Golf Players

I Took A New Golfer From Beginner To Par In 8 Hours

Vice Golf Balls:

Stitch Golf Bags: (JOSHMAYER20 for 20% OFF)


Takomo Golf Clubs:

Michael’s Channel: @Hangtime37

More Videos:
I Investigated An ABANDONED Desert Golf Course

Locked In A Golf Simulator Until I Hit A Hole In One


this is my friend Michael he has zero golf experience and today we’re going to take him from a total beginner to attempting to make a par in 8 hours it’s 11:00 a.m. right now we have a tea time schedule for 400 p.m. I have from 11: to 4:00 to teach him everything he needs to know about the golf swing and then from 4: Until Dark to actually make a par on a real Golf Course time is of the essence ladies and gentlemen before we head to the range let’s ask Michael what his previous golf experiences my previous golf experience zero I have went to Top Golf a few times I don’t know if that counts but practically speaking my experience is zero how I think today’s going to go well I do have an athletic background playing four years of division one football I was with the dolphins I’m a punter a lot of kickers and punters are good at golf but me personally it’s kind of embarrassing I’ve never played before the goal today is for Michael to make one par out on the golf course which according to Wikipedia is the predetermined number of Strokes that a proficient golfers should require to complete a ho not only is Michael learning how to play golf for the first time but I’m actually learning how to teach somebody how to play golf for the first time so I’m a little bit nervous as well which is why I called a friend for a little bit of advice oh Mr Horvat what’s going on brother Josh what’s up dude I’m trying to take somebody a total beginner golfer to making a par in 8 hours what are the three things that you would focus on grip is number one yep then how to properly pivot and make a back swing and then from there I think the most important part is going to be short game shipping and putting short shot there and I have no idea what to do so do you think it’s possible oh yeah okay but it depends who okay he’s a division one punter okay then you got a great chance got a great chance I believe awesome I appreciate that I feel very confident now good to see man I feel like Grant’s pretty confident let’s go it’s go time finally made to the range and my thought was if Michael’s going to be a legitimate golfer he’s got to look like one huge shout out to robc they hooked him up with a brand new polo a hat to match a brand new Stitch golf bag golf shoes and some beautiful Tacoma 101 [Music] irons you like warm up or something good golf stretches one it like opening up those hip flexors I played football for a while and I know the importance of flexibility warming up oh I got I got one here sit down once oh yeah keep pull a little bit oh yeah oh dude oh my leg shaking I had Michael take a swing before I teach him anything just so we have a baseline of where he’s at uh is it is that a real thing some golfers do this or no is that just in the movie pretty much just in the movie yeah can you teach me that can you teach me that shot today or no maybe tomorrow all right here we go okay that’s it now that we know where Michael’s at we’re going to teach him how to grip the club so grip is like the most important part of your swing it’s the only thing that’s connecting you with the club this guy here is a little mold and it it should fit perfectly like where your hands want to go try that out you’re not trolling me right this is a real thing this is 100% a real thing in your palm you’re going to lay it sideways like that and you want that club to sit nice like in your fingers your right hand you’re going to take the little Groove in your palm and you’re going to slap that over top of your thumb you’re going to fit your thumb nice nice and tight in there and then I overlap my hands in the back but you can also interlock them if you want is that okay looks like a so you got yeah you got both fingers you got both fingers on this club dude that’s better yeah that’s better that’s better once Michael figured out the grip we moved on to setup and how to rotate legs slightly wider and shoulder width you want your back straight Little Bend in the knees and then you’re just going to let your arms hang that’s actually pretty good so that’s your that’s your setup I’m actually feeling I’m actually feeling confident guys do you know why as a punter I don’t know if you guys at home know what a punter is but I kicks the football the grip mattered on how you grip the football and then your stance you want be a good St so I’m dude a lot of similarities same thing I’m feeling I feel like you got this now we’re working on rotation why’d you do this I’m going to show you okay it’s actually going to be the other way around but just get in your stance get in your good stance and I’m going to put this right here and then you take this arm grab this side of the club that arm other side of the club do like the macarina just rotating your upper body you’re going to point that side of the club at the ball yep oh okay and now we’re swinging through and we’re pointing this side to the club as oh yep boom dude you’re a genius imagine there’s like a metal rod from top of your head going straight through you and then all you’re trying to do is is rotate around it yep yep it’s good that felt a little weird Jos and then when you swing through you’re going slowly now it’s 7020 boom boom boom boom boom and now all pretty much all your weight is on your front leg 5050 50 5050 coming through 5050 70 30 80 20 90 10 100 zero bada bing bada boom well not zero cuz zero would be like that that’s actually how you do it guys yeah after grinding for an hour and a half on the basics of the swing it was finally time for Michael to actually hit a golf ball he was ready to roll and honestly guys I was a little bit nervous first time seeing him swing is he going to have what it takes to actually make a par out on the course or is he just going to fail how’ I feel I didn’t see it you didn’t see that I didn’t see was that money that was perfectly straight was it dude dude I’m the greatest Al for a alive oh no that was right dude we’re making a park today baby oh my it’s going right though dude that is pure dude that’s excited pure brother thanks brother dude that’s phenomenal have you ever hit a golf club or a golf ball like that no no I did not think we would be able to do this today but I have so much hope right now we just need two of those since Michael picked up the iron swing so quickly we had a little bit of extra time to really fine-tune some things dialed in and I’ll tell you tell you what my guy Michael was striping it and the boys were buzzing but we can’t get ahead of ourselves we still got a long road to making a par and a very important part of that is going to be how Michael swings the driver which also happens to be my personal driver valued at $300 this is an important Club this is serious business you got lock in I’m locked in dude Drive is for the show putton for the dough I talked to him about how the driver swing differs from an iron swing putting the ball a little bit further up in your stance and tilting those shoulders back with those two things in mind we just got right to swinging practice practice and this is where things took a little bit of a turn for the worst uh for some reason Michael had in his mind that he had to swing as hard as he possibly could every single time with the driver we literally went like 30 minutes without him even making contact with the ball okay I’m genuinely not trying to be funny what’s going on before I start one well number one you’re just swinging way too hard no question am I am I hitting am I going there or over it you’re going over top of it cuz you have me all worried about hitting the ground and breaking it last thing we want to do here is panic we’re fine driver’s tough you just got to get once you get the feel down once he hits one good one I think he can copy that feel and just consistently get it out there so we should be we’re fine I’m not worried at all and that was just a total lie I didn’t want to scare Michael but honestly I was so worried he literally couldn’t even make contact and if you can’t get off the tee if he can’t hit the driver there’s no chance he’s going to be able to make a par it was also tough to to watch just knowing that my driver head could break off at any point in time it’s a good foot in a half you hit behind the ball there that’s a good we got to tone it down swing speed I can’t sometimes when I was punting in football I would just like get anabolic swing as hard as I can that’s proba why you got cut by the Dolphins dude that was cross that was really that’s messed up we went back to basics to see if Michael could get better at the driver and it was going pretty well until this happened oh so you may have just broke two clubs in one oh yeah dude five IRS flatten where you see it I’m sorry these are your clubs dude dude no can you see that with the camera well you’re you’re the one who put that by my feet D I didn’t think you had any shot of hitting it I can’t believe you did that okay good as new we’ve recovered from hitting my club Josh said sorry for putting that club by my feet I don’t know why he did that so new Strat super light like butter right that’s our new word butter butter soft melted butter okay okay there’s a hole in this no matter what we did it seemed like Michael just couldn’t figure out the driver so we took it back to basic can I hit one eight iron real quick eight iron yeah let’s get that okay but wait on that front foot don’t be afraid to release front foot yes yes yeah higher that feels better that feels yeah that looks a lot better you just lost everything why deficiency I have you let go my head no no okay that proves I’ve been too wild yes you moved it away got to go back to my happy place o actually wait I really got to take a break Michael’s back is killing him right now we’re going to take a little break go probably practice some short games some putting rejuvenate I don’t I don’t like my attitude right now I need to wake up and get excited let’s work on a short game Let’s rejuvenate and let’s get back out here yeah I like that let’s go with the driver swing on pause for a little bit we headed over to work on a short game also Michael was super fascinated with this golf ball collector I love this because we spent so much time on the driver had to keep everything short and sweet for chipping chipping for this chip specifically we’re chipping in this close flag with your feet together 70 80% of your weight is going to be on that front foot and then you’re just going back and through this looks so easy simple like scoop it up like the driver no you’re hitting down on it so the club’s got Loft on it so you want to use that Loft so you want to hit down on it and then it’s going to pop it up that makes sense okay down more that looks like I yeah yeah that was no good well this little teacup stance of feet together is messing me up bro are you sure you just trolling me are you serious I’m not trolling you I’m I’m dead serious he’s trolling me guys yes that’s money that’s M yeah that’s wait wait yeah that’s money dude that almost went in that almost went in dude Moola dude money that’s your best one so far I have confidence in making the PJ tour Michael got chipping down pretty quick so it’s time to move on to putting have you ever practice putting before I guess I’ve been on some dates with my wife to mini golf places and and just honestly I usually win d good okay the key with potting is to just be so still so smooth like you’re pend you ever see a grand dude that’s what I was just going to say that’s what I was just going to say that’s that coach student connection right there you ever see a grandfather clock yes dude just straight back straight through your shoulders are the hinge everything’s just one unit and then you’re just rotating your shoulders and your hands bada bing bada boom wait wait so yeah go ahead yeah that’s good that’s really good Michael picked up putting pretty quick so we didn’t spend any more time this strategy might have hurt us but you’ll find that out later in the video how do you feel about putting I feel good but I’m hungry we quickly grabbed some food and then headed to the course that our tea time was at I don’t know if you guys remember this but Michael still has yet to actually hit a driver so we’ve got to figure that out before we head to the first tea I like everything else you’re good but we still got to dial on that driver and just make sure we’re good before we tea off cuz that course is going to smack you in the face real quick if you don’t know what you’re doing with the driver once again we’re Back to Basics the goal was to try and have Michael hit five good drives just so he at least knows what the driver feels like before we head out to the golf course and since we were so crunched for time we were literally trying everything I adjusted his driver we put the ball in the middle of his stance I even tried to teach him some new swing thoughts I need you to hit it just to the end of the range that’s it that’s like this like 30 yards away correct and I want you to rotate and I want you to swing up and to the right I almost let go of that like no matter how many times I tell him to stop swinging hard so is that what youve learned as a coach yeah sometimes your people don’t listen I’m really trying not to swing hard I don’t know what’s going on and then just when I thought all hope was lost and Michael was going to have to hit off the first te with an iron something clicked dude we can work with that dude we can work with that dude okay we’re on something dude good few more we’ve got 3 minutes I’m I mean these are better than all I’ve hit all day yeah it’s true I just got to straighten it out now dude we’re figuring something out that’s money that’s money one let’s head to the first tea brother let’s go make a par let’s go make a par baby so confident now heading to the first tea box Michael’s going to have 18 tries to make a par between now and dark let’s get this thing started what should I be thinking here coach DH same exact thing you were thinking on the Range just middle of the stance up and into the right let’s pipe one down the first Fairway here and let’s make a part on the first hole why not why not us make it in right now why not us right here dude we can play that it’s right but we can play that it’s still G yeah let’s go let’s go what is this part four part four grab your four iron you see the flag over there okay next hole I just saw a big splash it’s fine next hole next hole hole number two oh we’re good we’re good we’re good thank you I just saying hi I guess you don’t say hi unless you’re ordering drinks golf balls we got Michael playing are the Vice Pro white I especially chose these cuz they got a lower Drive trajectory for greater rolling distance so we’re trying to get a little bit extra roll feel like based on your swing speed and everything these are the perfect balls for you shout out to Vice they actually just revamped their entire line of golf balls can I have these when we’re done you sure can yeah these are for you let’s go you guys want to know what the best golf ball for you is on their website they’ve got a tool where you can go on and you can get fitted for ball so you put in like your swing speed um preferences other stuff like that you can figure out what golf ball is perfect for you thank you Vice we love you but I’m just too excited I want to hit this next whole thank you Vice I love par five 475 yards if I’m going to par one I feel like this is going to be the toughest one to do it no no I feel like this is cuz You’ have an extra stroke you got five Strokes to get it oh I like a par five for you let’s let’s focus yeah let’s focus just get in the middle of the stance little bit toward swing easy nice and easy a little bit towards the front yep come on come on come on get up kick right yeah you’re good you’re good fine that’s fine that’s totally fine that’s totally fine that’s good it’s good we’re in a good spot baby come on found we found the golf ball actually playable we’re going to go seven iron here are we hitting it back to the green or going for flag we’re we’re just hitting it back onto the Fairway okay that was just really far right water okay next hole next hole we got 117 yards I like pitching wed is this a part two or part three par three I think I like your chances of making a par On a par three better than I do yes on a par four or par five respectfully Michael was hitting the ball really well with his irons which is why I like his chances of making a par On a par three let’s see how he does here give me some give me a warm up swing boom dude that’s in the hole dude dude you smacked that oh my gosh we should have clubbed down coach you clobbered that I honestly didn’t expect you to hit it so pure I didn’t expect you hit it in the center of the I had your coaching all day what expect dude is this golf etiquette what all right is this the right Club coach like right Club correct Club kind you’re going halfway back I yes I do I think so a little bit teacup how about like right there teacup I can still make a par here if I make this right you it was at this point that I realized I had screwed up we should have spent way more time on short game I feel like I failed Michael at this point and seriously doubting my abilities as a coach hole number four here where is it so we got a little water on our left 320 y I like an iron here you sure 100% I like an iron here why because you hit irons better I just think the driver is just way too sporadic for this point it’s not consistent enough trust me trust me Michael decided against what I told him and he’s going driver here so we’ll see what happens at least aim left for me if you’re going to do that yeah and just swing nice and easy dude oh that goes straight like way went straight let’s go inside left oh my gosh dude it’s going to be on the green freaking I gota okay I gotta stay calm folks I gotta stay calm cool and collect eate we’re GNA stay calm I told you you DED my driver bro you DED me but it’s okay I learned this from you bro let’s go dude that’s huge that’s huge that’s big dialed in I love we still got work we still got work to do dude you think I can make the P got work to do that was a sick Drive D that was the best Drive you’ve ever had I thought uh waight on my left foot I didn’t get it like too myself dude that was like a tight draw you didn’t you did not hit a drive like that all day yes I did at the very end did you well not at that I’m getting the hang of it though that was sick cuz I’ve been always right open bro I can’t believe this I was almost on the green we’re not dude we’re not out of the we’re not out of the woods yet it’s a tough green good thing is we’ve got three shots from here to get it in the hole to get your par this is indeed my ball I did not think it was going to happen this quick this is vice three Vice baby the Vice Pro shout out Vice Pro dude sh Vice Pro dude I’m I’m going to I’m just going to go through the whole progression of how I would like hit a shot still can’t believe I made that I cannot believe you hit that B that well that was phenomenal well done I like a putt here here’s what I’m going to say chip a a small chip I like a putt we’re going putt yes I’m doing chip coach we’re going putt I’m doing chip don’t chip you DED me with the driver you’re going to putt it and you’re going to putt it right here at me right here because it’s going to break left to right I like that maybe a little bit more than that okay take your time that’s fine take your time it’s windy we got all day we got all day I shrimp it I shrimp it I shrimp it I shrimp it I wasted it Shri you shrimp it it’s okay yeah dude good thing is we two more we’ve got two more shots from there so so this one this one we’ve got to get close let’s just call spade a spade we’ve got to get this one close don’t line up to it yet let’s just read this here quick dude you were making me think too much Josh the last thing you want to do is overpower this one and hit it way past I got it I see the brake it’s breaking slightly right okay yeah I mean hit it you’re hitting it like right here don’t go crazy we should have worked on putting more we should have worked on putting more we should have worked on putting more hey I’m not out of it I’m not out of it you can still make this just give it a sec give it a sec let me let me line you up let me line you up oh M I see I see it I see see it I see it I don’t know if we’ll ever get another opportunity like we didn’t practice the putting enough drives for the show putts for the dough I should have chipped it I should have chipped it no chipping would have been worse all right okay I like where that’s at oh Michael oh my gosh break ah okay hey that’s fine we’ll get another opportunity we’ll get another opportunity if you’re driving the ball like that we’re good we’re fine we’re fine this one hurt I feel like I really failed Michael not teaching him how to putt I just didn’t really think we’d get another opportunity like that that was such a good opportunity whole five part three n IR nine iron first time ever on a course this ain’t bad striking the wall very well yeah let’s throw that reminder in this is literally Michael’s first time on a golf course well to be fair I was on a golf course before with my brother and uncle on the cart just riding along you’ve never actually stepped on a tea box and play okay right okay okay come on come on come on get up okay hey that’s fine chiping a pot chip in a pot it’s straight down up and down and we’re making partt I really F hey that’s fine you chunked a folks there’s a chance I chunked it this is like the chipping we worked on earlier exactly the tripping we worked on teapot stance just nice and easy nice and smooth smoother than that yes yes should be hitting the ground more yep you yeah remember remember you want to hit down into the ball and then that’s going to pop it up oh my gosh Michael that’s going to be good we’re putting hey we’re putting we’re putting we’re fine we’re putting that’s a good chip that’s a really good chip it’s a good chip why did I jump I don’t know hit this putt like right here okay Michael you dirty dog go in the freaking hole oh my gosh oh my gosh great putt put that in get yourself a bogey get yourself a bogey oh dude we’re getting there stay baby we’re right around the room great pot great punt Michael’s confidence was at an all-time high but it didn’t really help him on the next two holes he double bogied one and then bogey the next his chances of making a par on the front nine were slowly dwindling but then he did one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen on a golf course okay we got 320 yards dog like right over some water you say dog what I say so dog leg what’s that me we could just put an iron out there to a good spot I’m thinking driver let’s do it if you could hit if you could hit a draw like I’m right over those Ducks yeah I like it dude Michael that’s in the hole that’s in the hole that’s green dude that’s on the green dude I jump in this Lake right now you might have gone over the green but you’re fine you’re fine dude let’s go make a par let’s go make a let’s go that’s a great drive that was the best drive yet how did you figure that out dude I don’t know it was all those it was all those hours of hitting the dirt and hitting the four iron play the clip of me hitting the flo IR right now dude this day this day has been honestly so healthful to my golf game dude good you’ve changed my golf game bro for the better appreciate that you’re on the right side of the green dude let’s oh my gosh Michael oh come on come on dude let’s go go it’s on the green you just drove the Green in your first round ever playing golf dude come on brother guys subscribe to Josh right now we’re on the green Josh said there’s a term for that what’s it called driving the green yeah is that what it’s called yeah that’s what I don’t did I say there was a term for that oh you said driving the green driving the green oh yeah yeah you drove the green last time this happened you got to stay smooth don’t shrimp it right it’s a part four right you cannot shrimp this dude you have three putts from there to hit a bar no let’s dude let’s let’s are serious I can’t mess this up again you have three you have three shots straight on straight on straight on straight on don’t shrimp it do not shrimp it I’m going to put I’m going to pick a spot for you to hit it put it right here don’t shrimp it feel it don’t shrimp it put it right there and visualize it visualize it my thing hit the ground Josh Josh my putter hit the ground Josh you still have two putts from here you have two putts from here Michael time out I’m going to line this one up no I no just let me do it I can line it up where it’s lined up just hit it on that line and it’s going to get close and then we can just tap it in for a par come on Michael dude you really you really didn’t make it easier on yourself so I really am starting to understand the phrase Drive is for the show putts for the dough I’m so mad at myself right now I just came from a super high to super low but we still make this dude 100% this is going in hit it on that line dude it’s going in just just make sure it’s lined up I’m scared you’re good you’re good just hit it don’t think about too much be an athlete pendulum pendulum [Music] oh Michael Learned a harsh reality of golf driving’s for the show and putting is indeed for the Dell despite the horrendous putting I’m actually pretty confident he can make a par honestly I feel like he deserves one after this what’s going on how did you shrimp those both those putts was from such a high and such a low right out we got par five here let’s let’s rip it another drive just like that last one come on back come on back come on back yep yep yep yep yep yep yep dude you are clobbering the ball great Drive Great dve hey we just came down a big disappointment yeah that’s a high right there back up back up roller coaster we’re back up we’re back up I don’t understand on the Range I literally couldn’t hit a drive I know I I think if we went to the putting greens and just hit like hundreds of putts I’d come out here and be sinking puts how far did I just drive it you probably drove it like 300 yard 144 pitching wi with I think we go pitch watch Michael Michael too far right don’t hit car path don’t hit car path don’t hit car path come back come back okay we’re fine it’s up the ball’s up it’s over there we’re good hey this actually is not terrible no it’s great we have three more Strokes to get it in that Hill is making me nervous bro hit down on it and let the club do the work that’s good that’s good too far far A little too much juice oh this is like exactly exactly the shot on the Range that middle pin teacup stance too hard Josh too hard it’s fine come on back come on back dude this is straight this is in dude I like it put it in trust it put it in come on we didn’t realize that the time but Michael’s chance on hold number nine was going to be his last one for a very long stretch once we teach off in the back nine he started rushing things second guessing himself maybe trying a little bit too hard we went through hole after hole after hole Michael never being able to put himself in a position in the car it was so draining and on top of that we were fighting against daylight our camera batteries were dying we had just about given up until we head to Hole number 16 a sneaky little 150 yd par three the most unassuming of golf holes we only have three holes left still had not hit made a par are you nervous I don’t know if I’m nervous I’m just like kind of exhausted at this point all 16 par three yeah 16 using 54 yards dude draw back in draw back in draw back in not bad you can get up and down from there you wow can you move it yeah it’s got a goose poop all over it but yeah teacup stance teacup stance 70 70% weight on your left and then hit down into it and Pop It Up dude get in the freaking hole go ahead don’t you dare oh my gosh Michael no we’re going to get far we’re going to get far Michael chill chill chill chill chill dude I got your putter dude dude hey save for this moment save for this moment hurry keep running man 2% 2% 2% camera tap it in tap it in come on come on keep your glove on let’s go tap it in right go dude let’s go dud I would be jumping up and down right now but I’m like kind exhausted that was a great prise the Lord dude this guy is the best coach ever I had no experience the fact that we made it this far it’s amazing appreciate you guys watching do me a favor hit that subscribe button subscribe to hangtime maybe watch another video love you guys we’ll see you next time peace


  1. Appreciate y'all watching! Hit that subscribe button if you enjoyed. Despite shrimping🦐 every putt Michael's game made some serious improvements. Proud of that guy!

  2. There's a joke among SummoningSalt fans that every time someone shows up to set a new world record in a speedrun, it's Matt Turk, no relation to Michael.

    I really hope Michael's uncle Matt has also never played golf before because now it's time for him to do the funniest thing

  3. why bother learning driver?
    its absolutely worthless for making Par compared to a 5 iron that does 200 yards.
    Par 4 350 yards? 200 yard 5iron, 150 yard 7 iron = GIR.
    even if you drive a 510 yard par 5 over 300 yards you still need to make a 200 yard approach and not 3putt to make par.

  4. To A Par is a more accurate title, but hey it got me to click and the video still well made so 👍

  5. Adding right tilt to the driver swing was an unnecessary complication in my opinion. It's hard for me to do and I've played over 50 years. Tiger didn't do it for most of his early career, and he did pretty well. Just saying…

  6. I stopped watching after the second green he drove and duffed putts so bad i knew this video was faked.. no one putts that bad.

  7. This had me laughing so hard with my wife trying to sleep next to me 😂😂😂😂 tee time 9am in the morning fathers day 😂 hit the other club with the driver priceless 😂

  8. Man that’s wild to be 30 minutes in and have a great drive. I’m probably about 3 hours in and still struggle to hit the ball sometimes none the less have it take flight lol

  9. What an awesome video, inspiring and had me riding that rollercoaster with yall. Great student and GREAT teacher! Dudes gonna have an amazing golf game after this, incredible example of the beautiful game of golf.

  10. I’m just getting back into golf after about 15 years of being away from it due to work, college, and deployments. Love the videos and the advice you gave him will definitely help me as well.

  11. Was that Grace reacting to his missed par putt after driving the green? Should rerun this with her- stick and ball athletes can pick golf up quickly.

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