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Toucher & Hardy LIVE on YouTube | Wed, June 26th | 98.5 The Sports Hub

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] HD of Easley Media goup Station sportsub headlines barley Center in and as of right now the Celtics have a first round pick they will have the final selection in round one and we’ll also pick in the second [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody hey good morning everybody good morning we are toucher in Hardy Town Fair Tire Studios 61777 19985 we’re brought to you by fandal sports book make every moment more with FanDuel you can watch us on YouTube search 985 to sportsub on YouTube and subscribe that is what you do it is uh probably a very difficult time for many of the people out there that are up this early as I have not stated recently but this is very if you’re up listening right now if this is a podcast uh and you’re listening to the podcast bless you for listening to the podcast but you don’t count in this one this for the people that are active live don’t count not about to say oh I don’t fret I’m getting somewhere is that I always felt that we were uh that those of us who have to get up this early are part of the same team I thought that we could make a Utopia on the roads which is not so much a problem now that I’m in going to walam every day than when I was going to Dorchester when the Utopia would involve crackheads not banging on my the hood of my car literally three day three mornings a week do you think it was still crack or do you think it could have been some other substance uh oh crack crack crack crack crack crack crack Still Still yeah yeah because yeah crack because I don’t know I don’t know the prevalence of meth around here but it was definitely not a heroin situation for sure okay it was a um a desperate uh aggressive zombieing type of uh zombie like an aggressive zombie like not uh not heroin not like a knout nervy like um like you know hey help me out right right right uh more like a a possessed um frenetic type of that yeah I get it if it was like one I would think it was like I could even think it was Salvia if it was like one time like that’s how crazy they were and I and I that’s why what was funny about it is Salia that like um like syn weed that made what’s his face freak out Chandler CH Jones Chandler Jones yeah strip naked and talk about dinosaurs and stuff yeah people that like eat faces yeah B bath salts B we say kind of the same situation so um but I always wondered cuz one of the it was a man and a woman I I hope they were married because they were quite a team and uh the man was there a couple times a week the woman was there more consistently but she would put her hands in in her shirt like so her arms would be in her her sleeve it would look like she had no arms but she did have arms cuz but they were like in her shirt and she would stick her arms out of the bottom of her shirt and slam the the hood of the car and I always wondered like okay say I give her money MH what what how is that going to satisfy what she needs maybe it was like seed money for an IRA or some type of long-term Ira there’s tax consequences going to have to be able to document that money you can’t just put cash in there about what about a CD what about a certificate of deposit I think same difference I think safe I think that there’s key bills even more safe I think all these things are monitored by the government I can I I’m almost positive well I’m fresh out of ideas I don’t know so I just don’t know where at 5: in the morning you’re going like immediately to satisfy like say I gave her $5 like where are you going with that $5 immediately to to satisfy your your craving like your desperate need for drugs oh yeah like would $ five get her enough and if she had the5 five from you and five from somebody else and five from two other people now you got 20 and you show up at $20 that uh drug dealers keep the very uh convenient hours that’s like a crappy job a drug dealer no not necessarily but a a drug dealer that’s taking $20 at 5:30 in the morning like from like super cracked out like homeless person I think it’s still listed as a growth industry I mean you could you could complain about the hours for sure but I mean there’s room for advancement there you can still do very well I I don’t know I’d rather take the shot at getting real jail time and move big weight if I knew I could sleep past 5:30 in the morning to get $20 do you get these uh these reels on your uh on your feed of people who find kilos of cocaine no I do not they must know something about really yeah so that inv that’s invaded your timeline that is somehow part of my algorithm now because I I think I watched one of them in its entirety and then you know the AI says oh let’s send him all of the people finding kilos and and containership uh videos and I have determined that 90% of them are fake oh of course of course but it is this weird type of you know internet porn that is not pornography it’s not sexual pornography and there are many many different uh versions of internet porn out there and one of them is people finding kilos of cocaine it own little section and I I bet there are even like people who put these videos together it’s like all right uh we haven’t done a found one in the forest uh video in a while let’s do that we’ve done like two water ones in a row you know we got to what what about the beach that counts as water guy’s fishing in a stream and trips over something goes oh yeah yeah yeah it’s like look what my buddy just found it’s like no we got to go to the woods for this next one all right so what is the thing like they’re going to do all the Coke or that they’re going to sell the coke you never get that far you just stumble onto it now some of them do have a comedic ending where the guy’s face is covered in powder it’s like I’m going to turn this into the authorities but uh I don’t believe any of them and and it if that’s the case if even even a half of them are true uh I’m going to spend a lot more time just you know Beach coming and you know Ki kicking the Rocks over in the woods because apparently there are kilos of cocaine everywhere well what I would do is film myself and put it on the internet finding some drug dealers kilo of cocaine and then bragging about it right with the markings on the package all well I think they’re going to be aware of where the cocaine was lost I recognize that location let let’s go find that guy yeah that works out beautifully for everyone so I just let everyone know like that that’s if I found a kilo of cocaine you know what I would do not touch it yeah I would walk as far away it’s going to do me no good I don’t want to do it at at no point would I want to do it and then I certainly don’t want to move it and I don’t I’m not turning it into the authorities I don’t even feel a moral obligation I really don’t like I feel no moral obligation to turn that drug in if people want to do cocaine let them do cocaine I really don’t care what about what you don’t feel some moral obligation to uh stop another cocaine bear from happening because that was a bad St I had a female over one time and we rented Co cocaine bear that there are there I always remember it fondly there’s two legitimate funny moments I can remember in that or I I remember any it cuz I was getting down ohy a cocaine bear had a boy I don’t know I didn’t know what else to do it was a wait it was a late night sit why don’t you talk to the lady why don’t you romance her a little bit you got bored you were just like what am I what am I doing here with this movie you don’t know what else to do why don’t you have a conversation about I didn’t know what else to rent I should have said oh all right I didn’t know what else to rent it was you painted a different picture there we should do a list of different types of internet porn that is not pornography oh that’d be not a bad summer bit that’s a that a good summer bit we come up with um like a few things because I I’ve got two in the hopper right now in addition to the finding cocaine in the water in the woods I have two other things that I have gone down the rabbit hole of watching video after video after video of these things when you’re talking I’m thinking uh about the again the non-moral obligation to do anything with the cocaine is that then the one argument someone could make is like what if your what if kids found the cocaine and my argument would be if my kids found the cocaine they would leave it they wouldn’t touch it I know for a fact they wouldn’t as much of a fact as I can if your kids are running across a the only thing stopping them from doing a boatload of cocaine is finding the kilo in the woods then they were going to do cocaine anyway well this is on brand for you that you don’t feel compelled to do anything beyond the bare minimum so even placing a phone call to the proper authorities about a kilo of cocaine found you wouldn’t even do that no why would I I think that you really would call the police I think that you would cuz you could play like detective party detective pool I found what I think party boy like he does like he plays like a lawn maintenance pool or like uh construction worker pool this could be detective pool I found what I what I think was a shell casing when I was walking the dog one day and I brought it back to the house and I sent pictures to my buddy who uh who a cop of The casing like on the end of a pencil and then I found a piece of cardboard and I stuck it in the cardboard with a Post-It note with the date and all this stuff written on it and he just he’s just texting me back like the eye rolling emoj you put it next to the little ruler you see that sometimes in pictures rer damn it I should it on the ruler that would have been funny too yeah funny and that Hardy was like you know what I’m going to crack the case well yeah The Hardy Boys I may not but I tell you who won’t is you cuz you’re just going to walk by and like got nothing to do with me that’s you Fred a Dan that is me that’s an excellent you should start that’s like your door’s Burg thing Dan go ahead hi guys I just wanted to call and say that it has been the greatest honor of my life aside from that college threesome to be a early morning caller into your show I just have three words I want to say I really love you guys so much and I just wanted you to know that I’m getting emotional and I love you I don’t know where we go from here maybe I’ll just call in tomorrow yeah yeah you know Sean that’s the way it goes buddy that’s my Cedric Maxwell thank you Dan I appreciate sometimes sometimes it just happens but uh congratulations to the Celtics talk about the team that just won the NBA Championship Sean that’s what you should be doing right now congratulating them I have to that’s why Cedric said he had to pee because he knew Sean was about to embarrass himself oh yeah I didn’t even think about trying to head him off at the pass that’s a good point yeah cuz you know when people dump on me I don’t like it very much and I’ve been dumping on Grandy pretty good but the more I think about it the more I’m like there’s no one who thinks I’m wrong like there’s no one who thinks I’m wrong there’s no one who thinks that’s a good idea it’s almost like doing him a favor I know when I make a mistake most of the time I’ll admit it sometimes sometimes I don’t know I’m better admit it again now you just talked yourself out of it in like six seconds great about except I know when the wrong thing once I’m already doing it N I don’t even know then never mind we’re not doing it no I was I was saying if someone calls me out like if I could admit to myself that I had done something that I oh no you you’ve do a fair amount of pushing back on that you think so oh yeah it’s good makes you I mean look the conflict the combativeness giv you a little little little little Ed little Edge yeah yeah yeah I got that edge yeah baby before before you went all straight edge oh but not the full way I still uh I do zins all right very good uh what’s so much happened last night Hardy it’s very exciting yeah let me find something and then we’ll talk about it all right very good we will have that for you coming right up stay tuned for more toucher and hard [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] down hey we’re toucher and Hardy would you like a fun fact before uh while I’m thinking of it before we non sports fact before we go into what happened last night cuz there’s not a lot that happened last night yeah movie Idiocracy early 2000s Mike Judge film about a a dystopian future where Everyone’s an idiot it’s a everyone becomes a fool there uh not a big budget if you recall the film there’s little decisions that have to be made so the costume designer is like uh what are we going to do for the Footwear what are we going to do to put put these guys in Footwear we don’t have any money and like uh you know we don’t want to get sued by a company or something like that so they said all right there’s a new startup shoe company and we’re going to put the cast in these shoes like all the idiots in these shoes and then Mike Judge goes okay but what about this is a new company what if these shoes end up becoming a big deal and the costume designer says all right yeah get out of here what are you an idiot these shoes are never going to become a big deal I bet you you can guess what shoes they are this is 2000 startup company Sketchers they are Crocs the Crocs they thought they so if you go back to idiocracy and you look at what the people are wearing they’re all wearing Crocs which had not yet infiltrated the mainstream and they were Crocs because they were idiot shoes that didn’t recall require tying or anything else so uh and not the the not wearing a flip-flop where you know there’s that whole pesky like up and down situation right so uh if you’re wearing Crocs right now just know that in the year 2001 you are of an idiot the dystopian future that shoe was the symbol of what an idiot would wear I have you ever owned a pair I did I’ve never owned a pair of Crocs but I wear flip-flops a lot which is controversial I have never owned a pair of Crocs okay good I would I had a uh a moment yesterday where I knew I was doing the wrong thing once I was already doing it and my took my son to the pool and you know hopped in lay there for a while I’m reading my book I’m like all right it’s hot it’s time it’s time to go and instead of like getting changed I had already dried off and being in the pool and I just I have my slides in my backpack because if I have to get up at the pool I’ll just put those on I’m like you know what I’ll just throw these on and and walk to the car wearing these and I and I felt it as I was walking out of the pool and across the parking lot this is wrong and we started driving and I I and I’ve got these stupid slides and they’re not they’re really really like comfortable they’re they’re nice ones that were given to me but I only wear them at the pool that’s it and they stay in the backpack and we’re driving home and I remember I got to stop at Walgreens oh no oh boy so I get out it’s bad enough that I’m still wearing you know me bathing trunks but they look like shorts are fine I got a shirt on it all that is fine I I and I’m I’m sitting there thinking my son’s like what what’s going on I said shut up I’m thinking I’m thinking no I know the right thing and that’s when I finally did the right thing and I went into the backseat and I got my shoes out of my backpack and I changed in my shoes before I went into the Walgreens and came back out and I felt like something approaching a man again after wearing those stupid slides while I was driving for two miles oh I don’t know how people do it I don’t know how you walk around in life in either slides or flipflops and say like yeah this is a perfectly acceptable thing to I have flipflops on right now I’m sure you do Fred you wear them he wears them constantly only time I ever wear flipflops is when I go to the beach you didn’t you didn’t well you can’t wear them on the sand so you’re out there the they’re unwearable on the sand so you’re a fool and uh if you ever went to college in Florida or spent any time living in Florida you will have adopted flop lifestyle H why no pockets flops because in Florida everyone wears flip-flops it’s it’s part of the culture it’s part it’s it’s just laidback Juicy Fruit grapefruit Juicy Fruit laidback you know what I’m saying cheeseburgers uhhuh Paradise you know the you know the drills it’s a it’s a clown bar baby come on you know the drill you know the drill Jack just rum drinks and a and a nice umbrella that’s all it is it’s just a it’s just a Jimmy Buffett world listen man I went to college in Florida there was some there was some buff parro heads in the in the building don’t worry about my friend Tim Hunt I bet one of my best friends don’t talk to him really anymore nothing happened but just time but uh he was a big Buffet big parro head guy cuz he was from the keys and then you almost had to be back then God what happened last night what about his brother Mike wall you get that pretty funny from 9x I I just like what would zo say right now as soon as Fred said his friend yeah like Zak sometimes does say funny stuff though like I was thinking about it when he said that you guys had the the producer that he would he wanted to play with his son they were the same size but but this is the this is the great thing about zo he didn’t like write that joke that is a true thing that he of yeah yeah and then just like when those dudes came in to like sit on the show and they were all muscular and we’re like oh yeah these guys are all muscular and then Zak just the first thing out of his mouth is what you go to the t-shirt store go give me the medium yeah he said well you guys all go to the medium t-shirt store which is actually not a bad line very good yeah so they did have the sleeves extra short those three yeah well somehow we can insult people and they don’t take it uh poly Tony JP and well that’s just sad at this point Hardy wow it’s more more sad than for you Max thank you Dan O’Brien Dan O’Brien came up proud of you guys that’s fantastic that’s that’s not a lot else going on in those brains go ahead oh yeah you know just uh connecting with uh other human boys you know that’s if that’s my crime lock me up last night the Red Sox had a chance to win their fifth straight but instead like that that’s what I mean by Cheap this is deep this is gone oh no wrong kind of souvenir put it away slap it on the back of a mule and send it out to the desert and bury it next to a stick and juicy fruit and it is 7 to two this is not palm tree tattoo weather throw it back fans show some sass uh that would have been their fourth straight win last night they’ve won like three straight series they uh they took the series against the Phillies and the Yankees and blue actually like uh four now after they they swept the Blue Jays a couple of series ago two from the Reds but now Alex cor now you’ve got some problems even though you felt you competed today you know he wasn’t he wasn’t a great game for us uh the one thing I I I was proud the way we we continue to compete you know uh put good at bats uh the way we’re competing is the right the right way and I love it so we’ll show tomorrow win the series and move on no five hits total it’s not enough generally not really it’s not competing really um also uh how about your pitching last night how about your pitcher skip two walks put him in a bad spot now we we got to we got to throw more strikes that’s the most important thing you know regardless of the results that summ summarize his outing you know we got to throw more strikes work fast throw strikes yep so I was watching tro that’s tro work fast throw strikes Cleveland played Baltimore yesterday and I was watching a little bit of the game and or maybe it was Minnesota played Baltimore but it doesn’t really matter there was a lepti pitching a kid and they’re like uh he doesn’t have a fast ball like he he’s he he they nail his fast ball and they showed the averages against his various pitches and people were hitting over 50000 against his fast ball they’re like it’s too slow kid was throwing 92 mph yeah it’s unbelievable yeah in the day and age where you know you’re it’s hard to get promoted to the majors you have to throw 95 when was the last time you stood in against someone throwing breaking balls that you like against like a real breaking ball I was in my okay so it hasn’t been recently so like I just recently like took at bats against people that were throwing like off speed stuff yeah it it’s I don’t know how you can’t if you’re a professional hitter there’s how you can’t piece up velocity like there’s a there’s a point where it’s just not going to matter anymore like you’re going to be able to do that what’s impossible is changing speeds in in movement like it’s impossible to hit something moving strangely so I don’t know why there’s this obsession with velocity if if cuz a good hitter is going to be able to catch up that anything there’s got to be a return to the mean I would imagine at some point because control cuz placement and movement is a thousand times harder to hit especially with the books they have on these hitters like if if you know like someone can’t hit low and outside and you just Hammer low and outside and confuse them or or throw pitches that dip at the end or or set him up just for a pitch or two before you throw that pitch he can’t hit you don’t have to strike them out I mean you just got to you just got to get him to not hit the ball hard I mean it’s you would think that that would be far more difficult to hit than some guy just throw a 99 y because I who can’t hit a who in the major leagues can’t hit a 99 mph fastball you wouldn’t be there if you couldn’t right so I mean and I understand there’s guys that throw in the in the high 90s that don’t make it in the league because their their balls too flat but still it just seems like you’re risking an awful lot of injury and also it’s just and I know I’m not a even a baseball player but it’s just so much more difficult when things are moving around and changing speeds do you remember who it was I just looking at the game was Cleveland against Baltimore you remember which pitcher what which team he played for Cleveland yeah uh let’s see yeah the GU guy’s done pretty well his ER is very high yeah well that was I’m just telling you what they said it’s just an antidote it’s not an antidote an an antidote it’s it’s it’s not really about the guy it’s just more about the game oh an anecdote anecdote thank you um I’m sure there were some anecdotes shared last night on the nessen alternate broadcast and we spoke with Jared kabus about that yesterday I for I I I forgot to tune in I tuned in right at the beginning Papa Bond was wearing a Celtics Jersey had the guns out and he and he and uh I watched I think the first inning okay they seemed comfortable I mean it wasn’t wasn’t oh my God I can’t believe this is what I’ve been missing all these years but it was pretty good no smart by NS and I mean get younger viewers and it’s these alternate broadcasts it probably doesn’t cost them anything so good I think it’s probably best when there’s not much going on in the game and for baseball that’s most of the game there’s not much going on and just have kabus and papel Bond and kabus or whoever else just that they’re talking about stuff when something happens in the game I guess is when things get a little chaotic we are now joined by TC Tom Karen Clark’s catchup Series MVP voter and get up B go keep running you just got to keep going keep rning what are you do come what’s going on here what is it a home run the fans are trying to say it’s a homer well keep your hands in what do you got on that TC home run I don’t know I can’t see itz like you guys have like seven boxes on the screen how am I supposed to see Tom K leaning into that Boston accent he’s like this one’s for the kids I didn’t know Tom Tom Karen really putting the pedal of the metal on that Boston accent right there like seven boxes on the screen boxes on the screen that’s British yeah I don’t know I can’t see it like you guys have like seven boxes on the screen how am I supposed to see if it’s a home Runner yeah you got you got to look at you got to look at this guy uh you know Dale from Charlestown is oh that interference I told you was fan interference man it kind of sounds like a morning radio show I don’t mind it why why are they making fun of Dale Arnold oh just because there’s the handsome older gentleman in the hanging fruit yeah I mean please not not everyone has to stick up for wallik who hates him so much all right uh we’ll be back I I can only imagine what you can conjure up there Hardy from all the things that are happening here in July as we limp into the Fourth of July week very difficult to get up this morning I’m not going to lie to anyone that’s where I was going in the beginning in the first break of the show before I got sidetracked uh very difficult right now if you’re listening to our voices live right now you know that this is not a a fun time to be alive this week next week’s a good day week to be alive because you can sleep conceivably these are the things that you that you live for I don’t know I I think both you know wallak and I when we kind of you know take each other’s temperature rect excuse me uh first thing in the morning when we see each other I think we are both in pretty good moods today I don’t I I don’t know why I can’t explain it I don’t have any rational you guys are always in good moods though but I I think part of it is I think we have a couple of really fun things on the show today I’m looking forward to oh good that’s because I said limp you had to come back no no no no I you dumbass we stupid stupid stupid dumbass bad bad mood you don’t have you don’t have to push me in that direction I already dislike you if you want me to hate you we can work on that next week when we’re off the air we’ll take some time apart from the show and see if I hate you in a in a social setting as well as the professional setting come on down to Tennessee everyone else is I kind of want to I I seriously I I I I think we’re both of the age now where you start thinking about what you’ll be doing when you’re not driving into work every day you would love love love love love where my parents live I bet I would the with the golf courses and there’s three golf courses you could you would you would absolutely love it Seasons no there’s Seasons there’s no State s state tax there is uh it’s it’s very inexpensive you would love it it’s a good place to retire my dad’s no dummy he he found the most way to hang on to his money and that was it without sacrificing quality of life you understand what I’m saying yeah he’s not one of these Dumbo retiring down there uh in taxachusetts you set a mouth full there buddy yep all right government do take a bite don’t you yeah I’ll tell you what uh we’ll be right back here are the headlines Sports up headlines NBA draft is tonight Celtics have a pick they will choose 30th in round number one tonight they have pick number 54 overall tomorrow night in round two Celtics also announced yesterday Kristof sport zingus will undergo surgery to repair the dislocation tendon in his leg he won’t play for Lafia during Olympic qualifying next month in another NBA news Brooklyn made a massive deal late last night the N had set Mel Bridges to the Knicks for buen bonovich five first round picks a pick Swap and a second round selection and at Fenway Park last night Toronto snapped a seven game losing streak with a 94 win over the Red Sox Vlad Guerrero four RB for the winners cutter Crawford faces the Jays tonight Sports up headlines are brought to you by 12 at Plumbing Heating Cooling and electric Ryan and his team want to than all the great men and women in the trades who get up early every morning to keep our homes and businesses running keep working hard and finish every job strong I’m John Wallock at Boston’s home for sports 985 the sportsub your next update at 7:00 you want to talk sports we want to talk sports squeeze the chicken and open the mouth like we were meant [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they really might want to freshen up these yeah but don’t take this one out this is this is AOL Smith and Run DMC Fred I don’t think you’re picking up on what’s being laid down here I just might take this summer and just go like let’s freshen everything up on the radio station but that’s not my my pay grade can I address something quickly here you may as long as you don’t give up mine this why I don’t post anything online anymore because I did yesterday BMX Bandit or BMX psycho or whatever come after you too and just start screaming about Kendra Middleton even though the video has nothing to do with her I get that and I have nothing to do with this I got people screaming at me about that what a fraking mistake all I did this is all I did do you remember the uh Advertiser here on the radio station Mr Grill and it’s a professional Grill aded of course I’ve used Mr Grill as a matter of fact okay and I I was supposed to do it last fall and I didn’t and I called up uh Zach from Mr Grill I’m like hey I’d like to schedule something he said absolutely wow the business you called agreed to perform the business right right so uh yesterday I I came home from work and he was there and uh oh know he was at least wearing protection well no I forgot that he was showing up and you know like my my wife is at work and at work at work doing what they got it no my I I go in the house and I’m kind of panicked because of course only my son is home because I see my daughter’s off you know you know doing whatever she she does all day and I stop it I’m not I’m not even addressing I didn’t say anything you don’t have to stop it I go into the house how can I stop doing nothing the first thing I say to my son is I’m sorry I didn’t I didn’t tell you the grill guy was coming he was like what I said the guy in the back deck with the grinder and the like the full coveralls and the Breather and all this stuff I didn’t notice like it’s loud I can hear him in the driveway BR I said where’s the dog the dog is laying by the front door like looking out in the complete wrong direction I’m like you guys are great anyway come on in break in the house Ser problem so I go he finishes up I take a picture I posted on Twitter I said zo you were right about Mr Grill because he endorsed him and he was the first one to use right the comments oh my god um you paid someone to clean your grill lol um you’re so bougie I just clean my own Grill takes an hour you guys are so lazy blah blah blah and like I do 90% of the work around my house myself yeah I I actually and paid oh how much did that cost you this is a rich dude’s thing lazy bastards I’m looking at all the comments right now mhm like 90% of the stuff I do around the house I do myself Mr Grill comes out they do a 100% better job than I would do of cleaning my grill plus it’s a filthy job and when I do it there’s like little bits of burger and steak and chicken everywhere that the dog then eats and gets sick like I don’t want to do it here’s a guy that’ll do it by the way zero evidence that he was there after he’s done other than your grill is brand new all right and people just suck they want and they’re like oh I can’t Justified the free girl cleaning we understand I did it wasn’t free jackass I just said I paid for it uh I like how this is what’s bothering you like these are the comments that are bothering you just like all the things you been pissed off about about Twitter okay I didn’t get a death threat in the last month but I get much worse stuff than that but this one is so innocuous hey Mr Grill this is a good guy does a good job look at the job you suck lazy rich guy Nick put a video F off everybody seriously just just stop Nick put a video up of me talking about the guy who had mil Hunters on the on this car at SAS when I was in SAS and about the Loon so it’s just about the guy who has mil hunters in that I was at at callon and I went with callon with my ex-wife and my kids cuz my son had a basement game out there someone says Fred and Kendra’s date night BMX nut says he’s a pervert so Nick steps in and goes he’s not the one with MILF funders on his windshield and BMX nut says he couldn’t handle Kendra what’s going on in BMX nuts mind like what is that what what what what is that just that that’s just his own brain talking to him that’s someone talking to the toaster at least people are referring to something that is on right they’re they’re notel yeah they’re not making some jump into your psychology and so and inventing some scenario that in no way shape or form happen they’re just or Kendra yeah Kendra’s not in the video she was she’s hasn’t been on the show since Thursday right the only topic of conversation with Kendra has been you and her doing the thing right and the guy just is like he’s a pervert and then okay and then Nick Go’s not nice and then he couldn’t handle k like the he couldn’t can what the hell is going on in your brain these are the things I get people who create stories in their minds the the whole worlds that are involved me that I’m not even a part of their own imagination it’s very strange very very strange it’s it really is just looking for anything to jump all over I just don’t I I I went back and looked and and saw the last time time I posted something on Twitter it it had been a while and this is the reason why well there’s in all seriousness you know my friend Sebastian’s on that syndicated show out of La The Woody Show and uh The Woody Show was in like St Louis and San Francisco and all these places and it started out with this guy Woody and this woman and the woman just left the show and I’m almost positive she left the show because she couldn’t she just didn’t want to deal with it anymore and that’s a syndicated nationally syndicated show out LA and I think she just left the show cuz she was like screw this I don’t want to deal with it like I don’t I like I like life is too short which there is a a point to be made that life is too short that’s really against all philosophical teachings that you should be obis day like this at all the times you know like unless you’re making like a tremendous amount of money and you can kind of hide away from it but the girl just I guarantee you that’s why she left The Woody Show and then she didn’t do anything wrong just existing yeah having the nerve and that’s a really non-offensive show like they’re they’re not saying anything to my knowledge very controversial and I think she just got sick of it she’s just like I don’t want to deal with it anymore she’s probably like 50 years old and she’s 55 years old she just like screw it now she’s probably going to get mad at me because I said she’s 55 and she’s probably 45 and she’s going to be like heyle post on your timeline you watch uh I don’t know but that’s why she left all right well I apologize to you Hardy you should have cleaned your own Grill after all apparently apparently you just want people to know you’re very handy around the house you just happen not how much it cost how much does it cost to to clean the grill I don’t I just remember it being expensive yeah I mean depending on what the job is and what has to be done I mean it’s anywhere from I don’t know like 150 to 300 bucks I think how much is a grill uh my grill was about a thousand all right so you can justify like getting it clean twice yeah and I’ve I’ve had it for six years and I’ve cleaned it like I don’t know three times myself like actual took everything out and cleaned it and and yeah I like you know brush it down before and after each use but I’ve probably done like three real cleanings of and I’m like I’m not done it it’s it’s that one of those jobs I just hate I hate doing that because when I do it I have to take it off the deck because I make a huge mess and you know dragging this thing around and it’s like who needs it and this guy this what they do this what they do is totally totally worth it my kids go why don’t you get a grill for the outside I said no MH I’m never going to use it mhm what do I need a grill why do you need that cooked on the grill outside what’s the point of that when we had a gr at the old house I I often thought what the hell is the point of this thing so I can stand out in the Heat and and and make food over the flame in the heat unless you’re uh our own Ryan Johnston and you’re doing the The Roadhouse and it’s become R of ribs yeah it’s become a passion of yours what’s the hell smok uh seriously unless you’re like super into it and like Dave growling it and like you know letting things marinate for overnight and you know it’s a whole experience I have a guy who does not have a grill but has one of those eggs you know what say sure like if you’re doing that then I understand it but if you’re just going out there and making hot dogs and hamburgers what’s the point oh no what was that look for because it’s almost like you knew what happened yesterday I set up a dual appointment for this guy cuz I wanted to make it worth his while I’m like I want you to come over here and just I’ll you know pay you for like one Grill my neighbor has a green egg he would like that clean too oh you’re working with the neighbors now look at that you know you get a discount to two for I guarantee if I said something online like I cleaned my own Grill and my neighbor did his too people would jump all over my ass for said watch you support a local business like Mr Grill idiot of course yeah you’re tell you’re telling me that is this your first time on Twitter I know I don’t really know what you I just I don’t know what you expected to happen weeks or months since I posted anything like unprompted and that and that why I don’t add a boy Hardy way to go that’s like in fairness like what’s anyone going to say that’s positive wow like congratulations on getting your grill cleaned Steve go ahead hey I was just curious Hardy do you wear gloves when you do the dishes or like when you grill I’m just wondering because you know I feel like you might have sensitive hands got to get AIG picture here you’re funny you should call in every morning at 6:54 with gems like that thank you Steve don’t listen to Hardy by the way I heard Nick is very I can’t say jag off no no no no FCC he’s the one who said jag off not me uh by the way Nick I heard is very rude to the callers oh yeah he’s like uh he’s he’s very rude I’ve been I got an email saying like I don’t understand what he’s so nasty and he’s really the like the receptionist of the show he should have a smile if anything he’s turning off the listeners they’re afraid to call in I was wondering why no one calls in and now it turns out it’s Nick it’s Nick’s fault he’s overwhelmed he’s got too much going on he’s making these videos with BMX nut comes on there and says s yelling about this female that has nothing to do with the video it’s there is something upsetting about that like what’s going on I tell you know what upsetting there’s something really wrong with some people and they’re out there you know driving around maybe they have jobs maybe they maybe they’re handling food yeah because that’s that’s what’s bothersome about it because you you have to understand like I’ve been doing this for a long time and the like I If you know you suck like you’re not funny like this and that these are legitimate points it’s when you create a fantasy world in your own head that has nothing to do with what you’re talking about that’s when it gets a little like what’s going on like you’re really putting a lot of thought into this whole thing and it’s too much it’s too much for me he’s a pervert it’s like J Sterling he’s a pervert he’s got eight that’s not nice you’re couldn’t handle Kendra what I’m a nut for BMX I I’m a real nut for it I you I used to subscribe to BMX plus Eddie Fier awayy Stu Thompson I used to ride for Red Line red I I used to cut out all the cartoons of radical Rick and Motocross mug go away we go to the construction sites and make little mounds of dirt I didn’t like BMX action I thought it was an inferior periodical Carrie real quick I know I know Dan Carrie go hey I just I I just want Hardy you know I just want to know like where it ends I mean uh do you have your driveway power washed also or I you know what I’m glad I’m glad you brought that up I did when I was power washing last weekend power wash some unsightly tire marks off my drivew Jesus CHR ah see it all becomes clear now I mean you know you don’t like Black Betty you know it’s it’s kind of ay kind of he really is he really is he’s real he’s a real Rich prick is what he is I’ll tell you that real sophisticated taste you have Hardy thank I know Carrie I me and you we’re the salt of the earth all right we’ll be right back JJ reic a prick we will talk about that you listening to toucher [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sportsub on station sportsub headlines the first round of the 2024 NBA draft is tonight and the Celtics are lined up to participate for the first time since they took Aaron neith and Payton Pritchard in that round four years ago they have the 30th and final selection tonight and then the 54th overall pick tomorrow evening as well Atlanta’s on the clock at number one the Celtics also announced yesterday Kristof Sports zus will not play for laia in Olympic qualifying next month and will instead undergo surgery on his leg in the coming days the Brooklyn Nets have decided to undergo a full rebuild they made a couple of big trades last night first they sent Mel Bridges to the Knicks in exchange for Buon bonovich four unprotected first round draft picks a protected first-rounder a pick Swap and a second round selection and then they reacquired their own first round selections from Houston in 2025 in 2026 at Fenway Park last night Toronto snapped a seven game losing streak with a 94 win over the Red Sox Brian beo allowed seven runs and didn’t make it out of the third inning in front of Alex K two walks put him in a bad spot we we got to we got to throw more strikes that’s the most important thing you know regardless of the results that summ summarize his outing you know we got to throw more strikes vad Guerrero drove in four runs for the winners Rafael des and Tyler O’Neal both homered for the Red Sox cutter Crawford faces the Jays tonight and the Patriots have announced the dates of all of their training camp practices the first workout is on July 25th 4th and also included is a joint practice with the Philadelphia Eagles in Foxboro on August 13th Sports up headlines are brought to you by Eastern Diabetic Care are you using a freestyle or Dexcom continuous glucose monitor to manage your diabetes Eastern Diabetic Care of New England provides awesome customer service with ontime home delivery of all your supplies visit Eastern that’s Eastern I’m John wck at Boston home for sports 985 to sportsub your next update at 7:30 this isord catch and slf for you’re listening to the home of Boston Celtics basketball 985 The Sports Hub you’re listening to toucher and Hardy on The Sports Hub hey everybody we toucher and Hardy brought to you by FanDuel Sportsbook make every moment more with FanDuel and you can watch us every morning on YouTube with Ben and Riz and all those guys in the comments there’s a community and they they they’re around for Joe’s show too I hear him shout shout some of those people out so anyway if you go on YouTube you can there I think they’ve made friends much like in the bcn days when we had the group of people I probably can’t say what we called them back in the day anymore but when we had that group of uh uh very loyal small but loyal following at bcn and they all kind of became friends with each other and were in each other’s weddings and stuff oh yeah you still see them you still see him yeah you see like P from ever and and so and so and such and such I don’t know where all the females went they’re all gone we used to have a bunch of hot female listeners and now now at least if we do they’re not they’re not contacting me anymore we only get you we only play Red out Chili Peppers you know like twice an hour for 30 seconds for a rejoin bed and that’s not enough to keep the you know the the fine Phillies listening you got to play more chili peppers in that I had a girl tell me that uh I had to put better looking she’s like you’re not as ugly as the pictures of you’re not as ugly which is a great compliment she said you’re not as ugly as the pictures that you put up online you should Market yourself better than female people and I said what are you doing oh I can I can feel them tuning in right now [Music] what which one is this oh heyo yeah this is not a good [Music] song all right I I don’t like it I heard it enough I heard it every hour for for four years well you uh Wellington fell asleep behind the wheel of that station you like or the guy from La did he didn’t fall asleep he was just convinced that what we needed to be doing was playing I’m shipping up to Boston 35 times a week a year and a half after the song came out yeah and even they got sick of us playing it yeah yeah all right uh JJ reck uh it’s funny cuz he took the Lakers job I like that he took the Lakers job after they offered it to someone else and uh publicly offered it to someone else and he publicly turned it down yeah uh JJ reck is not liked on the way in today I heard a guy who knows him on the radio saying he’s thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room and he’ll let you know just listen to him speak he’s he’s like a prick basically well he was a prick to felz it’s been you know pass fail for lack of a better term if they were to not win the championship why do you think it’ll be um if they don’t win the championship it’ll be because the better team won but I think that I think Boston is the better team for sure why would I think that well they would lose for a reason other than being a better team like that happens right you get outworked or out coached or you I don’t think you get outw worked at this stage of of of basketball I think that’s a very that’s a very uh asinine way to talk about the NBA you think you think the Boston beat Indiana cuz they got out because Indiana got outw worked no not in that case I think Miami out Works Boston a lot of times when they play oh okay well I’ll disagree with you on that it’s asinine yeah you’re really uh breaking the molecules down you’re really cold fusion there JJ reic with your takes on a five and five playground game congratulations on all the various like like ask anyone who coaches in the NBA seriously ask anyone who coaches in the NBA how much like onc Court coaching like how much game planning are you doing it’s it’s entirely motivational their their job is almost entirely motivational yeah and by the way if you asked him in another setting which which just to bring this home Fred which manifests in how hard you end up working during a game and yes even at this level in the Conference Finals and in the NBA Finals okay explain to me how Dallas blew out the Celtics in game four of that series if was it was it did kid come up with some ingenious uh like Wrinkle in his offense that made them blow up it no he’s asdon and but and you can talk to any of these guys about it and they will tell you these coaches is that at I guarantee if you found JJ reck and you positioned a question another way so he could call you asine in in an a-hole in another way if you went I don’t think the players get the coaching like I don’t think they get the plays he would be I a th% would tell you he’d go well that’s asinine at this level these guys have been playing basketball their whole lives these guys are all know more about the game than anyone else in the world he would turn it into something else that there’s no way that they wouldn’t know what’s going on because so it would have you could get him to say it was a matter of effort easily he was just going to disagree with anything they said he’s a prick The Fallout not Fallout no Fallout from this but afterwards it was great felger Ms who took a ration of crap online for that stuff they had Ryan rillo on and rillo was like you know what I just heard about the interview and I assumed know that was just felger and mass being a pain in the ass and then I went back and listened to it and like no JJ reck really just didn’t want to be there and reic went on his podcast afterwards it said you know what after I I did an appearance on a on a Boston radio station do you think that Celtic fans will enjoy this if they win you know it somehow he had morphed it into felger and MZ being asses so nut Boston is entirely miserable but in reality he was the guy that was miserable doing the whole thing in all fairness I don’t think Ma is enjoying it but no he’s just and again like they didn’t like they didn’t put a microphone in front of his face when he was leaving a restaurant like they didn’t come up to at a table he knew he was going to be on they didn’t catch him by surprise yeah like he like he didn’t do it like you know cuz of his grandma like you know is M’s cousin I mean he he came on the show on his own will like you look like a dick you know that’s why he brought it up on the podcast too is because he knows he came off like a dick sure he’s a kn- all dick and and by the way his big genius move is being good at shooting and uh and fading le Lebron Fred he he writes all these wrongs at at his intro Rory press conference on Monday and whether you think he’s being a dick or whether you think he’s too close to LeBron he dispelled all those myths what was his advice to you throughout this whole coaching that she’s asking about LeBron and what advice what was his advice to you throughout this whole coaching search process he didn’t provide any advice LeBron and I did not talk about the Lakers job uh until Thursday afternoon uh about 30 minutes after I was offered the job uh and that was very intentional on both our parts Mike is that somebody in the press conference going come on is that someone really in the press conference going come on I don’t know yes it is he’s going to last he’s going to last half a season hold I just got LeBron and I did not talk about the Lakers job uh until Thursday afternoon that’s Vick that’s great Victor brick he’s going to last half a season they’re going to draft that whole organization is is just a joke the LA Lakers the Los Angeles Lakers the one team in La anyone cares about the marquee team in the NBA maybe the Celtics but in a town where no one cares about sports they’re they’re they’re shooting themselves in the foot because they’re bending all over themselves to get a 40-year-old grandfather to come let his kid play and hire his buddy and I’m not even sure LeBron’s going to like JJ reick no see that’s the thing think just wait till LeBron takes however many games off just wait until he disappears the Lakers are you know limping along at like six and 11 those are the press conferences I want to see JJ reic handle you know who JJ reck is he’s Matt Patricia he’s Matt Patricia they the media already hates him before he took the job that’s a sneaky good call there thank you cuz I have you have to admit one thing I know cuz I am one I can skip these people out I can sniff these people out admit I’m good at it I know you guys like to bust my balls believe one thing I know believe me huh am I right or am I wrong phony pricks I I identify a phony prick thank you you’re making fun of it but it’s true well we kind of I’m making fun I’m not making fun of that I’m making fun of the believe me and if it’s the one thing I know because there are at least three or four things that are the one thing that you know radio and this radio and this maybe it’s just too yeah okay so JJ reck has ideas he has a plan he has a philosophy I want to coach the Lakers I want to coach the team I don’t want to dispel anything I don’t oh you suck just go to hell oh have why can’t you be like the coach of the Panthers who’s fun and what just won a championship you egocentric prick Paul marce that guy I want to coach the Lakers good you’re you’re solving the mysteries of life you’re a great thinker you’re big Seeker there with your five on five skills I want to coach the Lakers that’s all he wants to do oh what a dick and and uh how can anyone root for Duke sorry Cadillac I don’t understand that how you can root for Duke team I don’t want to dispel anything I don’t I want to become a great coach yelling in the background I love that what I wonder if they’re going to talk to him about sounding this condescending all the time yeah condescending and introductory press conference it doesn’t go well cuz you can say what you want about the media you you don’t you might not need him on your side like Missoula didn’t have him necessarily on his side but you can’t have them going after you with pitchforks in in torches which is what happened to Patricia just wait it’ll be exactly like Patricia just wait until the the Lakers lose three or four in a row and and they’re they’re settling in for that December and January Swoon because they’re their two stars or older and they’ll be there every single day unlike Patricia they’ll be there every single day questioning the moves he makes and he can be pompous but they’re going to say fine but you were wrong yeah but here’s another thing is that for every feler that’s like going to be negative about everything there’s a roach that’s positive about most things and when the you piss off a guy like that and the guy starts talking negatively about you the fan base goes oh and you go oh what about roach it’s just a it’s just a thing in town it’s a thing in a town like when you alienate the entire media you might not want to believe it as a fan because you because you shake your head but you’re listening to this now and you read something when the when you alienate the entire media that turns the fan base against you again Monday Night Football the Lions lose first game Patricia ever coaches at a bar Patricia comes on the TV and there’s literally beer bottles and cans being thrown at the TV in booze yeah first game cuz he pissed off the media people are taking their cues from all over the place and if it’s this media person or that there may be somebody who’s still positive but if they all turn on you then most people are going to turn I want to become a great coach in the NBA and I want to win championships okay that’s the other thing you can do this if you’re coaching in Charlotte or Cleveland you can’t do this if you’re coaching in Los Angeles for a for one of the great franchises ever I I can’t believe they hired I just can’t believe that they don’t have the upper hand you own the Lakers you are better you you figure it out don’t you why are you cow Towing to a 40-year-old 19y you know 22y old LeBron maybe not a 40-year-old LeBron you’re bigger that your organization is bigger than 40-year-old LeBron I don’t get it these guys just cater to these players I don’t understand it it’s almost like they pointed at the TV they looked up at the TV pointed at the TV and go oh that guy and he knows LeBron let’s hired him and you tried you publicly tried to hire the highest profile highest profile coach maybe in the country in regardless of professional or whatever I mean right now Danny Hurley I mean you made everyone knows what you offered them every which was more years than you gave Ric everyone knows the money you offered him which is more than you offer reic everyone knows you did it and then you turn around with your tail between your legs and just hire some chump so so this is the part of the press conference and his introductory press conference on Monday where he’s like this is what I want I want to coach the Lakers I want to coach the team I want to coach the team but it’s not all positive and I want my players to maximize their careers that’s all I care about okay all right well now he’s getting a little salty now he’s getting a little salty what about the outside noise JJ reck I’ve certainly heard everything um you know it’s it’s been a really interesting uh 6 weeks or so um just in terms of uh you know being part of the engagement farming uh industry you know it’s been really interesting um however I I I don’t have podcast dumbass you do two podcasts you stupid idiot engagement farming that’s for your yeah you’re not you’re not in an ashram in India like you know you’re doing podcast yourself you stupid prick for your uh question because I I really don’t give a like honestly oh yeah you do you you care so little that you had a podcast so you could respond to everything you care so little you talked about the felger and M interview you care so little oh boy what a little egg good for you he’s going to crash and burn you mark my words because that team’s not going to be any good he’s going to crash and burn they’re all old and their third best player is Austin Reeves who’s got a shoe company that my son wanted shoes from made out of cardboard all right Hardy lives in can so you know what that means he’s got Karen Reed fever he’s all on P oh that’s right I’ve been dying to talk about it let’s do it yeah Hardy really doesn’t want to talk about it but he lives in Canton and they might come down with the verdict today we’ve never talked about it we have no insight to give but Hardy he’s he’s he’s he’s rubbing elbows with all these people in Canton you know him he’s getting his drill cleaned he knows the postman he’s s hanging out in front of the hardware store with his coffee talking to Ma and P Canon he knows all about it we’ll have that do you know your mailman’s name I should CU I talk to him all the time but I don’t know off the top of my head sorry all right very good you also you also like give flowers to the trash Guys oh well not flowers but Reno and Joey yeah they they they a Christmas GI come on he gives him a christm know recycling guy and Joy’s the the the trash and then you go how do you give them the recycling gift or give them the gift and he he waits out in the lawn for him that nice look at you they like to pet the dog too you get the little lawn chair you sit out there do you no I just I just wait by the door with my coffee not anymore I can’t do it they come too early oh that’s a shame all right we’ll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nation is uh very focused on this Karen Reed trial we’ve never talked about it except to I bring it up sometimes to make Hardy uncomfortable because he lives in Canton and everyone I I suppose if you live in Canton you know people that are somehow involved in this trial one way or another yeah and uh especially when you’re someone who socializes like Hardy mhm knows the names of everybody and also speaks a lot like one of them uh police officers the way he talks about women whoosh see word this and the blue not that I mean he’s wow you can’t stop the guy a kid he’s very inappropriate he’s a champion of women uh feminist he really is he’s a good guy uh but in all seriousness I have not been bringing it up because a I don’t care and I did do a moral inventory and I see to see if I did care and I truly don’t care and I and I know it’s exactly I know it sounds bad probably the people because it’s the loss of human life and I and I do uh appreciate that but I also I also can’t get emotionally invested every time it happens and I just have not gotten emotionally invested in this one yeah well the the reason why I wouldn’t talk about it before is because it’s it hasn’t been overstated like the division this is caused in town and it and if it’s just me or people that I know or something that’s fine but it’s the the kids who are going to school there and the children not just of like the families that are affected but like the kids of people who are on like one side of this thing and speaking out about it as opposed to kids on the other side of this thing and how those kids interact as teenagers will do it’s been really bad for some of these kids and you know my kids go to Canton Public Schools I don’t want them to have to deal with any of that stuff based on something that I said so I I don’t want them to have any grief as a result of that but Fred you’re right I mean we’ve lived there for six years now I guess it’s amazing the number of people that I know uh having to do with this trial and from the victim to the to the uh suspects to the the witnesses like oh yeah know them know him know her yeah the people on you know people in the town government it’s it’s not AIT I don’t even know what the population of of Canton is but it is remarkable how connected you we we got in just a few years there so yeah that makes it tougher too knowing all these people but oh 20 about 25,000 people so yeah it’s a small town it is and everybody kind of knows each other but now that the jury has this thing and everyone’s wondering like what do you think is going to happen what do you think is going to happen I I watched a lot of the trial early on I haven’t watched it probably for the last week or two I just I I got to the point where I think a lot of people did I was spending way too much time watching I’m like okay this I this probably isn’t good for me but I did watch some of the closing arguments yesterday and I know that the defense only I think brought six Witnesses up to the you know compared to the dozens that the prosecution had there was some conversation as as to whether they were going to mount any kind of a defense at all if they were just going to say no we did our cross-examination of the of the prosecutions witnesses and we think we’ve done our job here and if I had to guess like unofficial polling what people think I think people are of the belief that the defense probably did their job to a greater extent than the prosecution did and some of that was covered in the in the closing arguments yesterday what’s the prosecution’s job here to convince you beyond a reasonable doubt that their version of events is what happened and go ahead Dan not to prove who did it just to prove that she did not or place reasonable doubt that it’s not she do it they’re not there to prove find the kill that’s not their job their job is just to place somewhat of uh Reasonable Doubt into the mind of the jurors the defense took it much further than that and you know was providing you know alternate theories and all this stuff but as a means to create Reasonable Doubt uh I don’t know how the jury is going to react to all this and I was half expecting them to come back with a verdict yesterday after they only had the case for a little while and I didn’t see the jur I didn’t see the judge’s instructions to the jury maybe uh she said something to the effect of and feel free to take some time on this don’t go back lot of forms they had lots of forms to fill out yeah 15 minutes and and come back and say you have your answer but I something tells me it won’t take too long and something tells me that when it’s all said and done they’re going to the the the sad thing about it number one of course is Shan o’keef is dead and number two what I believe the the resolution to this is going to be is no resolution at all if they find Karen Reed guilty there at least half the people will say that’s not what happened and and you know they’re going to be losing their minds in the town of Camp you’re afraid if they if they find her guilt not afraid but your your think your take is that if they find her guilty that’s what’s going to cause the most disruption I do and I think if if they find her not guilty uh there will be no other real investigation or or I think the prosecution will say like well that’s who we believe did it and you can’t try her again so that’s it and that’s done and the the resolution will be no resolution at all for John O’Keefe and his family because they’re you know the they won’t get their answer and that’s that’s going to cause this to go on and on and on is that all that people talk about like in your Social Circles in Canton is is is this like it gets brought well no it’s not all they talk about but it gets brought up in every conversation of course right of course because did you see so and so on the stand yesterday you know did you did you know this person I a buddy who’s not even in Canton who texted me yesterday his friend uh or he knows the woman who was dismissed from the jury like everyone seems to to know somebody involved with this do you know what particularly about this case other than it involving an attractive white person got national attention like why this particularly got national attention yes Daniel conspiracy theories people love conspiracy theories but isn’t there like always something going on where you could have a cons this one came out a couple you know if it happened a few years ago it was almost immediate with some of the online theories that were going around that just fueled people going down the rabbit hole and then you you know it’s where we are now all right and all the questions of course they have to be asked there’s and there’s all kinds of questions that are unanswered and things that don’t add up in this case and on the other side of it someone said to me the other day about like you oh they drove into C recently they were you wondering it’s like what happens if the police stop me here I’m like what about the police like I don’t think anything about it I see Canton cop cars all the time oh does it give you a weird feeling no what are you talking about do do you honestly think that this it is a small town but it is not like it’s not like Mayberry it’s not Mayberry there’s a lot of people involved in a lot of different things and there’s uh you know a no I I don’t I don’t have any second thoughts about you know how the police are are doing their job on a day-to-day basis you’re saying it’s not like you’re not in like a drug Den in uh Mexico where there’s going to be a kangaroo court are the when it comes to this investigation and in terms of the way things are handled from a management position of course ask those questions you know they they voted and they wanted everything uh they wanted the entire uh town uh the town voted to audit the police department and and go through all this stuff okay well isn’t that something that kind of happens anyway should you know there should be checks and balances for a lot of stuff and this case certainly brought it under the microscope so everyone wants to take another look at it but if you think I’m I’m walking around or driving around town always checking over my shoulder wonder who’s wondering who’s out to get me that’s another that is another part of this why it’s captured so many people’s attention because people love to think that someone’s out to get them oh my phone is listening to me oh the cops are watching me oh oh shut up no they’re not it’s well that said like I’m important that I’m so important that people are interested in me and and believe me I I I think we all share the same mindset here none of us thinks we’re so important that we’re being followed or watched or we’re going to be framed I’m just worried about BMX nut what’s going on in his mind he’s watching he’s watching your every move not no he’s not that’s the problem his Mind’s Eye is inventing his own uh his own narratives uh very quickly uh Marcel go ahead Marcel hey uh so um I’ve been following this since day one and I’ve waiting for you guys to talk about it you know um just because it’s taking over the world but um what do you guys think about the text messages in the middle of the night how long it takes to die in a cold um I had heard about that yeah the uh what does this have to do with leaky balloon knot that’s all I took away from this thing Marcel what is your theory you’re you’re getting at something you’re saying that you think that she she’s guilty is what you’re saying no no no obviously she’s uh there’s enough uh there to get her not guilty there’s enough Reasonable Doubt there the investigation alone I mean when you look at the OJ Simpson case mck ferin uh was the one who uh made OJ Simpson guilty in that Casa I mean not guilty in that case because of what he did so it’s basically the same scenario you know with Michael prop that’s my opinion right right right there you go well Hardy knows all these people so he’s uh he’s he’s not going anywhere you can’t drag him out of Canon we have another we have someone else that we work with on this floor who lives in Canton as well yeah that’s I find that very difficult to believe come on I know conversations in the hallway have been you know oh that’s right you’re your neighbors with her are you uh well not neighbors but we both live in Canton yeah did you ever go over there get a cup of sugar no I uh I gave her and her husband a ride home from a from a like company event once but they had parked at the uh at the commuter rail station so I didn’t drive to their home I just drove to their car no it doesn’t count that doesn’t count no it’s a shame that you that you’re friends with everyone in Canon but the people that you work with I know ironic it’s ironical man all right well I you could commute you guys could carpool together she mentioned that several times early on and I said no thank you well you know do you know who I’d wanted to be mingling around the streets of my town is True Crime Fanatics they seem like a fun group I there was that big Ruckus out on Washington Street I think it was on Sunday and I had just missed it but I think maybe I saw some of the aftermath cuz I had to run out to run an errand I’m like what the hell’s going on over there oh yeah that was more Shenanigans yeah so that is the this what were they doing who knows I you know what they were doing everyone’s got their cell phones out taking videos of each other that’s what they’re doing oh cool that’s the ancillary that’s what that’s what everybody does they everyone takes their videos out they all post it and everyone everyone looks and everyone gets really happy the people are looking all right well very good well as long as everyone can profit off of this it’s exciting and now we have because we’re being paid to do this and when just talked about it so you think today maybe they come down with the old Vero is that what that’s what I call it in the legal circles yeah I don’t know I wouldn’t be S I wouldn’t be surprised though okay how I I’ve I’d want to get the hell out of there and if I’m going to vote not guilty I’m not I’m not changing my mind because if if I’ve ever thought not guilty that’s beyond that’s not Beyond A Reasonable Doubt so I just want to get out of there at that point yeah I wonder there’s enough there to keep your opinion where it is yeah you could convince me they’re not guilty but if I think they’re if I don’t think they’re if you start there I start you’re not agree no way that’d be interesting not that we want to have a bunch of lawyers calling him but no I certainly do not but if you’re a juror Colin I would bet though Fred in in most cases it is far more likely for someone who goes into the room thinking guilty to be swayed not guilty than the other way around well cuz think about it there’s real consequences if you there’s there’s very real consequences tangible consequences if you say someone’s guilty and they go to jail for the rest of their life when you have any doubt that they did it because that’s what happened and if you really don’t think that they’re a murderer then you know that then you don’t think they’re going to murder again you know because they never murdered the first time so yeah I would if I thought they were not guilty I I don’t think I could could be convinced they were guilty and then I would just want to leave if I was ready to put someone in jail for the rest of their life or in another state get them executed then I would be all ears because I would like to be taken off the hook for being responsible for someone’s death that would be good for me I’d never make a jury anyway I’m too I’m too connected I’m too I’m too much of a hot shot a big roller you know what I’m saying I’m too empathetic to too I’m modest everything that you don’t want to a jur I’d be wearing I’d outclass the lawyers I’d be like objection to that and they’d be like you’re a juror and I’d be like look at this suit ain’t a juror suit Jack this is a high flutin lawyer I’m like La law Corbin burnson baby Major League third baseman sir you are wearing a sport coat but there appears to be a hood attached to it are you sure and then I would say uh some of us uh why did you wear your Detroit Tiger’s hat the courtroom could you take your hat off sir some of us uh you know rub elbows with minorities and some of us uh I guess do not oh darn it we’ve been found out again Hardy it’s too bad Fred sniffing phone once again never never never never have I had more respon more respect from the black community than when you two white breed bozos start calling me out of my attire you know what I’m saying RZ one love all right we’ll be right back take that cheap suit all right we’ll be right back sportsub headlines the NBA draft is tonight at barklay Center in Brooklyn at least the first round is and as right as of right now the Celtics have a choice tonight they will have the final selection in round one they have number 54 overall they will participate tomorrow night as well christops porzingis has opted for surgery on his leg in the coming days he will not play for laia in in Olympic qualifying early next month a massive trade for the Brooklyn Nets last night they sent Mel Bridges to the Knicks for Bion bonovich five first round picks a pick Swap and a second round selection Red Sox beaten by Toronto last night 94 at Fenway Park Patriots announced the dates of their training camp practices yesterday the first one 11:00 a.m. July 24th and Jeremy ronic Pavel dosuk and former Montreal defenseman Shay Weber were among those elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame yesterday Sports sub headlines are brought to you by canteen vodka soda cantens ready to drink cocktails out just 99 calories zero carbs and zero sugar perfect for the golf course the backyard of your next tailgate party canteen vodka soda drink better I’m John wck at Boston to for sports 985 to sportsub your next update at 8:00 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Celtics 985 The Sports Hub now more taner and Hardy on The Sports Hub my mother yesterday and I said to her uh she’s 82 my father’s 82 my father used to pace around the house in his underwear uh we had a circle like a kitchen uh like foyer uh living room dining room like this like small circle that you could walk and he would walk it and like just Pace like worrying about work he worried worried worried he was a real prick and then he retired and then he be got much nicer work like took a L out of him and I said to your my mom I said now that dad looks back uh cuz I don’t talk to he doesn’t talk on the phone I said now you think that dad looks back at his life and he realizes that he thinks to himself wow I I wasted so much time worrying about things that I didn’t have to be worrying about like do you think that he goes back like if he could go back in time do you think he would have not giv himself that kind of obsessive anxiety like wouldn’t life have been better and so what would you you think that your your mother would say at that point she would go you’re working you’re in a rather High competitive job you would think that your mother would say oh yes Freddy these are the things the wisdom that comes with being 82 you realize that I spent all this time worrying about trivial matters where that all that matters is love and family and things of that nature she goes no no his brain was broken he’s got a messed up brain it drove me crazy but no I said you don’t think that Dad would wish that he that it was all for nothing that he was worried about nothing that none of the things he was afraid about happen you don’t think he wish that didn’t happen no he that’s what drives him I said so the anxiety and the pain is what drove him it all paid off I don’t know Freddy thank you Mom how often do you speak to Mother each week uh three times a week and I and I’m going there this week oh good but I wanted like some sort of like yes of course Fred like you know like we all spend so much time worrying about things even as a parent who deals with a child who has these conversations Through The Years you can kind of feel that out you’ve had this your your child is looking for encouragement looking for good kind words even if don’t tell me what I’m looking for if that’s not the case but wouldn’t you assume like she’s religious and stuff wouldn’t you assume that that’s what she’s walked away from in life and then I said isn’t okay I said all right and she goes I can’t speak for your father I go of of course you can’t mom of course not you’ve only been yeah for a hundred years of course you can’t speak for him so I said how about you I go are there things that cuz my mom’s a big worrior too I go are there things that you Fred it about that you realize now that you didn’t have to and she goes I don’t know no and I go well what’s something that you worried about a lot I don’t know you getting into college and I go do you think that you worrying about me got getting into college help me get into college in any way and she’s like I don’t know oh ma I said are you religious I go she goes yes she goes in fact I was at an outing with these women in the church and I said what what kind of Solace do you get out of out of the religion like what you getting out of it and she goes well I’m going to die soon I go yeah but what is what’s what what are you getting out of the religion she goes well dying right and she’ll and I go okay and I go what about dying she goes well I’m gonna die right I’m like preparing her preparing her for death that’s what religion is so it’s going but like I’m like is there any wisdom that you I go Mom I’m asking you for wisdom and she goes huh and I go very good you’re you’re completely out of your mind I’ll call you I got to go I got to go to the shrink I got to go talk to someone with a brain in their head maybe the religion is giving her giving her Solace that she that she will go to heaven or some better place no no she no she didn’t say that she as a matter of fact I’m not giving for I your mother won’t speak for your father but I’ll speak for your mother all right hang on all right you’re you’re you’re interrupting me here here’s what she said she said I said well she goes well I don’t also don’t know what’s going to happen when I die she actually said that she said I don’t know what’s going to happen when you die I go oh you’re not kidding huh you don’t know you’re the one thanks a lot like I’m like what did you what does religion give you just something to look at you’re just sitting there like just looking at stuff I mean God bless her I hope that’s what happens when you get older your brain completely shuts off maybe for the best maybe she’s doing all this so she doesn’t have to worry no she did worry huh well that would have been nice if she said that but she didn’t say that that was what I was looking for I’m I I found through all these years and all the life I’ve lived and all the religious teachings that I’ve had I have found that ultimately the our life is a transitional space that and that when you look back at all the trivial things that we’ve worried about and this that and the third and uh he was hoping she would say she had let go her his parents had let go of whatever suffering and pain and in reality what he found out is no they’re hanging on to all of that for dear life thank you John You’ encapsulated it nicely thank you some kind of encouragement for my coming years yes you can let go I’m holding on to it and she was being defensive and I’m like Mom I’m actually coming to you for wisdom like this this is something that I’m looking to you for wisdom and she’s like huh and I’m like very good thank you this has been a very nice talk you should go into Psychotherapy we should have her on when we all get back from vacation it’ll be great we really shouldn’t have her on I would’ be all for it but we really shouldn’t have her on why don’t you get some audio while you’re down there of some of your conversations maybe could benefit from that I don’t want to do that I don’t know because it won’t be funny cuz she’ll know she’ll inherently know something’s going on I can try that’s why you record her in Secret’s nothing wrong with that at all it’s your mother I don’t have a it’s not like she’s going to sue me but it’s it’s also she’ll know something’s going on she’ll she’ll figure it out she probably thought I was taping her yesterday that’s probably why she was being so aloof yeah I mean it’s not hard to just go yeah she goes I don’t know ask your father well he doesn’t talk on the phone like I don’t want to call up Dad it’d be weird I like that about him I told that I could tell that to my son all the time I said I said like every time he gives me grief I’m like what am I doing right now he’s like driving me in the car I go all right well already you have it over me because my dad never did this not one time I never sat in his car he took me to Kmart one time I talked about this with my mom one time he took me to Kmart Kmart on Orchard Lake Road between 13 and 12 Mile not a far drive half a mile from my house did you get a frozen Coke yes I did get a frozen Coke or you get a frozen cherry those were the two those frozen Coke I I was I was OG even back then two choices but uh yeah so i’ would like call your father all right why don’t I you know go to the Moon too while I’m at it like I I’ll just yeah I’ll do that and he’ll answer right away and he’ll know exactly what’s going on Dan makes a good point Didn’t you drive to that baseball camp Oh Tom manky he you thought you would go to Disney World and he W up at tomam manky he drove you there yeah he told me that I was going to Disney World and then he instead took me to tomam manky at boardwalking baseball which was like a two-hour Drive drove you right there and then threw me in front of Tom hansky and I didn’t know what was going on that’s cruel that’s brutal yeah that’s not good at all yeah and then I’m like look at how much your grandson’s in the base he like loves it it’s like his favorite thing he’s like H I’m like all right very good don’t care I’m like you know this kind of makes up for me and he’s like and what do I know it is kind of ironic that your father doesn’t care that Milo’s so good at this point no he he that’s not unfair I mean like he cares but he doesn’t care care you know what I’m saying like like he cares like he’s he’s happy about it but he like like I mean and Milo don’t want to talk to him anymore than he wants to talk to Milo so like you know what what are we doing here I mean they’re happy we’re coming oh my God we’re this is something it’s not bad it sounds worse than it is you you know what I’m I understand you know what I’m saying like my dad doesn’t particularly want to talk to Milo on the phone and Milo certainly doesn’t want to talk to my dad on the phone so it’s not like they don’t like each other they get along great but but they I mean does your dad want to talk to your kids no like really does he really want to and your kids certainly don’t want to talk to your dad I can assure you that D my dad called my son by the wrong name consistently called him Kevin yeah his name isin yeah that’s your dad a lot like my dad yeah yeah man but my dad’s like not like you think your dad knows your kids’ birthday or maybe because they’re twins yeah but my dad my dad certainly does not all right and I don’t even hold that against him I don’t intend to know my grandkids birthdays either all right we’ll be right back in just a moment you listening to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] out of the NBA draft since 2020 round number one is tonight in Brooklyn the green have the 30th and final selection of the evening they also have pick number 54 four overall tomorrow night the team also announced yesterday christops porzingis will undergo surgery to repair the dislocated tendon in his leg and as a result he will not play for ltia in Olympic qualifying next month in other NBA news we had a massive trade involving the Brooklyn Nets late last night the Nets sent Mel Bridges to the Knicks for buen mdov five first round draft picks a pick Swap and a second round selection then they got their first round picks from 2025 and 26 back from Houston at Fenway Park last night Red Sox starter Brian beo had a real tough night at the office like that that’s what I mean by cheat this is deep this is gone Springer hits it out into the Red Sox bullpen and it is seven to2 that is blue jays television beo allowed seven runs in two and a third Innings of work on the way to a 94 socks lost Vlad Guerrero four RBIs for the visitors Rafael des and Tyler O’Neal both hit two run homers for the Red Sox cutter Crawford will face the Jays tonight the Patriots have announced the dates for all of their training camp practices the first workout is on July 24th and Jeremy ronic paval datsuk and former Montreal defenseman sha Weber were among those elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame yesterday dosuk and Weber go in on their very first try Sports up headlines are brought to you by Eastern Medtech are you currently using a CPAP machine and tired of the painful process of ordering supplies for your CPAP Eastern Medtech of New England has the widest selection of CPAP supplies all in stock and available to ship immediately visit Eastern I’m John Wallock at Boston home for sports 985 the sportsub your next update at 8:30 to us Boston Pride runs deep I’m a Bostonian this is Boston’s home for sports 985 The Sports Hub you’re listening to toucher and Hardy on The Sports [Music] [Applause] Hub hey we’re T and Hardy and we are brought to you by Fel Sportsbook make every moment more with FanDuel you can watch us on YouTube search 985 the sports sub and subscribe uh Joe Murray is the other shows on YouTube the other two shows on every day are Zak and Bertrand fer and MZ and they are on television and uh my great wisdom for some reason we bagged out on the television thing where right now we’d be making real bread baby hey well we bagged out of it but Joe Murray is also on YouTube and Joe Murray is a very unique personality does very well in the ratings and um Hardy we we’ve been investigating his show a little bit because it is like a a town hall basically I love his show I got in the car last night for like 20 seconds just to move my car and it was at that glorious 8:45 break where they are doing uh inner out and just the music’s thumping in the background and they’re just they are really taking their time and really investigating all of these topics uh every thought is allowed to breathe It’s Like A Prairie Home Companion for Boston Sports Talk Radio it’s very very glorious and people enjoy food yeah and they love talking about it now one guy called in a couple of nights ago and he was upset about the brisket conversation that had taken place earlier in the show so we we heard that call yesterday Fred the guy who was upset about the original call we never got to the original call so we went back found the original call that’s what we’re going to hear now this was what instigated the uh I the Discord that happened yeah though later on in the show but this is what this is the call that started at all on Joe Murray’s show two nights ago so that’s a guy that I would get in on and uh people in our uh chat are saying that there’s better barbecue in Texas to or is it here what do you think oh oh the barbecue man is unbelievable the brisket I’m I’m telling you I think I think we’ve hit every single spot that’s like within five miles of our house is the brisket is the brisket burn ends or how how would they serve it um well you can do the you can do the burnt ends but a lot of time it’s just uh they slice it by the pound so they slice it right in front of you it’s unbelievable by the way uh the call we heard yesterday went on for three minutes and then then they started talking Celtics I believe this was a three-minute call about football and then they get into the brisket ah like what else you got like they you called in right we’re not done with this yet yeah we now we’re going to talk about the real stuff yeah yeah like you there’s other things on your mind we’re not going to cut it off with just you whoa whoa whoa you only been out for three minutes yeah we got five hours here yeah what are you talking about I mean come on what else how’s the family what’s going on how you doing so anyway don’t rush me boy what’s the weather like where you are it’s hot in Texas no not even like is it hot in walpool that’s right I don’t know what’s going on I don’t know guys I think it’s over people’s heads it’s a front move through what he’s talking about Texas I don’t I’m confused we are not in Texas well I’ll [Laughter] be unbelievable yeah what are your favorite sides with brisket I mean just letting it ride baby yeah like it’s one thing that you’ll never hear another another Sports Talk Show or show no where the guy’s just willing to go all right not only are you I’m going to let you BS about Texas barbecue out of the blue I’m going to press the issue we got the brisket we covered the burn ends we covered the thing we got it by the pound we got it sliced we got all this like now it’s time to talk about sides they slice it in front of you by the way when I as about the sides okay well well let’s let’s hear oh um so they make this uh it’s a sweet potato casserole and it has uh has almonds and stuff uh Al the guy is like on the phone so long he has to start doing chores like in the background was going on he’s like doing dishes yeah like he’s like I’ve been on this for a long time like you know when you talk to someone for like a half an hour and you’re like doing other stuff you’re getting dressed you’re brushing your teeth while you’re on the phone speaker at this well he’s he got up and now he’s like leaving work he’s like the day’s over to catch the train oh man shut the door yeah yeah he’s like well yeah the asella just got to New York thanks uh thanks for killing the ride it’s got almonds and can you have me my briefcase uh brown sugar I think in it yeah and it has uh has almonds and stuff uh almonds and brown sugar it’s it’s like eating like pie it’s unbelievable I like pie if you were having this you pay attention come on do you think you have conversations with your friends like this on the phone anymore you used to yeah you do yeah you do so do I pal got that right yeah he actually doesn’t right and yeah who doesn’t I mean hey we that’s something we even in SAS what about the Southshore do you guys like pie peab bidy you got pie down in Taunton what about ROM what can I hear about the pie yeah he actually doesn’t right and the macaroni and cheese always got to go with the mac and cheese so casserole and mac and cheese huh yeah yeah salt you know like like CU you can have like dessert too I don’t know if you ever had that banana pudding that they have Texas yeah oh boy mhm yeah I have I don’t think he has yeah whatever you keep talking oh you think he just kind of kind of shaking that off he kind of that that’s go I think he has a sand timer and he just turns it over and then just looks at the sand leaving the top and then yeah Texas oh yeah yeah oh yeah love that too y guys we should do a segment called right where people just call in and be like Joe you got to try this and just play me going by the way if you couldn’t tell I edited out about the last two minutes of that call way when when he starts talking to scaz scale mhm things that make you go that you I like pie right would people just call in and be like Joe you got to try this and just play me going I have a feeling we have a lot of those calls coming uh this summer when I asked him about the sides now he’s just smoking a cigarette reflecting on the phone call sexuality of the phone call do you remember when I was talking about the side scar remember just then remember two minutes ago when I when I asked him about the sides oh yeah that was great Joe thanks buddy that really was so more time when I asked him about the sides he went right to that sweet potato casserole dish with almonds and uh brown sugar and then he talked about the banana pudding bana and then he talked about the banana pudding oh Dr Steve Dr Steve Murray just e Brana you gotta get Brana roing Brown suar cassero dish with almonds I like the recap of the phone call look we just said this super boring phone now let’s go back and basket it and then he talked about the banana pudding let me let me clean up here dude remember this is like waking up the next morning like what did we do last night I blacked out for a second there when I asked him about the sides remember that the sister came in remember you guys remember she was holding all that lotion uh brown sugar and then he talked about the banana pudding oh need a little Celtics cookout at the end of the year you know yeah you got to Brand it wow it’s fantastic need a little stics cook m m M and then he talked about the banana pudding wow that plus-size model just [Laughter] farted there’s four 300 lb women in this sauna this lady left a dirty bib need a little Celtics cookout at the end of the air you know just before everybody goes just one last Cook Out get your sniff ready friend you got the sniff ready uh I can get it ready cuz I can tell you visually exactly what it was hold on okay you ready I am ready do you ever fart in a glass and put a cover on it and then throw it in someone’s face h what was that again do you ever fart in a glass and put a cover on it and then throw it in someone’s face you know Kathy Bates is selling you socks on the internet oh boy he also uh was doing a segment I believe same show this was Friday night when they’re talk talking about Shrek the new Shrek 5 coming out yeah and he was having difficulty with uh with a word that it’s not an everyday word but what is a baby donkey called a f a l fo oh man a fo is a baby male or female donkey up to Oney old oh no first time you heard the word full [Music] and then he talked about the banana pudding Keith Smith will talk to us about the uh NBA draft which uh the first pick might be the tall kid out of Yukon much to uh John’s dismay John who correctly went to the game and labeled him a real bust now might be going number one in the draft you know the uh Celtics have two picks they’re saying that they can’t trade him because of whatever rules they’re saying the new CBA rules yeah they’re saying it’d be very tough to trade him so he is conceivably going to take two players Brad Stevens tonight bronnie James the pick before the Lakers go at 54 I wouldn’t even give him the satisfaction all right we’ll be back in just a moment [Music] that make you I like pie [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] might be the kid that is the has the best NBA future ahead of him who knows but the Celtics indeed have two picks and it looks like they’re going to have to take players with them because uh that’s what the Brad Stevens was saying so what indeed is going to happen it is the the sporting event going on this evening so Keith Smith we’ve had him on a bunch of times NBA writer contributor to NBA front office show he joins us on the Volkswagen dealers expert hotline Mr Smith thank you sir I appreciate it thank you for having me all right so let’s start at the top of the draft there is Intrigue with the Atlanta Hawks because a kid wouldn’t work out with for them so my question is this is there a sens his number one pick and if there is is that the guy that wouldn’t work out for him and where does this leave Atlanta with the first pick yeah things are kind of split between Alex SAR that’s the guy that wouldn’t work out for the Hawks and Zachary rase uh is the other player that’s in in the mix that most draft experts have uh one of those two players is the top player in this draft class there’s also SL some slight Intrigue in there that the Hawks May Donovan kingan of Yukon they apparently really like him but the one of the thought processes there is that could be more if they were to trade back trade out of number one that’s unlikely to happen but that could be the way that goes down so that’s that’s where we’re looking uh that I’ve had some suggest to me that the SAR stuff is a smokes screen that the Hawks may take him after all but it looks like as of right now it it’ll probably be Zachary raset we we’ve talked to a couple of different people leading up to tonight and the overall consensus seems to be that this is one of the weaker drafts in recent memory do you agree with that yeah I think especially in terms of uh topend star power right now there is no one that anyone is looking at and saying that guy is a for sure Allstar player uh within the next few years or anything like that um it’s not even sure how but how much the long-term future is uh for these guys developing a top end talent but what there is is pretty good depth of players so a lot of teams are going to come away with guys who should be long-term rotation players in the NBA whether that be a you know decade long career things like that that that’s good it’s just that top end star star power is missing out of this draft class someone will develop into an All-Star because it happens every time we have a draft that looks like this but we just don’t know who that’s going to be those three guys you were talking about at the top of the draft where would they be taken in a normal year do you think low Lottery lower than that higher than that yeah probably mid to low Lottery is where you you would see most of those grades come in on those guys like for example last year or the year before they’re probably coming off the board around the 7 to 10 range um at the earliest and then after that a few picks uh later that that’s just you know kind of where this draft class is at does it help that there are uh like especially when you’re looking whether the Celtics are picking does it help that there are some upper class in this draft some older guys that are coming out that could be first round picks just in terms of their NBA Readiness is is there some advantage to that I I think so yeah and I think what you’re going to see is teams like Boston who don’t have a lot of roster spots to fill maybe don’t want to work through a project player because they’re trying to win they probably want a guy who is more ready to step in and give them minutes if they need them right away so teams like this cell itics the Bucks the Suns the the potentially the Warriors the Clippers those sorts of teams that are going to be very expensive uh they’re they are looking for cost controlled talent but it has to be cost controlled talent that can step in and play you’ll take a project with your second round pick put him in main for the year and we’ll see but like Brad Stevens said yesterday there’s no real room to crack this rotation and it’s going to be hard for any rookie but we want that rookie to do is be kind of part of the what they called the Stay Ready group be part of that be ready to go when your number is called but I think if they pick somebody at 30 there’s a most of his minutes are probably going to come in main okay so can you give us some examples of guys that you know could be as needed emergency guys uh that are upper classman that the Celtics could be interested in yeah I think um you could see at the end if they wanted to go with like at the end of the first round if you wanted to go with a point guard a kid like Tyler kch could be there for them Baylor shyan uh that kak’s a point guard out of Marquette uh shyan is a wing shooter out of kraton uh those are guys donon Holmes is another guy uh he’s coming out of Dayton he’s a big um can switch between the four and the five uh th those players were in college for for several years um if you start to go a little bit lower you could go with a guy like ADM bana who’s coming out of UCLA he’s a guy who who could come in there Boby Clint who played at Wake Forest then play then moved over and played professionally in Australia is another guy that you could see there if they go with targeting an older player that can come in and play um right away for them if they need them to does does bronnie James get picked tonight yeah here’s the deal I I before we ask if he gets picked tonight I want to ask you this because I I was saving it because it it does show you how the college basketball might be struggling a little bit that everyone is most interested in is a kid that that is not good but uh if if bronny James was uh Leo schugel and out of kraton and was a freshman uh where would he be taken in this draft would he be taken in this draft uh if a team really fell in love with his defensive potential probably the same place he’s going to be taken anyway which will be at the end of the second round I think his absolute floor is is the Lakers pick at 55 because I think at that point you’d say fine we’ll we’ll throw you the ball and we’ll draft the kid and bring him in and put him on a two-way he they already said he won’t sign a two-way but we’ll put him in the G League let him develop there um because anybody we were going to pick a couple with that pick will be probably available as an undrafted free agent anyway so we’ll just pick the these guys and we’ll just kind of uh load it up that way and you know they have a good story make everybody happy with this but yeah he he likely wouldn’t be drafted if he didn’t have the pedigree uh there’s a whole thing right now about drafting uh players who have a lineage um to to them where those guys have actually turned out to end up being pretty good and there’s a chance Brony maybe develops to play but it’s crazy and I’ll say this anybody who put money down on him being the number one overall pick is insane they should have just I I wish I had known that was a thing I would have sent everybody my contact could have sent that money to me and I would have put it to better use yeah I mean when you think of lineage you think of like Steph Curry and he’s kind of good like you know he was it was good in college I mean that was the thing is that he was I mean based on College production he would have been even a higher pick you know he was special bronny James is not a large gentleman and uh can’t score um is this the best thing if you’re if you’re a you you cover these things you’re in depth with the with these prospects you you probably know even back to a you and all this stuff is this the best thing for Brony James’s career like if you were just if he wanted to be a professional basketball player is getting drafted by the Lakers the best thing for him or would he be better being an onside free agent like going into the G League or something like that and making his way or staying in college sure yeah they they’re they I if I had been advising I probably would have said stay in school uh get one really good normal year under your belt out because I people shouldn’t forget even despite all these LeBron’s son he had the heart condition which kept him out from the summertime through half the season so have a normal year of Summer work a normal season and and see where it all goes from there but he is he’s in the draft and he’s moving forward that way so there’s two schools of thought right part of it one would be go somewhere else away from Dad where you develop out of the Limelight and uh people care only until the extent of it’s a cool story for five minutes and then everybody moves on or the thought process could be well with the Lakers you’re GNA have some cache there and they’re not going to be like well let’s cut him loose after a month or two of watching it go they’re going to be invested in his development they’re going to do everything they can to get him there the reality is he’s going to be a late second round pick and the hit rate on those guys is pretty low anyway so I I still go back to if if you really you want to kind of put everybody in a spot where hey this is a great story it’s going to make sense he’s probably going to the Lakers tomorrow night all right and just the final question on bronny James if he would have been healthy and played on Yukon last year would he have been in the rotation he would have been because of his defense he can really defend that that part would have been they would have found a way to fit him in there with the other talented uh offensive players they had and then I think there is a chance he still could be a pretty good playmaker uh the problem is going to be is he going to shoot it consistently that’s what’s going to determine everything for him going forward Keith while we have you here a massive trade in the NBA last night involving a lot of first round picks Mel Bridges goes to the Knicks five first round picks a pick swap a second round pick and that’s an absurd price to pay for that guy what do you think of the deal yeah you said it it’s absurd this is crazy that the Knicks who held so firm on we’re not going to put extra stuff into a trade for Donovan Mitchell they they sent out all these draft picks for players never been an All-Star and most most look at it and say hey if male Bridges is your uh third best guy you’re probably a pretty good team if he’s your fourth best guy you’re a really good team but the Knicks now just took themselves out of the running there had been all these rumors that hey if Joel and beid is ever unhappy they’re going to be all over trying to get them well that’s out the window and any other unhappy Superstar that’s out the window because you don’t have the draft Capital to go get those guys this is one where I think the Nets knew we were moving him like it very much came down to all right we’re open to doing this we’re going to kick off a full scale rebuild here and I think they got the Knicks a little over a barrel where it was all right let’s let’s let’s get a deal done now what is it going to take and I get it they’re loading up on wings to try to chase down Boston and all those things but I kind of look at it as okay you did it but you’re still not a better team than a team that’s in your own division so that that’s just a a tough spot to be in and now you don’t have any any flexibility moving forward to do the next big thing that comes along do you think that they think they’re getting Donovan Mitchell next year no I don’t think so okay I think that’s out the window I think everybody thinks Mitchell’s going to sign an extension with the Cavs then we know how that goes if he’s two years into that and he’s not happy he’ll ask for a trade then but I think for now they everybody’s kind of collectively moved on from the uh Donovan Mitchell hopes because it looks like he’s definitely going to extend in Cleveland yeah Bridges is the third best player on the Knicks roster and they just spent five first round draft picks to get him what what are the picks what I what like five over how many years uh it’s five through 2031 so it’s like every other year plus a buck pick that they had plus a pick swap so everything they could send yeah so it’s more it’s not even like the value of the pics more it’s just that they got rid of them and now that they don’t have them to get some better correct all right very good y yeah all right uh there you have it uh well Keith good luck tonight keeping track of who these guys are that will be appreciate it very exciting for you uh we’ll be on Tyler cck watch here in Boston Massachusetts kid Baylor sheerman all right there you go NBA front office show thank you so much Keith we appreciate it thank you for having me all right there you go all right yeah it’s a it’s a a sad State of Affairs in college basketball at least though you know there’s kids from Connecticut that won the national title so in a way maybe it’s good I just at least you’ve heard of some of these I was just going to say start picking guys that I’ve watched I see what i kingan is a defensive guy he’s a less ath atic Robert Williams type of player but at least I’ve heard of him I’ve seen him I’ve watched him those two kids from France that he was talking about no one’s ever seen them play outside of the highlights you can find on YouTube and the kid from Tennessee is a great story connect yeah he could go 5 six seven I me I mean he’s a great story he was a nobody and then in one year he was given a shot and it it was a and it was the early season game where he went off cuz Tennessee didn’t even know if they were going to play him yep so I mean like he had one shot it was an Eminem situation he had one opportunity yeah Mom spaghetti style uh so he’s actually a great story and then Z Ed’s going to be fun to see where he gets taken and then there this will tell you everything you need to know about the NBA draft coming up tonight he’s projected Ed projected to go anywhere from 7 to 21 right and he’s you know onedimensional kid uh I I still think that he can play in the NBA I don’t oh he can play in the NBA just he’s never goingon to I don’t think he’ll start yeah but that’s the thing is that ever but there’s but you could take there there are going to be guys taken ahead of him that cannot play in of course not someone’s going to take a fly on a kid from Europe who’s going to fail miserably yeah but I I think what you’re saying too John is that the range like it’s anybody’s guess you know there there outside of the top three kids who spots where he could end you could throw the next 14 guys in a hat and just pick them out and give them to anybody right and by the way bronny James I like that he’d play because of his defense kid 61 I defense not in this league No 61 Defender who’s he defending at 61 nobody there are maybe five guys in the league that can play regular minutes that are under 63 so a guy who can shoot can’t score a guy who can’t shoot can’t well prer can shoot and score a guy who can’t shoot can’t score score you’re saying who would he defend it’s got to be like well then I you know what I might do is set a pick on get force him to cover a bigger fell and then I might get him to the switch and then thought of that you know I might I might run a old Switcheroo on the fell by the way same thing with the Celtics just pick someone I’ve heard of that’s all there the guys from Clemson you watch Clemson they were fun yeah this guy’s Shan from I mean went to the Sweet 16 of the tournament I’ve seen him play he’s like a lefty Sam Hower Shan that’s almost too sexy yep that’s almost like the stranger a lefty Sam Houser that’s like sitting on your hand stranger a lefty Sam Houser whoa whoa whoa I’m so used to that sweet right stroke yep all right we will be back have you heard of this Ryan Garcia fella he made quite a spectacle of himself we will have that for you in just a moment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey we’re tou Hardy brought to you by FanDuel sports book make every moment more with FanDuel uh who is Ryan Garcia there Hardy hard hard hard uh Ryan Garcia is a uh he’s a fighter um and he uh is taking some time away from his sport he failed a couple of pre-fight uh drug tests uh one of his wins I guess was overturned as a result of that test so he’s taking some time away from U boxing he’s a boxer Walling R Garcia he’s a boxer yes all right good and cuz you don’t know anymore he say fighter and it could be you know one of could be MMA could be be knuckle could be anything you would assume it’s MMA at this point would be the point of boxing almost uh but he was um at a poker tournament where he was sitting next to uh several luminaries including Jimmy Butler who is also a poker player so um this is the boring well you know watching poker on TV I never get tired of watching these guys I never get tired of hearing the fart that I’ve heard mil well with their headphones on and their sunglasses on saying nothing and just shuffling their checks yeah that was a real bogus kind of trend like that whole poker thing like there it’s funny how Society is like how fads go like remember the poker fad like they insisted on it like celebrity poker and this and that and it’s just boring how long lasted a lot longer than I thought it would four years maybe five good good amount of time enough for Scott staff to make an ass of himself but enough for the movie Rounders to be made yeah and it just like there’s I gambling’s like fun and exciting and everything but poker’s just laborious and boring and it’s math it sucks to watch it sucks to play so it’s the worst part of the casino not my neighbor who was the uh manager at the Crazy Horse too but my neighbor across the street in Las Vegas uh is name was John and he worked at like a plumbing supply company but when this poker boom started happening in the 9s he left the plumbing business and went he told me I’m going back to playing poker like what do you mean back he goes That’s what I used to do and I I he made it to a couple of big tables like World Series tables and won like 50 or 100 Grand I said why you going back he said because all these dummies are coming out to Las Vegas because they think they can play poker and he’s said you have no chance against somebody like me who I’ve decided this is now once again my job and I will go to the Mirage or I’ll go to one of these poker rooms at 2:00 in the afternoon and I’ll sit down with whatever it takes to buy in for that day and he said I got nothing else to do I don’t have dinner reservations I don’t have Show tickets I’m not meeting the rest of the guys from the convention at 8:00 and I will just sit there and wait for them to make the mistake and he said you need an ass made of leather and the patience of a saint he said and I got them both and I’ll just sit there all day that seems like such a horrible way to me such but he said it’s fine sit there I’d rather be plumber eat and he was working as a plumbing supply guy he was behind a counter all day I might rather be behind the counter than playing poker uh me too but he obviously he knew the game well enough to where he could actually play at times he said but for the most part it was just waiting these guys out because he said the best kitchen table player in all of Milwaukee stands no chance against a guy like me and a couple of my buddies who are locals he’s like no we’ll just show up and wait for you to get anxious or get bored or get impatient and that’s when we’ll take all of your money and then you leave and we’ll just wait for the next guy and he would play for 6 8 hours 10 hours a day four or five days a week and that’s what he went back to doing all right what did this R what happened with this so this is the setup this is the host uh a guy named Alan keading and he’s talking with Ryan Garcia and another Boxer there and is just kind of setting things up we’ve got a a strange group of people that probably wouldn’t be together if it wasn’t for poker But Here We Are Tonight we’ve got athletes of boxers basketball players we got streamers from all over the world wow you have athletes and basketball players and terrible announcers that can’t even put two sentences together streamers they have streamers this the other thing you get for poker too the announcers are fantastic I mean the real pieces of garbage athletes and basketball players and basketball players and streamers we’re looking forward to it so I’m going to pull up a few people and interview them for you guys what are you expecting so far so good I’m expecting you to play about 97% of hands and I’m going probably play about 99 so is this a bit of a challenge it is inde oh you have me in your sights all right man I’m glad you’re here Tyler this is our second time doing this you remember I can’t wait dude the first time was Unforgettable you know what I mean Unforgettable Unforgettable dude Mr Eubank the World Champ I’m glad you’re here because I go to your boxing matches now you’re here for a hustler match what do you think’s going to happen today what H what how hustle match the stains you know the stains after Hustler match they’re very hard to get out a hustler match what do you think’s going to happen today I think the bullets are going to get sent I think there’s going to be some action I think there’s going to be a lot of uh a lot of big pots all right very good very good Dynamite how you doing Daddy it’s great to see you bro thanks for coming out of course I know you’re busy and everything you had this historical incredible fight thank you life ain’t going that good Evan A’s a [ __ ] he slept with P Diddy he had massive sex with him all right wait whoa slow you roll see they low you to sleep like your friend the poker player they low you to sleep with their boring crap and then b boom so this is the Garcia guy talking what is he saying you translate this for me what is he Mike lockart you get in here what’s he saying yeah he’s talking about Devon Haney who he beat last time and then the drug test came back and it got overturned so apparently there’s all these pictures of Devon Haney talk hanging out at P Diddy’s house shirtless in his pool with yeah with all the allegations and all the terrible things that you’ve seen P Diddy do in in if you read or something they or listen to these guys in the in the hip-hop Community talk about it all they’re concerned about is gay stuff yeah like they their only concern what about the human trafficking no no no he kissed a man like what about the it’s like the homophobia is really really outrageous like you know he just beat the hell out of this woman it’s like on camera and they’re like yeah yeah yeah that sucks and everything but like he’s gay right like well that’s like the the least of it you would he nasty of course I know you’re busy and everything you had this historical incredible fight oh thank you life ain’t going that good Evan’s a [ __ ] he slept with B didy he had massive sex with him then I beat his ass and he sued me hey yo and he’s about to see you again all right uh let’s break and when we come back uh Garcia seemed to have a few cocktails and and I can guarantee that these announcers are going to handle this well they’re going to get I can I haven’t heard it but I have a feeling they step in and really get this steer the conversation in the right direction or or you know stop talking to him or or get a microphone about poker or remove him from the premises but when he’s actually playing poker and he keeps talking about these things I I don’t know if you can’t say anything well you could remove them why this the only reason to watch because I’m liable perhaps for some of this if this goes down all right so we’ll be back in just a moment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 985 the sports up on YouTube there’s a community there of people talking about all kinds of stuff yeah it’s not even about the show which is kind of good I guess that’s the point of it so you can go make friends on there and uh it’s a fellowship and there’s a I’ll tell you this is that uh we are brought to you by FanDuel Sportsbook make every moment more with FanDuel we got into the whole thing about how boring poker is but there was a celebrity poker tournament and uh a boxer or a boxer by the name of Ryan Garcia yeah uh they’re introducing all these lame guys and then all of a sudden Ryan Garcia gets the mic and says de’s a [ __ ] he slept with B didy he had massive sex with him then I beat his ass and he sued me hey yo all right so there you go hey this what he says on Mike the guy that he had fought last he says uh had gay sex with P Diddy which again in the hipop community is like the mortal sin like this is the this is what everyone’s very concerned about getting caught up in not human trafficking or like girlfriend spousal abuse or anything like that it’s it’s the gay stuff which is pretty fascinating all right and where and what happens next so they allow this guy to sit at the table Yeah so then they’re going to go play some poker and uh he’s sitting there at a table and Jimmy Butler’s at the table and uh well uh Ryan Garcia doesn’t necessarily need anyone to uh talk to he just is talking yeah and the good thing about having someone completely out of control during a poker tournament is there’s so much to distract you you know like there’s so much cross talk and action it’s actually the worst place in the world it’s like being it’s like having a machine gun in a library like you’re gonna I mean everyone’s going to hear everything you say there’s nothing going on poker is in insanely boring but I think somebody actually does engage him here which seems to be a horrible idea this Jimmy Butler just mixing stuff up going I’m rich and I don’t need this well this is the guy who you you would probably most want to ignore if you’re actually sitting at the table but well what kind of drugs steroids class you know that one uh bicycle guy Lance oh Lance yeah he did that the bicycle guide Lance come on good good way to interrupt uh if you’re going to have this lunatic spouting off stuff maybe shut up but somebody asked him what kind of drugs what kind of drugs he test positive for like the the bicycle guy yeah it’s good to know what what were you putting in your body oh I don’t know you know that guy that played the flute whatever that stuff was I just I don’t know I just let him stick me with stuff oh yeah he did the bicycle guy Lance come on when I when I grow up I want to be just like the bicycle gu put some respect on my man CL a billion of G of aering that means the lowest possible amount has absolutely no benefit yeah crazy bro you know I don’t CH so give me the hotel story they just charge you money there I don’t understand all right so this he was arrested for trashing a hotel room oh so he’s he’s had a couple minor offenses yeah it’s it’s not a one-time offender no I got to give it to the guy who’s encouraging him at the table though cuz that I like the put some respect on his name way to focus on the the Lance Armstrong reference stupid you have a real hot wire here if you’re going to let him go let him go well that’s Lance Armstrong the bicycle guy he’s glance Armstrong after all what do you put some respect on his name let the maniac what are you going say Charles Manson like ah slow down Charlie like you’re not making any sense here like they got your card on file they know you got money like what they just like Char you happened what the hotel thing where they bro they just wanted to take me to jail cuz like they couldn’t just charge you right it yeah everybody tracks a hotel every once in a while it is true true i’ every person I’ve ever known it’s like Wall’s cage very messy I remember how uh incensed zo was when he found out or heard I don’t even know if it’s true but he heard that the guys in romin like made a mess of the dressing room at Gillette Stadium and how how disrespectful that was I’m like well number one have you seen their show because they uh they bring out like a uh a 10ft tall baby carriage and set it on on fire you might be more offended at that than them overturning a table and spilling some drinks in the crappy dressing room at jillette Stadium Scott really feels like he’s a part of that whole operation over there huh a way he is I know he is but it’s like but it’s almost like he’s like hey don’t don’t disgrace my property come on guys right right like what who’s playing here let me get let me look over the rider see if this is all okay like I live like right by there and I’m I’m there you know I’ll bring the green M&M’s if he really needs it I mean let me check this Rider I mean are there ladies of ill repute that are going to be around cuz I’m not I’m not having that like like like take it easy on my dress what are they requesting ashtrays for there’s no smoking allowed in here yeah I mean I live like down the street and occasionally work from there I have a very intimate knowledge of the place bro I’m not Wrong Am I Wrong D that was one of the funniest things ever I mean I was talking about the other day I was like it was it was only 15,000 it was like saying it’s like not like you’re not going to pay like what what I don’t understand why no it was sck yeah there’s guy who’s going to have a lot of money he’s a a professional athlete that’s allowing people to stick drugs in him that he doesn’t even know what they are and then he is someone who’s $155,000 in collateral damage is no big deal he’s going to be a boxer forever all right and finally Hardy uh what is here so here’s a super cut of uh things happening at the table um he’s he’s drinking which during a lot of these professional tournaments or where there’s real money at stake these guys won’t uh you know treat it like a night out at the casino they actually take it seriously uh no he he’s going to chug a drink uh at one point he he stands up and starts flexing and um well you’ll hear him is he going to chug that whole thing all right all right only half with nothing that’s beautiful a diamond would be insane it’s like a Angry Joe [Music] Murray what do you think about that Joe you tell me Joe I like pie oh you do what what sound do you make after you eat the pie m that’s like Vern Troyer but when he was peeing did you say the same thing Dan yes that’s exactly like Vern Troyer when he was uh when he was peeing and they made the noise when he was driving and they just kept filming yep didn’t interrupt Vern troyer’s mini me from the Austin Powers movies and he was on like celebrity house and the first night he’s there he like you know has a beard so in his little body like it it goes crazy he died of like alcoholism and he’s in a corner going and he’s peeing himself and the cam just filming away and then Peter Brady finally comes out Hardy’s friend Peter Brady finally comes out of the room it’s like ow he’s like he’s like like a wet cat like he’s like okay sorry I had burn jari there for you yeah I know I heard it good we all said and watch this just like this is cool this two foot tall guy peeing himself cuz he’s so wasted how are they sure that Dro wasn’t going to die like you don’t know what’s going on in that body yeah you little guy it’s like giving a baby a bunch of drinks seriously like it’s like what would happen to a baby if you gave him like a bunch of drinks that sounds really like Joe in the corner like a look at the little guy pee a fart in the glass all [Music] [Applause] [Music] all and then he talked about the banana pudding that’s when the end when he goes is when Peter Brady tries to touch him that’s a grown man well I mean that’s a man that’s an older gentleman that’s not a that’s not a child all all all and then Peter Brady’s like all right someone’s got to do something and his reward is a wet cat scam I’m I’m Different damn L rolling him I’m start o that’s fast I love Jesus and uh I’m feeling great are those pants just falling off I’m happy the money went to you thanks bro cuz you have a lot of girls and I do too start off like this my all right I don’t even know what he say well his pants start falling down and at some point he he told Jimmy Butler he was a big fan of him when he played with the bulls he said thank you and Butler says that was a long time ago yeah and he says who you play for now that’s the thing is that celebrity poker lends itself to CU it I imagine you’re there for several hours and if it’s free drinks it’s certainly boring so I would imagine just to kill the time you’re going to get it you’re going to get wasted [Music] [Applause] [Music] by the way we didn’t put that music in that was VH1 going you know what this needs a little bass what’ you do tonight I I I watch TV oh yeah what’ you watch a documentary onbs no no no there was a [ __ ] peeing he’s all drunk and he was peeing and then the guy that played Peter Brady touched them and he made that noise what’ you do with your life well I had a show that we cast this little fella on got him all riled up on alcohol and watched him pee you ever fart in a glass and put a cover on it and then throw it in someone’s face Joseph how dare you come on Joe Joe you’re better than that all right well there you go I really you got a chance to play ver Troy chance to your Ryan Garcia Vern Troy and just out that little screen over there Hardy Scott all together yeah just keep the cameras rolling no one step in nothing bad could happen here like if it’s Vince Neil it’s one thing if it’s ver Troyer you gota you don’t know the delicate nature you don’t know what’s going on in that body when did you want to like go like can someone make sure he doesn’t die like on camera maybe we maybe we stop rolling for a second just for a moment but you would have to think he was in some kind of serious distress and I don’t don’t think you could make that assumption based on this he’s got his penis out he’s urinating and making he does not care for Peter Brady he’s asking he’s asking for Bobby he does not want beat her at that point he’s like your voice changed you could barely get get through time to change time to change and rearrange all right we will be back in just a moment we’re going to do email but also JJ reic who’s a real prick and came is going to be a real failure as the coach of the Lakers you watch uh there is allegations that have come out against against him and I’m more interested on in how anyone knows about it than I am in the actual allegations all right though we’ll be back in just a moment stay tuned for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] simply never happened Hal Lima Nash an author speaker in dukum dropped the bombshell allegation on social media on Tuesday claiming I’ve only been called the nword to my face by a white man once in my life and it was on the campus of Duke University while I was doing work for the basketball team when today he was named the new head coach the Los Angeles Lakers what a world reic the former college basketball Superstar at Duke and 15-year NBA veteran and Super Genius was introduced as the head coach the allegation was posted on Nash’s account at 910 a.m. on Tuesday and as of the time this post there were it was viewed 10 million times now she doesn’t have a lot of followers so my question is this and it’s an honest question if you put something on Twitter say you have like 4,000 5,000 followers how many followers does she have go to her Twitter uh let’s see she has 4500 okay so say she had 4,500 followers mhm and so 4 the best case scenarios 4,500 people see that which is unlikely that everyone would see everything that you everyone that follows you would see everything you post how does that get that many million views 23 23 and Counting 23, 23 million yeah 23 million views how does that happen like who sees that and how does it get into the hands of people where you and I see it like isn’t that weird that it I mean whatever with the claim I guess you know sure but and I don’t like reic but I don’t I mean whatever it’s maybe he did I mean why would she lie but maybe he didn’t maybe she’s getting a kick out of maybe he was mean to her one time I don’t know I’m just more interested by like someone with 4,500 followers now has something that is H that the coach has to respond to interesting right yes how do things go viral like that it is fascinating old there are so many people posting all sorts of absurd crazy stuff online and this thing got picked up anyone could say anything about JJ reck doesn’t necessarily have to be her I’m sure a lot of people did but this got picked up yeah because you could just what what is concerning about this in a way is that anyone could say anybody thing about anyone and then it whatever algorithm kicks in and the next thing you know there’s 25 million people talking about it and now you’re the guy that said the nword there’s no way to prove it she she says on her on her uh profile here on Twitter that she did go to Duke no she’s a Duke Alum they they’ve done they vetted her she’s a Duke Alum so she’s an intelligent young lady all right no question about it she went to Duke and everyone’s very proud that went to Duke Cadillac we understand yes we understand that you went to Duke you could have had a job at the big Station in New York but you stayed at Duke I follow him on Facebook H but I’m just interested that you can just make a claim like that and the next thing you know I’m at a press conference talking about some one saying I said the nword 15 years ago very interesting but this is just a precursor uh be careful what you wish for J jtic because I think that your life is a lot more interesting than just doing a podcast and act like a prick to people now you’re really going to be under the microscope somewhat insular sitting with LeBron James and talking about you know sets out of bound sets and knowing what I know about uh the internet me thinks that there are people going to be hunting for other times he said the NW and perhaps there will be some people uh willing to say he did so I have a feeling that this isn’t just going to go away that and then people are going to have to start vouching for him and it’s going to become a whole thing perhaps if you acted a little less pompous it might have gone a little easier I don’t think it helps I certainly don’t think it helps he’s very arrogant individual very arrogant individual and not not for good reason he’s a dummy as far as I’m concerned a social dummy at least you know what I’m saying well reic said obviously no it never happened and uh Hela did add another statement to the initial thing that said it was years ago um and I’m a believer that we all have space to grow especially from our college level maturity we live in a world where these exchanges happen and the intersection of race and privilege and lack of accountability all collided with that pressure H I don’t know I don’t know wait so she doesn’t think she thinks she’s grown past it she just wanted everyone to know what happened yes so she’s like hey look I’m going to throw this thing out there I want you to react to it and then I’m going to backtrack a little bit so don’t for context this was years ago and I’m a believer that we all have space to grow especially from our college level maturity well that was obviously your belief when you put that out there is that you wanted to be to have context there’s no context on the internet hoodie Blazer has contexts sure uh if you don’t know I was at Mike Gorman’s uh last night as a uh the big night at the the garden and uh I was invited by Mike Gorman and by myself and I showed up wearing a blazer with a hoodie connected to it almost a Dicky hoodie yeah and I had a baseball cap on it was a day Celtics game and these two uh which somehow which somehow explains the fashion Choice the fact that it was in the daytime well you made fun of the hat and I’m like well it was during the day it Detroit hat at a Celtics game it was a Detroit baseball cap it’s a different sport uh and uh no Riz says um your boy Riz you already know I appreciate the shout outs you always looking out for your boy you know how we do Fred man they stay trying to keep us down MH We rise up like the Phoenix you look good Fred take a look in the mirror and trust me black don’t crack keep doing what you’re doing baby see the support I have from the black community look at you yeah you guys seem like of people yep you feel like fools just telling Hardy that just telling Hardy that I feel like a fool Hardy that’s that’s Fred is beating me down someone says Don from Carver remember your friend who threaten me on the he said meet him in the parking lot Dennis says late to the party but is Don from Carver an evil version of Mark jamell oh evil Mark jamell yeah instead of collecting recliners he Rec he collects The Souls of his victims yes I was reminded by a listener that meatballs in Manhattan was five years ago yesterday remember that Nick when your dad made out with sagas his own Tyler Faith the porn star your dad the man who’s loin you came from was making out with her and now she’s engaged to a Hell’s Angel I’ve been told I hate this I hate everyone I hate everybody here I hate you I hate Fred H yep it’s true a lot of people talking about shiy sha shock uh Lebron James Trump I I do think that LeBron James and Donald Trump have a lot in common yeah you know like uh when Trump was selling the Bible which is he was like you know I love the Bible and I love all the parts of the Bible the the beginning the end it’s all great obviously he’s never read the Bible H but then you had LeBron James talking about Chess though I thought a fun game would be is it LeBron James pretending to know about something or Trump pretending to know about something play a lot of Chess not in real life oh see you don’t play you don’t play that’ll never get boring to me it’s the most it’s the dumbest play a lot of Chess I’ve never played chess not in real life no he’s like a fool that everyone sits around and just lets him make a fool of them a fool that’s dangerous because people listen to him and actually believe him but it’s almost mean that Lan’s going like dude like stop doing this stuff like you’re an idiot exactly like I’m really good at chess now I’ve never played it it’s it’s like it’s something out a Game of Thrones like a young king like walking around just like you know I can walk on water sure you can King hey way to go actually you know a lot of people told me you should look you should play chess because you’ll be great I’ve never played chess in my mind I think that was an interview with JJ reck by the way of course cuz JJ reck’s so smart he that was JJ reing idiot too JJ reck sitting across from going a I know what you’re saying I know what you’re saying yeah two morons two morons that think that they’re the smartest people on the planet well JJ r he just wants to win I want to coach the team I don’t want Dunning Krueger effect I don’t want to dispel anything one thing about the internet is really making the this Dunning Krueger effect run wild it really is I mean there’s a lot of like access to just sit there and pontificate on crap you have no idea what you’re talking about and you know JJ reck has been in this like little NBA bubble and now that he’s got to step out into the real world now now it’s entertainment now it’s media market number two now it’s you know you’re part of the number one one of the top franchises in the history of the NBA because he was a real douch at Duke you’ll recall like with his rapping and his poetry and everything else really bad poetry that he was very comfortable reading he was very comfortable reading his bad poetry and and acting like it was good he was another person no one ever told him slow slow down fella these are bad tattoos slow down with the Poetry not so much it’s bad write all you want express yourself on the page don’t share it just yet you’re you’re you’re you you sound like an idiot don’t tell people you’re rapping JJ save that for the shower let’s not go crazy you’re not good at it you’re not going to be good at it you’re Fred Durst I have an email from Ryan is it just me or does JJ reck’s voice sound like Scientologist Tom Cruz not L sure what that means man uh Matthew says he guys the first Saturday of every month Home Depot does a kids workshop where they have little kids build different things having Hardy explain to Kendra how to put one of these things together would be good stuff everyone’s very excited do you have your three bets for the contest I do not um because well I I’m gonna wait for the lines on Thursday the lines move I don’t know what’s going to be available and what’s going to look good you can’t do it like a 2027 future or anything can’t do like the the next Summer Olympics in 20 oh I didn’t even think about that that would have been a really good idea8 Olympics they they don’t even have to bet the same Sports it can no no no it’s just three bets and then whoever does the best and if a tie goes to Kendra what absolutely why not so they both get two they both get two out of three he loses Absol the tie the tie means nothing happens chivalry yeah and then we just do it we push it back another week all right well I’ll keep doing bets I’d rather keep doing more bets than than actually have to fulfill either side of that bet you’re going to have to figure out where you and Kendra are going to film stuff guys send to me on the internet as a female I’ll I’ll be a big part of the planning of this and a and a catalyst to make sure it happens no unless I’m told what I would like you did it at her house well that certainly you put your foot down and maybe you could do it like in a cool like car do it at work since this is a work thing and I’ll be at work and we can do it at work no no no that’s not inate enough it’s not intimate enough I don’t are you afraid to be outside of the station with her what have what what you BMX does what does the intimacy have to do with any of this that you guys are getting to know each other that’s the whole point of this intimacy is the main point of this is you know me I I I think I know you a little bit okay and how have you gotten to know me in my home oh I mean over the course of decades though this has got to happen quick I want this licky split I mean we don’t have 20 years to play with here well you don’t have 20 years of you don’t have any chance of getting me you’ve been to my home you’ve been to my home in both my homes in yes I’ve invited you to mine but you have refused I’ve refused I had the children I told you bring the children yeah and they’re going to go like oh hooray they’re they’re my daughter is 13 got toys there okay A little self-conscious you know you got an older girl there I think they’re both self-conscious I forgot about JJ reck’s poetry oh yeah bad oh not good let’s kick it I can’t see what my future has in store but I move forth to the strength of a condor shark Thorn once cut my soul I asked the Lord what am I to do he said Son the rain falls because of me leaves change colors on a fall tree I was the inspiration to Martin Luther King I’m the reason Ray Charles can sing I’ve given strength to others through and through and my son I’ll do the same to you through and through to your mother that’s just bad bad rhyming bad poetry in a Southern accent where’ that go now he’s that monotone [Music] affectation all right well tomorrow we’ll find out at in the 7:00 hour what the bets are between Kendra and Hardy and then if uh Hardy wins Kendra will go to a hardware store where Hardy will have a gift card and and Hardy can Gran Torino style explain through everything that’s going on yeah here’s a and along those lines here’s an email from Mike a Hardy really love the show um uh Breathe new life in the morning dare I say I think Fred seems happier just want to let you know I’m on your side of the Hardy Kendra bet discussion um I don’t want to say anything mean about anyone here except for you Fred who goes along with her stick he said if I were you I would pick the activity that would be most excruciating for her thank you Mike but if you’re on my side you would be on the side of no activity would what would what what does he suggest would be more boring for her like we can’t put her in danger so what would be more boring than going to a hardware store with you he says that it’s not only that but then helping me with some home project and now you’ve you’ve made it infinitely worse by extending the outing maybe you should have a uh now you should maybe you should mistake you just made yeah cuz then you can work as a team man why is it a mistake if I’m not going to do it John what if you bought built an RC car of the grasshopper oh yeah see not so not so shabby now huh well no I was thinking because we have one right now the boy and I share an RC car but to have a second one yeah I just might do that on my own I thought about it at the time I said no we’ll just buy the one maybe you guys could go to a hobby shop that’s pretty boring too and then you could go buy uh something and then you guys could put it together together the hobby shop that I went to down in Foxboro there was a guy down there who didn’t work there but you would think he did because he was just wandering the aisles and giving you advice on things that you were looking at yeah that’s the anything goes at the hobby shop same thing happened to me the uh the uh prosthetic penis distillery distillery yeah wow that’s what they call him okay I was walking around he’s like uh what’s that the King Kong he like yeah yeah that’s a big one yeah me more medium what he was saying to me all right we’ll be right back with the stack uh everyone’s very excited there was a hor able accident in Rhode Island and uh we have footage from a car that was driving through the aftermath of that accident you’re going to want to hear it I do want to hear it all right we’ll be back in just a moment sportsub headline [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] possibly have missed from the show it’s time for the stack on Rhode Island Rhode Islanders love their calamari but this squid was way underdone a vehicle lost all or part of its load on Route One in North Kingstown on fway Co on Friday coting coating the road with squid and liquid all three lanes were covered in pink goo just north of where traffic from Route 138 and Newport enters the highway than good somebody was driving along and decided to start recording what they saw and well smelled you see any squid yet oh yeah squid worth right here all right we got Rhode Island problems here about couple hundred yards couple hundred yards of calar Calamar gods of Calamar fried Calamar Calamar fried Calamar it’s Calamar so you got to go a little Calamar Calamar Robert Robert Kelly does a bit I mean we before I heard the bit I think the da thing well predates the Robert Kelly boots so we weren’t stealing from Robert Kelly’s like I you ever have a douchy friend you go to Italian restaurant R they’re like hey how’s everyone doing yeah like what would you have [Music] like no the mozzarella the mozzarella yeah I’ll tell you what I’ll have I’ll be having the mozzarella couple hundred yards couple hundred yards the calar at least all over the road all over the road disgusting smashed up up around the corner we’re going to have banana peppers probably uh yep oh yeah that’s [Music] definitely banana pepper up around my corner put those in with the Calamar see banana peppers and then he talked about the banana pudding banana peppers banana peppers ban banana pudding banana peppers remember he remember you know two seconds ago when the guy was on remember he talked PE Peppers so what was on the road calamari yeah okay thanks hey remember that guy who just talked about the calamari fried calamari when Da did that that was something else uh the thank you to the andamans they said we have so much b-roll of this jackass I love da too but but he is really put it on his show they’re like what they go what would be like a good baseball like some ridiculous concept like what would be a good uh menu items like for baseball team he like and then think they’re like da just was like all right here we go I’m going to be ripping it up for you and they’re like oh boy oh yeah the honey yeah he’s like eating buffalo wings in like calamari and he’s fried Calamar it’s Calamar so you got to go a little Calamar Calamar you get thing it was a Patriots thing Wes Welker was like the was like the calamari and Brady was like another dish no need to say Kar they they serve it at at Red Lobster like it’s enough you’re this is not some crazy thing that you’re putting in front of me some you know from the depths of the Nile it’s not like a brisket no it’s nothing good like that no it’s not and then the bacon on top that’s Moss going deep no no it’s not da you misstep there but DA’s got a national Show Now who so who am I to to judge good guy I like the good show somebody threw up on the mound last night you were watching this game Fred I was watching the game but I did not see the guy throwing up on the on the mound uh I was watching it cuz my son was over and he wanted to watch left-handed pitches what was it Reds Padres Reds Pirates two erors by the center fielder in consecutive endings uh and not throwing erors either yeah hunter green on the mount lots of extra base hits with that almost half of the hits oh under green just uh got sick just say it dummy after that pitch it’s a terrible pitch I don’t know how why they’re so afraid of everything like he vomited he just vomited on TV you can’t say vomited he vomited he he vomited liquid he’s obviously hung over he he was hung what it looks like to me is he was hung over and he chugged a bunch of water cuz he was dehydrated Y and then he did too much and then he got a amped up when he got on the mound and came back at once in the adrenaline matched with the the cortisone from the hangover and then the two things Clash the next thing you know you’re projectile vomiting he probably felt fantastic afterwards but I imagine to projecti vomit like that and I guess it’s not the first time it’s happened no you see any squid yet oh yes no not that uh okay have you seen he squid yes I have been com yes I’ve been combing through the vomit I can tell you what he’s had to eat and there is shellfish uh no he talked about afterward how it’s happened before I did the opposite this time trying not to have the same result as as last time you know I’m not going to sit there and make a big deal out of it cuz I don’t think it’s a big deal uh but there’s stuff that I’m going to take take some pills and stuff like that to help with my stomach and just hope it goes away nobody goes out there and throws up and then you know what I mean it’s not like part of a routine it’s not part of anything so it’s going to throw well watch I would I take issue with that you know I mean it’s not like part of a routine it’s not part of anything sure it is steeman Wily Bean threw up uh before his first couple starts the sharks they went out they made the playoffs I think didn’t they yeah old yes they did yeah Willie Bean to the second round Good Old Willie scheman used to take a dump on the mound he would be so nervous Willie steeman yeah Willie steaman used to go out there and just pull his trousers down and take a dump but he planned to do it so they called him scheman Willie steeman cuz that was his plan all along that’s true and then when he went to the Ians play foreland Cleland played for Cleveland damn it Cleveland scheming Willie steeming that was a happy accident by the way I wasn’t clever enough to say steaming on purpose that was just an accident I have to call myself out for that so it’s going to throw you off it’s going to make you’re going to be thinking about that a little bit more than making pitches so you just try and do your best I guess in that situation to flip your mindset and just try and focus on you know what you need to do and it’s not easy but um I wasn’t coming out of that game and I knew I wasn’t so I just had to try and you know make do with it and and then he talked about the banana pudding this is the wrong time to Joe to do that show we are we are in cruise control baby so every moment I can play if you’re a listener and wants something on the air this is the time to email these next two days yeah cuz if if all Joe Murray does is [Music] say I like pie Mak it on the show [Music] and then he talked about the bnana pudding if I’m if I’m Joe I’m using that tonight that one’s like a nice one Brian go ahead morning guys hey what’s up um I got a I got a a real good friend um who was uh on the uh the Twins and when he was warming up to go into the game he was like a second appearance Zoom the camera Zooms in on him vomits all over the mou was was it because he was nervous was it because he was sick or was he hung over he was no no hung over he was amped up nervous adrenaline kicks in figuring out hey in one minute I’m actually G to be on an MLB Mound and all these front of these people and uh it was just nerves it wasn’t hung over anything like that but it’s funny the camera was watching him warming up and then boom yeah he just puked all them out yeah did you see it did you happen to be watching yeah yeah yeah yeah oh you had to love that you had to be in heaven on like Sports Center honestly what’s your friend’s name oh uh Ryo Rook yeah Ryo Rook I just was told that but uh yeah so you had to be thrilled I would have been very very thrilled I would we were dying I was dying I that’s the best case scenario because a you want your friend to be in the major leagues because it’s cool and then B though you don’t want him to get too high on himself so have V it’s a best case scenario for you thank you Brian yes throw up is good throw up is very good who what what what the hell is that yes is there anything he has not said on that show regarding stomachs my God it’s a library of everything it’s you think that was AI I called it the mcmr burger yeah I know what that is that’s what he you ever fart in a glass and put a cover on it and then throw it in someone’s face the aroma oh boy we got our beef bro NPR all they’re talking about is the trial yeah what are you gonna [Music] dog casserole dish with almonds all right very good thank you all it is let’s meet back here tomorrow huh all right yeah clean lady was supposed to come at 8:30 she hasn’t come yet oh bougie yeah I clean my own house only takes me an hour I don’t really know how at a certain point to clean the house there’s a point where my expertise on cleaning like mirrors I don’t really I’m I I don’t know how to properly clean a mirror without streaking so I don’t know how to keep my pants on there’s stuff that may not be that new but I’ve only been made aware of in the last year or so it’s like a foaming glass cleaner spray it on there yeah it’s that stuff is Magic apartment but I I don’t do the mirrors in the I do it in my I do it my I do it in my car well your wife works I would imagine you have a cleaning lady that comes every two weeks every two weeks same with me I helped her bring in the uh vacuum the last time I showed up I did didn’t have to I could have just said I’m paying you you carry it I’m rubbing off on you yeah I like that and way to take the credit for my good deed that’ll do it for us everyone have a fantastic day bye he

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