Golf Babe

I Put This NEW Golf Club In My Bag!


In this video, Gabby golf girl goes to PGA Tour superstore to get a new golf club put in her bag. TaylorMade golf has just come out with a new mini driver that some of the professionals have been using. She’s so excited to try out this mini driver that she wants to put in the bag for her upcoming tournaments not only that but she went there to get a full what’s in the bag tuneup and for the first time, stock yardages on YouTube. Also getting her clubs regripped, and seeing what the difference between new and old wedges are for stats like spin rate. This is a review of the new mini driver from TaylorMade Golf.

this is it oh my goodness I was so excited I haven’t even seen it yet I’m going to go with the blue do wedges [Music] first literally looking forward to this all week come with me for a full tuneup of what’s in the bag at PGA TOUR Superstore we’re going to get stock yardages regrip my club throw a new club in the bag and we are going to change my wedges from mg4 the old ones to a new set and see what kind of difference that makes so come with me for a full tuneup what’s in the bag at PGA TOUR Superstore little backstory my driver has been working great for me recently but in a lot of my tournaments since I put qi1 in the bag I’ve gained a few yards so I’m trying to take out my 3-wood and I want to put the new mini driver tailor made mini driver in the bag see if it meets in the middle I have room for an extra Club so I’ve literally been looking forward to this all week I’m super excited is this it that’s it this is it oh my goodness I was so excited I haven’t even seen it yet look at that it’s like nostalgic titanium 11.5 de what we’re going to try out first we’re going to take out the fivewood and the driver and we are going to see what the actual yardages are and then we’re going to try out this mini drive this mini driver so let’s try fivewood first get warmed up all right so I say 205 205 with the fivewood now I want to hit driver and show you guys what the difference is between those those two because there’s definitely a big difference 234 there we go already 30 yards difference I mean I think I think her ball speed is pretty good I think her Height’s pretty good cuz obviously we’re trying to keep that underneath 100 ft um spin is great at 2800 we’re seeing a lot of good numbers here I want to keep it straight which is obviously main thing but I also want to make sure that that yardage is in the perfect sweet spot we may have to adjust if we can get a club 250 220 225 that’s going to be totally good for me that’s that’s what I’m looking for all right set this mini driver I’m super excited I’ve been actually I know I said this but I’ve been literally looking forward to this all week I really want to try this okay here we go it’s so do you tee this up like a 3-wood I never hit one of these before like how do you yeah tee it a little lower tee it a little bit lower or is it like driver territory now yeah cuz it’s it’s almost like a it’s almost like three-wood length so you want to te just a little bit shorter all right here we go dead straight 215 213 which is kind of the yardage I want I want to get more height in my game I think I’m lacking that um not lacking necessarily speed for my height and my age I’m just lacking the carry distance I tend to not really get the carry I get more roll out so that’s why I’m really hoping that this mini driver can help me because my driver it lands like 210 and then rolls out 223 on that lower but 223 so okay I am you know what I’m really happy about is that the yardage is perfect like total yardage is exactly where I want it to be and that’s like I said exactly in between later in this video I’m going to be doing stock yardages throughout the whole bag again something I’ve never done on video before so comment down below what your stock yardages are I’d actually like to hear that and also subscribe like this video make sure you you don’t forget to subscribe cuz it really helps us out three more shots with a 13 and 1 12° mini driver my shaft and we’re getting the yardage yardage is perfect exactly what I wanted exactly what I anticipated and with the 13 and 1 half I’m hitting it higher so I’m happy about that obviously they’re all pretty straight which I’m really happy about 71 yes yes now we are going to do stock yardages throughout the entire bag and then we’re going to regrip the clubs and then we’re going to do wedges but we’re going to start off with 60° 60° I have 10° bounce I think is that what that is the 10 right there is that that’s what a 10 degree bounce okay all right 63 oh did I get stuck up there yeah it happens 65 well especially with the 60° that’s going to be further all right so 65 to 70 on my 60° on to 54 which actually I have as a 55 it’s bent to a 55 degree oh 85 wow hit it well okay that’s hit well too those are hit good 85 okay 50° up next 50° let’s try and get this one right um 95 hit a little bit low on the face so that’s probably why it went a little bit shorter 95 see I got that one right guys I got that one right all right 93 what is that like 94 93 yards 95 yeah 9095 with a 50° pitching wedge I’m going to guess this is I’m going to guess this is like 110 105 110 that does make sense though if I’m hitting at 93 with my 50 hitting them all perfectly straight which is a good thing 106 107 all right I’d say the pitching wage is 107 106 area probably like yeah 11 yards 12 yards further than my 50° 9on I’m going to get guess 120 125 Hit a little right there 112 that wasn’t hit that great yeah 135 with the eight iron 135 with eight iron seven iron seven I’m going to guess if I get some height on it 150 151 yeah I say 145 150 with the seven iron six iron this is going to be 155 160 the problem is like with my irons I tend to get after seven iron the irons tend to come closer and closer and closer to each other that was hit really well I’ll be shocked if one 155 is is not bad there we go I mean that was a good swing 164 that one I connected with that’s a good shot so that’s 6 iron 160 that was well onto my seven wood 204 holy cow have see I told you there’s been times that I hit this club 200 we’re looking at 190 with this seven wood which is exactly what I called out and now we’re going to go we already got fivewood yardage and mini driver yardage and Driver yardage so those are my stock yardages we’re going to do wedges first we’re going to compare my old wedges to the same wedges but new with new grooves and see if spin’s better see if all those numbers and stats are just better all right so this is a 60 it should be the same sb1 as yours okay perfect uh this is a new one and then we’re going to try old versus new yeah all right so old 60° wedge like my 60° wedge not not a different model just mg4 uh 10° bounce versus a new right from the store not untouched grooves let’s see what the difference is like is spin better spin launch those those would be the two big ones okay um and really just like consistent distance too so if you’re able to control like you you have really tight dispersion in terms of like how far it’s going okay we’re going to see if a store bought right off the rack brand new groove wedge is going to help my spin rate and I’m told higher spin rate with the 60° wedge is better so we’re going to start off see what the 60° wedge is it’s the same wedge is a brand new wedge going to make a difference so here we go 8,840 with the old wedge hit three shots with this 8,800 so we’re about 8,900 on spin rate average on three shots now I’m going to hit the brand new mg4 wedge right off the rack brand new wedge brand new grooves we’re going to hit three shots with this now and we’re going to see if this actually improves spin because everyone says you know buy new wedges every six months or so depending on how much you play because of the grooves so we’re going to see if actual new wedges make a difference perfect on that obviously new brand new grooves I mean look I just made those are all new grooves and clearly a new club is really worth it and yes you need to change your wedges all the time which is why I’m getting a new set of wedges because mine are way too old now already 3 months and I’m done like I’ve always never really gotten like a really cool grip um no I kind of like it a little light like kind of mid like I have no idea I don’t I I really don’t know like bigger size is it the bigger size standard size that’s okay that’s I’ll go with [Music] yeah it’s perfect oh I like I like this grip you were right you were right I probably would have gone cuz I would have gone with the Golf Pride and it would have been too stiff and too hard hi can I say hi hi you’re beautiful wow the coloring oh my goodness hello that’s how I spend my hour at PJ TOUR Superstore for a little tuneup of my what’s in the bag thanks for watching see you guys next time


  1. So I am in meters.
    58 full = 85 M
    54 full = 110 M
    50 full = 120 M
    Pw = 130 M
    9 = 140 M
    8 = 150 M
    7 = 160 M
    6 = 170 M
    5 = 180 M
    7w = 195 M
    5w = 210 M
    Driver = 230 M
    As you see i hit my driver very short.

  2. I also ran into the same issue with my yardages with my long irons overlapping… If I flushed my 7 if can go as far as my 6. My 6 and 5 iron I miss-hit too much so I lose yardage so they ended up going the same as my 7 iron… So I sold my 5 iron and replaced it with a 7 wood which I love!! Good height and distance so it stops quicker on a green than my 5 iron did. Basically I went with a 60, bent 55, 50, 46, I9, I8, I7, I6, 7W, 5W, 3W, Draw Driver and Fade Driver. I love my bag now and recently broke 80 for the second time this season! Also if you want to save some money, just sharpen your wedge grooves every couple of months.

  3. Gabby, your professional demeanor and poise are light years beyond your age! You are one amazing young lady.

  4. I figured you’d be looking at the carry distance instead of the total distance 🤷🏻‍♂️😀😀👍🏻

  5. Dang girl, we get it, they're new wedges. Don't have to repeat yourself 10 times!
    Enjoy the mini driver!!

  6. So how come some tour players have same wedges for years? Do they just rework the grooves?

  7. Love this kind of vid, makes me wanna go do a fitting for something even with no intention to buy, its a fun time. Also like your walk, your such a golfer.

  8. Been super interested in a mini driver as well… watched a bunch of reviews but this video has me even more intrigued!
    Stock yardage carry based on GC3 averaged on about 40 shots per club:
    60° : 83 yds
    56° : 94yds
    52° : 110yds
    PW (46°) : 128yds
    9i : 138 yds
    8i : 149yds
    7i : 168yds
    6i : 181yds
    5i : 189yds
    4i : 201yds
    3h: 210yds
    3w: 232yds
    D: 255yds
    Driver SS: 109-116mph
    Longer clubs definitely has more ±variance depending on strike but depending on the day my ball striking can be all over the place.

  9. Gabby, you asked for stock yardages. Mine are very similar to yours on the shots I get right. I’m almost 70 and have been playing less than 4 years. The difference between you and me is how many of mine aren’t hit correctly! 😉

  10. Pw is 125, 9i is 140, 8i is 155, 7i is 170, 6i is 185, 5i is 205, 4i is 220, 7w is 215, 5w is 235, D is 265….at 60 years old, I am happy with that

  11. Stock yardages:

    60 – 75
    52 – 100
    P – 110
    9 – 120
    8 – 128
    7 – 135
    6 – 140
    5 – 140
    4 – 130 rollout
    3 – 130 snap hook
    3 wood – 160 completely on the ground
    Driver – I’ll let you know when I find my ball

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