Golf Players

The PGA Tour and LIV Golf Merger

The PGA Tour and LIV Golf Merger | Dylan Frittelli

Two massive corporations want to dominate the space, but will they join forces to become one?

“We are nowhere, there are no goals for either party to come together” says Dylan Frittelli

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#pga #livgolf #merge #breakingnews #golf #golflife

the live T at PJ where are we with the merger because it’s we are nowhere we are right when we say we don’t know what else on this might be a hot take but and I don’t know if PJ to might edit this out if we ask them but I don’t think there are any goals for either party really on both sides to come together and form anything it’s just the egos are too big the the plans are too far apart I don’t see a merging of any kind happening I think it was just a stop gapff as they stay in America it’s just something to tick the box and we appeared in Congress and we’ve ticked all the boxes now you got to understand two massive corporations they want their best interests to be at the four and they want to dominate the space so Jay’s doing his thing Liv and the guys there are doing their thing I don’t think there’s any goals for them to come together and then the DP to is sitting in the middle there like yeah what’s going on guys we we don’t know they don’t have any sort of skin in the game so they can’t do too much but I don’t think we’re going to see any kind of merging for the next 2 years I think it’s going to take time guys are talking about it now obviously oh is this are we going to let guys back in on the PJ tour how’s it going to work out eventually they’ll have to do something because maybe the ratings are dipping there’s not that much interest and now they need to drum up some more excitement or drama but on the business side I think the PJ T has got what they wanted they’ve got a valuation now multiple billions of dollars valuation they look at live and they say if we’re doing a true merger here along business terms where’s your value what do you have they say oh no we’re multibillion you can’t prove that you don’t have investors you don’t have the money behind you you’ve just got a fund that you’re drawing money from so I think that was a PJ tours play to just kind of blow them out of the water with this huge valuation live what your valuation we need to merge on terms you guys are not going to get a big piece of the pie I think that’s their goal so I I feel like Rory’s train training towards live at the moment the way he’s handled everything do you think that’s a possibility there’s rumors he great you know me I’ve never been one for locker room talk or theories or anything I like conspiracy theories when it comes to like Espionage and governments and business but in my own game it’s a lot simpler than people you can write stories and stuff guy’s free to change his mind if Rory wants to go play on live he can go play on live like he has that right he has that ability but when you look at his balance sheet I don’t think it’ll ever happen when his sponsors are corporate America yes sort of Northeast yes Bankers Finance that’s his that’s his frame of reference that’s who he hangs out with those are the people that he knows so for him to turn his back on those guys would be pretty silly unless those guys are also in the live landscape and he still has buddies there then he’ll do it but bottom line he’s not going to forsake hundreds of millions of dollars to go and play somewhere else I don’t see that happening unless the oil money comes in W even if the money’s there he’s burning relationships he’s burning friends he’s burning I mean he has kids like children are going to grow up and he wants an environment for them to grow up in I don’t see him making that decision there’s a lot more to it than just money and schedule for a guy like that for me it’s kind of simple it’s money schedule where I’m going to play but for him it’s all his friends his frame of reference his media profile so it’s a lot more difficult let’s let’s let’s see how this picture gets painted let’s see how this picture get painted the bigger thing would be is him pushing the agenda and trying to get those friends of his to merge with live to create something else he has the power to do something as we’ve seen he’s been in all these talks he’s been at the table now he’s sort of taking a step back but he still has a lot of power

1 Comment

  1. What’s the point of this post? Its all speculative zero substance. At least describe the landscape on the table and see who holds the best cards. Even from an arm chair here, its clear that the PGAT is the one scrambling because all this talk of new investors PIF and other heavy hitters have not yet formalized the new PGAT enterprise, where the players will have equity share. Its still a proposal and that’s what they’re bringing to the table as if its already carved in stone and a going concern. LIV is going into their 4th year and obviously the money they are drawing from seems bottomless and my guess is they’ve anticipated a 10, 15, 20 year outlook. The PGAT cannot go $ vs $ with them for that long. Their business model relies heavily on the stars that are now divided into 2 tours. If the LIV players continue to have a representative winning a major, that just adds more attention and exposure to their tour. Meanwhile the PGAT is panicking and announced that Tiger will be playing on a sponsor’s exemption to attract ticket sales. That’s not a business plan, just a desperate attempt to delay the inevitable.

    There is only one solution for the PGAT to remain in the fight, lift the ban on players and allow them to play their tournaments. It should have been that way to begin with because of a simple fact that they could not see past their nose, it cost LIV billions to get star players to play their tour while at the PGAT, it cost them zero to appear. Net result, the stars will still play their favorite tournaments and the ticket sales will better than what it is today.

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