The BEST Mid Handicap Golf Clubs Of 2024 – HE BOUGHT THEM?!

Playing Golf With A Mid Handicap DREAM SECOND HAND SET!

water right trees left dog leg left long long apart from that easy watch me top this oh oh no you hate to see it you hate to see it we thought we said play draws well we these could be the best secondhand mid- handicap golf clubs on the planet and today we are putting them to the tag at one of the world’s most difficult golf courses Brett how are you I’m excited are you right I’m going to get straight to it here this means a lot guys we playing at The Glorious Gloria Golf Resort here in antalia BC that is the only descriptive way I can go with it more on that later but these are from our friends at golf CL for cash aren’t they they are um I’ll put a link to the video of where we went and bought them because we had a really good time around their shop in Warrington but we’ll go through these as we go guys we’re going to have a handful of holes here at Gloria go and we’re going to see exactly I’m going to use them as well we going to have a bit of match play excited do you want to lead us off ready when you are right what are we saying here on this opener par five dog leg left I think and these trees are so brutal if you clip one it just goes doesn’t it yeah did you uh did you rang finder it yes so bunkers two bunkers 315 to run out straightforward 274 right away we go how many shots you getting we Haven looked at a card for that have we we haven’t you’re a 12 handicap are you 12 handicap let’s get that card one minute I do that now yeah I want to know I definitely want to know group behind us and stuff but I get a shot on four rolls of the five four of the [Laughter] five I think you’re W under for the day already aren’t you as well yeah one under that’s poor planning from myself that is perfect as well you know I’m really pleased for you because it’s good to see secondhand clubs really doing the business that’s unbelievable he brought a buzz bat to playing golf as well actually that’s what that’s what yeah helps I can’t believe you did you try and go over that trick uh no trying to just draw it just front right or it to be fair like that first all but yeah that’s position you’re there for none and that’s position a pressure is on pal that Gap looks Tighter and Tighter yeah it does when you see one it Fairway shot two good I forgot how good the stealth 2 is you know oh that’s 40 past him as well that’s 40 past him so with the driver right you went for the stealth to was a little bit cheaper than the qi1 still got the adjustability and it’s in your your setting as well in that draw setting what made you go with that well one of those big things were budget weren’t it so we had to keep on budget to start with um and we sort of looked and kind of said what would we like to spend most money with and we kind of looked at how many times you get a drive run around didn’t we so what if if we count up today what’s it going to be eight times well that’s the thing and realistically the money you’ve saved going second hand brings you somewhere like here you can actually enjoy yourself as well definitely yeah um it keeps your budget open to everything and to be fair like I think it’d be nice to maybe have a look at that c tendency how how much difference for spending that extra2 200 it actually gave me but at minute compared to what I had I mean that drive under the pressure of our first this bush here yeah you here but yeah um I had the M3 obviously and there I would have picked a driver out I’d have slipped a three-wood and just dropped I I kind of put the driver in your hand thinking you’d hit it you probably shouldn’t have hit it no it’s an iron realistically isn’t it but that’s two fantastic drives from us it might be 60 yards oh he’s not it might it might be 601 it it might be 60 of your steps that’s 15 yards for anybody else oh he’s got blonde hair by the way I’ll just use this MP just get faway what we got flags up on the left it’s a very very difficult hole to kick things off on can sort of see why you’ve got a shot 290 yeah it’s a long way in it is it three or is it a layup with one of the I think I’m just going to lay up with an iron I think see if we can find there’s no point risking it is there with shot no 175 to that bunker up right we’ve still got a shot so I reckon straight over this bun we have seven let’s go six try and get up there a little bit if we if we miss right we’re in trouble you might as well hit five really but I’m up there so I might have a chance if I’m like 250 have will go with the three wood or the five wood to it that’s a great strike just draw in nicely yeah perfect nice shot I’m hoping that’s going to be too close perfect right I’ve got 252 I’m going to go with this I’m not sure what exactly you I mean you went for this cuz of the shaft realistically what’s under the head cover let’s have look and show them exactly so we kept on top it really we drive didn’t we a little bit it’s the three W it’s the titanium version with that 50 g over weight I can e all of this to get up there you know I forget how good these looked as well awesome for the price yeah it stay there stay there it’s okay it’s just out to the right in it safe as saw that going a little bit lower and more penetrating but I’m not blaming the clubs I’m blaming the fact I’m ging four shots open five ons you planned that I said should we start this match now oh yeah let now yeah that’s what you get from our are we are we definitely what yeah yeah 511 don’t get got 117 1 and 7 90% in it oh could have show crashing that bun I was looking this course is very very tight and very very difficult where’ you go is it time yeah is it so there’s a there’s a special Club in the bag is what we’ll say and it’s a club that I think more golfers could potentially try and it’s certainly not that it’s not the Glide 4.0 is it she’s tucked under a little bit but she’s uh I got some stick for this last time it come out yeah a lot of people said just use a seven iron yeah yeah how like this right you can see mine’s just over there on the ledge I’m not really got much of advantage to be honest to go at that flag and Brett’s got this here for one got the weapon out oh dear he duffed it though didn’t work but it’s took a nice kick though we’ll deal with that yeah I was kind of hoping it was bunker bound but it wasn’t I mean to be hon worst case scenario with a wedge is like it’s it’s there isn’t it yeah or it’s I tend to like thin it so much as well that that have just shot straight through that green and it’ have been in a lot of trouble and this is kind of what we’ve tried to do with these we’ve tried to make it so that Brett can play better Golf and just kind of not make silly mistakes like to be honest if you don’t make any silly mistakes in this video you should absolutely batter me yeah definitely especially a shot on four out of five that was I was meaning I’m just backing that up for you pal I was just keep defitely you didn’t have to be so yeah just keep should definitely it worked last time and I hope everyone’s seen that I am one up so you’re not one up that was a practice match I’m one up that video hasen’t even gone out I bet no right it might not go out he’s definitely going out I’m going to go he definitely I’m going to go with the Cleveland RTX I don’t think it’s going out he definitely going out I think I reckon they want to see it no Bobby said there was a problem in the edit no no no no they definitely want to see Bobby said there was an issue right I’ll speak to Bobby can I get a nice low checky one over that bunker check sit sit sit great shot I thought I H that far too hard that was a bit of an aggressive shout and I apologize for anyone listening with headphones on it’s competitive that’s what it is but this means more competitive I was kind of hoping that Brett was going to get the chipper out again here but we we’ve played a couple of holes here at glor already today I filed filmed a couple of videos we’re here thanks to the guys at golf makes travel so huge thanks to them for sorting us out if you want to get out to analia B make sure you do check the guys at golf makes travel out he’s got putter out really pleased I’ve St mine fairly close just make him think about it could be three putut territory the camera works pretty good and that’s still going we’ll have a bit of that now the putter really needs no introduction this I’m incredibly jealous of and to be honest might have to wrestle it back off him it’s of course the Scotty Cameron Newport it’s from an area where the Scotty Camerons I think were at the best we’ve got the super stroke grip on it as well it was an awesome little fan Robinson that’s what that was yeah it was for £249 he’s taking it seriously lining it up yeah because you you give me absolute pelters if I lose I thought that gone well I did as well get in this for the is this for the half uh for five is it five net four yeah it is you’re right I honestly thought B slipped by taking it a bit serious mate taking your time well you know they were a big celebration they theyve just got to slow it down it’s like ride a cup slow them down there it’s simmer oh it to hard mil well jeez that’s one down that’s terrible pick idea that could be a double let’s pick that up chipper that’s ter terrible all right one up nice shoes though they’re lovely them aren’t they I know you my socks as well yeah yeah right 400 yard again I mean just incredibly tight I’m going to I’m going to go drive stick yeah I’m are we playing a rule kind on T we you same same bat or what you want that what we’re saying yeah right this is BR lik to make rules he goes along even on par 3es I it further than you so I’ll just have to turn it down yeah is that a thing are we backing that thing if you want it to be a thing I whatever you want to be a thing be an idea for you like yeah I think here it’s at that tree with a bit of fade isn’t it but the thing is the trees come in at such a height that that’s where your ball would be don’t they they’re just perfect for catching them aren’t they they’re like little Nets in air yeah they are get up oh dear that was one of them Nets yeah dropped down yeah it’s dropped down yeah that was a horrible left one yeah yeah oh dear shot here or yes yeah that just caught that one unfortunately that is an absolute Beauty as well that’s a great Drive Bret Cooper stop it we’re clapping up I haven’t seen you hit a driver that well ever Under Pressure I like the pressure yeah love the pressure on the hair hair I I’ll get grief again for this right we’ve found mine it’s it’s not lying too bad but it’s 199 yards away I bet I’ve only got 100 left I bet you probably have to be honest it just I mean I’m looking they can get stuck up there actually so yeah yeah no you’ve done well have any what you don’t have you don’t have a hybrid which I find I could never h an hybrid yeah I find it strange you’ve got the Udi driving I I like that yeah but I need to re it cuz 190 199 200 yards I need to either hit a big draw or go over over that tree it’s the trees are so well placed here AR they good aren’t they yeah get there we five try get drawing round we have let the group through behind but the we shouldn’t have done no we’ve made a bit of M we’ve now bed the whole course I’m actually thinking five probably gets over that tree anyway from all the way back here probably a good time to talk I now we are waiting I don’t know why we we were so English yeah I’m even sting Boogie cuz we’re kind of like yeah there’s a group behind us now so it looks like we’re proper backing it up but uh you got a bit of stick for these as well 0311 T’s cuz they’re the T version but still Hollow bod still a bit behind them is’t they yeah yeah there as well T True Temper elevates I love the pxg grips as well awesome really like them everything about it yeah four to wedge them aren’t they yeah including a gap wedge oh the old the old G is she yeah come on James one up this goes on the green and you’re under pressure cuz you’re terrible with your wedges um I I’m Happy from that distance though if it’s a full shot I’m all right yeah wind off left do I go left at tree and cut it no there’s another tree short the green isn’t it actually yeah there is yeah you just tried to cut last one as well and caught one of these nets yeah when you one up though you’re mentioning that a lot pressure is on now though yeah it’s a great effort you know I’ve not struck that either if up there yeah it is it’s on though you’ve said that about these haven’t you how forgiving they are 100% of when I read comments last time about that we’ made a mistake and stuff I I was surprised actually when we used them at how forgiving the war compared to what everybody thought I can’t believe that just it still goes I’ve got the the last set of clubs were ap2s and I would go as far of saying the more forgiving than the P oh yeah where you where’s your is it you up here yes M yeah oh you’re further up yeah wow that’s why I said I’ve definitely put 90 on you that is it’s on quite frankly a ridiculous t-shot bang smack in the middle that’s best one I’ve it with that since uh walking out of the shop well have you got 80 yeah 80 yard I can’t see man it’s over that Ridge but I think it should be on the green yeah I think I can just see it to the back of the green right here for none you are here for none look at the wedge in a second oh he do really good as well I thought it might have gone chipper there yeah some spin on it as well that’s lovely little bit long got a little slightly thin I would you might have gone chipper but you’ve gone with the Glide 4.0 you said they wide bounce didn’t we we did yeah the only one thing I’ll struggle with this and you laughed at me last time is I’m not a fan of that extra long grip yeah I like it it helps you take it down I can’t seem to get me hands in position but you don’t have to you don’t have to have it down there like a little if you want it yeah I like could spend 12 quid and put most Compound on it yeah I think that’s what it needs to be fair for me I mean you a good one there yeah we’ll take that there for one there for one Rob’s Under Pressure he could be back all square here probably will be so James isn’t back right James is actually just shy of flag High yeah I’ve got a nice little Ridge to contend with we have another person behind us now I feel like we’ve let the group through but like they all stand there with the hands on the hips until you let them through and then they slow down we’re being slowed down now by the group we’ve let through could do it finding one here this is a big p it is a big p I actually thought I were a little bit closer than this big for me to be closer from you from yeah well M three times the distance is quite absurd yeah it is yeah rolled it in though she’s still going m still going I’ll give you that and I’ll swap you they are pacy aren’t they they’re very quick yeah they’re they’re nice if this goes in I’m in trouble go go go go go go go go just saw yours you know keep rolling past yeah yeah Cricket I think umpire would have had his arms out for that to be fair I think it would have come back I think it was the line why B let’s not for let’s not forget it’s still on you do you want it out yeah big moment it’s a big put in the match this pal to be fair it is that one it clean us were probably about Lev yeah see if we can get some at singing power again well take time on that one keep going then keep going then oh conceded he’s a gentleman really oh oh that doesn’t happen very often let’s go that does not happen very often cuz we got Barry behind us hands on his hips oh another excuse what about them bands on your wrist how they doing oh that’s annoying like I rushed that a little bit after all that but back to level no shot on the next that could be a game changer sing letting people thr a golf go isn’t it cuz like you do it in the best intentions and then we’ve made it worse haven’t we cuz we wen’t being slow either that’s the thing no we weren’t slow right is it par three next par three no shots this is a big all pal this is huge keep going I feel like I’ve done all the hardware with that five I for that to be that close as well genuine bir chance and then just put a let you down yeah and just going back to how bad a kind of strike it was and you put it inside and it went over the tree yeah yeah like for five to launch that easily with a t out yeah it’s slightly ridiculous but oh this looks G question is is putting t on the of something a selling point yeah absolutely 100% the words Tor and the words Pro are the most overused words and that’s where I think I got a lot of stick for sticking them it bag and I think that’s where everyone jumped on that cost its toe but really forgetting it’s a selling point yeah I agree I agree this looks lovely look at this WOW on a little island on a little island on a little Island right over the bridge onto the island excited about this island aren’t you mate yeah really exit lovely Golf Course is it very very nice huge thanks again to guys golf makes travel for uh helping us out to get on here if you want to check them out and we have exactly 144 playing 142 we’ve got the 9 iron see that’s a bit much what 9 iron too much yeah not a many orber right then holding one I’ve never ever had one so I can’t see it happening today either if it does I’ll CH you in that Lake if if it does I would jump in that Lake myself that’s come straight out of the two that’s not the best strike that needs to go the trees like I heard some Timber there yeah I I can’t make my mind it whe H the wall or at them trees I heard something them yeah it’s right 142 yeah 142 yeah but if that’s gone along Can it have gone along you’re not eating wedge are you with the water I feel like that may be that that storm wall we didn’t see a splash though though so maybe it’s kicked up that’s delightful that’s flag high it’s not it’s short is it you should spin back yeah a little bit it’s dry though it’s dry I would say more than how mine’s maybe wet yeah hit that really nicely you did you did clip that level yeah yeah we’re in trouble wrong hands mate T he’s got his smile back I wonder that is you I I do feel like this is an incredibly difficult Golf Course well for anybody but especially for mid- handicap golf you have to be accurate off the tea because of the trees or you look at the holes we’ve got coming up the all surrounded by water yeah you got to be really accurate you punished aren’t you I’m not sure where yours did go I can’t make me mind up we definitely didn’t see a splash and we but I heard it hit like you did it’s oh see see hit that tree or it’s hit the wall and yeah mine is long oh yeah yeah yeah yours might be wet then struck that lovely yeah mine were very toey yeah a shame wanted to give a h away like that very very disappointing I’m trying not to even look at you oh keep praying that I’m just going to see a ball I’ll grab the putter M all man you a have you got a ball finder second hand go for cash Golf Club cash had some plenty of where he thinks he’s finding that look at this why is he going there with his new shoes on that he’s stolen as well look his new watch on there was he got it no way right we’ve let the group behind through oh what’s he doing he’s in he’s in have you got it yeah in the hazard yeah so what you thinking it would just sat sat at Rock was it so it must have hit the rock then it’s hit rock and just wedged I think yeah right so where you dropping it where we going to play it well it’s like there isn’t it yeah no closer to the hole Yeah drop for two got to have a chance is it dropped twice and then he can place if it rolls back in yeah right we are we’re just going to establish it’s going to roll back in yeah you want want a tea what for what you might as well te up I should have gone that way right how’s it going to get on with this could this be chipper this should be chipper yeah it’s all the way over there is it yeah we’re going to we’re just going to gamble right big one it is a big one this is the third shot quite a difficult undulating green I’m you see I’ve got another difficult put actually yeah if it’s close it’s we’re still in game but let’s see what happens he’s gone AAL I did not anticipate that shot it’s a lovely one we’ll take that nice shot Cooper thank you did you try to hit it that high sorry did you mean to hit it that high yes yeah I was trying to stop a dead I think you would have played a little low one in there but I think if IID have tried that i’ have just I mean short game is your fa isn’t it t to Green T to Green mate is it let’s just have a better put than the last one see you later thank you still got a bit to do here huh you’ve still got a little bit to do here I know yeah I mean these greens are difficult you I proved that on the last hole so you feel you’ve done the hard work and you having great camera angle that you’ve got bro I know shall we move we’re just missing Bobby’s putting over R in wait a minute there just not it again ever no there’s a bit left in there as well there is there is you like I I keep I don’t know I shouldn’t be learning from your shots because yours keep going past don’t they yeah and you you’re panicking yeah it’s just me that started to uh just run him a little bit aggressive you actually played golf haven’t you I’ve just yeah you’re you’re trying to pick up what I’m doing and really actually I’m watching you this is for a four this could be for the half which would bit ridiculous not an easy put again though like we said a little bit to do on here you don’t get many flat puts here oh I thought he had better wait better wait it’s a good five that mate realistically a yeah not happy with that one no not just have to pull in it back to for it yeah to for it pal well that would just a case of using all your shots are required weren it really yeah I just don’t want to leave it short to B that’s one up with two to go up two to play and there’s plenty of water on the right there I can’t you’ve seen it I’ve seen it mate I’ve seen it plenty of trees left as well right that’s one up eighth hole par 4 as you can see uh you can’t see cuz I the Drone with me so I don’t know what I’m talking about but very difficult hole water to the right and this is what we said about silly mistakes isn’t it I mean could you say that t-shot was a silly mistake you’re aiming a long way right yeah I was trying to be fair I wanted I was thinking just middle it green a little drawer off but yeah I made that I brought that water into play more than what it needed to what we going with p was power four yeah let’s go big dog yeah look Marshall Marshall there and Marshall Ms we’ve gone three-wood we don’t think it’s driver here don’t the three Woods prove it oh yeah like goes to the left doesn’t it how tight is that wow really pleased Amo first yeah it’s definitely three would it could even be two I am we’ve let another group through and then we’re waiting again right you like yeah we’ve we’ve they fly behind you don’t they they’ve not done bad them actually oh they are they SL trees aren’t they yeah do you think at that white flag with some draw you see the white flag on the right yeah I don’t think you could play cut off these trees cuz you saw that last all uh all before you caught them didn’t you stroke one the hardest on the course it it does look difficult this as well very tough water right trees left dog leg left long long apart from that easy do you want to PL in there so I put a plus into it yeah sun’s out yeah there’s that oh come on right I’m going out the flag bit of draw oh they’re coming out James bug is moving right do you think you’re good there yeah it’s safe there’s a lot to do there that’s a long shot in that’s a brave man that speaks before he tees off on this hole I didn’t expect you go in that far right one down with two to go it isn’t took wind a little bit here as well yeah I know I felt it when I stood there I wondered why it only went as far as a pitching wedge watch me top this oh oh no oh dear you hate to see it you hate to see it we thought we said play draws well we he’s h on the water he’s not looking at us he’s not even looking at us this has got interesting yeah very interesting this might get me back in game it might do what we have def hello what do you fans say very good now you’re here oh effers beer please what time is it time for a beer holiday it yeah in the wilderness a cucumber I sand free that I can’t believe that oh here we go oh that’s fine I mean it’s far from fine the green is there Green’s there no it’s not it is that’s the next to you do oh is let get rid of me cucumber God it looks like uh thing you be hand this yeah it does come on let’s go never mind your sandwich sleep sandwich could all be over here right what we saying oh lovely Gap there where try and get a bit of draw is that the green no it’s there I think I just need to come out of here it might be chipper I have got a seven in hand just to keep it under it’s a tough one cuz you’ve got a really short window to go out and then if you run out you’re in the water yeah and literally even if I Duff this I think it could be a good shot what we saying yeah that weren’t good even if I D this I think it could be a good shot right it’s going to have to be hero time that was terrible come on no time for that as a group another group through he’s raging oh you can know you can just about get on from here though that’s your shotgun anyway I’ve never let as many groups from my life people are fast here I think we just keep going now yeah nice big draw off the water into the wind yeah game over this I tell you what he’s played one he’s played one needs to get up it’s come behind that tree has it nice shot just shot I think we got to put see that there lovely shot right in a strange tur events my Ball’s way back here that’s not going very far is it you know what I did hit that good as well oh this is a long way in this is a long way wind as well yeah it’s 200 on the nose again into the wind I’m going to go four This Time come on James put him to the sword here and now this is when you kind of kick in to be fair don’t wait just do it game time down the stretch great shot yeah great great shot great shot sir i’ like to thank the teddy bear ham those Island are unbelievable I think value for MoneyWise you got a really really good set it’s by no means a cheap set and that’s not what this whole series is supposed to be around guys we’re going to have quite a few matches out here as well so we’re going to extend them and have kind of nine holes and stuff like that um what are you you there three for two and I’m there for two yeah on even still if a whole that point it could be game over it’d be an incredible birdie as well can we just assess how good a for K speak how good a four that was how do you feel that’s tiger at Firestone I was just going to say that’s been shot at there so far hey that takes it away from our drive how’ you a dri shot of the day not chipper no oh you know what if if we win on here I’ll open the beer are yeah yeah what’s left two to play one up two to play yeah including this one ah so if I win this it’s uh it’s not water front all over again this has got to be something like NE it down close a you yeah I’ve got to put the pressure on yeah as suris as you’re not chipping it actually try and get it a bit no to say how much I love that putter I puted quite frankly terrible with it yeah you’ve not put a good with it I think it definitely suits me a bit better that’s not come through that Fringe out I thought it were going to no it’s always a difficult one when you do that though I mean you’ve got I think it might still be you definitely thing is with that putter as well cuz I do think it was the I do think it was one of the best Putters Scot CER ever made but that soft insert does take a bit more getting used to it is still you it is so if this doesn’t go in I’ve got two for the match that’s transpired rather quickly hasn’t it it has yeah it’s big turn of events yeah it’s funny cuz he was even practicing his goal swing last night at the Disco with a laser pen of all things how good were that for I am I have to tell the guys at phc when I’m over at the headquarters next week yeah you bu a PL video yeah look at me slid by as well it slid by come on then two for it see what you can do thank you sir quite difficult greens to read aren’t they yeah great some bird that isn’t it yeah great bird of that you deserve to win it with that one I’ll give you that today well done well done sir


  1. I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn from such a diverse group of individuals. It's broadened my horizons in ways I never thought possible.🌺

  2. The level of engagement in this thread is truly impressive. It's clear that this topic resonates deeply with everyone here.💝

  3. Witnessing the empathy and understanding displayed by members of this community is truly heartwarming. It's a beacon of hope in a sometimes turbulent world.👅

  4. Own the same 2.5 newport with a 2.0 pistol superstroke grip ….but dont use it anymore ….its a brilliant putter but i switched to a blacked out ping tine 4 and have putted the best i ever have in my 20 plus years of playing golf ….with the ping …. but i will always have the scotty on back up

  5. Can’t use a company called parsons xtreme golf. Sorry but did a 9 year old come up with that? I’m xtreme. Sounds something that trump would come up with 🤣🤣

  6. Beautiful golf course. I believe Brett was probably a very good athlete at most everything as a teen. He plays really well at 12 hcp, and makes for a fun round. I always enjoy the videos you film with your mates, James. Well done, Brett.

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