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Long Live NHL’s Old Southeast Division | Carolina Hurricanes Offseason Priorities | OG215

5 Stars Only. Positive Vibes Only.

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OG Podcast Festival tix:

00:00 – Old Southeast wins another Stanley Cup
12:00 – Connor McDavid Conn Smythe?
18:30 – Housekeeping
22:00 – Carolina Hurricanes offseason priorities
33:00 – OG Gambling Syndicate
42:00 – Lightning Round!
58:00 – Hey Joe


let’s podcast alongside Mike Mana scoutco filling in for Joe jilo I’m Joe oia inside eford studios in downtown Raleigh big thanks to Empire properties and of course big thanks to copers plus check them out online at copers I feel like we need copers plus to print out a bunch of maps downtown Raleigh for you so you know which ones are the two-hour parkings and which ones are the one hour parking I me hey great good for you you can get over go get over it’s what I say hey look all I know is uh Joe and I having been downtown now for a year we we know which blocks are hot so we play the game got to play the game speaking of playing the game ladies and gentlemen we have a Stanley Cup champion it is the Florida Panthers long live the Southeast Division mik oh yes what four out of the last seven Stanley Cup champions have come from the old Southeast Division yep six of the last seven Stanley Cups have featured a Southeast Division participant why can’t the canes do it again Mike well I think that you just kind of found out that the one team from the southeast who got hot last year and made it to the Stanley Cup Final and the fighting Paul Maurice’s the Florida Panthers that they figured it out yeah uh they kind of cracked the code and and that and I know that I work in hockey and what I do now that I’m the my job title and job description hockey Enthusiast Mike mancal that is the hardest trophy to win in pro sports that one I agree and so that’s why when people will sit there and say why didn’t this happen so many things can happen not to win it but to trip you up you can get goalie you can have your special teams dry up you can have an injury you can have players who uh in fact a couple of people were texting me they’re like is Leon dry cidal hurt I’m like well it’s not like the Edmonton Oilers are texting me and letting me know who’s injured in the postseason but I I just respond with my my normal well I don’t know but this is usually the time of year where Tuesday we find out that he had his leg amputated in game four and he played the rest of the series through Seth Jarvis this year what was he dealing with take your pick right he was dealing with all sorts of stuff that we found out yeah after the fact that that’s classic hockey but so is the goalie thing too the hot goalie let’s how did Edmonton get back into the series in force of game seven well the bosski who was in the first three games was an EXA like now look this might be a little hateration but I thought he was a little lucky last night oh yeah especially in the third period with how much chaos was happening in front of him I thought it was a little bit lucky but again that’s what goes into winning a Stanley Cup I know Joe mentioned this last week um that if you’re a hurricanes fan you would probably hate watching the Stanley Cup finals for a variety of reasons I know something that Luke likes to point out you’re looking at the Florida Panthers you’re looking at what the canes are they actually got it done yeah I mean fair I think that’s a a fair assessment if you want to break it down it’s not overly simplified but uh you you then look at the differences you know the canes are better one through six defensively than what the Panthers are but Sergey bosi has shown that he can steal a series where that’s where and IAM don’t fantas don’t know anything about that yeah I know um and as the goal tending situation plays into it but again what what Florida did and this is why everybody will sit there and go oh the power play the power play they had one power play goal on that entire series um and Edmonton’s pretty damn good they have in my mind if it’s not one and two it’s one in three the best players in the world if you’re ranking them in McDavid and dry Idol and then what happened in game seven Florida said well we’re not going to let these guys beat us and anybody else go beat us that first goal was huge that first goal is huge well because they had lost three in a row yeah if if Edmonton scores first oh I think that it’s a different result for sure ABS I mean yeah I I know it sounds cliche and we but we see this all the time you you gotta at least get that confidence in of all right this is not going to happen again because if Edmonton scores first oh yeah I mean the Panthers are probably that building’s probably dead the Panthers are probably thinking ah [ __ ] here we go again all that kind of stuff the one thing for me watching that entire series that and look it’s it’s not easy like the you’ve got coaches who just spend hours looking at where can we go here what can we do differently here can we exploit this here how Florida never found a way to bottle up the Oilers and the odd man rushes that they had was it was Unreal watching it and then speaking of cracking the code the Oilers are like well if we try to shoot low ain’t going to happen M but if we shoot high and then things you know all of a sudden Sergey bosski looks human and then you you run down these these lines where Skinner gets hot and this is a guy who’s not supposed to do anything in goal that was the the Achilles heel for the Oilers well he was good in three games he was good when they were faced with elimination he was actually pretty good last night in what they asked him to do it was funny and his name is Stewart what was the stat there’s the there’s the first Evan Evan Rodriguez yes well but here’s here’s where the ethnicity comes out of me is there a Rodriguez on the cup that I wasn’t aware of uh that might be the first as well I be just saying I mean next time Hispanic Heritage Month gets half of one month and another half the other month I’d like to know about Evan rodrig that’s right up there my buddy got really mad at an NHL commercial one time for the the cup yeah when Ray bour finally won it and he’s like oh the guy had to finally learn how to spell Bor on the Stanley Cup he’s like Phil bour won it with Pittsburgh jeez we can have nice things well it’s it’s interesting you bring up the ray Bor aspect of this because when you get a Stanley Cup Final right any any sort of Championship level event that doesn’t feature a team from your area is this where the hate watch comes in or this this is the Love Fest I would say it’s not a hate watch to me like Kelly was giving me [ __ ] last night she’s like ah Florida man’s coming out of you I’m like ah because she wanted Edmonton to win it’s like Canadian team I kind of fell in love with Edmonton Oiler fans back in ‘ 06 uh because the BL back in the peak blog era the Edmonton bloggers were off the charts hilarious so I got I got that particular angle but for me it was more it was twofold one Paul Maurice like you talk about a guy who had any opportunity to say F this nearly 30 years in the business man guy seen it all he has seen it all and for him to finally put his name on the cup and you saw it all come out I mean Shout Out to ABC for not getting into the dump button quick enough but in classic Paul marce fbom fashion he’s doing his thing and I wanted to see that I wanted to see that that’s the only way that it had to have been hoisted for him but I loved the moment where he was oh holding it and talking to it before he hoisted it yes and said I had some not so nice things to say cuz took a while to get a while to get to this damn thing you could tell his players were also feeling that too sure that the other aspect too if you if you’re here you’re typically typically a fan of another team before you really got into the Carolina hurricane and for me my first real experience with hockey live was the Florida Panthers 30 Years baby the damn right and of course you had that Stanley Cup run in 96 with the rats and all that stuff so it was funny to see the rats being thrown on the ice and everything else uh so yeah there’s a little bit of a sentimentality of hey you know good for the Panthers we finally getting through my my cousin Angela sent me this uh let me see if I got pull it up I don’t have time to put it up on the screen but uh you know no nobody loves to front run like a South Florida fan okay trust me on this okay but my in defense of my cousin she started getting into the Panthers when they got good and they made these runs and they had the games the games against the Carolina Hurricanes and she sent me a it’s a cafetera version of the Stanley Cup if you’re watching it on YouTube you can see the image that she sent me I’m like yeah it’s got to have Bell in it correct yes Cafe Fone little cafe K afterwards that’s I want to see that now who’s gonna be the guy Rodriguez Rodriguez more than likely going to be although he did say he’s going to put his 10-month old daughter in the and then he said I don’t know if this is Heritage or not but he said a margarita so so here’s the thing and good for him and this is what like these are the stories that I love and and for me if I could just give me an aside to see Stevie Lawrence The Stanley you will not find a nicer human being and somebody who when you talk about this guy hasn’t had a bad day yeah Stevie hasn’t had a bad day he is everything that he has done to get to this point to appreciate this journey and now his name is going to be on the Stanley Cup because he played in the final but here’s a guy who didn’t get drafted his first year of being eligible so he gets skipped by everybody then the next year he gets drafted by the canes on basically a flyer yeah and they’re like well if you do all this maybe there’s a chance goes to the ECHL doesn’t [ __ ] plays hard yeah coaches love him wins a championship there makes it to the AHL roster goes and wins a championship there coaches the organization loves them Roll opens up for him with the team here and he goes and he makes the most of it and he gets playoff time now he’s an NHL player and now he’s going to be a a legend forever because that name is going to be on the Stanley Cup I think it takes what like 60 years for a band you know for the put on to come up yeah so uh and and those are the stories you know Kyle laoso who’ been to Helen Back and literally because he was playing for buffalo in those eras and and but he thought his career was over he wins the cup you I’m for Paul morce Paul Kela uh the assistant general manager I put it out last night there were plenty of people on both sides to be happy for if they won the cup only one team’s going to win it but pretty happy for the guys who are going to get their name on so you can relate we’re going to get into some radio scars here without without without jilo here he always likes to point out like you you can take the man out of radio but you can’t take the radio out of the man actually actually radio takes the man out of radio us how it happens of that but there were some things last night that I was like oh damn it I’m so happy Mike’s gonna be hanging out with me tomorrow because God there are some really shitty Sports Talk Radio topics let’s take a hoey we got take a hockey break [Music] a and so we’ve been doing this entire time big out big shout outs to happy and hail uh coming back from my Florida trip where I ate rich food on rich food on rich food oh yes uh it is time for a detox I need that clean eating uh the smoothie go hard uh the roughage is great but again I’m sitting here making it sound like ah that sounds like s super healthy no it’s delicious that’s the point it is healthy but it’s also delicious and that’s what happy and Hae can do for you download the app they got all sorts of perks and goodies on there check out their North Hills location went out in six forks and of course out in Durham keeping it hockey the burnsy bowl was ridiculously great bow was good great it was the uh it was the what was the it was the filet the Brussels that actually lowkey got me oh okay with the SLO and all that stuff little yeah little bacon bra Brussel good I enjoyed that all right you ready for ready for radio mode Let’s go because yeah when you got game seven in the Stanley Cup you have to start going through the motions of the two best words in all of sports game seven so before the game I knew what the conversation was going to be if the Florida Panthers lost is this the greatest choke in history whereas I was looking at from the perspective of the NHL is constantly looking for the story the NHL is constantly looking for ways to get people hooked on it and I’m thinking like no the story wouldn’t be the Florida Panthers choking is the fact that Conor McDavid was rewriting the postseason record book on the way to one of the greatest comebacks in sports history that’s what the NHL needs man this guy that people point to as you gotta watch this guy doing the damn thing which gets us to Sports Talk Radio topic oh good because I’ve got a couple because this actually reminded me yeah of there’s a a certain National Sports talk show host who would sit there and complain that it’s just oh it’s the same two teams all the time yeah want something different does it remind you a lot of Apple yeah you know but but it’s not it’s like it’s like it’s it’s like Moon peses everybody loved them but where are they now um and it was you had two you you literally had two cities for America yeah I’m not talking about Canada cuz everybody in Canada watches the stand Cup Final yeah but it was the how are you going to make this series interesting for the United States hockey viewer MH and Conor McDavid and Company did that because I’m like that game four probably was in rout to the lowest ratings you are going to see in a finals because you’re thinking it’s a ficon play of course and now all of a sudden this back-to-back four-point games and you find out why they call him mcjesus and how good he is and then are we going to see this can is this going to happen are we going to see this comeback yeah it’s funny you mention the Canada thing on Saturday night we were in Epcot and we had dinner in Canada we went to went to LEL the steakhous which honestly um the I can never have poutine anywhere else ever again unless I go to Canada because the poutine was off the charts but you know if you if you know anything about Epcot no I don’t the people who work in The Pavilions at the country Pavilions are from that country so you go to Germany well you got German exchange students that are there serving you up beer things like that so Jacob he’s got long hair one of the waiters came through and they’re like you play hockey and Jacob’s like yeah he’s like your hair gives it away the flow I was like oh man we really are like in a Canadian spot right and it’s like little signifiers right he’s wearing his Junior canes shorts because you know his hot days trying to be comfortable and then another waiter came through he’s like Junior canes huh you play for him last year like it was like straight up so of course we’re were like so yall watching the game back in the kitchen like what’s going on because again that was game six on Saturday night um he’s like uh depending on how the night goes we might have a a sad place or we might have like this other one’s like I’m not from Edmonton but it’d be nice if Canada actually won this sure sure sure but the radio topic is oh there’s a couple though a big one k McDavid won the K Smite last night oh I I had a feeling this was coming and people are losing their [ __ ] over this because there’s this bizarre notion that well how can you be the most valuable player player on the team that lost and I think to myself how can you just think critically for a second the whole reason why they were in game seven in the first place the whole reason why they were literally one goal difference from winning the whole thing was because of that dude and if there was ever a time to award the most valuable player award to somebody on a losing team this is the first time where it’s justifiable that I can think of since it’s been almost 10 years since the 2015 NBA Finals with LeBron James uh when they lost to the Golden State War Warriors they were up in that series and LeBron James put up 35.8 points 13.3 rebounds 8.8 assists and he shot 40% from the field he was the reason why they even had a chance to win so you cannot separate the entire run of this Stanley Cup for the Edmonton Oilers and why there was a game seven in the first place as you said this looked like it was going to be a wrap it wasn’t because that dude rewrote the record book on the way he was a four point shy of Gretzky right for the for the record for yeah for the record but he did something that we’ never seen and remember points in two games yes yes the K SMI is the entirety of the playoffs yes it’s not just the final it’s not the last round and then you can get into these points of all right well if and you could make a case and here’s where things get diluted okay when you talk about voting for MVPs and when you have a good team or the team that wins it now you start going well I really think that Gus forsling get it or wait what about Brandon Montour he was great well then there is you got to think here about you know Matthew kachuck and what he’s been able to do but you know then barkoff was in charge of trying to shut down McDavid in the games when McDavid didn’t play and then oh you got the goalie who we all know the only reason why the Panthers are here so they start taking away yeah but the same goalie as the one why there was a game seven in the first place McDavid did something that we have basically never seen in these playoffs yeah and how he took over in what 34 more points than the assist more assists more assists than Gretzky had in a in a playoff run not points but assists assist yeah and you just run down the list and and look Folks at the end of the day I don’t think anybody for the Florida Panthers is going to be pissed off that a con Smite trophy is in Edmonton like okay cool that Conor McDavid gets a little a little name tag now on the cons Smite yeah we’re going to have our name on that I I thought what I thought was going to be the sports the hot topic was it he didn’t come out to pick up the trophy oh that shows his competitiveness see that’s that’s what I was going to say that wasn’t good enough we go but we can go both sides that’s classless you’re supposed to come out and represent the game I had that I had people send me that and I’m like if you just lose in heartbreaking fashion you ain’t coming out man I remember the the last the last player I vividly remember was Jean Sebastian Jager when Anaheim went on a run and loss to New Jersey and he won the K Smite and they like made him sit out there for like five minutes and the guy’s losing his mind and crying his eyes out and you’re like look Conor McDavid wanted to be with his people he wanted to be in that he’s the he’s the captain of the Oilers he didn’t want to go out and and grab a trophy for something that didn’t complete the job blame um what I do have for the sports radio topic for this one for the scars is they need to overhaul the voting for this thing because no you have to cast your vote yeah with like 10 minutes left in they do they do that at all these events like we would like you to predict what’s going to happen in the last 10 to 15 minutes of this game please thank you yeah yeah that to me is that’s because what if it is that close make it a Twitter poll no Facebook poll those those are always great housekeeping keeping is brought to you by enovana check them out online e n o v green Cleaning Solutions you [Music] have I’m realizing that I need to do a housekeeping note to myself that uh Mike maniscalco’s mic level is different than Joe gilo’s mic level H Joe has a particular Cadence and level to him that’s a little bit more NPR you and I are shouty yeah well we we go back to our radio days if you want me to do the delicious dish for you I can get that oh I know you’re capable of doing delicious dish for sure the thing for me about the Stanley Cup Final that truly was offputting for majority of the fan bases we’ll get into that after this break okay oh yeah that’s a tease yeah it’s the that’s another radio one coming up in five minutes we’re going to talk to you about what’s coming up in five minutes I thought coming up in five minutes was five o’clock now that’s next that’s that’s coming up next okay my bad uh big thanks to Breeze through for sponsoring the podcast Festival that’s coming up August 24th that is a week zero we are going to have shutdown full cast in the house it’s going to be a lot of fun Michael Felder is going to bring his Felder oh goodness with hand in the dirt Lauren BR hung out with Felder over the weekend she’s like I don’t think Raley’s ready for the podcast Festival on Felder probably not probably not I don’t know I don’t know what cities are ready for Felder if if he’s Peak Felder it’s gonna be Peak Felder okay it’s gonna be Peak Felder I’m excited about this go get your tickets uh go to the Rialto’s website through eex three podcasts shut down full cast hang in the dirt hours we’re going to have a lot of fun access to exclusive merch HomeField is bringing a hoodie that you can’t get anywhere else you can’t get on the website you got to get at the podcast Festival we will have I’ve legally have to refer to his access to hats access to OG hats right which we’re very excited about so again big thanks to Breeze through for sponsoring the podcast Festival also big thanks to Whitaker and hyr check them out online wh. lawyer if Mike Maniscalco has any issues leaving downtown Raleigh today like chileo has had in the past he can contact Whitaker and Hammer to get him out of it I’m sure I will attorneys and counselors at law big thanks to Hometown realy as well check them out you can buy and sell with confidence um despite the fact that a large tech company is delaying things that hasn’t stopped that has not stopped the housing market for being incredibly hot in the Triangle that’s okay there’s another tech company that is moving triangle is that’s true that’s true too a lot of new construction you want to buy and sell with confidence that’s where Hometown realy comes into play so again check them out online myh [Music] I felt like I I felt down on my radio te’s uh because I was gonna say before the break I’ll tell you who the Carolina Hurricanes need this offseason to get to the Stanley Cups please that I’m gonna tell you who they need to get to the Stanley Cup do you know who it is do you know where I’m going with this oh there’s lots of play there’s there’s three three obvious ones for Cory Perry Mike yeah I was Cory Perry I thought you were gonna go with either A and B were Conor McDavid trade for and then and then a goalie no they need Cory Perry because he will at least get you to the staning Cup finals uh he is now but see is that good enough but here’s hey you know what Rod brinmore hasn’t been in the finals yet as a coach all right so you get Cory Perry who has been part of the losing Stanley Cup team four out of The Last Five Years on four different teams that’s amazing so we gotta go for the fifth Cory come to Carolina although come to Raley let’s be honest he was not supposed to be in Edmonton this year he was supposed to be in Chicago that’s true that’s true just gon put I’m gonna let that lie you can do your own research like Aaron Rogers and Company fair point it is a Tuesday we’ll probably get some new Aaron Rogers merch and things to talk about later today um no okay all all jokes aside yes uh what Monday is the start of free agency in and the canes as we’ve talked about the last time we chatted which was after losing to the Rangers in the Stanley Cup Playoffs we we kind of called the yeah man there’s a core group but a lot of that ancillary stuff is going to change over in a big way from just going in a different direction to you can’t pay everybody no and I think I think fans after we’ve gotten far enough away from that loss to what’s going to happen on July 1 and how Eric tulsky is going to go about this with Tom Dundon I think people have finally started to accept yeah we’re gonna have to let some of these guys go now yeah it’s not to say that the Cane’s haven’t worked out some nice deals I mean you see what happened with Jaylen Chatfield that’s great for the Carolina Hurricanes but my question is um who are we likely not to see in a kan’s uniform next season see here this is the tough thing for me and and is not it has nothing to do with the job sure sure and I’m serious when I say that so people please don’t roll your eyes with this this literally comes down to who’s going to go out July 1st and find out that the market isn’t there for them in can they Circle back to Carolina sure uh or who are the people who the second they go if the canes allow them this week to make it to July 1 they gone they’re going to get paid Brady Shay would be the one that I think is a guy who is gone because he’s going to go to market and realize yeah I’m getting lot of money and Jake gensel is the other one who I look at I know that this organization wants to keep him all the stories are out there they they wouldn’t have made that deal otherwise they have made offers and theyve made persuasion what I try to tell everybody is it’s not just a player it’s an agent it’s a family it’s the nhlpa it’s other organizations it’s other general managers there’s so many factors that are at play here right now that I can’t sit here and tell you this guy for sure is 100% because look gensel might go out there and the market to go play someplace else is it worth a million more dollars to go and play in another city or do you get the eighth year here in Carolina if the canes are willing to go eight years and look I’m not sitting in the nego in the negotiations with Dr tulsky as I am legally obligated to call Eric doctor we have to call him Dr tulsky No I do oh you do it’s a long story but yes I call him we’re scheduled to talk with tulsky uh after the July 4th break when development Camp is in town but I just got I got to know because I’ve not talked to Eric tulsky I mean I know who he is in the in the fifth because you know you know me I’m not in the building all the time I’m a casual who shows up occasionally um so you know we’ll make eye contact hey hey what up I’m I’m not gonna bother the guy but now now he’s the GM you’re gonna bother the guy he he’s gotta have to put up with me and Joe uh the the question is if you ask me right now who do I think is good is gone if it gets to July 1st let’s play that game sure I think Brady Shay and Brett pesy will be elsewhere because you get a right shot defenseman in Brett pesi who’s a lock down Defender you put him in your top four a lot of teams are clamoring for a guy like that and he is 30ish you know he’s going to be 30 so you put him in in a uniform somebody’s gonna want him Brady Shay with what he’s done the last couple of years has just upped his market value unbelievably yes so you take a look that’s one of the things that I think jumps off of the page to me those two defensemen if they get to July 1st if I’m another team I’m gonna offer them a deal that I don’t think Carolina can match sure gensel is the interesting one for me the other one that’s also interesting for me is what do you do with a guy like Jordan martinook because he’s a heart and soul guy and I think that this could I can look at this two ways this could be a very easy deal to get done because he likes it here he fits here we know what the fit is and um I think that this year especially once it turned to January 1st 2024 he really took his game to a level where he in with his team this is where he fits yeah I agree with you on that but with the in an Ideal World I would love to have Martin no get what he’s owed for what he’s been able to do and also be able to keep a guy like Steph n that is where you now find you have to find balance you gotta find the balance in that if you’re gonna give Jordan martinook that contract my guess is that uh I like Nason because again guy who knows his role grinds comes in all that kind of stuff but he’s probably going to get especially the season that he had he’s probably going to get a pay raise somewhere else the other question is the restricted free agent who is Marty NES yeah I all I’ve ever seen with NES again just the Casual you know 32 thoughts nugget that comes out there I think it just kind of comes down to whatever the canes can maximize in terms of a deal yeah and it might be also best for Martin hes to go somewhere else because some of these guys as much as you’d like to have them sure sometimes you get to a point where like look man we tried to maximize you it didn’t work out or we view you a particular way that you might not view yourself because I know that’s been the back and forth and the friction with NES or with with Marty NES and the kan’s front office and and Rod bore then it might be better for all parties involved to separate well look the hardest thing for fan bases is when you look at your players you want things to be different you need to get better if you’re not winning the Stanley Cup we have to do this we have to do this well that also means you have to part with players that are on this particular roster and in the case of of Marty NIS the cane still hold all the cards except for there’s arbitration rights for Martin anes so if he goes to arbitration one uh anybody you’ve ever talked to who’s gone through the process tells you it’s the worst thing ever don’t ever do it avoid it at all cost avoid it right but if he goes to arbitration two things happen he’s going to get the deal he wants and the canes can walk away from it if they feel it’s not and then he becomes unrestricted which Carolina doesn’t want to do that or somebody offers sheats him and the can say well we won’t match it the pce you know depending on what you’re going to pay out or what the pay scale is yeah so again Marty hes to me is the canes are going to sit down their brain trust is sitting down and going how do we maximize and and this is where it becomes cold in a business how do we maximize this if the best thing for the Carolina Hurricanes is to keep Marty NIS in A hurricane’s uniform that is what they will do yeah but if the best thing for the organization is well this is the money he’s going to get we can put that money elsewhere this team or bring in something else or we can bring in other assets that’s what we have to do and this is the this is the hardest part now about Pro Sports and salary cap era which you can’t keep everybody anymore you just can’t you canot uh and you know you can do the hometown discount I guess to a point for certain players but a player like Marty NES who’s entering his prime do you want to give him an eight-year deal like the these all become the question marks does he want to do another Bridge deal well the funny thing about all these all these situations um what we haven’t brought up is what the Carolina Hurricanes are going to do with Freddy Anderson he’s under contract he’s under contract but I can Envision a scenario where the canes are going to package something together um and bring somebody else in maybe um I would love to now that we’ve gotten away from it a little further ask Rod prore again do you second guess yourself with how you handled the postseason with Freddy Anderson and just give him the go rather than sticking with what had worked up until that point which was the rotation I’m not going to speak for Rod brymore um because I’ve learned not to do that he speaks for himself yes he doesn’t mean that but the go tending the goal tending is always handled with Paul Shan Felder yeah and him I get to what you’re saying but I let me lay out a this is easy for me to do by the way let me lay hindsight being let me lay out a generic answer to that question for you would say I’m I’m not saying that this is Rod’s answer but anytime you don’t win you second guess of course of course of course of course so but I think what we ended up finding out in the in the series LW to the Rangers there’s some questions about Freddy stra up and do you on a team-friendly deal with Peter coov give him hey man Russian goalies seem to be working out right Russian goalies continue to be your foil so you know what we have one of them maybe we let Peter coov just kind of grow into that role and they bring somebody else in but who is that guy or you say you know what we did all of last season especially when Freddy came back from blood clots we rotated and we were the best team in hockey yeah so we do that again and then when we get to the playoffs we will we will run with that I mean that’s that’s that’s another possibility as well I mean again I I have to tell everybody the way that this organization Works they open every door they turn over every Rock they kick every tire and the way that they look at it there is in my mind I think that there’s a a couple of schools of thought now about positions that you need to be willing to pay in Pro Sports okay right quarterback in quarterback wide receivers yeah offensive tackles we don’t pay running backs anymore right although I would say that wide receivers are about to hit that NFL running back market decline they are I think that bubble’s going to burst they’ve they’ve gotten here this is what we’re dealing with now yeah totally agree with you there but I think in the NHL there are now two School of thoughts when it comes to to goal tending either you put the right team in front of them and you can win with Aiden Hill and Darcy keer M and and it’s those guys are NHL net minders I’m not trying to disparage them but they’re not Andre vasileski Sergey Bovi sure right that and and I think that’s where when I talk about the school of thought is do you put $10 million into one player in that position or do you put 7 million dollar into that position with two players and then you take that money that you give you know the other six yeah that would have to go someplace else up and down your roster so you’ve got two teams that have showed that okay you can win without having the man mhm but then you have two or three teams that are like it’s really good when you got them because all right go make 26 27 saves in game seven appreciate you [Music] thanks Big thanks to DraftKings check them out download the app use that promo code OG G24 you bet $5 as a new customer you’ll get $150 in bonus bets may I suggest to you you take one of those bonus bets and put the Futures on the Carolina Hurricanes who are currently plus 1,200 to win the Stanley Cup next year I I am not allowed to bet on the National Hockey League yeah I know but if I were to say to wager responsibly yes that is exactly what that could be responsible so yeah Florida Panthers are plus 900 the Dallas Stars are plus 900 the Oilers are plus 950 the Rangers the Avalanche and the cane are all plus 1,200 uh so that’s your futures for the Stanley Cup um speaking of which are you going to Vegas this year don’t know not not this summer i’ I’ve there’s been a okay life unfortunately has happened a lot uh to to me and there was another thing without getting into so that’s gonna that’s gonna keep you from doing that so totally understand you on that I just know that you love Vegas I do you love you are one of the people who loves Vegas I am not one of those people my my love is not as passionate as it once was he got older little bit yeah yeah you can’t go as hard as you used to that’s a big part of it and then and then people leave it at that people just so I the older I get the more I enjoy Solitude that that that makes a lot of sense I somehow ended up being the team manager for this is gonna be spectacular Jacobs junior kan’s team this year uh for the 13u white obious book in a schedule dude first we’re gonna play a couple of friendlies in Cuba then we’re GNA go to Vegas so I am crash Court I’ve never done this before is there a whole bunch of music festivals where you can line up yeah right right who’s got the best breweries I have a list for you if you oh yeah I might do that so look long story short Mike and I have been in the situation before in our careers where um you do this long enough um and then suddenly you realize oh crap we’re the battle tested rust crusty vets now oh yeah a damn it and it happens overnight dude it doesn’t it happens when you don’t even realize it and that happened with me and the team manager situation well I just expected somebody else was gonna do it and then I I look around I’m like ah man am I like the old head now it’s you get that you get that David Cross look of like oh and like you know look you know I’m GNA pay it forward so I’m going to go ahead and do it interesting opportunity so last night and I’m doing this late because you know the team kind of came together late XYZ regardless as I’m looking over potential tournament sites through I’m like okay we did one in Hershey the kids loved Hershey because you go to Hershey Park yeah ah you lost a tournament no big deal kids let’s go get the life like the giant Reese’s cup that you can fill yourself go on some roller coasters it’s all good uh big fan of going out to Charleston um the facility is nice and you could just Dart down and get to some of the best restaurants in the world sure love all that stuff but I’m looking I’m looking I’m looking I’m like oh wait a minute there is one in Vegas that happens to coincide with one of the Open dates that we have like where the kids it’s like one of the Like Mondays are off for the kids in school I’m like there is a direct flight to Vegas that’s relatively cheap no we can’t do this right yes you can can we can we take the kids to Vegas yes you can that’s the reason why you talked about Vegas for me I’m running around and I’m like all right okay well it’s gotten a little bit um well Vegas went through like a familyfriendly phase that I remember as a kid it did and now it’s kind of gone back right well they’re trying to swing it back to the uh the nepo babies who have all of the money just go hang out and just go hang out and blow your parents Fortune before you officially get it got I got you I gotta but yeah we can have a team building event at one of the beach day parties I mean I don’t see what could go wrong I mean you could take him to uh Hard Rock gets uh gets back up and running by then what was it called I can’t remember the their their weekend pool thing oh I don’t even know I think it was called Rehab to be truthful with you that is not it is not my speed like I it’s just Vegas for me was uh it’s a cheap flight to get out to some national parks like when we did the Zion Bryce Canyon north room of the Grand Canyon direct flight in Drive you’re good to go uh you’re trying to get out to Death Valley I don’t know why you’d want to get I did it once I I point out to the kids hey you see all that stuff next time you watch a Star Wars movie it happened there that’se that’se kids and that’s pretty much that Vegas for me was restaurants I enjoy playing cards yeah and uh you go see a couple of good shows yeah that’s what it would be about that that that would clearly be about anyway where were we oh yes DraftKings you don’t have to go to Vegas no all you got to do is download the DraftKings Sportsbook app use that promo code OG G24 uh there’s a UFC event coming up UFC 303 and it could be even bigger for you all you got do is jump on the action on the draftking sports book app the official sports betting partner of UFC light heavyweight title is on the line in the main event but there again there are so many matches that you can check out and if again you’re new to DraftKings new customers $5 $150 in bonus bets so again download the app and use that promo code OG G24 gambling problem call 1800 Gambler or in West Virginia visit 1800 gambler. 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Adobe stock for one of the tracks and I was getting flagged on YouTube and I had to put the code in every time like y’all after doing it the fifth time I’m like is there somebody I can contact to just give us the green light on this particular thing but that’s here nor there one thing that you got is a green light to go to use that promo code og2 save 20% off your order should have worn the shirt it’s all good dude I’m wearing the shorts right now as I said yesterday in the swamps of Florida the roback moisture working shorts that I have on right now were money I wanted I I would have worn the hoodie but I’m about ready to melt yeah that would have that would have not been good although Joe probably would have been wearing a hoodie because that man is like a 16-year-old in high school he wears shorts and hoodies that’s like his look it hey man you stick to a look hey you stick to a look it is what it is so go to use that promo code o20 I’m going to drop on by Nature’s relief later today because I need to reup all my sleep gummies you want some deeper sleep you want more restful sleep they’ve got stuff like that uh and any variety of things I’m just like a straight CBD guy when it comes to this you want to mix in a little Delta 9 a little Delta eight to help you sleep you can do that the point is you go out of state there’s all sorts of different rules North Carolina’s included in those different rules you don’t know what you can and cannot do but you’re interested that’s why you go to natur’s Rel natur’s relief hemp that’s hemp also big thanks to the butcher Market check them out online The Butchers it is Prime Grill season or maybe it’s uh lazy you’ve been just running around on vacation you just came back you don’t really feel like cooking but you made the smart move you went to the butcher Market you got yourself a frozen prepared meal to stick in the oven to be good to go or you get the steak tips they now have the bul the bulgogi the Korean flavor back yeah oh yeah so you make tacos with that might be a package or two or three refrigerator/freezer right now I might have to do that thanks for the heads up cuz I uh I’ll be getting those for [Music] sure the lightning round ready to get through some topics Mike um I’m I’m ready to go Al liing round item number one the Carolina Panthers went ahead well I’m sorry the city of Charlotte the city of Charlotte in a 7 to3 vote this is from the Charlotte Observer agreed to terms of a deal that commits 650 million dollars to update Bank of America Stadium uh it sets in motion the largest public expenditure in City history for a single project in 2037 two years before the earliest the teams could leave Charlotte must also start conversations about building a new stadium according to the terms of the agreement now I don’t have some of the stuff in front of me but again this was not a unanimous thing they only needed six council members to get this thing through the vote was 7 to three I believe it was 7 to3 it was always viewed as a foregone conclusion I think for the most part everybody agrees that this is not about David terer it’s about the city of Charlotte and and and moving things on but David teer took some Strays last night in the city council meeting including from one city council member that say hey look I get why we got to do this but what happens when David I’m paraphrasing here what happens when David terer gets mad at us he’s going to throw a drink I’m like oh oh it’s spicy at the city council but that’s is he gonna come back in and make the city council take down a sign oh man that would be amazing if they did and I think that’s kind of where we’re at right now with the Carolina Panthers and the City of Charlotte and really the entire state of North Carolina people understand we don’t want to lose an NFL team no it’s good to have an NFL team but why is it got to be this jerk like is he going to get with the program and stop being that guy but at this point I mean at 66 and you’re a billionaire you ain’t going to be told no but when you bought the team nobody thought that it’s oh he bought the team away from the other guy who we weren’t liking that much which need he needed to go too but I think what we’re finding out Mike is that guys who’ve made billions of dollars aren’t exactly um the nicest people sometimes so it is what it is look you don’t make billions by being nice every step of the way you don’t or spending your own money for that well exactly that’s the other part that I was going to get into most people I found who make or have a lot of money aren’t usually spending their own no uh they they find a way to get in and then say well if I can get yours and this and that look you don’t want to lose a football team ever you never want to lose a a pro sports franchise does that Stadium need up upgrading absolutely because that is like the Lego Bill generic Stadium here or go back to mad mad 94 create a stadium that’s what it was you know it’s funny we’re old enough now to understand Trends in buildings right so we’re old enough to remember those Municipal round the circular buildings that were multi-purpose multipurpose you could play baseball here you could play football here but at the end of the day it was a dump right right um just Concrete in a circle put a bunch of people in there I mean heck we’re talking we’re talking the old vet I mean I can even say Fon the old Fulton County Stadium was in the same boat they were just kind of circular D Three Rivers Riverfront all that stuff that was the that was the element of the time multi-purpose round stadiums then we got to the ’90s stadiums which is exactly what pank of America Stadium is uh to a certain extent PNC Arena is in a very similar position of what it if you if I told you what you what what did a what did an arena look like in the late 90s there it is it was cutting edge and you had to have sweets sweet need sweets got to have sweets and now yeah we’ll I’ll be interested I just I mean you’re talking almost three4 of a billion dollars coming out of taxpayer Wallace and it’s already in the hospitality to be clear it’s in the hospitality tax that money is supposed that money is earmarked for things like this the argument is twofold one why does the billionaire the second richest owner in the NFL need that amount of taxpayer money number one number two aren’t there other projects that you’d rather have some of that hospit because again PNC Arena was in a very similar situation with the hospitality tax and I think From dundon’s perspective the what they were looking for in terms of taxpayer money made a hell of a lot more sense to me because it was all infrastructure based getting in and out of the stadium which could be a hell of a lot easier I think everybody agrees on that the only thing for me in the language of this and and again I didn’t uh all you know being truthful here I didn’t do a deep dive on what’s going on in Charlotte with this no but the fact that by the time you renovate this it’ll probably be what 2028 when it’s all said and done yeah yeah give or take yeah 2030 yeah okay and then four years later we have to have a referendum on we got to build you a new stadium right just build the new stadium that’s my thing well some as somebody pointed out in the Instagram comments he’s like the locations that David teero want the people won’t sell because they don’t like David teer I’m like well they’ll sell to to to go back to the old million-dollar man Teddy bii everybody has a price everybody has a price it’s just that when they’re telling you we don’t like you that just means we are not going to take a L than Market in fact we’re going to ask for 20% above Market or something like that that’s what they’re asking forem number two speaking of Rich guys apparently Mike McCarthy is quote unquote fed up with Jerry Jones okay what you g do about it Mike well you can walk away it’s like wow you mean that uh the meddling owner is going to medal with the Dallas cboys te team Supreme president and executive class general manager I got to hand it the Cowboys man because they are nothing if not consistent when it comes to giving us offseason things to talk about and what are they gonna do with Dak Prescott what are they gonna do with these other contracts well you know what’s Mike m i mean essentially Jerry Jones is going through the tactic of and he’s wrong he’s wrong on one thing he’s going through the tactic of I’m tired of paying for yall I need to win my Super Bowl okay cool but you’re wonder if you’re you’re going to end up paying more for a guy like Dak Prescott because if I’m Dak Prescott’s team I go so what’s your plan after us you gonna draft a guy yeah do you know if he’s actually gonna pan out you gonna go trade for Kurt Cousins you gonna you gonna overpay for him all right Atlanta already put the groundwork down there for you so dak’s good Mike McCarthy had to Know M if anything I would say this about Mike McCarthy buddy it’s actually a shock you’re still the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys no he’s the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys is because he does listen to what Jerry Jones has to say you would figure that somebody who is and by the way what we’re talking about billionaires too they’re smart people there what I have never understood about Jerry Jones is how he knows how to win a Super Bowl you put football people in position to win say what do you need I’m going to give you what you need and you go and win it worked with Jimmy Johnson it was going to work with Bill Parcels because he had started to turn it around yeah but he can’t let anybody else get the crit for it he just can’t do it and then then that to me he’s a smart man so he knows how to win and any problem he has it’s got to be in the mirror with him because he will not get out of his own way lightning round item number three JJ reck is now the officially the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers in this press conference speaking of content that we needed in the summertime JJ reck gave a hell of a press conference and if this is how it’s going to be in the regular season where he’s just saying things like I’m not even [ __ ] thinking about this I’m like oh buddy yes here’s the thing I don’t know if JJ reck’s gonna work as the head coach he’s not the first guy to come out of a broadcast booth and into a situation where he’s coaching he’s also not the first guy who really doesn’t have a lot of experience uh but who has a connection with a star athlete work itself out my curiosity is my only curiosity with this with JJ reck is it’s one thing to do a podcast with LeBron James where you guys are cracking open bottles of wine you guys are talking X’s nose and you’re just kind of showing the world how smart y’all are when it comes to basketball that’s easy to do when you’re just hanging out in the studio and the stakes aren’t real you’re just podcasting man it’s another when the ex’s and O’s conversations come through with actual games and what I should or should not do in the moment LeBron James Goes you know what I don’t really really think that’s the right thing to do here I want to do this how does JJ handle that how does he handle the egos I don’t know well one he’s a guy who’s been in a locker room what up four years ago yeah it’s he’s not that far look I’m going to put it in these terms now and and maybe this is a hot take I don’t even know this in in the NBA I think that you have to have coaches and managing egos are important yeah but I don’t think that the way that the NBA has now built itself that the head coach is as important as we think it used to be like when you’re talking about Pat Riley and Phil Jackson yeah and Casey like when we were coming up I I don’t know what the head coach has to do now is he’s got to keep the guys who aren’t playing happy in their role and the guys who are playing happy in their role and in that situation because he is tight with the deao head coach of the team LeBron James he’ll be fine and if you’re JJ reck if this works great all of a sudden you become a basketball Savant and you win titles and you’re a great coach and what a great move this was uh also you’re getting away from Stephen A Smith and uh and Chris Russo yeah I tell you J I can’t make a free throw but here’s why this guy’s no good um so you get away from that and if he is a complete and utter failure he just goes back to podcasting man he’s gonna get that Monty Williams money yeah he’ll do that too so yeah he can always but my thing is he can always fall back on podcasting one other note about JJ ring I saw Nick Wright of Fox Sports One throw this out there and I’m a big fan of Nick Wright I think he’s of of all the the younger guys who don’t take up all the airspace like Stephen A whatever I think he’s like the next big thing uh but anyway um Nick Wright had posed the question why isn’t JJ reck getting the same treatment that Jeff Saturday got when he was positioned as the head coach of the Indianapolis Colts right no coaching experience comes out of the booth XYZ and there’s one clear distinction and you just referenced it in the NBA uh you’re not exactly getting hired for the X’s NOS aspect of it clearly it’s a bonus but really it’s to make sure that the star players are happy it’s a star driven League whereas in the NFL there’s so much credit and importance given to the coaching staff that it’s about the there’s a constant debate about the ex’s and O’s versus the jimmies and the Joe’s and there’s a contingent of people who are convinced that the brilliant coaches you don’t need the Star Quarterback you need the right quarterback for your system we see this with Shanahan right um or Bill bich well his defensive prowess and all this other stuff so Jeff Saturday was always gonna get ripped because what exactly did he know was he gonna Urban Meyer got roasted when he came to the NFL and he was making the joke about man man this is like this is like plann Georgia every week There’s No onea team that you get to face yeah man it’s a different thing that’s why NFL coaches get looked that differently than JJ well the other thing too with Saturday uh is one he was mid-season replacement yeah and you’re like just bring up somebody from the staff yeah if you’re gonna do that uh and he was best friends with the owner that also that also and look now we’re and now maybe it’s a little bit more of the you know the same side of of the coin just at the the different ends of it here when you’re well your new head coach is best friends with the best player well you know what JJ reck’s going to do he’s going to run sets that’s going to maximize the most for LeBron James and for anybody else they put in there braon JR Bron gonna be there that’s a that’s a that’s where that’s for something else but I I put all of this laying this out the NFL is a way way way more different animal to coach than the NBA yes more personalities more more coaches you have to deal with in this case all reic has to come in and just be okay and not this is going to sound crazy not get in the way yeah no that sounds sounds like a plan to me last item in the lightning round Tennessee won the College World Series 65 Over Texas A&M the fun stat here is that the vs won 60 games this year that’s the first College World Series champion to hit that Mark since wital state did it back in 1989 just further proving the point that the College World Series is one of the biggest crap shoots you talk about professional to tie it back to the beginning of this conversation s cup might be the most difficult professional sport Championship to win College World Series man it’s worse than the NCAA tournament but the Intriguing part of the game last night is that the apparently the Texas A&M coach is in the running for the Texas coaching job Texas A&M guy leaving for Texas you can tell me Dave doran’s taking the Carolina job after ma Brown retires well I mean let’s face it come on now this isn’t a big deal because A&M went to the SEC and tell oh oh wait a minute they’re buddies now look man it’s why why do we make these a thing it’s all money it’s it’s not it’s not it’s not what you people want to make it out to be anymore and what do I mean by you people the people who thank you who cling to this it’s about getting paid and can I be in a better situation like it’s I’ve never understood this if somebody worked for Microsoft and are you going C are you going catart again no but reminds me a lot of working for Microsoft no no we never complain about that like this dude went from there to there all right [Music] Google all the radio scars coming out you know what you can see yourself with two Ro ice cream go to TW they got locations across the triangle rotating flavors uh the coffee bourbon is the one that jilo was obsessed with before I went on vacation I’m gonna be curious to see what he’s obsessed with when I get when he gets back they had a bourbon pean uh special flavor and it was okay phenomenal nice I don’t know if it’s still there you know uh we’re going to be at two roosters on July 18th for ice cream day we’re gonna be at the Wake Forest location so come on out and say hello it’ll be a lot of fun uh big thanks to Mosquito Authority and P Authority it is gross folks and you don’t want to make it worse by having a bunch of mosquitoes hanging around your backyard so you go to bundle and save with mosquito Authority and pest Authority get the outside of your house and the inside of your house taken care of and speaking of taking care of your house you want to save money on home and auto insurance you call our guy Matt Davis insur theog or old school actual human on the telephone 919 9779 8277 you want to have a fun parlor trick at a party ask an older person how they hang up the phone see what they do and then ask a younger person what they do to hang up the phone and see your mind break oh you want to you want to throw a line that would break everybody’s mind in the song Vienna by Billy Joel yeah ask somebody under the age of 35 what does it mean to take the phone off the hook and get lost for a while yeah yeah I don’t think they’re going to understand any of that well when will you [Music] realize J weird weird going from Piano Man to a piano atro which also means got some too for me you all know what that means we’re getting out of here on some hey joke questions it’s brought to you by crank Brewing uh we’re going to be at crank arm in downtown Raleigh on July 28th for our Summer Jam yep it’ll be a good time uh butcher Market’s goingon to be out there cooking up some treats I think they’re gonna have a food truck out there it’s just a Vibe we’re just hanging out it’s just another way to get our listeners to hang out and everything else so big thanks to crankarm you can buy the beer at um butcher Market as well all right let’s go to what do we got here let’s go to let’s go to the twitters uh we got Kelly golf drink podcast repeat Monday through through Thursday we appreciate that it’s got It’s got the breeth through lifetime refill Tumblr with the OG sticker on it love to see that I like seeing that uh let’s see from uh I believe this that’s one of them and this is what we’re talking about from Evan Hey Joe is this peak summer sports writer boredom this is from Bill Barnwell on ESPN what if the NFL expanded to a 100 teams oh my God Barnwell picks ideal locations for 68 new franchises I love Bill Barnwell but yeah that is Peak you needed to write an article well I think I I have an idea let’s just go ahead and bring back the Skyhawks and have them play at Carter Finley Stadium if we’re having expansion teams that’s all I ask I in that’s all I ask all right from Chris making sure you saw this okay scroll up this is from January okay from January of last year dads in their 30s and 40s challenging their kids to Golden Eye 007 multiplayer when they hear it just dropped on the Xbox games pass and Nintendo switch online just it’s a video Let’s play this so I can just so see you owning your children in this game this Dad just doing this your ass play oh yeah no I’ve SE I’ve seen ass player nothing about this [Music] player [ __ ] A I was I was never good at firstperson Shooters you get you get emotion sick from them no I just the twitch reflexes aren’t there no they were there but it was just like always I was analytically thinking and then you realize it’s like no no you just got to just click the trigger as much as possible by the way I have a great video game story with my dad who is as you know no longer with us so I don’t know if I’ve shared this story with you before I think I did off year with the the techos Super Bowl tournament so I used to be belligerent playing Techo Super Bowl shock I know unbelievable wow and I mean I was it was almost like I was a pro wrestler how do you want me to beat you you want me to run the ball the whole time I’ll do it have you and jilo not played each other in Te no we have not I might just stream that [ __ ] let that happen oh you you guys are throwing controll no no you don’t throw controllers okay because but my dad would play and I would just sit there and I’m like I’d take the Chargers with marry and butts and you that was the bman thing yeah Mar buts buts rumbling stumbling and I I just housed him and he got pissed and he goes never ask me to play this with you ever again because like I might might have been like 14 or 15 I’m like all right well fine whatever my dad worked second shift so he was at home during the day when I was at school all of a sudden like three four maybe even six months later he just turns me we’re sitting there it’s like a rainy Sunday or something he goes want to play yeah I’m like yeah okay like he knew every play from the alignment and it was the worst beating I’ve ever taken in in a Tech Mobile game that’s a lesson and he then puts the controller down and goes I officially retire it’s the way to go hey look man uh another Disney reference the kids they’re old enough they got the twitch reflexes they play the video games they know they’re better than me at rust of the games we did this Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin if you’re not familiar with Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin they put you in a little buggy with little lasers and you have to hit various targets as you go around it’s a real life video game and you know Caleb’s like yeah kick your ass you’re going down old man I’m like guys guys you know how many times I’ve done this dumb this dumb ride I know all the tricks n got you you’re weak old man smoke their asses then we did Toy Story Mania uh in Hollywood Studios very similar situation but it’s in 3D and um there’s like this you have to pull a you have to pull a little like pop shoot thing right okay it’s like a dangling rope with a ball on it and you basically it’s all this okay and of course I’m with my brother who’s approaching 30 and the kids are like yeah we’re going to beat you and then I think my brother and I both said you guys do not have the forearm strength that we have developed over the years guys just challenge them to the old track and field if you ever see the cabinet video game you think you guys are good at doing this right now no no no no no no no you’re just sitting started you gotta be old like us you’re good to go smoke their asses there too so what what video game were you talking about the old tracking field oh with the buttons a dude know I need the arcade version of that’s what I’m saying the standup version that’s the move I love that d game I love that game so much man I’m pretty sure that I have a torn tendon from that probably all right from Bennett on Twitter I know it’s offseason protocols all the way down but honestly I thought I could escape the hak Tua girl and Taylor Swift being all overseas on the OG but things make me but but both things make me feel like I’m going insane look all I’m going to tell you is that uh the reports of monoculture death are very premature monoculture still exists and Taylor Swift is exactly that uh from Jeff on thread settle down I don’t want you to get the Dave Groll hate mail I still don’t know what that dude was getting that interested to hear your opinion about the quality of the new animatronics at Tiana Splash Mountain it’s technically called Tiana’s Bayou Adventure Mike are you familiar with this I have never and nor will I ever go to Disney well I’ll tell you this I did not have a chance to go on but my brother did because my sister-in-law is an employee at the Walt Disney World parks they had a cast member preview and they said they did an incredible job with the animatronics I’m looking forward to going back I have no problem with the people who go all the time oh yeah I mean my brother’s a Disney adult uh from William Hey Joe I was just in Orlando and visited celebration for the first time when are when you’re an empty nester would you ever consider moving there so you can be an easy driving distance to Disney World I drove are you familiar with Celebration Florida so celebration is The Truman Show you’ve seen The Truman Show right it’s this in Disney built this PUD this planned unit development with all various stuff just outside PUD right uh just outside the park different different meaning for 80s kids that’s a very good point anyway I this happened when this happened back in 2000 so Kelly said to me this is the last trip we are taking to Disney World until we have kids I’m not coming back here until we have kids Fair all right and um I want well we’re not coming back I want to go through celebration just to see what it looks like and I was like oh this would be perfect I mean you’re living just outside the park dude it was the Truman Show it’s like I’m pretty sure at that time I’m like I’m pretty sure there’s cameras everywhere I’m sure that there’s like some AI construct of Walt Disney making sure good morning good afternoon and good night exactly exactly and it gave me the creeps not gonna lie not going to lie the real bottlers live just outside Fort Wilderness called Golden Oak Joey faton there and Joey faton had I’m not making this up Joey faton the former insync superstar the wacky one he ends up taking a private bus service to the parks by living in this neighborhood by Disney the true baller well that explains why he showed up on man versus food or land that might be it that might no the dream is as a retiree to be a Montreal driver I’m not making that up all right that’s G to wrap it up Mike thanks for hanging out man we’ll talk to you later happy to be here


  1. 54:59 yeah so the expectations would be just kind of lose out and intro LeBron's kid I don't know. How long can LeBron hold on to control of the Lakers given that it's unlikely they will win another championship based on just LeBron.

  2. Joe calling his brother a "Disney Adult" is the Spider-Man pointing meme if I've ever heard it, 100% 😂 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  3. 1:02:09 your Buzz Light-year ride was actually "if you had wings" brought to you by Eastern airlines. Back when you just sat back and watched some poorly put together video thrown up on a wall with some music. And you liked it. Because that's what you had, like getting an orange for Christmas.

  4. Summer Radio Bit with a twist: instead of “what’s your bench” ask “what’s high score in Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin?” There is one target a family member hit that was worth 100000 points. I was crushed that day.

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