Golf Players

Min Woo Lee Friday Flash Interview 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic © PGA Tour

Min Woo Lee Friday Flash Interview 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic © PGA Tour

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okay well good round today for under 68 uh only hiccup of the day you followed with a birdie at the last hole just a few thoughts on today yeah it was solid um lots of good golf um obviously AR and I are playing you know pretty good which was nice um obviously got to chase him this weekend uh but no game’s trending nicely uh again hiccup but um good bounce back on the L and you mentioned OE when you get a guy like him is playing as well as you are do you all are you all able to kind of play off of each other yeah yeah I mean we’re good friends um I mean it’s funny when we talk like I feel like I’m his age and I was his age like last year but I’m I don’t know three four years older than older than him and feels weird but um I guess I’m getting a little older and uh yeah it’s nice to nice to have a friend you when you play with a friend um also Steven Steven’s very nice guy and we all just chatted and um yeah we kind of um fed off each other which is great going into the weekend are you happy with where the game is you going to do anything different work on anything or yeah no I think everything’s pretty good I mean um I don’t think there’s much wrong right now uh I think I’m doing everything well uh just don’t make doubles we’ll be a good and last question just thoughts on the course and how it obviously suits your game well yeah it’s nice I mean especially when I’m driving it well it it makes a lot of Birdie opportunities uh I think I’m doing pretty well in the past fives and that’s probably where all my most of my scoring is so uh yeah it’s it’s soft enough where you can you know be pretty aggressive as well which is great and uh yeah it’s fun I mean it’s a great course I like it it’s all I need thank you thank you

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