How Far Do You Hit Each of Your Golf Clubs? Understanding club gapping.

Are you confident with each club in your bag? Do you know what the gap is between your 8 and 9 iron or your hybrid and 3 wood? Do you play your best distances or to your average distance? If you are usually short you probably don’t know your true distances.

When you practice with our custom TrackMan system @ Private Fairway you will understand the real carry distance for each club in your bag.

[Music] hey there this is Craig at private Fairway and in this video I’m going to show you how you can play better golf by practicing at private Fairway particularly when it comes to understanding the gaps between your clubs so how far did your pitching wedge nine iron eight iron seven iron go that you can rely on it’s hard to judge that when you’re at the driving range I mean they have markers you can use your laser finder but I don’t know if you’re like me I can’t see exactly where that ball Falls so the trackman can really help you and primarily help you with your carry distance which is really important that’ll tell you where that ball is going to land how far out it’s going to land so uh which is really the distance you can count on right so a lot of people ask me about Club gapping I’m going to give you just a quick view on uh how you can use track M for Club gapping we’re just going to hit a couple three or four clubs three or four shots each just to give you kind of an idea and hopefully I can make these shots look halfway pretty to give us kind of an idea how this works okay so there’s three shots of the pitching wedge so now what we’re going to do is we’re going to switch here to a nine iron and we’ll hit three shots with the nine iron now when you’re doing this you might want to hit more than three shots I’m just giving you this as kind of a sample so okay we got three niron shots let’s hit three eight iron shots and then I’ll show you how you can do this so we’ll switch now to the eight iron we’ll hit three shots with our eight iron not great that shot I’m going to hit one more that person one was kind of outlier oh that one’s really an outlier okay hang on sometimes you still use do hit bad shots sometimes okay we may edit that one out all right let’s see okay so now what we’re going to do is we’re going to look at those shots so this one here that I shanked we’re going to delete that one so I have these four shots now what I can do is I can look at a the dispersion view so here are my three different clubs right so here’s my here’s my uh pitching wedge my nine iron my eight iron this first one I didn’t hit was kind of an outlier too I didn’t really hit it normal so we’ll take that one out so here you go I have like kind of a nice little Gap these three shots and I can look at it by carry distance or I can look at it if I wanted by total distance and see kind of what the difference is you can also look at a table of those shots so we’ll pull this up here so now you see that my pitching wedge my average carry distance was 12 12 my nine iron my average carry distance was 124 and my eight iron my average carry distance was 137 so that means I’m roughly say 115 with the with the wedge 125 with the nine iron and 135 with the eight iron so I have a 10 yard gap between those three clubs right now if you get a little Juiced or whatever you can be over or a little bit more but what we want to know is kind of what is our realm of reality so if I’m playing golf and I have 1050 yards to the hole and I need to carry it 150 yards then I probably need to hit my seven iron not my eight iron if I want it to if there’s a lot of green in front of the pin and I want to bounce on the front of the green and roll out to 100 because my average total with my eighton was 149 so if I want to do that then I then I’m might play my eight iron hoping that it’ll roll roll out right not stop so anyway those that’s a way you can do Club gapping uh here at private Fairway and really understand what’s going on with your Club so you could hit everything from your 60° wedge to your driver and kind of understand what’s going on there so really critical for your mid and uh short iron so that’s Club gapping come on in see how private Fairway can help you be a better golfer uh this season [Music]

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