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Will Jacob Fatu Overshadow Solo Sikoa? – WR Daily

On todays episode of Wrestling Republic’s Daily Broadcast Ben Allison, Clark Taylor, and Megan discuss the latest news in the world of Professional Wrestling, including some fans claiming Jacob Fatu will overshadow Solo Sikoa.

Todays episode will be LIVE at 8:00pm BST / 3:00pm EST / 12:00pm PST!

Wrestling Republic’s Daily Broadcast is a 45 minute daily podcast (with video) discussing the days wrestling news and all of the latest shows. The show is hosted by Ben Allison and Clark Taylor, with a cast of rotating panelists to join the discussion. To join in with the discussion, you can LIVE comment throughout the show via YouTube.

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[Music] Republic this is Republic Prest Republic this is Republic Prest Republic this [Music] isbl this is good evening from London wrestling fans I’m your host Allison and you are listening to wrestling Republic’s daily broadcast your One-Stop shop for professional wrestling Insight news and reviews on a daily basis it is the 26th of June and it is boiling in the UK I’m dripping with sweat and I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again right Americans don’t realize we don’t have a here that is not a thing so it might be way colder to where it is where you guys are but for us we are boing and we really are right now but we also have some boing hot topics to talk about today on the show and let’s kick things off with the co-host of the show Clark Taylor how are you Clark you know man I think the heat right now is a global thing don’t get me wrong we are lucky enough to have AC here but it’s a scorcher and SoCal today and it it it kind of is across the United States I was talking to my buddy in Kansas and he was saying in Kansas City it was 108 yesterday like that’s that’s no fun we can’t have that um but I’m stoked to talk some wrestling heat or not abut let’s heat it up I I think something has been invented and that thing is called Summer but yeah anyway let’s let’s get stra forgot about the seasons thing it’s weird well I think is the last few years we just not really had summer like it’s just been like you know storms and everything it’s felt like so for now for everywhere to be warm it’s crazy also joining us today we have Megan how are you Megan uh I’m doing well um I definitely can relate to the heat wave um thing about New York is we have a lot of tall buildings and a lot of concrete grounds so the heat magnifies as it gets hot but um you know I did not know that you did not have air conditioners so my heart goes out to you Ben wow that is tragic that is absolutely tragic I’m so sorry left unturned for the UK I I really don’t know why we don’t have it I think it is just I say this though there are places in America which have like the exact same wether as us and they have AC like I just don’t understand why it’s just not a thing really here it’s it’s so bizarre if anybody does know in the comments please let us know also I will have an important an an important announcement later on in the show today so we’ll be getting into that but before we do we need to talk about Jacob fat 2 because well this is interesting isn’t it Fatu debuted last week on Friday Night Smackdown and his debut was absolutely epic people were saying it’s you know he looked so dominant in it that they’ve had to go back and rewatch it over and over and over again and I’d have to agree he did look fantastic in his debut but now fans are going on their phones they’re take to social media and they’re saying this guy he’s going to replace solar sakoa as you know the next big thing in the bloodline very simply because he’s going to overshadow him but Clark I want to get your thoughts on this first will he really overshadow solo sakoa so I think in some ways he will but from a storytelling perspective this is really interesting generally you’re inforcer isn’t the leader well we’ve found ourselves in a spot where solo seoa our original enforcer Of The Bloodline the bloodline that we remember the bloodline we watched for the last few years is now in a leadership position in a way that he wasn’t before and so that makes this situation really unique and I think in that way given the viciousness and the violence that Jacob showed in his debut it’s it’s possible he overshadows him because he’s playing a role that truly fits both as opposed to having one defined leader the way Roman was right Roman didn’t do his dirty work until the Bell rung most of the time that’s what the rest of the Bloodlines job was right and so I think the only way to avoid Jacob potentially overshadowing solo is to almost have a competitive aspect added to this storyline where solo and Jacob are competitive about how bad they’re beating up whoever it is on the other side I think that’s the only way we can truly avoid that because in my eyes if I’m building a bloodline in general and I have the options that we’ve had throughout bloodline history these are both enforcers they play a different right they play the same position and I think that’s where the fear of Jacob Fatu fully overshadowing solo comes from because what I wouldn’t do though is throw Jacob Fatu directly into a leadership role even if he does outshine solo I think the only reason he can out outshine solo is Solo’s playing a little out of position for lack of a better way to put it right to make Sports reference you know he’s not playing the role that he was you know destined to play that he was as the enforcer before now he’s you know and you got to evolve so it’s a little on the pressure is on solo for sure but I don’t think it’s a guarantee that Fatu overshadows him I just think it’s a complicated situation all around absolutely absolutely I mean I’m going to be honest you I’ve yeah it’s I don’t even know if you guys can see me no it’s not the camera Cuts aren’t working my computer’s got a heat warning it’s so hot here right now uh so this this is a fun way that’s how hard it is in my room my computer’s got a heat warning but I do agree with you completely Clark just throwing Jacob Fu you know as the leader if he does start to pick up momentum I think is the wrong move but I mean listen if it’s done right ultimately if you know Fatu is so over like you said he can be you know a second to solo seoa and he can bring you know a lot of excitement to sako’s new bloodline faction until Roman Reigns returns which of course we’ll all disagree on when that will be but we all agree that it’ll be sometime that’s for sure but Megan I’d love to get your thoughts on this do you think uh this is the issue I’m having uh Clark can you do the camera angles it’s it’s not a totally you want me to just go this this one right now and then how do I make sure it’s you two is the only one that I’m worried about um I the two on only because I just don’t have them pulled up is it that one right there got it yeah there we go perect right um I well it everybody knows I am a writer so a lot of my opinions is based on from the story aspect and and when solo first came um he was a different character from his character from NXT he was the strong silent type he pretty much beat people up the enforcer um and he was a man of little words or no words at all like solo just didn’t say anything um but now he is put in this position where he is the new head of the table he is the leader the the the leader wolf of this wolf pack that’s going on here and um yeah there I think there is a possibility that Jacob could overshadow solo for the simple fact that and I might be in a minority while saying this I think there’s a lot of people that is not really enjoying this version of solo um and therefore they are looking for somebody else to kind of play the role that they feel is supposed to be played um with this new bloodline um but um you know to be truthfully honest I’m not very familiar with solo uh I mean excuse me Jacob’s um wrestling history outside you know in the Indies but um just due to what every body says and how they um speak highly of him um I think Jacob is going to be is he’s a massive pickup for the WWE and to make him I guess he is the enforcer now of um even though I thought yeah patanga was I guess he is um so better watch his back that’s all I can say watch the interesting that’s the interesting thing for me too right is I kind of thought that’s what T was originally right then tangaloa comes in I kind of look at them as now the tag team they’re enforcers but they’re not the they’re not the one right like the the uniqueness of when you had the Usos and you had solo it was like yes the Usos are the prestigious tag team with all the history [Music] but solo is who you got to look out for right and I think to your point when it comes to the storytelling and the writing Here solo is playing a role that doesn’t make a ton of sense right solo still feels like he should be the enforcer and if you’re booking Solo in the same way you book Jacob fat 2o I don’t think he gets outshined think it’s about it’s about a tie but I the only fear for me is that because they both the the similarity between the two stylistically aesthetically all of it right the family history Fatu playing the role that fits him better I I just that I think that’s the only that’s the only scenario where I do see this becoming a problem down the road yeah I mean for all we know this it this could be deliberate maybe solo is playing the role of the little brother mimicking the older brother maybe right now solo is playing this game not realizing that his controller isn’t plugged you know maybe this is what we are supposed to be witnessing because as Roman said before he had left you’re all G to miss me when I’m gone the grass is not greener when I leave you know and every week anytime solo comes out we want Roman it’s it’s ch all over the world and um maybe I mean it might not it in my mind the per it’s perfect to say that this is what we wanted we wanted you to see what the world will look like if Roman is not here so that you can appreciate him more when he comes back or this could just be a coincidence this just could be how it’s playing out and it’s working in their favor but um it is the classic absence makes the heart grow fonder though I totally agree with you on that right it’s one of those where it’s like you know you don’t miss it till it’s gone absolutely like yeah I think it’s a great point it also Roman factoring back in is going to be important the way that return goes my biggest fear is I do think there is still ground fatu’s debut Jacob’s debut was off the charts but there’s ground to be made up by this iteration Of The Bloodline before Roman comes back and that is that’s something I think is I have a bigger fear that Roman’s comeback will overshadow this time without him and getting all these cool debuts and adding to the group in a way that doesn’t benefit the story that that’s my only fear and so the the way that they navigate that to connect the dots is going to be I think that’s like where the pressure is on for the creative team yeah I mean well because well we have to take it into account we have to take into account that when Roman does come back he won’t be coming back by himself because we know somewhere down the line the final boss is coming back he made it very clear to Cody yes that down the line I I am coming back like you have not seen the Last of Me and of course that is going to Branch out into another story where it’s more so not of everyone against the bloodline but it’s going to be the conflict that is going on within the family because it’ll be at that point which we saw that last year with Jay and Roman or the with Roman um but now instead of rooting against Roman we are going to be rooting for him because the one person that we have seen that was in charge that was running everything that was at the head of the table is going to be put in a position where he now has to fight possibly for that position again because now his much bigger and much more important cousin um is going to come into the picture and really Flex his power and really flexs his authority and yeah I mean it’s it’s going to be interesting to watch the infighting aspect of this story to me is the most tantalizing part that makes it more difficult though during this time with Roman and rock being out to book rivalries for the bloodline because they have to interact with other groups right now right before all of that kicks off and I I think that is an interesting Dynamic we did also get the host of the show Ben backck if you would like I’m back to introduce couldn’t kill me the next topic I I have a conspiracy theory right I I think our competitors found out about our important announcement coming later in the show yes and they deliberately made my room hot so much so that my computer would shut down but it’s all fixed now the heat into your room I know it EXA exactly they they actually went back in time so AC wouldn’t be introduced in the UK that’s that’s exactly why see we’re talking to you fight for that was I didn’t mean that all right now throw was M um but anyway talking about things getting hot the mat will be getting hot when we have Shaya basa returning to Blood Sport of course WrestleMania weekend she competed at the blood sport event and quite interestingly I don’t think any aew Talent were on that show John moley was noticeably missing so the question now is will you know will John Moxley be on this one are we going to have a show with aew and WWE talents on and also Shaya basa recently has said several times that her dream match would be against minoru Suzuki who is also a veteran at Blood Sport could we even see that Clark you’re the MMA guy I mean blood sport is a mix of wrestling and MMA and I’d love to get your thoughts Shaina Basler was born to do this Blood Sport I love the concept it it’s entertaining every time it happens I go out of my way to watch it it’s the one thing that where I’m like I got to see it it’s so unique no ropes it I love it Shaina is born for it Shana could be the if blood sport was a full-time promotion Shaya should be carrying a title at all times she should be the face of it manura Suzuki and Shaina Basler in that setting I am yes two the greatest catch wrestlers of all time to Absolute submission artists yes sign me up on the dotted line as far as Moxley being on the same card please because it gives us a week of stuff to talk about blood sport so I’m asking yes yes please can we get can we please have Moxley on that card just just to be able to talk about it for the week as a as a fan that covers it I think is awesome and both deliver every time they’re on a blood sport card so for me it it’s a no-brainer I have no issue whatsoever with shanea Basler doing any blood sport ever because it’s one of my favorite products to watch from an entertainment standpoint I love love the opponent suggestion manura Suzuki but it could be anyone there are so many cool matchups in that setting for Shaya she’ll deliver I know that and that Cura she’s got the best in the game still I know that well maybe not ever but currently active she’s got the best Cura going wrist lock game off the charts um and then you yeah I I like I like the idea of let it happen if if the WWE is really trying to show like we’ve turned over a new Leaf that is just one more step in the right direction for Triple H and Shawn Michaels and all all involved in that do it allow it it doesn’t matter right because Mo versus it’s not gonna be Moxley versus Shaina just let it think I’d have it because you could you could I mean listen from a purely business standpoint right WWE’s fan base is bigger than aew’s right anybody who sh of aew has sh of and the same the same can’t be said vice versa right so if you have one of you know your top female stars Shaya basa go to Blood Sport you get some of those casual fans to go over there they say oh here’s aew Star John Moxley hey that’s Dean Ambrose I haven’t seen him in years what’s he doing now bang you’ve got an aw a new fan I love it yes why not who cares if they’re that far ahead of they’re that far ahead of them what are we afraid of for us it’s brilliant for WWE from a purely business standpoint I think Ari Emanuel would be furious to find that they made ECW look pretty darn good when they were not that threatening to him multiple times it’s there’s precedent it’s possible it’s a different era there is a little bit of competition they say there’s not but aw are I think there’s a little bit more bitterness than competition I think there’s a little bit more chippiness is the way I would say it right like uh than competition itself and I’m I’m a fan of both products but it doesn’t hurt anybody it’s it’s fine I mean from you know our standpoint seeing you know Seth Rollins versus John Moxley would be absolutely exceptional but I’m just saying I’m kidding yeah that that in blood sp there we are let’s do that then but I mean no from our emanuals I I just cannot see in a million years him giving that knowing the competitor he is I could see yeah him putting the foot down and saying no yeah I’m like I’m borderline like any of these I was to be honest with you I was shocked when I found that Moxley was competing at the blood sport in Japan following this I was like I would have thought that deal would be that no aw Stars can compete in Blood Sport again if we give you Shaina and that’s not really fair but I’m surprised that that’s you know that’s Ari Emanuel for you isn’t it he is a tough man when it comes to business absolutely he is 100% I can’t believe David Mar just just absolutely rubbed in that the Oilers l lost too I know it was brutal such a close game why would you at a time like this no but I love the idea of Shaina going going to Blood Sport because she was just born she’s perfect for that product that’s like that’s it was Anthony Manzano who gave it the shout out actually oh yeah sorry Manzo first dang the Oilers lost was the one that got me out all love David I just was like was really full the Oilers all I know about figh but listen if you guys do like fights you probably like pro wrestling which you probably do if you’re watching our show you know that that’s that’s a pretty good assumption but if you are a wrestling fan then you guys will love Next Level Next Level have taken all our links and they put them in one place and that one place is nxc connect. me/ wrestling Republic to see all our content across all platforms linked all in one place they now also have a special wrestling app within the next level app and this is brand new guys this is brand new this week there’s nothing else like it it’s an app just for wrestling content creators you can go over to it all you need to do is go to nxc connect. me/ wrestling Republic hit that link then download The Next Level app it’s completely free and then the wrestling app is within that there’s a thriving wrestling community and you can see all our links across all platforms all linked there it truly truly is exceptional but well so is Ry myio and I want to talk a little bit about Ray real quick because Rey Mysterio did an interview with Chris Van vet this week and he said that he’d love for his retirement match to be on a premium live event in Mexico against Dominic Mysterio and Santos Escobar in a mask versus hair versus hair match Megan what you know what’s your thoughts on this um well Rey Mysterio is a legend and I can only respect that he wants to have his retirement match with his son and um it appears that Dominique cares a lot about his hair so I I feel it’s it’s kind of personal um to have this particular match um it it might be a little unfair seeing as how Ray have any here so I feel like Dominique might be in the you know in the in the minority of that situation but um I think it um it definitely it kind of winds down to the idea that soon Rey Mysterio will be retiring this isn’t the first time he’s mentioned it this is actually the second time first time was just before WrestleMania um and maybe the the clock is winding down you know Rey Mysterio is really going to retire and sometimes it’s final sometimes um they’ll come back um I don’t know with Ray it seems as though he just he he’s ready to hang up his belt hang up his mask and just you know live the rest of his days watching his son carry on the Next Generation Um so I’m here for it um I’m definitely rooting for Rey Mysterio I would love to see um him walk out of the arena with a handful of his son’s hair um I think it’ll be Poetic Justice after all the stuff that Dominique has put right through um and it’s it’s it’ll be Bittersweet but I’m here for it I think it’ll be pretty entertaining absolutely no it definitely will be entertaining when it does happen and yeah Ray is really getting on now and it’s I mean he was like one of the guys in fact he was probably the main guy who got me into wrestling as a kid when I first saw his Feud with uh well it was with CM Punk but initially it was with Batista and The Undertaker Ro rumball I think 2009 or 2010 even that was when I first got into it so to see him going to end his career that is going to be absolutely heartbreaking but for Dominic Mysterio to take his mask off and for then you know him to have the mask and do whatever he wants with it I think that would be a beautiful moment no doubt about it yeah my take you is just I don’t think Sandos needs to be involved I just want D versus Ray M absolutely I agree I think it it definitely needs to end with them two as a lot of us have been introduced through Dominique was with the storyline between Ray and Eddie and um you know whether people believe in these type of things or not I do feel like Eddie will be somehow a part of that match um because through I mean along with Ray um Eddie kind of helped introduce us to Dominique and and now he’s his own man he’s a married man he’s wrestling he has made a name for himself he has his own fans he have his own uh you know people that don’t really care for him too much but Dominique has made he has set a legacy for himself and um no I really don’t it really doesn’t make sense to have Santos in the picture um unless they’re kind of like doing a a an exchange of hands between him and R but I still feel like it should be between Father and Son have it personal make it relatable um you know for us parents who have children who might one day have to you know ring their necks a little bit um but I I think it it should really stick between these two yeah I completely agree I I I truly do agree with that and we’ve got a quite a few comments here uh we have numer one Superfly saying if Ray was to have a retirement match do Dominic versus rain and mask versus hair and mustache uh match yeah exactly that that’s the one to do I think the problem is two haircuts is just too much time post match n take the must doesn’t really have much yeah I mean I guess well no Ray it’s his mask the line for a so yeah mask versus hair versus hair yes but uh Soul saying is the announcement that he’s going to get the summer off not again Soul not again okay I just thought said they ever booked like a bad tattoo match that’s something I think that’s a stone left unturned in wrestling storytelling you have to get a tattoo immediately after the match that’d be funny and they get a pick oh that they got to do that right yeah bad tattoo match I’m like that might be the only gimmick match we haven’t ever come up with I just for some reason that’s the weirdest light bold moment I’ve had on the show in ages but I was like why have they never done that a bad tattoo match because it’s kind of that’s kind of permanent it is yeah but I mean consequences if we’re gonna get people like really involved in a rivalry it’s like right it’s permanent right you know yeah it absolutely is uh but now let’s uh let’s move on to the next one and again my the I figured out one way I can fix it in just a second but Clark you able to do the camera angle again because my computer is not not a problem did you want me to I can I I can stay here and I can talk don’t worry because we need to talk about WWE bringing the big three to n d Indianapolis to be exact Pat McAfee will be three about this they announced that firstly uh we’ll have Ro Rumble 2025 so this well not I usually say this January but in fact it’s going to be this February uh February 1st to be exact and then more interestingly we’re going to have a two night SummerSlam there in the next few years and then a two night Wrestlemania this confirms two night Summers slams going forward is going to be a permanent thing which is very fascinating but also three huge events in one location all you know fairly close together within like probably a few years Clark what’s your thoughts on them doing so many you know shows in the same place so I gotta be honest though I am a a big fan of Indie it’s an underrated City for sure like it’s one of those places that I really really really have enjoyed um in my time and I I I think it’s cool for the city L Lucas Oil Stadium is beautiful I uh I hope to be there for a few of those events you’ll find me over at the Aristocrat with an adult soda in hand and a pork tea sandwich one of the absolute best sandwiches in the United States it’s one of my favorite restaurants I had to shout them out because it’s Indie um but yeah I I think it’s exciting people here Indianapolis and Minneapolis and get a little bit less excited when it comes to the big locations but you’re you’re forgetting about the amenities downtown in those cities when you’ve got 100,000 seat stadiums that can really house all of these people it’s a tourist week this is a week for tourism tourism not a week necessarily for the locals to be enjoying the wrestling we’re not marketing to the local Indianapolis fan base we’re marketing to the global fan base we’re going to bring in a bunch of people to Indianapolis to stay in hotels to eat food to watch professional wrestling to enjoy their time I think it’s positive um and I’m excited I I would love love to make the trip to Indie and uh I can’t wait for it for sure man it’s one of those it’s one of those places that I I I just every time I go I’m like this is a beautiful beautiful fun city and it’s cool that they’re that they’re getting all of these events it is interesting that it’s three but is your is your mic out Ben no I’m good I’m good I’m good uh basically what’s happening is right guys I’ll I’ll tell you guys at home what the issue is my computer screen is about 10 seconds behind everything else but I can heure everybody on this show uh perfectly fine uh and also I hope you can share me perfectly fine too but if I press the mute button it’ll unmute itself 10 seconds later so it’s not much help whatsoever totally fine and you you do sound great on it um yeah for me perfect for me the I just wanted to check in on that because I wasn’t totally sure but the yeah for me Andy I’m stoked about it’s it’s a it’s a unique City Pat McAfee obviously I think had to have played a role when it comes to that right like when it comes to bringing it to Indie Indie in the first place but again if you haven’t been you got to give it a shot because it’s a cooler cooler T I always call everything a town but it’s a cooler City then it gets credit for um for sure and pork tenderloin sandwich region food stuff I’m a foodie it’s one of the more underrated ones in America it’s basically like the best chicken sandwich you’ve ever had just on steroids it’s wow High Praise High Praise indeed my issue with this you brought up tourism I just don’t think right this is a good move for WWE purely because I think that they would have I don’t know sorry if it’s a bad move for WWE or it’s a bad move for Indianapolis because WWE surely charged them you know as much as getting three of the events maybe with a slight discount because you’re getting all three right where you know if you buy if you buy three things in the shop uh all for the same price then you’re going to you know get a little bit of a discount or something there’s usually an off run I presume they did something like that but even still I just cannot get my head round like you know people don’t want to travel to the same place three times this is really interesting though I will say this and I think it was a major factor that has been overlooked and I apologize that I didn’t actually bring it up earlier cuz I meant to mention and I completely forgot about it I think a huge reason India in particular and certain cities get picked but Indie in particular is the precedent that’s been set by they have the Indianapolis 500 every year and so they’re bringing in that’s true they do tourism crowds this size once a year for the last 20 years and they’ really built up the city the hotels the restaurants Lucas o Stadium being the size that it is it’s a city that can really handle a wave of tour tourism in a way that’s almost easier than you think about LA and Philadelphia being such major metropolises right where you already have it so highly populated it is difficult to you know worm your way in to to spaces like to to hotels and to attractions and things like that because there’s people that are there not there’s more people that are there not just for the wrestling they live there right it’s a high it’s a higher population Indianapolis is kind of that perfect Siz City where it has the infrastructure already in place to take a away of hundreds of thousands have to get onto the announcement though in just a second so I do want to give Megan some time on this topic oh um no I was just listening to Clark um yeah I was a little I was a little uh perplexed about the idea of three major pay-per-view uh PL excuse me um in Indiana but um I’m not well vers in the decision as Clark is so I was just kind of like I was listening to him like he was making a whole lot of sense to me um so um I mean it’s not too far from me I think it’s about maybe a twoh hour uh plane ride I would I would love to like go out there I’ve never been out there before and definitely um I think WrestleMania 2026 is going to be amazing um and then Royal Rumble next year and SummerSlam next year and then WrestleMania 2026 um yeah so if if Pat mlei has any hand in this um kudos to him um I know that um I know that the Indiana fans is is definitely grateful to have three major uh pay-per-views out there and um G be good so I’m here for it absolutely um okay wait it’s gon to be exciting it it truly truly will uh but something which is also exciting uh if Clark you could put me on the full screen it’s time for the important announcement which the Heat’s trying to kill the competition’s trying to kill it’s just it’s been an absolute disaster but W what won’t be a disaster is this right and I mean I was trying to get Tony khah to do this announcement but unfortunately he’s busy today apparently he’s doing a show called aew Dynamite whatever that is so instead I’m just going to do a Tony Khan impression to announce it so here goes nothing it’s so great to be back here on YouTube and twitch thank you to all the amazing wrestling Republic fans out there we really appreciate you watching here Live on YouTube and twitch every day here on YouTube and twitch today we have an exciting announcement which affects not only wrestling Republic but the entire of the professional wrestling industry we are excited to share this announcement with you and the announcement is that’s starting this Friday the 28th of June live here on the wrestling Republic YouTube on the 28th of June we have a new show starting and that new show is called wrestling Republic news it will be a 4 to six minute news show every day Monday to Friday covering all of the latest news in professional wrestling in 4 to six minutes thank you to everybody who watching on YouTube and twitch and make sure you tune in this Friday June 28th to see wrestling Republic news back to you Tony Shani oh sorry I forgot we’re not actually on Dynamite are we I dude you absolutely need eye drops I I counted like zero blinks that was the most impressive impression I’ve never seen anyone keep their eyes open that long that that was high quality stuff there it that was that was he doesn’t blink at all comedy 101 but news is back yes yes yes yes we got news not bad AB Republic news yeah it’s true and it’s going to be good it’s you know there’s obviously a lot of different you know news things professional wrestling but I just thought a 4 to six minute show Daily something you can watch in a SW and breakfast whatever especially if you’re in the state it should be out morning UK time so by the time you get to woken up in America it’ll be there for you uh I thought it would be something which is fun to do and yeah you just going let me uh know your thoughts once you know once the episodes do come out for it but we do need to talk about aew Dynamite tonight right because I do have watch I can now see the comments uh so we’ve got David M saying woo we did need quick new news updates yes and we now have them Shard is saying we’re going against Rampage we’re not it’s going to be in the morning we’re not going against anything um head to head but yeah num one Superfly I grew the mustache just for the announcement uh and yeah in the words of Jason KC new news he’s gonna announce it last week but now let’s move on to talk about aew Dynamite 10 eyes on on TBS I forgotten to get rid of the Tony k thing I’m still plugging TBS uh we have the aw world champion swerv Strickland and the aew International Champion will Osprey teaming up to take onone the Gate of Agony we have Jay White versus Ray Phoenix in the men Owen Hart Foundation tournament quarterfinals that’s going to be a lot of fun we have Moxley Claudio and Utah versus shingo Titan and haromu Takahashi I mean that match is sacked too I didn’t even know about that one that’s awesome and we also have sah Harley Cameron and Anna Jay versus Tony staray May and Mina shirakawa interesting note there Tony stom and Mina Shira teaming up just days before they compete at forbidden door and we’ also got a match yeah can they go had to I couldn’t help myself honestly I but anyway kylo Riley versus zaber Jr as well in a match which makes my mouth water mjf will appear we’ll hear from Daniel Garcia we’ll hear from Mercedes Monae uh and yeah that it’s a really really stack card tonight once again I don’t think we needed to have an announcement saying that will sure from Daniel Garcia but hey I mean I’m glad that that’s going to happen on the show but I don’t think we needed to announce that but the matches that are announced I am really thrilled and excited for but Megan I’ll start with you how are you feeling heading in heading into tonight’s episode um well you are right the cards is stacked um the matches look like they’re going to be fun of course doesn’t make sense to me to have swerve and ospray teaming up with each other just days before their match no but I’m sure that they’ll be able to put their differences to the side like grown men and have this match same with Tony and Mina but um overall um it’s going to be a good show I can’t wait to see Mercedes um I saw that she was in the cmll a couple of days ago she looked good um she did what she had to do um I can’t wait to see her match come Sunday um I I like the idea that we are getting to he from Daniel Garcia I know Boston is his hometown um or Boston New York um it’s his hometown and um I is it it’s an overall good show so you know of course my my favorite wrestler he’s not he’s not wrestling tonight but we got John Moxley so you know he he he he he suffice he’s good trade like you win some you lose some isn’t it but uh absolutely I’m I’m excited for it in unfortunately no orange Cassidy but still it should be a good card nevertheless Clark I want to get you back in now cuz I want to ask you tonight aew Dynamite what are you looking forward to the most okay so we talked about blood sport earlier on today’s show but how is K and Zack saber Jr not a blood sport match this match was born was was born for blood sport I’m so jacked about that that is going to be an absolute Slug and grapple Fest limbs are on the line an armor and a leg could easily be taken home and put on a mantle uh this evening and that that is what I’m definitely most excited for the other thing is I’m starting to notice it’s funny because the Forbidden door topic has just over the last month been such a big deal with aew with TNA with NXT with all of that right and then the WWE sort of being almost uh and I don’t mean this negatively I’m not trying to say the WWE did anything wrong but a thorn in the side of the promotion for this pay-per-view right in the sense that they’ve overshadowed some of the Nostalgia the or not even not necessarily Nostalgia but the excitement that we would have for the Forbidden door to see cross promotional stuff in a positive way the doors open now we’re you look at this lineup tonight for aew to set up this pay-per-view I think this was the proper response there’s really nothing you can do about that because you can’t remake the uniqueness of doing the first forbidden door in jump in real quick about that clock that’s not what people are think saying that this the you know the the steam’s gone about people are saying that it’s gone because half of the F door card is only matches including aw wrestlers well I hear that too the point is that it’s easier to criticize some someone that’s been opening The Forbidden door for multiple years in a row than it is the one that you never thought would and just did that that’s true that’s also true but I I think with this with forbid this year it’s because Tony Khan’s clearly locked at it and said we’ve taken the big draws from New Japan they’re no longer there so if we want to sell this pay-per-view we’ve got to you know put our own guys on it uh and because of that it’s just not really a forbidden door pay-per-view is it there’s only the door is not as open but I will say at the at in that same breath what how many crossover talents have we seen from TNA and NXT like four it’s not every match they’re not a show called forbidden either I get that part of it too but my my point is the yeah the unavailable Avenue my uh that’s my favorite my favorite thing though about forbidden door in general is just getting to see matchups that you don’t get to see and tonight’s card leading into forbidden door feels feels more like a card that’s building towards an event like that than they have the last few weeks and I I got to give them credit for that uh absolutely no I do agree with you there Clark and I mean Shard is hyped for kylo Riley versus AA Jr so am I and Char’s also saying to Clark that you know no NXT disrespect or he’s gonna have you off the air shy you know none not from here he turned heel on you sh’s turned heel on you but guys that does bring us to the end of the show I am so sorry for Tech issues that I have had but thank you so much to both CL and Megan for saving me here today it’s been a really really fun show uh once again uh Friday wrestling Republic news will start 4 to Six Minutes uh every week not every week every weekday it’s going to be a lot of fun we tomorrow’s episode of wrestling Republic’s daily broadcast as always on a Thursday will be at 11 p.m. UK time 6:00 p.m. Eastern 300 p.m. Pacific what’s that Hawaii no in Hawaii absolutely so we will see you guys there and also Alison and Alis tomorrow morning we’ll see you guys tomorrow po peace


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