I Had A HOLE IN ONE At Open Qualifying!

I Had A HOLE IN ONE At Open Qualifying!

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Hi I’m Matt Fryer, welcome to my channel MattFryerGolf. This YouTube channel is to help you play better golf and love the game even more!

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so we are off to fulford for our practice round for open qualifying going to take you along see what’s happening at the golf course today get a little bit of an idea my dad’s going to join me and yeah just get an idea for what what the course has to offer how you need to play it then we’re into tomorrow’s round not got many expectations to be honest with you because I’ve not played a comp in three years but I’m just going to try and enjoy it stay in the moment as much as I can and uh do the best we can [Music] [Music] [Music] so we’ve had 18 holes out here at fulford course itself is incredible it’s Immaculate it’s a very much a driver’s Golf Course you’ve got to be committed and that’s my my thing for tomorrow is just pick my lines off the team and stay committed if I get steer that’s when the trouble’s going to start so I think you know unless I’m super committed I’ll play defensive unless I feel like I’m good to go that’s when we hit it but other than that feeling good swing feels good I’ve got no expectations it’s my first comp in three years so who knows we’ll see we’ll see how we go fingers crossed so now it’s Monday the 24th it’s open qualifying day it’s an hour to my tea time 9:44 I’m off at 10: 45 I think it is um practice round went well yesterday I hit it good I’ve got three things that I want to try and Achieve and it’s just basically being committed out there because this golf course if you’re not committed it’ll find you out straight away so pick my shot and just stay committed to that secondly I don’t want to beat myself up that’s one thing I used to do when I played comps if it wasn’t going to plan I’d almost make it worse by being impatient so I just want to just take everything as it comes and then thirdly just want to enjoy the day and not expecting realistically to go out there and win the thing but if I play my best golf I can get through all I want to do is go out do myself proud and see where I sort of Benchmark against everyone and maybe look at what we do moving forwards but it’s time to get a little bit of warming up done it’s time for me to forget about the camera focus on the golf get out there and see how we go hope you enjoy what you’ve got coming and we’ll see you after the round me first of all welcome to F Golf Club hope you a great day and enjoy the course all the very best to you can I also ask you to make sure that You’ got no more than 14 golf clubs in your bag and you’ve got a golf ball that you can easily identify with just to let you know that measuring devices are allowed but you’ve got to take the slope off okay so if you can make sure that you are using a measuring device please take the slope up finally once you’ve completed your round I ask you to go into the recorder slot to and your cards in SC okay all the r best to you hope you have a great afternoon thank you thank you go M fr [Music] [Music] what going [Music] [Music] [Music] I one [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] one stupid stupid game the car’s on the one [Applause] [Music] w for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah go put the card right then Matt how did you uh how did you find that experience I will summarize it as I’m devastated and elited explain more devastated in not being actually qualified to go through to the second stage as I said like earlier on in the video I didn’t expect much I’ve not played a comp I found out it was two years ago pamor open qualifying two years ago so I’ve not played one we did play the old course proam but that was more of a a bit of a laugh with the lads and we were doing some filming and I wasn’t sort of taking part properly in the competition so the last time I had like an 18-hole stroke play and card in my hand with was um two years ago and had no expectations but went for a practice round as we’ve seen was driving it great felt good get to the actual day of comp I didn’t I didn’t sort of feel super nervous up until the first te and then it was the an ouncer saying my name and it was like oh right and maybe I thought oh no I can sort of like fake it till you make it all the way through and yeah probably the worst start I could have had every golfer knows that feeling on the first te whether it’s the monthly medal at the club or getting into a PGA comp don’t they I think it’s a very difficult position to be in you feel like every eye is on you and uh like you say when there’s the extra extra of the guy calling your name out and all sudden everything looks at you yeah that’s where it started and I drove it so well the day before like the best had ever ever drove it and hit a terrible like pull smother off the first te lost ball straight away before like said all hit provisional knowing it’s gone um make seven and I’m like and and and my mind straight away has just gone to like I’m putting myself out there in front of people you know everyone’s going to be looking for the score because you know we’re in the same sort of like oh what’s Rick doing what’s Pete doing what’s Matt what’s Carter doing so I was like oh like you did put that on yourself when you Ching people two weeks ago yeah yeah um so yeah devastated in that and you know after about eight holes nine holes I was like I might walk in it you know like quick NR back I was like oh my like and I have been struggling with my back and I was like no come on let’s let’s knuckle down for this next nine let’s let’s show show yourself more than anything what you’re capable of so that was the devastated bit the elated bit obviously had a hole in um unbelievable second one on camera as well it’s not going to be the best camera shot you will have seen it by now in this video um we can’t obviously get right in amongst us it’s not fair to my playing partners and every other competitor in the field to have Joe and the team walking around with cameras getting up in the face so yeah not the best angle that we’ve seen for it but you know to to do that and have that you know on the CV that I got a hole in one in open qualifying I’m hoping the RNA will send me the flag I know that they did something for Rick so you know give me a shout I’ll I’ll take the flag so we can put it nicely up on the wall here in the podcast Studio but yeah overall I think looking at how I prepped for it how I felt throughout the day it just showed that I wasn’t ready for competition and what I think it highlighted to me most was that I want to do something with my golf moving forward I’ve not had a goal with it for a long time we play rounds you know matches against people on YouTube and the fun they have a meaning to them it’s more about the video but I want to sort of have that that drive that passion that um goal to aim for with my goal so I think you know we’ve got one year till it goes again do we do it I think you’ve got to I think what we what we lose when we turn PGA Pro is the uh idea of having a handicap and a challenge all of a sudden the handicap disappears and you’ve probably been the same as quite a few people where you don’t have that that goal to aim for your goal is to make some good videos yeah um but yeah I think it’s about time as long as you enjoyed it I mean if you enjoyed yesterday and maybe not the score but enjoy the experience then yeah why not aim to uh aim to go for golf a little bit more in the next year yeah well we will be releasing something soon where we will be laying out what it is we’re doing moving forwards and if you haven’t as well if you want a bit more of a deep dive on The Full Experience make sure you head over to the podcast Channel and uh check out the podcast we’ve done on my round and everyone else is open qualifying as well we’ll see you soon in another video open qualifying it was fun do we go again we’ll see


  1. I enjoyed being at the Q in Barassie caddying for a friend… the atmosphere is tense, lot's of people scored poorly because of that

  2. You have to do it again next year don’t bottle it I think only Carter out of the Utubers has got to final stage qualifying and it’ll be a fantastic achievement if you can do son qualified a few years back and played the final qualifying at Kilmarnock brassie and had a top class field including 2 times masters winner Jose Maria Olazabal…keep it up 👏

  3. Well done but can’t believe none of your playing partners celebrated with you on the tee? They all just wondered off. Nice touch with the ball and young fan – class

  4. The only way you’ll get good at playing under pressure is practice. Jack Nicklaus once said that he never hit a shot his entire career, even in practice unless there was pressure on it.

    There’s a world of difference between creating content for YouTube that you can edit and trying to score under pressure in a pro event.

  5. Well that goes to show I couldn’t make a hole one at my cousins golf tournament to win a ford bronco for god sake but you can make a hole in one in a golf tournament well done 👍🏾

  6. Matt, you gave it a go and, stayed true. Go for it lots of us behind you buddy – and a HIO….legend

  7. If your heart wouldn't have stopped beating your first shot would have been much better. 🤦‍♂🤣 Congrats on the ace!

  8. The round might not have been what you wanted but no-one can EVER take that hole in one away from you, fantastic!

  9. I was a spectator at fulford Monday, really enjoyed the experience and I could sense the difficulty of the course for some exceptional players.
    I’ve got great respect for everyone who gave it a shot, especially you guys who film it and leave yourselves open to the keyboard warriors. Do it again and visit the qualifying courses regularly so you know them like the back of your hand. Well done

  10. Fantastic try Matt, looked like some great golf at times. You'll smash it next time

  11. That can't be the UK. The weather looks great 🙂 – You should definitely keep it on the calendar.

  12. Showed class throughout Matt. A real professional. Thanks for keeping me interested in golf now I can nolonger play regulary.

  13. I live in Fulford and have played the course quite a lot. It is a lovely course, but can be very punishing at times. Great round of golf Matt, you may be gutted with the result, but you have become so much more consistent recently and that first shot showed the first tee pressure got to you (and that probably affected the mindset for the first few holes). Gutted, as I was going to come down and watch a few holes, but didn't know if it was allowed, missed out on witnessing the ace!

  14. Great effort and good that you persevered with an under par back 9, nice rapport with the crowd.

  15. Matt, even though I knew what happens on 3, I was truly excited for you.
    All of you put a massive target on your backs when entering these competitions, and I can only doft my cap to you all. Keep your head up, mate❤❤

  16. Great effort buddy, and what a moment. On camera too. Just make sure you mention it once or 100 times when you meet up with Finchy! Plenty of comp golf and you’re good to go next year. 🍻🍻🍻

  17. Well after a hole in one suspect the adrenaline was flowing, so controlling your golf post that must have been difficult, not the round you hoped for, but what a Brucie bonus

  18. Matt stop being so down on yourself you put yourself foward to do it and did your best. Just remember if you hadn’t entered you wouldn’t of got that hole in 1

  19. I swear some golfers are just chosen by the higher powers of golf to make a bunch of hole-in-ones. And ability isn't a major factor. For example: Bryson DeChambeau has made 1 ace. Matthew Fryer has lost count he's made so many. Lol. Great shot, Matt!🙌💯

  20. Groan. You had no expectations because this was your first competition in 3 years. But surely once you've made the decision to go for The Open qualifying, then you make a commitment to practice and put the work in. Had you done so, I would have expected you to have made final qualifying at the least. Opportunity missed. Great hole in one, though, so well done.

  21. So happy you got the hole in one on video! What a cool experience! Congrats on getting out there and giving it your best. As you said, one round is not respective of the golf you're capable of. Me personally, sub-80 in a competition THAT big, with those stakes and that much pressure – definitely something to be proud of! Great work, can't wait to see what's next for the channel & your game!

  22. Amazing effort. And after that start you are not a million miles off. Go for it.

  23. Hole in one aside, you had really good puts in there as well which shows you that its the mental part that's tough because when you feel that pressure, the driver and irons take the biggest hit in confidence.

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