We test EVERY golf ball in Titleist’s range!

In this video we test Titleist’s 2024 golf ball range, hitting driver, iron and wedge shots with the AVX, Tour Soft, TruFeel, Velocity and ProV1 to help you decide which is best fo

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Thanks for watching this review of the Titleist 2024 Golf Balls range.

so in 2024 we have seen a lot of golf balls being released and we’ve reviewed a lot of them here on the golf lot Channel however today we’ve got a different kind of ball testing so I’m here at hooks where we do all of our indoor testing I’m going to go in there and try out loads of different titless golf balls and get loads of data to talk through with you guys to try and see which might be the right golf ball for you I’m going to head in there for an hour or so get all the data and then we’ll head back to golf a lot HQ to talk it all through with you guys this place is great if you want to go hit some balls work on your golf they’ve got four sight simulators and crazy golf upstairs so it’s really the perfect place for golfers to [Music] go all right guys so we’re finished up now in hooks we’re back and we’re going to do a deep dive into the data for each of these golf balls but before we do if you’ve watched our previous videos you know exactly what I’m going to say in the last 28 days we know that 92.8% of viewers who are watching our videos are not subscribed to our Channel it doesn’t cost you anything it’s just one click and it helps support our Channel massively so if you’re in that 92.8% who are not subscribed please make sure you click that subscribe button so in this video I’m going to rank these golf ball models by the longest the lowest flight the one to avoid and the the best value for money so make sure you stick around to the end of the video to hear my verdict on these golf balls so each of these are new for 20124 we’ve got the tight list AVX the T soft velocity and true feel now each of those four models have very different characteristics and performance points and each one varies in price with the most expensive one being the AVX and the least expensive being the true field so in terms of how we actually did the testing this was fully done indoors because we wanted to look at the data and get really granular into seeing how each of these balls could perform so we tested these out using driver 7 iron and a 50 yard pit shot now the reason we did that is because that is exactly what you would do if you went to a titless ball fitting so we were just trying to replicate that in the type of data that they would be seeing to fit you into one of these golf B models now you might be a little bit surprised to see that the proview one isn’t featured here in the lineup however we did include the Prov one in testing we were using that as more of a benchmark and something that we could compare each of the ball models to throughout this testing process so in case you guys aren’t familiar with each of the models in here I’m just going to do a quick run through of each one and who tight lists are saying this B might suit so starting off with the AVX the AVX is the most expensive ball in this lineup coming in with an RRP of 42 per dozen compared to the provie one at £50 now what you would expect to see with the AVX this ball is designed to have a lower ball flight that gets you a little bit more distance and more green side Spin and control in terms of any visual differences if we take the AVX out the packet here something that you can see straight away is that the dimple pattern is quite different to the prov1 ball this pattern is meant to ensure that the AVX has a lower more piercing ball flight we’ve got a slightly more bold logo with the AVX because you’ve got the line above and below it which essentially just acts as a putting aid for those people who like to see more of a line on their golf ball in the first place onto the second ball in the lineup we’ve now got the T soft now as you might expect by the name tight Lister claiming this is going to be an incredibly soft feeling golf ball you’re still going to see long distances off the tea but lots of control around the greens okay going on to any visual differences then with the golf ball straight away we can see that the dimple pattern is closer to what we’re seeing on the provie one especially compared to the AVX it’s very different to that however one key difference that we’re seeing straight away here is the logo is printed it just looks a lot cheaper if in the T soft compared to the Prov one now it does come in a lot cheaper with an RRP of £34 compared to 50 so that’s where we’re seeing one of the drop off in price come in we have also got another pting alignment here like we did with the AVX but this design is a little bit different it’s kind of like a little te it’s not necessarily my favorite design if I was looking for a putting aid I would just want a straight line so I’m not too convinced on this particularly but for you as a golfer you might like this as your putting aid up next is the velocity now tight list are saying this is for golfers wanting Full Throttle distance so you’re getting a very low long game Spin with maximum distance but also still a high ball flight from these balls now what’s interesting about these they’re trying to make it that more kind of like fun interesting golf ball so there’s some interesting colors that you can get with this you can get white you can get matte orange and green as well so a little bit different to what we would normally see available for golf ball colors in terms of the overall looks of the ball it is very white compared to the prob B1 again we’ve got that kind of like cheaper looking print on the lurer which I’m not a massive fan of but coming in with an RP of £ 28 for 12 golf balls there will be some areas where we’ll compromizing a little bit for that drop off in price and the logo print is just one of those however we have got another different putting aid alignment over the logo this one is a little bit simpler and a little bit more subtle than the previous two so I would actually say that is probably my favorite logo design in terms of this little putting alignment thing going on here and finally we’ve got the true feel this has a very soft core very soft cover and just an overall very soft feel is the softest ball in this lineer we take a little look at it we’ve got another different putting aid alignment on the ball here now what is really interesting about the true feel is that you can get this in white yellow and matte red which is definitely an interesting choice for a golf ball and not one that I think you typically see out on the Golf Course once again we’ve got that slightly cheaper print for the lurer but this is the cheapest ball in the range here coming in at 26 per dozen so again we’re going to expect that slightly cheaper finish to it so let’s take a look into the data and see how each of these models performed starting off with driver and looking at the ball speed there was a lot of consistency in the ball speeds there wasn’t too much of a difference the only thing that I did notice there was that the true feel was slightly slower which would maybe expect from being such a soft feeling golf ball going on to the spin the velocity was the lowest spinning ball which we would expect given how hard that ball is and then we also had the AVX coming in second there also just being a little bit lower than the other two models here in terms of distances now the longest distance that I was seeing was with the velocity interestingly enough the total distance that I was seeing with the velocity golf ball was almost 10 yards further than I was getting with the tors soft so a big difference there coming in from how hard the ball is and the amount of spin that we were seeing there so straight away what we’re seeing is if you’re looking purely for extra distance especially with your driver the velocity golf ball could be a great one for you to test out now the only other thing that I noticed in the data that is a little bit strange is looking at the maximum height now the true field ball got me the most height which isn’t actually what titlist are claiming this GL ball is going to do however given how soft that ball is that was kind of what I was expecting to see with that higher ball flight so that just kind of shows you the importance of always testing these out yourself to see exactly what type of performance you are going to get from that golf ball going on to the 7on now I did see a little bit of a difference with the ball speeds in that the AVX just went that little bit faster and that also meant that the AVX was getting the most carry and the most distance however this was closely followed by both the velocity and true field models all being within a few yards of each other now another one of the reasons that we were maybe seeing some of the extra distance there was that the spin rates were different with those three models compared to what I was getting with the Toft and the provie one ball so with the prov1 and the Toft I was seeing Around 4,600 Back Spin however each of the other three models were coming in at a spin rate below 4,000 meaning that you are getting a little bit extra distance if that’s what you’re looking for but you might just be compromising a little bit on that stopping power around the greens and being able to spin the ball on your approach shots so something just point out from that mid iron testing I was really impressed with the performance of the true feeli specifically in terms of distance now with it being such a soft ball and being the least expensive out of the lineup here I honestly wasn’t expecting it to be able to get those same distances that we’re seeing with the rest of them so to have that up there in the mix in terms of distance I think is really impressive and I think that a lot of people might just discount that golf ball because it is the least expensive but clearly we’re seeing that it does perform well when lined up against the other models here so finally then coming on to those short 50 yard pit shots now what we were really looking at here was the spin rates that we were getting the types of control that we might see around the greens so to give a little bit of context I was recently fitted for the new vogi sm10 wedges and with some of those shorter chip SL pitch shots I was seeing an average spin rate of 3,500 now today in the testing I was just using my normal pitching wedge and what we found was that the prie one ball was coming out with an average spin of around 4,000 now none of the golf balls in this set were able to get as much spin with those pitching wed shots as the provie one was getting so going through the set the spin rates I was seeing were 3,700 for the AVX 3,500 for the Toft and 3,400 with the velocity which is kind of what I would expect to see going down here and then we did have a little bit of a jump backup with the true feel coming in at an average spin rate of 3,6 50 so a little bit higher but again none of them reaching the amount of spin I was seeing with the Prov one and then what we also saw from the spin rates were that the AVX and the true field were the most consistent in terms of the spin whereas the velocity by far was the least consistent which to be honest is what you would expect to see with that golf ball being so hard it’s going to be a lot harder to control the spin around the greens all right so coming on to a bit of a verdict with these golf balls we’re going to start off by deciding which one from the data is the longest golf ball if the only thing that you are interested in is seeing some extra distance in your game then the outright winner for this is the velocity golf ball the velocity went the longest distance for both 7 iron and the driver in terms of carry and total so if all you’re wanting is extra distance the velocity is definitely the winner here however it’s a very hard feeling golf ball there’s quite a loud sound that comes with it and in my opinion it isn’t the best feeling golf ball but if all you want is distance that is definitely the outright winner for that category then the golf ball that saw the lowest flight we are going to say is the AVX now I will just caveat this by saying that the velocity golf ball did have a lower spin rate than the AVX however the peak height that we were getting with the AVX was lower and those spin rates were very very close to each other in the first place so if you’re the type of golfer that feels as though they sometimes lose control of the ball and have it sending up into the sky you might want to try out the VX ball just to help give you a little bit more control of your ball flight then from the data and my own testing there was one golf ball that I would say for my game I would definitely avoid and that golf ball surprisingly is the T soft for me this performed the lowest in the categories that it was claiming to be the highest performing golf ball tit list claiming the Toft is going to give you longer distance off the tea increased spin into the greens and an incredibly soft feel however when we look at the data we can see that in each of those categories the true Feld golf ball actually outperformed the T soft so it’s not necessarily that the T soft is a bad ball or it performed really badly in each category it’s just that the true feel was performing that little bit better and of course comes in with a much lower RRP so if you’re looking for a golf ball that is very soft is going to give you longer distances and a good amount of control into the green I’d actually say for you to try out the true feel instead of the Toft despite what titlist re claiming this golf ball can do and that nicely leads me on to the best value for money which we are going to say is the true fi golf ball now this is not just because it is the cheapest golf ball in the lineup so the reason that we’re putting the true f as the best value for money is because if we look at each of the performance categories although the true feeli isn’t necessarily coming out in the top position it’s only ever just that little bit behind the golf ball that is so for example in terms of distance the truth F wasn’t going the shortest ball at all it was only a few yards behind our longest golf ball the velocity the true feeli had more spin than both the velocity and the tors soft and was pretty much the same as the AVX also being very consistent in terms of the amount of spin that I was getting with it the only real downsides that I could see with the true feel were that it is a very very soft feeling golf ball which might not be the exact fit for your game and of course we have got that little difference in terms of the looks with the logo being printed Ed looking that little bit more cheap compared to the AVX and the prov1 ball all right guys that has been my video on the new Titus golf balls for 2024 definitely seen there that going for the most expensive golf ball isn’t necessarily the best option because each of these golf balls perform so differently in each of the different categories so it really depends on what you are looking for as a golfer I hope you guys have enjoyed this video if you have please make sure to drop a like and if you want to check out more on my thoughts about each of these golf balls you can find my written reviews over on the Golf aot website thank you guys for watching And subscribe for more [Music]


  1. The average 11+ handicapper should just buy used balls if you lose even 1 balls per round

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