This Tip Makes Hitting Driver ALOT EASIER

You can now have a driver swing that makes golf a lot easier. By starting the downswing by removing the leverage, the body sequence is much more productive, increasing launch and angle of attack while improving swing path EASILY. You will hit the golf ball further, higher and straighter and your handicap may even reduce as a result.
So grab your driver, try this new swing position and get ready to watch a higher straighter ball flight.

For a golf swing that is CONSISTENT, provides a flat left wrist, compression, lag and more. Steve’s EUREKA GOLF SWING METHOD is now being implemented in 62 countries taking the golfers game to a place that allows the body to turn, the flight to straighten and compression to become a reality.
The starting place is the “iron swing series” offering the set-up of the Eureka Golf Swing canes and a step by step tutorial of the full action.
REMEMBER: as Steve says, “There is a difference between opening your stance and aiming left”.


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#golf #golfswing #golftips #golfswingtips

Filmed at:
00:00 Introduction
00:25 Let’s get started “LEVERAGE”
01:41 Angle of Attack
02:28 How this influences SWING PATH
03:15 The Swing FIX

this tip makes hit and Driver a lot easier don’t you just love tips that make driver easier it’s a hard Club not anymore so let’s make hit and Driver a lot easier so driver’s hard work we know driver’s hard work less loft or least lofted Club um longest shaft lot of guys on tour I’ve got three-wood shaft in there but let’s make hit and Driver a lot easier the golf swing has leverage left arm so your lead arm for the right-handed golfer and the club shaft a wrist is a hinge so there’s a hinge in the middle of those two levers now when we create power with those levers we need to get rid of it do not hold on to it do not hold on to that angle so the angle that we create if I come to the top of my gol swing here and this lead arm and Club shaft get to here there so the left arm L shape that I’ve created there now for iron Play We want to hold on to that a little bit longer to ensure we get angle of attack negative so come down steeper for a ball t strike with driver we do not want that why don’t we want that Steve I’m going to tell you so we don’t want that because we have to hit up on the golf ball we need to try and hit up a little bit more some guys on two actually hit down on the golf ball but they create a lot of cpage speed a lot of spin so we need to hit up on the golf ball so we’re here that angle we’ve created I want to get rid of that angle if I hold on to it I’m coming down and my angle of attack is going to be negative and a negative angle of attack for golf shot with driver you can see is a low squat now that wasn’t very nice it didn’t feel very good at all we need to get that angle taken away so here’s what we do there’s two main reasons why we have to get rid of that angle one is angle of attack which I’ve just discussed okay so angle of attack here we go there it’s there I come down here and I’ve held the angle between left arm and Club shaft the handle is lower than the head of the club and come down angle attacks negative and we’re never getting that ball launching Up and Away like we need to be so the byproduct of that the other side of that then let’s just quickly get straight to it angle of attack but also when you hold on to this angle this beautiful angle which you’ve created which is power stored power you hold it for the start of the down swing just a fraction to there and then get rid of it okay now Watch What Happens here this is amazing if I hold on to this ready there if I hold on to this angle I’ve created between lead arm and Club shaft look where I go I go out towards the golf ball so not only am I steep I’ve got path issues cutting across that golf ball that’s not good that is not a good thing at all so I need to get rid of that angle does anybody else have a problem putting the te straight in there I need to get rid of that angle as soon as I possibly can guys just before we go any further check out my website all the details are on the screen just now this will give you this will hold the angle with the irons this will give you pure ball strike ball Turf strike it’ll also lose your slice there’s a driver series in there as well of course so where do we go we’ve created the angle I know it brings me over the top I know it brings my negative angle of attack into play my path is then out to in so I hit low balls with very little launch and the squirt off to the right or left so here we go take my address position BR it up the top of my swing I’ve created my angle between lead arm and Club shaft because that’s leverage that’s power if I had no angle in then I have nothing to give back so I’ve got power but I need to get rid of it there and when I get rid of it here nice and early in the swing as discussed before the path issue there if I come down and get rid of it now my hands start to come more down my right side I hold on to it I’m out here so my hand’s coming more down my right side to then let go now it’s not a flick it’s not a a flick or a cast it’s just an earlier release of that stored power and the power is stored by creating the angle between the lead arm and the club shaft I’m out of breath yeah up to the top get rid of it here practice swing up get rid of it you’ll see the hands coming down more down my right side up there it up there get rid of it I feel as though I’m going to be here impact I won’t be but that’s the feeling I want the feeling where I’m throwing the club down to here that’s the fs loads of fuels loads of reps to try and get it done a lot of talking there set myself beautifully there you are there you awesome just on the right side but the launch was amazing I have to try that again that was pretty good actually that was pretty good it’s still still in play just down the right side straight line that is massive that was a very very good drive very good drive I control that better I got to here I let it go so I’ve created this straight line when you create a straight line in your golf swing that’s the fastest point of your golf swing if you crack a whip that is the whip going to its perfect alignment and the noises are breaking the sound barrier so if I can do that at impact if I’m holding on to angles here I’ve no longer got a straight line I want to get this thrown away earlier so I’m casting I feel as though I’m casting so I’m there throwing this away and then I get into my straight line from lead shoulder down through lead wrist to sweet spots I’m at my fastest point of of the GOL swing at impact not after imp not holding on to here and then letting it go and certainly not throwing it away too early to let it go cuz then I’d be the fastest point here but just timing that that’s easy I say it’s easy I mean a little bit of structure has to go in there but certainly get the feeling of letting that club go don’t be scared to throw that club from the top of your golf swing don’t be scared to throw that golf club from the top of your golf swing I’m going to get ripped for that but it’s all in the context look how I feel there I’ve thrown it okay and then from there my body is still going I’m getting to here so therefore I’m still in right Bend right Bend we all know that don’t we still right Bend impact cuz I’ve done this I’ve not kept the high right shoulder because I’m trying to work on holding angles I’ve created the angle well on the way back I’ve just let it happen lead arm Club shaft lead arm Club shot I never put I never put that angle in I just let that happen up and let it happen up let it happen get rid of it get that last shot was bro I’ve done it again got and done it again and then when you’re at the range you know just keep doing it that’s a we b toy High draw again I want to keep capturing this feeling so I’m not I’m not uncontrollably just hitting golf balls but I’m trying to capture the feeling got it reps are a really good thing at the range just hit ball after ball after ball and don’t care about where it goes okay just forget about where it goes just get the ball working get the swing action get the motion get it all going because then you’ll get the feeling for it then you’re trying to create a repeatable action and you’re aging the process quicker but don’t Tire yourself out you know if it starts to go absolutely crazy stop hit a few edges then get back onto it for three or four balls and another few edges for three or four balls and just split it up that way but really work hard on it okay throwing that away te was way too high there that’s part of the practice sesh that is part of it did I catch the top I did a little bit okay up angles created thrown away thrown here s of here okay to it I’ve t a few now until I get the feel for it again that’s part of the process here we go so I’m now on the course this ball counts this is a brand new golf ball I’ve just pulled from my bag I know what to do I know what feels I’m after oh yes it’s straight As I die now the reason that straight As I die is because I I practiced I practiced I practiced I was quite aggressive quite fast quite quick trying to feel the motion then I actually took a fresh ball regrouped that was a shot that counted so all the practice all the toe balls there that have gone a little bit left were all really really good productive stuff the outcome wasn’t that important for me it was more about trying to feel how the body is working how I’m able to cast that Golf Club it’s not a cast but then I’m able to put all that together and play the shot the desired shot at the time when it’s required and that’s how you practice golf that’s what it’s all about for me especially with something like that it’s a drastic radical move so what that way on the Range be wild be as wild as you want but then hit the odd productive one that’s actually going to count put yourself in an onc situation I hope you enjoyed that video if you want to hit your irons better on the screen right now there’s a little video you can click that is going to absolutely pure your irons and of course remember my website details are in the description below and I will see you in my next video bye-bye thanks for watching though bye


  1. I love your videos, Steve. They are loaded with good tips, and you have a delightfully Scottish way of delivering them. Keep at it.m

  2. The greatest golfer of all time said on many occasions you can't release the club to early. All this hold the lag, angle, rotate ruins most golfers and YouTube is full of teachers teaching it

  3. This is definitely something I’m trying to lock in. I’ve definitely found trying to hold lag and getting tense with driver never really works. Just trying to find that consistent release point is the tricky thing. I’m absolutely going to try thinking of the release this way next time out on the range. Great as always my Scottish Johnston brother haha 😅

  4. Will give this a try tonight. I have found that I have been launching my 10.5 at 9 degrees, and my only solution so far is to increase the loft. If this can allow me to play the driver in standard setting but launch higher I will be 😀

  5. Another great video. For anyone watching these videos and serious about getting better. Subscribe to Eureka golf there’s a stack of great information and instruction and when or if your game goes off the videos are great for getting you back on track . Well done Steve

  6. You’re just a star Steve.
    I so enjoy watching your videos.
    Good man yourself.

  7. I love watching your videos, as a Dutchman I have a extreme weak spot for Scottish accents. Love how you always come strrraight to the point. For me I developed a slightly embarrassing release feel: For my irons the release feel is as follows: If I literally would let go of the club I would have it hit someone in front of me in his mid section, for the driver it would be his head. Not sure what a psychiatrist would think of that but it works for me.

  8. Hi Steve! Love your videoes but a little bit confused. What about the set up with inches back and in or 50/50 weight and placing the club some inches behind and then move it to the ball. Is this same, same but different?

  9. So much advice about holding the wrist angle always sounded faulty , this advice makes more sense. If you hold the angle then it is harder to square the face properly e and you also wind up tilting your body back and away too much then leading to too high launch, hitting to low on the face or even topping the ball.

  10. It's ironic this video pops up. Several months ago I changed my grip and body rotation to improve my irons…and it worked amazing. However my driver swing suffered badly.
    Over the past few weeks I have hit probably 800 shots with driver trying to solve the issue. And 4 days ago I sort of learned that I need to feel like the driver and my left arm are straight when they are pointed at the ground behind my right foot.
    Your video here describes what that feel is too me. Again, just ironic timing. Great little lesson.

  11. Great stuff Steve. I had shoulder injury and when it came good I lost my driver swing completely because I was trying to swing it like an iron , 3 long years of water hazards and OOB.
    This exact Driver swing instruction was what got it back instantly.

  12. Great tip Steve! Can’t wait to practice it. Are you still gaming the Triad ball and ProV1 or switch to Staff Model? Would love to see a video of golf ball comparisons having one your students testing them.

  13. Great stuff, Steve! This video might have finally explained for me why I hit so many low, bullet drivers. That might sound like a shot I’d want, and sometimes I do on a windy day playing into the wind, but most of the time I’d like to actually launch it. You might have just provided a simple fix, just release it early, or at least earlier. Can’t wait to give it a go. Thanks for the detailed explanation! Awesome instruction as usual!!

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