Golf Babe

Ep. 87 – Lord of the Swings

Adam Hawk and Ryan Engle discuss the Travelers Championship, online reaction to last week’s episode, Jon Rahm’s meltdown, and some very memorable weekends for the respective hosts.

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hey Ryan how the hell are you good and you I’m great thanks for asking before we start the show today let me put you on the spot and ask you to tell the listener right now why they should be consuming this podcast on because your boy’s bank account has AIDS what does that mean like it’s dying I’m regretting asking you to do this can’t say that on the air I just wanted you to come over over here and tell the people why they should listen on YouTube as opposed to Spotify or apple podcast because we are broke folks if you go listen on YouTube we get paid if you listen on YouTube yeah that doesn’t that say the same thing the channel is monetized so when you listen on YouTube fractions of pennies go into our bank account and we would appreciate it if you used that listening platform as opposed to any other until we get Spotify and apple monetized if you can’t bothered to do that no problem we still want you to listen to the episode but if you can make the switch that would be great is this live yes wow thank you for your help you [Music] bet ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite golf podcast emphasis on golf this is the fellowship and my absolute favorite thing about this show show is knowing that a bunch of Lord of the Rings dorks have probably started a few episodes looking to get their High fantasy fix only to hear the crude musings of two guys who prefer Jr golf carts to JRR tolken boy you could say that again would you really consider this a golf podcast I don’t know it’s definitely not the Fellowship of the Ring podcast which I believe probably confuses a lot of people when they look it up on Spotify or Apple iTunes so to those people I say you want Frodo we’ve got FDO looking for Gandalf we’ve got progolf want us to talk elron we talk eldri I don’t know any of those these jokes are so good and so well researched right down to correctly identifying the genre of high fantasy that it’s a shame no one listening to this iPod broadcast including yourself will get them but that is the motto around here it’s a shame no one gets it everyone knows big sci-fi guy might be the biggest one of my buddies was trying to make the argument a while back that you watch the lord of rings I was like nah I’m not really into that stuff you know he’s like but you like Star Wars and stuff and I was like yeah he’s like it’s the same thing it’s sci-fi I was like no it’s not there’s a difference between sci-fi and fantasy there’s a reason why there’s Fantasy Land in Disneyland and then there’s tomorrow land m so just for those viewers out there I’m not a lord of the swings that was a good joke should have lord of the swings lord of the swings well what are you going to do well there’s that golf pun I was looking for yeah in comparing Lord of the Rings to well maybe on Sunday nights I should come up to Fullerton um in my wife beater and my chonies and my slides because you’re just dripping and sweat because it’s hotter than Hades up there this time of year come over to the old uh garage yep and help you write some of these takes man maybe you need me more than you think maybe hello folks I’m your host Adam Hawk I’m delighted to be joined by the CEO and founder of nation golf Mr Ryan Engel did you just interrupt me to introduce me did I interrupt you to introduce you absolutely not I let you finish your sentence and then I introduce there was some there was some overlap you want to talk overlap yeah there it was right there well that’s okay is it yeah it is it’s exciting The Listener is excited I have a plethora of topics on the table pathra okay okay okay lot to talk about today but I’m unsure if there is a main course so this is more of a shuer board oo than a seven course meal does that make sense there’s a lot to pick at but I don’t know that anything stands out Above the Rest similar to a shery board I want to talk about Scotty sheffler winning The Travelers Championship first only because I am so damn bored by this topic I want to get it over with this is like eating vegetables before dessert to keep the food analogy alive here’s what I have written down in my extremely highlevel professional podcast script that I lean on for every episode and that takes me hours to write you ready for this take yes five words Scotty sheffler blah blah blah all right back to you oh man if this was Tiger Woods you would be in line at the tattoo parlor ready to like me this incredible run you’d have a name for it the media would be going nuts but here we are this is why I’m bored by it not because of Scotty sheffler but because you and I have had this exact same discussion six times this year I know you’ve said that same line to me it’s the feeling of greatness every line that I have written down I’ve said before this is why I don’t want to talk about it anymore if I must allow me to drop the needle on this very broken record Scotty sheffler wins again this time it’s The Travelers championship at TPC River Highland in Cromwell Connecticut at one point in the early stages of the back nine on Sunday there was a 7,000 way tie for the lead at 1900 par which shows you how much of a video game Men’s Pro Golf has turned into but then right around the 13th hole Scotty got tired of playing with his food and proved something that we should all know by now he’s better than everyone else oh yeah and it’s not even close I’m not a stat guy I don’t have the stats in front of me I’m not going to brandle Sham B you to death here and look at my notes with all the prep I did last night I would guess that his proximity to the hole in regulation is probably the best on tour look I didn’t watch a lick of golf I was busier and [ __ ] this weekend had a great weekend with the family you love to hear it that being said saw some replays and it’s just stuff City for that guy it’s stuff City USA party of one it’s going in the turkey and he’s throwing it in the oven it’s just stuffing all the way he is suffocatingly good and I mean that literally he will silently suffocate the rest of the field by his inability to make a mistake just him playing his golf requires everyone around him to play perfect golf and they can’t do it Patrick Klay Tony fow and that Extremely Goofy goofball OA batia were all tied for the lead with Scotty on the back nine and all of them finished four shots back can’t do it can’t do it imagine being tied with a guy on the 13th hole five holes left in front of you and you finish four shots back can’t coach him cannot coach with him can’t play with him cannot play with them can’t do it can’t do it when Scotty poured in three straight birdies on 13 14 and 15 these guys made pars and Bogies because he’s him and they are them and there’s nothing else to say about it in a time of men’s Pro Golf where the equipment has made everyone as close to equal as they have ever been and it’s damn near impossible to find even the smallest Edge and there’s so much parody because of it Scotty Sheffer is somehow in a league of his own and at this point we’re just piling on to things that you’ve already heard Scotty continues to join Elite clubs that only tiger and Jack and Arie and Bobby Jones are in he continues to add money to his season earnings record and his CAD Ted Scott just made more money this past week than anyone in the field who finished 16th or worse and for the Year Ted Scott has made nearly $3 million which is more than 75% of pro golfers who have teed up in 2024 unreal it’s crazy it’s historic it’s boring it’s Scotty sheffler I don’t know about that look Scotty Doesn’t owe me anything he doesn’t have to fist pump or B Bryson to Shambo do a Tiger Woods impression and it’s certainly not his fault that no one around him can challenge him but I don’t have to pretend like this doesn’t put me to sleep because it does and yes I’m fully aware that Tom Kim made a clutch butt on 18 to force a playoff just like I’m totally aware that Tom Kim chunked a 100 yard lob wedge right into the bunker and gagged on the most routine shot ever and if you’re in a playoff and your opponent has two putts to win you chill choked and Tom Kim choked nice kid loved the attitude liked the game he certainly held his own until he didn’t and just to be really clear Scotty Sheffer took a three-wood off the Box during the playoff hole Tom Kim hit driver Tom Kim had 40 less yards on his approach shot and made bogey Scotty’s just dialed it’s stuff City it’s unbelievable I know it’s so boring to see just absolutely pressure pure awesome golf if I was a golf fan I’d be so bored to just see a guy just step up and flush it tight and make putts under pressure and wow yawn Fest okay so if you dabble in the lowest form of wit which is sarcasm you clearly understand Engle is being sarcastic here this is a guy saying he is not bored by this dominant run despite the fact that he didn’t watch any of it and was at the beach yesterday we’re playing pin the tail on the donkey at the same party over and over again here folks and I understand why the Sheep people see this as boring and I’ll say it again what I love about Scotty’s dominance and this run and his continuation of absolute Elite play is that it’s exposing the fans who aren’t true golfers week in and week out it’s lining them up it’s clearing out the garbage it’s a little spring cleaning and you’ll love to see it two more quick notes from the golf Gaff OA batia man that guy is hard to look at and not laugh dude is such a cartoon character the hair the glasses the stupid loud shirts the joggers the kicks the broomstick Putter and the 6’2 120lb frame normally I would never clown a guy for how he looks if he can’t help it but oxay can help it get a haircut put in some contacts wear a solid colored Polo get some pants that touch the top of your shoe lose the broomstick putter Eat A Cheeseburger I bet you he’s really good at the worm yeah you know what I mean when I see that guy I’m like oh dude if you’re at a wedding you know that guy’s okay clear out HW is going to do the worm if hsh’s at a wedding guarantee he’s wearing sneakers with a tux oh yeah yeah yeah no way he put on dress shoes because it’s cool to wear snakers next on ESPN a bunch of guys who never played Sports talking about sports wearing sneakers and a suit yeah I think I wore Converse to prom I’m guilty of it once and then you look back at those photos and you go godamn it give me the mirrored black glossy ryal shoes where were those where was someone in my ear an older influence going no dude right don’t wear sneakers you’re not in a SCA band yeah dude you don’t wear sneakers with a suit anyway OE we’re not here clowning your face just want to make that clear your goofy look is all on you and you can change it remember this guy looks like a good good nerd who made the tour thus we here at Nation call him goof goof and we’d really like to get that nickname off the ground it’s a tremendous nickname I love it there was also a scene on the 18th hole when the final group of Scotty Tom Kim and goof goof made their way to the green six protesters bum rushed the putting surface one of them going through a bunker and two of them throwing white and red smoke bombs before all six were apprehended and arrested by Cromwell police and if you’re waiting for some super obvious Zinger about how if this were in Louisville the cops would have tackled sheffler instead and put him in the silver bracelets you’re listening to the wrong show you’re looking for foreplay or zy golf or PGA memes if hearing the same oneliner 60,000 times is your thing go follow follow a meme account or listen to bar stool because they are great at that nobody will give you the same obvious popsicle stick joke over and over again like those guys I tip my hat to them if I wore a hat indoors a few of the protesters were wearing shirts that said quote no golf on a dead Planet I swear to God those shirts were more tasteful than anything malbon has put Jason day in this year the protesters all posted $1,000 in bail five I heard well it probably totaled five they will return to Cromwell County court in July where they will face criminal mischief and trespassing charges now before I continue I do want to say and this is not the obvious Scotty sheffler joke it is interesting that their charges are far less than his charges yeah considering what they did and what he did a group called Extinction Rebellion is claiming responsibility for the ACT and they issued a statement is that really it Extinction Rebellion wait wait wait that’s it that’s it and they’re serious well wait till you hear Extinction Rebellion wait till you hear the statement my God wait till you hear the stat oh give it to me I can’t this I cannot wait to hear a group called Extinction Rebellion is claiming responsibility for the ACT and they issued a statement that read quote golf more than other events is heavily reliant on good weather golf fans should therefore understand better than most the need for strong immediate climate action end quote that’s where I disagree I think golf’s a little more fun on a professional level to watch when there’s more weather I’d like to see some tougher conditions for these guys okay this statement is so awesome it’s so weird but it’s so awesome the entire point of the protest according to the statement was not a protest against golf or the resources needed to maintain a golf course or the pesticides used on the grass that run off into the oceans or the jet fuel burning up the ozone from all the PJs that these players used to get around or the oil companies that the PGA Tour does multi-million dollar business with none of that this was a climate group saying hey you guys need good weather for this game so we here to draw attention to our movement to hopefully ensure you keep getting that good weather because hey man if the globe keeps warming up you could lose this game of golf it is the weirdest protest ever it was like they thought they were doing golf a favor like make golf 75 degrees again was that their point oh man because I would have bet my life they were coming in to talk about the environmental impact of golf courses on the planet nope they were coming in to say we don’t want to see the planet get so hot that you can’t play golf anymore and because you guys are so reliant on good weather we’re going to protest here as kind of a show of solidarity this is where you have to defer to The Experts I’m sure they traveled there on solar equipment and M and combed their own cotton to sew their own t-shirts and print with sustainable ink I’m sure they created their own dust bombs from corn starch that they harvested themselves so wow I’m a big believer in sticking to your guns and I’m glad that they you know grow their own coffee beans and grind them by hands with their stone grinder and drip them through their river water I’m sure they’re as sustainable as it gets so God forbid we see them in line at Starbucks and shopping at Brandy Melvin or whatever the [ __ ] that place is called what a joke you want to stand on that you’re never going to be able to hide all the hypocrisy of your life those guys probably flew there from somewhere and they’re climate activists what you don’t go on vacation you don’t go on airplanes get the [ __ ] out of here what are you going to take a Greyhound bus you going to walk across the country give me a [ __ ] break okay but everyone in this Walk of Life everyone is a hypocrite that’s why you just got to shut your trap you want to be about to change do something productive getting in front of everyone like that that was so silly I mean so dumb I loved it because one the shirts were hilarious two after hearing the statement I think it’s really funny that they thought they were doing golf fans a favor three I do love the name of the group a lot Extinction rebellion and I do love them sitting back and quote claiming responsibility for the ACT you really wanted to put your name on that you had six people run out onto the golf course only two of them got off smoke bombs and also six were arrested within 45 seconds that was one of the worst protests ever they had numbers six people I’m impressed that they were knowledgeable enough to know to go out on the green on the last doll yeah and did you see how scared the guy was who went in the bunker he like oh God don’t tackle me start to run away you’re like you shouldn’t be a protester they weren’t exactly athletes out there oh yeah one guy was in his 70s another person looked like they had never laced up a pair of sneakers in their life they were taken down very quickly and like I said six of them getting arrested in 45 seconds I’ve been to baseball games where someone will go streaking for two minutes by themselves important to note that the PGA Tour released a statement saying that there was no damage to the green and that the delay was less than 5 minutes long I bring that up because a lot of people wanted to publicly execute these protesters which I thought was funny because these same people who were all bent yesterday are the same people who would tell you how great the Waste Management Open is you know the same Waste Management Open where the fans have caused delays and course damage for years the same fans who stop play for 30 minutes every time they throw beer cups on the 16th green and Swan Dive Into bunkers I am here to tell you right now you cannot like the waste management and have a problem with a 5minute delay yesterday that didn’t cause any damage to the golf course as soon as you tell me that you’re a fan of the Waste Management Open you lose all right on having any issues with any fan Behavior anywhere that’s the deal I don’t make the rules I just enforc them right we begin with Golf Course chaos a wild weekend at the WM Phoenix Open in Scottdale where there was plenty of routy behavior from drunken Spectators to ticket holders who got shut out and tonight many people are questioning if things went too far this year we wanted to compare this year’s numbers to last year as we reached out to Scottsdale Police they have now told us the numbers they say over the week 54 people were arrested 21 people were ejected both of those numbers are more than double last [Music] year’s last week on the podcast I said that Bryson Des Shambo might be trying a bit too hard to get everyone to like him and I said this on the Monday morning right after the US Open and I pointed to his award ceremony speech and his bunker raking and all his playing it up for the cameras I said that I still like the guy and I do think that he’s changed but I just think he needs to chill a bit because he might have overshot his Landing you might not have agreed with the take but if you listen to it it’s hard to argue that it wasn’t nuanced and fair this guy can be likable and he can also be a tryhard at the same time so we posted that clip on our fellowship podcast Instagram page which all of you should go follow and I got slaughtered ooh here are some of the responses quote you sound like a bitter PGA Tour devote trying to bring down Live players comical end quote true fact check true that was a good one I mean he’s right quote nothing is ever good enough with golf media if you can even call this podcast golf media Bryson winning is the best thing to happen to golf in a couple of years no one will forget this historic Victory end quote I love that they called us golf media and then said If you can even call this golf media which you can’t you cannot yeah quote I don’t even like Bryson but that was such a bad take that now you have me in here defending him do better end quote quote he was standing outside signing autographs 11:00 p.m. great Ambassador for the game you guys should get bent end quote quote Bryson is a fan favorite golf is changing get over it end quote and finally quote this take is total [ __ ] end quote you imagine getting that upset about something like that no I canot you know what’s fun about this podcast because my wife all of a sudden is big fan shout out Katy k yeah and she’s like your guys is back and forth and your relationship you want to listen it’s engaging right I think the best part about what we do is we don’t agree on most things and we have this back and forth and we move on to the next thing and the conflict draws people in right little argument but I think what’s great about what we do here is that we say what we say we move on to the next thing and we don’t give a [ __ ] right I’m not mad at you you’re not mad at me no you’ve said some stupid things I’ve said some stupid things we both have these weird Hills that we want to die on you love Tiger Woods I used to love Tiger Woods I’m stupid you’re smart I was wrong you were right you’re the best I’m the worst uh you’re very goodlook I’m not attractive all right as long as you’re willing to admit that there’s this laundry list of back and forth and at the end of it we just keep it moving take a page out of that book guys sure you don’t need to see someone’s take about some silly golf tournament and some guy acting silly about it and then get all [ __ ] upset could you imagine being a grown man just thumbing your [ __ ] keyboard in the comments wherever those guys were they took time out of their day to get all huffy puffy and take it personal and have a personal opinion about us wow yeah you need a [ __ ] therapist dude I absolutely love the response that said quote I don’t even like Bryson but your take was so bad that now I’m here defending him okay go ahead yeah where’s the defense was that your closing argument you’re going to leave it up to the jury now you idiot [ __ ] dumbass the mental gymnastics on that one would make Simone bil blush I literally said word for word that I still like Bryson and I said that in the take the guy came in and said he doesn’t like Bryson but he has to defend him now because my take was so bad huh what dude just admitted he has a much lower opinion of Bryson than me but my opinion is so bad that he has to defend a guy they don’t understand that he doesn’t like they can’t even hear their own [ __ ] that would be like me saying to you I still like Diet Coke but this new formula is a little too much for me and then you come in and say I don’t even like Diet Coke but your take on the new formula is so bad that now I have to defend Diet Coke my brain hurts trying to unpack that you don’t like the guy but you have to defend him to a guy that said he still likes him I also love the guy telling me to get bent that is an incredible dismissal phrase that I need to use more get bent you think it’s the hard seltzers oh interesting you think it’s The Malt Liquor the brain rot of this generation honestly they got some GMO brain going on or something there’s that they also Vape skittled flavored robot penises instead of smoking cigarettes like adults I said to one of my friends once that you used to have to earn it you used to have to earn it meaning when you wanted to try that first sip of alcohol you would have to wait until your old man fell asleep normally at 8:00 p.m. in the top dog chair sneak into the garage fridge cuz that’s where he keeps the suds and you crack open a frosty cold one you take that first sip you get the bitter beer face and you spit it out and you got to keep coming back and taking more and more sips until you learn to like it you have to convince yourself that you like it exactly today’s generation walks into their dad’s fridge and sees trules and white Claws and they take that first Sip and it’s like liquid candy oh black cherry right you’re not stealing cigarettes from your mom and choking to death trying to inhale it you’re grabbing a vape which tastes like runts remember runts yeah did you like the banana runt H so you’ve got Vapes and you’ve got seltzers and everything is engineered for babies with no taste palette yeah and then you put them on their phones you feed them Tik Tock and they’re addicted to hardcore weird Kink porno and then that’s what we get from this generation is a bunch of weird people saying I don’t even like Bryson but now I have to defend him yeah to a guy that said he liked him and the sound is right there in front of them you can go in line at the supermarket right now and just get your groceries and you can just scan the entire building like your Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator looking for Sarah Connor you just scan the whole thing and you just pick them out you’re just like too much porn too many video games not enough playtime outside right same thing in the comments every now and then we get a hater coming in there saying whatever you know you can tell just by the velocity of the verbiage and the structure of it and just the the heightened anxiety that that you feel by reading it you’re like wow this is a troubled person sure I go out around town many places never had anyone come up to me and [ __ ] speak to me that way velocity of verbiage is my new favorite term there’s a velocity to it you’re just like what the [ __ ] dude calm down and the only reason I reset this whole thing my take and the reaction to it besides how great the responses were is because more than a handful of professional golfers and people that work professionally in golf sent me private messages echoing exactly what I said and agreeing with it so I might not be able to convince the average bar stool knob or a live bot but I felt pretty good knowing that the people who actually play the game alongside Bryson co-signed on everything I said about Bryson perhaps trying a little too hard he found a recipe that has clearly worked for him and I think he got a little excited and and I don’t not agree with you I just I can see maybe why what I want to see is more data so I want to see how he continues to act in the moment I’m like was it a little much a little extra yeah but I’m going to give him a pass because it was good for the kids I’m cool with that yeah but like if he keeps acting like freaking crusty the clown I’m going to have a problem yeah okay everyone can have their own opinion I wasn’t telling anyone I was ready you know what I’m mad I want to Let’s argue about this you I hate you you’re like calm down dude now keep in mind I said that the Monday morning after the US Open only about 12 hours had passed this guy Bryson has been around the globe three times bringing that trophy everywhere and making everyone touch it the guy walked out on The Tonight Show and no I will not mention the name of the horrible host who is pissing on everything Johnny Carson built but Bryson comes out on the tonight’s show trophy in hand walks right on over to the roots the house band and makes them all one by one touch the trophy well they’re playing a song I’d rather him do that than the host sing karaoke that’s fine but Bryson they’re The Roots they don’t know you or care about you or that trophy they’re one of the most important and influential groups of all time they’ve played at the White House and met every important person ever they don’t need some stranger forcing them to touch a piece of Hardware they’ve never seen just so you can get that moment on television all that being said sure would have been nice to see Bryson at The Travelers yesterday and not on the CW playing fake golf for nobody between reruns of Smallville and the gore girls speaking of live John ROM golf’s biggest grumpiest cold bag get a load to John ROM going all big Bobby Mack on a drone at yesterday’s live golf event boy was he livid nice when he double crossed a drive right into the drink oh this is headed to it’s the penalty yeah it’s a double cross [ __ ] incredible right on my back swing [ __ ] drones every time allow me to transcribe that and then we will listen again quote every tournament it’sing incredible right in my back swing [ __ ] drones every time end quote Oh this is headed towards the penalty yeah it’s a double cross [ __ ] incredible right on my back swing [ __ ] drones every time that’s like tapping down a spike Mark that wasn’t in your line after you missed a putt right I love being right I know you do I was calling out John ROM years ago being like this guy is the worst mhm I caught on to it I saw it for what it is don’t like him don’t trust him can’t coach him cannot coach with him he’s just slowly as time goes on sprinkling that little bit of his soul across the landscape and everyone’s slowly seeing who this guy really is yep what idiot that guy is John ROM ladies and gentlemen the only guy who can yell at the noise of a drone while standing in front of a sign that literally says golf but [Laughter] louder [ __ ] incredible right on my back swing [ __ ] drones every time I love everything about this clip so much first off John ROM blaming anyone or anything besides himself for hitting a double cross is the most John ROM thing ever guy isn’t just a hotthead he is the very definition of a whiny [ __ ] that’s what he is and that’s what he’s always been so I love the Outburst just reminding everyone that John ROM was never worth rooting for but I also love the Outburst just for reminding everyone that John ROM is still alive remember when this guy left the PGA tour for Liv and he was the world’s number one golfer and everyone thought this was going to be gamechanging for live turns out didn’t make one iota of difference and look if you listen to this podcast Ryan and I both said John ROM going to live doesn’t mean anything and guess what we were right again you have heard from John ROM exactly four times since he left for Liv once when he finished T45 at the Masters this year once when he missed the cut at the PGA Championship once when he pulled out of the US Open and once when he blamed a drone for his God awful t- shot [ __ ] incredible right on my back swing [ __ ] drones every time this guy is on a milk carton he is missing and it takes him yelling at a drone and going viral for complaining about noise at a golf but louder event to get anyone’s attention this might shock the listener but I am kind of with John Rah on this one he should not be hearing a drone in his back swing right on my back swing because there is no point of a drone being there there is no point of any golfers being there either but there’s really no point of a drone being there the entire purpose of a drone is to show camera footage of an event back to an audience here’s the issue folks there is no audience so why are there cameras live golf could fold tomorrow and have chat GPT write Tournament results for the rest of the year completely make them up with AI and I would have no idea if they were real or not because like everyone else in the entire world I have never seen it and I never will see it for all I know it’s fake already so I’m with you rombo get rid of the Drone the other cameras the broadcast crew the journalist let everyone go home no one would notice because no one notices now [ __ ] incredible right on my back swing [ __ ] drones every time I heard they had a good uh EDM dj set after the a tournament though a broad daylight EDM set at a golf tournament boy that just gets people going hand me the Molly and the glow sticks get me a pacifier in my mouth I’m ready to roll balls at a live golf event what a time to be alive love to see it you do love to see it you live to see it this weekend I celebrated my 10year anniversary with my lovely wife has mean we got a hotel for the weekend up in Pasadena the city of roses a place we once called home back in 2016 and 2017 lovely town we chose Pasadena not just because it’s beautiful and there’s a lot to do but because my in-laws live 10 minutes away so we were able to take the kids to the hotel pool both days and then drop them off after so we could go to dinner and drinks and really tie one on like a couple of adults and did you yes we did however boy we’re getting old yeah we’re getting old well you look it thank you yeah I appr she doesn’t you sure do yeah she’s Aging in reverse and I’m Aging in hypers speed I wonder why weird yeah at least you put some La looks in your hair this morning nice little messy gel look did you get that at your Barber Shop what is that Salon you go to super [Laughter] cut okay question for you when you get to a hotel do you unpack your clothes out of the bag and if so do you put them in the dresser drawers my wife does I do not your wife does you do not [ __ ] leave them there who cares in the bag yeah you pull out of the bag unless it’s stuff that needs to be hung so it doesn’t get wrinkled right but if it’s like socks and [ __ ] chonies and board shorts and whatever I’m like leave it I unpack and put into the dresser drawers I have been called a psychopath for this behavior on account of how disgusting hotel rooms are you might walk into a hotel room and be like damn this is nice and clean and that I can tell you what they don’t wipe down those dresser drawers 100% and never have and never will there’s no way to clean 500 rooms in one day with two housekeepers and be wiping down dresser drawers no I don’t know why I do it but I do my wife doesn’t so your wife does and you don’t do you find it psychotic to do that I don’t know I just find it a step that doesn’t need to be stepped well said a step that doesn’t need to be stepped Yeah Boy the velocity of that verbi was incredible I want to recap the weekend very quickly because there are some decent stories in here Friday morning played golf in Long Beach at 8 in the morning the idea was play 18 holes get done by noon back home by 1 up to Pasadena by 2 in the pool by three and did it work out well you know the old saying if you want to make God laugh tell tell them your plans got to the course early go to the range because I hadn’t played since the powwow in mid April my playing partner Jack margaros shows up a few moments later and tells me he locked his keys in his car not an ideal start to the day now my dad and happy birthday dad always raised me under the Credo never leave a man in the field essentially no matter the situation never leave your friends behind and the way that applies here is I’m not going to play 18 holes and then k out of the parking lot while my buddy jack stands around in 100° weather outside his car with his hands in his pockets like see you later I’m on the way to the pool can’t you like while you’re on 16 call Triple A and right when you finish he’s just waiting for you in the lot folks this is why he’s rying Engle this is why he’s rying Engle I’m a Problem Solver dude I would have just for the sport of it I would have beat your schedule and I would have gotten in the pool by 2:30 let me read verbatim from my notes I am a proud card caring member of triaa and I tell my friend Jackie boy on whole 15 I will give them a call and we’ll get someone out here to Jimmy the door so exactly what you had in mind was exactly what I did I’m impressed maybe I am rubbing off on you yeah a little preparedness now I have AAA he doesn’t keep that in mind don’t you have to just show him the card well that’s the whole point but we’ll get there we play the round have a great time I watch my other buddy Kevin and G gaks just career the piss out of the place I call AAA on 15 and they arrive right as we walk off of 18 one problem it’s already 1: p.m. I’m an hour late my family is at home 25 miles away just waiting to leave was the play Slow it was slow Municipal Golf God that place is so slow Long Beach you played Skylinks yeah is there a tea box that you didn’t wait on there were but it was just generally a slow round that place is so God awful slow but it’s a great track uh fun great probably not great but fun okay okay anyway I have to be present for the Jimmy job because it’s AAA policy that the card holder is around at the time of service well you’re a big Jimmy job kind of guy luckily Jack drives an O2 Toyota Corolla these cars were meant to be broken into you rub a stick of butter on the window sill and that thing’s going to open up so the AAA guy Jimm’s the rig in 10 seconds keys are back in Jack’s hands we’re good to go except this is a Tradesman we’re dealing with and Tradesmen love to talk about you guessed it their trade ever call a plumber over to the house to fix something 100 times out of 100 when they’re done they will stand in your bathroom or your kitchen and tell you exactly how they did it in great detail they live for this conversation it’s their way of saying I might fix [ __ ] for a living but you aren’t better than me because you called me and my take here is hey guy I don’t want to know I don’t care to know if I had any interest in fixing this myself I’d have watched YouTube or went to DeVry for college but I didn’t so instead I decided to hand over my money for your service that’s the trade Mr Tradesman I give you money you do a job we part ways I don’t need the play byplay on how you snake the pipe just charge my card get your dirty big steel toes out of my house so naturally the triaa guy told us how he jimmied the rig and how easy it is to get into Toyotas and Hondas and naturally he spun some yarn he really chewed the fat shot the breeze jaw jacked gum flapped horse hockey so I’m finally hauling ass home 90 minutes later than I wanted to and still 30 minutes away you think Mina was surprised you’re right about that she was counting on you being late nevertheless not a great look that golf of all things is holding up the anniversary weekend so I get home and I change like Superman in a phone booth we’re out the door now let it be known I was supposed to take two things on this trip nice dry clean clothes for both dinners and our good buddy Mike Nolan’s golf bag Mike Nolan owner of the world famous Ho’s Market best meat department in Southern California by the way run by his brother Scott Mike Nolan had pulled the trigger and bought the best vintage bag we have ever sold the red Miller High Life bag with the Bernie Driscoll name on it and because Mike’s Market is up near my in-laws I knew I’d be there in the near future so I texted him when he bought it and said hey man instead of us paying a fortune to ship it why don’t I just drop it off sometime soon he agreed because Mike Nolan is the Man true now in my haste which was born out of a slow round and a yapping AAA Tradesman I of course forgot to grab my dinner clothes and Mike’s bag so now I’m in Pasadena with swim trunks and flipflops for an anniversary weekend trip and no golf bag for Mike who bought the thing a month ago oh well at least I’m 2 hours late for everything so now I have to go to Target to find something passable to wear Target that was what was around great cool I found two button-up shirts 20 bucks each nice of course I leave my one pair of sunglasses for the weekend in the fitting room you’re kidding me I kid you not and they were the electric sunglasses that you just gave me a couple of weeks ago you’re [ __ ] kidding me could you be a bigger yard sale you are just a yard sale dinner and drinks in downtown Los Angeles both amazing slightly alarming that my wife and I both fell asleep in the Uber on the way home at 1117 p.m. and hard to deny that you’re getting old when you’re so tired at 11:00 that you fall asleep in a stranger’s car you know sketchy it is to fall asleep in an Uber you could have got zodiac dude I used to start my night at 11: p.m. now I’m falling asleep in Ubers at 11:00 p.m. but that’s where we are folks Saturday entirely different ball game when you’re waking up at your destination is there anything better than the first day where you wake up and you’re already where you need to be when you’re on a trip well yeah it’s definitely more relaxing than traveling don’t you love it uh sure frunch with our Pals Jimmer and Grace more pool time with the kids and then dinner at a Japanese steakhouse with an epic walk around Pasadena afterwards came back home to Fullerton the cat had taken seven different shits on the floor out of spite I watched The Travelers final round back nine falling in and out of sleep in the top dog chair went to Target again yesterday just to be in the air conditioning and then I wrote the podcast in the garage from 9: till midnight and here we are again pars Monday morning San Clemente California doing the podast wow what a relaxing weekend that sounded like for you it was a lot better than I made it sound as a writer Entertainer host producer I extract the stuff stuff that will Engage The Audience I’m not going to tell them about my nice little time at the Japanese Steakhouse looking at my lovely wife where we had champagne and wine and blah blah blah that’s boring you just did well I’m explaining to you why I don’t do that really really do you have a good weekend great weekend won a golf tournament what yeah oh Casey Quinn yeah I won it shout out to our friend Casey Quinn he hosts an annual golf tournament at Lake Forest Park where we have filmed a mustache match video if you want to see Ryan and I play a one Club match at Lake Forest Park where the loser has to shave their mustache on camera that is on YouTube highly recommend checking it out what is the name of this tournament what was the format why did you play who was Casey Quinn and how did it go Casey Quinn is a distinguished Nation stalwart and overall great guy before I get into the weeds with this incredible event that I become a part of at just a R course as you would say I realized something this weekend in playing with him and his buddies for his birthday Casey Quinn and I said it on the ninth T box he has top 10 one of my favorite swings oh absolutely gorgeous swinger of the club took you nine holes to say that I was just watching it I needed to see the body of work he hit a little eight iron off the tea on nine and this guy has a gorgeous swing so shout out to Casey for that so he does this little get together he has fun with it calls Lake Forest golf Center the Lake Forest Country Club he does a master style invite he refers to Lake Forest Center as the Lake Forest Country Club you love to hear that it’s really cool and he he does this like nice formal invite there was eight of us we played as an ome he bought three forom so we had a block in there wouldn’t let us pay just a great dude his babe Katie had goodie bags for us she walked around the course with a backpack full of beer we played eight guys at this pitch and Putt just had a [ __ ] ball I wasn’t trying to win I just showed up with one club and one ball a 54 degree and a golf ball did you putt with the 54 degree yep so you bellied a wedge the entire time yep I had a five foot slider down the hill on nine for bogey because I couldn’t get to it in two I had to lay up drained it one by one beat Casey the birthday boy with one club and then I realized real quick I was like I wasn’t trying to be a [ __ ] but that was kind of [ __ ] is they awarded me the championship sweater Robert Bruce Arnold pommer green cardigan sweater at the bar afterwards it was a great moment my daughter and my wife got to see me accept a prestigious award for the the Casey Quinn birthday golf tournament at the lake forest Championship Golf Links it made me realize and we’ve said this multiple times I just love executive courses I love p putts part three golf it was so fun really like brings you back to the core of why you even like golf in the first place just slapping it around saying hello to the passers by just enjoying it and that place that place is special there’s a number of holes in there where all you see is nature and foilage place is awesome so we went from there straight to picking up my dog from training camp he was there for 10 days we were really excited to pick him up then had to do some training with them for about an hour then we went straight to my wife’s friend’s going away party and then from there we went straight to Hobie surf shop in Dana Point to catch a surf movie and a dinner we didn’t stop moving all day on Saturday and we were pooped sounds like a real relaxing weekend well it was because we had Sunday to look forward to really sat at the beach all day nice and then after that went home boa up what boa boa that’s what the Hawaiian called bathing oh yeah took a boa took a boa and uh went to Korean barbecue with the family after that and fully sent it it was a gout Mission yep and you love to eat it long story longer won a golf tournament this weekend excellent yeah yeah coming off of winning your own Derby at the nation Desert Classic both of which had a bellied wedge putt for the win that’s right two for two two for two on walk-off putts and you stole a very nice sweater from Casey Quinn yeah you know I want to read you something it’s from the latest issue of for mag magazine it’s very short but it touches on what you were just talking about your love of part three Golf and this speaks to it it was in the last issue of four magazine the did you write it no really really this is really short hang on just sit tight absorb the words for a moment here it is titled less can be more part three golf carries a stigma amongst 14 Club die hards as some sort of concession it’s what you play when you can’t find a tea time at a 6700 yard track or you simply cannot find the time period one might view it as a compromise because once we get a taste of pegging it high and setting out to cover 150 acres over half a day nothing less will do this is the mindset of a player who has relegated Par 3 golf to merely a launching pad and not the destination instead of thinking about what Par 3 golf isn’t let’s think about what it is for Less money and far less time spent you get to go flag hunting with every shot regardless of your handicap index Greens in regulation and birdie opportunities fill up the margins of your scorecard and you don’t have to make a deal with the devil to straighten out your driver because you left it and nine other clubs in the trunk of your car I will never get caught dead calling any kind of golf easy but Par 3 golf is certainly easier does that make it any less fun rewarding or challenging of course not no one regardless of skill level has to apologize for having a great time firing wedge after wedge at the wick and no one needs to feel bad for being completely satisfied with a nine-hole walk where you didn’t need a tea or a tea time par three golf doesn’t discount the game it discounts barriers around the game a couple of clubs a couple of bucks and a couple of hours if that is all you need par three golf isn’t a compromise it is simply proof that less can be more I love that written by Adam Hawk Adam Hawk I knew it I knew it little Shameless plug I do love it and that place is is really cool right when we finished I was like oh I wish Katie Kai and Palmer just like came and walked with you walked with me sure it would have been awesome what was funny is on seven you see groups teeing off on the first hole you know and there was this group of dudes in their 20s full bag they look serious had their golf getups on and you’re just like [Music] really before we get out let’s pull back the curtain on the inside joke cuz people have started to hear it the past couple of episodes really where does the really come from who says it when does he say it and why do you say it that way our captain of the Wednesday group the glue to what is Wednesday fellowship at San CL Municipal Golf Course Mr Matt Gillis reigning Man of the Year reigning Man of the Year never has has a foul or negative thing to say about anyone but if you ever bring anything towards him in that regard or that even seems a bit abnormal his response every time through his mustache really it’s the head tilt too like a confused dog really really yeah it’s like you really just said that you really want to say that you really want to go here are you really talking about yourself and then all of a sudden you can you realize you can use it everywhere anytime all the time when my kids are flapping their gums speaking nonsense really really but the person I love using it towards the most yeah is you really [Laughter] really oh man I watch you do silly stuff all day and I just look at you and I go really it’s the best it’s the best I and we we owe it to Matt we owe it to Matt the captain captain Gillis reigning man of the year because it’s so simple it’s so perfect when someone hits you with really it stops you dead in your tracks you’re like did I just [ __ ] up yeah what did I do and it’s one word there’s no swearing there’s no insulting it’s just befuddlement in a deep Tom celic voice with a head tilt it’s very Man of the Year yes really [Laughter] really just for fun I highly encourage you this week when someone does anything that is a little off-putting abnormal stupid ridiculous they say something that confuses you just stop dead look at them tilt your head deep you got to go deep yep and you got to say really really okay very good thank you so much for listening to the fellowship happy anniversary to my wife happy birthday to my dad and we will catch you next Monday really [Music]


  1. I had a Nation golf shirt idea revealed to me in a dream: Hard collar style but with little greens w pin on the collar and pocket. I need it boys

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