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How Rory McIlroy makes swing changes | GolfPass | Golf Channel

Rory McIlroy discusses his step-by-step process in implementing swing changes, from taking his swing speed down to balancing active thoughts during his swing. #GolfChannel #GolfPass #RoryMcIlroy
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How Rory McIlroy makes swing changes | GolfPass | Golf Channel

[Music] it’s Wednesday I’m with Rory mroy and we want to talk about well I want to talk about swing changes implementing swing changes as good as you are you still work on your swing don’t you yeah of course yeah you’re always eternally working on your swing and so if you’re trying to make a change I mean what club do you use how do you do it do you do it at full speed you bring the speed down a bit Rory melroy way to make swing changes um yeah there’s I think you have to start slow um and I think you said it there you you you take the speed down but then I think as you take the speed down you try to exaggerate the movement that you’re trying to make because what I I mean as you know what is what you feel and what is actually happening are two completely different things especially while you’re trying to make a swing change so I mean for example I’ve tried to get you know recently trying to get the Club a little more online at the top and for me at like if I’m doing a rehearsal I mean I have to feel that the club’s pointing way over here somewhere way to the left because what what feels in my swing um that what what points at the Target is actually across the line so you have to exaggerate it somewhat but I think the easiest way to exaggerate it is to like hit seven or eight irons at 50 60% speed and just really try to feel the movement another thing that uh my coach Michael Bannon tried to get me to do over the years is make make rehearsal Swings with your eyes closed love that just to try to feel what what you’re what you’re you know what you’re trying to do with your swing yeah I think anytime you swing with your eyes closed your feel is definitely enhanced now I see you practicing sometimes at the club we play at we’re out there we chat I watch you you seem to use your video um your camera you know on an iPad do you believe in sort of checking to see if you’re exaggerating enough not too much yeah and I think as well videoing swing to swing to be like okay I’m going to try to feel something a little different here and you know make a video with that and then go back and check and be like okay yeah that looked a little different or that felt a little different or you know the ball did something different out there so it’s just making sure that what what you think you’re doing is what you’re actually doing the camera doesn’t lie but obviously the ball flight doesn’t either so if we just exaggerated that example you gave us just take a practice swing for the people who are watching this on Golf Pass just just make your practice swing and you’re going to feel like the club’s pointing way left of Target you’re probably never going to get there when you hit a golf ball but you’re feeling that so the feel is so important feel needs to be exaggerated and you would either confirm a yay or a Nay with the with the camera for that or maybe Michael standing behind you yeah micha’s not there so so question with swing changes as you’re making them and I know they’d like me to stop filming here but I’m not going to cuz I’ve got something to ask you so would you ever take that swing thought on the golf course when you’re changing it um it’s a hard one because I think you’re going to regardless of you want if you want to or not right so if you’ve been practicing something for hours and hours on the Range and that’s that’s what your mind has associated with hitting a golf ball when you go out onto the golf course you’re not automatically just going to forget it it’s going to be in there you’re going to be thinking about it so I I think to play my best I I have to try to think forget about you know thinking about swing changes but inevitably it’s going to be in there and it’s it’s it’s a hard balance to try to find I feel like I’ve played sometimes with too many things in my head and that’s not good but other times to have a swing thought or two in your head is is a nice thing because it takes your attention away away from the result and actually gets you really focused on the process of of trying to hit the golf ball well so one or two swing thoughts is good but having too many can can be detrimental very wise advice let’s take one exaggerated practice swing uh related to where that club points at the top and then we’ll hit one golf ball and we’ll close it out so there’s the exaggerated practice swing yep here we go I think it’s working Rory I think it’s working look from Rory mroy there no doubt if you’re trying to make a swing change slow it down use a club that’s a bit easier to hit like a s ey like we are doing here and realize that when you go on the golf course it’s okay to have a swing thought just not 16 of them [Music]


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