones great shots get the sand and seed and get the divot mix back back on that acap happy with that happy happy happy oh that’s Twisted when you’re editing you might have straighten this shot right it’s done really really well i’ like a little nice bounce or 280 middle so I’m going 69 again just to make sure I give her the rubbish now I’m going to go for left hand side of the fway it’s a nice safe shot and there’s them trees will never block you out they could block you out on the right there but it should be enough to go past it’s a left hand side of the fur lovely it’s doing what I say it’s doing what it wants at the moment don’t say it’s on a Rad but I will take that but again you don’t need Twitter perfect strike to be honest the essence of the video is that’s where we’re aiming if I went a bit right it’ll be fine love that I think we can get on in free now we might be able to get on in free six have gone a lot further than 180 firm fourways and D wind is perfect right we’ve got 100 yards uphill so we play that we 99 again not bothering with a pitching wedge I’m going to keep it low left of that flag and it should just kick in I’m just going to Chip and run it again oops I like that though real is anything so that could be pin ey but but could be a foot or two off the green safe though again because it’s a 99 I I’ve hit it rubbish it’s quite obvious L I’ve hit it rubbish but I’ve hit that same shot with like a 52 degree or something it’s probably just apple turnover or anything so essence of the video I’m glad I’ve done that took a bit of insurance like swinter Insurance don’t know if you have that in America right I’ll take that all day this is s one and I said six so now we’ve got a tricky tricky situation where we just got to get this put right again no 99 chip here we just need to put it jeez I’m starting off some brilliant lags here this is unbelievable but it’s not dead yet but what I will say it will be absolutely unbelievable five see I checked Ed it just have a go that’s one up at field you’ll take a five every medal round there you’ll take a five happy days and it was a stress free one really when it even with two good shots in there and a bad shot but because I had the club there a 99 chip and run give me that insurance if I duffed it it still went and it did right here we go par five 502 yards into wind shot SC watch on 156 to the water so I’m going 99 cuz I’m raised it is against wind and this should be if I go go left and right it don’t matter that’s that’s a nice shot and that shouldn’t go in the water judge to Perfection nice and safe that could have G anywhere left and right and it’d be fine 9 off a par five but if you want to break 90 I think this is the technique right first part done like I said we’ll have a six all day long here pre 85 so it’s six looking at it again you can see it drawn left side at fway is great you’re not have any trouble with trees wind’s got up now so this 600 I’ve got to imagine it’s only going to go about 165 it’s a nice swing straight over the middle okay you know what’s coming now bounce it up there get on have a put for p tapping bgy boom tricky all in Wind defitely starting off I’ve not got it yet but six is going to be a fantastic score all day long right we’re in fantastic position here now little bit of winding I’ve got 240 to the pin pins at back actually so it’s 250 plan is to leave this on the flat so I want to make it easy for myself got 18 I can hit it far left as I want far right and I’ll be five enough back just in case I don’t get it right I’d rather have a full shot in and a flat shot instead of being on the ill so that’s my only thought really just just H it don’t matter what you do fin it or anything just just pop it down there brilliant i b a crap shot left left left left brilliant real golf what a great shot but because I picked the 18 if I po the drawn up if I went left or right like I did and I didn’t get any clubs what are higher I’m not blocked out I’m all right though cuz end of the day we’re not professionals we’re trying to break 90 that is a good shot in my opinion cuz it went forward right actually all right here AR I even though I pulled it right 106 to the middle 120 back up P into wind so I’m going to play as 130 135 play it at back if you don’t at it right it still still come up on the green so I’ve got my strong pitch and wedge stay middle of the green right to that flag hopefully there’s enough Club if a go left it covers the bunker that is the plan bit of insurance could be good that I would imagine she’s on the green so that’s on the Green in full hopefully it stayed on cuz it come out the roof it might have had a bit of spin but trying to break 90 stress free happy days we’ll have a bit of that right so a fraction big so what we’ll take that all day okay stop for you what we need to do today is try and have no more than two threee putts because 15 handicapper to a 20 handicapper will have 3.4 three puts per round so we’re going to try and limit that to two right this is for a par but we will take a bgy on this hole especially te off with a 99 Only 140 yards not bad not bad at all again we’ve got a limit these so I think these are the ones where we can learn take your time on these have a proper look don’t be tapping these in rushing have a proper look because if you get a drive 300 yards or a short 170 draw over a bunker on the green it’s still a shot a shot is a shot they’re all important all right inside right with a bit of juice that quite stress F was it let’s be straight how many of you might have it a driver not caught it proper it’s g in the water or G in the trees right and then you’re chipping out all sorts with a six or a seven we just had a TA in six but more importantly we had a putt for a par on to the next right on to the next old Power four 360 Ys to the middle 380 to the back water going across fact trees right out of bounds left miles away you look from this camera now this is how we’re going to play it we’ve got R6 or whatever Club you at 180 class set is the biggest par three you’ve ever seen in your life you go a bit left go a bit right probably Bel laying up anyway so it don’t really matter so 6 iron get it full my last full shot with that eight iron on previous so pulled a bit so I’m going to try and go right ins side of the fway if I get me old draw great or I pull it doesn’t really matter does it doesn’t matter one bit there it’s a crate one blocked it’s coming in a bit with the wind she’s gone all over the trees then short of them actually a great shot that’s gone where our aiming right inside of the fway thinking if I pulled it a bad shot so now we’ve got a decision do we go over the tree or just chip it on all right gol M it’s got a big decision here now got 178 front 190 middle it’s sat all right water for carry it deep down I think laying it up you still got a a crappy shot in so I’m going to r a reason being there’s plenty height for get over the bushes is more I think it was even looking for me it’s only about 95 yard to clear the trees I think eight TI it’ll leave it short the bunkers and we can chip and put I think if a go for it it’s great it’s not the right shot if I don’t get it high the thed a bit it won’t cover the trees so I’m going to actually go for a five and an 18 I think that’s the shot perfect plenty of Club over not in any trouble and it won’t have enough distance for getting in any bunkers which are left and right so for me that is a good shot and like we said in the intro if we don’t have to go over a bunker all the fancy wedges have gone we’re just going with the 99 chip and run and that’s a club of the choice 99 or 89 or 79 just pick your one Club use that for your chip and runs cuz all I’m going to do is 99 chip it on the green have a pot for p if not I’m going to have a safe safe bgy which is good cuz I’m allowed a few of them today right we’re just in June golf makes and I’ve had the biggest luck there but I’ve played that right you can just see it going brown there and it’s notoriously a bit hard it’s quite obviously coming out that rough no spin I’ve had a load of bounces and it’s actually got it on the green so now we’ve got a bit of a bonus or not bonus it could be deserved because we played the all right okay left to right two P for a par dust been lid got my line I still on the ball from that camera you probably notice I had that but it didn’t get there but it’s not so bad to be fair it’s okay but it’s a little knee knocker still there’s a lot of work in this I do not want to mess up oh a bit of luck but it was a good shot as well bonus time that that is a bonus that is a bonus but still if you were like 10 yard short I’ll show you you if the ball was short like I predicted thought it would be say around there again it was just an easy chip work going with these bunkers so we’ve had a bit of luck but if we didn’t have no luck that’s where it would have been in Happy Days right you can see the draw now Bonkers are well placed on this all it’s a PA pre wind right to left back at Pin it’s 160 wind’s horrible out of Bones left no we’ve got a Bonus now so four is is great so I’m going to aim right and if the wind brings it in great or if I pull it great if it stays straight fine that is the smartest player and I’m hting a club less because I think a little bit short will be all right so why I’m aiming you probably see with this camera now I’m going to rain just inside that last big tree there of the five and if it draws or pulls or goes to the wind I’m safe that is my Miss left so I’m taking that out of play St as a die because I have it less club I’m presuming now that it’s shorter the Trap but 160 and it should be a nice easy chip but that did everything I wanted and that would have gone that way I would have had a kick on the green but that was not bad shot right first mistake should have learned on the last all so it’s bounced hard here and gone to the bunker decent strike the wall take everything great about it right I’m going to be honest now forget the pin and left cuz if you fin it there it’s out of Bones if you fin it here it’s going to bounce back sounds terrible just in case if someone’s bad out of the bunkers so my Line’s here now forget the pin just pop it there that’s the safest shot and if it goes a bit hard it’ll run back down if it goes really hard it’ll bounce back off the Saw forget that take that out of play don’t need it like I said at the intro silly wedges have gone this is’s just a 56 nor 60 nor 58 they made for a bun just anywhere out not bobber just anywhere out you got that w a great shot but it’s out didn’t decelerate on it anyway w a great strike but because had a bit of speed it’s out so we take that two put bgy Happy Days we’ll leave the flag in for you little bit uphill right to left try and judge that pace a bit better for leave me a real gimme you probably see a little bit of mud there right at the pin be a good little line that was a great line but a mystery but that’s fantastic that bit of clarity do you know some I’ve been a bit bad with my course management on a couple of comps where I’ve had like an eight and a 10 I’m going to implicate some of this in my game because makes sense that’s a great fo that right here we go we’ve got a bit of a test know a bit of a brute got a par for it is 420 yards like with the previous hole this one is wind in now so 6 IR got 195 to that bunker I cannot reach there but I’m going to aim left of it again if you’re looking from this cam that’s the biggest power three in the world just have it in your head visual just swing with don’t have to clo it you’re not going to get there right online with a bunker I can’t get there that should be a good 15 to 25 short brilliant but again if that went a bit right or definitely Lord’s left which is my bad shot loads of room Happy Days just I’m hoping I start swinging really Within Myself like I’m doing because I’m trying to do it stress free this is a great video this a great video you can break 90 doing stuff like this all day long right golf mates 230 257 back winding bunker it’s 180 so I’m never going to get there with that wind even with the bounes never going to get there so I can hit 69 and I can have the bunker as my line if I go a bit left absolutely great if I go right who cares plenty of Club get past any trouble so again pressure is off I’m looking at that is the widest Green in the world there you go it’s a bad and a bit right again because we hit the bigger Club there you see I’ll put the drawing on there you see the trees on the right it’s gone past all that so good golf ain’t perfect just because I’m an eight handicapper you don’t expect me to keep doing these good shots no it’s not about perfect it’s about that being a great miss and that is a good Miss I’m fine is dandy there was a comic book in the UK okay might have been in America too okay not as good as a fall it’s not bad but I did really don’t want to go over these bunkers but I’m going to have to could chip left I just don’t see the point of that I really don’t then chip on low one forget it I’m going to forget the pin here totally forget the pin straight over the bunker I’ve got got I can hit it 110 yards to be honest but I’m all I’m going to do is H my pitch and wed nice and easy to make sure I’m over I’m not going for the green I’m just going to go over the bunker and if it goes a little bit right brilliant but front at Green is not bad dead smooth for these for me not a pro definitely not don’t tense up very soft hands exactly like I said safe No actually my hands with that soft that come off great but it’s safe no trouble uh even a six is decent go off for try the low one there you’re bringing a seven in but we’ve still got a chance of a five right here we go it’s fine as Dandy that fine as Dandy now can’t put first of oh should we just put it really easy shot you can’t so I’ve got my 9on no fancy wedges and all I’m going to do is get it on the green and give me a pot uh I’m no professional but all I a little tip for chipping just lift your hands up like it’s a putter just lift your hands up and that’ll just Bump It Forward yeah on the green safe we’re in front of the scorer and it’s a long goal so if we do get a six it’s not the end of the world okay real golf you not be able to get all your plan perfect but the good thing with this it’s on the green I didn’t leave it in the roof then you would have had a delicate one with have short sided yourself right little bit right to left again try and have that nice put dead six here is okay a long hard all okay six double bger which is okay we’re a load two of them boom Shak AAC right here we go power four 340 yards but no it’s not 330 so again is it anywhere you want really it’s wide open biggest power three in the world I’ll do straight down in the middle a lot of eyes watching me there as well oh well take that’s more like it where did that come from boom shakal lak right we downwind we’ve got 170 back 130 front 150 middle now I Clos to laying this up but I think we’re going to have a goal with a cuz it’s D wind or Club where you’re going to 150 D wind you should take out the bunkers if you get a decent shot so I think sometimes you’ve got to go for it and I think this is the time I think A’s fine don’t win so if it goes back it’s bigger than green it’s back so it could be okay a not a horrible yank too much Club terrible I’ve done I’ve done a lot of talking there and I’ve just said too much Club it weren’t that was just a horrible horrible horrible swing no our thinking be attacking and look what it’s got me that is in a world of Hut that that’ll take some finding world of Hut here massively in trouble there no way I can go for flag I’ve got to get it over at Bunker over I’m just going to try and get it out object here is no silly numbers got my 56 and I just I just want it out to this stuff try and get a chip on for a five if not a top in six but this is going out there you go I don’t care that that come out better than a bloody thought that Presley but we’re out we’re taking the big number out of it here all right so I’ve had three I’ve put myself in a bad position or have not I had to get it out I had to give I mean that come out easier than I thought I thought that would have been staying in there so cut it 99 out of this I’ve got my 56 trying to get on that top tier so the flat part of the right there oh flipping Jesus oh my God oh my God I’ll take a double now this is where you just got to be calm now now I’ve made a couple of mistakes more of think of it no should have just gone short and not took the shot on yeah at that point I probably did 150 in percentage in the greens it’s up there now with shot scope really bad course management that ego got better me right 56 I need just get it on the green and give myself a PT for six okay okay okay okay okay this will be unbelievable that was a great shot that to be fa the old 56 trusty old school oh brilliant that is what this video is all about and I’ve I’m trying to show you what not to do and I’ve done it I don’t mind it one bit that’s a seven o but I’ve had a few power so they’ll you know cush in the blow right golf mes 130 middle 150 back pins about 145 I’d say I’ve got 99 uh I don’t see quite a laying up on this one to be honest if you look you can see the draw you got all them bunkers there if you lay up you’ve got to chip over them so you might as well have a go and if you get in a bunker deal with it I think that’s the smartest option wind looks like a little bit left to right now so left of that flag it’s a good [Music] line wind’s messing with that it’s got to go I think and she’s on that that went you probably W have seen it fraction heavy should be on the green but the way it did a bit of that you know with the wind and the flag’s not moving full of full of mysteries but it’s on the green so we’ll check that and like we said earlier doors if you do get on the Green in regulation great but it’s not important I don’t think it is I actually think what’s important is a safe Miss and don’t get crazy numbers just do everything a bit boring boring Liam like I said I got it heavy but look enough for enough Club but bloody hell this is a big big Big Pop of not wow that’s like I know we’re only playing 180 shots but that is like a 300 yard Drive no messing with these take your time P that is a very juicy bonus power four 360 now we’ve got 124 yards to carry over the water so we’re going with our 180 Club again try and get it down the middle again there’s enough height to get over the trees left or right is okay wind is swirling right down the middle that’s a nice one very nice indeed a five will be a fantastic score here but hopefully I could give myself a put for a p right as you can see behind me there were loads and loads of room and that’s wind in so that was the right number no this is a problem now we’ve got 170 front 190 middle pins up front so be about one 80 got 79 just said the wind’s in Going H 79 for one reason I don’t want to go in the bunker but I am going to try and a for the pin I’ll just left of it and it should be just short 99 maybe have a put for par but you’re not taking any silly numbers I just think 79 is a number I do I’ve it a belter ride on the bunker hopefully it doesn’t go in everything I’ve said right yeah no one hear it there’s a problem here and I’m going to remit it I’m going to have to chip over the bunker which I didn’t think about to before I actually thought I’ve been pulling them a tad but really I’ve been eting everything straight so I should have a for the flag good shot but a little bit of bad management there but then again if I hit the six I’m in the bunker arounda so not mad bad management take the positive always take the positive don’t beat yourself down do you know what I am too hard on myself that was brilliant everything I wanted that 6 iron it were in so I’ve got my nine iron and I’m going to R it in between where you’re looking at me and the flag again on the green is all we want safe shot bump and run just a safe shot very very you can call me boring but my name’s Liam boring Liam told you normally I’m all fun and games but I said it in the intro there is a real serious side of me sometimes like today are definitely serious and I’m actually really proud of myself that was good course management what you don’t really need much skill just you actually shot 180 and just plot it it’s very good that I must say by itself all right it’s it’s really tricky all this so I would take this whole day for aart like I said a bger is okay cuz it’s going to be definitely stress free and every now and again you’re going to make one if you hit it okay just take your time I could have rushed that I we moving into that rushing more talking and not thinking right okay that was the safest bgy ever now if I H driver pulled it left pulled it right six into play all day long H Food far could be like a 400 in a comp there for me that it’s making me I tell you what this is brilliant this video is brilliant hope you’re liking this right that was a fantastic five that really easy and it could have been a four so we got a tricky one here got a part four straight down we’ve got a bit of wind open us it’s 320 to the middle but you do we need to get a decent shot cuz if you do put it left it’s not great but if you get it straight the line of the land should kick it a bit left and help help me with a bit of yardage So Nice Shot needed right great not my best that’s right side of the fway could kick I was just going to say could kick right you seen it yourself that kick left that wen’t the best shot ever but not gained any distance that rough stopped it but it’s also stopped it going right this is a one now this is where you could get on in two cuz it’s not a long all so let’s be confident and try and get a par right just waiting for the green keeper this has worked out great I’ve got 130 front 1 15 middle 165 back pins it middle 150 I’ve got a 9 iron because if you’re a little bit short it’ll bounce on but more importantly if I pull it with an A Time the club of choice it could go in the poo poo so I think this is the shot and it’ll be a little bit SHP and it’ll bounce and it’ll get the yardage I want anywhere but if I pull it left it’d be too much so this is a right Club this pulled it you know brilliant this is real golf now I’ve pulled that right did you get that Landing now I pulled that if that was the A and I mean it if that the a I’m out of bounds because I get the 99 Ian it’s a bad shot but because I used my I’m in Bones I can still get a par but wor will be a par uh I’m a bit gutted about that but also very happy about that cuz it proves everything I’m trying to do here with that club that’s not bad that good common sense I didn’t know I had any it it’s worked out great this like I said pulled it look where I am straight or have bounced on but I give myself Insurance cuz with 8 T that were gone so I’ve got my 99 seeing the green keep keeper Just Bounce It in so it’s going to come off this Bank in here you probably see it and it’s a little bit fast so 9 just Let’s Get It On The Green you know the score don’t we get a par right B is not going to do us any hand and that’s called too much talking and absolutely zero concentration but I will try and do the right thing and it’s real golf what I’m saying to you do the same it’d be hard for you do every shot perfect all let’s get a two p and get a five I’ve got a proper test today but B two very very average shots though but I still got to put for p right greens look fantastic new green keeper by the way so hello to him yes I forgot his name right o right so this is real real real real goish this is makeable but I’ve got to concentrate now from the five I’m going to have it out didn’t hit that at all did I look how big your dping Lids are that right edge trying to be a bit firm of it there real golf that’s the end of the doubles for me well I said herow two that’s two but I’ve gained one with my par real golf single figure golfer just on a six were relay she could have been on the green but you can’t always hit the perfect shot you want which is about this video that is brilliant I’m glad that’s in okay Sil six so Double B but it doesn’t matter because we’re all capable of them played the old four really good we’re not machined right we got power five it is 500 yards it is downwind there was no trouble really right could be blocked out a bit because we’re in a a 180 Club it’ll be okay but I’m going to left side of the fway down Breeze could get a bit of yardage here we’re going to get hit with a couple of the alls in wind but this might help us M right trusty 6 straight down the middle like I said have a bit of that get off on that Hill yes got a little bounce in Happy Days we’ll have a bit of that another one of them and then there’s a chance I’m not going to coat my chickens cuz it’s just absolutely hatched and bit me on the ass so let’s get down and it’s a nice smooth shot right 310 to Middle downwind 1880 Club there is a small bit of danger but we’re just going to forget that don’t win should be okay right middle it fur if it goes left okay start it middle it fur and I’ve dragged it dragged it dragged right over that fake bunker didn’t want to go right that number if I went right could have got me in the water but I were thinking to try and get on I a little bit more aggressive though but with a very very bad overthe toop swing which to be fair is such real golf because implementing everything I’m talking about not as me as a player but as a caddy that’s all right that’s a bad my there is okay if I can’t get on in free don’t forget get on get a bgy walk away but I was trying to think ahead of myself a little bit there and now try not to but that’s okay right here we go we’ve got 140 front 150 middle 165 back down wind uphill right this is sometimes you could chip out on this occasion because we’ve taking extra Club I’ve got egg TI and it’s D wind I’m going to try and start it the edge of the trees inside the bunker line but if I get it right it might go pin High just off the green but it’s if I pull it left it’s more enough it covers all the trees so I think it’s a smart shot really so if it’s just right the green great or if it goes on the green great but the p is just last last bit of the tree there oh it’s a belter should be all over it pin that if it holds the green I’ll wait for my cameraman might have ran off but do you know what it’s okay took the extra Club if I didn’t get it right it was enough go over the rubbish I will take that all day okay back to a decent shot now we’ve done with pitch mark I’m really happy with that it’s done everything right when you hit a shot how you want it but if we didn’t h a good shot I’d still be there or on the ill right we’re giving ourselves two three PS we and I’ve had one so I’ve got one left but I don’t want to use it now for the rest of the round it’s all about paast this cuz you don’t want to go past CU it will be fast could be okay the I slowed down little nasty one this it’s a definitely a nasty one there’s a chance of a PA though is it I’ve got the line yes what a great PA that were like I said earlier do the intro about Greens in regulation it’s a start when you’re trying to break 90 sometimes I don’t think you need to just I think they miss miss it in the wrong place now I’m going to show you this chip again so what you’ve just seen there is that chip on the previous ho and it just come to me head if would have had my fancy wedges there that would have got left in the rof would have gone on the green because I H that N9 even my dff of it got it on the green so actually cuz I hit the 99 instead of a fancy wedge got it on the green just thought I’ll get that in cuz I forgot all about it what a p right great P we’ve got 115 yards pins back 130 I’ve got Pitch and wedge 100 front I think this one you’ve got to go for it there’s no layup here there’s not you’ve got to make sure you get it herb on so this stroke 17 to if you do go in a bunker which you don’t want to put seeds in yet you’re going to have to deal with it because there’s there’s nothing you can do here there’s no there’s no safe shop you can’t just chip it chip it you got to have a goal for it so pitch and wedge should be enough gets it back wind right to left that’s great the wind Els oh this is all over pin this I’ve lost it oh get in you beauty all handicaps can hit a shot 120 yards we’ve all got that ability so we’ll take that and uh I say a good in the wind brought it in lovely so some shots you’ve got to you’ve got to have a goal and that were one of them right that was great like I said you all can’t H great shots when you want and you H bad shots and today’s round you’ve seen the bad shots or some great shots it’s real as anything but this will be brilliant M King yes do you know what I’m going to do for that Liam give me your shot scope so that’s two shot scope watches what will be in this video and like I said before scammers I won’t contact you look that’s Facebook that’s Instagram that’s X that’s the Community page the wins are always posted on there okay come on get in right here we go great birdie compare this I’m on for a crazy score unbelievable ah shocked 240 from here need to hit 165 to cover the bunker some grass in front as a line come on straight down the middle Gob smacked get past it wow there’s a lot of nerves if you can get my score card I’m going to bang it up and I tell you how a lot of nerves medal comp granted with a black tee I took a 10 off here two week ago in a medal round and I were only about five or six over at the time uh what a round I hope you’ve learned some I hope you’ve loved this and smash the like button don’t forget shot scope I want you watch this is going to take a lot from today all right I’ve got my pit wedge here 70 only reason I’m not chipping running it because I think it’s all going to kick that way and I hit it straight and I’ll get it right the roof Pops in here so I do need a bit of height for this one I still think that the the a Time chip and run is a one I know I did a one bad shot with it but all the rest were good right just an easy picture M should be good enough that bounce on now just nice and simple I’m open it’s got the GD I don’t mid shot and bounced on or perfect I don’t know but I’m happy with it oh what he said R up big yeah oh big okay I’ve done the hard thing getting around the green I’m I say I’m I’m so glad get off that tea that we’re unlucky that going putter here just doesn’t need be a chiping of I’m Gob smacked hope you’ve loved this video that’s blown my mind I might do it again like 200 yards see if I can do it again maybe go a different course right that too much I should be good up here look at this coming this is unbelievable honestly am I putting if I can give you a tip all I’ve doing with putting I’m no Pro and I’ve suffered putting all I’m trying to do whatever my back swing is is my forward swing that’s it that’s all I’m doing and I’ve got a knee knocker here uh wow wow wow wow wow boom shaka like right there’s my go you I’m just so buzzing I can’t believe that let’s just come back in a couple stats there you go golf mates learned quite a lot today so I I’m my Target but I shot an 83 a 13 overgrow I had one triple bgy two double borgies eight borgies seven passs and I got a birdy but more importantly I Never Had A threee P so did you learn anything today I’ve learned lws myself I am definitely going to change my strategy next time I play golf oh good with that thanks for watching see you all soon comment below for the giveaway more importantly sure do it again with maybe 200 yards see what we can score gol smacked golf mates thanks very much see you soon cheers shot score


  1. There's always the one hole (12) to let you down 😂 but you can save it by getting a par somewhere else. Doing a good job Liam.

  2. Deffo food for thought. Loved the vid, like one of the classic old school golfmates ones. One to try on the course and re-watch the vid again for reference. N.B. Well done Pres

  3. LIAM I WANT YOUR SHOTSCOPE gave me some food for thought this video, at 16 handicap this is my score region and made it look easy to get close to breaking 80 with a few more clubs for certain shots…… Great video

  4. Liam, I want your watch please 😁
    Another great video, good information as always. Brilliant strategy, I shall be trying this on Monday 👍 Keep up the good work!!

  5. Strange you are leaving your putts shorts (not criticism). Are you still getting used to the new putter?

  6. not being funny mate but i have been watching you for years and i would be surprised if you couldn’t break 90 with a full bag some days like us all i havent watched yet 😂

  7. I wish I had seen this earlier this week , I got the clubs out after a 10month layoff it was great to be back out even though I scored high did it matter !!! NO..BUT I WOULD LIKE YOUR SHOTSCOPE to help next time…

  8. I always press the like button 🔘 I do it right at the start 😂 never been let down by you guys 👍⛳🏌️🤪

  9. Liam I want your shotscope. You have really opened my eyes about not spraying my woods all over the course. Might try this for my next round

  10. Well played Liam 👏👏👏⛳🏌️ Good round.
    I'm trying to break 80 at the moment, so it's really helpful 👍

  11. Liam i want your shotscope

    A 6 iron should be statistically straighter off the tee than any 3 wood or driver 😊 theres a lesson for us here

  12. “Liam I want your shotscope”.
    Would love one of these now I’m back playing. Been a long time not on the course. Great video liam. I need to come back to Chorlton

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