2024’S BEST DRIVING IRONS // The Best Driving Irons Ever?

Today in our early best of series, Ian is in the bay to take on the best current driving irons available. Come see which ones tempt Ian to add them to his bag!



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

got a little bit of juice on it this thing yeah from back here this is the best sounding uh driving iron of the day he launch is good 90 ft in the air mhm long all right guys welcome back to the channel three major championships down this year Michael we have one remaining this it feels like a bit of a shame we’re only in mid June go too quick I like it I I’m campaigning for the PJ to back to August I agree 100% definitely that that uh May slot is not working for me you no it’s too early and yeah it feels like The Season’s almost coming to an end um but as we transition into the summer season golfers do start to think about different options courses tend to play a little more firm a little more fast and that takes some of the more lofty clubs the need for some of the more lofty clubs out hands we have some Drive IRS to test today Mikey five of the top ones that we’ve picked out for this coming year trixon pxg torade mhm Wilson Wilson and the moo fly high well done well done we going have to bail you out in that last one uh five of what we think are the best some of them we’ve actually hit before the um the stri one especially is loved uh across you know across all sort types of golfers um the tail made we are including the new p7 Udi y you think have to help me out there think we remember the days um and obviously this guy which I’ve definitely got my eyes on the new Wilson Staff just no eyes on anything this is a test not a fitting for you you just never know it listen you go in a group Daye and sometimes you just strike a romance sometimes you just strike a chemistry you that’s what happens in here you’ll be building a driving eron after this I can sense it never know um so yeah five to test Mikey we are on the third Hole uh the short Par Four here at pineur number two lots of driving irons I have to say nothing I love nothing more than watching the best players Mor just zip out long iron off a te Stingers everything and Nobody Does it Better to this day than Tiger Woods than Tiger Woods I tell you him hitting that third t- shot was was honestly my favorite uh golf of the week just watching him how good he is every day just absolutely strip one off the te watching Matt Fitzpatrick hit little low Hooks and zot Tores flare them to the right and the big cat just stand up there l a p772 iron just right down there why’s the best he is the goat uh okay we’re going to start off what will you tell me start off with Wilson okay good luck okay FR third hole You’ starting with the Wilson we’ll note how these are tagged on the system are one iron two iron three iron four iron and five iron just for tagging purposes um built to your specs modus 120x 18° a loft yeah they’re not all the same we’ve got some with some graphite design we’ve got some with some ventas blue obviously we’ve got some different shafts going on in here but um you we’re looking we’re looking at the heads you know we maybe make a little comment about shafts do you want to be steel do you want to be graphite the length of these are all the same they’re all 18° of Loft so yeah I think it’s a it’s a very fair test but I think it’s worth to talk at steel over graphite do we have any other steel over there just one we’ve got one more zuno there you go all right how’ you like an iron off te not not good no no I’ll skip that one a part three yeah that’s about it okay all right let’s let’s zip a few of these away Channel get in our Tiger Come on would bass him first proper one right but you’re Peak height under 80 fet yeah nearly 230 carry kind of 250 total is what you’re expecting of this 18 degree yeah yeah I’d be happy I’d be happy 240 to 250 with after run yeah when watching the golf on the weekend heard a lot of chatter about like the you know kind of peak height players were hitting some stuff they talk did a piece on Rory the first t- shoty hit was like 38 ft in the air something like that then the next one was 120 ft and then after that it was another like 40 foot or you different t-shots that he said with a driving lar like this is is like 70 to 80 feet what you want yeah I think just by nature of the sense of gravity being higher and further forward right so we get into hybrid territory you know the body comes out to probably here the profile sits down a little bit so projects that um that launch angle that Dynamic launch much much higher whereas here it’s going to project it so much flatter so yeah that’s why you go to this at this time of year you know windy conditions in the winter time where you don’t get the advantage of having the run out to play one of these things you have to work around that but when the the coures firm up a little bit you can then start to play with your trajectory uh it’s more advantageous to manage Peak height than it is even to manage launch angle or spin when it comes to hitting into the wind so you really want to uh make sure you’re hitting it at the right height I just haven’t hit either of those particularly solid yet Mikey but H not bad results out the gates the Wilson sounds good does sounds good feels good a decent strike bad yeah now driving iron let’s say for your game you want something strictly you put a driving iron in the bag for off the tea or would you ever try to hit this into a green I don’t bar five that’s that’s the thing Mikey like I’ve always said this with Loft like I can I can very easily hit it at 110 ft with a club that I can hit at 74 with yeah a little bit higher if if you need to yeah the launch angle that was probably 100ish feet good strike yeah just we built low he but it’s fine it’s it’s the right the right idea the right shape he good start with uh with the Wilson you able to show that you can obviously play it as low and as as high as you want pretty versatile for uh you know a two iron yeah um into the tailor made pudi new this year couple what a couple weeks couple weeks ago it’s coming to the market about that um nicer profile I think on on this guy from their previous models but have you you’ve played this one a couple times now right yeah it’s hard going yeah it’s very flat I mean I had actually when we were at the range um last week and and yeah just it’s says got the low flight in it really low okay this one has some real speed to it going to say that was uh 101 Club I mean you’re kind of around like yeah like 9997 with the Wilson mhm quick right to the gates y this driving AR sounds fast yeah I that might be a silly thing for people to hear and We’ve joked in the past all that sounds fast but you can that kind of metallic sound to it doesn’t it driver face yeah that’s what is Strike yeah yeah that was nice I feel like the one can have a like a freak ball in it it’s got more in it it does ball speeds are are quicker uphead speeds 101 I feel like Club head speeds maybe a mile yeah a bit faster yeah the ball speed with this one really can get up there I think we’ll see a few of these at true in a month’s time Mikey definitely it’s a good feeling Club okay F mauno Fly High um built with a Oban 100 yeah this was has a built with the intent of me playing it right precisely built good quality fly high now you’ve hit the Wilson you’ve hit the tailor maid so far you’re looking down at the maun obviously you’ve kind of pled that in a way anything you like the look of more so far um I like the look of the the Wilson I really did I mean obviously the tail made’s a rocket ship yeah yeah um but I like the look of the Wilson always like the look at this too that’s a really that’s a lot of draw yeah that was a good swing yeah two really good strikes okay fres into a I would call it a fitter’s favorite for us anyways up here uh shrix on utility iron always a good one yeah anything to do with irons sh on do well this is the highest spin one of them all isn’t it yeah 100% I’m bad okay Fraz pxg 0317x last driving iron of the test good looking Yeah clean we’ve had this one kicking around the shop for a little bit I know I’ve had customers hit it that kind of are in that realm of driving iron I like this thing it looks really good yeah TC AV 85x an AV white yeah another this this one I really like the look of it it’s a little bit of a kind of lower profile head fraction longer Heel To Toe I think certainly looks that way I’m not yeah maybe yeah but I think the going a squat height of it would would certainly give you that impression as well that was nice it’s got a little bit of juice on it this thing yeah from back here this is the best sounding uh driving iron of the day fastest Club head speed out of this pxg launch is good 90 F feet in the air mhm long it might be what I’d say so far like feel wise probably does feel the best yeah how’d that feel good really good the carry on this thing’s nuts bit more isn’t it yeah so where we saw like I feel like we saw the um stricks on like mid to lower launch and spun up a little bit this one is faster and it it spins a bit less yeah 104 Club that’s quick you look comfortable with it like you could hit multiple different shots and a little bit more utility around the the course yeah no this has been the most pointing shoot I’ve been with any of them I would say Okay um let’s look over here the uh let’s look at Bal data first mik key pretty close across the board obviously Wilson I think as I was warming up maybe get the thew end of the ball speed average just because you’re maybe warming into a little bit cly by the end of it I kind of had had some more speed going if if we can of see Club head speed yeah it was moving in that direction so it wasn’t that’s as efficient as as the pxg the pxg felt light interesting okay which to be fair you know one of the shafts this one the Wilson had 120 g shaft this had an 85 G shaft made was so yeah different different weights for sure yep so which is fine you know we’re not we’re really judging it by you know which which one went the furthest anyway um I think just their individual launch characteristics are what are what’s very interesting over here in the peak we talked about it being quite kind of flat with Wilson very flat with tail tail made was one degree stronger than the others correct H so it’s 17 degrees on on that one it is a little bit if we again look at sort of dynamic uh Loft it is a degree less which is which is where we’re getting that from um your launching been with that pxg highest launch yeah yeah I just wanted to kind of wanted to behave that way yeah just that’s the way it was and I think that’s that shallower profile Mikey I think you know bringing that CG down a little bit does have quite a wide sole um versus maybe some of the kind of taller CG forward um heads and obviously we’re hitting t- shot so you see your Peak height average is you 94 ft in the air but an iron that you could probably play around with no issues without doubt without a doubt um yeah that that that’s an iron that that could go in the bag and and be a pleasure to hit in all honesty um it really was really was nice but yeah the the standout one is a driving iron like a penetrating one was definitely the P Udi yeah yeah tell made yep coming in the flattest angle descent the lowest Peak height and as quick as any in ball speed so that’s your that’s your flat Runner high ball flight hitters players who play in Scotland Ireland you know anywhere really windy that’s that’s a really really nice one um for somebody who maybe wants a drive now but can of maybe struggles with a bit of Apex pxg yeah placement club for pxg definitely yeah without a doubt and then I think you see stricks on Wilson and Muno somewhat kind of you know obviously laun angle 10 n 108 108 30 round up 36 32 32 height in the mid 80s they’re doing about the same thing absolutely right give her give or take as I say I think the Wilson having the the motors 120 some people will like that an extension of the iron set less of a standalone utility iron but as as far as five go as options those are five really good on yeah yeah they’re probably the definitely the the top five for us that pxg in my opinion from Sandy back here if you want something that launches a bit not as quite low as obviously the tailor made that that pxg is gonna place you around a golf course all day long yeah it was a pleasure to hit um very similar delivery couple of degrees from the inside two to 3 degrees down on it low Dynamic Loft I mean that’s the that’s the delivery you want on a on a a driving iron effectively that’s that’s obviously going to uh lean you and lend itself to these flatter flights come the uh summer months definitely good stuff okay guys uh it’s a bit of a niche market it’s a bit of a you know for a specific player we we definitely wouldn’t be telling everyone to rush out and and play a driving hour and I think if you get a chance to try try it a demo day or a driving iron just to see if it’s something that fits your delivery typically shallower deliveries higher ball flight players will do quite well again Center gravity being a little higher a little further forward will will mean that that launch angle goes a bit flatter and the spins a bit more down so someone that you know maybe can control their Apex totally good stuff all right guys let us know if uh you’re interested in any of these uh driving IRS utility IRS we’d love to hear if this is something that’s you know you’d consider for your own bag I do think it’s a bit Niche but for those of you who have deeper or more questions and and sort of want to dive a little bit deeper into it please leave questions below we’re happy to dive in and help you guys with any more questions with that so stay tuned for more and we’ll see you again soon [Music]


  1. I was really hoping to see you include the latest Titleist U505 utility iron in this test. The Tour Edge Exotics Ti Utility would also have been nice, but I feel that is a bit more of a "niche" product, but probably the best of the bunch for me.

  2. I wish getting fit for a driving iron wasn’t so difficult. I want a new one but even at a CC location they don’t seem to want to do it bc it’s more niche & takes effort. Plus don’t even always have all the demo heads available. Stores only seem to want to sell them off the rack with very limited stock shaft options.

  3. PXG sounds amazing.. it'd be swell if you could shaft them the same using Mikey's superior build skills

  4. Previous gen Staff Model UT still in my bag at 18degrees – automatic from the tee box, hitting it off the deck its pretty tough however

  5. Those TM UDIs are nukes. I've a Sim 3UDI (GD DI) and a Stealth 4UDI (MMT) which are both weapons in the right conditions.

  6. I've tried the DI's so many times, and while they feel incredible when poured, they are so unforgiving compared to a wood. My takeaway has been that these clubs are for the top tier strikers, everybody else just learn to flight your 3w or 5w lower. Just look how much Ian lost on his first strike that wasn't shown with the Wilson compared to a decent one. Hitting it lower isn't worth the -40 yards from a stinker.

  7. Wouldn't mind seeing a video comparing hybrids vs. forgiving driving irons (DHY, iCrossover) vs. high lofted fairway woods – around 4 iron specs. Starting to re-think hybrid with dispersion issues that I'm not seeing with mid iron.

  8. Not a fair fight here Fraz! Some of those shafts are wildly different to compare heads. Plus, where’s the iCrossover!?!?!

  9. What would be a cool test is if it’s a myth to hit driving irons into the wind… or, if a lower flight driver, mini, or 3 wood for windy days perform better

  10. Would have loved to see the ping crossover in this comparison as well. Still, great stuff

  11. Any reason why the titleist u505 was left off? I believe you guys were pretty high on it before. I actually have one, so just curious as to what in your minds didn’t put it up with the 5 tested? Love this content though. You are my source for information when comes to clubs

  12. I need to use my 2 iron more often practice and course.
    The windy season where I’m at is picking up more. But overall when playing my home course. I can’t justify needing to use it to shoot my lowest scores at home But it is very nice to have the option. It’s a security thing I think.

  13. Any benefit to Schefflers bag with 2 utility irons? 3-4 are older srixon utilities.
    Recently swapped my zx7 4i for ZX utility with MMT 105tx and seeing higher launch, more ball speed and better gapping from my 5i.

  14. Is it because you were playing on a hole of a course that this layout for a results table is like that? Go back to the other table! lol This one is much too bland for my tastes tbh. Great test of the driving irons, but personally i'm not a long enough hitting to even consider a driving iron in my bag. Considering since my driver only goes 230yds carry :

  15. Just got fit at my local Club Champion for the Titleist U505. Would love to hear how that stacks up against these – I know it’s a couple years old now, but man that thing is a rocket ship!

  16. Where is the Ping iCrossover? Has been crowned by multiple sites as the best driving iron 2024.

  17. Good vid guys but can’t help but feel these are targeted at a more American market. Over here in Scotland every decent player is playing T200/mizuno225/p790 etc. 90 foot apex just isn’t gonna work in a strong links wind. Would love to see a future vid comparing the ‘players’ driving irons

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