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Joshua vs Dubois to fight LIVE on Sky Sports Box Office! | Full Press Conference

Full press conference as Anthony Joshua set to face Daniel Dubois in an all-British heavyweight clash for the IBF world heavyweight title at Wembley Stadium on September 21, live on Sky Sports Box Office.


we’ve all been watching those rad season shows like wow this is incredible but now September 21st some of that magic gets sprinkled on wly Stadium for really what could be what should be and we’ll speak about it with these fellas here maybe the biggest show in the UK ever I am delighted to be in the company of former European middleweight champion Matthew mlin how are you man not too bad at all de good good to see you and boxing’s walking talking College of knowledge Mr Steve buns how are you Steve yeah I’m fantastic da absolutely fantastic now listen top to toe this show we we know about this show now it looks like something very special you know what sometimes when we hear there’s going to be a big event pre-read season we know there’s going to be a big event we got this fight then the rumor goes then this might be on the undercard then this might be on the undercard I don’t like to lie I’m going to hold my hands up and I’m going to tell you that when we actually get to reveal all of this undercard there were three fights on the under card I would never have got the 5v5 we all knew what it was going to be eventually it was the worst kepc but but this one here there’s there’s three of those fights that made me Charle we never knew and then as for the top of the bill Whoever thought you’d be standing here announcing and revealing the top of the bill cuz I asked the two boxers that earlier today and both of them looked at me and said I didn’t think we’d ever be here either so trust me it’s not just me and them I think it’s everybody and Matt look it’s very clear rad season has changed boxing it’s very clear his Excellency turkey Al Shake has changed boxing look around look at these shows you’ve been out there with me incredible yeah look we’ve all been involved in this game business a long long time and look when uh you know money makes the world go around and he he’s and not just money but he’s got to be directed in the right way and passion and drive and vision as well as money yeah money’s a part of that but if you haven’t got the vision you’re just throwing money up the wall where you know you look at the fights here I’m not going to announce them I’m going to leave that to you or when it when it gets announced but there some there are some great matches on there and and all the uh shows we’ve been out in s before yet you know few you see okay that was historical Undisputed but listen that 5v5 that that was a brilliant card you know what Matt’s absolutely right the money does make the world go around it might sound a bit crash it might sound a bit gross it might sound a bit insensitive it’s all three of those things don’t get me wrong but it’s also Dev and Matt the truth but you also need the boxers to want to buy into it to want to commit to it the promoters and by the way here’s a is an absolute spoiler for you it’s not one promoter it’s not two promo wait for it it’s three promoters involved with this big one so actually give you a clue of where we where we’re going everyone’s got to buy into it it feels all very well having a couple of million in a bag here for your fighter and 20 million in a bag here for your Fighter the Box are got to buy into it and they got to buy into it de over a certain length of time so since October last year it has been all about what we’ve had when we’ve been out in Saudi Arabia out in Riad and and I got to be honest with you I think we’ve had I was talking about this on F five live recently I think we’ve had about 20 top the bills maybe even more maybe even 25 on the four or five shows that’s going some isn’t it that’s going some and and I think one one thing that maybe has caught people off guard is people were maybe expecting all of these big shows to just be happening in Riad this Vision has now extended Beyond Riad August 3rd they are in La Terrence Crawford against madof perhaps another fight that may not have happened without this Riad season money and now we are September 21st in the UK with that magic being sprinkled here it’s a great time to be a boxing unbelievable listen those sday trips were great and I’m sure there’ll be more and we’ll enjoy going out and doing them because they’re great shows to be working on but obviously it’s great that it’s here in the UK it’s brilliant that there’s going to be 900,000 fans at Wembley Stadium you know what what gets better than that really you know what’s interesting uh I started 40 years ago in this business I was very young when I started before even if you say anything obviously clearly I mean I shouldn’t have even let me in the building you’re a baby stick thank you very much Deon please you say that when I started I just did newspapers and I was really envious of the cricket correspondence and the tennis correspondence and I’ll tell you for why not because of the sport they covered I couldn’t care about tennis or Cricket but because they knew where they were going to be not just this year but the next year and the next year so if you’re a tennis correspondent you know exactly when you’re going to be at Wimbledon in 2028 no disrespects of us in boxing we hardly know where we’re going to be at the end of July or the end of June and it’s the end of June this weekend that’s how we are now one of the things one of the things hopefully that the people pushing and creating this whole re had season phenomena how about this and I throw this to the two of you how about if we know set in stone that 21st 22nd of September that’s Wembley the first weekend of August that’s La the second weekend in October that’s Riad the last weekend in December that’s wouldn’t it be great if we could wait for it actually have some stuff planned for two and three years wouldn’t it be beautiful this is what boxing has been crying out for they’ve been crying out for a fixture list this is the closest I’ve seen to a fixture list touchwood look it’s a bit like you know in in the UFC you’ve got UFC 252 and that’s happening on such and such a Daye whoever’s on ufc2 we don’t even know but we know that’s happening why can’t we do that man why have we never been out to do it until October last year why why has that never happened money vision and then the people that are willing to get sit around the table collaborate to put it all together well it is all together and it will all be together September 21st let’s talk about it you can’t ignore this you can’t ignore these faces these heavy weights these British hard yeah so I here so the rumors are true it is Daniel du defending His ibf World Heavyweight thatat be upset but it’s it’s du Joshua I mean this is huge if if you’re going to have a Wembley Stadium show you fancy a couple of British heavyweights fighting for a world title it’s a special fight steeve oh you know what we we we’ve had a few um all British heavyweight title fights and one or two of them have worked one or two of them haven’t worked let’s be let’s be brutally honest about this this one has to work the knockout stats tell you it has to work the fact that both men are unbelievably confident tell you that it has to work and also how much more is at stake going forward after this and it’s always good if there is that massive carrot for both of them it’s a huge fight and it’ll be 100,000 talking to different promoters today that are here Eddie Eddie Hearn and Frank Warren I I said 90 in both interviews with them and they correct to me both times and said 100,000 cuz yeah so remember when we when they started doing fight record be record when we started doing fights here they were the first fights or they were at the end of Co so the police weren’t quite sure about how many how many to license so the police held back 10 or 12,000 or 15,000 that’s one of Carl fr’s arguments as you know so so consequently with this is 100,000 it’s a monstrous event I’m not even going to begin to to to give away any of the undercard that’s phenomenal but Daniel DuBois and AJ between them whatever it is Knockouts I think they’ve had about three points wins between them as a as a maximum with something like 46 or 47 Knockouts you don’t you can’t invent fights like that that’s what happens in Hollywood not in real life 100,000 people as Steve says as he’s had confirmed I’m sure twice by the promoters 100,000 people Wembley Stadium Daniel DUIs 26 years old Anthony Joshua 34 years old perfect well look you got the who’s coming off the best performance and best win of his career you’ve got Anthony Joshua coming off that devastating knockout against un and you can say yeah’s MMA and all this but listen not everyone was saying that out there let me tell you didn’t say it didn’t say it when AJ was walking to the ring did they know so you know in terms of timing for this fight to happen this probably couldn’t get any better and it feels like the these are two heavyweights where Riad season has invigorated both of them both have had big wins in Riad where they’ve kind of the perception of them with the public has changed we saw Anthony Joshua he was up against it you know he kind of rebuilding he’d had Franklin helenius people were still like what’s going on here valin and garu different guy same with DW and also we have to remember with valin it’s all very well like Matt hinted out there with enanu valin was ranked in all of the bodies valin had only lost the hard fight the Tyson Fury fight valin was a 6′ 6 in youngish avoided Southpaw all of those things got overlooked the second AJ started to piz him with the jab and the big rounds that was a great win that that gets massively overlooked then theu and then of course we got the two Daniel du fights Geral Big Baby Miller didn’t see him off but took care of him when he was was a hard brutal fight then of course the Philip herovic fight I’m going to ask a pair of you I’m I’m sort of throwing things back at you two today cuz we killing a bit of time I love it those four fights did they happen those four fights without rad season listen listen I’m not sure I’m not sure we’d have seen Joshua and garu for example I’m not sure we’d see andu as part of the kind of heavyweight scene without of the without turkey a shake without everything that’s going on with briad season so I’m not sure but we are you wouldn’t have seen him and I’ll tell you why you wouldn’t have seen him cuz people who were in the positions they were in when they were fighting each other would have been waiting around to get a title shot Bingo mat that’s the correct answer they would have been waiting herovic would still be waiting there they had two tread water fights Daniel dual would have to a maybe taking a bigger risk or gone down another route and he’d be Treading Water AJ would be trying to get back in mixed every want to be Treading Water that’s the one with the one thing that’s happened since October with the whole rad season phenomena uh this sort of unofficial League that might become official soon is it’s making these guys fight each other as I said it’s not just it’s not just the money okay that’s too simplistic an interpretation of this revolution there has to be willing from the fighters and their promotional companies and by the way they’re TV companies I mean look at this here TNT BBC is a sky boy he’s on our platform you’re very welcome and we might very well we know have someone from D wonderer over in a moment and they be welcome too of course they were collaboration like never before like never before I love it listen very good very good gestures there from Steve all all above board um so tell me about Daniel duar we talked about how AJ you know he had those two wins in marad season Daniel du had wins not just against Miller and hergovich but against demons against critics Redemption for Daniel D heading into this I think had enough of those demon wins I mean he might deny it and he might sort of look away and become a bit introverted but we know he battled some demons to get to where aj is now and so did dub whose demons were worse I would probably argue that dubas were worse cuz he was living with those two defeats the usk defeat and more than that he was really living with that bizarre fight that we saw we were privileged to be in company of about 6 60 odd people right in the hot the hot bed of covid in 2020 when he was leading on two scorecards then he went down on a knee now people use the word quit he went down on his knee it’s that quitting well he quit the fight but he he he quit comfortably to fight another day I was a massive defender of it at the time and I’m still a defender of it but he still quit the fight I mean that’s you know you can you can it’s pedantic to find a word for it the bottom line is he couldn’t continue the pain was too great he knew it was seriously damaged and he took a knee all perfectly legal and he took some pters let’s get it right not just from the online community see people forget that Devon Matt a lot of boxers that oh I would argue Matt maybe should have known better really really steamed into him I was a bit disappointed with that look he as you’ve said there there he chose not to continue so he did quit now that’s not you can’t no one knows what pain he’s going through what the thoughts were going through his head did he think there was permanent eye damage maybe I don’t know but but I know watching it live he he set out the count didn’t absolutely so he did quit oh no no one’s disputing that so no and you know you could say the same happened in the USI fight absolutely after the low blow or not a low blow or whatever you could say again but I think in the herovic fight he exercised a lot of div cuz there was a phase in that fight where it got really tough in there and maybe he would have set it out previous du previous du but he didn’t he pushed he down on the gum Shield he dug deep and he pushed through and I I think that would have given him a lot of a lot of confidence a lot of uh self-belief even when he’s in that situation in this fight with Anthony Joshua let me let me ask you this man I ask you as a fighter um and it’s a I’ve got to be careful how I word it I thought his tactics for uh the the herovic fight were Dreadful but it worked in the end you know just taking it to hergovich using your face taking so many shots 20 30 40 big right hands in both the first and the second round if I’m not mistaken and not flinching and then catching hergovich a lot okay let let let me let me ask you this do you think that was almost him going through some kind of penance sorry I’m going to have to cut you off let’s head over to this huge press conference leted over to Ali Al announ now before we get going I’m sure by now we’ve all seen the very sad news about the passing of Deandre Jones the son of the great Roy Jones Jr and I’m sure I speak for everyone in the room everyone watching at home when I say our prayers and our heartfelt condolences go out to the Jones family and everyone that knew DeAndre in this this extremely difficult time welcome everyone to another Riad season special this one the Wembley Stadium Edition uh at this time we would like to express our thanks to our host and those that have once again made this super event very possible the custodian of the two holy MOS King Salon bin abdulaziz and to his Royal Highness the Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman and to his Excellency the chairman of G the general entertainment Authority his Excellency turkey Al shake the last 12 months in the sport of boxing have shown that once again boxing has the ability if it wants to to become one of if not the greatest sport in the world it’s a title it certainly had in the 70s and the 80s big fights being made big Fighters fighting regularly big fights put on what we have all seen in Riad season is just that big fights the fights we as the fans have waited for for years we’ve seen drama we’ve seen upsets we’ve seen World titles change hands we even saw France is Ino nearly put off the big upset we’ve ever seen in the sport of boxing against Tyson Fury we’ve seen Queensbury absolutely destroy matum in the five versus 5 we’ve seen Fighters that were wrote off rise again and we’ve seen the great Alexander usyk crowned the Undisputed heavyweight champion of the world that theme of big fights and big events continues on September 21st and it doesn’t get much bigger than an event at the National Stadium in front of 990,000 fans headlined by former two-time unified heavyweight champion Anthony Joshua versus the new ibf heavyweight champion Daniel D and as you can see behind me EST Stella cast on the undercard as well enough from me let’s get out to the stage the most important people the fighters to do that your MC Mr Thomas triber ladies and gentlemen welcome to the press conference for a great night of world championship boxing Saturday September 21st from Wembley Stadium in London England it is the riot season card Wembley Edition brought to you by visit Saudi middle beast and Red Sea Global with Frank Warren on behalf of Queensberry promotions and Eddie Hearn for matchroom boxing in conjunction with Riot season National Event Center the general entertainment Authority Gia gold star promotions and Cella in association with waserman boxing and boxer let’s first welcome Mr kala sourland of waserman boxing Mr Spencer Brown of gold star promotions Mr Ben Shalom of [Music] boxer trainer Don Charles trainer Ben Davidson Mr Eddie Hearn of matchroom boxing and international Boxing Hall of Fame promoter Mr Frank Warren of Queensbury promotions let’s now welcome some of the great fighters on this card first let’s welcome from arm Thorp England The Undefeated Josh Petty [Music] [Applause] Pedley let’s welcome from Portsmith England The Undefeated Mark Thunder Chamberlain [Music] [Applause] let’s welcome from London England The Undefeated Joshua Bui [Music] [Applause] let’s welcome from Carstairs Scotland Willie the hutch train Hutchinson [Applause] [Music] go on will go on my son Let’s welcome from Sunderland time and we England Josh pretty boy Kelly [Music] [Applause] let’s welcome from Liverpool England the former world champion Liam Bey Smith let’s welcome from leads England the former world champion Josh the leads Warrior warington [Music] [Applause] let’s welcome from Belfast Northern Ireland the current world champion Anthony the andytown Apache Kachi [Music] oh yeah oh nice nice place what you know some good people in there some good people let’s welcome from Rowley regist West Midlands England Tyler Denny [Applause] I said should should be paying me really one show one one show on my on my card and he’s oneck let’s welcome from ilford ess6 England The Undefeated Hamza sh that fight out one fight straight into another probably feels like an hour ago he was in the [Music] ring and now let’s welcome International Boxing Hall of Fame ring announcer the one and only Michael Buffer thank you Thomas dri thank you well ladies and gentlemen you have met the outstanding Fighters each and all deserving headline recognition and that’s all leading up to a special main event on Saturday 21 September 2024 here at this legendary site of spectacular events of sports and entertainment Wembley Stadium London England re ad season will continue to make fight fans dreams come true as two of boxing’s greatest promoters join forces to present two of the best heavyweights in the world in a 12 round contest our promoters representing matchroom boxing Mr Eddie Hearn and representing Queensbury promotions Mr Frank Warren ladies and gentlemen now officially the Riad season card Wembley Edition m event 12 rounds of boxing for the ibf heavyweight championship of the world at this time let’s welcome champion and Challenger to the stage first with an outstanding record of 21 victories 20 of the 21 by knockout 16 Kos in his career in four rounds or less ladies and gentlemen he only has has two defeats from London England Please welcome the now two-time heavyweight world champion the newly crowned officially ibf heavyweight champion of the world Dynamite Daniel dub [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] woo it is official and Now ladies and gentlemen officially the Challenger an Olympic gold medal Champion 28 victories in his career since becoming a professional 25 of the 28 by KO only three defeats now 17 of his Knockouts in his career have come in four rounds or less he’s a two-time heavyweight world champion from London England ladies and gentlemen he is the Man known as AJ Anthony Joshua [Applause] wow um that’s a lineup of Fighters and promoters and it is good as well and I say this as a boxing fan to see several different promoters on the top table I think it helps the sport and hopefully this can continue to grow the sport of boxing in this country and around the world uh to point a phrase from the great Michael Buffer let’s get this party started I do want to hear from all the fighters and the promoters I first want to start with Spencer Brown from gold star promotions uh Spencer you’ve been a key component in these events in Riad getting off the ground and here now here we are we’ve been waiting for this one a big Riad season event at Wembley Stadium the home the national home of the England football team 9,000 people plus will be there talk to us about the importance of an event coming back to London but also the success so far of rad season yeah look yeah welcome to everybody and uh some good fighters on here today isn’t there um but I’m just going to reiterate some things I’ve been talking to Turkey Al shake with today he’s over the moon to be putting this card on he’s he’s a massive lover of England there’s a lot of synergy between the two countries and he’s he’s really looking forward to the event he’s um he’s been you know one of the main people in in doing the card so we we although we might put the card together he’s the one who chooses the fights he’s the one who wants to see it and he’s he’s particularly happy with with giving some Fighters chances that they may never had you know or never have so you know and and it’s all about it’s all about rad season it’s all about um the Synergy between our two countries and it’s all about bringing a massive event you know cuz we haven’t seen this event for a very long time we haven’t seen a Wembley and he promised us this a long time ago we sat with him and he promised this and Frank will probably tell you and he’s made it happen yet again he’s he’s he’s put his money behind it the country put their money behind it look where we are now this massive event and he’s got three more massive events to come as well so you know we’re really looking forward to this and he and he just told me to reiterate that he hopes everybody’s happy with the card hopes hopes it’s a fantastic day out um because it’s not just going to be about boxing it’s going to be about entertainment as well so that that will follow and you’ll find out all about this so it’s not just about the boxing this is about entertainment and the fight that the top of the card is unbelievable two English heavyweights going at it it’s we’re really looking forward to it indeed and you look at the fighters that been that have been assembled and you know it is going to be entertaining fights a lot of these Fighters don’t fight on the back foot they’re very very aggressive uh Frank just to follow on um from what you heard there from Spencer round again the importance of a rad season event at the National Stadium look we’ve had some incredible events in Saudi Arabia I mean nothing beats the Tyson Fury Alexander usyk fight but it is fantastic to get an event here listen the historic R season is it’s iconic now and it’s because of the Season his Excellency that this is happening at Wembley we got a fabulous fabulous card um probably the the most stacked card in British boxing certainly in my time with the boxing phenomenal C it’s headlined obviously by Daniel duar and Anthony Joshua for the ibf title and I’ve got to say you know this this is happening because of Riad season it’s happening thanks to custodi two holy Moss King Salamon bin Abdul aliz um his Royal hares Muhammad bin Salamon also his Excellency obviously turkey ales shake and the Riad season we’re working together with Eddie Hearn matrum and Spencer Brown at Gold Star do ran and his team at C and GA it’s been very important because if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be putting a stack card like this Happ on this is what’s making such a historic boxing event all right and sorry and it’s the you think it’s the first time rad season of being in this in this country and I think it’s uh you know when you look at it we’re better than to do it at National Stadium at Wembley Wembley Stadium hosting this unbelievably world class event tickets will be on sale on Friday on Ticket Master from midday and and it will sell out this this will sell out very very quickly so get online and get your order what on Frank you Tak every single box there you you should you should be standing here instead um let’s go to the fighters um and Spencer you spoke about Fighters getting opportunities Fighters getting that core andnd you know maybe changing their life and Josh Padley at the end there Josh that is you isn’t it really getting that phone call getting that opportunity tell me what was it like when you got that phone call to say you’re going to be fighting one of the biggest cards as Frank said maybe the biggest card we’ve ever seen in this country as from about uh quarter past 10 last night or actually set my alarm to go to work tomorrow morning today so now to be on a a big stage with some of the best fighters that Britain has got to offer it’s h quite a surreal moment for me yeah I mean that moment will stay with you but again there’s an opportunity there isn’t there to beat Mark Chamberlin the WBC silver lightweight champion you then Propel your career if you can get the W definitely yeah I I want his spot I want to beat where he is so the only way to do that is beat him beat him indeed uh Mark it’s been an Incredible Journey For You in Riad season one of the big success stories of Riad season two fights there two wins two Knockouts as well we know that you are ex excellency’s favorite fighter and you go again yeah definitely it’s good to be back uh two big plat platforms back to back uh so first of all I want to thank uh turkey for giving me this uh massive opportunity and obviously Frank Warren my manager and promoter and everyone who just puts puts the work in the office for make making this happen for me um and then just got to put on a big performance on the night and uh keep pleasing and I’m sure we’ll be welcome back again how important is it that there are no slip UPS you’re on the cost now of a world title fight right fighting those guys that are top 10 in in the world how important is it you go in there head screwed on and do a job yeah it’s crazy to even see my name up there in the top 10 um but obviously I’ve worked all my life for this proves hard work pays off uh just got to keep delivering and uh get the win and keep pushing on yeah uh great division great fight that one as well I think one of the best divisions in the country is the light heavyweight division stacked with Talent one guy that I think surprised a few maybe not the hardcore fans but certainly the Casual fans is Willie Hutchinson with that magnificent performance against Craig Richards he steps up again this time to fight Joshua boaty uh Willie what are the thoughts going into this one you were super confident last time you said your name in a world title belt what’s the feeling right now well listen I’m very thankful to be here that’s the first thing I want to say um I’m very very happy to be here um listen I’m always bundling with confidence um I’m the wrong person not to have confidence um and listen it’s I’m absolutely grateful for everything do you know what I mean um a massive card I’m on and them like I said the last one I’m ready to get the job done with him and move on to the next one so I’m soing it all up on him me enjoying myself and look at the people I would never ever think i’ would be in the lights of the table with these type of men you know what I mean I’m only a little ad cuz there Scotland like so I’m very grateful I’m happy and uh yeah looking forward to putting on another big performance get the job done in terms of a challenge Craig Richards was a challenge obviously Joshua boat’s slightly different he’s unbeaten again on the cust of a world title do you look at this as a big step up um I think he’s very similar to Craig Richards if you want to know the truth uh if you that’s the gods and the truth I think he’s very very similar if not the same level as the manager speak so yeah I’m very very confident in getting the job done against him and moving on Joshua you heard it there um he likened you to CG Richard in terms of ability and a lot of people saw you beat CG richers everyone knows you’re that level above would you make it when you hear that um before I answer just to thank a few people again very grateful for the opportunity want to thank god um my team that’s worked TI tily to make this happen to be fighting on the rad season you can’t complain we’re all grateful for it my promoter boxer um his Excellency very grateful and um the opinions for the opponent means nothing to me at day we’ve been here too many times so we have 12 runs or less to settle it is that simple there was a lot of talk obviously of a different opponent and that opponent’s been spoken about now for maybe a couple of years it isn’t that opponent it’s Willie Hutchinson how different do you have to change your mindset because it’s not the person you thought you were going to fight it’s not the person I thought was going to fight but it’s a person that’s going to try and beat me so the mindset is the same Frank I want to quickly bring you in obviously you promote Willie Hutchinson he did surprised quite a few Frank in beating Craig Richard you always confident in your man in the five versus five how confident are you that he can get the job done against baty well he didn’t surprise me I faned him from the beginning and I knew he’d deliver and he delivered look they both got impeccable amateur background you know both have done it at the highest level so they they’ve been boxing like most of the guys boxing since they were kids but at the highest level and I think it’s Will’s time now he showed in his last fight that he can beat a worldclass operator and he done it and he boxed I thought he boxed extremely well on the night Josh is a worldclass fighter there’s no doubt about it but I generally feel that and that’s the reason we really pushed for this fight that Willie can beat him and that’s why we’re here that’s why he’s here to go and win it is for an interim World title can we guarantee the winner of this war fight for a world title next the winner of this fight will be the mandatory Challenger and the Champion by the way the two Champions are fighting in October October uh BV and vivil which is going to be a great unification match again which is part of the Riad season another brilliant fight um the winner of that is going to have to defend his title against the winner or should I say Willie next year no doubt about it have a quick word with Ben Shalom the promoter of Joshua boti Ben how confident are you with your man look very confident I want to say thank you to Turkey I want to say thank you to Riad season Spencer Brown huge opportunity the reason we’re here is the interim World title you know Josh wants the biggest fights he’s been the number one light heavyweight in the country or widely considered for a long time and he’ll want to prove that on September 21st um he’s going to have to put in a big performance but extremely confident um I think Willie Hutchin has has has had a great win against Craig richers but this man’s on another level it should be a fantastic fight two very confident Fighters again if you watch Willie Hutchinson against Craig Richards you know that he’s a top tier heavy top tier light heavyweight and Joshua boat has been one of the best light heavyweights I think in the world for a few years really looking forward to that one as I am this fight next between Josh Kelly and Liam Smith I saw this one scheduled and I was like is Liam Smith going back down to 154 lb I’ve been told no this fight will be at 160 I want to come to you Josh Kelly to make that decision to go to 160b when you’ve been so successful at 154b I think on the cusp of a world title fight why jump to 160 now well firstly I just want to um I want to I want to thank a heavy thank you um Turk Alik R season and a special thank you to Spencer Brown because he put me on here when no one else would he he believed in this so he he got us this they well tury y sh and Spencer Brown they they um they got me this shot so a big thank you to that but um I think 160 I’m I’m a big4 so I think 160 will suit me but I mean I’ve got nothing but respect for him um he’s had a great career he’s put Liverpool on the map him and his brothers there’s no bad blood between me and him it’s just business so I’m looking forward to um putting a great performance on I think stylistically it’s one of the best matchups on the card I think we could steal a card for sure is it a stay forever at 15 or 160 or or you going to go back down to 154 what’s the plan not can B between both of them to be honest I’ve kept myself very I’m in shape so I’m just s I’m ready to go now but um 160 154 it doesn’t really matter for me I’m a big4 and I can I can fill out 160 so we’ll soon see we’ll soon see let’s welcome in a former world champion at 154 uh Liam Smith Liam it’s been a while since we saw you obviously the last time was against Chris H Jr back in September U you’ve obviously had to regroup since then but you are back and this is the challenge now Josh Kelly at 160 yeah obviously you know it’s a it’s another great fight on a huge card which I’m privileged to be sitting here you know with world champions former world champions you know top prospects in World Boxing so you know I always said I wanted to fight on it an Joshua card at Wembley or to and might I get the chance to do it now so um you know regarding the fight I think it’s a fight that not many people thought about but once it’s picked up they thoughts that you know that’s a good fight that’s an interesting fight so again like I said once I knew it was sand and sealed know me me me focus is on Josh Kelly and it’s a fight that I’m looking forward to it’s a fight that I’m I’m massively confident to win and obviously I think you know Josh and Adam probably feel they’re getting me at the right time but you know there’s been Fighters before who made that mistake and I think they’ll do the same thing do you think one of the big Keys here could be experience big fight experience obviously you have traveled the world you put on really good performances away from home as well maybe we haven’t seen as much as that yet from Josh yeah look obviously it’s you know J Josh has got a step ups at some time this might be his time but you know from my point of view looking at it I think Josh and I think they’re getting me at the right time and the same way probably anony far thought he was doing it after Russia you know I think Josh and Adam are doing it after the kiang fight and the the the time out the ring but the time of the Ring has been choice because of the injury I had so you know I feel I feel refreshed now and you know we’ve got long enough now to to go and you know I’ll have a good camp and i’ be excited I say this is this is little fighting belly again so it’s one that I’m looking forward to got big respect for Josh and Adam but you know business is business and you know when we’re in a fight with little gloves on it’s a total different story so you know it’s one that I’m massive looking forward to and I want to thank you know all the all the promoters and you know takey as I can see for for having me on RAD season and I looking forward to make the most of it let’s ask K that question K alland obviously look you look after Josh Kelly is it a case of thinking you’ve got Liam Smith at the right time um well first of all Spencer said it yet again um this rad season the global takeover we just got our breath back from Riad with the Undisputed and Eddie V Frank and goes to LA and then it comes to London and this is a historic card I think it’s the best ever card that’s been in the UK if you look at the Stacked uh UK Fighters sitting up here is just a privilege with these with these amazing gladiators but I think I know that the main events absolutely gigantic I think this fight can absolutely steal the show I think it’s the right time to fight Liam I think it’s also the right weight and I think it’s the time for you know people who have been around the scene know Josh Kelly since many years they know the potential this is the time where Josh Kelly will shine and at the most iconic venue in the world in front of 990,000 people absolutely did you answer the question about do you think you got him at the right time yeah but I said you know I mean me and Liam and the old Smith family got a bit of History um goes back about 10 years but um I think uh it’s it’s not only the right time um but it’s Josh’s time not thinking so much about Liam it’s Josh’s time Adam has absolutely done a fantastic job this man is on fire and uh like I said there’s sitting there with all this Talent this is such a historic card but I do believe this fight will steal the sh there’s so many f fights on this card that could still the show so many fights of the card that could be fight of the night and look I look at two guys here that I know are just going to bring it from minute one in that fight Anthony kakat and Josh warron so many magnificent performances I think over rad season but I do think Anthony Kat’s performance at Joe cordino might be the best one Anthony you go again you fight Josh warron he moves up in weight class there’s a lot to talk about you potentially moving up and weight class as well how exciting is it for your career considering the stop start of it that you are now the champion and jelle fight on a big wly card well there’s a difference now you know I don’t have to go looking for the fight and they being the be sure in a ring with the legs of Josh warington you know I’ve watched him over the years while he’s a real Warrior he’s going to bring he’s going to make it the best fight possible so I think this is a real fan friendly fight and it’s it’s one for the fans was you surprised that Josh took the fight no I mean it’s it’s a world title shot I mean anyone who’s tur into World title shot you know I don’t understand because I mean this is the pentag of the sport and that’s what everyone wants at the end of the day so I mean I’m not surpris one but no Anthony where are your belts Anthony you’re a world champion I don’t see your belts uh Simon forgot to tell me to take them over so that’s a head up aead like a Ser so next time next press conference we’ll see the IBO and the ibf titles we’ll see next Josh you’ve been two time ibf fever Weight Champion you now move up and wait to Super fever Weight Champion um a big Ask Josh but you’ve done it before every time that your backs against the wall you think of those fights against Carl Frampton and Lee Selby as the underdog you always surprise people yeah um you know thank um like Steve Wood um Eddie ear and Frank Smith Frank Warren and George Warren for um you know putting the show together and coming together again and of course the main man his Excellency turkey you know the we wouldn’t all be sat here I mean look look around I’m again echoing everyone else but a lot of Fighters here on the top table headline shows know Liam’s headline shows Joshua’s headline shows you know you got the the big boys on the top high Headland mini shows so it’s would we wouldn’t be sat here if it wasn’t for the um if it wasn’t for the main man so thank you very much for the opportunity and I also want to just F County in his team you know this has been flirted with for a week or so and um I had nothing but but respect from anony and his team um his performance against C was absolutely phenomenal he boxed really well he’s got my full respect um and you know we’re going to throw kitchen sink at each other but um just like you know the other fight fighting Irish Fighters that are box you know you might l car Frampton and your pad Islands you know when I come free time two we free time I’ll get the round in so listen there’s nothing respects between me an and uh like like he like he says it’s going to be a very fan fan friendly fight Josh it is one win in your last five I don’t think that really tells the story of your record because a lot of those fights have been fantastic Le Alberto Lopez won was very very close but it is one win in five is that extra pressure just to make sure you get the W now no not not whatsoever on exciting fights on there you know back in the day Roberto Duran lost to Mar Marvin agler and then went straight into another world title fight against Thomas earns my one of my favorite fighters of all time mton barera Eric Morales in a world title fight and then went straight back into another world title fight now R the season is about having exciting fights and yeah you know you talk about ANL that I taken there but I want to been an exciting fights you know this is my eighth World title fight every other fight that I have is a or every fight I have is a fight of the Year Contender and boxing fans want to be entertained they want to see two fighters going at it and and giving it the role and um that’s what I’ll be bringing on September 21st no doubt about it we’ve seen it before and I’m sure we’re going to see it again apologies for the language as well Josh it’s all right Josh it’s okay I get it we’re friends it’s fine Eddie I want to bring you in we have another Queensbury versus matcham uh fight here um obviously your record so far in the recent weeks hasn’t been uh the best um in terms of Josh obviously every time you’ve worked with Josh he’s always put his best in the ring he’s always done so well what are you expecting from this one 100 10% every single time I’m so pleased for Josh you know this is a fight like some of these other fights that got made last night and yesterday everything got finalized with contracts and you know we finished everything with Josh about 8:00 last night train ticket was booked off he comes I think Kachi broke a lot of people’s hearts against Joe cine he was fantastic that night and I think Josh really deserves this you know people talk about coming off defeats look at what he’s done you know he’s he’s already a two-time world champion he’s filled stadiums in Manchester and you know Arenas and headingley and and um Manchester Arena Ellen Road he’s a fantastic fighter I think Super featherweight is really going to suit him he been a featherweight for a long long time and every Josh Warrington fight is a thriller now he probably want 10 15,000 tickets for this rad season event unfortunately they’re not going to get him because they’re going to go like hot cakes but I think this is one of the fights of the night on what is a tremendous card and it’s been a frustrating period for Josh I’ve I’ve literally every fight that I’ve offered him he said yes to and we couldn’t get it over the line now he gets the dream chance as he said to become a three time 2 Division World Champion Frank let’s quickly bring you in uh kakat is your guy we did most of the interviews in the ring after your wins out in Riad and I thought like this one gave you the biggest smile as well just because we know what he’s been through struggling to get the fights because of injuries and now here he is uh a two two Champion right ibf and IBO is it going to be an still he did an so sees the moment he was uh we really fancied him in the fight against a very good fighter in Joe Cordina but he totally Domin ated the fight from the first Bell and he was looking it was brilliant in with Josh you know we Josh won well title leads on our show we put together for him and uh he’s a good fighter but I think he’s in with somebody who is coming into his own now he’s had as you said a few disappointments over the years but you know if you’re patient you keep at it like he’s done he went out and showed what he’s capable of and he showed you know at that level he is absolutely Ely world class it’s a fantastic fight the winner of it is going to have to have the mandatory challenge against Eduardo Nunes so that again is a big fight but you know this is one of the great fights on the card it’s going to be an unbelievable unbelievable fight competitive fight but I have a lot of faith in ano a lot of faith in him and I believe he’ll deliver a game yeah another competitive fight is in the middleweight Division and I was in Birmingham on the weekend and I saw Tyler Denny put on I think a Master Class for a few rounds against Felix cash maybe the underdog in The Bookies but not in my eyes he looked really really good in the leadup to that fight the current European champion and he gets his shot against ham shirez you just fought a few days ago Tyler here you are again on another big one an underdog in some people’s eyes but I know you have Supreme confidence you’re going to get the job done yeah of course um firstly I just want to thank turkey sper Brown uh BCB Erol Johnson and this man here Ben shalam I think it come up for my memories two years ago today I won the English title and here I am now so let’s keep grafting but yeah I just I thought the like Saturday and the last few days have been mental uh lack of sleep and getting excited about this and then trying to not get too excited until last night when it was confirmed but we’re here now and I’m buzzing with it uh am Shir top fighter someone I respect as well got can’t say a bad word about him if I wanted to um but saying all that I’m here to Wi man is is I’m the European Champion man and I I feel like on to get a good performance on and get the win indeed I feel like Hamza is going to Echo all those statements as well Hamza fantastic win against Amo Williams U that puts you in a position to fight for a world title you take the call you fight the European Champion what did you make you would have watched the Felix cash fight I’m guessing against Tyler Denny what did you make of that performance yeah man this is Big Time boxing it’s great to be here first of all I like to thank the on my for allowing us to be here I’d like to thank his Excellency turkey Al shake and the team you know for for allowing my dreams to come true um at the same time it’s an honor to fight on uh such a great undercard and anony Joshua is someone who I’ve looked up to my whole career I’ve molded myself around him so you know what I mean it’s it’s an honor to say the least and going back to your question yeah I watched the fight good performance definitely a good performance but at the at the end of the day this is boxing it’s a brutal sport it’s about being hungry making it happen and I’ve got respect for Tyler as a person but when it comes to September 21st on Fight Night it would definitely be brutal to say the least you could have waited you are in a mandatory position you’ve decided to take this fight rather than wait for the Carlos Adam’s fight the WBC Title why have you done that because it’s the opportunity that was given listen I said I gave the green light to all the names all the names that I put in front of me I G the I gave the green light to him and it wasn’t meant to be and this is it it’s written myself versus Tyler Denny Wembley Stadium September 21st let’s have it let’s go back to Tyler Denny Tyler again look I think incredible performance you’re going to need another incredible performance have we seen the best of you I almost feel like there’s still a few more gears to go yeah I feel like if you ask my coaches what I do in the gym they get very frustrated sometimes they don’t always show it and I think the better their opponent the better I be and I think and a tick that box for that I think he’s um people right me off against cash I beat him but and’s another step up but I’m I’m my confidence is Sky ey at the minute and I I feel like I’m Invincible as well I’m willing to take on any challenges Wembley Stadium am shz it’s noer I’m there Ben quick word from yourself obviously you look after Tyler Denny magnificent win as I said on the weekend this is the completely different task though isn’t it I mean ham sherz is Ted as one of the best prospects not just in the middleweight division in all of the divisions in boxing how tough a task is this for Tyler it is a huge test but I tell you what this is a whirlwind this is a fairy tale that never seems to end when we got the call on Sunday I didn’t even want to tell Tyler until it was signed this is this is truly lifechanging and I thank Spencer and his Excellency to for making this British boxing Story come true cuz he deserves it I mean he’s been written off his whole career so this is nothing new every fight he goes into is the underdog and he’s going to have to step up again and he’s done it six back to back win now many unbeaten fighters on that record and this is another big step but I believe he can do it and I believe he’s there to prove people wrong on September 21st all right there you go that’s the undercard concluded and now we go to the big boys Anthony Joshua against Daniel DUIs former unified two-time unified heavyweight champion of the world Anthony Joshua against a new ibf heavyweight champion of the world Daniel D coming off that incredible performance I felt against Philip hergovich AJ’s been to Wembley Stadium before he’s had some fantastic nights there before he goes again Daniel this will be your first time in the National Stadium and I expect Daniel to perform as well before we hear from both Fighters I do want to hear from both trainers first I want to start with Don Charles Don I do think since Daniel dbar has been with you we’ve seen a change in Daniel D I thought like we saw that against Alexander usyk for a few rounds we certainly saw it against Geral Miller and obviously we concluded it with that Philip hergovich performance what have you done to your man well it’s all that by the way good afternoon everybody ladies and gentlemen for coming down to support this great historic event history to be made um going back to what you asked me in terms of improvements um is there for all to see it’s a work in progress we’ve been together myself and Daniel in the team for 12 months so people have to remember that it’s just 12 months and what he has done in that period and we’re we’re operating in my opinion in 35 40% capacity there’s so much develop development and growth to come so what he’s achieved in that period in the last 12 months it’s Unthinkable and we’re just getting started in terms of a loss on a record a lot of people say you take a lot from your wins but you can take a huge amount from a loss as well when you look at that fight against Alexander usyk considering who Alexander usyk is now can you take a lot from that defeat most definitely every disappointment every time you go out there you whether you don’t succeed you you you learn from whether it’s a good or bad experience it’s still an experience and you learn from them um obviously we’re terribly disappointed for the outcome uh it was a fight of two halves we we won before we lost so we got to learn in situations should that happen again to be able to uh close the show so it’s an experience to be learned from that situation um of course is um as much as I can seeit here uh and and we’ve accepted it basically and acceptance is a way of cure you move forward let’s go to Ben Davidson the trainer of Anthony Joshua Ben since AJ’s been with you I think he’s looked perfect right I mean we all have been hear and people say we want to see the old AJ the old AJ I don’t know if that adage is true but what we can see now is that we are seeing a very very confident Anthony Joshua I’ll ask the same question I asked to Don to you what have you changed in AJ nothing really I just think that he maybe it’s the way that we articulate what it is that we want him to do and uh we set out a game plan he uh is as good as it gets when it comes to executing you and your team Lee Wy and everyone backstage I know you’re very very articulate in terms of the way you break down Fighters you would have broken down Daniel D you would have looked at those performances give me a positive first about Daniel dbar what does he do well I’m not going to talk about his his strengths and weaknesses that’s for us to go away work on uh dissect and uh plan to overcome but like I said we’ve already we’ve already done the the uh the ground work it’s it’s just a case of uh going through that with with AJ and uh like I said I know uh when it comes time time to execute there’s no one better and so far so good in terms of execution from Anthony Joshua okay let’s hear from both promoters Frank Warren and Eddie herner we’ll start with the champion promoter first and that’s you Frank Warren Frank you’ve had Daniel since he turned Pro I feel like we’ve seen everything with Daniel the ups and downs you you’ve always backed your man and right now you have another heavyweight champion of the world you must feel really blessed with the story of Daniel DUIs considering the amount of critique he got against Joe Joyce to where he is now he’s not the Challenger he’s the champion I said you got the champion I said you have the champion yeah the Challenger um look he’s done brilliantly um he went and fought hergovich when a lot of people um chose not to fight him he was undefeated at the time and done a magnificent job first couple of rounds were a little bit tough for him but he overcome that and showed what he’s all about and the prize at the end of the day was this fight at Wembley and it doesn’t get any better than this you got two Brits in there fighting for the ibf title two probably of the biggest punchers in the heavyweight Division and as we all know when you got two quality British Fighters fighting each other for such a prestigious title or a pres prestigious title you always get a classic fight big punchers it won’t go to distance somebody’s going to go I’ve got my opinion who I feel is going to win that’s why we’ve done this fight and one thing’s for sure it’s going to be exciting and it’s one of them where you can genuinely say do not blink do not blink I was watching a few old interviews Frank and in lead up to doing this and for a few years know you’ve been saying you fancy Daniel deire against Anthony Joshua you you’ve wanted the fight obviously this gets Anthony Joshua to the table but why have you been so confident and why have you been wanting this fight for so long I think because of styles and in the last year Anthony has matured not just as a fighter mentally as well and you’ve seen that he’s gone into his last two fights and the bookmakers had him the underdog in both those fights and he and he fought in those fights like he was the like he was the favorite and you’re going to this fight with a lot of people certainly I’ve seen with the bookmakers as being the underdog I don’t see it that way I got a lot of respect for what he’s done certainly lately AJ he’s on a roll of four wins but if you look at the last couple of fights um anon’s fought better quality Fighters Daniel sorry D Daniel’s fought better quality Fighters and I just thought it’s his moment he’s 26 years of age he can punch he can box he’s a great finisher if he gets you in trouble I think he’s probably one of the best finishers out there and it’s a battle of hearts and mind that’s what this fight’s going to be about who’s got the strongest heart and who’s got the strongest mind they’re both big punchers and who’s going to have the find their plan B when they get in trouble the jab is the key to this fight Eddie let’s bring you in obviously longtime promoter of Anthony Josh you’ve had him since after the Olympics um you’ve had some incredible nights let’s not forget Wembley against Vladimir Klitschko Wembley against petkin you traveled the world of AJ for huge success here we go again back wemble Stadium AJ looking to become a Freetime heavyweight champion of the world sell your man I mean the the resume the history speaks for itself just to to reiterate what Franken Spencer said earlier about this incredible movement that we’re seeing in boxing I mean what we’re nine months into the Inception of Riad season and I think when we began this journey no one believed that Riad season would leave Riad and his Excellency says he wanted to bring a major event to the UK to Wembley Stadium I didn’t necessarily believe him at the time I thought it was all you hyper bow in an interview and it was the truth what he’s done is create in my opinion one of the biggest nights the sport has ever seen in this country and and that sits just 6 weeks after rad season Los Angeles and which is fast approaching as well so we’re very lucky to be on this journey and very lucky to be on the journey with Anthony Joshua I mean quite in the alic walking around today thinking back to the days of where we were I suppose we were the rookies really walking around Wembley Stadium with 990,000 people hearts beating out of our chest as he dethroned Vladimir Klitschko in in the other greatest night in British boxing history and he gets to do it all again here to become a three-time world heavyweight champion you know an Accolade that sits with very very few and it’s a real fight you know we respect Daniel D I think he’s done incredibly well there weren’t many screaming out to fight Philip her he did it he stepped up and I’m so glad that he’s Champion you know because AJ can come in as he always does with a challenging mindset but when he beats Daniel DUIs he would have beaten another champion to become a three-time world champion this is just part of the journey to Undisputed which we’ve never lost sight of and we see it we see it clearer than ever in the shape of his life in the form of his life this man to my right has done an incredible job so yeah in terms of selling him just just sit back and and watch a night that he’s going to make the hairs on the back of your next stand up a thrilling main event two Brits fighting for the world heavyweight title and a breathtaking undercard with these guys down here that has just been put together in the most stunning fashion final one Eddie um if I were to have asked you or told you that AJ’s going to be fighting in front of 90,000 at wibley stadium and it’s going to be a Frank Warren fighter you probably wouldn’t have thought it would be Daniel D how incredible has his turnaround been you know AJ never really asks who he’s fighting obviously myself and I want to thank as well 258 that have done an incredible job you know throughout the journey as well take care of the business with AJ he will fight anybody and when Daniel got the victory that was the that was the opponent it just happens to come with a shiny red and gold belt that makes even more history for I think one of the most pivotal characters in the history of our sport in this country in Anthony and it just feels perfect the timing feels perfect so confident so relaxed it’s just like bread and butter for Anthony Joshua these days another Stadium another big challenge more pressure ready to do the business ready to do the business indeed all right let’s hear from our two main event fighters let’s start with the champion Daniel du the new ibf heavyweight champion of the world does it feel a bit different you’ve heard me say that now a few times the ibf heavyweight champion of the world that’s a dream right Fighters start out and they want to become Champions you now are that does it feel any different yeah a little bit finding out you know I would have loved to win it on the night on my last fight but you know here we are you know I’m grateful I’m blessed and you know we keep going have you found out something about yourself with your last two performances you had to dig really deep against jome mil you found something you found that second win and got the late stoppage you had to dig really deep against Philip hergovich and you found something there as well do you feel like you’re finding something out about yourself after every single fight definitely I’m learning more about myself how to be you know as a fighter as a person you know coming out of the darkness going into the light and you know being a man man of the future and you know been proving all around as a fighter and aete so yeah yeah really up for this ready to go I asked Frank about the call outs for AJ you’ve also been calling out Anthony Joshua for a while for a long time he was the top dog was that the call out or was there anything else in it that’s just the where I’m aiming for to be the best you know to fight the best and beat the best and you know AJ’s been the king for a long time and know you all know he’s been the king for a very long time and on the night I need to become King Slayer and that’s that’s my goal and that’s my that’s the mission at hand so I’m just ready to go you are Underdog in this fight that doesn’t really mean much because you’ve been Underdog against Geral Miller and you’re Underdog against Philip hergovich how confident are you Daniel that you can get the job done September 21st I’m ready to let my fist do the talking you know I’m 100% ready to go I’m going to go to Camp focus and train like a beast so yeah bring it on as you’ve always done bring it on Daniel d let’s go to AJ two time former unified heavyweight champion of the world here we are again um as you’ve always said to me next man up yeah correct next man up congratulations to Daniel for winning his last fight I went out there to watch it live and we’re here now and before I carry on we have to give a shout out to all the promoters on the table for bringing this uh car together and especially his Excellency as well because you know he’s brought me some unbelievable opportunities to fight and this one is was near near enough toping it bringing Riad season to the UK phenomenal opportunity but um yeah as I said I went out there to watch the fight good fight between the two of them herovic and de I picked d’ to win as well I watched boxing closely and I picked him before and um it came true and we’re here so I’ve been having DB on my mind for a while and um he’ll be on my mind for the next 12 weeks until until I get my hand raised you say you’ve had him on your mind for a while I you’ve always been linked with jont w and potentially a Joseph Parker rematch Tyson Fury’s name has been mentioned for the past decade not much Daniel DUIs so you’ve had to almost I guess realign your mind quite quickly right recently because he’s not really been thought of as your opponent no not like the way they mention like Fury or they mention Wilder not not in that same breath but I’m not silly either I know the game we all in the wild is it we’re a pack of lions and we’re we’re Hunters so I got to keep my eyes I can’t just focus on those two not worry about anyone else so I’ve always kept my eyes peeled on on Daniel and the rest of the heavy weights as well so whoever it was going to be in there on that seat I would have still been ready to fight September so yeah it just happens to be him now yeah obviously look it’s a massive night for Riad season we are going back to wemy Stadium you were so successful there against Vladimir Klitschko against pin is the carrot being dangled that extra kind of cream on top if you like the fact that you are looking to become a free time heavyweight champion of the world um not necessarily if I’m honest with you because the goal is just getting through a successful training camp doing exactly what I need to do instructed by my team and my coach and then performing on the night and then the shiny stuff comes at a later date but for me the goal is just to kind of focus on what’s in front of me and uh that’s a good training camp it’s a good performance and everything else comes after that he’s a young man Daniel D only 26 years of age right he’s been around for a long time you’re slightly older obviously still in fantastic shape but slightly older Anthony uh what’s it like now these new young heavy weights coming up that you’ve almost got to slay well being an old man basically being an older man I feel fresh I feel fresh say my shoulders clicking N I feel good I feel good I don’t drink I don’t smoke have a little turn up now and again but still don’t drink don’t smoke and that’s about it that’s my only advice just socializing so I feel good thank God I didn’t get caught up in no Antics outside of boxing I Ed boxing as a path to keep me on the straight and narrow I didn’t use it as a path to kind of take me off it so yeah young Fighters coming up look after your bodies look after your minds or pay dividends in the long run so for this fight here with Daniel um it don’t matter if I was 35 and he was 15 20 25 it don’t matter it’s just a fight and I’m in Peak condition I feel good I feel strong so yeah age is just a number number in this one all right I do want to get the final words from Eddie and Frank um I was going to ask this question to AJ but I know how AJ won’t answer it so I’m going to come to you and AJ feel free to jump in if you want to on it um obviously this is for a heavyweight title there is a big fight at December as well Tyson Fury versus Alexander usyk is the big plan Here Eddie potentially if AJ comes through this one to fight the winner of Tyson Fury and Alexander usyk I think the answer from AJ would of course be September 21 but as a team we have a plan we have a and we’ve always believed he will be Undisputed Champion as it happens the rise or the rise of Anthony Joshua has given us more confidence than ever and we don’t see anybody in the division beating him not just Daniel du anybody and again that’s the work that he’s put in you know he talks about he doesn’t drink he doesn’t smoke any young fighter any young Sportsman wants to understand how to live your life follow Anthony Joshua everyday’s training camp you know it’s not how long do I have to get ready it’s just he’s ready and he just turns it up when Camp begins so we’ve had a dream we’ve had been manifesting the Undisputed championship and that’s what’s going to happen it’s not a case of if or maybe and there’s no plan there’s no contract to fight the winner it’s just going to happen he’s going to win this fight and then he’s going to beat the winner of Fury usk but he’s just focused on September 21 I’ve just got wild dreams that I just know are going to happen because I can see it I can smell it and I can breathe it and I can’t wait Frank obviously I have to give you a chance to rebottle on that obviously look your guy could potentially fighting for an Undisputed heavyweight title would you make of Eddie’s words there that it’s going to happen he can already see it in the Stars he’s Eddie’s very confident of of Anthony and I’m very confident of Daniel we’ll find out on the night you know Styles make fights all those cliches everything but you know what once that Bell goes they’re going to get down on it and and it will be exciting there’s no doubt about it they ain’t going to be fiddling around trying to feel each other out this is this is going to be Warfare in the ring that’s what it will be this is going to be a great great fight and this man here is going to be successful in defending his title that is how I see the fight and nobody’s going to change my opinion on that that’s how I see it and I believe he’ll do it great fight Great Main Event great undercard as well sorry and just I’ve got to say don’t forget this re season card the Wembley Edition 21st of September Friday tickets are on sale at from midday you better get your ticket order in there cuz this is a guaranteed sellout this is absolutely the best card that’s been on in the UK in my time in boxing a fabulous fabulous night of Quality quality boxing thanks to the season don’t miss it I had that written down Frank I was going to say it we’re just naturally promoters so no no no very very promoting the show that’s what we’re doing very true just before we do rap I just want to quickly get a word from Hamza sherz Hamza obviously you are a Riad season Ambassador as well congratulations on being that what does that Intel does that Intel promoting ran season as you already always do yeah yeah yeah just a massive thank you to his Excellency for believing in me for choosing me to to have that role and yeah just intel was promoting R season really promoting R season turning up to all the events I went to the UFC the other night was a great event and I mean I can’t express through my gratitude through words really so it’s all about just putting on good performances carry on carrying on winning and just giving back really and promoting Riad season to the best of my ability there you go um fantastic fight car fantastic main event as I said September 21st from the National Stadium Wembley we’re expecting something very very special just to add something extra to that as well we are going to have a huge music act performing there as well and if you’ve covered RI seas and you know when I say huge it will be a huge performer all right the fighters are going to do face off for the media now in front of us so let’s get ready for that well there we have it that is our uh that is our press conference a lot of confidence up there I think Eddie Herm was very very very confident in his man he can see a big big picture but Daniel d a man who very much lets his fists do the talking I think he’s saving up a lot of that for September 21st well we know earlier on today there was not a confrontation but certainly a flash point between the two when they were doing one of their many head-to-heads we know that one thing I also got there Dev and Matt was just how happy everybody was how confident everybody was they I think they’re all boxing fans box to boxing fans I think they all know they were involved in something and that must be a great thing you imagine that you know you’re part of Daniel kept using an expression for me when I talked to him earlier I’m going to be part of History I’m going to be part of History they don’t make those belts but that’s a real Belt being part of History like that absolutely is and you look at someone like like Josh Padley who got the call quite late on wasn’t sure whether or not he was coming to work today or if he was coming to a press conference he’s come to a press conference suddenly he’s up there on a table with Anthony Joshua Eddie Hearns there Frank Warren Daniel D and all of these stars that he’s probably been watching on the T yeah and you know if he if he’s to Spring the upset and get the win you know it’ll roll on to the next one cuz that’s what we’ve seen with the Riad season it’s almost like the winner stays on if you you’re on a platform you’re given an opportunity if you seize that opportunity with both hands and performed your best of ability win it’s very very likely that you’re going to get another at least at least another spin out of it well we’re about to see him face off with Mark chamber Mark Chamberlin has become a real favorite around Riad a real favorite of his Excellency turkey Alo shake and if you’ve watched his last couple of performances in Riad deservedly so he’s looked very good the win over Gavin Gwyn was a great win I thought he started that as a big it’s a very big Underdog I’m going to be honest with you and he made he made easy work of it I think maybe Gavin Grim was surprised that was a brilliant win a really brilliant win I know used to make I know bit of a joke here but a bit of humor in the last F his last couple of fights kept saying how he wanted a holiday well he’s definitely enjoyed that holiday he looks about two Stone every you there so both of those guys sorry both of those guys were just doing ordinary jobs well Josh was talking about going to work today and of course the famous Mark Chamberlain story is he was on his way to work when he got plucked from from absolute obscurity really to come over and fight in SA so that’s fairy to one let’s see how many times we can do that well listen Ty Tyler Denny you know he he is the modern day Cinderella Man and we got boti and Hutchinson there well that that is the power of Riad season and look at this Willie Hutchinson insisting on getting closer to Joshua batti he might just have to get pulled apart here fantastic fight this is at 175 WBO interim title on the line and they are going at it here Steve you I mean Steve was saying before baty few few years back you know well well a good few years from now for me he was someone I thought was absolutely nailed on to go all the way be world champion possibly unify and you know it’s not that it when I said it hasn’t happened it’s not that he’s been beaten or anything like that but it just it’s just stagnated it just hasn’t caught that fire I mean you 2016 he wins the bronze medal down in Rio and I saw that against the odds in two of his three wins and I I expected it would be 2019 Co was of it switching management was another part of it being a little bit stretched different coaches was another part of it but I got to be honest with you Willie Hinson is wasting his time if he thinks he’s going to get inside Joshua Bar’s head that is an impenetrable Dome Dev take it from me nothing’s going to get inside Bar’s head I’ll tell you what though I do love it because there are marks on the floor as to where these fellas are supposed to be standing when they face off Willie Hutchinson having absolutely none of it saying I want to see Joshua Boi I want to look into his eyes listen Aon is bang up for it there he believes in every to the absolute core that he’s got what it takes to beat bti I make him an underdog I think bti wins it but I tell you what it’ll be a good fight certainly will WBO interim light heavyweight championship on the line of course the Undisputed fight takes place in October in Riad between Dmitri bivel and artto betv and how about this fight Liam Smith beefy taking on Josh Kelly I mean this is one that really seemed to come out of the blue at60 you know what I’m pleased it’s £60 cuz I didn’t want to see Liam even trying to get down to 155 or 156 uh that’s this one really got me out and I was telling to Matt I think I’m quite close to Josh Kelly so I sold it up to Josh Kelly in birmingh on the weekend said Josh you got anything on you went no nothing in a moment Steve that’s how close I am to him 100 hours ago he told me he had nothing on honestly my ego’s been seriously dented by that de they’ve been very careful these Fighters I can see there hasn’t been too much that’s gone out we don’t want to see things given away and what about this Hey listen this could be the fight night this we we’re R about action all out action Tempo ferocity this could easily be the fight of the night and I think I’ll make kakachi after beating Cordina one of the most dangerous fighters in the world because he is fearless he’s got nothing to prove he’s made his he’s made not all the money he’s going to make but he he’s done he’s done what no one ever said he could do my golly gosh I tell you what he’s a dangerous fighter so that week I’m not going to say that that I said Kachi was going to win what I did say was he’s going to perform because you you just knew it the way he spoke wasn’t he just you know and in the fight against Cordina you could just it was just his night he was a man possessed he was prepared to go through the fire the ice whatever it took he was going to go through it he was not going to be denied and if he can bring that same Spirit into this fight with waro then we’re in for something special well I think there’s going to be a big fire in this fight middleweight division h of shz against Tyler Denley Tyler Denley keeps proving doubters wrong and he keeps taking unbeaten records as well by the way big scal if he takes that of hands of shearz he’s a big scout if he takes it okay because shearz okay when Shez turned Pro there was a lot of fanfare and he looked good then he kind of was a bit all over the place then he had that particularly a good night against Bradley ski and then he did what we were screaming at him to do for about 3 years he moved up in weight that’s giv him a bit of flexibility by the way I don’t think he’s finished with moving up in weight and as for Tyler Denny Matt talks about fairy tale he’d be one of my top three unbelievable stories in boxing I saw him ruthlessly beat Felix cash at the weekend I know it was Cuts then it went to points but that doesn’t tell the full story Dev from 6 ft away at ringside it was a devastating win yeah I think he decided pretty early on in the night that he does not accept cash and cash was not accepted in that fight still the European champion of course a belt that you’ve had before Matt mlin a couple of times yeah uh at the arena on Saturday I was at that fight as well um former European middleweight champion twice engineer basil buffer well let’s just have a look at what’s going on here people being uh introduced up to the stage so many involved in ensuring that these incredible events are taking place so many parties and boxing is the winner because of things like this because of people getting involved and what a picture that is Spencer Brown there as well from gold star very influential big group photo of the undercard fighters of what looks like for me Steven listen you’ve been around a lot longer than me covering these shows for me top to bottom it looks like the best show that Wembley Stadium’s ever seen you know what I mean I’m going to go and study it hard when now I’ve got all the fight details so I’m going to start looking at it Deon as you know I don’t score my thing just straightforward on wins and losses I’ve got to I got to see something about it’s a previous fight and I tell you what I can’t instantly think of fight of shows that were that much better than it I might go away and F five shows let’s let’s be honest you won Steve you won’t no I don’t think I will I’m looking at this right now and it’s things like caty and Warrington that’s my achilles Hill fights like that of my ailles Hill baraty against Hinson fights like that of my achilles Hill and Tyler he is Tyler Denny is my achilles Hill I just love fighters from the Dark Side the wrong side of the tracks I really do well they’re all very much on the right track that track leads to September 21st at Wembley Stadium Riad season comes to the UK an unbelievable night of boxing coming up and the headline act as you can see on that big graphic Anthony Joshua Daniel deire the ibf World Heavyweight Championship on the line that belt recently vacated by Alexander Rusk last night things got moving very quickly letters went out before Daniel D knew it he was a world champion before he knew it he was a world champion can I can we just set for a second and just discuss one of the two things we’ve learned today about how many of these fights two or three of them maybe four fell into bed in the previous 24 hours I mean this is not a joke I’m not sure I’ve ever known that you always get a fight all fights have to fall into bed but you’ve got a conference that’s cost thousands and thousands you got Michael Buffer flying over and then suddenly you haven’t got the fight and then they all get made they all get made in a 12-hour period that’s that’s absurd that’s a first but I wonder Steve how many other fights were in the pipeline and he’s like the first steal that he St the run you know what they’re in they were in the pipeline and they fell out of bed but then they’re the ones that emerge I remember talking to Frank W and Eddie Hearn I think before the December show in Saudi and him saying to me no some of these fights they were going to be back in October and there’s some tonight they won’t be now you’re going to see them next year I’ll I’ll let you in the secret right Eddie Frank and the Saudis boxing people they’ got stuff planned A Long Way Forward you know I’m talking about fictionist they’ve already got a fictionist in their head they they certainly got a road map of heavyweights well look at this Anthony Joshua Daniel D facing off it will be them top of the bill September 21st at Wembley Stadium at this time Anthony Joshua is the Challenger for the world title Daniel D for the first time defends his ibf crown against Anthony Joshua and I tell you I’m not sure who is going to look away first here there is an intensity in the eyes of AJ which we are used to Steve no I can’t see I think I’m not see so there comes a point unless they’re pushing Dev when someone looks away it’s just cuz he wants to go home he’s hungry poor old duar doesn’t know where he’s doesn’t know if he’s coming or going AJ right now is just hit a calorie low cuz he’s been out of the gym and he’s been away from food for a long time so that stair we can try and build it up but it was only about a five or a six out of 10 to be no really really you just want of stickers listen let send it back stage for 5 minutes feed him up then have him come back out that’s what I reckon a bit of Red Bull in this system well with Daniel D you talk about him not knowing whether he’s coming or G that is because he just got got off a flight today he’s been in Brazil rushed back to the UK and and that’s another point to perhaps how late these things are left in terms of finally getting over the line but Daniel DW is here now he looks ready to go and you talk about how earlier on today it did sound like it kicked off I’m not sure if you were in the room Steve but during their about 10 minutes after happened I was talking to a couple of people that were in the room and they I’m not saying they were they were white and scared but they were a little bit shaken I think it was a little bit more than he said she said uh I really do yeah so hey and I I got both the promoters said to me I got no problem with that I like to see a little bit of that I like to see a little bit of that and so do I I just what I hate some people say you don’t like hype buy I do I like hype if it’s genuine what I don’t like is fake tables being thrown and people like people who weigh n Stone being able to hold back 13 stone men cuz that’s physically impossible so it’s like stop me Matt stop me stop me I’m not I’m not a fan of that but what happened I think in the room early on today I think was genuine yeah I think it was real from everything that I’ve heard it was real uh and uh you know I’m looking forward to seeing the clip I’m not sure if that clip’s gone out yet just a reminder just a reminder that tickets are on sale midday on Friday and I would advise and I’m sure you guys both Echo these sentiments just get them as quickly as you can they are not going to last I would imagine maybe 2 minutes 3 minutes 4 minutes what would you reckon 5 minutes what do we think if it 100,000 I’d say somewhere between 2 and 5 or 6 minutes but they will be gone and of course then they’ll be available elsewhere so get in first you know I mean you know or don’t if you want to watch it at home on pay-per-view watch it at home on pay-per-view but if you want to go if you want to get the experience allocate some time you did it when you got Swifty tickets you did you did it did you telling me you’re he’s on the phone for 12 hours getting Swifty tickets I’m a big fan of put the shift in put the shift in and get the tickets or get your mate too yeah get your mate again sorry I mean I actually got the Taylor Swift tickets myself and you know tayl I’d quite like a freebie next time if possible Taylor but listen big big fight I enjoyed that I enjoyed the pictures up there of the entire card it looks like something so special and uh that top of the bill that Anthony Joshua that Daniel D it’s something special it is something special de I know we talked about the fact that we you know we we couldn’t make it in our mind and you know when you look at those stats what is it whatever I said it was 46 Knockouts or 47 Knockouts between them uh it’s not it’s not just that there is a bit of animosity going back to whatever did or didn’t happen in some sparring session and I’m not a big lover of the sparring session stories but it has been there but more than that there is something about them they will Jael they’ll be AJ will have no problem finding dubr with that big right hand the right hand that hovic landed 30 or 40 or 50 times don’t worry but here here’s the other thing du would have no problem Landing his big looping jab he had a great jab we used to talk about it and then the big right hand they’ll have no problem hitting each other and when two men have got proven track records have beating all sorts of heavyweights the ones that aren’t that good and then the ones that are good when they hit each other things happen and this will be an emotional night a roller coaster of the night an ABS imagine if it’s a bit warm as well it’ be a phenomenal night and and Frank Warren talked about it be a battle of the Jabs or Jabs would be important don’t don’t don’t get wrong so we right hands but I tell you I really believe this could be a big big head fight the man that gets in that ring the calmest man the man that can walk through a 100,000 people and get in there and hold his hand out and it’s not shaking that man has an advantage I’m convinced of it well AJ has the advantage there in the sense that he’s been here before he’s been in the bigger stage you know he’s had to deal with pressure the Olympic the has as well to some level but not the same degree as what Joshua has but you know you look at the the the fir power that’s in that ring between the two of them and listen the Ving hurt the Ving down the Ving stopped absolutely I’d be flabbergasted if someone doesn’t get knocked out in this fight maybe even early de yeah well that that’s what I think it will be early they’re saying as soon as the first big punch lands that could well be it so we could be looking at a short fight I think a four round shootout yeah I mean I think a shootout I really I really do and you talk there about you know du’s been under that pressure I mean there were mostly that crowd in Poland with ukrainians it was a massive Ukrainian City inside Poland for a variety of reasons historically as well as recently so that was one thing so du at du’s also being on the undercard at Tottenham with Kevin Lorina 60 odd, so he knows what it’s like to be back slage on a big night he knows that but AJ has been the big Knight it’s not a case of him being in the big Knights he’s been the big Knight no no other amateur has ever turned professional after any kind of success Olympic gold European gold or just a Knockouts and had to deal with the scrutiny and the pressure that AJ has had has been under since he left the Olympic ring in the summer of 2012 and so he started fighting the following October people forget a big break he’s there’s been no fighter in in British history that’s been under that much scrutiny for that long so he understands pressure he lives a bre pressure not even close not even close from the London he was a star really from the London Olympics wasn’t he every fight he’s had as a professional you know and all also as well back in the day all those other Fighters never had to deal with social media absolutely by the way you know all the haters and by the way I’m not sure Daniel D has to deal too much with social media which has probably helped him in those periods where he had the Joe Joyce loss the Alexander Rusk loss where he got absolute pels he’s not he’s not sitting there on his phone he’s just not that guy probably helped him well we hope we hope he’s not and we believe he’s not he’s had he’s got his own um he’s got his own faith and his faith is increasingly important to him and the faith helped him get out of those black holes which he talks about you know he talks about being in those perilous States you know he talks about that roller coaster not just being on a dip but just seeming to go down and down and down and down and he did manage to salvage stuff and he did manage to regroup and he did manage to build in the last two fights we can we can see that but you’re absolutely right Daniel duu was sitting at home after the two defeats on his record and looking at social media I don’t think he’d be here today no you might Jack it in not not just boxing you Bingo yeah you you might Jack it in indeed uh let’s talk about the trainers a little bit both trainers were up there I think uh both trainers have actually uh made significant improvements to their Fighters I think that’s without doubt as well but Don Charles is kind of he he knows Anthony Joshua well as well and he knows Daniel D it’s going to be quite the night for Don Charles yeah be an emotional night for Don again Don’s an emotional kind of guy he’s a guy that gets really involved with his fights he’s known Daniel on and off since Daniel was about 16 and did some sparring in the gym when Derek delber chor was fighting I think fighting tyon f for the second time so that’s an awful long time ago and of course AJ’s always been in and around that finchy area when AJ’s been having his cooling down sessions in between the GB squad or various American trainers he’s been with he would pop in the gym and Don Charles would be there so they’d get to know each other as opposed not not trained him but he’d get he’d get to know him and now of course du’s in position there and Don I’m not conflicted is not the right word but Don will you know don don don would be a big AJ fan let’s put it that way as a human and as a boxer and another big AJ fan will be Ben Davidson of course Matt he’s made a big impact on Anthony Joshua yeah certainly the the the last two fights uh that he’s had with um that he’s had been with Ben Davis and AJ’s last two fights there’s definitely been a spike in uh Improvement his performances so confidence in himself but confidence in his trainer confidence in that relationship will be a big thing for AJ going into this fight well let’s speak to perhaps the next big thing Mr Hamza shz Riad season Ambassador how are you sir yeah I’m very well yourself very very good tell us a little bit about this fight it’s one of those I thought you were going to be fighting someone else and then did I Tyler Denny popped up and you think oh that looks like a tricky fight what do you think you know what it’s um first of all I’m blessed to be on this card um I can only fight whoever they put in front of me um I gave the green light to about four opponents world world champions and class class um opponents I’m not saying Tyler than he isn’t but this is one of them fights where I feel like everyone’s saying it’s such a big step up for Tyler they’re forgetting about what what I can do and um fights like this if I don’t if if I don’t take it serious it’s a ban it’s a banana skin but if I do take it serious the fight this can take me to the next level in terms of how I turn up on the 21st and I can assure you you lot now that you’re going to see the best version of me without a doubt see at the moment you’re in that position H where you can’t even have an okay night in the ring at all every night’s got to be your best night every night’s got to be have something different and show us something different cuz you just that that’s just the reality of being in the position and it’s a privilege position it’s a position you fought your way into so you can’t even I this is nothing against Tyler Den he was brilliant I was ringside for the Phoenix catch by it was it was Sensational but you can’t have even a slightly off night not at all not good pressure though isn’t it yeah it’s good pressure exactly listen to be the likes of the Canelo alvare to be the likes of the Floyd maywe you got to be put in his position and you got to be consistent absolutely cuz to be a world a world uh level fighter consistency is key Abs if you keep performing keep putting on these better performances you just get bigger and better and it is what it is and um this is what makes it a dangerous fight cuz there is no pressure for Tyler it is a danger fight there is no pressure for him the pressure is all on me absolutely but at the end of the day I don’t think there can be more pressure than my last fight having him extra knockout points on you all on your shoulders you know what I mean so it the last fight was a blessing and everything that was involved in it as well and Matt of course former European middleweight champion yourself this fight between Hamer and Tyler it’s fitting of that belt right yeah exactly and I know he he ultimately wants to go on and become world champion but picking up a European title along the way yeah he’s a box ticked and and one of the old traditional belts um and it’ll just give him a nice step up towards that World level which you know he’s at now and but you know to get that shot uh rather than waiting around till you get your shot want to go become European Champion along the way you know like say got to get past Tyler Denny and that man’s on a rooll so you can’t look past the GU like Tyler Denny because and it’s a poer role and and he’s not beating these good Fighters by fluke he’s beaten them properly you know and he’s and he and he’s improving you know he’s a better fighter T than he was two or 3 years ago two years ago the guy was still out Plumbing or whatever it was and and I know you don’t under estimate people I know that but and I know you’ll watch that last fight but take it from me H I’m telling you he did a job on cash for it was a good job on cash everything he threw and everything he did correct mat you everything he did he meant he meant everything he did he didn’t waste a punch or a move all calculated yeah exactly hey and that’s good and you know I’ll tell you what I know he’s not a puncher in terms of a big puncher concussing puncher but when you know middleweight you land clean you and you got good time hard all it takes is a certain amount of pressure on the chin in your out you I mean so it’s not one of them where I’m in there thinking he can’t punch I’m going to walk him down it’s not going to listen he’s always defied the odds so coming into this fight you’re going to think it’s what I always do it’s nothing new to me exactly I done it before I do it again so listen he he caught cash with a left hand there left Dock and he stopped him in his tracks in rocked into his boots but then but then in all fairness Hamza imagine he wasn’t here I saw what he did against ammo right let’s get that I meano is a nice guy I love his backstory and all of his eccentricities but that was he was he was a monster he was a beast in let’s get that right H just just final one you are a beast you are a monster just sharing a c with with Anthony Joshua as well you mentioned up there someone that you’ve always looked up to must mean a lot right yeah no for sure for sure I mean you know when you find out you’re on a bill like this it’s not it doesn’t come it doesn’t you don’t really register until you’re sitting on the table table up there and then you realize okay I’m on the same table as these guys and like I said I tried to model myself around him outside of the Ring um in terms of how he is his professionalism how he speaks how he conducts himself so it’s an honor to say the least man and I’m just blessed you’re doing a good job best of luck to you my friend just going to swap you out Steve buns where are you going I think we’re going to bring you back in Mr Frank Warren sir how are you Mr how are you I’m all right how are you well you just got off holiday and you’re from the 5v5 every time check your Instagram you’re swanning around the world you just let all star do this now well played these Superstars get special treatment we’ve been celebrating we’ve been it was a good win it was a good I said everyone’s got to go in on a Saturday and Sunday since we got Eddie tell tell me this you touched upon the 5v5 element there this is another Queensbury versus matchroom this one feels a little bit different Anthony Joshua is your friend if this was a chessboard it feels like he would be your king correct he’s this is an attack on your king yeah no I said this this one should be worth 20 points at least so it would be 20110 find a way to bring it back or at least 10 you know what I mean but but no you’re right I mean this is you know that the 5v5 was about matching really competitive fights with some of our best fighters this is our number one fighter you know and this is one of Franks obviously you got Tyson Fury but he has the world heavyweight champion at the moment I mean he lost one and now he’s game one and I’m pleased that Daniel is the champion not just because it was a good win against herovic but I love AJ going in as a Challenger in this fight you know every felt that he’s won previously when he was not Champion has come from a champion and I think it’s good to have that mindset but yeah this is big I mean listen we all know AJ duu sells out Wembley on its own but with this undercard it’s just Sensational I mean it’s every fight is a main event and um it’s going to be a special special night when his Excellency said I’m going to bring Riad season to Wembley it was in front of journalist and I thought how does thatw works not you know London’s not Reed and obviously look at what he’s done with this but not just this with Los Angeles as well and I think he just listens to fight fans British fight fans have been very envious of all the big fights getting made out there it’s great for our time zone but now they get to see it live at the National Stadium it’s going to be an unbelievable night and Frank Eddie touched upon Anthony Joshua going into this fight as the Challenger with a Challengers mentality Daniel is now the champion but it feels like he too will have that Challengers mentality on this night well he’s last two fights he’s gone in as the underdog according to the bookmakers and he’ll be I think the bookmakers have got AJ favorite which I’m pleased with because but he knows what he’s going to do he’s had a lot of things said about him unfairly and he certainly in his last couple of fights showed what he’s all about as far as desire and the will to win and also the ability to win showing you know his his his physical attributes his great jab his punch power and and took some good shots certainly in that early rounds of that fight against um hergovich this is a big big moment in time for him and he’s very very confident I mean I was quite surprised when we done that face off up upstairs I mean no love lost I promise you they were they were right at it between them and uh it’s you know you’ll see it when it comes out but it was it was quite quite um Fierce and I just feel that you know he’s a different person in the last in the last 12 months he’s matured I believe more physically and certainly more importantly mentally and he’s right on it and he’s up for this fight he wants it and I I feel he I feel is a winnable fight for him I really do believe that just before we touch on the entire card just on that flare up during the face off that’s now a couple of times we’ve seen this from Daniel D with Philip hergovich he a few expletives a few beeps were used by theone uh does this surprise you seeing this side Frank’s got into his head over the years that you got you know you got to talk more and now he Frank don’t even have to say anything anymore it just comes natural I mean against herovic he just randomly came out with yeah with I think he see you next Tuesday and then today it was Frank said good luck see you on the 21st and not before then and and de said well if you want to go now we can go now as well Joshua said he’s going to smash him over the face with a chair you know I think I think the herovic performance is very important going into this fight for de for him to get to that stage of a fight and to dig deeper and to come through it and then go on and win I think that that’ll give him a massive uh belief that he needs going into this fight whether or not he can get the win against AJ I think if he hadn’t had that fight before this I would have made AJ a much bigger favorite than I think I still think he’s favorite but I think number one he he took a lot of hammer off herovic which is impressive in a way yeah I mean again whenever you win everyone starts questioning the opponent don’t they before that herovic was Elite all of a sudden oh he’s overrated he wasn’t in shape you got to give Daniel the credit for that win but he did take a lot I don’t think he can take that against AJ but he’s fighting very actively now if you watch him he’s got a few new people in the camp he’s coming out all action I mean that fight he came out bom from the first round he was on him on him throwing punch is he probably took too many but the positive is he took him well that’s one thing but the other side of it is his power oh yeah he’s probably one I think that’s Undisputed yeah but with the point I’m making if he Clips which I think he’s capable of doing he’s got a good jab if he Clips AJ as he gonna respond yeah oh no this this is going no it’s not obiously because AJ I’ve seen him go on the back foot you know fight so this and I’m bit of an old cliche I keep banging on it it’s about heart and mind the mindset and the heart to win this that’s what’s going to be be the key to this and it’s all going to come off the jab they both got superb Jabs we know they can punch this fight is about who is going to have to maintain the discipline and work that jab and the one who does that will win the fight it feels like AJ’s turned into more of a sharp shooter as he’s got older in his career career Daniel much younger exuberant are you nervous about his 8 years difference between them Daniel 26 years old has got that youth that sty Energy felt felt a bit like today like with the two of them almost like how we felt when we came up against like a Klitschko like very AJ knows exactly what he’s doing at all times Daniel’s time sort of just sort of rocking around just got back from H come straight here you know what I mean and obviously that’s dangerous in a way because they’re not as calculated they’re not as measured just feel really comfortable with AJ now like Ben they believe they’ve got the game plan for duwi down to an absolute T and and AJ is very very sharp and precise with his punching at the moment and the timing of bringing a fighter onto a shot and you know what’s going to be difficult for AJ is the work rate of Deo if he chooses to fight like he did against ergich he was all action didn’t stop trading didn’t stop pushing him back I don’t know whether he can do that against AJ because AJ’s a very sharp shooter he’s not going to be like herovic swinging away with his head down it’s neat sharp shots that can take you out like a sniper so um just feel really confident in AJ walking around this place walking around the stadium it’s all going to come down to the night but yeah I you know for me this is just part of the road to Undisputed you know get this one done and then hopefully you know when Frank loses the World Heavyweight Champion he gains another one in December and then hopefully we can we can have a shootout for Undisputed next year hey that sounds what fight that’s going to be Tyson against the well right that’s going to be special listen just just a word on on the card Matt I know you you’re excited seeing all the fighters up there all at the same time as well might be the best car it surely is the best card in the history of Wembley Stadium yeah doubt definitely Wembley Stadium I mean it’s you trying to think back aren’t you because there have been a lot of good fights cards over the years but it’s certainly the best in recent memory two good fights on the under card and then good some you have four rounders six rounders these are all main events that’s what they are could catch you Warrington that’s thrown in that fight what a fight that is that’s a cracker of a fight made that about 10:00 last night you know a lot of these got made Tyler Denny W on Saturday I me we were talking about Felix cash going in that fight all of a sudden it’s the switcher you know Tyler Denny gets Liam Smith against Josh Kelly great fight Willie Hutchinson against batti I love that fight you know Willie had a great win and and this just shows you when you take the opportunity and you roll the dice and you win it’s like Willie Hutchinson goes into a fight he was the underdog against CG Richards wins that now he’s in mive fire wimbley so I think that’s a big thing you see a lot of Fighters and managers probably trying to hold their Fighters back not wanting to take a risk with what this rad season has really shown no take the risk you’ll be rewarded for it right thank you so much gentlemen uh and thank you for joining us September 21st this rad season magic will be sprinkled on Wembley Stadium the main event Anthony Joshua Daniel deir for the ibf World Heavyweight Championship and do not forget tickets go on sale midday Friday at ticket Master they will be gone probably within 1 2 maybe 3 minutes so make sure you get them thanks for joining us today


  1. What an absolute joke boxing is. And the IBF have just proven how shite the organisation is. Neither of these can be champion without beating the champion. Was hrgovic a champion no. Fake championship fight.

  2. Each contribution adds a new layer of richness to the discussion. It's like watching a tapestry being woven before my eyes.💞

  3. Dubois will catch the shot of his life. 1st round lights out… Don't regard Joshua as an all time great but he is levels above the Croat when it comes to punching power…

  4. No heavyweights on the undercards? For a Wembley Stadium title fight the undercard is very poor, should have this done in O2 instead.

  5. dont know what to say lol if AJ loses to Dubois its another confidence boost for Tyson fury not to fight him and say im above him. But if AJ wins it will be like Dubois still isn't on world level and needs more experience

  6. Watch the interviews of wallin from before the AJ fight he already had a broken nose and you can see the bump and this discoloured eye haha. It's been kept very quiet but the interviews are online to see

  7. Dubois is gonna win this Joshua looked good against wallin when he had it all his own way and a win against a 2 fight novice in boxing but dubois is experienced now and younger plus is team will no all you need to do is get joshua on the backfoot and he cant adjust his feet to get any snap in his jab

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