Golf Players

Picks and Predictions For 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic

Expert insight into some of the top Korn Ferry Tour names you should be picking at the 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic at Detroit Golf Club. Plus, we debate the best way to handle the three players who came close last week at the Travelers Championship, Tom Kim, Cameron Young and Akshay Bhatia.

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[Music] the PGA Tour heads to Detroit Michigan and the rocket mortgage classic where we’ve got a couple of favorites who might be exhausted from last week Tom kin that playoff with Scotty sheffler Cameron young AE batia are those three guys really the Smart Ones to bet on we have exclusive Insight professional Insight from the one and only James nit is joining us now on the golf bet Round Table James I know you’re shaking your head but bend an i agree you are a Pros Pro and guys this this guy is going to give us all the sneaky long shots you need from the rocket mortgage this week you boys must have been scraping the barrel to get me on here today but uh I’m happy to sit down and throw some random action at you I like action myself so they’re not going to be based off exact uh statistics and all the modules that you you boys know how to get to but hey I’m risky I like to have a bit of fun so let’s go we love a bit of betting with the heart and the head mixed together James so we’re looking forward to your Insight you’ve been there in the furnace inside the ropes we can pretend or we like that we know what it’s like but you’ve been there and done that uh played on the tour played a lot on the corn fairy tour as well which as we know a lot of the guys who’ve come up through those ranks will be playing this week here’ll have a special Insight on who may well be sneaky surprises here at the rocket mortgage classic I’m excited to hear what you got to say let’s get to it James I mean you’ve got a power ranking system one through five of guys who have been on the corn fairy tour in the past and you’ll notice all these guys are holding trophies they’ve all won on that tour go through with us and Ben can kind of give you a little insight as well of why these Five Guys you think people should be looking at this week in Detroit well yes corn free 2our is close to my heart I cover all these guys for most of the years I know a lot of those guys from playing out on the corn free tour um and it’s hard because you know when you asked me to do this you were kind of adjusting it towards this course in Detroit this week so you know I’ve had favorites there’s a lot of guys that I thought would have done well this year from our graduation um of the class last year I think it’s one of the best classes in a long time I thought there was going to be five PGA Tour victories come from this corn free tour class there’s been three so there’s still room to get that five but um these are the guys I think that based on form or how they will fit the course that I think will do best this week and number one you can see I’ll start with the best mustache on the PGA T the Corf free tour rookie Chandler Phillips tombstone’s his favorite movie he could actually probably act in that movie with the way his uh Persona and and the atmosphere around him he’s he’s having a good season for rookie on the corn free tour he he’s 8 87 on the FedEx he’s only missed three cuts um if you remember he battled with Cameron young at the uh and malard at the valpar probably should have got that done really um had a great opportunity down the stretch um he’s coming into form he’s at a 12th and a top 10 his last two starts um and he’s number one on tour from 125 to 150 yards in approach so number one you’re a corn-free tour uh rookie to come out on the PGA tour your rookie and you’re leading that statistic that a course that pretty much ask for you to hit it great from that area that’s Ben’s new stat by the way as of today that’s Ben’s new key stat as of today yard under 150 yards this week with your wedge game’s got to be perfect so you’ve given us a great leg up already with Chandler Phillips yeah and and then the last thing I would I would touch on look he he hasn’t hit a lot he needs to hit more Fairways guy doesn’t hit a long way but if he does which it this week we’re going to have some weather the courses are the fairways are wide so it’s going to be easier to hit Fairways if he’s great with mid irons to wedges in his hand’s I think he’s gonna pretty much be the guy out of the Corn Frey to a uh kind of graduates that I think will do the best this week the guy who’s number two on your list there do you think Ben Kohl’s has some demons based on what happened to him a little while ago 100 % and he he pretty much tied that tournament in a bow at the CJ cup Baron Nelson and gave it to Taylor pendrith and look the reason I’ve got him number number two on that list is because how he got he played two seasons on the PGA to it didn’t play well went back to the corn free tour last season got corn fre Tour player of the year and I feel like I’m saying corn free tour cor Frey tour a player of the year uh finish number one on the points list dominated and it was all due to his changing mindset he’s just trying to take a little bit of pressure off himself have a bit more fun and to come out and do that at the bar CJ cup Bon Nelson at a course that I think is probably most similar to the one they’re playing this week at the rocket mortgage I think yes with the Demons of losing that but he plays well in that style of golf course hits it really straight um plays great from the Fairway putts amazingly and and he’s accurate um I think it’s just going to be you know and also he’s been playing okay over the past few weeks played kind of not too bad at the US Open and uh I I just think out of this crew he’s he’s a veteran he’s been on the tour before there’s no real Shining Light on him right now he’s he’s he’s under the radar so um I think he’ll he’ll kind of form that little bit of chip on his shoulder from losing that to Taylor pendrith and and might do really well in uh in at this course week so tying it back to the betting markets too here James like obviously he might have some demons down the stretch if he’s in the in the chance to win but where you can look at him when you’ve got this many this these odds is the place markets right you’re going to get good value for him to be top 10 top 20 top 40 even starting at 200 to1 so perhaps that’s what people need to look at when they’re looking at your guys here like we know Alejandra toasty is a Firebrand he’s a rocket at the rocket mortgage to me it’s rocks or diamonds with him um if he’s on he can absolutely win this thing uh but he’ll and he’ll he’ll find his way to the top right so you’re going to get value across many of the place market as well with any of these guys yeah to look it once again like doing this list it’s all it’s all going to be value um you know I would have put one of them in my long shot category especially Chandler Phillips if I if I thought that they were were going to be better than those guys in those categories but these are just as I said to start the show Fancy 3 and foot loose I love the corn 3 to a Guys these are guys you might get value off in other events as well not just this week but you said to’s a firecracker um I thought he would be rookie of the year he was like my guess that he will come from nowhere and possibly win an event by four or five shots um he’s just got that pedigree he’s when he’s in it in contention he’s like a bulldog and he kind of thrives we saw him at Houston nearly steal that event away from uh Sten at the end but also Scotty shle finished second there he hits it a country mile he’s 57 and I think he’s got Club speed of like 125 so top 10 on tour in club speed um and he’s just as I said he plays good at difficult courses but he knows how to go low we saw him do it a bunch of times on the corn free tour um and yeah he’s F he’s one of my more fun players to watch I would say because you know exactly how he’s doing he’s either GNA I think at in Houston he he had a go at Tony fenale they those two nearly gotten in in a bit of a verbal alation so he’s a he even being a rookie on the PGA tour he doesn’t take crap from anyone and it’s uh it’s one of those things where he doesn’t feel like a rookie because he is almost in his own little bubble with the way he competes would would you consider taking him as a wild card in the President’s Cup oh 100% he would be he would be tenacious as as a guy in match play that’s for sure Sensational real quick here before we move on go ahead and give us a little bit on G obviously has one on tour recently and then CH and Kim as well yes I got her you won mtle beach by six shots um another guy that came out as an amate had a top 10 on the PGA T sponsor invitation in his first year as a professional finished fourth at the John Deere um went back to the corn fre T got his card then come back out and I thought he was the more polished guy that I thought would just slot into being uh top 70 on the FedEx Cup at the end of the year like I really thought that he’d be the way the his traits he hits it a long way hits it straight um good around the greens good and more of just a veteran I feel like in a lot more professional events uh but he played well before Myrtle Beach at the CJ cup byon Nelson like I said the coret kind of similar to here so he’s one of those guys you know speed Bandits clubit speed of 124 milph but as quickly like like you just said winning by six at Myrtle Beach he’s kind of set up now for the next couple years so he can come here at a course where everyone’s going to make birdies it’s going to be tough to separate so I think come the come the weekend he might be a guy that’s right there and then Chan Kim um one of my favorite 34 year old PGA Tour rookies that’s played multiple Majors I think he’s played 13 major champion ship he’s won seven eight times on the Japanese golf tour he’s finished top 15 at the Open Championship um he’s a guy that I thought could possibly win out here in his first year as a rookie on the PGA T because he’s been so well traveled he’s been top 60 in the world before just playing out of Japan um he’s actually a character get a couple cocktails into him and you’ll have a fun time but uh he’s he’s one of those guys I think that I would he would have easily kept his card this year and possibly got a victory um and of course like this another guy hits it fairly decent off the tea great around the great from the Fairway great around the greens just doesn’t putt well um so at this event where we’re going to get a lot of birdies maybe he gets a little bit of confidence with the putter um and then he knows how to win so it’s he’s another exciting guy that’s that’s started well I think he’s had two top 10 this season and he’s in seven events he’s had 66 or better in the first round and only converted to two top 10 so he gets off to a good start he just hasn’t really kept it going throughout the rest of the week so he’s just another another guy that’s a a one to look at especially at a course that’s going to need a lot of birdies one of the reasons M we got you to do this is and and speak to me if I’m wrong here but in the summer session of the PJ tour obviously last week and this week’s the same you got to go stupid low got to go lights out every round six under whatever and that’s what the Cory tour is generally every week right like these guys are brought up into that system of there’s no time to waste there’s no feeling your way in so all of a sudden even though it’s a PJ Tour event they’re accustomed to it right they’re accustomed to needing to go from the from the starters gun right yeah so and I’ll tie that into a Finishing Touch on Chen Kim he’s a guy that never really had status over here he’s played plenty of pga2 events but he went to Corn Frey tour Q school then got his card for the next year then went back to Japan the very next week shot 32 under one by five shots or six shots jez then came back to the corn free tour the next season and he spoke about after the first couple events he’s like man you got to go so low I I need to adjust my game and be a little bit more aggressive I just I didn’t think this is how golf was meant to be played so he he did that and then went on to win twice on the corn fre tour so just a little mindset so a course like this this week in Detroit he’s uh I think he knows how to go low he’s one of those guys that’s proven it and won doing it not only on the corn free tour but over in Japan so it’s a perfect weight for him so if anybody out there is wanting to look at various markets out there these guys are going to have some serious value that is james’ corn fairy related power rankings for the rocket mortgage let’s go to the next topic here everyone is going to want to talk about this with Tom Kim in the playoff and cam Young’s 59 really coming back and I believe having a share of the lead at one point with all those guys on Sunday then AE P was right there too at the very end he had a co-lead at some point on Sunday James tie it all in together in terms of these guys being exhausted these guys having the mental you know fatigue of competing last week what is the mindset of these three stars who are all the favorites by the way their mentality of coming so close and almost winning last week do you like any of these three of of course uh Ian Tom Kim it’s I I didn’t choose him to win this week in the with you guys because it’s just that’s the lwh hanging fruit I mean he’s obviously he hasn’t been informed this season actually you know you talk about a three-time winner on the PGA tour that’s only 21 but they came a little while back and before he got on this hot run in the last couple weeks at the US Open and at Travelers his best result was a top 10 back in or top 20 back at the WM Phoenix Open like four months ago so he hasn’t had the best season but I think Tom Kim now you give him a week where he went up against Scotty Sheffer he got shown that he not only could he win on the PGA T but now he could go you know toe-to-toe with the best player on earth and now he gets to go to an event where he knows he’s the favorite so you you put him in that I think I’ll put it put aside the fact that he’s played that many weeks in a row fatigue he’s a kid in at Candy Store he’s riding high on adrenalin right now he could play 15 weeks straight he’s going to be fine and then it’s with the pedigree of how he’s playing so obviously Tom Kim AA a guy that doesn’t get talked about much in the favorite kind of scenario list on podcasts and uh you know on TV all that sort of stuff so that would that would override the maybe the fatigue he’s felt from not having his best day in the final round at The Travelers so he’s going to go in and being like man i’ I’m never talked about as a favorite this is kind of cool so maybe he kind of focuses a little bit extra this week considering now he’s believed to be in the conversation with some of the best players at the event and then Kim Young it’s he’s had up and down season he’s a guy that obviously should have most likely won the Val Spa um he’s gone so close so often he’s had six or seven runner-up finishes um he’s an athlete I I would put him in the athlete conversation yeah he’s not as young as the other two but he’s just fine with playing this many weeks in a row uh and then just believing I I got a chance to cover his 59 um at the Travers on PGA toour live last week and it was very impressive how good he was from the Fairway um I hate to harop on that but his approach game he would didn’t even need a putter the amount of times he could walk up and just kick it in or make it from the Fairway he was just on fire he’s a he was a little bit inconsistent finding Fairways but no matter this week it’s wide enough it’s going to be soft enough so he’ll be able to use his distance and he’s putting well uh something he hasn’t done all season so it’s you know throw a little bit in with confidence and nothing to lose because everyone’s kind of glossing over the fact now that he hasn’t won yet until he’s in contention he wasn’t really In Contention last week yes he shot 59 he was around the lead but he kind of knew that he would have entered the last day five or six shots back but then he came out four birdies in the first I think he just ran out of birdies because he’s like I’ve made so many this is getting pretty crazy right here so um yeah all three of those guys obviously favorites and you know easy to put a cash down on them but I like to think a little bit out the box this week and get some long action no concerns three for three Benny I didn’t think he was going to say that yeah look as I said I I I think one or two of them is going to be in the top 10 I don’t know which one of the the three is going to potentially have a little mini burnout I do worry about um Tom because of the disappointment uh that he might just have a slow first round if that’s the case it’s hard to catch up here but James has been inside the ropes he knows what he’s talking about he he’s actually lived it so I’m prepared to go on his on his word uh N9 weeks in a row is a lot eight weeks for batia and to be fair James like we we talked up bartier last week he was 80 to1 we said he was the smash long shot play we we predicted that he should you should put him in the top 5 10 20 and 40 markets at plus money I hope anyone who listen was listening out there got that done and cashed big on him he’s dropped to 20 to1 this week it’s still somewhat value if you think he can keep it up um there’s value that he has been been putting ridiculously well last week he was making all sorts of when he wasn’t when he needed to so can he keep that up I don’t know yeah you said perfectly it I think with these all these guys it just comes down to how they start the event just to get a little bit of adrenaline if they get off to a slow start that’s when you start thinking of the nine weeks in a row so you mentioned Tom Kim maybe not wanting to go with him who is your winner then James your winner this week uh Taylor pendri for me uh it’s a guy that’s around 30 to1 to win so I know it’s not the most glamorous favorite but you know the 33y old finally he is healthy he talked about having that shoulder injury the last couple Seasons uh finally came in kind of the middle part of the season with a full bill of he um a guy that hits it miles I’ve been saying that a lot a lot due to this week but he hits it straight and makes a lot of puts so that’s a that’s a combination you want on the PGA tour and we saw it at the CJ cup byon Nelson yes he got handed the event um but hey he was right there you had to make a lot of birdies even if he thought he had to go to a playoff I’m sure he would have delivered but he was made a huge putt on 17 a course at TBC Craig Ranch once again very similar in how it you need to approach it out there than you do here this week um he was also someone that’s played well in at this event over the past couple years that he’s at a top 14 was last season he was a runner up to Tony fenale in 2022 he led through 36 holes in 2022 and I think in the final round he was the only guy to not shoot four under or better in the top 10 so with his even par in the last round and still finished second it just shows he had plenty in the than around a place that he loves in this week so um I I think there’s it’s it’s good odds for a guy I think could possibly going around the High Teens or the the low 20s to win this event so I think there’s also value there but uh yeah I think he’s just coming into form of that belief especially the second part of the season in a President’s Cup selection year where adrenaline’s not going to fade him he’s only this is his fifth week straight so he’s fresh he’s healthy and a guy that’s starting to really believe with being a full bill of health that he’s one of the better players in the world I think with the traits that he has in his game I have to 100% agree with this he he is my second if you will outright pick and I know you’ve got it there Chris too he’s your best bet yeah he’s top 10 uh plus 250 but I absolutely love him as an outright player as well he was 40 to1 when he opened and he’s been down to 28 to1 already because people have seen what we have been talking about uh look he’s fourth on the tour in Strokes game putting you need to putt well this week obviously you’re going to give yourself a lot of chances but where people I guess misquoted him in the beginning is his tea green and whatever stats don’t rank well but that’s because of the injury James talked about he started with an injury had dramas you got to take if you take out all of those poor weeks when he wasn’t healthy all of a sudden his stats rock it up into the top Echelon across the board and so this is a tournament for him to really attack and take to the take to the house I think look yes he was handed that win but that could be the greatest thing that ever ever ever happened to him because he was a guy that got nervous down the stretch now he can just say look I’ve done it before uh nothing to worry about nothing to lose and with a better mentality in that situation you could see him winning more and more on the PJ tour again you mentioned international team I know he wants to play in his hometown in his home country of Canada for the national team uh he was there at at qu Hollow I’d love to see him back on that team again again uh and especially as this form continues so uh as much as I’d love to disagree with you Pi James I think it’s a great one and I think that he’ll be there when the whips are cracking on Sunday everyone’s high on pendrith you’ve got him as a Best Bet Ben what about your best bet James uh my best bet would be Alex noren for top 10 he was a guy that I was possibly thinking to win the event um you know the 41y old from Sweden he’s had a good good season on the PGA tour for him uh he’s amazing from the Fairway now if he does hit Fairways which sometimes he tends to not be as accurate as you would like he then goes on to easily finish top five um a funny story actually I spent a little time with Alex noren at the Swedish national team back in Sweden 21 years ago so we got to uh train and hang out together he’s a levelheaded guy but um yeah I think just the way he is from the the season he’s having he finished third at the CG cup byon Nelson which I’ve been referencing you know over and over um it’s uh you know he’s fresh he likes it also here he had a you know top five in 2021 and finished top 10 last season um and yeah he he putts amazing so you like you put a combination of a guy that’s having one of his best seasons as a 41y old um if he hits Fairways at which he will here because they’re so wide he’s great from the Fairway and also makes a lot of putts so with his kind of experience the kind of course trajectory that he’s had playing here over the seasons and how he’s played well how he’s played at similar golf courses um and you know the knowing that he’s coming into this week is possibly one of the favorit I I think with his experience I think he’ll do well I think he I might be wrong in this but I think he still needs to try to qualify for the open too and like which sounds crazy I think he should absolutely be there but I’m sure he’ll have that on his mind as well keep playing well keep moving up the rankings and give himself a shot cuz he’s the type of guy that could sneaky contend at an Open championship at any stage as well right well for sure the way he hits it it’s um I mean you can just see whenever you watch him swing it he flights the ball beautifully um plays with a very predictable left to right shape um you know kind of takes out the left side of the golf course and it’s doesn’t have any Scar Tissue on the greens so uh I can tell you from from the Wy veteran standpoint point that getting on the greens the hence start to shake these days the older you get so he’s uh he’s still in that kind of young player mentality where he’s looking for his first PGA Tour Victory which is crazy there’s no like yeah and there’s no comfortability I mean the guys won 11 times around the world plenty of times on the DP World Tour um and yeah I think with the weather coming in possibly might be a little bit of a cold front might feel feel like it’s uh playing like a bit of a DP World European tournament you know so maybe he can hone on those kind of you know feelings and nostalgic but uh yeah he’s he’s a very experienced player that should have done much better in his career with how good he hits it and you know what he’s got something in common with your winner Benny he’s never won on the PGA tour is this the week oh I’m going to give him here I as I said do we worry about what happened last week did he use up all his energy or not I don’t necessarily think so because uh I feel like that T9 is the building block for him yes 59 is always impressive amazingly so what the 13th guy to do it uh on tour but it is at TBC River Highlands we know that it’s available there I tend to take from this that he’s got some form to make some birdies he’s going to go into another shootout he knows he’s got a chance to play well at a place he’s played well before was a runner up here I think it was to Tony F now a few years back uh I I just think honestly and and I could be missing someone here but he’s got to be in the conversation for the best player without a win tour right now with the best skill set for sure yeah the best skill set he I mean he he he and this course is one that absolutely should shoot should suit him he can smash it down there you know he can get it in close and give himself a lot of opportunities and given that he puted well last week you know that gives me confidence cuz you do need to make a lot of putts you do need to make your birdie chances when you get them uh he’s hitting it like James said so close he doesn’t need his butter half the time I’m hoping he’ll do the same again this week uh look I don’t love the number 14 to1 I would like to see it around the 20 Mark to get real value if he was starting in the afternoon I would tell you to wait but I’ve since found out he’s starting in the morning so you might have to bite the bullet and get on at the crappy odds uh but still I just yeah I want to I want to see him as much as anything else win I think he he’s deserved it he’s Do It um let’s hope you can get it done we have talked so much about newer players and younger players my winner is a newer player and a younger player but not talked about very much James Davis Thompson is the kind of guy who’s proven he can go low he’s proven that he can be superstar is if he can stay more consistent he hasn’t done it obviously on a big stage and he might have some issues with the putter I think this is the kind of guy who fits well at this course because he’s been in better recent form than you want to give him credit our big thing was recent form this week Ben you know that look at Thompson’s last five events he’s got two top 10 so this is the kind of guy to me I think if he learns how to win he can have star status on that tour what do you think James definitely I mean Thompson was you notably remember a couple years ago at the uh American Express where he had that huge putt on the last against John Ram he didn’t know whether to leave the pin in or take it out it obviously collected the flag stick I think it was a a good move because it probably saved him having about 12 ft coming back but he was right there early in his PGA to a career and then he played well at the US Open so he’s kind of you know dusting off that exper those experience issues at the highest level you know yes he’s contended on the PGA tour but then being in contention at the US Open was also a massive deal for him so yeah does top to bottom statistically plays great um another player that kind of goes under the radar I I I barely hear him speak um so it’s you know but hey his game speaks for for himself so um I think it’s a good pick definitely uh someone that’s not everyone would be looking at but if you watched him play definitely passes the eye test definitely passes a maturity test and has already had some good results Benny’s not sold no well just just in terms of win Equity right right he hasn’t done it yet so I feel like he’s a a good place uh better in other weeks when there’s there’s a quote unquote stronger field where you get more value right like I’m not saying you can’t win of course he can he just got to close the deal for me to be really sold on him um or at least be sort of more aggressive when he’s in that spot um but I I’m happy to be proven wrong because from all reports he’s a great BL and that’s that’s a good start right there he would be a long shot almost every other week Ben your long shot this week is right on the precipice yeah right on the 50 to1 cut off that we do for the long shot the winner there you can see at the centry earlier this year look Kirk’s just got one of those games that’s fit this course in the past he’s played well here he’s got a couple of results uh which gives me you know great confidence he’s also as I said I talked about inside 125 yards he’s second on tour for wedge shots inside 125 yards this this uh this year also Strokes game terer green all five winners were in the top four of teer green when they won The Rock mortgage Classic this season he’s about 33rd which is one of the top guys in this field this week so with those things in mind and the and the fact that he’s played well here before I think you’re getting value at the 50 to1 Mark for Chris Kirk he’s a proven winner if he’s in the mix he knows how to get it done it’s going to come down to the putter for him he’s going to have to make a few more than he does most weeks but as I said he’s done it before he went low at the senty he’s he’s gone low before he was know quite a few years back now probably 10 years ago but he would just carved up through the the FedEx Cup playoffs I remember being there for that uh it’s it’s locked in there somewhere James it never really goes away does it yeah the true it it’s always down in there it’s just finding it sometimes you need a a torch to get down into the darkness but uh yeah not not a bad pick I I think he needs the weather to be a little warmer um being a bit more of a veteran doesn’t hit it a long way off a te um he can’t if he’s not firing it out there and hitting a lot of Fairways he’s he’s not going to be able to rely on that part of his game that he really shines which is you know 125 yards and in but if he hits Fairways of course it’s a it’s a course of distance in the day and age is is not really going to deter too many guys but yeah I think uh he definitely needs to get it done on the greens Kirky because he can get hot when the putty gets hot but it is very streaky three straight top 17s for him at this event so you never know that’s actually my pick as a top 10 best bet I got Chris Kirk plus 400 in the top 10 funny you had mentioned I think you did it on purpose James uh his age your long shot doesn’t have that problem no no the the the 20 the 22y old son of Thunder or baby Thor is I like to call Michael Thor bson um and look this is my long shot um I like action he’s probably valued a little higher that number is really low yes and I think it’s the hype um it’s the hype of all these these young guys coming out of pga2 University he finished one by mile in that um he’s ludvig 2.0 ludig o Berg 2.0 this guy goodlook very very athletic um he will quite quickly probably become one of the longest on tour he hits it miles um even his college coach said that he’s one of the best drivers of the ball he has ever seen in history now I know that’s bias coming from the Stanford coach but um 10 finger grip plays with a baseball grip so it’s kind of different um that’s who you’re going to get speed for sure if you want to hit it hard and he says he loves hitting his driver that his quot is you know sometimes it fades a little sometimes it draws a little so I just play it pretty straight and you know doing PGA Tour live at The Travelers last week every time I would look up a statistic to see all right who’s got the longest drive here today it was always him 350 360 down the middle um he was spotting lud big all week for the first two rounds around about 20 yards 15 yards um now he’s obviously green needs to be polished up a little bit he putts great but uh from his wedges he was is a little bit off the Mark he’s he’s played professional golf well before as an amate finished T4 of The Travelers a couple seasons ago um and then last week in his first debut as a professional you could tell he was just getting a little more comfortable with the expectations around him you know started with a with a two overpar in the first round and then just rattled off 64 66 70 to finish in the top 40 so started to Nestle into making a lot of birdies um I really do think when this guy gets a little bit of experience that he you’re never going to see these odds again so the fact that I like action and you get to follow like a fun kind of explosive young guy that if he does play well the odds will just disappear this is the week where you could have a little bit of fun you might you might win but you’ll get your money’s worth in in the value of watching this kid play what what about something like um top five or top 10 in the first round market like where you’re going to get six 12 the one Etc do you see him as a potential guy that could come out flying for out of the blocks and you know and not have the the the lights scare him until maybe later in the tournament is that something that you might Advocate yeah with how he drives it and how he putts it it’s he could easily come out and especially with how he trended last week towards the Finish he could easily come out and and fire off a low one um in round one so it’s look these I I didn’t get real Nifty with my bets like you boys where he’s top you’re like you’re top 17 8 to1 on what color socks he wears like I didn’t know we’ll get there but so very vanilla these are some fun bets yeah worry mate I make sure we get plenty of good ones in there I I I I do love the fact that he smashes the ball and we’re going to a place where clearly guys who’ve smashed the ball before have won you know like we’ve seen some big hitters win there he hopefully is playing with a little bit of house money so to speak you know like feeling like he can just get out and have a good time uh the impetuousness of Youth uh I’d love to see him I can’t wait to see him over the next few years uh really build his game on tour I’m excited to see it and and you’re right you’re right Chris in saying like it should be 100 or 124 right um but at the same token If he if he gets up into the top 10 and you still getting you still pull the win off at the odds you get still be fun with it James you always sell yourself short when I talk to you you know more about betting you know tons about the PJ tour go check out James nitties and PJ Tour live what else you doing nowadays James uh just corn free tour broadcast we got about five or six of those coming up did PGA Tour live did a little Us open world feed so just trying to get the feet wet in this world where I still don’t know what I’m doing and trying to trying to learn as much as possible on the fly but I’m having a blast keeps me close to the game and I get to uh chop it up with Boys Like You on on these f betting betting shows I’m going to put you on the spot right now and say uh who you got tonight in the big origin match New South Wales or Queensland oh boy we we’ve taken a sh are you getting up at 6 a.m. your time 3:00 a.m. my time to watch the start a new show sure sure am the blues are coming back last game was closer than it looked come on the mighty Blues let’s go lovey make some graphics for that give me about two years maybe I can figure it out hey my two mates here I really enjoy the golf bet Round Table we’ll see you next time

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