Free Webinar: Uncover the Shocking Secret of the Over the Top Miracle Swing!

Ready to elevate your golf game to new heights? 🏌️‍♂️

We’re thrilled to invite you to an exclusive FREE webinar featuring a groundbreaking revelation by our very own Christo Garcia—the man The Golf Channel hired to swing as Ben Hogan’s double.

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Christo has dedicated his career to studying the swings of legends like Bobby Jones, Sam Snead, and Arnold Palmer. During his research, he made a shocking discovery…

The secret?

All these icons utilized an inside and Over the Top motion. Yes, even the great Ben Hogan swung Over the Top! This defies what the golf industry has taught for decades—looping the golf club in the opposite direction.

This revelation is the foundation of Christo’s revolutionary Over the Top Miracle Swing. Hear what golfers are raving about this game-changing technique!

Join us for a FREE webinar where Christo will reveal the 7 Sacred Steps of the Over the Top Miracle Swing. Transform your game and achieve pro-level ball striking.

### Webinar Details:
🗓 Date: June 26th
🕕 Time: 6:00 PM PDT

### Why You Can’t Miss This:

– Transformative Technique: Learn the swing secret of golf’s greatest legends.

– Pro-Level Insights: Master the 7 Sacred Steps with Christo’s expert guidance.

– Exclusive Access: Get tips and tricks that the industry has kept hidden.
We look forward to seeing you at the webinar and helping you unlock your full potential on the golf course!

Best regards,

Christo Garcia

P.S. Can’t make it live? Register anyway, and we’ll send you a recording!
See less – Register here:

dreams don’t work unless you do we’re try so hard in our lives to fit in we try to fit into certain groups certain threats certain sororities you know among certain friends yet the people we idolize are most are the ones that stand out but when you’re prepared there is no fear there is no fear of failure because even if you’ve walked out of something and you feel like you failed added your preparation is so strong that you’re going to take that failure and turn it into the outcome you desire and most people stop at failure okay we’ve all failed at things I’m going to continue to fail at stuff right it’s the most powerful tool you can use but it all depends on how you use it what would your future be like if you decided to to want that which you desire so strongly that It prepares you past your fears that you experience the fear as the one book says Feel the fear and do it anyway life is 10% what happens to you is 90% what you do about it no matter who you are no matter where you are in life you can take the lid off of your job and and if if if you’re wondering if you still have the lead on in your life here also some Clues that’s going to let you know that the lead is still on if you’re not excited about waking up in the morning if you’re sitting around bored out of your mind if you got time to do everything anybody ask you to do you probably got the lid on if when you tell your dreams to all your friends it makes sense to them you got your lid on man your dreams should be should not make sense to everybody you got to say something to make people go how you going to do that that’s when you got the lid off and if I were you I’d do that I’d take the lid off makes sense to me don’t it they’re always going to get ready to get set to get going what we’ve got to do is boom just like that move into action every time you remember your dream you’re removing some dirt you’re digging it back out the true Mark of a champion is even though some dirt gets thrown on your dream instead of letting it get buried you keep shaking it off you keep moving forward you keep looking for a new opportunity you wouldn’t be having that opposition if you didn’t have something great in you if your dream wasn’t alive and on track right on schedule to come to pass you wouldn’t have so many things coming against you that dream is still alive you may have tried a year ago 5 years ago or 40 years ago didn’t work out nobody was there to help help you go back and try again this is your time this is your moment your destiny is calling out to you can I tell you your dream is not dead it’s just not in season your time is coming promotion is coming good breaks are coming promises you’ve been standing on dreams you’ve been praying about lack is not your destiny constantly struggling barely getting by is not the end of your story these light afflictions are for a moment the adversity is temporary the glory is [Music] eternal Lord I believe this is my year to get healthy and whole this is my year to meet the people of my dreams this is my year to go further in my career to step into a new level of my destiny this is my year to accomplish dreams to break free from this depression this is my year to meet the right people this is my year to get healthy and whole this is your year to see double this is your year for Vindication for restoration for New Beginnings now get your mind going in the right direction here’s the secret the people that do the most with their lives the people that seem the most self- assured the ones that seem to embody confidence the ones that seem to Define confidence they’re the ones that had to face down the most fear they simply didn’t linger in it don’t hate your competitors respect your competitors learn from him I had a very important person in my life come to me and say who’s your hero and I said I don’t know I got to think about that give me a couple of weeks I said I thought about it you know who it is I said it’s me in 10 years so I turned 25 10 years later that same person comes to me and goes so are you’re a hero and I was like not even close I said why I said because my hero is me at 35 so you see every day every week every month and every year of my life my Hero’s always 10 years away I’m never going to be a hero I’m not going to pain that I know I’m not that’s just fine with me because that keeps me with somebody to keep on CHAS that’s the thing success and failure are generally slow processes either slowly building things up or gradually tearing them down and that’s why I say you’ve got to pay attention you have to watch you have to watch every single second Choose Love and don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart I believe in uh manifestation I believe in uh putting a rocket of Desire out into the universe and and you get it when you believe it you get it when you believe you have it and that’s the key so we want to get really sensitized acutely sensitized sensory acuity to whether what we’re doing is working or not and by the way sensory acity is really the measure of a person’s intelligence what I mean by that is how do we measure intelligence intelligence is a measure of the number and quality of distinctions you have in a given situation you can handle this you just haven’t figured it out yet it’s all right this is your training period this is the tuition you have to pay for what you don’t know you can do this other people have done it doesn’t take an Einstein get you some people that can teach you some stuff that you don’t know get you some people that have done it successfully and learn from them take some seminars workshops read some books and how to manage a business change the way you see yourself and begin to tend to the personal details understand that nobody’s going to take care of your business better than you you will notice the most successful people in any field they are usually the ones who have failed more than anybody else you see the difference between a successful person and everyone else it’s not a lack of strength it’s not a lack of knowledge it’s a lack of will it’s up to you in a world where we’re taught to look outside for answers for a job that will make us happy for money that will make us happy the answer is within we already have it we already already have the answer but will we unleash it will we give it will we own it will we truly reinvent ourselves to become the people that were capable of becoming the bow too tightly strung is easily broken says one of the Proverbs balance is a gorgeous thing so be monomaniacal in your execution around your high value Target your hvts your mission plan but also build in some rewards that’s going to send a gorgeous message to your conscious and your subconscious mind that hey this daily practice of execution around my deliverables is a beautiful thing and you create this thing called momentum and the monk who sold his Ferrari I went back and I saw this recently I think there’s a whole chapter on momentum and you become like this I love skiing you start off small but as you go down the slope you pick up momentum a lot of people say Robin where do I start I want to start a new business I want to become a better artist I want to find the love of my life I want to be a worldclass creative I want to multiply my financial life where do I start you just start you just start there’s great power in the start and when you start Life Starts supporting well God wants us all to be courageous because he knows we’ll face times in life and situations and circumstances that it takes more than just the desire takes courage many people operate on the basis of fear on the basis of what other people think we as Believers should operate on the basis of courage courage to say no when we ought to say no courage to say yes when we should say yes so what kind of Courage do you have is your are floating between depending on the situation or do you know the difference between right and wrong for your life and you’ve made up your mind hello guys here we go I’d like to thank everybody for coming here today I’m super excited about the over-the-top miracle swing uh I would love to see guys in the comments are you guys coming from I’m just going to let more people trick the thing is I don’t have aign we need somebody okay I think my partner Greg he’s just got a big phone call guys today is a miracle I want to share the miracle that changed my life with you I want you to play the very best golf of your life this is going to be the best season of golf for everybody Allan’s here from Chicago super duper cool we got more and more people coming on board I’m going to go ahead and let everybody kind of uh keep trickling in here and you know what I’m gonna play a short thre minute introduction for what I’m going to be presenting today and then I’m going to get into today’s presentation so let’s go ahead and watch this and I’ll pick it up on the other side in about three minutes God bless you thanks for being here today because I’m going to share a miracle that can change your life forever if you love golf do you believe in Miracle thousands of golfers all around the world are already Believers prepare to dive into the fastest growing movement in golf the over-the-top miracle swing this gamechanging system is the brainchild of golf sensation Crystal Garcia the man who swung as Ben Hogan in the Golf Channel in the Whole Decade I’d been doing my swing Evolution I never once entertained the thought of going over the top most of the greatest golfers in history used over the top swings before modern instructors began spreading new theories on how to swing the club in a sport overwhelmed by modern theories which have left many golfers grappling with swing confusion the original Champions golf swing has resurfaced to rescue golf enthusiasts saving them precious time effort and money most golfers instinctively swing over the top because it creates the most leverage that was easy now they are learning how to swing Ott properly and fix bad over the top Swings with just a couple of tweaks I don’t know what to say I’m speechless but thank you it just looks so easy shot a 69 wow it’s clicked in that’s so this whole inside over the top deal is just makes it so much easier the seven sacred steps of the over-the-top miracle swing is a course specifically designed to end the swing confusion that modern golf instruction has created you just found something in my opinion that was just hidden right underneath our noses and if you just listen to what you’re daring and why it works it makes perfect sense it’s the last swing people are going to try period what are your opinions about uh the modern swing versus the way you were taught the game well I think it’s you know it’s what they do today do I like it no I think it’s harder on the body featuring appearances by gul’s biggest names this video series diss Crystal we of hidden swing secrets into one single comprehensive system I love your swing avoid the new age trap of connection disruption and experience the Vintage power of the original Champions golf swing the amount of emails you were getting from golfers from all across the world and how this was impacting their game and instantly improving their gam I said we have to bring this to the world we have to get this to as many golfers resp avoid the new age trap of connection disruption and experience the Vintage power of the original Champions golf swing get ready to believe in miracles this is the over-the-top miracle swing all right guys so welcome I’m so glad everybody’s here today I want to go ahead and let’s get into my presentation my goal today is to be able to give you a swing that’s repeatable I’m going to give you all seven steps of the miracle swing it’s pretty easy to understand one thing I think is a problem is a lot of people don’t understand how the swing should work naturally when I was growing up nobody ever talked so shall I say in such a complicated manner when it you know people are talking about degrees of laying laying the club off and hand positions and all this stuff the swing should be natural like you’re throwing a ball okay that’s what I believe in my heart so first off I just want to tell you um the format for what I’m going to go through first I’m going to tell you about my journey I was a struggling golfer I was terrible that’s one thing that makes me unique from every other golf instructor on the web I was a martial arts Champion I was a super coordinated person but I couldn’t figure out the golf swing I’m like why is this so hard you see it when you see those Pro celebrity events with all the pro athletes and they can’t play the game then I’m going to explain to you what the miracle is what I figured out and how it changed my life I’m going to give you a little bit of background on all the greatest players in history i’ I’ve worked with Jack Nicholas Gary Player Jim mlan Jackie Burke I’ve worked with all these people and it’s completely changed my life then I’m going to take you through all seven sacred steps this is pretty easy to understand I want you leaving this webinar today with a different picture of how simple the golf swing can be you’re going to be able to create leverage you’re going to be able to compress the golf ball and it can change your life okay if you love golf as much as I have you’ve probably felt frustrated with the game right well I’ve been frustrated for a long time in the game of golf I like I said I’m famous because I rebuilt my swing using Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons book and I wound up swinging as Ben Hogan on the Golf Channel in fact I’m doing an even bigger Ben Hogan project right now where I’m gonna be doubling as Ben Hogan they’re going to put the 3D sensors all over my body and they’re going to have me do my Ott Miracle swing dressed up like Ben Hogan and they’re gonna put Hogan’s face and everything on my body so that’s the miracle it’s like crazy how could a person like me that’s a struggling 90s shooter wind up in a situation where I’m on the Golf Channel I’m on the couch with Jack nickas and Gary Player and companies are hiring me to double as swing as Ben Hogan’s swing so that’s pretty darn remarkable and I just wanted to mention next that I’m gonna do h a little presentation about my teaching that I do my Miracle swing experiences that are very popular and I’d like for everybody just save your questions I’m going to do a Q&A at the end of this presentation and I’m going to try and get through as many questions as I can so that’ll be at the end after I do my presentation now this picture right here I like to share it when we’re at the start okay we’ve got people coming on board this is great this is a picture that’s kind of a funny cartoon and this is going to make a lot of sense in about 5 10 minutes after I go through what I realized about the golf swing that nobody else seems to realize okay so this is a little guy fishing out in the middle of the ocean it looks like he’s standing on a little tiny Island at times I felt like I was on an island in the middle of the ocean while I was trying to figure out how to hit a golf ball okay it’s actually not that difficult now I wanted to give a shout out to squares golf squares thank you so much for presenting this webinar I’m very good friends with the owner and CEO of squares Bob WIS goitz he’s a wonderful friend of mine we’ve been friends for years and I’m Proud to be an ambassador for squares and just to tell you how tight I am with squares you’re probably seeing a ton of great commercials on the Golf Channel on NBC Sports and on the web okay four squares golf shoes and I’m proud to say that squares came to me to write produce cast Direct and edit all the commercials so I’m going to play one of those commercials for you right now just to give you an idea and you’re probably going to see these videos or these commercials on television because they’re just running all the time you guys want to play for some money how much cash you got cuz I’m going to take all of it top tier players expect exceptional performance from the Footwear Square’s patented design delivers power and per performance shot after shot crushed it come on fellas I’m your [Music] fourth good shot we’re in trouble squares the performance golf shoot so guys the thing that’s crazy to me is how could a a guy in his 40s I’m 55 years old now when I started this journey in my 40s I struggled my best rounds of golf were in the 80s breaking 80 was impossible and it wasn’t uncommon for me to shoot over a hundred and even higher it just hurts my soul but in that video you see my friend John levit he played in the 2000 US Open and three senior opens all the other guys are Club Champions and I play with these guys every week and it’s so darn fun yesterday I played golf with a professional golfer that absolutely loves what I’m doing with the miracle swing PGA champion and two-time players champion Steve elkington we went to Maran yesterday and had the funnest round of golf and I’ll tell you how in the world am I playing in a match against Steve elkington now granted I lost 40 bucks to him because he birdied six of the first 13 holes he was on fire but this is this is the stuff golf dreams are made of my golf dreams weren’t 10x they were 100x and that’s not an exaggeration at all it’s absolutely unbelievable what’s happened to me in my life so in this slide right here you can see that my highest score is 126 I shot that when I was 28 years old I just couldn’t couldn’t get the ball in the hole I had Yips through my whole bag I couldn’t break 80 80 was the number I thought man if I could ever break 80 one day I would be okay with myself for the rest of my life okay that was my original Dream it wound up taking me just three months once I started studying the classic swing to break 80 and then I did it 14 times the first year that low round that year was 74 then in three years I broke par now my longest drive at the time was about 250 I was pretty athletic but most of my drives are around 220 230 U on average and I was embarrassed and ashamed of the way I play golf now I want to show you my swing before the miracle swing and I want to show it to you after my miracle s so guys suffice to say if you look at those two golf swings you’re going to see the beginning golfer as someone who was ashamed to be out there on the golf course even though in my heart and soul I love to play play the game of golf but the after golfer is someone who has 30 million views on YouTube I’ve starred in a show on the Golf Channel I’ve got even bigger things on the way and I’ll tell you a story I was working with a friend of mine who is a three-time PGA Tour winner in Europe who came over because he wanted to try and play his way into the US Open the Senior Open he just turned 50 and Michael lunberg is his name and he was telling me he was struggling with his swing a little bit and he was doing this drop it under move and I told him I was like Michael you’re you’re doing this you’re you’re dropping it under you’re tilting back and you’re not able to rotate through the shot and I’ll tell you something Michael went on to play in Barbados he came in third place and he set the US Open or he set the course record at that senior event in Barbados the champ the uh the Euro Champions Tour which is 50 plus he shot 61 and then he set another course record in Greece and guess what he texted me and let me know he played his way into the US Senior Open so he’s getting ready to play in the US your open for the first time ever and I’m so proud of my friend Michael lunberg so let’s go ahead and go to this next slide here now here I am with Jack Nicholas and can you imagine what it’s like to be invited to Jack Nicholas’s house it’s absolutely incredible but what I’ve been doing is trying to bring awareness that the modern swing that most tour players use is very very difficult to learn and it’s not necessarily any better in fact I want you to listen to Jack Nicholas thoughts on the modern golf swing versus the way he swung the golf club what are your opinions about uh the modern swing versus the way you were taught the game well I think it’s you know it’s what they do today do I like it no I think it’s harder on the body today they take the legs out of the swing a lot Ben Hogan was a a flowing motion it was all all from creating uh creating leverage by using coming playing from the ground up and the feet starting the downswing and moving through it and that’s way I was taught that’s why I played today the equipment has allowed them to do different things and I don’t think you have to be quite as athletic today to play to play golf as you did then uh but uh I think if you add athleticism to what you’re doing I think you’ll be it’ll be better players wow so when we talk about athleticism in the swing a lot of golfers are doing an over-the-top motion number one player in the world right now is Scotty Sheffer for the last two years I’ve shown videos on YouTube he takes it inside and goes over the top in transition Victor hland is another amazing golfer with an Ott motion Brooks Kea another five-time major winner with an Ott motion and Matthew Fitzpatrick US Open winner has an inside and over-the-top golf swing so so what is going on it’s just absolutely crazy they’re all doing versions of What I Call The Miracle swing this is the original Champions golf swing so I want you to see some of my students in this little piece right [Music] here was easy do you believe in miracles thousands of golfers all around the world are already Believers I believe in mirle get ready to experience the fastest growing movement in golf brought to you by golf sensation Christo Garcia the man who swung as Ben Hogan on the golf the top 10 winners in the history of the PGA Tour are all over the top swingers you just found something in my opinion that was just hidden right underneath our noses where did you come from today golfers all around the world are finally discovering the truth about the golf SW there we go how does that feel oh thank you it just looks so easy shot of 69 wow it’s clicked in so this whole inside over the tap deal it just makes it so much easier the seven sacred steps of the over-the-top miracle swing is a course specifically designed to end the swing confusion that modern golf instruction has created now’s your chance to join the fastest growing movement in gol get ready to Believe In Miracles by Saving over 50% of the retail price with our pre-sale at Miracles swing you’ll believe in miracles to [Music] too so guys all I have to say is the golf swing does not have to be extremely complicated it’s a simple motion that I believe is you know the Oldtimer had it right it’s just an inside takeaway with a little overthe top motion this is the same motion as when you’re throwing a baseball or a football if you’re serving a ball in tennis the way you swim I believe the shoulder works better in an over motion rather than under everybody’s like doing underhand softball now and I’ve been around long enough I’m 55 years old that I’ve seen fads come and go in the World of Golf and I’m trying to Ring the Alarm Bell for folks that this current trend of all this that gets you tilting backwards it hurts your back it’s just not the way to go it’s it just doesn’t make any sense once I finally figured all of this stuff out so this next part I want to show you I routinely give these weekend golf schools that are called Miracle swing experiences and the thing that’s really fun about these is everybody learns the full Miracle swing before lunchtime okay it literally takes me about three hours to teach everybody the miracle swing and these testimonials literally are before lunch on day one but I want to share some of these testimonials with you because this this is all I have to all I have to say let them speak for me I’m working on the over-the-top Miracle swing look at that look at that yeah I shot a 72 at Balboa and it was easy I feeling good that felt very comfortable right on no pain my clubhous speed was always like 85 and this reading 105 what club is this yeah OT baby every time I watch that video it just makes my heart sore because I have made a promise that God blessed me with the ability to finally play a good golf game be proud of my game now you know what’s happened in my life is absolutely unbelievable that I play these US Open courses I’m friends with all these professional PGA Champions and everything it’s like how could this have happened so I don’t think it’s an accident I’ve been blessed and my promise to you is I want you to experience a miracle I want you to believe your best golf is in front of you because my best golf is in front of me okay and if you guys feel like I do that the way the game is taught today it’s just way too complicated all these positions and everything that everybody has to go through it’s just unnecessary so this right here says it all I want you to look at this golf instruction goes through fast in 45 years I’ve seen a lot of them like single plane stack and tilt and the a swing over the top has stood the test of time now believe it or not I even traced Mo Norman’s famous single plane swing guess what he’s inside and over the top it’s not a true one plane swing a one plane swing is more what they teach today and I’ll tell you it’s just not it’s it’s just too hard I don’t understand why people do it but I want you to watch this this is the top 10 winners in the history of the PGA Tour I’m gonna say this again I’m gonna show you the swings of the top 10 winners in the history of the PJ tour they are all over the top not a single one of them drops it under their back swing plane [Music] sacred step number four is the miracle move this move is going to unlock your Championship potential I’ve found the best way for me to be able to continue to rotate is inside up slightly over down and through the shot this miracle move changed my life life that was as pure as anything I’ve ever hit my life it still freaks me out I can’t believe it works so well hey guys let’s take a look at the top 10 winners in the history of the PGA Tour starting with Tom Watson I figured out the go swing in 1992 I got tired of hitting the ball fat I got tired of hitting the ball out to the right and I said the hell with it I’m going to hit over I’m going to hit over the top of it like this I want that ball to start straight so I changed my golf swing right then and there and it felt like this it felt like that but but what happened it was going here and here like this so if we take a quick look at Tom Watson’s swing we can see that now he is a committed over-the-top swinger next we have Phil Mickelson one of the alltime great and we can see takes it back to the inside and he is also an over-the-top swinger next is the great Walter Hagen inside and over the toop now if we take a look at Billy Casper we’re going to see one of the most underrated players in history with an over-the-top golf swing next is Byron Nelson look at that move Arnold Palmer is another great Champion he is also inside and over the top now my idol Ben Hogan was the one who surprised me the most here we see him inside and over the top Jack Nicholas whom I had the pleasure of interviewing in his home is also inside and over the top now that brings us to the Great Tiger Woods here he is rehearsing his over-the-top move and although he doesn’t have a big over-the-top swing after he hurt his back he made a decided effort to swing more Ott and finally we have the great Sam sne one of the greatest over the top swingers of all time and there you have it the top 10 winners in the history of the PGH War are all overthe toop swingers and the reason why is because the best way to leverage the club is by going over the top so guys the over-the-top golf swing is biomechanically more efficient that’s all there is to it it’s also safer on your back you see these guys like I’m a huge fan of will zalatoris he’s an amazing ball Striker he has such a bright future but I’ll tell you I’m worried about will zalatoris because he’s already having back operations he’s like in his 20s God bless him Walken Neeman an amazing ball Striker I followed him a few weeks ago but I worry about his back it’s it’s dangerous to tilt excessively it puts so much so much force into your lumbar vertebrae it’s not healthy that’s why this little over moove that creates space in your Trail side allows you to get leverage and not hurt your back by by getting into this extreme lateral side Bend so now you guys remember I told you about this little picture Okay the reason I put this picture up is because because this is from a tahan saying standing on a whale fishing for minnows the entire golf industry that teaches how to swing the club is standing on a whale and they’re fishing for minnow they’re worried about these positions Club head outside the hand all this garbage when the simple answers right in front of us you just take it inside and go over the top that’s why I created the over-the-top miracle swing so now I’m going to talk you through the seven sacred steps of the over-the-top miracle swing you’re going to have a complete understanding of why I do what I do it’s very simple to understand and I want you to play the best golf of your life okay so first of all my program that I teach it starts with a simple setup I believe 90% of the golf swing is taken care of before you ever take the club back okay you build it up into your stance you have to understand how to address the ball we don’t want our weight too far on the balls of our feet okay I believe our weight needs to be centered or back towards the heels Ben Hogan said three times in power golf the weight is through the heels in the golf swing and when you look at Ben Hogan’s address position he looks like a snake that’s coiled up and just ready to strike there’s all this this energy that’s built into the body now there’s a difference between movement and action everybody’s teaching movement I teach action okay action is how the muscles work how they how they work in opposition and in concert with one another to be able to create that those vectors of forces that happen at impact okay that’s why all this other stuff is so confusing and it doesn’t get good results okay now the second sacred step is the Deep takeaway what’s the Deep takeaway when I showed you the top 10 winners of the history of the PGA Tour they take the club back to the inside everybody today teaches taking the club head down the line like if you’re standing on two train tracks those worst lesson I ever took was with a PJ professional and he said okay take the club back as if you were standing on train tracks and keep that club head going down the train track as far as possible and then down the train track as far as possible and you can’t do anything but hit a straight shot like that that’s the biggest bunch of BS I ever heard in my life that was the worst golf period ever and I paid for that okay but if you take the club back to the inside the way Roger Dunn taught me it unbelievable because it allows you to coil in the proper way just like if you were a pitcher on a pitcher’s mound right we want to coil into that trail leg now if the club goes back deep to the inside how are you going to put it on plane there’s only one place to go you have to go a little OT it’s not more complicated than that now I’m going to tell you the secret to Sacred step number three is the power shift what I see on the lesson T I’ve been teaching golf for six years what I see is golfers load into their Trail side they have the club at the top up here and this is when they shift they shift as they swing down up and shift as they swing down you’re never going to be be able to time that consistently you will never be able to time that okay if you look at pressure plates on all the PGA professionals once they get to left arm parallel they are shifting I say as you lift you shift now when you’re here that little Ott move all you got to do is rotate around your front hip that’s the biggest problem that I see with golfers is they take it back your arms weigh like 30 pounds right as soon as they drop here people get into this rear tilt and then there’s their low point is way back here you must have lowo control to be able to control your golf ball so that takes me to Sacred step number four which is the miracle move you’ve heard me say it multiple times the miracle move is a reentering move that puts the club on plane with leverage so you can continue the second half of the Swing which is rotation through the ball around to the left up into your finish okay Gary Player told me the most important element of the golf swing that all the professionals he’s known in his whole life from Chi-Chi on down they all rotate okay rotation is the key and I’ll tell you why it’s the key you can’t have forward shaft lean unless you’re rotating okay if you stop rotating and you tilt you can’t keep forward shaft lean you must keep rotating so the handle is leading the club head that’s the only way you can spring the shaft and compress the ball and you can’t keep rotating unless you’re in a biomechanical position so that your shoulders can rotate around your front hip everybody’s stuck on their back hip that’s why everybody plays crappy golf the miracle move gets you in a position so the second half of your swing allows you to rotate around your front leg okay now that takes me to a perfect impact these positions when you get into a proper position you can get forward shaft Ling you can get your body ready to go around this front leg so you can crush the golf ball that’s that’s really all there is to it one of the lessons I teach in sacred step number five is what I call the push pull okay we’re going to be pushing through with our right side my most recent YouTube video is about the right side going through but if you know notice if I I can leave my left shoulder in the same spot and I can move my right shoulder all this way we have to pull with our left side while we’re driving through with the right side and if you’re not in a position where you can continue to rotate you can’t keep leverage on the golf club so that takes me to the next sacred step which is turning the corner you have to be able to turn the corner when you’re swinging the golf club that’s where everybody runs into trouble is because if you notice if I tilt my spine back like this I can’t get around I can’t keep turning okay everybody gets stuck that’s why they stall and flip because there’s no more leverage on the club they end up throwing their hands in the club head at the ball and consequently they just end up bouncing the golf ball off the face of the golf club a good golfer Springs the shaft so the shaft kicks through the ball and that’s what sends that ball flying so if you put me on uh some of this high-tech equipment against another amateur the same size same swing speed our hands May both be moving at 25 miles an hour but I’m going to hit the ball 30 yards farther because I am floating all these vectors of movement at the right moment through the Impact Zone and you can’t do that if you can’t keep rotating I hope this is coming through for you guys now the seventh sacred step is just a free finish okay if you can’t finish in Balance now Scotty Sheffer notwithstanding okay you can go bananas like Scotty or Bubba Watson but preferably it’s easier if you can strike a balance at the finish of your golf swing the way Sam sne Ben Hogan Jack Nicholas these guys they all made it through to a free flowing finish and I’ll tell you a secret right now your misses will disappear the more you start landing and sticking your finish okay Ben Hogan said there’s two Crossroads in the golf swing the the first Crossroad is the trans position from the back swing to the downswing and the second is the finish so think about it if you’re in complete balance as you make your downswing and you arrive in perfect balance at the Finish then you’re doing something that’s super consistent if you’re doing something that’s super consistent and balanced then you can know for sure where your low point is now one of the greatest lessons I learned from Ben Hogan was that you don’t have to do a whole bunch of things correctly there’s just a few things that you have to do correctly and you can play really great golf for me the things that I key on every day when I go out and practice is I make a deep takeaway so that I’m coiled into my trail side I make a great power shift so I’m in a position to go Ott and around up to my finish that’s really all there is to it to the golf swing for me nowadays so that’s why I want to tell you about this is my new video program it’s seven videos and a 24 minute introduction and what’s so wonderful about it I think is that I’ve got appearances from Jack Nicholas Chi-Chi Rodriguez Gary Player Jim mlan Jackie Burke and others I know all the top golf instructors in the world I know David lead better I’m George gas I can go on and on down the line and God bless them all I’ve learned so much from all of them to be honest with you but I still don’t think it has to be more complicated than what I just told you guys you just have to go inside up and over the top okay so if you think about it the miracle swing has more wins than any other swing in history if you continue to go down the list of the top winners in history it’s not until you get pretty far down that you start seeing guys that are doing things like single playing not lifting their lead heel the miracle swing is what I call the original Champions golf swing there’s going to be a movement it’s coming back it’s growing every day and it’s so exciting for me because I think that all the the swing nonsense is finally starting to dissipate a little bit now the miracle swing is easy to learn I love popping in these pictures of my Miracle swing experiences because all these guys come out and they get it they get it so quickly I’m so familiar with all these folks in fact one of my students Rick is on here he’s come to multiple Miracle swing experiences it’s such a thrill to be able to share this swing with fol folks and for them to pick it up so quickly now I want to bring this up this is really important okay if you’re going to play your best golf as you continue to get older you have to have a swing that’s not hard on your body okay it’s very very important that you have a swing that’s gentle and easy on your back it’s I I see it all the time so many of my golfers come to me because they’ve had back trouble and I will tell you the period right before I discovered the miracle swing I got sucked into all this shallowing drop it under stuff and you know what happened I blew out my back there’s videos on YouTube that show me falling to my knees like somebody stuck a knife in my back and I’ll tell you something the miracle swing just appeared at this last defining element which is the little over moove so that I wasn’t crunching my vertebrae it changed my life so the miracle swing is easy on your back now right here I want to just tell you guys the testimonials I get are absolutely unbelievable so what I’d love to do right now is I would like to share my screen and I want to go ahead and go to the over-the-top Mirror swing page let’s see here so let’s go here so this is the over-the-top miracle swing page you can see all these testimonials no pain picked up 50 to 60 yards it’s just easy this is my program all the seven videos these are the highest production quality in all of golf now this is interesting I have a a a special bonus I’m going to tell you about which is the OT checklist booklet but I want to show you this more than anything else see these testimonials so I tried the Ott Miracle swing for the first time I couldn’t believe it how solid I was hitting the ball tiger Gomez former collegate golfer man am I impressed I am crushing the ball straight and long Josh tells me first round of the year I shot 79 I’m beyond soul Tony Foreman tells me I used to be a very good golfer Ott Miracle swing thanks for getting me back you know these testimonials go on and on and on go to the website Miracles swing you can read these for yourself and the thing that’s even crazier about this list of testimonials is that’s just a fraction of them I get these testimonials all the time it’s absolutely unbelievable so if you want to learn how to swing easier and more effectively check out the over-the-top miracle swing now this is something I’m pretty excited about here this is the over-the-top miracle swing checklist booklet so look at this guys nobody else in the world of golf has this this is the seven sacred steps in a checklist okay the first page has all of the instructions on it the back page has diagrams of how to do it and you know what’s even cooler each page has a QR code that you can go on your phone just hit this QR code and it takes you to a thre minute video version of the lesson this is an awesome bonus right here I’m the only person doing this this is an awesome bonus feature for what I’m offering in the miracle swing so Miracle swing checklist now this is something I want to tell you about that’s just crazy my whole program right now is on sale for $197 everything but in addition you get a $300 off voucher to one of my Miracle swing experiences this week weend July 29th and 30th there’s two spots left so if you want to take advantage of this you can come out for the full weekend it’s $300 off it’s just $9.95 with the $300 voucher and I’ll tell you this my buddy Jim mlan he and Martin Chuck they teach these schools and their schools are $4,000 and5,5 okay they’re three-day schools because they have a lot more to teach you’re going to know the miracle swing by lunchtime and it’s just not even close the value is so great how can you even put a value on this I could never put a price tag on being able to play in a match against Steve elkington at Maran yesterday how what in the world has happened to my life you know what happened was I had enough openhearted open open-minded sense to take a look at what the classic swingers from the past did and I realized it’s just easier okay so this is something I want you all to know right now we have a 30-day money back guarantee there is nothing at risk for you if it doesn’t work if you can’t do the miracle swing if you think it’s a bunch of garbage I’ll give you your money back that’s how confident I am in the miracle swing it is overwhelmingly successful with the people that pick up the program you don’t have anything to risk just give it a try you’re GNA get the miracle swing booklet you’re gonna get a $300 off voucher you’re gonna get an email from me personally I write every single person and I say let me know how it’s going you know why because if you have trouble I’m gonna help you I’m GNA help you understand it if you have any trouble with the miracle swing and there’s not many well-known instructors that give a concierge service like I do because my investment is in you I want your best golf to be ahead of you and I know that it can be with the miracle swing okay so that’s the over-the-top miracle swing guys I want you to really think about this because this is a journey it’s a movement in the world of golf I want you to go to Miracles swing we should put it I’ll pop it up into the comment box over here and I know some people had some questions so now’s probably a really good time I’m going to take this link to the website I’m going to put it in the chat box and then I’m going to start answering questions so that everybody knows what is going on here so we got Rick one of my students from Fort Lauderdale awesome okay Nick from Stockton excellent Z I’m sorry to hear that oh my gosh this is the worst that’s where I’m at right now embarrassed of how I’m playing I used to be absolutely scared to death when I’d stand on a tea box especially if there were other people people waiting to tea off the nerves would just get to me it was just it was just horrible I used to hate that but you don’t have to feel that way anymore okay here’s a good one how do you strike the middle of the face more consistently the secret to striking the middle of the face more consistently is by having swing mechanics that are repeatable now did you hear me talk about consistent weight shift if you don’t have a consistent weight shift you’re not going to have a consistent bottom of your swing Arc if you don’t have a consistent bottom of your swing Arc you’re not going to be able to strike the club in strike the ball in the middle of the face so that’s what’s important I love this Trey Taylor the OG’s figured out the swing the teaching professionals figured out how to get the money no money in good golfers that’s a really funny thing to say because you know I I’ll tell you quite honestly I am selling a product you know full disclosure but the thing is I can’t put a price tag if you put a price tag on all the lessons I’ve taken I wasted so much damn money trying to learn the golf swing it drives me crazy but I’ll tell you it was standing on a whale fishing for minnows hiding in plain sight this is the last golf swing you’re ever going to try my students it’s over all this endlessly searching for s videos on YouTube to try and figure out the puzzle you will never put the puzzle together if you don’t have all the pieces there’s seven pieces in this system that’s all you need to do to have a consistent golf swing yeah so Trey said here zalat Taurus 27 he shouldn’t have back issues at all I agree 100 per. awesome So Justin’s in here very cool Thomas another one of my students man my good friend Thomas we’ve been friends forever and Thomas trained with Mac ogrady Thomas is a very fine golfer down in Florida and Thomas I don’t know if you’ve seen it but I traced M o’ Grady’s golf swing too he knows the inside and over-the-top move one of the greatest ball Strikers in history and I was just like oh my God here’s back he’s talking about the inside and over move you know it’s a little more I would say mac is is a little more complex the way he describes the swing I just keep it simple take it inside up and over and smash the crap out of the ball that’s all you got to do so what do we have here what’s this question please explain regarding ball positions for draw and fade thanks okay that’s good real simple for me I play the ball a little towards the middle of my stance for a draw so the swing is a circle that’s going out and the away from you to hit a draw we need to be a little bit more inside the ball we’re striking the ball inside to out that’s going to put a little draw spin on it I move the ball about an inch or two forward in my stance so that the furthest point in my swing Arc is away from me and I’m contacting the ball with a slight out to In Motion that’s how I hit a fade all right thanks oh Thomas is thanking me for my my book it’s my honor absolutely oh my goodness gracious so this is Mike Holland Mike was couple grades older than me in school oh my gosh he was one of the golfers that I grew up with that I admired so greatly he’s a very very good golfer and he’s one of those golfers that when I was a kid is like I just never was that good I just you know there were guys who were just way better than me and it’s so frustrating when you love the game of golf and you can’t get the most out of your game and Mike I don’t know if you know this but my 20s and 30s were were absolutely nightmarish I quit the game of golf for four years it was so bad but I I decided to pick the game back up I kept digging it out of the dirt and I’m I’ve been super duper blessed that I can actually play a game of golf that you know I’m not ashamed of so one more question Christo trying to fix it though not the same yeah absolutely um guys that’s my presentation on the over-the-top Miracle swing please let me know if you have any more questions I want you to be a part of this movement I want to help you play the best golf of your life if you’ve ever believed that there’s better golf inside of you I’m here to tell you that there is there’s if you’re somebody who’s like myself who was completely confused and frustrated by the game there is an answer okay I do think that it takes a little bit of work but not that much if you go to the website you can see testimonials on there and people you know in fact want don’t to go I want to show you this one testimonial from my friend John it’s so funny to me um because John he just let’s see what am I doing here he just said he came out for a two-hour lesson and we live here in LA and the traffic’s really bad after an hour and 20 minutes he’s like okay I’m good I’m gonna split I’m out of here because I get it and that’s one of the things I think is is so incredibly cool about the over-the-top miracle swing and uh once again I’m putting it in the chat box here if you want to go check out the site now John Ashley asked an amazing question look at this question didn’t sebie have an over-the-top swing and the answer is John yes he did sevie was 19 years old I made a video about it you can go to YouTube and look up on Miracle swing experience my channel sevy over-the-top swing okay sebie bios had a classic inside over-the-top golf swing 19 years old 1976 comes in second place in the British Open 1979 22 years old wins the British Open 1980 23 years old wins the Masters 1983 wins the Masters again with an over-the-top golf swing and then guess what the modern swing gurus got a hold of them they changed his plane trying to be same plane back and through and said my idol when I was a kid growing up he lost his magic he won another major he did win one more British after that but it was never quite the same again and that’s something that just breaks my heart it’s I see it all the time se’s instinctual genius was trained out of him and uh that just doesn’t have to happen anymore now you can look at this there’s a young man named s Bennett he has an inside and over-the-top golf swing he’s the US amateur champion and he’s been playing great in the Masters he’s been on the leaderboard he’s a kid he’s like 21 22 years old deep inside and over the toop and he says yeah everybody makes fun of my swing but I never had any lessons I just know how to hit the ball that’s because he’s stuck with this natural motion now I’m goingon to tell you a secret if you take the club back down the line the way everybody teaches today and you go over the top from there you’re dead you can’t do an over-the-top swing with the back swing that they teach today the only way it works is if you take the club back to the inside that is the distinction that makes my teaching different from anybody else in the game of golf maybe there’s some people I don’t know about but none of the major teachers teach this way but guys that is my presentation on the over-the-top Miracle swing God bless you all I want you to play the best golf of your life I’d love for you to be a part of my movement and be on this journey with me so please pick up the over-the-top miracle swing this offer is not going to last much longer this is the introductory offer it’s about $1,000 worth of bonuses all put together the regular program is 497 that’s where we started selling it we sold a whole bunch of them but right now we have it at 197 because I want to share the miracle with the entire golf world I want us to create the biggest movement in golf instruction today and I want to change your life I want you to believe in your heart that my best golf is in front of me it’s in front of me that’s how I feel today I’m playing the best golf of my life and I can’t wait to keep improving every day is a joy and I’m no longer ashamed of the way I swing a golf club okay that’s my presentation God God bless you all I hope you hit them long and hit them straight

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