How to Break 100 in 5 Minutes – Full Strategy

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I was born at a very young age and I’m going to show you how to break 100 under 5 minutes the first thing you want to do is take your scor card you have the handicap stroke index on the scorecard from 1 to 18 that’s the difficulty of the holes number 1 to n are the most difficult so we add two shots to the par of each of those holes so stroke one index to stroke 9 add two to the par stroke 10 to 18 we add one to the par now you have a par 99 golf course that is the basis to break 100 you change the power of the course in your mind to relieve pressure to not have to hit Green in regulation like a professional you minus two from your new par to get your new green in regulation that’s the number of shots you need to hit the hole so for example this is stroke one index par five at this golf course that means it’s a par seven for me try to get on the Green in five shots we pick our three or four favorite clubs I don’t care what anyone says everyone who’s shooting around 100 one to Break 100 has a couple of shots in their Arsenal they really love to hit only bring the clubs that you really love to hit and you may be a fader of the ball so I’ll hit a little fader for you get it into play aiming for our shot shape you have to know the distance of every club that you’re going to bring to the course when you play this way if you don’t know the distances you can’t plot your way around the golf course avoiding big trouble which is what we have to do to break 100 you need a plan but the most important part is the emotional control and discipline to stick to the plan I promise you it works but as soon as you have one bad hole and you abandon the plan because you think it doesn’t work that’s short-term thinking you have to think of the process you’re putting into place over 18 holes over 10 Rounds so when you have your favorite clubs to your favorite positions sometimes you’re going to Duff them I understand just continue playing I’m not going to show you duffs in this round because I know you have duffs everybody has duffs but it doesn’t stop the process you stay levelheaded and you continue hitting your favorite Club to your favorite position and part of that is playing away from hazards or short of Hazards so you don’t lose golf balls losing golf balls is why you stay over 100 you’re losing five or six around so we’re going to hit a shot not taking on this Hazard here at all using one of our favorite shots and clubs that will never ever reach the water’s edge and yes this is not flash golf this is old man golf you’re trying to break 100 we’re not on the PGA tour we have to remember that and drop that delusion immediately you are not hitting a PGA to a shot ever always remember stay in your process trust the process don’t worry about the result it will come over time next thing we want to do get this back in play we don’t want to on the water left we’re playing far from hazards we’re going to hit it up on the right hand side with something easy now you have to learn the punch shot too because when you go into the Shyer in the trees you want to hit a punch shot a punch shot is merely just a lower lofted chip that’s it just a Chip Shot you’d hit around the green with a seven iron or six iron to get the ball back into play don’t take hero shots on there are no hero shots when you’re trying to break 100 only stupid shots this is a shot that we don’t have this is 135 140 yard over water if there’s no water you’re going for the green but when you have water you’re thinking about dumping it in the water so let’s get it to a place that we have more confidentiality of getting over if you have a 160 yard shot to play to the back of the green you do that trouble short go long trouble long stay short I know it’s silly but it can help you we’re going to set this up to a closer to 100 to one of our favorite shots we’re going to hit it there with our fifth shot and this is just the way you begin some days you’re going to be in the right position to go for the green and less and days you’re going to have to just take your medicine we got 99 yards and a pitch chained one so we’re going to hit our favorite shot in there cuz we have a 100 yard Club everybody must have a 100 yard Club if you don’t have one please find one then it’ll help you to break 100 now we’re over the water for sure put it in a place we know we’re going to go over the water from and we’re on the green when you’re trying to break 100 you’re missing all 18 of the green so you need a short game doesn’t matter what level of golf you’re playing you need the short game to save your skin when you are completely out of position 30 yards left 30 yards right and you need a tad if you can’t Tad I want you to do a drill where you hit to a te in the ground 10 ft plus away from you just stop the ball as close to that te as you can cuz distance control is the number one reason you can’t break 100 with your putting and then the other thing you do is practice one foot putts only only one foot putts nothing else the best way to have a great short game around the green is to use as low Loft as possible get the ball rolling one of the easiest way to start chipping if you suck is to use tow down so you stand like a normal shot pick the handle up bring your hands down use your putting grip and stand as if you’re putting now hit the ball off the toe let it land find a landing spot and this you have to practice being able to land a ball on your landing spot read it like a putt don’t fly the ball all the way to the hole the ball needs to roll out on every single chip it’s no 60° take the 60° out your bag it’ll save you so many shots eight iron here we’re going to land this about 3 4 yards on and let it just roll down to the hole when you get it rolling and you hit it low to the ground you bring a lot of error out of your shot making better shots even with a shitty strike that’s how you break 100 I’ll give you five rounds to break 100 doing all these things if you don’t do it in five rounds you’ve done something wrong watch the video 10 times again


  1. Thank you keep going and unify with different university and raise your voice together and have leaders who can take this to another level you guys are young and strong and your voice is hard all over the world. You guys can bring changes keep going thank you. we are hopeful now that Palestine will be free soon. In shaa Allah. Also remember, we are all with you. 🐱💞

  2. If you’ve been playing golf for longer than a few years and you still can’t break 100, I would have to say quit. Get off the golf course and let us actual people who don’t have brain injuries play. You’re slowing the game down ridiculously. My little Asian wife who barely plays can break 100. Give me a break chumps.

  3. Hey Matty, great vid! I've taken Toe Down chipping to heart and had a lot of success with it. With that being said, the course I play a lot has a lot of raised greens with big slopes around the perimeter of them. What play would you recommend in a situation like that? I have a pretty comfortable flop shot I use, but when I try to help out friends who are beginners, I don't know what to recommend when there's a lot of verticality. Just want to impart some confidentiality when I'm playin with my boyfriends. Thanks

  4. I’ve been learning for just over a year and I scored 83 from the yellow tee’s virtual St. Andrews course. Real golf is so much more difficult.

  5. Hello Mr Boom Boom,
    I played in my club comp today and broke 90 with an 84.
    Thank you so much your advice is sound as a pound 🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻

  6. Hey Matty – wanted to give you a major shoutout! two years ago was constantly hitting over 100. after watching several of your videos i shot a personnal best on tuesday 84 and you wont believe it it included a hole in one! Thanks baus

  7. Just played a round, unfortunately we forgot the score card and the mailbox on hole two hahaha
    Your videos and course management help me keep score low tho, cheers

  8. Sidekick you ever gonna do some videos like you used to brining out a friend that shoots 90-100? Miss those videos not that I don’t enjoy the current. Just loved the music when the mistakes happened.

  9. Broken 100 twice now after 6 months of golf thanks to your videos. Thinking about getting some lessons before replacing my handme down clubs!

  10. When are you going to do a video of how to break 110. I asking for a friend of mine not me. Really I am. Also I am putting a lot of sunscreen on my face and not playing any better. Is it a certain brand and can I buy it in Iceland?

  11. Would love a video on how to play in difficult conditions. For example playing with intense wind. Not everyday is perfect so how do we adapt for it!

  12. Last night my front nine shot a 54 using driver. The back nine I said I’m not confidential with this club. I did the back 9 to 5 iron, six iron, lob wedge and putter. Scored 43 like a baus

  13. This is common sense. But the thing with common sense is because its has the word "common" on it we tend to not to value it. Following this method not only there are more chances to break 100 but also to enjoy the game way better

  14. I had a horrible front 9 was gonna walk off, stuck with it, used your advice of easy shots laying up being tactical and ended up shooting an 88 4 over on the back 9… My best ever! 🎉

  15. I feel like I just got reprimanded with how abruptly it ended; even though I've broken the 90 barrier this first year playing being a Playa.

  16. Just shot 88. 41 on front. Had a good time and met a nice new friend. Used 5 iron from the tee frequently. Got a 2 on a 160 par 3.

    If I stick with the plan for an entire round I know I will become a master.

    Thanks Matty boom boom.

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