closer to my body closer to your body there we go I’m hitting the slice a lot or I’m hitting to the right or whatever the case may be and it’s just these small little details that someone like tiger can look at your swing and say okay do this and once you fill it once you do it right and you feel it you like oh that’s all I had to do now it’s about how do I consistently and constantly like do the same thing so I learned I’m not that far away from being the kind of golfer I want to be not like getting paid to do it but being able to play and have fun and enjoy it and be kind of good now we’re talking he got a future in the culture if you want to be there I don’t think he wants to I think he got a future good TR this the thing that really was great was the fact that we think alike you know you you don’t know how someone else that’s great in a sport think but we had so many moments where I was like exactly
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