Do You Want FORCE or WEIGHT SHIFT in the Golf Swing?

Are you LEAD or TRAIL Side Dominant? Knowing Is A MUST – Find Out Here:

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questions from yesterday um so I’m a when driving off of this foot uh and then when you’re kind of like all the way open where is the pressure or the weight is it on this lead leg now kind of pushing into the ground so I notice that you I still kind of as I you know as I was doing the drills and driving into here and getting that curve it feels like I got like even I’m and I’m still working on keeping this getting this leg straight you know I’m feeling pressure weight here yeah is that right yes and no okay so I got to give you a little bit longer answer than than that so pressure and weight are two different things all right okay fair enough so and I know it seems like a stickler thing but it’ll help you understand this a lot better okay so that Force plate is measuring pressure so when you hear people talking about Force plates and pressure and all those things it’s measuring Force okay I got it force is mass times acceleration acceleration being the key okay A lot of times people feel a lot of weight so if I had you and I’ve done this millions of times if I had you go on the force plate and say okay now on your next swing I want you to really try and push down hard on that left leg as hard as you can you would hardly be able to generate any Force at all interesting it would be maybe a little bit more than your body weight okay if I told you to do this really quick your force would spike through the roof even though you don’t feel any weight it’s the acceleration that you’re looking for and that’s what that Forest plate is measuring is that so that versus this is wildly different okay one you want the other one you don’t if you’re feeling a lot of weight over there which is mass kind of being stacked over this foot that’s not ideal because that’s going to slow everything down but what’s really the bigger picture if you step back for a second in a Trailside pattern is you’re generating all of that Force off of that trail hip and leg okay okay that’s doing everything so now if I’m driving hard off of this leg and I’m driving up I have Force cuz that foot’s going to push down quickly but my mass my weight is back here okay okay right so again like if I was going to punch you if I punched you like this not going to really work if I punch you like that and I drive hard off of that hip I can generate way more power okay got it so weight is kind of slow got it Force very quick and we want Force

1 Comment

  1. Good point, never thought about it like this, weight can be stationary, even if its all on one foot. but Force = Mass x (velocity x velocity), and it is a Force plate, not a weight plate or mass plate. I think I get to hung up on weight shift.

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