A Week of Chaos in Golf: Protestors, Shark’s Tending Flags & More

Matt and Buttsy discuss moving struggles and recording from Stingers golf club, recap the Travelers Championship, talk about protesters on the 18th green, Scotty Scheffler’s dominance, Tom Kim’s potential, Cam Young’s 59 round, Live Golf Nashville’s success, new sponsors, and preview the Rocket Mortgage Classic.

– Matt Cook and Buttsy discuss the challenges and chaos of moving, emphasizing the importance of taking breaks and enjoying golf amidst life’s hectic moments.
– They highlight the innovative Golfzon technology at Stinger’s Golf Club, praising its realistic simulation features and comfortable atmosphere for a quick, enjoyable round of golf.
– The episode recaps the Travelers Championship, noting Scottie Scheffler’s dominance and Tom Kim’s clutch performance, while also discussing the disruptive protest incident and the significance of maintaining composure under pressure.

0:00 Welcome and introductions
0:31 Moving struggles and recording at Stingers golf club
5:29 Travelers championship recap
6:00 Protesters on the 18th green
9:44 Scotty Scheffler’s dominance
17:32 Tom Kim’s performance and potential
21:42 Cam Young’s 59 round
32:09 LIV Golf Nashville success
33:52 New sponsors for LIV Golf
56:12 Upcoming Rocket Mortgage Classic preview

[Music] welcome back everybody to Bull hook golf the podcast I’m your host Matt cook tonight we’ve got botsy with us yet again Mr co-host here he is dialed and ready to go but uh before we get through what we got going on on tonight’s episode I just want to say man it has been a rough couple of weeks has anybody ever gone straight from a cruise to then moving because because I’m telling you it’s not a good idea I don’t think I’ve ever heard that that’s that’s stupid it’s absolutely ridiculous you should never do it I’m in the move from hell I mean out here in Chandler folks we’re out here in Chandler Arizona at Stingers Golf Club recording here live it’s a brand new Indoor Golf Center they got golf Zone golf Zone golf Zone technology in this place is absolutely awesome Dylan vry says you look so much better than last week looking healthy and strong I appreciate that Dylan um I definitely feel a lot better but man uh it’s been the move let’s get back to the move real quick because my wife hired these guys to come in and move our stuff we hired them for 4 hours normally that’s a good amount of time right not for our place yeah we had way too much [ __ ] and after the 4 hours they filled an entire truck one of those huge trucks not one of the small like you truck semi like a semi truck they filled that thing to the brim and the GU like we have no more room I’m like I still have stuff he goes well you’ll probably have to move that yourself so sure enough that’s they get the big stuff at least they they got a lot of the big stuff but I I’ll tell you right now I’ve been going back and forth between the old place and the new place for I the move started Saturday now we’re Tuesday and I still have another day tomorrow to move stuff so it’s uh has not gone well on that front but uh well I’m a bit nice outside it’s nice outside actually no it’s it’s absolutely horrible outside which why it’s uh Shameless plug here why it’s so nice to be here at Stingers Golf Club um it’s like 70° in a I think you can get through a round in uh a little over an hour and they have beer cocktails really good food I just sampled the chicken nachos myself hoping that doesn’t come to play with me uh while we’re live here cuz I would love to chrisen this bathroom more than anything else but wow um yeah this place so nonetheless we’re here at Stingers Golf Club sometimes you got to get away and uh just enjoy yourself uh once again golf Zone technology here at Stinger golf club uh that is one of the top golf simulators in the world okay they have the largest golf simulator business in the world golf onong and uh the technology buty was on it a little bit earlier yeah and it’s incredible yeah there’s no there’s no delay when when your golf ball hits the screen it takes off off um it’s the I mean Lefty and righty cameras they both look like robots standing there it it’s really cool the mats move yeah mats move to adjust to your lie based on where you’re at Fairway and then you have uh simulated sand rough it’s it’s the real deal you putt everything a little uh LED light comes on in front of you kind of gives you a line on your putts anyways you guys really need to come check this place out it’s reasonably priced 50 bucks an hour and uh the food is reason they’re not gouging for cocktails that was the old fashioned it’s fantastic pretty good you just had uh some nachos righty I did and they’re awesome they have like a bean cheese sauce all over them so if you don’t get a piece with chicken on it you know like I I kind of dig through some nachos looking for the meatest cheesiest piece and then what gets left over is basically a graveyard so you don’t have that here every piece is amazing every piece is amazing all right let’s get into it on tonight’s episode we’ve got The Travelers Championship recap we got live golf Nashville Nashville recap we got the swan style segment and we’ve got the upcoming rocket mortgage classic but before we do begin tonight’s episode we want to give a special thanks to swanes all right they just had a brand new drop that happened about a week ago this I actually got from the Waste Management Phoenix Open so this was right before right before Oh there’s even a Gizzy man on there yes so we got glizzies and we got beers on this Polo they just launched it obviously it doesn’t have the waste management stuff on their one that they released but this shirt is absolute money I got the shorts on too and I’ll tell you after moving I cannot find my belts have no clue where my belts are so luckily swan has this awesome like waistband to the shorts that is like it’s it catches like your uh is it the little rubberized kind of yes it’s the rubberized one so that your Polo doesn’t go up and down if you have it tucked in y shorts don’t fall down if uh you’re not wearing a belt they grab theones they they grab and uh really appreciate that out of you swanes so folks if you want to take advantage of 25% off at swanes golf or swan. is the website utilize promo code P hook golf 25 at checkout and get 25% off your entire order at swan. once again we are here tonight at Stingers Golf Club in Chandler Arizona this place is absolutely it really is cool it is awesome so let’s get into The Travelers Championship recap here butsy uh first topic oh [ __ ] I almost knocked over my mic be careful first topic I got so excited about the protesters the protesters on the 18th Green in regulation all of a sudden you know everybody has marked their ball Scotty schler is getting ready for his oxy and all of a sudden you see these smoke bombs going everywhere you see people getting tackled on the greens it’s chaos out there there what was your thoughts I think it’s like wow we’ve watched this play out about a hundred times since uh videography was invented they look like every other dumb idiot that has ever tried to do something like this uh yeah I put him in prison for life put him in prison for life yeah throw him away forever forever we don’t need him well we we were talking about it I guess one fan one drunk fan run ran up while the cop was carrying one of them [ __ ] knocked one of them out caught a little quick one there go to sleep so that’s what you get when you run out into a public event trying to spray paint nobody knows what you’re doing you can’t do it there’s a better way to fight your cause 100% there’s so many different Avenues and the girl with the shaved head looked like she came out of a camp that just teaches how to be a protester of whatever it is that you want to Pro like propaganda can tell you what she didn’t come out of an F250 she did not she definitely does not believe sorry in the red white and blue that is for sure um so yeah we’ve got that going for us when it comes to the protesters on the 18th let us know what would you have done with the protesters I say lock them away for Life some people said execute them some people said that’s way too far so I’m not quite sure but uh butsy here I I don’t know what like what would you say their punishment should be uh I mean I don’t know I think life itself is going to treat those those people pretty poorly for the rest of their existence um I don’t know keep them away from a golf tournament maybe pay attention to whether or not they attempt to organize uh and wear clothing from the 70s and run out onto a golf course outside of that they didn’t really cause much harm they made a scene they looked stupid like all those idiots that do that [ __ ] do and you just hope they don’t end up defacing a famous painting or something later on oh God they’re all over the place right now it’s insane but Trot golfer says lob wedge laceration laceration oh I like that you want to cut him with a wedge cut him with a wedge you know just just put him down there and smoke him with a wedge lob wedge lob wedge very specific there TR golfer um and then we’ve got Dylan VOD who says straight to jail I agree with that but I want him locked away forever and then we do have to give a little shout out or shout out here to tro golfer yes Macy May congratulations 7.9 lbs little lady fantastic unless you named your boy Macy May which uh you know going to make it it’s like a boy named Sue Johnny Cash that’s a little boy though MD all right that’s it that’s you you got me there so with that said let’s uh keep it moving keep it grooving so we’ve got the Ben on tweet of the day which his real name is beong [Music] Honan he tweeted that must have been terrifying for Scotty all the cops on the green Scot Scotty sheffler not a fan of the cops lately no no he’s a he’s a wanted man you know he’s done a lot of wrong and I’m sure that he had and all jokes aside I’m sure he didn’t appreciate it no no but it seemed like he was kind of chuckling and it’s funny because he was kind of trying to keep Tom Kim a little bit calm and everything aay baas said he was scared for his life as he should be the brown brang mantis as B is scared of dying from a windy day so that’s uh that’s fantastic stuff so that was the Tweet of the day out of been on I felt like that was fantastic work there from a fellow PGA Tour player and then uh getting into the actual tournament itself Scotty schaffler wins at 22 under par uh he is completely on a different level than everybody else on tour dude it’s ridiculous it’s not even a question in my mind anymore of oh what if the live guys were there would he still win as many golf tournaments yeah he would still win all of these golf tournaments maybe you might take one away not even play better yeah he exactly because it looks like he’s just playing a very mundane round of golf in a lot of ways and he’s just in the lead he’s just winning I think it has something to do with his head space I really think that he lives in a different world like the world that he’s aware of around him he like we’ve talked about he doesn’t look at the news he’s not on social media he is the last guy even though he’s the number one guy he’s the last guy that’s caught up in any [ __ ] that’s happening and it it shows it really does just it’s just oh well time to go out play a little Golf and here’s the thing as I was playing katchup I was really starting to watch each and every one of Scotty sheffler shots and I’m just like he’s not even playing with his aame right now who’s the last player that you remember who was winning without their aame t tuer w yo good old eldri mhm got to love that guy but we are witnessing greatness right now folks and I think that’s the point that I’m trying to make here and I’m trying to make everybody aware that what we’re watching now is not normal this is not like this comes once in a blue moon like when Tiger Woods in 99 and now we’re starting to see the media start to pick up on this which we’ve been talking about it for God a couple months now um since he won a couple in a row yes and I’m just like look at his Strokes gain like he’s absolutely dominating right now similar to somebody else tough to do comparisons I watched a tweet where um 15 starts or something six wins and and some guy put it together I forget who put it out it’s probably somebody famous and I’m not saying his name because didn’t resonate but um Scotty’s actually like ahead of tiger in terms of the one-year performance with stroke average and stuff like that so yeah it the the real kicker for me we can’t start saying Tiger Woods I mean we can for like a year right now yeah you could say it for like a short period of time but he’s got a long way to go to really uh to really solidify yeah 100% that’s the problem with trying to compare somebody at the beginning of their career heading into their Prime yeah versus somebody that’s already been there done that like that’s why the comparisons for LeBron was not fair for him to be compared to Michael Jordan right there’s all these different sports to where we compare greatness to Greatness and it’s like they’re all different but Scotty is the first we have seen since Tiger Woods yeah to be this dominant yeah since tiger for sure that I would second that I would also go on a limb here and say that he is night and day way more boring than Tiger Woods Tiger Woods remember when he came out he was getting criticized for doing fist pumps and yelling and getting excited about making pots hitting shots like he got a lot of criticism for that Scotty sheer is getting a lot of criticism for doing the exact opposite of not really having em exact opposite if any he’s like tiger was a dick and didn’t give people the time of day and looked like he wanted to murder anybody that like he used to charge off tea boxes and didn’t talk to anybody and wouldn’t yeah Scotty is the exact he’s nice to everybody yeah he really he really is and it is also interesting that he wins his sixth event of the year but he has dominated the signature series events he has won by the way MoneyWise $16,988 th000 just from signature series events alone this year I saw that how insane is that yeah and you know what uh if you’re going to bring up tiger’s name again we can go ahead and thank him for that amount of money even being possible in the game today combination tiger and Liv right I I I think that is complet how much purses go up uh because of Tiger Woods and well we know it did because of tiger that’s when they started playing for millions of dollars to begin with it wasn’t like what 93 they’re playing for like 145,000 or something [ __ ] like that but you’re not wrong Liv Liv doubled purses in certain events this year right and last year oh absolutely I mean the entire Signature Series came because of Liv golf yeah that is 100% accurate now we’re seeing the same thing and I don’t mean to like bring up other sports on a golf podcast but we’re seeing actually the same thing in the WNBA with Caitlyn Clark and what’s funny is all the girls that are a part of the WNBA that were there before very same treatment to how Tiger Woods was treated when he came out on to her when which you know Curtis Strange sat down in an interview and is like oh you’ll learn oh you’ll learn and everybody’s kind of done the same thing with Caitlyn Clark and it’s what we’re seeing in the WNBA is what happened with golf so I’m back back to your point about how Tiger Woods moved the needle and that’s why purses got so so big made a real interest into the game of golf then the Saudis come in create live golf and then the PGA Tour has to react start pulling some money out and saying hey we need some investors we need some things so that we can actually compete MoneyWise so that we don’t lose all of our talent but I’m telling you right now it seems a lot easier to make money on live golf than it does on the PGA tour with Scotty sheffler playing like this yep yep nothing else to say about that now a quick word from our sponsor swanes is here with a fresh take performance-based materials are a given these days but if you’re looking for the stretchiest and most lightweight pieces that deliver a look that says I’m here for a good time take a walk on the swanie side with fabric Source from recycled Plastics and Designs Source from our very own Weekend Warriors swanes is looking out for both our planet and those that need a little style to boost their Drive another 15 yards premium looks from top to bottom at swan. so let’s keep it moving keep it grooving here um also one of the things that I do love about Scotty Sheffer as family his wife his new kid Bennett is that they’re great people they have basically did you know they’ve basically adopted Tom Kim in Dallas I have been paying attention and I had no idea how much is that is there a story there that we don’t know yeah so Tom Kim last year he didn’t have anywhere to go for Thanksgiving because obviously he’s from South Korea and so forth and so a lot of people don’t realize it because he speaks really good English like does not come acrossed as your typical South Korean oh my God you’re it’s not like he was like Scotty I I don’t eat turkey yeah no he’s he wasn’t like that at all so uh he needed a place to go the shefflers took him in and then they absolutely love them the parents love them the wife loves them Scotty loves them like they play golf all the time he plays against Scotty all the time so some people might say and this leads us right into our next point which is Tom Kim finishes the runner up in a playoff but some people might say that you know Tom Kim he comfortable with Scotty sheffler doesn’t see Scotty sheffler the same way as others so he wasn’t under pressure on 18 [ __ ] um so this one’s for you Twitter people because it’s one thing to say or uh that tweet didn’t age well or that post didn’t age well right yeah yeah what but when you when you post something 45 minutes before it occurs where are the people that are like that post aged really really well actually no we live in a world where uh nobody is going to to appreciate accuracy or the success of a post so I think it was on whole 15 I go Tom Kim is clutch okay then I followed that up with Scotty Sheffer is on another level to all the other golfers MH what does Tom Kim do Tom Kim on I believe it was 17 blows a pot way past like six seven feet if he misses that putt he’s done right drops that putt that was huge then on 18 Scotty sheffler leaves it a little bit short On The Fringe right before the protesters and all that [ __ ] right Tom Kim I go and I didn’t tweet this this was something just between me me myself and I this will go to said this to yourself later yeah I’m like he’s going to stick this and he just Hawk toed the flag Hawk to just like that spit on it awesome awesome stuff almost hold it yeah I saw like if it didn’t spin like it did I mean what was it like 4 in left or was it just right he he tweaked it just a bit Juiced up he said why don’t you hit one right down on the flag sck Tommy he did and so for Tom Kim I have been saying this since the Scottish open going back gosh that’s two years ago now [ __ ] is it two years I think it is because that was when Tom Kim came onto the scene yeah played the Scottish open and he didn’t win the Scottish open okay but that Sunday he showed that if he gets it going that kid is not not afraid to go low and he makes so many putts and he’s clutch that’s the thing that’s the intangible that I want everybody to understand he kind of reminds me of a young Anthony Kim a wee bit Tom Kim yes he’s got Carisma like Anthony Kim tight little move um loves the pressure seems to love it thrives under it and uh yeah he doesn’t look nervous at all he’s not and he’s such a gamer remember him in the President’s Cup he was one of the the most clutch players in the President’s Cup in his very first President’s Cup this kid is 22 years old he just started drinking alcohol like this is unbelievable out of Tom Kim which gets into my next point which is man I was shocked and I said this at the time when Joe G left Tom Kim to go to LV oberg okay LV oberg a lot of caddies are going to say to everybody that LV Goldberg is a generational Talent hits the ball further than Tom Kim is better than like has more intangibles than Tom Kim the intangible that matters to me that Jordan spe used to have getting it done was Moxy and clutchness okay that is an intangible that’s not something that you can put stats on really no it trumps everything though everything yeah when the heat is on and you need to close out a tournament you like you said he blew it by he made the putt he needed to juice a wedge in there like close and he did and come back to me and 10 years and I’m telling you right now that that was a mistake by um Joe scavern to go to L VI overberg I think Tom Kim is going to have a better career over the next 10 years than ludvig I know people are going to be upset with that but that is my opinion usually like disagreeing with you on things like this but uh I think you’re right I think that there’s a different head space and I think he’s got that killer got a dog in yeah so here we go we now cam young let’s talk a little bit about cam cuz cam young I thought cam young was going to win a PGA Tour event already I had a bet with Bobby Brown PJ tour caddy when he was on the show that cam young would win his first event before Windham Clark Bobby had Windham Clark obviously Bobby won Wham Clark is now a top five player in the world I’m with you though I would have at the time I would have taken young I mean he’s got the like talk about once again intangibles right and that is one of the really cool things about cam young is he’s got so much [ __ ] talent but he has not broken through yet but he shoots a 59 on Saturday and my question to you butsy is is shooting a 59 still the accomplishment that it is or was back in the day on tour remember when David Duval shot the 59 Jim furick I mean yeah it is it is I think so I mean look they were playing golf courses that were 700 yards shorter I mean they’ve definitely set golf courses up to where it’s just as hard to shoot 59 as it was for those guys um yeah 59 is crazy are there a lot more good players now that can do it maybe that’s like the bigger argument there’s just more Talent now than there’s ever been in golf so you see it more often but yeah it’s that hard to do yeah and they made The Travelers more difficult it was uh TPC River Highlands remember last week I so injured I couldn’t even like I’m like TPC Connecticut TPC hard we didn’t know what it wasca TPC River Highlands and they ended up they did a little bit of uh some Renovations and they made it they made it more challenging okay I know a lot of people are going to say but the winner was 22 under yeah they could have gone a lot lower than that in previous years if they played the way that they did and there was lift clean and place so don’t get me wrong on that they’re like that also is a thing in and of itself is the PJ tour mad maybe you have this in your notes but is the PJ tour mad that Bryson has taken the stage that he’s had despite their best efforts to uh I mean you can’t like we said winning solves everything but are they a little mad at how star stardom has kind of found him lately I think they got to be right because that’s taking attention away from the players on the PGA tour yes and that’s that’s a tough thing for the PGA to her to swallow all right leaderboard rundown okay some interesting tied for third Tom hogi and sunj M at minus 20 does Tom hogi get enough credit for cuz he’s always around the to I bet on this guy last year every [ __ ] week because of what you just said he he’s there yeah he’s right there he’s gota and I also uh succumbed to the same thing with Scott Stallings cuz he was another one that that was right there all the time and I said no dude one week that this one of these guys is going to get it done and their odds are so crazy I’m gonna hit hasn’t happened so I don’t know how old is Tom hogi dude he’s getting up there he was a member back when quino was Private I was in college then oh my God yeah okay yeah craziness huh yeah small world finishing up with that commentary around the leaderboard rundown Su J IM I saw stat for sun JM and I didn’t write it down which was he has been in the top 25 almost every time he appears in a golf tournament really like it was ridiculous like he’s that consistent yeah like I couldn’t believe how many there was like 10 only like 10 tournaments that he wasn’t in like the top 25 over like I don’t know if that was like over the past year or what that was but man that was such a ridiculous stat I I tried to find it before the show and couldn’t find it I mean from a business perspective that’s where you would ultimately hope to fall uh as a professional golfer right but can you take it deep enough and pull out that big sack and get it done it’s not easy it’s not easy [ __ ] [ __ ] so Sun JM 20 under also um Patrick Klay T5 that’s been a surprise lately he’s playing some good golf all of a sudden watch out watch out for Patrick Klay in this second half of the year well we know he can close oh we know he can he can I mean the Hat Thing Joe laava Rory maroy we love that he can close late yeah he’ll take a long time doing it but we’ve got Tony feno that’s your boy lately you love Tony F right now love Tony F then we’ve got Xander Schley did you see his comments about how he’s forced to go do Bob dis Sports and these others what do you mean forced I didn’t see that forced by his team because they understand how important it is so Xander actually kind of he said it in a way to where I really felt like he was saying I don’t like this [ __ ] well it makes to man I mean that’s it look that somehow these guys have created themselves as an Avenue that reaches the most people and how that’s happened because it’s not something that I thoroughly enjoy watching myself but uh yeah that’s kind of wild that that you you should be working on playing profession professional golf you shouldn’t be worried about going to play with Bob does Sports because uh now there’s this other stat where your media presence has to be up like that’s isn’t that nuts crazy that’s crazy dude I and I’ve talked to Mr Perez about this at length um you know playing with the bar stool guys and feeling like you know you have to go do these things because you’re not cool and yeah hate to see it it’s one thing if you choose to it’s another thing if you feel like you have to because that’s the biggest Outlet over there and there’s almost a point system if you don’t I felt like Xander’s comments were very telling if you read between the lines as to what he said I got to see this cuz I didn’t see it he basically was saying like I don’t like doing this [ __ ] but my team makes me do it and he goes and and did he really say that yeah no he didn’t that I’m reading between the lines when I say that what he say exactly do you remember he he said we have to do these things with guys like Bob Des Sports with bar stool because there’s this thing called pip lot of money in PIP now he didn’t say well I’m reading between the lines and I’m going wow Xander really doesn’t like doing that [ __ ] he’s really faking it not much to read when they say we have to do these things yes and my team it makes me do them a little different if somebody comes out and says you know and I love doing the stuff off the course playing with a bunch of the YouTube guys I mean they’re awesome and what they do for the game is great when you say we have to do these things or else oh we’re at the bottom of that world god dude like what’s what are you doing I’m I’m with you a 110% on that um so we’ve got Patrick Henley uh Tony feno Justin Thomas OA baa all finished T5 and minus 18 at The Travelers we’ve got T9 Brian Harmon Windham Clark which that’s actually a good finish for Windham Clark he’s been struggling of late what did Harmon shoot so 17 under with Windam Cameron young and Shane Lowry and then t13 we got Xander schofl and Colin morawa Colin morawa continues to play well as long as he gets the Potter going which once again the putterer is hit or miss with Colin morawa and I feel like Brian Harmon’s like the second coming of of Lee Westwood like he’s kind of like does it I don’t know is it do you see what I’m saying by that he kind of occupies that space when Lee was hot oh I don’t know he’s kind of that guy he’s like a left-handed Lee Westwood that’s a really really good point and then by the way the Signature Events now are completed we’re not even through half the year yet actually are we through half we’re through half the Year this is through half the year right about about dead on I agree so we’ve got through half the year all the Signature Events are done and I was actually watching paron my take uh which are Parton my Interruption I forget which one it is it’s the one with willbond on ESPN and the old white guy I forget his name will lives out here by the way wilbon is a member up at Desert Mountain wilbon yeah Mike wilbon who’s that you don’t know who Mike wilbon is no famous famous guy out of ESPN famous broadcaster sports broadcaster well that’s why I don’t know yeah so there you go uh with that said M they were talking about how has the PGA Tour really sold itself out in the first half of the year now there’s nothing for the PGA Tour once you get beyond the Open Championship what do you have oh yeah we discussed FedEx did all these buildup events that also coincided with other majors and like we said like is that sponsor driven you know the timing of that it’s tough to say but ah Kornheiser Tru golfer always helping me out come here good old Tony Kornheiser Tony Kiser Tony cornis by the way so the whole entire point that they were making and I happened to agree with it is that they don’t want to go up against the NFL NFL’s coming up in a literally what a month and a half yeah it starts yeah or maybe even less I see it from ESPN all the time there’s like 72 days left until the NFL starts PJ tour doesn’t want to go up against that I mean why I don’t blame him but then you’ve got leave golf that goes on these hiatuses and they still have a bunch of events left yeah I mean I don’t know the NFL’s on uh what Sunday and Monday I thought about this a lot because I’m like hang on a second got the signature series events NL it’s very front heavy with these Signature Events the uh the FedEx Cup I think they want to continue making the FedEx Cup a bigger and bigger deal and they don’t want these signature series events to take away from what the FedEx Cup is going to be so that’s where I disagree with willbond and Kornheiser around no we still have the FedEx Cup we still got a lot of stuff coming up with golf and then we got Silly Season which is fall Series yeah which is fun it’s fine it is what it is fastic oh all right let’s get into and I’m changing this up from previous weeks we’re throwing in live golf Nashville because of how big it was okay so this is our next segment here on the P hook golf podcast and it was a big success for live golf called it last week in my uh perfect venue for them drunken exhausted stuper no you did call it though I did call it I said Nashville’s going to be wild because think about it you’ve got drunkenness you’ve got loud music and they brought in some country artists too so they Dan and Shay that was there at onsite at the tournament love Dan and Shay they did a concert at Liv golf so did Luke Colmes I believe if I’m not mistaken it’s pretty I mean yeah and then the NTI there after everybody going to the event going downtown Nashville I mean I was there I wish I would have gone you were there you saw I was there not really I was there for a few hours a lot of people don’t know that but yeah he flew on a private jet there Pat Perez set it up for him we had a day went and then he came all the way back to Arizona so we not really talking about it it wasn’t something I was supposed to show off I’m so sorry yeah anyways pz hooked you up he did these guys a lot love that okay so obviously live golf Nashville I don’t know for me it was so obvious that Liv Golf Nashville was going to be their biggest event in America it just made every piece God damn there he is again you know you get a couple of these whiskies in we’re going to get you some Cy some liver stuff I mean that’s just back gaming right there I’m feeling great I’m feeling absolutely great don’t yeah let’s keep it moving keep it rolling hey keep it positive um new sponsors for live golf by the way so all of our Liv golf fans Corp is the most recent sponsor for Liv golf yeah so that’s nice that’s nice for them a company I work for yeah we just got rid of Corp but that doesn’t mean anything here we go so Greg Norman tried to tend the flag for Bryson D Shambo on a part three well he’s in contention while he’s in contention and it Grant yeah I get it it’s the party hole right you know what but just so good Greg just gets knocked out standed there Bryson which by the way all of a sudden old Bryson started coming in if you watch it closely and you look at his body Expressions right like what he started getting kind of [ __ ] he was getting into [ __ ] mode kind of rope gate right and he’s like what is he doing what’s he’s like what is he this is ridiculous and he’s like waving him off and Greg stands there and is waving him on as he’s holding the flag stick yeah okay like a jackass he’s like waving him on he’s like no no no hit and then Bryson’s still waving him off and finally Greg walks back to the crowd like slowly yeah and Bryon like all of a sudden realizes oh the cameras are on me so he starts laughing and like doing the thing that he needs to do he should have just hit three wood at him holy sh just sniped one cig what are you doing yeah I might be with you on this as a live uh fan but you know I love like I’m a live lover no I am to whoa can you say that again I’m a live lover you have been anti you have I’m but that’s where everybody thinks I’m anti- live no I’m critical oh but you’ve never come out and said I am a live lover and I think that closet door just opened tonight okay yeah it’s like coming out of the closet when you’re a live fan I’m a live fan I I like live golf too here’s my biggest issue with Greg doing this is that he just played into everything the PGA Tour trolls talk about just like anti to where it’s like oh this league isn’t serious it’s an exhibition League he just played into that entire thing because it’s everything that live golf has fought for that it’s like we’re a serious Golf League we are like these players are so competitive it doesn’t matter that they’re getting paid no matter what there’s these big purses I’ve been one from the beginning of live golf that said that used to fight with Bobby on here and go do you think MLB players even though they’re paid a boatload of money don’t care about winning yeah there’s the few no there’s the Manny machados of the world I mean but there are the Derek jeters that no matter how much you’re getting paid all you want to do is win and I will tell you from working in Major League Baseball and doing VR for some of the teams that some of the hardest working guys were the ones getting the most amount I’m going to I’m going to say this and and I think the people that Garner the most money tend to be the biggest and the best winners isn’t that the whole reason that they captured that kind of money um is because they’re the best at what they do it is they didn’t get there because uh it was handed to them well there’s also something that is a real thing and when you’re in a contract year you tend to play the best yeah I mean that that’s real across Sports for the most part oh here’s a good question Dick Trickle says uh who is the Derek Jeter of the PGA and I think actually the better question for you Dick Trickle is who is the Derek Jeter of live golf oh boy because they’re the ones that are making the big money right they’re the ones that don’t have to actually work at their game if they don’t want to they’ve already made a boatload of guaranteed money I don’t think this works with the PGA side of it I think Derek Jeter of live golf is going to be you got to be so dominant but you also have to be extremely well like and good with the fans who occupies that I’m not going to say Brooks CU I’m know that’s who I was going with I wanted to say that too but he’s not taking interviews I don’t I mean it’s pretty obvious he probably doesn’t give a about anybody yeah but here’s the thing though he doesn’t give a except for competing which that was Derek Jeter Derek Jeter was a media guy when he was playing Derek Jeter was all about just winning yeah so I’m going with I mean I’m going to say we’re on the PJ tour oh tiger for sure was that guy tiger is Derek Jeter so there’s a few guys in sports and I think this is actually a cool topic it is that wasn’t a part of our notes but I will say that if you talk about the most competitive players in sports across different leagues we’ve got and by the way feel free to chime in on this oh I will we’ve got Michael Jordan probably the most competitive player we’ve ever seen across all of sports which is why I love him to no end that’s why we wear as sneakers Anthony Edwards you have some great Jordans on by the way these are the I saw you post multiple Jordans for the podcast we had a thing we went out and spent some cash I’m going to tell you right now your competitiveness is starting to all of a sudden I’m like oh well I figured you know the worst case is we both end up with a cool collection you know wait you come into the new studio okay we we’ve got some stuff going on there right now we’re going to have to get into the custom era pretty soon where we like buy this but we put golf bottom my brother just did that not cheap no you’re about 600 bucks for p kick you can get up to a grand with those Customs yeah for swap for real swaps so Michael Jordan basketball okay Derek cheeter baseball Okay then if we go to let’s say football why do we say Derek cheater though like what about A-Rod like what about other A-Rod yeah you think are are you high you can’t a rod statistically no Derek Jeter was the competitor he was Mr Clutch you can go back to Reggie Jackson and say Mr October yeah because he was clutch when it mattered nobody had the arm that Bo Jackson had sorry just going to say that oh Bo Jackson what a devastating by the way folks little aside if you don’t know who Bo Jackson is you probably shouldn’t listen to this podcast there’s a Japanese player that’s become famous for his uh right field arm and the guy is probably 170 lb Bo Jackson was an avatar standing out there and you watch throws and they’re trying to say this anyways I’m not going to get into it but if you watch a Bo Jackson toss from right field to home plate or third base gun people down I think it’s like the fastest clocked baseball that was never clocked I me he’s throwing like 112 mph anyways a behemoth do you ever watch him break a bat um first of all do you know what took out Bo Jackson no so he had a dislocated hip and it cut off the blood circulation so his hip joint died that’s what did it it is now something that is commonly fixed that killed his career could have been the maybe the best ever he was yeah he was the best athlete we have ever seen in the history of sports just size speed unbelievable all combined yeah um okay so the Pete we’ve got we have some good stuff going on here um so I’m a diard Yankees fan if you can’t tell with the Derek jet reference I I realize I struck a nerve there no no no but A-Rod was a Yankee here’s the thing though and I don’t care that A-Rod did steroids okay he was part of the whole thing like Jeter might have too you know Jeter never look at Jeter Jeter you never know his head didn’t grow and he doesn’t have muscles like everybody else he could have just been taking a little wind straw just for Recovery listen HGH is what you would take in that moment so there’s that now we’ve got uh anti- remembers the Chuck noblock days at second base for the Yankees when he couldn’t throw the ball to first base he was such a good hitter though that they kept them in they just kept working with them and working with them and working with him it was so oh Dave Winfield and by the way who’s the most competitive owner ever in sports George Stein Brunner agree you have to go on and watch on peacock they did a documentary on the ’90s Yankees called tell the people what it’s called I don’t know what it’s called so you it’s on peacock it’s on peacock if you look up Yankees on peacock it’s about the Yankees during that time and uh by the way Dick Trickle throws in Dave Winfield was better drafted in three Sports so there was an entire thing about Dave field and how George steinbrener hated him because he didn’t perform to his contract level and how he duped George steinbrener in his contract and George Steiner never forgave him for that I’m gonna watch this tonight oh it’s so good got and Stein Brer hired this sketchy drug guy was it that dude that Donald to dig up dirt on Dave Winfield his own player so that he could trash him in the media unbelievable stuff can I just stop you for a second though say that the baseball iside there yeah America sport us hopping in there for a second I like that yeah I like that that was good yeah anyways anyways who else would you say so if we got to football you got Tom Brady right terrible if I don’t know anything about football well you got Tom Brady man in the arena yeah I mean if you ever want to watch something that is going to motivate you from a sport standpoint the Last Dance I got my wife into the Last Dance she’s not a sports person she now loves Michael Jordan of course could you not after that y um oh and by the way shoe sales went up uh some something crazy when they dropped that it was like 44% Jordan sales went up so very much along the same lines you watch Tom Brady man in the arena on ESPN plus you realize how big of a competitor and by the way that’s the people that I appreciate so that is that is to me like a brook Kea Bryson man I’m going to tell you right now with this entire thing around live GF Nashville and I’m not done with Greg Norman by any means we’re going to get back to it but this was a huge missed Opportunity by Bryson not to win this week I mean look that’s a tall order though yeah but you still got to go out and beat everybody like you’re not playing against slouches you know what did he how far back was he from winning he uh he lost by quite a bit Terell Hatton won by six over second place and uh BR Bryson finished third terl hatton’s like 5 foot two so that’s he looks like like Keebler needs to give Terell Hatton a sponsorship stat he needs to live in a [ __ ] tree for a couple days and shoot some content bakeing cookies can you even imagine how good that would be if he came run screaming [ __ ] here we go we’ve got [ __ ] yeah exactly [ __ ] I burnt the cookies oh just run into the door of the tree just to deliver my God Jesus that would be great good stuff absolutely great good stuff um Daryl Hatton so yeah Bryson missed an opportunity and here’s the thing the reason why this was a tall order like you said and why it’s such a big missed opportunity is now we go on a Hiatus again we don’t have live golf until the middle of July yeah so so you you fall out of the Limelight and the News cycle which is now down to like 30 seconds for most people 3 days okay I think I said 5 days when I up last week but it’s 3 days three-day news cycle yeah it’s a three-day news cycle and you have to stay relevant what is Bryson going to do right now maybe go record some content on YouTube I me yeah you could take his shirt off and go hit some balls into a net and scream about the ball speed that might help I’ve seen those I’ve seen those those are real those are real video with his long drive buddies I mean you’re going capture a certain audience there’s other guys that are like at some point we’re going to do a segment on this show about hard did I just watch because those guys are they they’re different breed bro I have done so many segment on the long drive guys I know but we’re gonna yeah I’m telling you right now because we used to have them come into the golf simulator every like PGA show we were always worried about the like the screen ripping back in the day oh from them hitting it through oh and and they just would hit it so hard well the personalities and obvious fact that these guys are on copious amounts of testosterone and everything else they remind me of golf’s version if golf had WWF guys like that’s who the long drive tour is yep dude sleeping for two weeks how many people touch that trophy in a week I mean he might be sleeping from Catching some sort of a disease from the trophy at this point you’re right A lot of people touched it a lot of people have been talking about this even like anti- I believe said something about this but the haters of Liv golf are like Bryson doesn’t give a [ __ ] about livol he doesn’t want to talk about it watch him do his interviews after the US Open he’s not even going to mention live golf that’s false yeah do you think he cares though did you see what the interview that he said about how his game was gone and he didn’t feel like like like you said that he wasn’t winning on Liv and his teammates on Liv were the ones that brought him back now again is that a PR guy because obviously somebody’s doing something right with price and and for that to be the followup to kind of cover all bases hey Liv’s happy uh PJ tour hates me but everybody that that follows PJ is pretty much back on my side we’re winning right now I actually agree with you you know what I mean like dude he did and now to come out and say you know my team on live is the only thing that brought me out of the the darkness of hell and made me find my game again and I owe it to them for catching a w at the US Open do you think that’s real though no absolutely not I almost fell over what what is up with this stool I feel like gravity’s against me right now it looks like a good stool it’s a good stool it’s solid very steady no it’s not real I’m not to anybody with a brain no offense to Bryson not to anybody with a brain do you think brys Bryson when his team brought that to him and was like Hey read this when you’re up there and this is really going to hit do you think he sat there and was like wow this is really good or do you think he sat there and was like how in the am I going to pull this off he probably had somebody film it with their iPhone like three or four times and then finally the dude was like okay that that’s good that’s just like that or do you think it was like more like American psycho to where he just looked in the mirror and repeated it to himself could have done that probably shirtless covered in oil I mean Bryson’s an anomally man I don’t yeah like yeah well you know him I we have talked a few times got number you facetimed him I’ve seen it I do have his phone number and I try not to abuse it I send him pictures like I sent him a video last week of me cliping my toenails didn’t like it that’s the kind of stuff I said yeah it’s not good just like yeah you know look at that see how these things grab the ground that’s how you create real power butd yeah I’m going to leave this one to you anyway can you eat before you play no I can’t eat during either no like it may be something but like then you get like oh you might have a bow movement and yeah I just need to get through the round I’ve had this conversation with multiple PGA tour caddies to where like whether or not players want to have food and normally like certain guys like certain things during the round that the caddies actually have to prepare like bananas and peanut butter it’s like what hang on a second and then Bobby was telling me that like some of his guys that he’s caded for because he caded for a lot of guys after Dustin Johnson that they don’t want anything during the round I’m the guy that like I don’t want anything during the round but do you know how much weight these guys lose during a week on playing on the PG tour I mean it’s half a NASCAR you know four five eight PBS yeah I got a question James Han lost 15 pounds last year so uh big win for Terell Hatton wins by six he’s been informed by the way pretty much for the past couple of months this is actually somebody who didn’t really buy into hey I’ve got a bunch of money which it kind of makes sense he’s a kebler elf dude so he’s a cookie Baker yeah he doesn’t give a [ __ ] how much money he has he’s just going out there baking cookies bakes cookies in the summer knocking it in the hole you know come December he’s up at the North Pole making toys is it’s pretty solid he’s got he’s got a nice little year and then you know in his downtime plays golf we’re going to get into the swan style segment but before we do big win for Legion 13 which is John ROM’s team they are still in enigma at this point well actually not the team but John ROM is an enigma because he hasn’t figured out how to turn his talents into wins on live golf his live golf career has not gone that great so far he he makes a lot of top 10 but there’s only from what I’ve players I think you know we said oh it’s a mistake and blah blah blah uh from what I’ve seen the last couple weeks especially the footage of him getting mad about the Drone right oh that was this week but that’s a tell off for me yeah if you’re mad about the Drone then you care what you’re doing yeah you care what’s happening or you’re just getting annoyed or you’re just annoyed and that’s an outlet but to me it seems like this guy definitely uh takes the live tour seriously but Legion 13 wins their third event in their inaugural season which is fantastic for them and that leads us right into the swany style segment where do you believe John ROM should work with getting a shoe deal for golf spikes designed specifically for people with a cleft foot um well that’s a little have you ever seen a cleff foot I think he has had multiple shoe deals at this point yeah but not for a CLE foot well not openly well that’s what I’m saying but he has definitely had custom spikes for that little garac that he’s got down there so in terms of whether or not that should be a publicly like a public thing that other people would Fe I mean don’t you think that that should be a thing I don’t know how many people are like hey man they walk into a golf shop you got the ROM and then they go and they throw that foot out and they’re like I’m looking for the ROM I need something cuz I got this little gangle horn right here get you with my strong toe child dude watch watch out it’s F talk [ __ ] I’ll cut the laces right off this thing with my pinky toe foot so I don’t know it’s they say on Google on the Google that it is a rare thing to have a cut foot so I think you should just cut his foot off just amputate it amputate it and now like you have a whole different genre to play to you could get one of those carbon fiber foots and you don’t even have to deal with this thing getting infected anymore Jesus This Guy’s in bomb just absolutely I mean hitting some major draws boy we get weird when we have a couple cocktails on here don’t we I absolutely love it I hope you guys do too John ROM’s future carbon fiber foot love that for him love that for him maybe he’ll play better on live uh second swany style segment question is what’s the most important article of golf clothing that you wear during a golf round second most important article of Cl the first the the most important um your shirt I agree I thought you were going to go with underwear since you’re a big you know no the first thing like the first thing people see the the statement is the shirt everything else is an accessory what about for performance um the shirt shirt I’m shirt dude like if it’s not comfortable it doesn’t move with me and I feel like it’s sticking to me all day I’m be miserable do you think players are making a mistake with some of the tighter fitting shirts you look at Tiger when he was in his era very loose you look at Scotty sheffler he’s got pretty loose shirt it depends if you grew up that way thisy hting Miss I he’s scaring me at this point uh I don’t know it depends on how you’re built I mean if you’re a fat dude and you’re you feel forced to wear a form-fitting shirt because you think that that looks cool you’re going to have a bad day every day you’re not going to be comfortable out there for a guy that’s built like a horse jockey like most of these dudes tight fitting shirts probably just fine feel like a missile’s going off behind me this guy might be one of the long drive guys he’s carrying it oh that that one was shanked yeah that was that goes back to the Chuck noblock comment there all right so folks now we’ve got the upcoming rocket Mor mortgage classic because and this is one of the things that we can’t talk about live golf now because once again Hiatus not until the middle of July let’s get into the upcoming rocket mortgage classic because your guy your buddy your your caddy buddy previous winner catty’s for Ricky Fowler and Ricky fer if you remember this was his big moment to where he looked up in the sky finally made a putt finally won a golf tournament again in a playoff over Colin morawa and Adam hadwin put your money on big dick RI with that said the rocket mortgage classic is his sponsor so he’s sponsored by rocket mortgage is he still sponsored by rocket um I think he is right I don’t know I don’t know he was when he won it and uh he’s done a lot of commercials for them and everything but this is a great tournament that brings it back to really the Motor City Detroit golf club is the club and this is a great golf club by the way they play the North Course over there so this is a Donald Ross design which remember when we talked about a little Donald Ross with Pinehurst number two yeah this with guys it’s it’s really a great Golf Course was built in 1899 it’s a par 72 at 7370 yards um strategy on this golf course you want to prioritize some accurate t- shots you want to avoid there’s a lot of strategically placed bunkers and water out there butsy and then you got some approach shots that you really got to aim for the center of the greens because guess what Donald with you if you miss the center of the you miss you’re going to have a bad time real bad time and then the greens diabolical not as bad as Pete Dy so big difference Pete Dy you can’t read greens for Pete Dy okay Donald Ross he actually like allows you to read them but they’re challenging they don’t have the Green books anymore right they got rid of that like years ago couple years ago remember those oh absolutely I was privy to see one at the Houston open oh my God I mean you could basically wherever you hit it you knew exactly how it broke all right slightly left like I mean it basically told you exactly what it was doing it took away a lot of the talent a lot of the yeah hey let’s wonderer no absolutely not rocket mortgage confirmed the news that the mortgage Giant and valer have renewed their longtime sponsorship agreement after it was paused recently for a few months in May 16 2024 probably cuz he was playing like [ __ ] but he is trending the right way he was the first round leader last week I sent you a DM of that God damn you really wanted me to post which by the way folks it just it was a little bit too if you’re looking for a guy for the last few events here to throw that cash on don’t throw a lot on him but his odds are going to be great in your favor no Fowler God damn it man God damn itri can’t not Klay odds aren’t that great no but he will play and he will do good things for great wild field analysis field analysis okay so after two signature series events and the US Open over the past three weeks I’m trying to just read off the screen right now this is unbelievable a lot of big names are taking a break this week okay who’s taking a break [ __ ] Patrick Klay Pat wendham Clark W Scotty sheffler Scotty not not AE batia not the praying mantis not Ricky fer no no we got we got some not yeah we got some notables okay so we got Tommy Kim I’m almost positive by the way that this is when thorb Json no this is when two years ago two years ago Tom Kim at the rocket mortgage classic do you know this story why we call him Little Dicky Tom Kim so this all started I I didn’t start the Little Dicky Tom Kim this was actually Bobby Brown who started Little Dicky Tom Kim so they’re in the locker room in the Detroit Golf Club little pee pee Tom Kim has an open shower area yeah to where he can shower with the boys he goes to the attendant and Bobby just happened to be like changing clothes in there and sure enough Tom goes up to the attendant and goes hey do you have any private showers cuz he got that Chopstick so from from then on Bobby Bobby was a big proponent that uh he really felt like Tom Kim would had something to hide oh yeah so we started calling him Little Dicky Tom Kim which doesn’t take away by the way my feelings towards Tom Kim absolutely love the guy peeing on his balls that’s all right maybe he’s got huge balls peeing on him clutchness happens okay so with that said we got Tom Kim cam young Oe batia minu Lee and by the way we did have a comment early on from Dango Durango 155 on YouTube says does minwu Lee win the Rocket mortgage this week and you like that no I’m going to let you answer this uh no no me neither I I don’t think he does I think he’s a great player but yeah he’s he he’s not there right now here’s the thing with minwoo lee minwoo lee is great okay minwoo next year will be his year I’m going to tell you guys what Tom Kim’s going to win this week o and you think he’s GNA come off of I’m not even going I’m not even going into the picks because Tom Kim if I’m not mistaken either played really well here two years ago okay I don’t I I actually didn’t look up the results for last year um outside of obviously Ricky fer Colin morawa and Adam hadwin but this is a golf course that you don’t have to be super long and you got the clutchness of Tom Kim so um my money is on Tom Kim who’s your money on Fowler F now Jesus you’re going back to JJ spawn nap those are my top four I don’t mind some of those I’m going Tom Kim JJ’s going to resurge cam young OA batia those are my top 20s J be in the top five wow I do think this is a golf course by the way that if you don’t play it right year in and year out it is not given that the same guys are going to perform well year in and year out at this golf course and that’s because it is a Donald Ross design and if you know anything about Donald Ross golf courses which I do in the Northeast they are diabolical sometimes and you really got to position yourself in the right places and if you’re not playing really well you’re probably not going to play well there all right okay we’re moving on folks it’s been great guys guys been absolutely great we got to go we’re getting kicked out again we got to [ __ ] go yeah but come check out Stingers I know this will not be the last time that I’m here actually I might come here tomorrow I was going to go this place is awesome well I was going to go hit balls tomorrow and I why come here and get your numbers that’s what I’m saying get your numbers hit balls where it’s air conditioned work on the game uh [ __ ] going outside I’m going to hit off mats anyways there’s nowhere with grass right now good stuff awesome and uh by the way you can listen to the podcast episode of this on every podcast platform that is out there so Apple podcast Spotify iHeart Radio Pandora very good TuneIn Radio if you ask your Alexa to play it it’ll play it it’s on yeah it’s on like Donkey Kong but we just want to say thank you to everybody and thank you to our spons T Swan’s golf the birdie juice hat the polo part of their new we got glizzies on here we got beers great great stuff the whole nine go to swan. utilize promo code po hook golf 25 at checkout get 25% off your entire order at swan. and until next time folks see you everybody [Music] a [Music]

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