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According to the Carton guy who looks like John Middlekauf, Aaron Rodgers was in the Middle East. Meanwhile Danica Patrick did some F1 commentary on Sky Sports. Also Hawk Tuah is still trending. 49ers Reddit is so dumb Joe Montana Brandon Aiyuk #NFL #49ERS

according to Bizarro John moff Aaron roders missed mandatory Jets mini camp because he had something to do in the Middle East but did you guys see Dan katrick was over on Sky Sports doing some racing commentary and somebody posted that clip of her I guess she talked about going on a mushroom journey and how the government is using time travel to cover up the existence of shape shifting reptilians and what’s crazy to me is what did she and Aaron Rogers break up about because they agree on all the things that would normally be like red lines right like they agree on all that stuff so I don’t understand like I agree with you about shap shifters I agree with you about reptilians but your dog your goddamn dog I hate your dog you know what I mean I agree with you about time travel I agree with you about psychedelics but I just can’t stand the music you listen to I just can’t take it oh my God HW Tua is still trending listen I don’t want to be one of these people that are like oh I prefer the British ver you know how like when you you know how if you say you like the office there’s always some douchebag who goes oh I prefer the British version of the office the British version was actually better whatever it is they prefer the British version well in the case of hakua I actually do prefer the UK the UK version tell me something your mom don’t know oh I like it can it be rude yeah I like someone spitting in my face I like someone spitting in my face you know I was recently triggered by this post on 49ers Reddit he asks Joe Montana still bitter over young situation all these years later I’m still bitter over the young situation all these years later will you want Joe Montana to be happy about it I’m not happy about it he goes uh Montana is still pissed about having to go to k to KC to finish his career even in his peacock documentary you could sense he hasn’t Let It Go for you longtime Niner fans what do you guys think about his attitude towards the Niners and Steve Young after all these years my attitude is Joe Montana wouldn’t have choked against the Cowboys in 1992 so we would have won that Super Bowl in 1992 on the other [Music] hand if we had won that Super Bowl we likely wouldn’t have G after Deion Sanders in 1994 so it may be that we would have the exact same number of Super Bowls but um specifically about Joe Montana and Steve Young no I’m not happy with the way Joe Montana was treated let’s see the other thing I don’t get about 49ers Reddit is uh they’re doing it to Brandon auk right now but anytime a player is having uh contentious negotiations with the team anytime there are rumors trade requests every other post is how tired they are and exhausted they think I’m so tired I’m so exhausted I can’t take it that’s like every other post is I’m so tired of this tired of what you’re not doing anything what are you T you’re sitting at the computer eating Cheetos what do you mean you’re tired what do you mean you’re exhausted of what of what of what if Brock pie requested a trade would I get Tire would that tire me would that exhaust me no tell me something your mom don’t know oh I like it can it be rude yeah I like someone spitting in my face reptilians invented money to control us sounds like something reptilians would do the reptilians are not okay with the shifting of the energies um people in the past found the solution for answer yeah that’s what people today don’t understand is people from a long time ago were way more advanced there are new Solutions coming from people who understand vibrational frequency I’ve long said along with financial literacy one of the things we should be teaching early on is uh vibrational frequency the reptilians are scared because humans are gaining power as they should be they should be scared that humans are gaining power the Galactic Federation says the planet belongs to humans even though reptilians were here before us well we’ve seen that story before haven’t we um humans haven’t had this kind of power since we inhabited Atlantis many celebrities and politicians are reptilians among them Adele and Justin Bieber I knew that I already knew that Justin beaver will accidentally shape shift on stage in front of thousands the audience will have their minds wiped yeah they always do that uh there’s been tons of times where reptilians show themselves but they keep erasing everyone’s Memories the government knows that Cosmic disclosure is happening want proof Google it yeah just Google it uh government whistleblowers have confirmed the existence of the galactic feder well we don’t need whistleblowers everybody knows everybody knows about that Elizabeth April communicates directly with the aliens in the Galactic Federation well I don’t know this Elizabeth April person but that Rings true to me that has a ring of truth to me the human race is an experiment we live on a prophecy Planet true fact check true the human race was created to end the war of all war in the universe yep yep Elizabeth ith April says she has a friend who is a rocket scientist at Nasa and they say she’s right about everything this reality is a simulation quantum physics proves that this reality is a simulation the double slit experiment is the proof it is that’s that’s what the double slit experiment means is that we’re living in a simulation if you’re in the vibration of abundance you get to emit that vibration to the world and change the free quency of the planet yeah that’s a lot of times people talk about um Financial Mobility or economic Mobility but it’s really a question of mindset if you have the abundance mindset you will get rich otherwise you’ll remain poor no matter what you do so you need to have the abundance mindset in order to make money Danica went on a guided mushroom Journey where she became a waveform yeah so all this is pretty much uh we all we all know this it’s all true so we’re just going over the same old information we all [Music] [Music] know [Music] for all way 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  1. I actually majored in vibrational frequency in College…surprisingly the job market for this field isn't all that great.

  2. I am tired of Mandy's bs the American chick is hotter…also a few bitter almonds once day keeps the cancer away.

  3. How many of you guys willing to try the "double slit experiment" with Hawk Tuah and her friend?

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