Golf Players

LIV Lessons: Pat Perez – Chapter 1 | Attack the Driving Range Like a Pro

In this LIV Lesson, 4Aces GC fan favorite Pat Perez shows you how to best utilize your time on the driving range and get the most out of your practice sessions. Catch the rest of Pat Perez’s LIV Lessons exclusively on LIVGolf+

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I’m Pat Perez member of the 48 GC welcome to my live [Music] lessons I don’t teach so I couldn’t even tell you I mean the bottom line they don’t get lessons or help then they’re waste their time anyway that’s that’s that’s what you should tell them I don’t want to even help them I didn’t fing ask to sit down here I don’t remember lessons being in the goddamn contract my job is to play not teach you literally have to practice there’s no like like magic sauce to it you actually have to put in time this this game is so hard this game is not a game where you can just play once a week and think you’re going to shoot you know 65 so you got to put in time and you will see results oh that hurts that’s what you get for not warming up coming up on 48 uh basically next month the game’s a little bit harder for me than it was when I was 25 but you know I can still compete but it takes you know about 30 minutes longer to start getting warmed up just getting the body moving and stuff like that I’m going to show you how to maximize the time that you have to get better with your game so lesson one is about the driving range I get out early I’m I’m one me and Charles how I think are the first two on the on the Range every tournament you as I’ve gotten older I need to hit more balls you know I I used to wake out of bed and hung over 23 good roll that that doesn’t happen anymore so but you know I I take it I take it real serious now and I’m like if I’m going to do this I might as well give it the full effort I can especially for the team aspect as well you know just because I’m older doesn’t mean I can’t give everything I have now you know I might not beat everybody but you know it’s not going to be because I’m not putting the work in when you get to driving range I I hit a bunch of wedges all three of those for a good amount of time to find a rhythm and they’re also trying to hit a certain distance I’ll hit my L wedge for probably you know 60 70 balls just hitting kind of chips and then I’ll get to a 30 yard 50 yard 70 yard and I’ll hit some full ones and I’ll get to The Sand Wedge and you know I’ll start about 90 and 110 and then stretch out to about 120 but I’ll do that for you know a good 40 minutes you I’ll hit I’ll hit some to you know this is my sandwich I should get the old wed but um yeah I’m just trying to hit little things like that and you know based on wind or whatever’s going on I’ll just you know that’s a little farther there but I’ll just kind of I’ll hit some more shots and I’m like I said I’m just trying to get kind of moving and then I’ll some days I’ll go 9753 and sometimes they’ll go uh you know wedge 8 6 4 most people don’t like to hit a three iron or some people don’t like to hit whatever and but they’ll never hit it on the Range they don’t want to hit a five iron 40 times on the Range because it’s either too much work or they don’t hit it well but eventually you’re going to have to hit it if you want to put the time in and you want to you know practice and and go to the chip and green and you know hit five irons and and you know stuff like that then you will get better but if you don’t then you literally have to lower your expectations in this game because it’s just not easy most amers struggle between 30 to 75 yards you know if you can’t hit a ball 30 yards consistently then it’s going to be harder to hit it 200 yards so the pin you’re going to so uh I hit a lot of wedges I try to find a routine make sure I’m hitting solid and then I’ll move up you know slowly in clubs and then all the way till I get to the driver I’m doing nothing more than just trying to you know kind of get loose and and find a rhythm and find the center of the face make sure I’m making the right motion cuz if I can make the right motion enough times on the Range then I can take it to the course okay so I got seven AR if you can get to the course and spend at least 15 straight minutes you’re going to see immediate results if you have more time to do it your results will get better if you can’t hit it here you’re not going to be able to hit it there if you never practice with it it’s it’s never get to easier that’s what I tell people I said you have to practice things that you’re not good at in this game to get better you know I mean the people I play with they show up they go to the bar they have two drinks make three swings and we go to tea and they just accept that they’re going to shoot what they shoot so that’s it’s it’s good it’s not like I can’t believe I don’t shoot 68 well you know why you don’t shoot 68 you know you don’t ever spend any time in range you don’t even know where the putting green is you know you know where the bar is and that’s that’s fine believe me that’s that’s I love that but they don’t expect to go out and shoot 68 every day they have fun they don’t they pick up five Footers and and that’s what it is so but for the average guy if you I mean I said th if you really want to get better you just have to work that and there’s no other way around this game than doing that people go out and don’t take lessons they just hit balls thinking that the game’s going to somehow find them it just doesn’t work I played with thousands and thousands of people in Pro AMS and like give me something bro don’t have any I don’t I don’t have anything and the worst thing you can actually do is try to teach somebody on the course now they really don’t care where the ball is going cuz they’re trying something new and then actually trying to play is is gone so the misses lately with this action it could be two things it can be a pull draw or if the face if I if I keep the face open too much it’ll just kind of hit like a straight right push that’ll just fall much shorter than the other two shots so if I’m going that that tree in the red so that was a little left it was a that was kind of a straight to me that’s the straight pull a little bit so it’s not enough under to get it out to the right so the face was good but it’s a little over and the face match the path which just makes it kind of go straight so that shows me that I need to get it more out to the right the ball tells you everything the track B and all that stuff is one thing the ball ball will tell you everything you need to know try to get a little more out to the right and that started more in line overdrew a little bit so you know probably could have got a little more under but not bad when I get done with the round whether it’s good or bad CLA and I go through it and okay where was the Miss if it’s a two-way miss a two-way Miss is if you’re missing a left and right so if you’re missing right Fairway One D left Fairway the next hole right fo the next F left fo that’s a two-way mess if you have a constant mess like if it’s straight right or straight left or hooks it’s an easier fix than the two-way mess never hit this club so I actually don’t know what it does so you can tell by the Fay the face got open that’s what it does so step one identify what your misses if you have a constant Miss whether it’s a hook or a slice or you top it or whatever it is so you have to actually analyze what you’re doing not just oh man I shot 100 you know I’m go to the bar and hopefully it’ll turn around tomor it doesn’t work that way and that’s why you have to get somebody to help you fix it you know that’s why Claude is one of the best teachers in the world cuz he can see that right away you know you have to it’s hard that’s why I pay him a fortune all right so we’re into a fivewood here now you know when I get to this point I’m pretty warm by now and I’m trying to hit that shot and I’m really focusing on what I’m doing now I’ll get the range really early I’ll I’ll be on the Range 2 hours before we play and I’ll hit a bunch of shots and if we get it grooved then you know about 58 swings so you can figure out what I’m doing then I’ll work on that for the rest of the night until I can bring it back the next morning and if it’s not going great if I can’t really find it then I have to find I got to find a swing or something that I can go with that day it may not be great I might be hitting cuts it may not be going where I wanted to but I got to figure out a way to keep it forward if I if I can make the swing I’m not afraid of a shot I’m not afraid of hitting you know a three iron over water or whatever it is what it is professional golf if you’re going to beat somebody you have to hit shots and you can’t shy away from I don’t want to take that on there too much challenge the other guy is you know the other guys are that’s where you know we the way the golf game is today with the younger kids all stuff they have no fear they don’t they don’t worry about consequence they have no fear they got their foot on the pedal they’re hitting a mile there’s not a flag on the green they’re not going to go after so you know I’ve had to change my mindset that you know that that’s that’s how I got to play yeah know I’ve I’ve you know cuz I’ve lost probably 30 lbs in the last year from working out and doing all that stuff to try to get one stay healthy which is the biggest thing for me so I can actually stay out here long enough and play and be competitive but I just feel better I want to stay longer anyway my kids are only 5 and two so I had I had different [Music] motivations H that’s tight old and the most amers they they don’t get better cuz they don’t practice but they also don’t practice it’s just literally for practice bro I mean it’s they just don’t they just don’t work on it I mean my chip green at ho in the grass is perfect cuz nobody goes over there it’s just what it is if you really want to get better at this game you have to put in time don’t get any easier from there God damn L gets harder see


  1. I won't give a thought on Pat Perez ad to hit a golf golf ball like a pro
    I'd like to know how to hit the ball like Pat Perez!

  2. My goodness, Pat is a realist. Why didn’t I have a true friend like him in my life earlier ? Geez,

  3. Thank you LIV for making this great content! Learned a lot! Please turn this into a series with other players!

  4. This advice is golden. Temptation at the driving range is to grab your driver and start ripping it but this method is excellent all around.

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