Scotty Scheffler’s 2024 Putter!


Scottie Scheffler’s Tournament run since Arnold Palmer and his new secret putter:
Arnold Palmer Invitational – WIN
RBC Heritage – WIN
The Memorial – WIN
Travelers Championship – WIN

(2 x 2nd Place Finishes / a top 10 / and then 41st in US Open in between)

WHAT A RUN by World #1 Scottie Scheffler BUT did you know he changed into a brand new Spider Putter at the API and the tear up he went on soon followed.




This upload will break down his stats. What improved for him and then I will reveal all the technical details of this brand new Spider Putter.

I demonstrate with the TaylorMade Pix Golf Ball and the Tour Response. All for good reason when it comes to True Path and what you should focus on as a player when it comes to your game.

TaylorMade Golf PIX Golf Ball:

TaylorMade Tour Response Stripe Golf Ball:

Learn more on Clippd and shot quality:


As always #subscribe below and hit me up with any #comment or questions and I’ll get back to you with my thoughts.


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Venue for this video Aviara Golf Club:

The equipment I play:

TaylorMade Flextech Lite Golf Bag:
Milled Grind 4 wedges:
P Series UDI / DHY:
P Series Irons:
Qi10 LS Driver:
Qi10 FW Wood:
TP5X Golf Ball:
Pix Golf Ball:
Seamus Trottie Golf Covers:
Peach Town 24 Putter Cover:

SkyCaddie Pro5X GPS:
Full Swing Kit Launch Monitor:
Tour Aim Alignment:
Goat Hill Park:
Zip Towel: CODE: Trottie15
iRange Sports:
Tour Striker Smart Ball:

Spec Overview:

Qi 10 LS 9* KBS Tour Prototype Cat 5 60g Round Grip
Stealth 2 4 wood bent to 15* – KBS Cat 5 70g RIB Grip
Qi10 5 wood set on 17.5* – KBS Cat 5 80g RIB Grip

P-DHY – 20*
4 iron P-770
P7-MC 5 – PW

Loft and Lie

3 – 21 / 59 / D3
4 – 24 / 59
5 27 / 60
6 31 / 61
7 35 / 62
8 39 / 63
9 43 / 64
PW – 47 / 64
52 – 52 / 63.5
56 – 56 / 63.5
60 – 60 / 63.5

52*,56*,60* MG4 Wedges
Round Grips on 56*/60* RIB on 52* / PW – 4 wood
KBS 610 Wedge Shaft 56*/60*, KBS Tour V 110 in 52*
P-DHY Tour Graphite Hybrid Prototype 95S+ KBS Shaft

Del Monte Armlock Winn Grip 6.5* loft / 70* lie

we’ve all been there we’ve gone into the closet and we’ve picked out an old beauty or we’ve gone to the Pro Shop to look for the secret Source I literally have maybe the most precious source of all because the king sorcerer himself scy Sheffer put this bad boy in play at the Arnold Palmer Bay Hill and do we know the tear up he want from there today it releases by my good friends at tailor made so let’s dive in and check out what what secret sauce actually looks and smells like so this is it Scotty sheffer’s Magic One the secret weapon you now can get your filthy little Ms on this and get it into the rotation of Potters that you might be using look you got to get it dialed in of course you have but how about we talk about what this is first what’s underneath the hood well for starters we got a bit of plastic tape that I jumped the gun and took that off head covers as nice as ever spider written on there and of course I’ll peel this off now to give us the true look of what we have going on here insert first that’s going to be known on tour as the 8020 I reckon I’ve changed 750 million of these for duson Johnson alone this one is going to be a little bit thicker than the ones that were on the original tour so the feel’s going to be a bit richer what does at20 mean well it’s one of those tour phrases that we talk about all the time it’s got got 20% aluminum aluminium for the boys in the UK in it and the rest of it is going to be like a urethane field so the golf ball vid that you heard me all harp on about and we talk about and I’ve got them down here I’ve got a PIX I’ve got a tour response but that cover that urethane that now makes up the insert the Richer field being slightly thicker that gets Scotty Sheffer and of course you guys into a good place so you can feel the con ction with the club you can feel the strike and you can get that distance dialed now we’re going to make this video about the product but you know me I don’t like changes without looking at Stats one of the first things I’ve seen I’m going to bang a little chart up in this video for you coach so you can see it but of course I’ve trapped it with clipped I’ve trapped his performance and I’ve seen how it’s done look at that long range puttting Improvement I don’t need to get into shot quality as to what that is you just look at those numbers and see the Improvement when you give one of the best players in golf and Improvement like that that’s how you get the tear up that’s how you get the sorcerer being the master why did he go there why did he go Mallet some of us would say that Mr Rory maroy got in his ear and said to him listen fella you got to get yourself on some Mallet Potter sorcery because this is going to help you improve we all know it helped Dustin stats I guess this spider Vibe could be a thing keep in mind shot quality of a 100 is male tour a average old poter his average shot quality 3 to 8 ft 98.4 current poter not including US Open is’s actually 102.1 so you’ve got a significant difference there from 3 to 8 ft but then as you look deeper and I’m only going to give you the number now without the US Open 8 to 15 ft 95 with the old 100 with the new you wonder why this guy is winning so much the answer is in this table alone 15 to 35 ft we’re looking at a 101 to a 104.6 and then this is just blown me away 35 ft plus 102 to 110 that’s a joke joke so overall the average from all the difference distances 99.1 keep in mind if you’re 100 then you’re tour average versus without US Open 102.3 you wonder why this guy’s changing because he’s an absolute onion Master Certified magician so you’ve made the decisions you’re going to get your filthy paws on one of these things I love it but look this one unlike Scotty’s comes with a super stroke on it do you know that this super stroke I’ve probably put on if I’ve done 7,000 million of these inserts for Dustin I’ve probably done about 8,000 Million worth of these puppies not just for Dustin but for everyone on the tour this was one of the grips that I would change all the time in the super stroke it wasn’t necessarily what you’re going to get with this the pistol 1.0 they’d come in various sizes people if they’d got the dreaded y word when it comes to potting and they got The Yips going on and they wanted to make sure that the hands were taken out super stroke would be something theyd look at or folks that just wanted to get that nice feel that when you put the grip down in your palms you can truly get the feel that you’re looking for that it locks in down the lifelines and lets you rock from the shoulders it comes certainly the one I’ve got in 34 in I’m sure you can order it in 35 I’ll let you dive into the links down below to check that out but here’s one of the best things about super stroke oh it smells like that sports shop you went into as a kid and in England for me it was cricket bats and tennis rackets but it had that leathery kind of grip you know where I’m going that you just love to get on your hands and feel so there’s the first thing obviously this one comes with the spider decal like I say Scotty’s on the Golf Pride he builds up the wraps and he also has the cord on it if you really want to go there I’m sure it’s a cost custom option or you can go and make that change yourself but we’ve gone down the route of super stro it looks great it’s going to look good in your hands and look good in the golf bag golf shaft wise we’ve stuck with a KBS there’s no taper on here I’ll leave that shaft sticker on because I’ve done enough fannying about with wrappers in this video we don’t need any more of that but you can see it comes as for as I say 34 with a KBs no steps in that that at all so that’s going to be your feel now if I hold the Potter up this way the balance point and this is how you should be looking at Potters yourself I’m going to drop you a little bit of an onion here as to what you should be looking for when it comes to tow hang tow hang is how the toe hangs lower than the heel some Potters will sit face balance some will have full tow hang this one’s got a little bit in there why not more why not less you can change it with the plumers neck this is the plumers neck I guess plumbers need a neck like that in their toolbox to get in under sinks not sure I’m absolutely useless around the house so wouldn’t really know tremendous on a Tor truck shocking around the house or maybe that’s something I’ve just made my wife be aware of cuz she doesn’t play golf so I never have to do any work there on her golf clubs and she doesn’t ask me to any Plumbing which is good but back to the neck here the bend and the Kink if it’s longer a long neck then it’s going to be face balance as it gets shorter you get some tow hang center of gravity location stick with me in a mallet it slides back this spider the Torx we put the weights here underneath the exhaust exhaust it’s not a car trotty what are you talking about These Wings Are there for a reason because they carry the weight out and back so stability wise if you can’t strike the middle which we all know the best players in the world coming to that beautiful kingdom don’t always strike the middle of the Potter so you want some stability for a m strike to ensure that stat I gave you out the gate from clip your long range pots are going to be on the money but dive back into those stats again and you’ll see other distances that Sheffer the magician has improved since the Arnold Palmer to this stage today all from getting the stability getting the Mallet having a grip that he likes and of course some work I’m sure he’s done with Phil Kenyan a buddy of mine back home shout out Phil also to work on his part so he’s put everything in with technique he’s put everything in with the club he’s got it dialed for him it’s got that insert that gives him the field it’s got the weight at the back it doesn’t tow hang as much as your regular aner style Newport style Soo from OS sky that will have a bit more cuz the neck is a different length cuz also we’re changing that CG location I did a video about mallets and Blades just take a look at that kurk kitty armor TP Reserve putter I’m hitting there’s a difference in length from this is called the bucket down to the blade when it comes to huzzle you’re going to get the same when the CG location goes back it changes the tow hang now let’s just dive in a little bit here as to what I like to look for when it comes to tow hang and I’m actually going to use the tour response for this I’ve got a chalk line down on the green but you’re going to see here eyes wise over the golf ball if I’m to go and I’m getting better at this as I get my eyes more over the golf ball but as you drop here and that was from my right eye right eye dominant it hit right on the back and slightly inside of the line so I’m conscious that when I do that and I’ve talked about it before when I hit a pot and I’m slightly inside you’re going to want a little bit of release on the putter release means that that putter will flow freely also if I drag the putter inside a little bit I can then get the stroke releasing down the line so if your ey line is slightly inside the ball or if your dominant eye is slightly inside the ball now you can go for a bit of tow hang quick story from the Troy golf here my man Q he’s been all over the show on blade Potters long necks he’s now gone short slant spider because if there is one person in this world who’s actually listening to what I’m saying here he’s the man so while you’re at it maybe bang a little like bang a little comment in there below if you’ve actually learned something about The Potters that you’re using CU at least I’ve got one of you and it’s the man behind the camera who’s now actually using the right Potter for his game so the next thing on here which obviously Q listen to some of you blade users hopefully listen to it’s important and it’s real estate when it comes to a mallet look at the top of that thing I mean how much how big is it so that’s going to give you plenty of for want of a better word to look down at and align with now is it all junk cuz hopefully we’ll have bleep that out or is it actually useful the true path which is the white part look I’m not just speling off a bunch of BS this is actually what we say to the best players in the world the white part is a contrasting color to the green so that your eye can actually pick up what’s going on again look at Scotty’s stats I don’t need to explain them day in day out this is facts how has he improved because he’s hitting the start lines how is he hitting the start lines I mean just take a look at that with a tour response down you can see the true path you can see it’s wider at the back and it channels into the Leading Edge even I can make a part lining it up like that to be fair I’m putting quite good but still even someone who’s not putting very good can make a part by having something like a tour response and then putting the stripe down yes we’ve got a chalk line down today yes I’ve got the Red Bull tail made teg down to help you with your alignment but the bottom line is to help you guys on the video see it as you get down here that even if you lock in then looking at how that frames the golf ball gives you the confidence that you can roll it end over end down our chalk line towards our Target and this is how I’d ask you to practice with this poter once you’ve got and made the purchase the purchasing in the shop is hit some putts not necessarily to a Target just get a connection with it see if you like it I’m not saying you got to go out and get there for this but I am saying that the sorcerer himself is improving so hit some longer putts but as you then come to train with it then you get yourself in a scenario like this with the chalk line and you will notice as you line up and it’s got that beautiful single line but the contrast between that the gunmal and the true path on top you’re going to start making buckets I mean you can’t not especially if you’re coming from a blade world and I think that that kind of is me letting you in on something here that potters and Designs I think they’re great but it’s rare now that you see a younger generation great player using a blade I think Dylan block and uh good good was the last one that I can recall that I’ve seen using a blade a lot of these younger players now are coming out with mallets CU they haven’t grown up on the blade and the generation you’re seeing on tour of Rory and Scotty and guys like that they grew up through it so seeing them change and understanding their stats and how much they’re improving that’s big if they’re doing that and they’re improving on it then I think that that’s a telling sign for all of us too so the more putts I hit the more I start to wonder which is why I hate doing videos like this should I be using this poter I absolutely cannot stand seeing that when I come on camera end over end in the can now I’ve got my little Del Monty looking at me back there thinking is he going home with that or is he keeping me don’t worry darling we’re going to continue on our tremendous journey together you have been by my side this long we will continue but you can certainly see why the best player in the world had his eyes turned and went to try out this thing it looks great they’ve done a fantastic job you’ve got one shaft of offset which means that your hands can get in line with ahead of the Leading Edge which I wanted that one to miss which for putting when you’ve got your hands ahead and that putt was actually a great example on a serious tone I came up and out of that putt it wanted to start right but the offset kind of helped me release it and keep it online I generally don’t favor a of offset like that but it’s certain that you could try out for your game and see if it benefits you gives you a little bit more time to know where the blade is and the awareness of the blade again left eye right eye dominance that would be in your fitting for a Potter and you would look at that offset there how much do you use how much do you not use what suits you do you hit pots quite often low out the blade you might want to look at the offset do you sometimes back up and come out hit it right I know I do which left to right put like this for me is fantastic but back to the point there’s some key features in here that work for Scotty best player in the world I think there can be some key features in here that work for you all the links to everything is going to be down below you know the way this works by now dive into the description be sure to subscribe be sure to check out this new absolute belter of a spider used by the magician himself Scotty Sheffer it’s all down there they go on sale today if you want one be sure to snag it [Music] [Applause]


  1. I just switched from a Newport 2 Special Select to this putter but with the different neck…..shaved 5 strokes around the putting surface on avg

  2. Started my golf journey with a blade, got a KS1 blade from Costco tried it out for 2 years then switched to a random Nike mallet for a year and saw my putts were better. Then been seeing a lot of spiders on tour and on the YouTube golf scene (Grant in particular recently) decided to get me a Spider HydroBlast 2 weeks ago. I’ve used it for 3 rounds and can already see an improvement in my start lines and in distance control. Feels amazing off the face! Great vid Trottie

  3. You know I've been listening, I've got two putters in my "squad". I have my Newport because I can't get over the feel or the feeling of getting hot with it, and if the green I'm playing is firm (I try to play different courses throughout the year, so a lot of my course conditions change) I really prefer that feel. With the short slant Spider Tour I got, It absolutely helps me if I'm not 100% confident reading greens. I don't like it as much on those stiff greens because I feel like when I'm using the Spider, I am trusting the putter to do more of the work for me, and for some reason, I struggle more with distance control with the mallet on a really stiff green than I do just using my feel and my Newport, but if the green isn't super firm and fast, the Spider is the pick 9 times out of 10 (and the 10th time out of 10 is just because I'm golfing with someone I want to show my fancy Newport off to.)

  4. casually just excluding stats from a bad week of putting at the us open… statistically speaking his best week of putting should also be excluded to balance it out?

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