Golf Players

2024 Power Long Hitter Cameron Young Awesome Swing Motion & Slow motion,딜레이히터 장타자 “카메론 영” 파워풀 스윙모션

2024 Power Long Hitter Cameron Young Awesome Swing Motion & Slow motion,골프는 리듬 딜레이히터 장타자 “카메론 영” 파워풀 스윙모션 & 슬로우모션

[Music] [Applause] did it yeah that had some serious ball speed right there there we go and that is right down that line needs a little hop left just a little pop on this hole just taking three with finder surpr beautiful ropes it in there right to left three Par Four oh boy is he dialed in right now upper tier cam Young starting off the day that looked look at that extra pause at the top 183 on the ball that is launched look at that oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

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