Golf Players

2024 High Country Open – Round 3 Part 2 – Fry, Welck, Fish, Higgins


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[Music] and we’re back this time with the final nine holes of the High Country open out here in Sandpoint Idaho we have had a battle between Parker and Chandler for 45 holes now we are going to see the dramatic conclusion I am joined once again by course owner and operator Mr Paul Stiller how we doing thanks for having me on again I’m really looking forward to this I think the backside of this course adds uh the potential for score separation um there’s not going to be any foregone conclusion foregone conclusion until we reach the end of this round very true uh we have hole 10 here an island hole 330 ft you know you said scoring separation this one’s not too difficult to make the island but legitimately poses a two-stroke swing opportunity for players so got to focus up this is a got to get hole for these guys they should have no problem getting this down close to the circle there’s no big dangers of running a putt here this hole though really brings the energy it’s right next to the Beer Garden and kind of like general spectating area that you’ve set up so you know whole 12 tead is here whole 10’s tead you can see the green of whole 11 it’s really a great experience you got the whole Gallery cheering on or J in your on if you miss it excellent shot there yeah fish plays that perfect not too much ground play Chandler looking to do the same I love how flat it is should be a shoeing for most of these guys next year this teapad will be back about 80 or 90 ft oh that’ll add a little more meat on the bone and I don’t think these guys will have a hard time chewing it on it Parker a little bit short catches the tree um does make the island but is going to have a longer putt than the previous two and Noah gets a little lucky and does stay into that right side it’s a kind of a natural disc collector if you’re a little early on the Heiser Parker here again trailing or uh was trailing by three has now made up five throughout the round putting into a headwind doesn’t seem to be any problem for Parker great putt I mean you love that spin putt for the wind honestly it’s the push putts that can get a little tricky but gosh he just rode that right in spin to win Chandler too I mean you know no matter the circumstances I think Chandler’s kind of going to be a treat to be around he’s given it up for Parker he knows a good shot when he sees it Noah bringing it back for par is likely to kind of break up that star frame all righty Chandler match and Parker still maintaining that two-stroke deficit but at least he’s turned it around you know starting two over he’s fought back to two under getting his birdies where he can you see all the chips on these greens uh or this particular green I did not add any mulch to this green we probably had eight or nine stumps ground in there so you have natural WOW chips in that area we had a total of probably 220 or 230 stumps ground on this property caliber the stumps were a little easier to pull over here you just have to hire a big industrial grinder and go for it well it is what it is different soils different trees kind of the way it goes um out of the ground chips and into a little bit more of a natural setting or not natural setting but a lush uh grown in setting here for hole 11 330 ft very straightforward likely the easiest hole on the course maybe with whole 17 but still nothing that you can uh you know drop focus on you got to make a Gap off of the te and a gentle left finish nothing too overstable here on the t- shot fish on the box no oh boy caught one early this hole in the future will be playing more of a high ceiling hole because of the vegetation underneath I like this shot from Chandler committed on the pull through nice and flat excellent yep right up by the basket easy birdie for Chandler Parker wel now looking a match going Quake a little bit pulled over as these trees grow up you’re going to have to throw a slower disc and put it up in the air a little more it’s going to get toyed with in the future with the winds that come through this area I love it it’s kind of a balance between what you let grow and what you chop we know we spent most of the first half talking about all the trees we removed but now we’re talking about how we just need to let this one chill gosh fish has found himself in a very weird position here good approach though took about just under whatever the timer was to find the disc we were out there for a little while Parker now tricky lie but pretty much wide open on that right side yeah good shot almost had a chance at going in too Noah with a line as well you gave it a run it hurts not to birdie this one so fish having this on the bone for par you know he’s not loving it that’s two days in a row or two rounds in a row he’s Bogi this whole PA it’s just kind of crazy and I think that’s what he’s thinking as well got to get the got to get very true so this course I’ve limbed up pretty high because of all the dead Limbs and I know a lot of people think oh it’s got to be tough if if you have lower limbs but I think the shot variety you can play with things being limbed up high can also be a challenge number one it can be healthier for the trees uh the next thing is is it lets more wind through the forest to toy with your disc so if you can control a high shot I really think it’s a skill set that should be showcased um if you can throw a putter High and get it down on spot good on you um that’s why I have things limbed up high if you can showcase that o well Paul speaking of showcasing skills whole 12 this is one that needs plenty of it uh the am pad is a little bit lower and pretty much puts you right at the mouth of the Gap so you’re just shooting at the tunnel the propad up behind it about 50 or 60 ft you got to hit the tunnel hit the the Gap make the tunnel and finish into this green grass Fairway before you are making this pretty nutty left to right approach through very thin tree gaps probably the second hardest demanding shot other than one probably tied with it on the course Chandler after getting that stroke back on the last hole bringing him to a one stroke deficit now looking to get through the Gap does make it the majority of the way through that’s good um is going to have angle up that hill Parker o little pulled over o That’s not great to be down there Noah now looking to show the crowd how it’s done doesn’t almost easier to play from that left side than the right very true actually ooh good good kiss off of a tree for fish but nobody really putting it through the Gap this was a crazy shot we’re down by the basket of 11 no was going Annie into a pretty good spot that fabulous creativity so Parker went boom boom from down here during round one see if he does it again he’s got the juice he mushes those standstill cids you could tell he knew it had the juice to get up there but you know that’s kind of the the the treacherous part with the Fairway you know you got to put it close so that you’re not just winging it at the trees this could be one of those holes where you just want to get it out in the middle to keep yourself in play Chandler is in play about 45 or 50 ft below the basket likely a chance to earn that stroke back Noah kind of just chopping his way up if you take this drive deep against those quaking Aspens on the left it really opens up this hole although it’s a very demanding t- shot get okay all right well he’s making his way up he’s got a chance at the bogey save fish here though left with like three equally tiny gaps nice touch yep finds one like you said if you push that tree line long it really does open it like on this left side none of these f have found that as Parker does an incredibly long jump putt up to the basket Chandler now a chance to tie nah didn’t really ever give it a chance I really like that long jump putt of Parker I’m going to have to try that yeah the walk up run into it almost Noah from 50 hardest he gave it a little let’s go as it left his hand he knew it was in the second and he released it that’s going to push him to plus two obviously not the score he was looking to have given his really really hot round yesterday on caliber but you know hang tight young buck more golf to be played I love the Friendship being displayed in this group their fist bumping and high-fiving each other it’s uh it’s great to see that yeah competitive juices are flowing no doubt but you know you you don’t come to the mountains and the woods to get angry you know it’s about having good time making memories yep and you can never lift yourself up by putting anybody else down so you might as well just be kind-hearted I love it and I love that putt from Noah great shot by Brian gra even better putt by Noah that is going to slide us into really the final stretch of this round can’t wait to see how it plays but United States dis Golf Championship a tournament with history unmatched to the disl world Colin Hanley is on fire talking about giving the CRP show what a performance comp P CL G and B this kid is unbelievable oh my God [Music] all righty thanks to our friends over at Inova and the usdgc can’t wait to see how that tney shapes up again this year but we are not out at the OB riddled wire we are at the woodsy motherload course here at the caliber disc golf property whole 13 par five 610 feet though not your traditional distance on a par five Paul doesn’t seem like it has uh many challenges the first one is just get the disc in play through the challenge and it should be an easy birdie for these guys uh although you can you can really put a pump on it and put yourself in position for an eagle just got to get through that Gap yeah make the Gap that’s the first chore Chandler going Dynasty off the te and unfortunately kicks to you know probably the side to kick to the right side but not where you want to be left side is pretty much a kick a kick a pitch out o speaking of a pitch out I think that’s what we’re going to see a kick into a pitch out for Parker there fish following his line for some reason Noah come on get it through this thing oh he does excellent that’s what you want you just want it out in the middle give yourself another chance yeah this one’s just just all about making progress the 612 isn’t going to kill you it’s just a couple of unique angles that you’re going to have to make that was a smart play by Parker just giving him a shot so fish was about 10 or 15 feet in front of Parker and I think it opened up that little front the forward facing gap for him Chandler now really with an opportunity in the similar position as Parker but one stroke better and that’s going to find a really that nasty right side not where you want to be Parker now nuke in hand oh Parker o maybe maybe a fortunate kick honestly that thing was turning and burning and that at least kicks him back into the middle he’s going to be throwing four oh I like this play I I do too I have not seen that play that makes a lot of sense though mhm he was just a few feet off from spectacular shot man Noah now H doesn’t good oh okay back in the middle I’m going to say Noah has a chance to get strokes on folks here given the play of the rest of our card Parker now pushing it a little bit long he’s going to end up on that shelf kind of in those dead trees up there tricky putt to a tough green and now this is where things went a little arai for Chandler trying to get aggressive with that shot pumps it straight back into the trees as fish does make his way up is going to be in that kind of Parker land kind of funny everybody pushing it up onto this ledge playing it extra safe not trying to shortcut it there’s a fair bit of room coming around that corner but it’s easy to take it wide cu the last thing you want to do is get hooked and not give yourself a chance to make a putt yeah well speaking of last things you want to do and that’s kind of where Chandler was and now he’s going to be pitching up this is his fifth shot going to be pitching up for six so after the t-shot you thought maybe Chandler had a chance now Parker with a chance to flip the script and gain a stroke on Chandler doesn’t quite make the putt but I’ll say given the direction he was putting that’s halfway to a win oh boy okay he got grabbed by something behind him or this very tight I was going to say cliff goes quick oh my God no that looked like one of my putts yeah out of his hand he knew it it’s a scary direction to be putting and he’s frustrated with it good comeback great comeback not the score you’re looking for on a 600t par five taking the six but he just had you left right Army golf kind of the whole way up there Noah looking a match put Noah yeah good putt gains the stroke on fish which is nice but you know still going to be sitting at that neg 8 Mark overall Parker and Chandler with dueling boogies here I think Chandler had a little bit of Jerry Garcia a little bit of Grateful Dead going on and they airpods just trying to just trying to get to a Vibe relax find that Joy [Music] again I love Noah’s form off the tea like I’m obviously not a tall Human by Nature so it’s forms like this its body styles like this that I try to emulate as best as I can like watching Ganon Burr Calvin does nothing to make me a better player watching Noah Emerson guys like Parker um Mason Ford Nicholas anela that’s who I model my game after absolutely a whole 14 par three 408 I love the shape of this hole though kind of has a I wouldn’t say a false Fairway but the bigger Fairway is off to the left side the bigger Gap but once you get down to the green it opens up on the right side so I think naturally you want a shot that goes left to right um what’s the play in your head here uh being a lefty see I go down the left Gap and I am willing to flirt with those trees down near the pin but I do see people commonly going down the middle because there’s nothing after that and it’s direct down to the pin yeah I kind of like these backhand mid-ranges that have that gentle left to right the whole time you know obviously if sidearms your play you’re going to play that but this hole also plays directly into the prominant wind uh so you really can’t tip your disc either way or it’s going to get pinned and have a hard time to come back chanler overturning that Mana but I believe well still have an look this looks good he looks like he’s within Circle yep Falls right down there little bit of tree in the way but Parker has that stabby putt I think he’ll be all right fish just a little bit overturned but we had plenty of Spectators kind of Volunteers in the area everybody helping look for discs so I will say it played real smooth this this course isn’t too hard to find discs on uh it does not have that multi under stored factor that caliber has and uh it keeps you on track most Parts fun little bid there by fish guarded area ah you see Chandler did slide himself into a really tough situation decides to go yeah out and around but yeah he’s frustrated back there Parker Now with an opportunity that’s a that’s a stroke on the field most of the time for this hole sees the opportunity back up to a two-stroke lead for Parker you know Chandler is pretty frustrated there especially given the way Parker played that last hole there was a little bit of opportunity for Chandler now losing a stroke on this one is a maybe an emotionally defeating moment um for Chandler we’ll look to see how the body language does look to see the shoulders with these next four holes I don’t think it’s uh there’s there’s no foregone conclusion there’s plenty of opportunity for um score separation I don’t think the wheels have come off Chandler enough he can bolt one on here and try to get one back yeah I think every oh sweet putt good good action there by Parker as he gains that stroke on Chandler but uh I think everybody has it in their head that there’s a one to two strokes to be had on 18 so if you can just keep it to at least a one or two strokes at most deficit you realistically can catch up there on 18 so whole 15 this is an uphill triple option hole from here you’ve got three different plays to the pin you can throw something faster and stable and push it hard up the right line it gets tighter as the further you go up my play is to get it right around the 186 line and go up the left side although it is more of a turn into the pin if you go up the left side or you’ve got the 7t Gap up the middle yeah kind of reminiscent of whole for or 13 excuse me where it’s um you know really tight Gap off the tea with a baby left break this one’s a little bit shorter than the last hole though good redirect great spot to be Chandler Pathfinder really would like to put this one in the middle of the Fairway I think Parker and Chandler are within a couple hula hoops of each other they’re in good position to go up that right line take advantage of this ah and fish just said out of his hand a meatball into the sky and that’s what you get hacking and clawing his way up still going to be trouble to save the four Chandler ah finds the one little scraggly in the middle of the Fairway both these guys kind of hacking their way up on this one another traditional dis golf hole this looks like a good approach here yeah this one does kind of feel like some of the mesino northern California kind of techy angle shots that uh I mean I kind of grew up not grew up playing but got good playing on Noah a little bit long there for his birdie look and these are you know outside chances at throwing one in for Parker and Chandler but I mean tough angles around trees unlikely to find home with these little long to go for it just keep yourself in there Chandler or opportunities ahead no I I got to say as someone fillm me behind the basket the sound of it ramping off of the top of the basket one of the scariest sounds to hear you know it’s coming at me it’s definitely unique Noah good clean up there on his par wanted the birdie obviously but you know he’s not going to be losing any Strokes to these folks on the card at least Parker just needs to send this steady BL home does you see that sign on the tree there whole 16 I cannot wait to see these guys play it after Chandler cleans it up I gosh might be my favorite hole on the property this next hole on the property was the absolute hardest to build out of both courses it was the hardest to plan to fell the trees to limb yeah it took everything I had I suffered three injuries on this hole took probably close to two years to get it together because of the double fall line going down towards the PIN to keep on track really had to thin this one out slowly so I had the right lines available to me I think if you’re a right-and backhand this right side is the play I think what it takes is a almost an extreme Hiser flip where it starts to work left and then it flips to flat and goes straight to the top of the hill uh I go down the left side being a lefty I’ve birdied it once you can definitely go down that left side and get to the top of the until another demanding shot yeah I think it kind of fits into a theme that we have at this property which is the two Fairways where one is a little bit more straight but maybe the better play might be to throw the other one and Heiser back into the other Fairway like throw the right Gap heis ring back into the left Fairway Parker going large on that right side pretty much right where you want to be maybe there’s a more aggressive approach to to be had but as far as playing the hole that’s about as designed how about this shot though just lacing that left Gap that’s a good position to be in there he’s got options there mhm and that you know he is behind a tree but that’s just Woods Golf you know that’s might be a little too straight no it looks good oh speaking of Woods Golf he is God right on that tree just another 30 ft and you get a lot more leverage on this next shot hopefully that stays in it does look like he did he’s just pitching it up at this point getting into position Noah though chance to get aggressive I really thought oh boy yeah this second shot is really tricky you got a little bit of flat that you’re dealing with right here then in a very aggressive down slide slope tough to play that angle right oh no Parker kicks off and left opening the door for Chandler all righty see if he can capitalize going Pathfinder don’t catch it up a man I would have loved to seen him go passive there and maybe just try and Pitch up to the bottom of the hill Parker forced to just play this sidearm layup as is Chandler they’re just so pinched to that tree line man Chandler’s just in a state right now that looks like a good shot this this is a great approach good clean up yeah as good as you can have it the dot Noah off to the left side of this Fairway and he um not quite all the way but yeah right he’s CLE bad Parker just needs to match Chandler at this point really it is match play coming down these last few holes and he does absolutely no reason to take risk you don’t need to take we saw Chandler hit a long one from down here in round one fish looked over to uh Chandler and said this one’s for you buddy didn’t make it but still a fun moment yeah Noah unfortunately isn’t able to capitalize on the birdie opportunity but uh have a close one here for par a so this green I built up uh with this Lincoln Log structure there’s a lot of brush Down Under that green it’s kind of one of myos is to uh try to hide the pee I’m not sure what type of what it it’s called in biodynamic farming when you dig a big hole and put brush in it it’s a nutrient trap it’s a moisture trap um it’s a good way to get rid of brush organically and uh give something back to the ground so some other Roots can grow into it no I love it I love it I mean just the the ecosystem out here is I mean unbelievable and it I love how in in commune with it you are you know it it really feels like an extension of you out here and and just the TLC the love the knowledge that you possess really is fun it’s been a it’s been a fun learning curve I didn’t know about a lot of things when I started getting into forestry but uh you learn as you go and speaking of forests we are throwing above and through one on this hole 279 not too much distance to be worried about definitely a hole that you are chalking up for birdie um if you’re you know of these players skill level but still some one that you have to maintain a little bit of Focus got to hit the Gap off the T and finish straight with a baby left turn uh these rock structure is just so impressively placed uh obviously not by hand those are big boys Parker going Zone off the T here that’s a good shot in there this hole also will be playing more of a high ceiling over time as the Alders grow in from the bottom making you play a slower disc that’s another good shot right there man I thought we had a ace on our hands there for a second but two likely birdies coming in for Parker and Chandler no fish oh boy I think I know where he is I’ve been there yeah it’s even if you don’t know where he is it ain’t good as a lefty I take the inside line with a fuse uh not many take that I throw it low hopefully it hooks a little left and I just go for an uphill putt fish with absolutely nothing but finds his way to something good job ah fish gosh you know he’s hating the fact that he bogied 11 and 17 maybe the two easiest holes in the [Music] course you see the gallery in the background wanted it for him he was looking to finish strong but unfortunately saddled the par yeah Noah’s putt was just a little bit on the weak side of the chains and that rotation of the spin’s going to walk you out easy par for the two in contention for the win right now Parker and Chandler and look it one hole left they’re battling Chandler’s just going to give it up though he he’s just the consumate professional very much a nice guy can get sad at times but that’s okay we all can get a little sad I think yeah great Sportsman good clean up by the boys here that’s going to be two birdies the par for Noah unfortunate bogey for Andrew but all eyes are on Parker as we have a little bit of a backup on 18 but what a fantastically beautiful challenging tough hole to finish our tournament on a par five 876 ft it’s got straight elements it’s got a slight Landing Zone that you’ve got to hit it’s got a lake there’s a gallery around it’s it’s got everything you want in a finishing hole yes there is no foregone conclusion here there’s no guarantees there’s good chance for score separation you can really go for it or you can just play it safe uh for a par birdie this plays a little soft this is probably a 4.5 par so most of these guys are going to birdy it but you can call it whatever par you want depends how many times you got to throw it to put it in the chains call it a part two three four five six it’s tough and it involves scoring separation we mentioned it earlier as the guys give the ncks to finish up the tournament we mentioned it earlier if you can keep it to one or two at most you still feel alive here I think Chandler you know obviously he’s going for broke he wants to Eagle this but he’s going to take or he’s going to need a maybe a mistake from Parker to make it happen Parker still got good disc on that and is going to have a chance overturned a little bit but it clipped him back into the middle and that’s very important that shot looks really good I love this from Chandler hard flat committed on the angle makes the corner and he’s going to have a shot that’s right where he went in day one mhm Noah putting a move on this one just looking to like make a name for himself just finish strong this is the biggest Fairway on motherload but sometimes the hardest to hit fish was so disappointed in his play the last few holes he says I don’t care I’m throwing a comet on 18 and I’m putting it in the middle there you go that’s just what he did that’s what I do but not with a comet yeah now he is a little bit out of position to get over the green so he’s going to lay ah darn lay up into that Gap unfortunately he catches it he’s going to be pinched no it misses his line but results pretty much exactly where he wanted to he’s in good position attack from there so this is decision time for Parker is he going to get aggressive and try and make the island or make the The Landing zone no that’s a smart play right there put the pressure back on Chandler now Chandler can turn around and park it and put the pressure back on Parker right park it to put the pressure on Parker this looks good Dynasty over the water little bit left little bit all right just outside Circle CC uphill putt for Eagle this could tie it this could tie it now Parker left to think about his approach as these guys over here make their way it was a little 50/50 out of his hand in those reads it’s in bounds though it looks like Parker going Quake to seal the deal okay he’s in good position he’s in good position maybe he’s not the basket and it is horrifyingly scary to finish out tournaments not a great shot from Noah but you know he’s kind of just coasting it in at this point Zone approach here from fish these guys are finishing up but all attention is on the right side of the green as Noah kind of finishes out his tournament Chandler waiting in anticipation if he misses it the tournament’s over you can lay up for the win if you make it you force Parker to make almost 20f footer oh just over the rib give him the blue Mark that’s an eagle okay you might not think a 20-footer is tough folks but time starts to stand still and uh your eyes can play tricks on you when your adrenals are flowing Parker 18 to 20 ft for the win out here in Idaho oh love it snuck it in that left side it wasn’t over till the last putt what more could we ask for absolutely he got it in there Chandler giving it up for the guys oh I love it a lot of times you see everybody wait for the winner to take the last putt but this was not one of those moments that was a must make for the win as these guys are going to finish out their rounds Parker Welk good to see him playing well we saw him pop off last year at DDO didn’t have you know the most success overall as a season but started off this year fantastic in his new adventure with DGA and now just continuing the onslaught with all of these a tiers he’s racking up the wins this year and looking better and better every time we see him play and he’s just playing with confidence right now you could see it in his game hanging out with AB Goose hamus some of the best players in the world it is rubbing off absolutely I’m not too familiar with this game but I’ll surely be following it now yeah and it it’s it’s you build fans you come out to these tournaments where not everybody knows who you are you put on a performance like this huge putts big drives Eagles few of them in there yeah a bit of a sketchy putt coming down the stretch but hey in is in there’s TD Ben giving out the trophy you in the background this is the moment I mean this is what you do it for right you spend all year getting the course ready planning for the tournament and we see Parker wel come up huge with a come from behind win in the final round that was a fantastic round just to see all these folks competing and being happy this is what adds fuel to my fire to keep going and make this uh make both these courses better every time you come back there you see the scores for the tournament we had obviously Parker and Chandler finishing up top but Andrew mared went ham sandwiches on the final round with that 10 down moving him up into a third place finish the Mountain MC Beth though Christian Dietrich friends of mine good friend of the Central Coast program stoked to see him shredding it up to a fourth place finish absolutely fish Dario Ray Shane Anderson Daniel faf who did in fact Eagle hole 13 today just plays himself to a seventh finish Kieran hson Neil Bishop who we had in our first round coverage reigning Champion does find himself into that top 10 and that is going to do it for the play out here at the caliber disc golf facility whether it was motherload whether it was the caliber disc golf course it has been a treat to be out here all weekend long Paul what was it like seeing all these guys seeing us the video folks come out really put on a show at your property uh it’s pretty much a dream come true I love to see this uh level of Talent come out here and push these courses to the limit uh everybody’s enthusiasm and spirit it’s just it’s special there’s no replacing it and uh I love to provide something like this so you can have uh great disc golfers and folks like yourself come out and enjoy it and share it with us it’s been an absolute treat you know the tournament the community out here in North Idaho the just the scenery I mean just the energy out here has been fantastic to soak in all weekend long really I encourage anyone out there if you are thinking about a vacation if you’re a disc golfer if your wife girlfriend partner will put up with you playing a diabolical Woods round walk with you play with you whatever you want Sandpoint Idaho I cannot encourage you enough to get up here great golf great people and really just a memory that I’ll have for the rest of my time being out here so Paul I I really want to thank you and Ben the TD for making this all happen I know there’s so much work that goes into this and we only see one weekend out of the year so thank you for the other 360 days of work you do um I this about all we have here from Idaho but any final words for the tournament oh just thanks for all the supporters out there and the people who believed in us and uh over the years and thanks Central Coast uh disc golf for coming out and spending time with us and seeing what it’s like our pleasure and anything we can do to help in the future sign us up for it uh that is going to do it for us here at Central Coast I want to thank the crew Nick Fink Brian G Ian Anderson and sleepy pants Peter mahrez back home kind of eye in the sky producing it from afar again that is all we have here from Sandpoint Idaho please stay tuned and join us for the 303 open that will be airing very soon out on Central Coast disc golf thanks again cool okay woohoo we did it I only had a couple a couple stutter bugs but you know it’s so easy to run yourself into something and then all of a sudden you’re like and and I I rewatched the uh the first round coverage cuz fish is so good at commentating things roll off his tongue


  1. Phenomenal commentary by Corey and Paul! The little pearls of wisdom about forestry and the course couldn’t of been done better by anyone else.
    Good job fellas!
    Thanks for all your hard work!

  2. amazing coverage and commentary, couldnt be better advertising for these courses as well, definitely wanna make it out here now!

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