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This Might be the Most Difficult Way to Bench Press

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I didn’t lose at all he was short short stacked get on my face to oh the camera’s on you the camera’s on you yeah me that’s why Jack are so hard cuz I feel like people will call you with overs and come here you know that’s why I hate Jack Nate he was like I’m going to come over here with my other with my other friends see you I got me come what are you doing Dallas he wants the microphone look how tall I am guys whoa I’m a big boy he’s an athlete that’s I’m like all in and they’re like okay no problem 27 crank it yeah yeah I’m an athlete hey hey hey hey hey heyy heyy hey oh okay what are we doing today a little bit of Fitness yeah a little bit of Fitness little bit of Fitness we got uh session two doing a strength session with Jesse going to Rope Dallas and Zach into doing some pig flips cuz I don’t think people understand how heavy the pig is every year I pick it up and I’m like how did we do that 20 times and you do it a couple times and then bingo bango bongo and you’re flipping the pig but we’ll do that that uh Jesse session and then we got a fun little finisher of double dumbbell overhead walking lunge which I think Dallas should do cuz that would be really good for him and then some ski be lovely get old man Nate in it my spine will break too much Fitness today buddy come on it’s less than 5 minutes of a workout you already killed me I can’t do it Nate did my rowing intervals this morning with me it was terrible in the sun he refus to drive poor pretty awesome he’s old H Nate just say yes I know it wasn’t whatever you’re saying it wasn’t awesome sound like Jesse I know you say it was probably hurtful and then I came up with a workout for Turner this morning that was a lot worse than I expected it to be oh I I just made a no the sleds took a lot longer than I thought yeah I still haven’t done a lot of sled work you said 15 to 20 minutes well and then I think about like guy cows like so the we she wanted to do Echo Bike uh rope climb and sled so I said you should do 50 40 30 20 10 Echo 54321 legless rope climb and then down back counts as one on the turf for sled and then 54 3 2 1 sled it took a while how was it it was really bad actually the sled like so they’ve got like the high bar and the low bar on the sled it’s the alpaca sled from the games the low bar just like cooked me yeah low bar is significantly worse low bar was just like frying my post chain and my quads honestly this but it was a good workout it was just like a long grind just different for like guys like legless rope climbs from guys to girls is very different and then Echo Bike for cows is very different so it took a little bit longer than I thought it would I’m just I’m just not in Prime shape right now 20 30 minute workout it’s okay it’s just Fitness just good fun fitness yeah yeah so that’s the plan that’s what we’re doing sick sick definitely including that one yeah definitely definitely the one you look like that’s cute you got it Nate throw it off thatat it and then I’m supposed to make it did it bounce off the ground just or not no just you can get what what me see it but I would come like here so it goes upward oh then yeah you got it you got it all right got it uh let’s see I have a p eye o Oh see now you get the guys that actually can’t put that one in no it’s just too cool o obviously how would I F for the game Daniel wi winds in my face got to put another 3.7% on it calculate back good that’s good I was pretty lucky to be honest [Music] [Applause] logo really need Daniel miss this one got it and then you got to make it on that one nope oh let’s go you lucky sucker nope I lost missed again make that look pretty hard Nate I can make things look really hard you grab one way or the other close or do you no we’re wide but I mean saying when you’re holding on do you try to hold in the center yeah what we got one rep max Bandon chain see what happens we’ve done it before with Bandon chain not with this bar though so who knows what what’s going to happen it’s a little different so like the uh other bars that Rogue has like they’re multi and straight multi the collars on them are not um bearing so like if you move the handles like the sleeves move as well where this is bearing so you have a lot of wiggle like with your hands and the plates won’t move so it’s a little bit more unstable for better for worse so we’ll see yeah gets more stable with weight on it just say now is it yeah try not [Music] to you doing that on [Music] purpose ha this I’ll just do a 10 is that cool good honestly I don’t feel kind of huh yeah that’s why I didn’t want to join us for lower you know yeah that makes sense he’s like oh man tired I yeah he always takes you off the screen there this little thing feel like you hide out sometimes so I have to be thoughtful about always what I say I mean I would never make you look dumb Jesse no that’s not true survey survey says name one time maybe one time uh you know people write me about uh delish now it’s not none I’ll tell you that straight away it’s not n well I mean you said that way before we threw it out on YouTube so man sometimes nice looking strong Daniel feel pretty good ah that was a lot better of a press though absolutely that was so much better I didn’t wiggle as much it was too too heavy for me pressure nice left yeah attention attention good left dude got heavy quick yeah it did I have only intelligent things to say today so jokes on you you have no content for this episode it’s already a lot it’s fine I’m smart on Smart today you’re always smart double stack of smart let’s get it come on Jay [ __ ] yeah good job got Ito work for that [ __ ] at the top see that makes sense so do you think when I take it off the rack I should just go job J come on oh yeah [Applause] yeah yeah hell yeah work that up and I think if you play with it a little more that chest let’s go J let Nate try this weight dude so those are the two lines okay you got it yeah all right got it makes you look really strong let’s go Jay stay in it man okay two more oh come on you are going to stop oh [ __ ] I thought you were going to keep going last set it was that was 12 easy think got someone stronger since last week that’s crazy though yeah that was easier than the last set last time ripped let’s go Daniel stay with it here we [Music] go nice good job dude come on let’s go nice nice here it is come on let’s go do let’s go all the way come on get it Go got one more than last yeah [ __ ] getting stronger that was 10 yeah yeah here we go stay with it Dallas come on y eight come on let’s go beat Daniel let’s go 10 one more here it is come on oh now not one more yeah here we go let’s [Applause] go I got to do some holds and then we’ll do it warm up with some ho Bel holds and then some pig to finish it off finish off the finisher I guess I have a workout before that but let’s get all the fun does it help to talk while you’re doing this yeah it’s pretty easy oh yeah we carried this all the way up the stairs but that was probably 30 seconds Max it was longer than that hey maybe it wasn’t felt a lot longer than 30 seconds but I don’t know I don’t remember it looking that hard oh shoot come on get out get out all the way all the way next to is noran car goodon it’s like not that bad if you like lean then you hit this like hamstrings and glutes are like working hard yeah look at that pass off easy ass this is not easy hope you can talk to team yeah shut your mouth 10 seconds it’s been 10 seconds how old were you when you first started growing facial hair like 12 when did you hit puberty no actually I didn’t grow facial hair till I was like 25 dang I’m 25 did it look like this or was it a lot better than mine yours is better bro I knew it I already told you I picked this thing up off the ground a few times yeah yeah I’d ask you if you can grow facial hair but you can’t even grow hair on your head thank [Laughter] you what is it lunging out and back 500 me ski easy a little sprinty one to finish it off see if we can beat Daniel I’m going overhead Daniel’s going suitcase should be good good luck oh you’ll probably get back to the ski a little bit before me hopefully I can catch him and he’s using lighter weight huh and he’s using lighter weight and he’s using lighter weight oh my gosh I also worked out like five times like a month and I drank a lot probably drank more in the last like week than I have in the last year hey those are cool sunglasses a lot of where’d you get those you drink a lot of water last night there are Saint sunglasses my friend Jason started a cool sunglass company [Music] you earned it are you suppos to yeah he is okay well wow hard to flip it now like movies and stuff people have like a SI car under like a cover that’s what I feel like I’m doing right [Music] now yeah antique classic right there here we go yeah dude easy there it is oh boy see Dallas wheelhouse there it goes yep there it is uphill is a beast man that’s freaking heavy yeah my adductors from being like out yeah jeez oh that was sick yeah that gross it gets bad though real quick yeah that slight incline yeah makes it real hard yeah oh yeah cuz it was down a little bit not much knee yeah he got to be tall we were just looking back and watching it uh Mitch Hooper went out with Jason to like hwpo and they’re doing like strongman type stuff and they got out the Pig and the video starts with like Jason like showing them how to do it like you lift it sit on your knee hip it up to your chest yes push it over Matt gives like a spiel about his experience with it in 2015 and then Mitch goes to lift it he just like grabs it and like just pushes it over just goes like flying it’s ridiculous like really puts in perspective how strong Mitch is specifically but strong man in general like it’s ridiculous when you have like a gauge to like put it against it’s crazy but yeah like to see him do Fran friendly Fran specifically hey Daniel what are you doing Daniel it’s your turn for the pig we just want you to try it one time he is messed up we got to that ski and I like got it down to 12s and I was like oh yeah if I get it that low he’s going to be able to hear the fan and he’ll back off right down 12s held up there for like 30 seconds and then like looked over and he was still like moving I was like uh-oh this is going to be a race to the finish so then I sold out the whole time I mean I creeped up to like a little bit above 130 but like held it the whole time I think we pretty much tied yeah so we hit that last ski in like 120 something he’s in a good spot he’s up I’m not good that sucks dude all right all in all done not too crazy of a day today it’s Wednesday our rest day is on Monday and Thursday so uh this morning did some running intervals followed by some CrossFit and then some rowing intervals which were super fun uh and you guys caught that second session but rest day or active rest day tomorrow I’m swimming and running but uh Wednesday nights night before our rest day have some friends over barbecue some good ranchers we’re making some burgers tonight they have like wagu burgers that are money so we’re doing that play some games Nate showed me poker last time we were there I think you guys might have saw that I won money just $2 but it was a $2 bill so like that means something but we’re going to play some poker tonight uh barbecue play some games I got this cool new like golf game I don’t if you guys saw it but it’s like a it’s a flag and a bucket and a fake ball and you can make a course in your backyard so do that tonight relax that’s it yeah my I got a pool it comes in tomorrow so we’re going to be installing that this next week my family’s coming into town probably going to drag them in to helping me like build the pool but that’s going to be sick when that’s all done but we’re literally going to get that done and then we’re flying out the Squamish Daniel’s coming woo Dallas is coming woo I don’t know who else is coming but we’re coming and that’s it so um yeah catch you guys next time it’s a new day wake up every morning and say it’s a new day hey take a good day make it great okay cuz if you got some lemons make some lemonade


  1. I said this last video but Justin looks like a different person. Dude is JACKED!!!!! Excited for this years CrossFit games hopefully that don’t pull some of their usual bs and have a terrible event where some nobody can injure the 2x champ in the first event with no repercussions

  2. 13:06 And let’s be honest, with ABBA in the background with ‘gimme a man’, you automatically start lifting more heavy. 💪🏼

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