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Merch out now! // Submeta: | The team took over WNO this past Thursday in Austin, Texas going 6-1on the night. What was your favorite moment of the night?

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who’s number one with the boys let’s fing [Music] go all right we just got here at the Palmer Event Center we’re going to be doing a press conference in Wayne’s so make sure you guys follow along and enjoy the Vlog ready ready welcome to the official weigh-ins for who’s number one for Gordon Ryan versus Josh Sounders it’s going down Thursday June 20th right here in Austin Texas the mecca for Jiu-Jitsu we’re at the Palmer Event Center where it’s going down tomorrow night and let’s kick things off with our first prelim match of the night we’re going to have Ali walski going up against Natalia Santoro in a flyweight match let’s go ahead and bring them out Ali representing B Team she’s weighing in at 126 lb I’ll bring out Natalia centuro she weighs in at 121.6 lb if you guys want to step in front you can face each other all right thank you ladies up next we have a men’s lightweight division we have Jordan Holly and Andrew degraph let’s go ahead and get Jordan Holly out here to weigh in Jordan weighing in at 155.5 lb Andrew weighing in at 1 15.8 lb you guys want to step in front of the scale you can face each other just right right here up next we have another women’s match this one’s also going down in the flyweight division we kind of have a bit of a wo veteran going up against a young Young Gun a young wrestler I believe she’s ranked on Flo wrestling she’s trying to make her name get ranked on Flow grappling as well we’re going to see Lauren Sears and Taylor hisaw let’s go ahead and get Lauren Sears out here Lauren Sears representing 10th Planet Austin weighing in at 1258 lb thank you Lauren here let’s get Taylor HW Taylor weighing in at 125.0 lb awesome thank you ladies this was kind of a little bit of the featured prelim we got trials winner going up against trials winner in a heavyweight matchup we’re going to see Philipe Costa go up against Dean moody this should be pretty exciting it’s also the last one that’s going to be free on the YouTube channel so let’s go ahead and get phip Costa out here to weigh in weighing in at 219 lb let’s get Dean Moody Dean weighing in at 227.04 and then to kick off the main card Ethan kinson going up against DeAndre Corby in the lightweight division let’s go ahead and get Ethan to step on the scale Ethan weighing in at 155.25 point4 lb up next we have a men’s welterweight match where we’re also going to see trials winner versus trials winner this one’s going to be Elijah dorsy going up against Joseph let’s go ahead and get Elijah dorsy out here to weigh in Elijah weighing in at 1676 lb if Elijah let’s get Joseph chin Joseph weighing in at 17.8 lb I believe you guys want to step in front of the scale face each other up next we have a men’s uh men’s middleweight match it’s going to be tinan dopra going up against Jay Rodriguez a little bit of AJ versus B team in this one let’s go ahead and get tinan dopra out here to weigh in tin doer weighing in at 183.2 let’s go ahead and get jrod out here J Rod weighing in at 1840 lb you guys want to step in front face each other you got a gift got a gift what’ you get got a gift got a paycheck oh [ __ ] you got paid you haven’t even shown up yet didn’t even show up got uh what’s the gift got some water nice defen so you need that you smell so good the have Stu let goold baby what what goes on the J Bowl we got um white Weiss chicken corn Pico um black beans mhm going to add some guac on that of course we had the guac normally I can’t afford the Glock but it’s self- served here so we’re good to go you I need a [ __ ] something to hold my [ __ ] hair you need to get Taylor to for one of those hats Taylor I yeah actually yeah I had to [ __ ] I reached out to a lady yesterday to like braid my hair she’s like oh I’m full and I’m like what if I give you $150 and she’s like I’m not full I’m full really I was like 200 she’s like 930 there you go hey you need to hook my man with one of those hats bro a bonnet I just tore my boat up what bigger than that yeah gone for like a minut gone can you remember the routine so it’s six shots it’s one two one two yeah what Kieran did in jail the other day huh what Kieran did in Joe the other day all right here we go look at me hold done thanks sir easy yeah that kid handsome I’m so good at this face the opposite direction look at me Cross Your Arms what a handsome kid it’s a handsome brother right there I know handsome look at him bro it’s the hair you look like Johnny de Johnny de yeah I know you got the [ __ ] it’s a jawline brother good good good how you know I’ve been C waight here we go smiling totally up to you but you know if you don’t smile you look more intimidate a dead puppy look that direction I’m just kidding go ahead and look at me and then she still Smiles dead puppy look at me perfect thank you thank you so bad you did not have the short in the camera that low I would go lower but it’s okay your thank you thank you okay yeah where’s the hello I was looking for this guy and then I saw that guy so pancakes over waffles you’re a pancakes guy then sure okay what about you pancakes waffles I get waffle so there we go depends on the pancake like you know some of the fluffy pancakes they’re really nice I it’s a texture issue abely yeah I think like sometimes here they put too much maple Ser it gets too soggy I feel like the ones with I like it to be a little bit on the top and then you cut into it it’s still okay okay to get all inside have you ever thought about cutting first and then drizzling over so it goes in the in the cracks to try that okay all right back to theju before these people check out so we I’m also passionate about breakfast so it becomes an issue what are the chances you think we see that again on the stage tomorrow I would say a 65% chance 65 what about you what are you think what are the odds um definitely not 65 that’s pretty high it’s hard to say like like zero just cuz I wouldn’t go not that absolute but definitely cuz generally you don’t see that stuff too often I don’t find I’m get on my back so that would make it hard yeah dandre tell me a little bit about um the Hat situation we talked a little about the style you guys got a ride we going on here I guess man we got a dad hat versus Bucky hat out it looks good on you though I like this Bucky hat on the thank P it off big style here who number one that’s for sure for sure awesome thank guys good stuff good workes eological yeah all right we just finished up with our media day uh we waigh in got our uh interviews all done with flow grappling and now we’re going to grab some food train T night chill tomorrow’s the big day thank you guys all for tuning in to the B Team YouTube channel make sure you guys like And subscribe no guu Jitsu is a fashion statement make the big statement with B Team merch shop B team [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shop what’s up y’all welcome back to B Team J to it’s your boy Nikki rod and we’re at wo here in Austin Texas we got a bunch of our guys competing about seven B Team athletes are on the who’s number one card and we’re going to start with Ali walski uh moving to uh moving to Miss Taylor H hisaw Dean Moody Ethan KY and Joseph Chen and finishing off with Jay Rodriguez so about seven guys going to the mats to compete I’m very excited it’s time for the guys to get warmed up get a sweat on and get to the competition mats let’s go the fit nice let’s go imagine if this is this length of your torsa how hard it would be to single like you be like feel good what do you feel how do you feel about asking next man to take a photo out here like a jiujitsu guy would you go up to like Mar I ain’t on it I don’t know about other people in it the only time I feel like it’s acceptable to take a photo with next man is after training that’s it fair but I feel like if we he’s number one and you’re ask your next man for a photo Ive just a little bit if you’re a compar I mean if you’re a compar it’s Ultra wet cuz these are the people you meant to be competing against this is your competition you’re licking their [Applause] [Music] ass what’s up guys wo is about to start we got four people on the prelims we got Ally we got Jordan Taylor and Dean um the first one that’s going to be going out there is going to be ally um Allie’s you know super prepared for this match um you know she’s been hitting a lot of Choy bars in competition and she’s actually told us that she wants to hit a Choy bar for this one so if I’m going to have to guess uh a finish it’ll be uh uh via Choy bar so next up we got Taylor going out against uh Lauren Sears uh Taylor’s a beast wrestling background tons of experience competing um you know Lauren is a a black belt 10th Planet black belt so the main issues for Taylor going out is going to be avoiding Clos guard rubber guard things like that as well as leg locks um so good game plan for Taylor is to go out and use heavy side to side uh passing pressure to kind of wear down Lauren and then look to try and pass and you know hopefully get to the back and get a finish there next up we got Dean going against the Brazil trials winner Felipe Costa um to be honest I don’t know too much about Felipe’s uh game um but I I know that dimma did a lot of studying and things like that and um you know normally he likes to come out and try and wrestle um so you know declan’s been feeling really good on the feet lately he’s super hard to put down and hold down and uh he’s he’s a menace when he gets on top so I think that uh Dean will eventually be able to put him down keep him down and then put on heavy pressing pressure to eventually get to the back and hopefully get the sub so those are the guys that are are warming up backstage right now these are the preim matches first up we got Ally so we’re going to go head out there and uh hopefully coacher do a sub win [Music] [Applause] there when you’re ready have 8 minutes to work 8 minutes to work [Music] stop body locks are there as well all [Applause] [Applause] the official decision V submission out of the Red Corner Ali wolski [Applause] [Music] sick good sick our next preliminary is you called it you called it impressive impressive impressive out of the blue Corner representing the BT here in Austin Texas Taylor [Applause] [Music] taaw wa let’s go let’s go inside position with the B laen I want you to look to dominate and fighting scenario look at the grip from off your opponent position with the hand possible as find our opponent Ang beautiful nice work your way into half guard and then start transferring up inside position rightly hook beautiful keep inverting your right knee Lauren away from us right foot on the inside that momentum keep walking toward the right with that momentum stay ahead of it doing a beautiful job with the passive pressure so far arm drag Ri so we can all balance for nice nice keep up this heavy side to side pressure right fo inside bring High KNE Shield Beau left one hand first and we’re controlling relax here delay your hand dominate inside beauti one hand SE Bel or double [Applause] that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m [ __ ] talking about [ __ ] yeah wait why you your winner position out of the BL Corner Taylor hey let’s [ __ ] go dog Let’s Go Crazy [ __ ] yeah cry I bet I bet $100 parlay for Taylor Jordan holy and allly $100 one me two G’s oh let’s go we going to Olive Garden tonight baby Olive Gard on me on me that’s I’m talking about and water I’m talking about our next milary match is in the heavyweight division ring out of the blue corner from the B team and n6 here in Austin Jin Moody [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes off [Applause] [Applause] left 6 let’s [Applause] go your official decision your winner high misstion in the blue Corner k m [Applause] it’s the dog house let’s go big man gets it done big team n6 let’s [ __ ] go [ __ ] go baby let’s go 4 baby 40 let’s [ __ ] go 4 and0 so far amazing crazy I was a bit upset that the guy didn’t want to wrestle with Dean because I would really like to showcase the new El pass but yeah Dean did amazing it was uh brutal performance we’ve all felt Dean uh Dean Moody’s power before I’m not surprised that guy didn’t want to wrestle with him yeah we all felt it I I bet that’s why he didn’t wrestle but you didn’t hear uh the commentator D even he felt the power even with uh with the fatigue Dean still fought for this submission at the end even though he would have won what do you have to say to that yeah yeah that’s Dean like he really wants to go for the sub and I believe his mindset is right there like every training session that we do is way harder than this match so even if you feel a bit tired in the in our room not the wrestling room in our practice um if you’re a bit tired you have 10 minutes to go so here he had five minutes to go and he still succeeded jiujitsu jiujitsu jiujitsu some met at B team get better at it so upcoming we got the main card now um you know we got uh Ethan first against DeAndre we got Joe Chen against big breakfast and then we got jrod versus tinan uh so first up is Ethan against DeAndre DeAndre has been looking on fire lately just had a great performance at trials ended up taking home gold and punching his ticket to ADCC um Ethan’s been feeling great in the gym um game plan for Ethan is to to come out and wrestle and try and use you know heavy hand fighting hanging on the head things like that to to Tire DeAndre out and then eventually put him down and then uh once Ethan gets on top it’s absolutely exhausting to try and retain guard against him so I’m very confident that once Ethan gets on top he’ll be able to exhaust them even more until he’ll eventually be able to pass and then everybody knows Ethan’s Ethan’s known for his his finishes from the back so I do think that if he gets there he’ll be able to sub him next up we got Joseph Chen versus Elijah dorsy or big breakfast another great match up uh two trials winners you know dorsy unfortunately beat me in the uh North American trials and then Joe Chen went on to win the uh the European trials um I do think that Joe Chen is on another on another level technically compared to Elijah Elijah’s very athletic and you know hard to control things like that uh but Joe Chen is uh you know technically Superior in my opinion um so I do think that uh you know Joe Chen’s going to be able to put him down and again Joe Chen’s known for his passing his Tri High tripod passing so I’m sure we’ll see some of that and then once he passes and gets to a good position he’s also very good at finishing so if I were to predict I’d say Joe Chen puts him down uh hits some tripod passing and then gets to his back for the finish so last last B team member of the night we got jayrod versus tytin and dpra um huge match you know a match that Jay’s been wanting for a long time I do think that Jay is a a superior wrestler so I do think that tyen and I don’t think tyan really wants to be in bottom with Jay so I see Jay coming out and putting tyan down and then trying to use a combination of heavy side to side pressure along with body loocks and I do think that Jay will be able to get past the guard of tyan and then hopefully get to his back and uh and grab a finish Ethan just finished finished warming up so it’s time to go coach and uh make sure you guys uh follow up on the main card to do that so super excited to see what [Music] happens his opponent in the Red Corner representing the B Team here in Austin originally from Montreal Ethan penstein [Music] down block and play take your time with the hand TI yourself 15 CLE good your [Music] [Music] keep in front of you keep in front of you minutes 11 minutes keep cing stand good I want you up up up good up height win height win keep them together we go get full we go get yes sir you can try and kick leg up to clear grip yes sir to the second leg leg leg down let’s [Applause] get now you can move on beautiful Focus me right strong elbow El don’t let them bre stay in here underneath exactly under the tri 10 seconds here Ethan go may send it Ethan send it go for it something go with something let’s F let’s go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the official decision be decision out of the Red Corner Ean Wy [Applause] let’s go e [Music] yeah yes sir hey my [ __ ] goise baby I’m not [ __ ] surprise let’s go dog let’s go where we going I would ask what’s in the water at B team but I’ve seen the bottle so I already know yeah all right what are your thoughts on that match bro your match dude wish I got the [ __ ] sub but uh I’m super pumped huh made him bleed made him bleed he is Mortal yeah no that was good I’m [ __ ] pumped I got the squad here Hometown that’s it look it on the feed look it on passing top you know he’s he’s solid he’s like good wrestling good base but uh managed to score my way to the top position like I do and I’m I’m [ __ ] pumped about it again wish I got the sub wish I got his back sort of more cemented but uh that’s it man you got that Toe Hold and I was like Toe Hold need I know but he was he was chasing my heel I was like all right maybe I want to did he get a little bite on it I just bought bit my heel but like not any me nothing no no no yeah did you see this up I accidentally took um lenus and then lenus rard oh that’s amazing that is amazing so you don’t need shorts you don’t need shorts for this yeah it’s all in one that’s crazy what size is that is that 2x I think it’s like a XS XL or something wow this is a right a passage this is [Music] amazing should this isite competition at showc the world best rers on the world biggest stage hard with the brace on [ __ ] yeah wait hold on I got a big ass head it’s hard though take need aial number 24 here in Texas how we [Applause] feeling we are in the live of and [Music] our first preliminary will be n we start in the blue Corner let’s go devil bro I’m telling you maybe I should release my face so they know what I look like I might get more likes like that too pretty to be L lens bro bro pictur [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait let’s go up go [Applause] H that butterfly nice let’s go we for got our up to [Music] [Applause] KN the official decision your winner he submission in the blue Corner Joseph ch [Applause] yeah six for six he Avenged you one more to go don’t talk about that I never lost we got to go to the far I’ll follow you man yeah yeah oh such a relief D you did it how do you feel how do you feel very happy um yeah I’m just happy that I was able to do what I practiced and training man really trying to implement a lot of stuff we did in Camp so really happy with thate there something that Nikki couldn’t I didn’t say anything I’ve upgraded all right we got a sub over J at that was the old me that’s a good point low rankings let’s go let’s go let’s go Jo Chen baby 6 and0 6 one more we got one more that was pretty epic that was a phenomenal performance by Joseph Chen dominant performance by Joseph Chen the guy’s a good scramble a good wrestler JoJo comes out inside trips put him down and they kind of put the work on him from there he shut everything down shut absolutely everything down and for me the best part of the match is after Joseph gets this sub walks up to the side shakes off hands looks at Nikki Ryan and goes you suck that was gold that was so gold so shout out Joseph the China man got it done let’s go what did uh Joe tell you after he won he came over to me and said you suck wait I’m coming for him in cji I’m going to ask for him first round inside trip if you don’t know this is one of the most overpowered moves in Jiu-Jitsu because people play a lazy underhook and this was popularized by the beginning of the Jiu-Jitsu wrestling SE because we didn’t know better but now it’s over because we will bring the overhook back and since ADCC trials when I saw Joseph throw the shimata against Taza I knew we need to improve on the overhook so now come with your underhooks if you’re not playing it like a D1 wrestler you will get uchimata or in centr the guys and girls today are on fire like you can see how good they really are they bring their best package today so I’m so proud of them and it’s just I’m just happy to watch him perform and we got one left we got Jr rod and TI that’s it we have jrod left and this is the hardest match but I’m very confident that jrod can bring out the best jrod today and don’t forget again tyan is one of the best in the world so this match will be a task representing the B Team here in Austin Jay Rodriguez keep right hand protect right [Music] [Applause] leg you can’t put pressure that bottom leg push forward the moment you get out for pressure when we go into our outside passing use an ankle grip over a hip grip proper technique here them out here take your time take your time here take your time Jay flatten them out flatten them out slowly to work butterfly hook yep be aware of the knee lever take Mount there tripod tripod nice [Applause] you also go vertical into high stps if you want J break the grip again with a lower [Music] handle battle for the lower hand you go back your R drags are there also minut we to get this [Applause] F here you got three minutes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] St [ __ ] don’t know we don’t know we don’t know we don’t know we don’t know we don’t know [Applause] so the event over um you know Ethan was the first one that went out there uh he looked great against DeAndre completely dominant performance uh you know it’s he followed the game plan perfectly came out and used heavy hand fighting to uh you know Tire DeAndre out got on top and then continued to Tire him out until eventually he got DeAndre completely exhausted was able to mount him expose the back multiple times but unfortunately DeAndre did a really good job of defending the strangle so Ethan won via decision we had Joe Chen versus Elijah dorsy uh Joe Chen looked uh phenomenal out there he came out hit a beautiful inside trip and and put Elijah down then he was kind of stuck in Clos guard for a little bit but as soon as he got out of the Clos guard he went right into his uh you know split Squad and and high tripod passing was able to get past Elijah take his back and then finish with an RNC last one we got jrod versus tyan um Jay looked great in the beginning of the match came out in the first 20 seconds and hit a blast double um then he was actually able to to secure a full body lock pass and mounted tyen and then as the match went on tyen was able to start exposing his back um he got really close to taking his back once and then uh Jay managed to get out but again reexposed his back later in the match and fully secured it so tinan ended up winning via decision so at the end of the day B team won uh five out of six matches um you know everybody killed it and uh yeah I’m I’m happy with everybody’s performances make sure you guys like subscribe and I’ll see you guys in the next video [Music] [Applause]


  1. No offense to Declan's opponent, but pulling RDLR is not a winning strategy for anyone.

  2. I only watched WNO for the b-team matches as soon as they were over I stopped watching 😂 I thought it was great when Josef corrected the announcer and told her he was doing CJI and not ADCC I died

  3. Ally beating Sonny in the Bulls rash guard and shorts is absolutely hilarious and she called it with her choi bar. Goods stuff 😂😂

  4. Nicky Ryan absolutely carries this channel, he better have majority share of YT profits

  5. Really appreciate you guys uploading this for the people that can't afford to watch it live, beautiful perfomance from the whole team! Congrats!

  6. «Lets coach her to a sub win»
    So it wasnt her skills. You seem like to be one of those your coach talks about that dont know shit about nothing.

  7. Tainan looked like he was pacing himself well. Jay looked a bit tired early, was he ok?? I think Tainan showed that technique out does dynamic scrambling, by shutting it down.

  8. Everything about Jozef’s demeanor is so awesome. And to completely dominate a match from start to finish like that against a guy who just beat Nicky is insane

  9. Can't believe Nicky actually perfectly predicted like 4/5 of those matches, and to be fair he didn't really seem that sure about Jay winning when he made the prediction, he knew it was gonna be tough for him. What a bjj genius.

  10. look at that hug after her win compared to the other coach hugs. ally wolski is def banging nicky ryan

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