2024 Syracuse Open | R2 B9 | Moynihan, Cochran, Chace, Sisson | HyzerMedia

Thank you for watching Gatekeeper & HyzerMedia’s combined disc golf tournament coverage of the 2024 Syracuse Open Presented by The Pies Guys!

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Card: Danny Moynihan, Andrew Cochran, Harry Chace, Zach Sisson

Course: Clay Park East, (Liverpool, NY)

Commentary: Nathan Johnson, Dan Brooks-Wells

Tournament Director: Stephen Bailey

Assistant Tournament Director: Jeff Gilbert

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Hole Sponsors:
Jersey Discs

Supporting Sponsors:
Elevation Discs

0:00 Intro
1:02 Hole 10
3:31 Hole 11
5:28 Hole 12
9:06 Hole 13
11:11 Hole 14
13 27 Hole 15
16:46 Hole 16
19:22 Hole 17
21:43 Hole 18
25:13 Outro

#discgolf #syracuseopen

[Music] hello and welcome back to Syracuse New York for gatekeeper and Heiser media’s coverage of the 2024 Syracuse open sponsored by the pies guys I’m Nathan Johnson join in the booth today by former champion of this event Dan Brooks Wells how’s it going Dan you to kind Nathan it is going really good and uh we’ve been seeing some great golf we got great weather and uh some better players yeah these guys playing very well out here on the clay East course we’ve got Harry Chase leading the way at 16 under par followed by Danny moan Andrew Cochran and Zach Sisson looking to make some moves here on the back nine plenty of other players in the mix lots of scoring separation in these woods and uh I’m expecting more to come yeah I saw some familiar names on there on the scoreboard shout out to Matt Miller but we are going to be at ho 10 this is a par 4 45 ft really really tight the entire way however it is definitely eable I’ve seen it plenty of times so these guys are going to try and Rocket one through and it just kind of dog legs to the left yeah this is a uh hit the initial Gap and then kind of just hope it works out kind of whole pretty much yeah looked like a good shot from Harry but this one is a bit early from Cochran that one is going to kick right into the rough yeah this one’s a little low a little right takes a weird really like high skip but he might be able to work something out from there as long as you get over this like little Hill you’re you’ll have a shot into the basket um that looks like it’s going to skip way down and uh should be maybe even a jump putt to the basket but if you don’t hit the Fairway you’re left with what you know Andrew is you know here and this is not a guaranteed shot this is just as tight as it can get yeah playing a little bit of Plinko on that approach very well executed there from Zach Sison almost throws it in on his upshot you can see these guys pretty manageable up shot yeah definitely and you know Danny shot there is probably the most open shot you’re going to get on this hole there’s a good up by Andrew and where is Harry here he is just a little forehand chipper great touch there yeah little kner putt from moan just a bit low yeah fortunate not to roll uh good good birdie there by Harry I think that’s his fifth in a row um but Danny was keeping up with Harry he just had that one hole that it rolled away and uh you know just got away from him but other than that he’s had a very very solid round yeah definitely has the birdies just uh just that one one blemish so hopefully you can keep that positive momentum going right ho 11 part three 258 ft kind of a a Hiser that needs to end a little early of where like you would want it to be there’s this OB patch kind of in the middle so a lot of guys like to throw a Hiser and just get to the left side of that OB and uh it’s definitely a blind shot the whole way I think that hit an early one yeah yeah pulled a bit from sis catches the right side kicks him off to the left we’ll see if he got past that rough that lines the left side of the Fairway but most likely a scramble coming up one of hand looking a little higher that’s what you got to do push this ceiling yeah get that disc left enough yeah i’ I’ve seen people just throw it straight and then try and make a putt over the OB um so you’re not putting back at it but I mean most of the time guys are just trying to get across so very difficult scramble but executed well from sisen and we see where Andrew ended up nice t-shot and a nice putt for the 30 yeah a couple of tappins here and Harry is six in a row yeah still cooking double double turkey is there a name for that I don’t know let us know in the comments six-pack sixpack of come up with your own yes yeah there you go in the comments leave leave some uh some suggestions whole 12 part three 320 ft this one’s a little tricky of a line you kind of got to hit this left side with a flexing shot uh working your way through these gaps here once you get by that second layer of trees you’re kind of home free but yeah and that’s that’s a really common really common play so so he’s trying to just Flex it just to the right of that tree have it ride right for for 70% of the flight and then just fight out at the end it’s a very specific flight pattern yeah but unfortunately does not beat the tree and kicks into that right side rough this one was looking nice from moan but catches a late tree kicks off onto the left side could this be the one never quite came out of that one for but looked like it got clean through most of the way yeah and you might be thinking why aren’t they taking that right side it looks so much bigger it just doesn’t make sense to the angle’s not there and this is what Harry now has to deal with let’s see if he can keep his Scramble game going yeah the the birdie streak almost definitely going to come to an end will he be able to save save the par is unlikely after that kind of just pitch out yeah not an easy up and down from where he was but he’ll settle for the bogey and uh it was I think he was even thinking like it was bound to happen it’s really tough to get through this track bogey free yeah and whole 12 did play middle of the pack at a 3.05 average so about good a good chunk of the field is taking over par strokes but Zach Sison is not one of them cans that birdie putt from 25 ft he’s going to pick up a stroke on the card here’s Harry coming back for his bogey everyone else is going to kind of tap in so couple of tougher holes on this back nine compared to the front um definitely got to make sure you hit initial lines or you’re going to be scrambling um and uh really having to work for it this coverage is brought to you by Myers Creek brewing company major sponsor of the Syracuse open and steadfast supporter of the local Disc Golf Community featuring two Central New York locations Myers Creek has been voted the best brewery in advanced media’s 2023 Readers Choice Awards come out to the farm Brewery in Cazenovia which includes a nine-hole disc golf course and hosts a Thursday night Puck Club each winter or stop in at the Inner Harbor tap room and grab yourself a pint of banging chains Session IPA Myers Creek proudly Brewing what’s next for craft beer in the heart of New York state right hole 13 Par 3 250 ft you can take this Center Gap or I know of a local line to the left that people like to take uh a little up and over this little Hill into this green which does kind of drop off Zach opting for that Flex forehand up the middle does not quite get through yeah and these guys are both picking the center Gap I don’t even know if these guys know about this left side Gap you can see the initial Gap off the T over there that Andrew is now kicked into but uh it takes some a little bit of late luck you would hey you would think you would think it’s there’s there’s definitely some openings over there um but maybe the center Gap has opened up a little bit more since the last time I had been there either way you got to hit a tight line some nice scramble shots so far from the card going to hand the only guy to really get through but they will all have short par putts coming up Danny actually went a little bit deep and cans the comebacker from Circle two there you go gets a little momentum here takes another stroke on Harry par putt from sis yeah and these are some good saves if you hit early this one can get a little uh squirely didn’t mean to rhyme so sorry but it’s true hole 14 par three 328 ft got to hit a tight Gap and it’s a low ceiling through this middle area once you do this does work way work its way back up just a tiny bit um I’ve seen a lot of flex backand kind of what Danny is doing here that was on a pretty good line catches an early one and I’ve also seen a lot of rollers work this one flexes out and gets through that’ll be a nice shot there from Zach ooh what is this local L Dan yeah this is the sky Heiser with the forehand it’s it’s it’s a risk reward if you hit it it’s clear and if you get caught up at all you are dropping into jail and that was disrespectful what that tree did to Harry’s desk yeah just not cut down in its prime going to have to scramble for his par but gets a nice little kiss off the tree to make up for it on his upshot I’ll have a short putt for par at scrambles and here is what Zach is left with for his birdie putt dealing with some scrawny trees but ah able to get through them just a just a bit short no come on Andrews putt does have a good amount of pace and on these mach five baskets that was pretty I I don’t know man that was pretty C low Center oh yeah tough break either way chalk it up yeah chalk it up to the variance of disc golf and happens happens to us all but pars you know um pars not a bad result on this hole even though that would have been a really cool bird we’re going to move on to hole 15 this is a par for 460 ft there’s this left side Gap you’re if you’re trying to really push and there’s a right side gap for more of a layup Heiser to get to The Landing zone right about here if you can Flex one into this Gap you can get it right to here and then it’s kind of an easy chip up to this basket so it’s really a risk reward off this T and uh just how much you’re willing to push it down in the Fairway Zach opting to take the right side for hand just pitches it down into the middle area there yeah this is not that’s not good there’s like a little dry maybe sometimes it has a little water like Creek right at the bottom of this hill um you just want to make sure you get over that if you get over that and halfway up the hill you have a shot uh in to get your birdie you know you know only being 460 ft Harry opting for that right side as well a little more aggressive line get pretty far up there these guys all still in birdie range just some with a little more work than others a nice looking line there from Cochran yeah he if he crusted the hill cuz it it does kind of work its way back down if he crested the hill and got a little skip he he might have given himself an outside the circle look that one looked a little left to me and I’m not sure if that hit something on the way down when Harry having to take this like sketchy left side Gap looks like he gets enough turn on it to get down and into the basket yeah so like you said moan definitely shortly left has to pitch up for the par cockran just a bit low and his put and Sis’s at about the same distance man just a bit High Harry here the only one left with a birdie bid having to deal with this four trees in one yeah it’s kind of stalled out hasn’t seen a birdie since whole 11 sure he’d love to get back on the birdie train here has to straddle out to the left about 25 ft or so yes sir solid very solid that’s that’s a big putt keep his round going three more holes here which you know aren’t aren’t the easiest so take as many as you can get everyone else is going to tap in their pars and uh we’re going to move our way over to 16 all right whole 16 par three 343 ft low ceiling it goes downhill and then back uphill so couple of small trees to to weave in and out of and uh again it’s it’s really the low ceiling that can get you on this one dude yeah that’s a that’s a common mistake um but at least he sits in the middle of the Fairway this is looking very nice from Danny leaks out a little left but great distance control great line and he’ll have a birdie pot this can ride out this will be really good yeah I think he’s up there for a putt yeah looks like he got through Cochran opting for the forehand but just comes out a tad low didn’t really have the time or the height to get all the way up to the basket and that is a good upshot by Harry that is not an easy thing to do on this hole Cochran left with a long bid can’t be too upset at the par on this one just hitting cage see where Zach got to looks like 20 to 25 feet yeah it just snuck in a little long right of the basket has a couple of shrubs to deal with but finds himself on the edge was a good strike by him this is definitely a tough Deuce did play overpar come on and Andrew just not having the best luck on the putting green today yeah well frustrating for sure especially once you know you have one or two it’s you think you have to be perfect can get in your head yeah absolutely uh but we got to go to 17 par three 266 ft got to hit this left side whether it’s going to be a standup backhand or a forehand just making sure you push through this one is a bit pulled from sis fortunate break if this sits down in the middle and it does yeah this you’re looking for yeah that that should be a a good two look there and O I think that’ll be fine yeah nice break for moan to kick him towards the basket this looks like a great forehand from Cochran gets the skip well sometimes you know it’s the basket’s a little more straight than maybe what the fly over appeared I’m curious if cooch is in those trees to the right that’s the first real Miss we’ve seen from Harry from about circle’s Edge yeah maybe a little headwind lift that he didn’t expect jeez H definitely wants that one back yeah good opportunity to take a stroke back from Harry but unable to connect see yep like you said there Dan just skipped a bit off to the right side yeah not not too bad though I you know if you get deep in those trees or just another three feet it’s it’s tough but he is able to take advantage of his shot and Come Away with the birdie and you know he’s not for nothing he’s had some bad luck but you know there’s still a whole another round of play and he’s just he’s just got to keep going um a lot of Strokes to be had at the next course as well but definitely one you feel like you want to get uh but we will be going to Hole 18 this is a par 4 445 ft a little uphill off the tea just a tad uh but once you Crest this hill it starts working its way back down there is going to be a little OB Creek and this whole section back here used to be all shrubs the club did a great job clearing that section out to make this a legitimate par 4 and this one is going to be a little left so he’s going to have to scramble a bit I would assume unless he got some sort of kick out yeah just a nice little mid-range for sis yeah great flight will put him on the down slope of that hill and a pretty straightforward upshot into the green but looks like Harry is getting aggressive here let’s go get down there just caught a branch at the top of that Hill it would have been great to see where he could have ended up if that got through cleanly but yeah if you get to like just short of the OB like somewhere in there you you got to put that an eagle early release for moan yeah and this you know the the goal here is to still just get to that that initial Landing Zone and this is too low that’s not what you want this is going to be a tough up and down H yeah catches another one it’s tight you know yeah all kinds of struggles for our lead C here on the final hole as Harry skips out of the out of bounds wo he got away with one definitely got away with one there as we’re seeing some Pitch outs from the left hand side from both Andrew Cochran and Danny moan this one sits down just before the out of bounds yeah and you know oh what a bid there by Zach the the old basket used to be short of kind of where they are right now and it was always an ineter and uh almost a really nice up and down for Andrew and by them pushing this back it it really made it more of a legitimate par 4 and um so good on them and it’s a great birdie by Harry to end his day and uh quite you know what a day he’s had on both both courses yeah 10 down round one nine under round two we’ll take a look at the leaderboard here in a second to see where that lands him but got to think he will at least have a share of the lead after this Andrew Cochran not the day he was looking for I’m sure had some tough putts not go his way finishing at 200 under we do have to give a shout out Chris Brown with the eagle did you already mention that Dan am I myself okay no you’re not no congratulations Chris I I knew it could be Eagles I haven’t seen it but uh I knew it could be so nice job yep and a tap in par there for Zach s ends his day at four under par as well 14 under as we take a look at the leaderboard or at least the car leaderboard first Danny moan three under puts him at 14 we will see if that is enough to keep these guys on the lead card [Music] and it is not Ezra lockington with the hot round at 10 under par we’ll see him for the third and final round as well as Ethan yogger and Matt Miller rounding out our card well done Jens thank you to Elevation discs for supporting this coverage and thank you all for watching we’ve got one more round of the Syracuse open so make sure to subscribe and we will see you tomorrow to see who takes this event down a

1 Comment

  1. The course looks as dry and beautiful as it ever has. The Jomez guys talk all the time that their favorite kind of hole is a wooded hole that has grass fairways. This course has that in abundance. Love the change on 18 to a par four.

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