Golf Babe

Joe Biden assisted off stage by wife Jill after trainwreck debate against Trump

Joe Biden’s age and physical ability is again in the spotlight after First Lady Jill Biden had to help her husband shuffle off the stage at the conclusion of the first presidential debate.

President Biden clearly needed assistance to descend the steps to greet the two CNN moderators.

The first debate between US President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump has concluded in Atlanta – with the president being widely criticised for his performance.


  1. First of all you missed the point about the golf game. It's not about golf it's about physical strength. Donald Trump could drive a ball 240 yds Joe would be lucky if he could drive at 40. Donald Trump said he's just recently won tournaments that were not senior tournaments that's saying quite a lot. You can obviously see that Donald Trump is a lot sharper in his mind than Joe Biden ever was

  2. America has lost a lot of respect in the world by allowing a frail man like Biden be seen as Head of State. I can't understand why his wife and the Democratic party allow it. Embarassing.

  3. Ain't no way in the hell should KaMammy be the face of America. There will plenty of voting against her. Ain't no damn way he will make it 4 years

  4. Did you see him take out his ear piece lol the man is shot he was name calling and trying to give low blows he is a bad president

  5. TWO brain aneurysms in the late 1980s, and his recovery (while out of the Senate) took over seven months. Huh, wonder if that has anything to do with his feebleness now?

  6. The World was a far safer place under Trump & the Republicans than it's ever been under the Democrats Obama and his glove puppet Biden.

    Vote for Trump.

  7. Both candidates are too damn old for the presidency ….

    we got a lot of work to do here in our country if we want to fix things …

    we need a fresh face with new ideas desperately !!

  8. Shame on jill retire your husband he isnt right joe time to let trump clean your mess up to all americans shame on joe biden

  9. Joe greatest lie on this night, was no service men lost lives under his watch.
    13 in Afghanistan, and the 3 dead In Jordan beg to differ.
    As a combat veteran, I will
    Speak up for the dead.
    Joe on this night, threw the dead who gave all for country, under the buss, to make a cheep political point, that was a flat out lie.

    Never forget the dead, who gave all for the country you call home.
    Disgusting, beyond words.

  10. It's way beyond just his age. My granny was much sharper than him at 99 and only faded mentally in her last week or so. Right up to that week she would have made a better president than Brandon.

  11. "…essentially tied…" You are misinformed, or whatever. Come on !! Even liberal polls are showing Trump up by significant amounts. With third party counted he is up by double digits.

  12. The CNN moderators tried quite a few times to cover for him, the question is who in the hell has been making the decisions in the White House because it sure not him

  13. I wonder if they use stairs to help him down. Or did they use an elevator? We all knows how he is on stairs, he was so mad it was not even funny. He is a disgrace to our country!!!

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