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Tom Kim VS Scottie Scheffler playoff!

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what was interesting though so last night we’re going to talk about this anyway was there was the PJ tour was on and also Liv was on correct I watched as much golf as could possibly watched last night from the best just trying to just trying to work out how did they do it under pressure um because again I know I can hit great shots if no one’s watching there’s no pressure but for those guys to to do it under that much pressure uh it just baffles me I mean PJ tour Scott Sheffer won his sixth Tournament of the year is so good I mean that is scary scary good you know on that sometimes I think to myself if someone asks me doesn’t really play golf why is Scotty Sheffer so good how is he so good what what does he do that’s so special my simple answer would be when you watch him play golf like list it’s a serious tournament it’s competitive and his pressure he just hits the right golf shot he delivers don’t it every time he just perfect he’s on the fway hits it close I a holes up put or leaves at tapping distance away anything he needs to do he does it and even on 18 in the playoff he didn’t the best approach shot but then when you saw what Tom Kim did and he got chunked it it makes you think well even under pressure scottty sh’s bad shot it’s just a slight green green side Miss with a putter whereas Tom Kim was plugged in a bunker that’s just different isn’t it his his bad shots are much much better than most people’s good shots well yeah and his phenomenal shots are just out of this world he is so good six I mean just six wins obviously went to a playoff uh Tom Kimu I believe they’re really good friends off the golf course as well uh he’s showing some great promise I really fell in love with him after the Netflix show me too because I think he’s such a great breath of fresh air 22 years old mad it he’s 22 years old and he just seems like he’s got the full game he’s always playing golf with a smile um is he hold that great put on the 7c hole to get into the playoff after nearly hold holding his approach shot it was funny isn’t it cuz amateur goers a lot of us want Back Spin that’s like the cool thing I Got Back Spin his the back spin on that shot nearly cost him I me normal’s got in the hole it went like a away if that in closer in fact and then it spun back to like 8 to 10 foot and was I right in saying was that when the oil protest kicked in so he hit the green as they were as they got on the green they were about to like they weren’t quite about to put but they were kind of getting ready looking at the lines and then these guys and girls they were ran on and had the kind of like almost like borderline fls SL choke um the police handled it well from what I could see the kind of quite a bit rby tackling going on well I suppose you the end of the day you never know exactly I mean it was pretty evident early on that they were protesters and it was something to do with obviously climate change but you never know what they could have on them and they have to do that I guess but um but then to what I’m saying is that you have that delay and you stood over that put for so long was insane it was insane and then obviously they recut the hole for the playoff hole to move it away from all the the garbage um and then I think what I think he I think Tom Kim had 100 so Tom Kim went first hit yeah he went driver I think and then Scott hit three-wood Scott sheff put put onto the side the green wasn’t Brant but it was fine and then he had 111 yards and this really pumped up lob wedge and don’t me wrong I’m not trying to tell Tom came out to play golf obviously but it did seem like it was a big ass it’s quite a long way to hit a l at 110 yards and also it’s going to spin like crazy so realistically he’s probably got to carry 120 yards exactly and then he ended up kind of it did a bit fat in the front trap but it’s what how you look at it CU I would never dream if any he bottled it because on 18 the original the proper 18 he hit that such a good wedge shot and then hold the pot that he almost did enough not quite enough he will I think he’s won twice already I think on tour he’s going to win a lot more events it was interesting actually cuz I was kind of stay in this bar last night getting myself prepared cleaning my golf clubs in the sink kind of had the had my laptop on watching a bit of sport and actually just because I didn’t have on my laptop my sky account I just didn’t have it I ended up going on YouTube and watching live yeah and it and it was a funny week this week if it was only after I went on Instagram after and saw the highlights and stuff I didn’t massively know much news about the PJ event this week I’ve I’ve actually deleted off my just off my phone currently all my social media and stuff just to try and block out any negative thoughts or messages and um and it was quite easy to almost miss that there was a a PJ Tour event on I watched the highlights this morning and that’s why I know kind of obviously how Scotty got on but I actually ended up tuning into quite a lot of Liv trell Hatton absolutely dominated it won by six in the end you see you might not seen it you not there’s a viral clip of them saying about how he”s been a lot calmer this week yes I’ve I was I was watching it live he was literally had a put and and I think it was David Ferris he was like youve been a lot Karma this week which to be honest the clips I had seen he hadn’t been all all tournament really yeah and then he hit this put short and he just absolutely Unleashed on the F bombs and this and that and I’ve said it before I I don’t particularly like it there young fans watching I think they need to be careful I understand players swear and they get emotional and they’re adults but I just think when you’ve potentially got a young audience watching I’m just I would hate to see a 12-year-old at the golf club this weekend miss a p and start effing and jeffin do you know what I mean and I’d love to see that joking no I know but but he ended up winning um like dominating win again I was watching him come down the stretch and he had such a he didn’t miss a shot he literally every shot he hit he just nailed it nailed it nailed it he actually played pretty well in the US Open from memory he then goes on and wins this live event in Nashville which actually the most attended live event yet how many was did it say I think it was 40 or the most attended live event in the US right I say get a is still beating that record at the moment and there was this weird rain delay for about half an hour on the final round when this literally Monsoon came in and they’re all looking like they had W wet t-shirt competitions which some of them look great some of them didn’t look particularly great in the wet T-shirts bless them I would to look great and then um he he just dominated the last few holes and then Legion 13 ended up winning the team um it was the first time again not that I’m a supporter of any team but it’s first time like you start looking at the leaderboard and that final day when everyone’s score count like the leaderboard really does switch around certainly like Majestics haven’t had a great season they trying to get on the podium finish all this horfield finish at the second oh did he yeah he’s only only had 10th in his best position before I think he probably would be yeah so he had he had a second place solo second uh 12 under that would have cost yeah that would have been uh 12 or I think yeah won by seven in the end um which is mad in three rounds of golf like to win by seven after three rounds of golf that’s quite a dominating win yeah Sam hfield came second I think John ran was third Bryson was up there uh Westwood had a great round yeah nine under um so yeah it was really it was really quite interesting

1 Comment

  1. Watched it live and called the bunker/Bogey for Kim before they said what he was hitting. When they said he was hitting L wedge, that sealed it.
    Should have hit a sand wedge because you simply can't leave it short. Live and learn, 22 years old, a tough lesson.

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