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Big D Energy | Thursday June 20th, 2024

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legendary badass Darren mccardy and the golden voice of Neil rule Monday through Friday 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. as they give their takes on all things Detroit sports the number one midday show in Detroit is on welcome to Big D energy yo yo yo what’s going on everybody welcome back to another episode of Big D energy Big D right here on the Woodward Sports Network my name is Neil roll that guy dmac you won Stanley Cups and stuff this four four but that’s it though this far kg what’s really good what’s really good Kendrick unified the West on June that was wild last night I I came in at the tail end uh when the power went out in all of Northern mome County we’ll discuss that in a minute yeah that was but hey look this isn’t the official spin the block I guess no but I saw I saw Dre run out there intro the song y crowd fell out E40 n the whole concert you had pyes and Crips on stage together like it it was magical man it was absolutely magical shout out to Kendrick man as the greatest moment in the history of hip-hop is one of the most legendary nights in the history of hip-hop is it’s hard to dispute that absolutely insane the the amount of performers you had out there you know Westside Boogie Tyler the Creator YG Dr Dre uh school boy Q Jrock Abol obviously Kendrick like Spirit he had the 27 Yankee lineup out there no doubt like Tupac was looking down smiling like that was just an insane you Demar D rozan and and Russell Westbrook on stage you had LeBron jamming to to the oio dises in the background like I saw I saw a tweet somebody said uh Russ is happier to be there than he is to play basketball I also that was real I also saw a tweet that said Kendrick had Crips and bloods together on stage but he couldn’t get LeBron and Russell Westbrook together on stage yeah well he’s not a miracle work yeah it was magical man it really was it was less about Drake and more so about the West man I don’t know it seemed like a lot about Drake it was but like Len w a footnote I’m glad that cornball Drake is out of here yeah bro been trash since 2016 that’s aggressive I mean he ain’t been trash but than that’s all I wanted to hear yeah he ain’t been trash I want to say that his last like three his last three albums have been trash Kenny corporate he’s been corporate since yeah all he’s the main he’s the Apple music M well just remember I hope To Go corporate too one day just so just so everybody know can’t wait to put that suit on 100% that’s for sure you was testing us with the salmon jacket you prepping us yeah no absolutely Spencer raer by the way in the building hello big news for the heavyweights 5 to 7 Sports Network what do you guys got coming up soon um I don’t I don’t want to you know get too ahead of myself no it’s fine we we confirmed it and and we are in plans to pick a date but eting efforting uh Mina kimes to be on the heavyweight for a a segment with a Ben in contact shout out to easy for for doing the leg work shout out to the bul Army for putting you know they always pop up putting the pressure on her yeah we uh well it’s sort of accountability isn’t it didn’t she come out and say something about the Packers offense being better than the Lions offense you know what that’s my second strike good on her we we like her as a sports reporter or what she does and that’s what you should do you got to come on you get called up by the heavyweights you got to come on and uh either speak your pece but I like the fact that you’re going to give her time yeah good I like the fact that she’s going to give us her time that too okay well I look at it a little bit differently but there you go yeah yeah she had a she ranked the NFL offenses and she put uh the lions at six and the Packers at five and she was uh she like didn’t want to do it you could tell she was like like she got bullied into putting the Packers over them she said and she repented she did but we’re going to have her on the on the heavyweight so she can explain her her reason all right okay I like it I like it I I do enjoy mea Kim’s very very good oh very absolutely Benny cat’s likes KES yeah that’s sucks sorry M that’s a dumb take sorry Mia Ryan’s reaction with the what up though what up though good to have everybody uh in there good morning uh Tammy chin as well but yeah we’re we’re certainly going to get into all of it uh but again kg in the building no intern jues today but uh we we’ll we’ll be back with him next he’s going to get lost in the forest man absolutely he is uh kg what up though as far as Michigan goes I heard uh Chris Brown came on the radio and I thought of you actually yeah I thought you when we talk about Michigan yeah we ain’t good good but we’re still good yeah I think that’s Usher actually oh that’s right it’s a new Usher that’s right that’s right I forgot about that we Ain good good we still good we still good though that’s right so uh yeah we’re we’re definitely made me think of you though I appreciate it you got it man uh dmac how are the storms uh around the Royal oish area you know what got some flickering on and off power we didn’t get hit but you know everything around the area which I’ve lost power in the winter time mhm but it was a light show it was it was pretty cool went outside once it once it uh my neighbors got a Jeep so it was a run out and help put everything up and get everything as it’s coming in and as the storm went through but the beauty is the light show it started in I Berkeley Royal Oak and then I could see it in Gross Point later on as it was like not one of it’s one of those dangerous such a dangerous time cuz if you’re out on the water on the golf carts or whatever take take heed cuz these things come in quick but man I like it after it comes through cuz it cuts that temperature like 20° and um yeah it sucks a lot of lot of people that I know lost power which we did up wait wait wait who up in the hill the geocentric Dome that we have created what happened there’s a break in the dome yeah absolutely I was sitting there watching TV and I was you know I I had heard you know you got the alert on the phone that you know severe thunderstorm War stuff like I’m like well that doesn’t apply to us right you know like def other way’re above the cloud you know like we deflect we we have you know around our subdivision we are able to you know deflect the weather the other way but lo and behold I heard rain hitting the side of the house I had never heard before in my life and then I looked outside the kids’s trampoline was just picked up and it Stak to the ground was picked up and relocated to the other side of the yard so it was was wild how just I mean you never would have got to see it on the other side of the yard unless nature did that but does it how’s the perspective of the play structure on that side of the yard well it’s pretty it’s pretty mangled so you know I I don’t have to deal with that is that an insurance thing no I don’t think so not a storm or anything we uh we didn’t lose power uh in Good Old Center Line last night surprised we lose power if somebody sneezes too hard they normally divert the power from Center Line to put it to water Detroit yeah usually like if ours is threatening to go out we steal your power yeah exactly take it up there but we didn’t lose power uh almost lost power at the gym I got there a little late cuz I had to get the beard you know cleaned up by shout out Rachel because she’s not in today and I got the wedding tomorrow so she did it after the show yesterday um and so I went to the gym a little late and so I was on the treadmill at like 8:30 normally when I’m normally there at like 7:45 lights flickered treadmill stopped a little bit I almost ate [ __ ] but they came right back on PL of Fitness is the best where the uh two furnaces intact um as far as well I don’t know the power’s still out you know I got to the that sounds like a night especially with how hot it is dude if my my power is out not a chance I’m getting any sleep last night I slept like a rock last night had a weird dream uh it was I can’t wait to hear that it was uh I was did I tell you about my dream two nights ago no okay two nights ago I had a dream that I was going to to a super fancy all-inclusive hotel and Dr Pierce was the pilot of the flight that was taking us there when I get to the hotel and we get in the room there’s free horse like fre two free horse and yeah any more description just to the bathroom and then yeah you know but second second dream dream tonight I was in I was on a cruise with a bunch of my friends and stuff Dr pierce the captain Dr Pierce is not the captain but I beat the [ __ ] out at Troy Bolton like like Zack Efron from High School Musical because he made me drop my omelette cuz I was like walking to my table with an omelette and a giant muffin and he made me drop them and so I whooped his ass beat up cuz none of the people like I asked like Security in the cafeteria I was like can you get this guy out of here like he’s harassing me and he made me drop my omelet and they were like no we can’t do anything I was like so can I fight him and they were like I mean yeah and then I remember I kept calling him a [ __ ] and I was like I knew you were a [ __ ] cuz he chose to sing instead of play basketball started whooping his ass spitty has great dreams a great dream um and and in relation to that uh the chat asking are you sure you’re not getting Mia Khalifa on the show I wish oh man man where she been at no Mina kind Mina not me not M khif she fell off Mia Khalifa fell off well all things end badly or else they don’t end that is true that’s that’s the way that’s the way of the world could take it man literally um Mike O Neal uh ping plus pro won 275 yards truth golf Pine Knob yesterday nice course it is a nice course I got out there this morning as a matter of fact Stony Creek Walk nine holes yeah uh teed off at 7:04 by myself and was in full body Sweat by about 711 like it would it’s sticky out there PSA stay hydrated stay hydrated everybody stay hydrated uh Cory Barry asked a question no Genera for the two furnaces no I’m I’m every man no don’t need no Genera how long did it take take for the generator to kick in I I don’t have a generator oh wow I’m just like all of you y we need that Hulk Hogan theme music playing behind you I am a real americ no it’s just like I never the gener thing like you’re talking like 10 G’s for that thing yeah you know like it’s and and really and and your power goes out a lot Spenny right yes ours ours doesn’t go out a lot probably goes out two or three times a year for like an hour yeah that’s what I’m saying one of things like I’m not dropping 10 G’s for that I feel you I’m just not so I could guess what everybody there’s the line somewhere yeah we’ll be fine like we’ll make it spend more hamster Neil has two generators is that true no I have zero generator okay that’s fair I’m just like all of you just like all of you just with an extra furnace two furnaces no generator right makes no that should be on your your uh campaign that should be your campaign slogan I’m just like all you two furnaces no generators yeah spend more H Neil I have a Genera act well worth the investment I just don’t for the three times a year the power goes out man I’ll persevere I’ll be okay you know what I’m saying like you would if you were tired enough that’s true but I would I hate sweating I hate going to bed sweaty yep that sucks Cory Barry I need to be freezing cold when I’m going hey I wonder how many people that’s a good call I wonder how many people plugged into their cars or their trucks yeah you know what I heard somebody talking about that because we got into the whole electric car debate on here before you are aware you can’t buy gas at the gas station if the power’s out too right like for the people oh you can’t charge your car oh you can’t buy gas for your car either it’s true you know like they say it like it’s a one I that that’s what I’m saying like all the literal same things apply yeah you got to go charge your car oh you got to go buy gas it’s the same thing dude that’s that’s a that’s a good point huh that’s a and I’m just doing my EV car that’s fully charged in that case yep no doubt how many people were sitting there air conditioning no but uh everybody it is it’s a real one out there my my buddy I’ve been friends with since I was 5 years old he owns a landscaping company and he’s out there in there right now so Ryan shout out you’re probably listening to the show shout out man you’re uh you’re a real one today powering through that so says thank God for Ev cars knocking all the power out well Center Line has been having a pre preev power gr but that doesn’t fit your narrative doesn’t fit The Narrative of course so there it is and I couldn’t tell there’s probably maybe two EV cars in Center Line maybe good fella it’s not it’s not the same thing uh except that it is tell me the difference can’t can’t buy gas gas stations do have generators but just like sroi down the road the generator blew out at 3:00 a.m. too so he’s waiting on a new generator so there’s extra things that go on yep so there you go um but yeah we got to get into it Monty was blindsided that’s what they keep saying what James Edward said W reported it too all right we’ll discuss like it it won’t go away so uh so we’ll discuss what’s that look for Tigers huh ah man man why are you here we go all right every goddamn day just coming in just just going to admit that you were just doing [ __ ] shooting up with your [ __ ] reation bathrobe in the bathroom All Tied off watching highlights he brings it like he’s not even he’s not even trying to hide it un just walk through with his can right right he’s like uh Dewey Cox you ever seen Dey Cox that walk in the bathroom no don’t do it de does it anyway really you just said that I thought I was listening to it in the car yesterday well there you go bad but you obviously didn’t use but this one was a new low yesterday yes it it looks like a tail K how many how many new lows are we going to have trust trust guy there is no such thing as Rock Trust the guy who knows me there’s no such thing as Rock Bottom it’s an end endless pit you will keep going deeper and deeper so it can’t help you with your psyche if you’re just going to keep bashing your head against the wall they can do it different ways dmac don’t tell me you weren’t paying attention scubba was on the mound I was but I also had a feeling that it was going bad H and he’s gonna you know they gonna get to him once you get once they give up two runs it’s over it was it’s crazy and Shout Out Scott Bley locked on Tigers man the Tigers last six games right I think it was Zero 13 runs when when the starter got scratched the night yeah it’s [ __ ] nuts man like 03110 no doubt all right let’s do this we’ll take the break we’ll get in I do want to you know just touch on the Monty thing you ever been blindsided at work before oh yeah if you work in this business you have oh ever been blindsided at work yeah a couple times well we’ll get into it tell about Guardian Alarm absolutely let Guardian Alarm offer you customized solutions from real experts professional detect technicians we take the time to recommend security and automated Solutions specific to your needs Guardian they just want you to call the number 800 stay out 247 professional monitor call any time day or night know that Guardian team member will stay on the phone as long as it’s needed give them a call 1800 St technology back by people your safety and security deserves Technologies that’s been proven to work and people have been proving to care business pleasure Guardian does not care just give them a call 1800 St stay out of stay out of sucking up our power down there in Center Line Spenny yeah yeah stay out of using your EV cars to blow the grid I guess Neil stay out of that tiger smack man you got to get off the tiger smack Guardian Alarm whatever it is you local Security Experts tell them big the energy we sent you y’all got any more of them Tigers to any lady gam haircuts for men and claim your throne for a king’s treatment from one of our talented stylists open 7 days a week walk in anytime just get to a Lady Janes today and receive a Precision haircut scalp massage hot lather neck shave and a hot towel treatment a haircut should not be a chore it should be an experience and that’s exactly what lady James has to offer open 7 days a week Walkins are always welcome there’s always a location near you lady James haircuts for men it’s wicked awesome love Woodward Sports love wearing clothes then you should be wearing Woodward sports clothes check out our full line merch at Woodward just click on shop we have all your favorite designs like Dan Campbell kneecaps Woodward Golf and of course our own logo out merchandise men women infants kids all love love Woodward Sports impress your friends impress your boss impress your dog by Woodward Sports merch today sro’s crispy chicken and Pizza is taking over Michigan locations are popping up all over Metro Detroit known for their quality hand battered hand breaded chicken tenders delicious chicken sandwiches and New York style pizza make sure you tap in to any srois near you or go to to figure figure out where you can get some of your great food all right keeping pushing everybody Big D energy Woodward Sports Network Neil Ru Darren mccardy all of you in the Woodward Sports Chad thread you know we got kg Spen moxa in the house as well um but the Monty Williams thing uh won’t just kind of go away you knew it wasn’t you knew it wasn’t why like I it it had gone away to me like well yeah to Pistons fans but to the National you know scope they’re like why the hell would you get rid of miti after one year he kind of walked into a s show but they don’t they don’t know what’s going on would you call Tom gors as an owner and we’ve got to the the bottom that he will spend the money to bring whoever he wants in or get rid of people or whatever else but would you say he’s more of a trigger hot trigger guy right because the the only thing that I could explain is why Monty Williams would have been sidelined obviously you look at the contract yeah right so nobody thinks they’re going to get bought out for that but what were the conversations with gores to get them to sign to whatever you got time you got two years you got three years whatever like this we’ll do it over and then things change and does Tom gor does not seem like a guy he’s G to make a decision and he doesn’t care from the top boom decisions made and whatever Fallout there is and I don’t know back against his word or the conversation to whatever else um and he uses the dollar right to clean up or to try to you know sever his mess at the end of the day I think that what mty Williams has said is that this wasn’t the plan and Tom Gordon says plans change which is the way of the you know I know it is but I mean that’s the like why cuz cuz Monty Williams self-awareness is not on point if he says this right but that’s only going by trusting that it’s a bigger issue like what do we right and I’m trying to use a comparison because in a similarish situation wasn’t Dan Campbell and the Detroit Lions here at one and six when Sheila came out and said no these are this is my guy she was the one right she was the one that came out so because that was their plan and they what they’ve told us about the way the plan is and we’ve watched it over the years year after year that we got here with the Pistons that’s never it it just seems like yeah hey it’s a 5year plan Mon’s coming in we’re going to do this this this boom we won 14 games ah screw it 65 million let’s get let’s move the next that to me that’s sort of the trigger with the dollar that Tom Gorge makes the decision and it’s done yeah that if you read into it like that is that that’s the only thing that I could say and unless I’m seeing it wrong yeah so that just goes to show you what’s a communic ation in the Pistons organization not very good right right and in my small defense like he was having meetings with Tran prior to the like literally a week prior to this he had multiple sit downs from what I’ve heard with Tran about the direction of the team going forward so I can’t blame him for necessarily feeling blindsided when you were talking with the new PBO about the future plans for the team and they hired people that you used to work under I understand that right but comes down to a point is that’s the plan that’s the plan but Tom gor just wakes up one day and goes nah got to change it and and has the power yeah and the the pen the dollar the bank account whatever to do it that way Ward Sports Chat thread uh Weezy d313 Tom Gore is better than the illes easy um also in the wward Sports Chat thread uh your mom’s favorite skater the Pistons going to get JJ reic no and here’s one I like DNC ENT and then this is a reason why this won’t go away too kg this is this is bars right here okay National media doesn’t watch a second of Pistons basketball this year and feel they have the right to speak confidently on Monty because he’s quote a good man exactly and then and dncn kind of drilled that right there D and that and I think that’s what you’re seeing with this because because the numbers the numbers are startling Monty Williams is the fifth highest compensated piston ever according to spot track let that sink in yeah that includes players it’s crazy wow you know what I’m saying like that’s and and that’s why it it pops right that’s why it pops that’s why it’s sticking around to me we’re keeping it pushing yeah because of what you said and going back to what Spen what spenny’s point was earlier when you win 14 games when the roster’s not good enough there has to be blood yeah somebody but I mean we didn’t think it would be Monty as well like Troy happened we kind of expected that to or wanted it to happen but it was kind of late in the process when they finally pulled the plug on Monty so I I kind of want to speculate I don’t you know I don’t think this just happened overnight I think maybe Tran met up with him realized that I don’t think he’s good for the direction going forward maybe he went directly to time gors and told him hey we I I we got to do something about this I don’t think I can move forward with this guy but I don’t know who knows there are reports said it was a gorus decision and it was a like a 24-hour turnaround so you think he just woke up one day like all right get here hey that was a great job oh heavy last night yeah it was by the way that was electric I like and shout out to Tom gor I’ll give him that this this is what I wanted to see happen this is what needed to be done and you know it nobody if you’re Tran Langdon and you think this is the right decision are you going to walk walk up to your boss and say hey you got to eat 65 mil and fire this guy like that’s going to be a tough sell but for him to go out there and just do it that’s i’ like I’ve said a lot of things about him over the past couple months but I’ll give him credit for that he went out there and he took care of business I know and and and that’s it so so it is and like Mason leech is complained Pistons talk is a snoozefest it’s only because they suck ex tun back in coach yesterday it’s a new day sameish and Mason this is a national story y’all wanted to talk about the Lions for 60 years when they were sucking like come on now right you know what I’m saying like it’s it is it’s a national thing and it’s because of the dollars that are involved and you have an owner in the we have different sets of owners in this town that operate differently right right and it’s something where one owner is doing something we’re dying for the other owner to do but won’t you know like there there are a lot of things in play here that’s why it’s a story yeah and now this this is coming out where he was kind of Blindsided but guess what when you here’s my thing too with with with Monty and and for the record I like Monty Williams somebody somebody was saying um uh on here uh Weez D said Monty isn’t even a good man he just doesn’t cuss no Monty Williams was more than cool to me more than cool he’s a good guy man he is a very he is a good guy now whether he wanted the job or not is something different I can’t speak to that I can only dmac this is what I do in these situations I block out everything else and I tell you what my dealing with and that’s all I can go on he was good to me I think he’s a good guy but that being said they won 14 games and there isn’t a person in the Pistons organization that would look you in the eye and say hey man Pro Sports you win 14 games uh just give us another shot that’s not the way it works and it it was unacceptable and even if he had maybe got to 25 wins maybe m still a coach right now but 14 a franchise low something had to be done and then we also hear conflicting reports saying that Monty wasn’t necessarily the the most friendliest guy in the front office he wasn’t really making friends they even said as much as he was maybe trying to get fired at at some points with some of the stuff he was doing so who really knows at the end of the day yeah um Ryan’s reaction most cap space in the league a lot of young Talent new president new head coach you you got to talk to Pistons no we we we do have to talk about it yeah and again this is one of the better franchises in the history of the NBA they’re going through a down down run right now obviously they’ve been through down runs before they’ve risen up and it it is it is something that you do certainly have to discuss um Tony JJ rect the betting favorite for the Pistons don’t dismiss it Neil I would be stunned if JJ I I man I would be stunned yeah I mean is that if if look at L let’s work backwards on it Tony if I’m tran Lon and I’m getting my shot here to to be the president of the Piston you want to hit your wagon to that am I am I stepping to the crab table betting on a hard 10 man you better hope it works that’s you know that’s what I’m saying like you better hope it works or am I going to go with something that I at least have a track record of with a person that’s had success yeah I’d much rather ke Monte if that’s the case no offense to JJ ready I do think he has a great basketball mind but he hasn’t had an NBA job yet and this is a [ __ ] show so absolutely not I want bring JJ reic to a team where you think you’re going to do something like like we’ve seen happen with Jason kid and Steve Kerr even know Steve cerry you know was a Greg papovich disciple and stuff like that but uh yeah J I would be very surprised if JJ reick was the choice yeah for me personally and again this is what the people like I I’m a James bgo guy yeah I don’t I was talking about this with uh buddy I was playing golf with last night he’s big Pistons what’s that uh nothing Ryan said schro and J Pistons um he’s he’s a big NBA guy big Pistons guy we because we were talking about the bgo thing yeah and I’m up the camp if you win at Charlotte if you wi at Charlotte you’re good enough for me yeah he did and and he w at Charlotte I can’t speak to what happened and I went back and read some of the the stories and stuff like that dmac and it was the message was lost that’s code foro had a problem with somebody in the front office right right and it got to the point maybe MJ we don’t were they were they 86 them me or you this guy or this guy 100% all that that’s thank you DME that’s why I go to you yeah but again for me he won at Charlotte that’s good enough for you but in the end guys to sum all this up it doesn’t matter because the players are what matters MH what players are they getting yeah because the guy that constructed the roster is not here anymore and the reason he’s not here anymore is because they didn’t win enough games I again dmac through all this man I’m just shutting it down and going very very simple on it no it’s it’s it’s true you need talent it’s the NBA it’s a little bit different to the players more so being a player League um set the culture more than the coach does he just sort of figures out what he’s gotten and tries to put him in the best position um all day JB bicker staff is my favorite for the job I keep hear heing people say that I have bicker staff traumatic stress syndrome man show me a bicker staff coach look up those records from the biger staff coaching family in the NBA not that some of the most brutal records not that great you’ve ever seen he had a good couple years with Cleveland absolutely and you’ll always have a good haircut if you get it at lady James damn right absolutely awesome is when a guy can be a guy and get an amazing haircut Lady Jane’s haircuts for men stop in sit back relax let one of Lady Jane’s Talent silence make you look and feel great walking anytime 7 days a week Lady Janes it’s wicked awesome so just to get the heated steering wheel I also had to spring for the bigger rims yeah that’s how they get you those upgrades are cost your noral leg every time hey new car crew how’d it go this weekend I got a great deal on mine how I went to Randy Wise not those other guys they got me in a great new ride and they didn’t break my budget hey could you pass me the sugar how never mind he made the wise choice y make the wise choice at randywise congratulations to the real Coach of the Year Motor City Dan Campbell just put your head down and go to work it’s about to be fun man it’s about to be fun Woodward Sports haven’t had enough Detroit sports make sure you listen to armman and Edwards with Maz next 2: p.m. to 400 p.m. on the Woodward Sports Network [Music] you rule here for Felman Automotive that’s right since 1996 Felman Automotive has handcrafted the car buying experience they’re the best at it it’s called The Felman Advantage there’s 18 Felman Auto locations in around the Metro Detroit area which means there’s one near you and which also means all brands are represented now I know if you want a Chevy you go to Felman Chevrolet and nov Michigan’s number one Chevrolet dealer but what you want a Ford you want a Kia guess what felman’s got you covered if you want a car go to Felman get the car and keep it pushing everybody Felman Automotive they’re goated in the car game all right we’re off and running here Big D energy on a Thursday Neil rule Daren mccardy kg in the building Spencer raxer as well hey can I give a big shout out real quick yeah absolutely uh Andrew Schmidt in the chat my boot them kid shirt has arrived F year repping in La tell them to tell them to tweet St P yeah send me a picture on Twitter we’ll get you on the show y as spox do it right now what’s spinny say absolutely do it um but yeah so I I want to just get this out of the way I want to get it out of the way because it was a new low yesterday kg I’m sorry about it my favorite time yeah I know right this the best part of the show needs to get his look spin is everybody right all us the same time here we go let’s go with the atct here we go cut the sh come on py let’s go Pooky [Laughter] Pooky yeah throw the spool down in the [ __ ] star oh my God all right dmac yeah you checked in sco was on the mound you checked in yeah of course I check in all the time why I checked in I checked in here’s my emotion cuz Kenny this was it yep listen listen two runs M right Jim cornette what do you got to say the new uh thank God the new Drive the new drive-thru Jim cornette dropped at the same time the tire game was going on so I just turned over to gy hey good luck scoobs right but let’s move it on so when I do it I’m I’m black tar heroin in the gutter all right but when dmac does it it’s Noble he’s a Wall Street man in the world exactly that’s the difference I walk in there hit it right that’s cool all right I’ll be on my day you ain’t going to ruin my day You’ have hit theu my you’re not getting away with no no you’re in there you’re then you sit down you’re like oh my God oh my God Shing and [ __ ] when you know that’s the thing you know the way it’s going to end Neil you know the way it is now we’re not even talking about that dmac we’re talking about you talk about you again with me it’s it’s it’s blue magic street drugs dying on an empty mattress under an open p but with it’s him he’s at a strip club on Wall Street doing the best Caine you’re noble I’m trash you’re better than me I’m a piece of [ __ ] you can handle alcohol you can’t handle the Tigers I can’t handle alcohol I can handle the Tigers he’s a smoker and you’re junkie it’s a difference right full functioning tiger fans no no no no you don’t with that Kenny is my attitude not like your attitude exactly we’re the same like there’s I have moments that come on what the [ __ ] exactly but it’s like oh okay it is what it is because it’s not going to end no I want to see all the new guys young guys guys get an opportunity whoever what it’s you know the frustrating thing you have Neil is because you look at the record yeah and it’s better and it’s like and then you say what could it be what should it be if we just had this and that but that’s not the path that they’re on right yeah now I don’t do that I I don’t I don’t do that for but you go oh my God new low and they can’t let down incredible pitching that we that we’re having cuz with scoble that’s why wward Sports Chat thread uh cats spot bgo was 138 163 with Charlotte he did not win there all Cat spot except for the last year when he had a winning record with the Charlotte horns so thank you Cat spot again understand Nuance improve by 10 wins every year Cat spot get in reality my friend all right so that’s done um that’s a dumb take who farted but Darren can be real about the Tigers without being a jerk about it though oh I’m a jerk yeah you are oh I’m a jerk you lash out at everybody you lash out at this whole show because you’re upset with what’s going on no no you laugh no you told me this was going to be okay l oh my God you people you people I’m a jerk about it yeah you are cuz you predicted 74 wins now you acting like it’s it’s mindblowing that they’re losing you did this where’s your where’s why aren’t you upset this are you upset like yes he’s not no just just give kg some more but we’ve already dealt with it you got three fists of a baseball team man what you got this year all right you were Pro you were it was all under the guise of you know you were free to win the division they were never free to win the division correct correct but I can just I can handle mine a little bit better we didn’t even make it to juneth this year hey I understand made it there well we did they had a better start than we’re accustomed to having but this team was just never built to To Go the Distance like I thought they were yes I can admit that you cannot ad that you told me they were fine when did you say thatch the season it was in March before the season started I’m not letting you do that with new information you can change your to do that to him because we were all there and no accountability for your actions for being a fan no no no no no you take so you can be you can be a fan but I can’t dmac that’s accountability right cuz you had him at 74 everybody else had him around 80 yeah 8 I said 84 I admitted so why are you not accepting what you because I value my friendship with these guys in here I value my friendship with you and I thought maybe I’m the bad guy maybe I’m wrong now you’re the bad guy because of the way you’re watching it go downa every day [ __ ] changes NE you’re the bad gu you always tell us we’re trying to deal with this situation I’m sorry I looked at that girl’s ass 6 years ago all right that’s what it sounds like you’re coming back right Kenny yes change that exactly you got a nice hle you got to let it go Neil and that doesn’t mean Let It Go for what they are just enjoy them for what they are that doesn’t mean we don’t care that doesn’t mean that we’re not upset it just means it is what it is there’s nothing they can do to fix it at this point actions speak louder than words and you’re inactive if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice I’m still watching the game now you’re in my wheelhouse with Russ I know that one I’m still watching the games but I know what the hell it is yeah but I can’t handle mine a little better I know how to do a SL on the sink and keep it moving you in the star doing this like come on man hey hit her with it spinny hit her with it thank you that is what you are doing right now man you are and you can’t see it it’s okay but that’s why like you said we care about you Neil we’re bringing it to your attention this isn’t an intervention but it sure sure as [ __ ] soon should be cuz you keep get there he’s almost to intervention if you see your mom sitting in that chair you know you know so I just do some self evaluation that’s all this is hey Kenny it’s not me it’s you no no okay Mark McCormack says Neil your addiction is affecting us in the following ways okay all right here’s the deal here’s the deal with it though it is a new is it fair that it’s a new low yes they are beginning bot this is bottom so far this looks like a legitimate Tail Spin I don’t think they’re going to recover out of this one this is a great one py Gumble Neil is the I don’t have a problem face Kenny is I can quit any time yeah thank you you got to admit there’s a problem Neil the first the first step is admitting there’s a problem not anymore there’s not like it’s okay see just trying to rationalize right like yesterday was the Old Yeller moment for this season for you or for the tit no for the for the Tigers unless you know they play 6 unless they win 66% of the game all they got to do it’s all they got to do but when you can’t get hits and you score one run a game in a series like so therefore you’re not capable of winning eight out of nine yeah you’re not capable of it you can’t put it together like that so it is officially over I I got to check the math on it I believe I believe they have the fifth worst record in baseball yesh Neil your rehab going about as well as Spencer taros he got benched again he got benched again like one for his last he got benched in Triple A you might have Tor SP what Happ Tor tor’s like won for his last 16 he got benched in Triple A he got a rest day in Triple A it’s bad you might have to cut bait he’s H one home run since he’s been out been down there holy [ __ ] you thought your power went out NE yeah no seriously W not now are we in I’m starting to get into that yellow’s going to a little bit of a shade of red right now I’m starting to get a little worried yeah it’s like yeah what H what is it you might have to cut bait bro I can’t think of it I thought I read an article in the paper a week or so ago on Saturday that he was scorching it yeah but his Ops was still horrible down there he started off issue he started off this might be a study might be a bigger bigger like the only saving grace you got him on his rookie deal right yeah right but like somebody somebody gave me grief about Neil are you still confident in tolon and nope I I was even sting him down I I still was because it was a no no what he did there needs to be a study done on this but but now this Neil this is what raises your eyes sort of alarm like hard and Neil my bad but Neil I was just like you the 30 home run season I kept parading it around I kept parading at 30 home run season I remember when you were like that yeah man but it but gross but see he he he admitted his faults he got himself better and now he’s a better man because of it Neil you you got to take that first step I’m fine with let me just can I prepare you can I prepare you we’re not attacking you not attacking you you are going to go into even a deeper been yes right with yes if Tolson if it become if this is an issue and you know it really is and and nothing’s sort of done about it you already in could be the big yeah no I all right here’s you want the the root of all this right now there okay might be yester yesterday was the funeral like the it’s done the season’s over it was liberating it’s like a family member that’s been struggling for so long all Kenny it was nice to him to finally show up the funeral was freaking a month ago serious no no it wasn’t seriously funeral was being honest with you guys so I’m looking for you guys to be honest with me you still held out hope [ __ ] CU I’m a fan you still held out ho all right dmac you were up you still held out you still held out I did you did yes but DM but guys we were dragged around behind the garage and put down yesterday we got old yard for sure and and it’s over something freeing about it because we were watching a family member struggle and just waste away and they would have a good day yeah every now and then they would wake up and and you’re like wow that that’s my old moving around like I used the signs were on the wall where there like if we were if the Tigers were a drug user their body was slowly decaying like wiel Perez started to fall off Riley green wasn’t really Superman anymore Spencer tlon gets sent down to to AAA and then the kill shot was Tariq scoble getting shelled yeah that’s it and and that’s and that’s what I was driving at yesterday was freeing if anything like it’s it’s officially over the Wednesday but the same thing here’s where my anger was we’re doing a postmortem already I I love it the WIIL Perez thing we’ve seen this 100 times going to Happ I liked him better the first time when he was a keil Badoo or Quint Barry or Quinton Barry you know like we always have this that we go through and everybody gets on board and I I grown fatigued of it yeah and that’s where my anger was but it’s easy to do when you ain’t won in 10 years so sue me you know it just is what it is yes I thought they would be better but it’s the nature of the be speaking of which if you don’t want to Old yell or anybody keep up with your pets and go to Premier Pet Supply cuz Premier pet suppli is hands down Michigan’s best pet store same prices at all the convenience as the online and big box retailers with one major difference their family and locally own operated for over about to shoot up again took his phone too the H you guys doing to him sorry Franny you’re fine family owned operated for over 30 years there 60 brands of food and nutrition experts to help you same day local curbside home delivery Premier Pet Supply give your pet the best www. 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Woodward confirmed in the chat the buhm kid shirt has made its way to California bum kid wait on the picture West Coast Bo kid if you buy a bootm kid shirt tweet us a picture either any of us here on the show we will put it on the show immediately I want a bootm kids movement because it’s what we’re founded on yeah the Redwing stuff’s great you know the lion stuff is great this is strictly a bootm kid shirt commercial damn right that’s all it is kids kids kids I have the Greg rounds picture do you really yeah I’m going to grab it right now asking you shall receive you’re damn right I like it though yeah you buy a bootm kid shirt tweet us a picture you’re going on the show we’ll stop what we’re talking about yeah breaking news yeah I I’ll we’ll treat it as breaking news break news stop shooting up you know I’ll stop shooting up the Tigers me and need there’s Greg rounds hey there is all the way from Rhode Island oh that boy clean Island shout out Greg hey we co co we did it deal we did it man hey man a hardam kid our dreams have been realized absolutely oh absolutely I love worldwide no pit bu no worldwide 71 madap forget about the Tigers it’s over focus on a playoff team Detroit City FC’s women side 72 and0 through nine matches shout out I’ll be in the building on Saturday for that match as a matter of fact I’ll be out there probably a good idea man yeah um Mitten made can we trade flare and scoble now you know what let’s just buzz the tower on that there’s some line stuff I want to get into we got a little bit shorter segment here because we ran long dmac I make you the GM what are you doing any time ER scoble stands on the mound is when he’s the most valuable to your organization every time if you’re going to make a move and go with the youth or whatever like that you’re either got two moves to make you go to scoble and say what’s it going to take to lock you up and you’re going to build your team around him and you make him that Soul piece if that’s what you think that he is or you go out and you get some pieces together that you’re going to do this I I got no problem with a rebuild with young guys if that’s the direction they’re going to go I just hate this same old garbage over and over and over again every day do like how long have we said this that like we can’t hit the pitching is there I don’t want to lose TK scoel I want him to stay but I I don’t with the direction that they’re going and the last thing that I’ll say is that I’m not the GM but I’m glad Scott Harris is and right now I got to lean to trust yeah what he’s going to do even though I don’t know how much he he allowed to do right like how so um I wouldn’t want it but if the the return was there where we’re looking at a win-win return where you say to me and and broer says to me in baseball people go you got that was good value in return yeah right for for prospects because we can use any position player right we’re maybe you got the center fielder in green you don’t have a first baseman you don’t don’t have more apparent so you have you right now right now you probably have a second Bas you have a second basement at Cole Keith that they locked up right yep Riley Green’s probably your other who else you don’t have a first baseman that’s for damn sure carpenter did we haven’t talked about that but that’s a huge issue because we don’t know how inefficient and how long he’s going to be hurt how bad the back is so to me I would have a problem you got your catcher I do think Dillinger dingler I think dingler yeah I think will be good okay so my whole thing Neil why don’t you do something that they all can come in together here we go right why don’t they go back and if they’re going to get youth or get whatever that the all these guys are going to develop together and I’d have more patience if that you know six of those guys in that roster I know they were committed to and that was the direction so I could take stuff like this yeah you you need a short stop you need a third baseman and you need oh here we go we’re fine at third stop hate thato that Booth told stop it was always they were it was a oneyear deal it was a one you act like I said it fine at third base oh my God according to that man one deal well no we we are fine at at third base because I think Jay Young is going to be good yeah so you got your third base of the future we how many part how many how many legs are we putting on this you got your third Bas why you mad at us D sign a first baseman sign a shortstop okay so let’s this discussion right why you mad at us when this is who you really you guys are on the new designer drugs huh like that nobody yeah you’re doing rock yeah what what drugs are you guys on cuz here we go again oh J young will be good H Dillinger will be good uh all these other rookie parlays will hit you know what so we just to despair we just to need call you need to call 1800 are we just not supposed to believe in any prospects yeah like what reason do you have to believe in them been raking J Young’s been raking I want I’m not just going to because Tolson didn’t work out I’m not just going to be like all right nobody will ever work out that’s weak I’m not going to do that like come on man you’re a fan 1800 Gambler kg you need to call your four-leg parlays that you’re betting the kids grocery money on it ain’t going to hit kg 1800 gambling how this take they feel that tolson’s at lost cause they need that first baseman yes who’s your piece to trade and and dmac this is and like look I’ll I’ll that’s where scoble comes in and why the reality is because scoel can get you that first basement t Reese sson for vlat let’s do it why why would the Blue Jays do that I don’t know they would thank you that’s all that’s all I wanted to hear um no but dmac okay this obbs aside right they need to make a decision now yes and I’m sorry that it’s that way is it is it it more dire today than it was April 1st yes positionally is it way more dire than it was April 1st absolutely so so you got you got to use your biggest asset to get the most return so you’re saying Trey scoble you got to do it you got to do it I you got to I don’t know man show me another path we we have a wealth of pitching I’m looking at the standpoint and know kg’s give gella a 5e deal I never said any of that so that’s but I got to give credit to Ryan Armani when he said this he said when the tigers are finally ready to compete you need that guy in the playoffs that’s going to pitch game one and game seven you have that already in your you know rotation you got to be in game one and game seven for it to work I understand but there are other ways to try to supplement this team we have enough pitching to where we can scout deals and maybe try to get some solid bats they also have money and I know I know Chris hasn’t spent to this point I get it I get it that’s who you really mad at you need to stop being at us and when you really mad at you mad at little Chris no no you know what you know what else to you know what else has come out of this discussion today what I probably and I will look in the camera and say it as if I’m talking to myself right now in a mirror maybe I took it too far with Chris illich maybe they knew maybe they knew this maybe they had to figure this out or maybe they knew already maybe who knows so was one signing going to tip the scales no they weren’t trying to tip the scales though that’s what you fail to realize so you know in the end they know like they would have took it if they could have won the division and or made the Wild Card I’m sure they would have took that but that was probably not in the plans it was never in the plans that’s not what you told me well I thought it was in the plans cuz they took a step up from last year so it’s not like I’m just nobody nobody in Detroit thought Spencer tlon was going to be this yes they regressed if he wasn’t this if he was what he was last year this team would be decent we thought one thing they thought another thing that can happen I get that [ __ ] changes on the Fly maybe they did think the central was going to be ass and look at where we at are now broer in the Woodward Sports Chat realistically they just need to bunt more facts okay Shout Out broer Try brother can’t hit thank you brother there is no reason for Zack mckinstry and Justin Henry Malloy not to be going up there and Bunting ABS cuz they can’t [ __ ] hit so lay a bunt down you’re both fast enough yeah at least it put some pressure on the fielders to make a make a play Woodward Sports Chad thread jump into there get your thoughts out there um Steve O baby hey Neil when the Rams beat the Lions you can burn them shirts no no no no that’s independent boo them kids is a lifestyle you damn right it’s a lifestyle we live here in Detroit regardless of the outcome of one game yeah and oh what if the Rams beat the Lions in the regular season check the playoffs dork yep and guess what we can still boo your kids absolutely and we’re going to and and we don’t need a res we don’t have to have the reason yeah other than we’re wearing the shirt also uh did you see the reports that Kelly Stafford was talking about uh dating the backup QB cheating on Matt Stafford with a backup when they were in college trying to make him jealous there but we’re the problem exactly because we boo chill we’re the problem she’s the worst right we just keep it real he needs to just 100% not talk but um yeah uh Chuck Brewer Neil bunting wouldn’t be any worse than the [ __ ] show that we have now I just don’t like so we’re going to bunt to end the inning instead of just striking out they can’t hit it they can’t hit it either way man yeah I you you reaching for answers man we don’t have them man rather see M mckinstry and Malloy and Badu go up there and try to lay a bunt down than just strike out yeah like at least they’re fast they can they can try to get to first base I know but you can’t steal first unfortunately you can try to bunt it’s better than them trying to get a hit as Parker Meadows found out you can’t steal first in the majors that’s somebody who definitely should if you can’t hit a MLB fast ball then what what good is that doing you you might as well but we got a lot of them okay there’s some Lin stuff I’ve never I’ve never seen a professional baseball team that as a whole consistently can’t hit fast balls wow it’s like we have like three players on our team that can actually square up a fast ball right and one of them’s kg’s boy Gio orell yeah so what GI orella AR and Riley green what you mad at me for other than that who can consistently square up an MLB fastball in this team I still don’t think people realize how dire it is I I’ll leave it at that it’s bad they have the fifth worst record in base and tell me who the players are Riley green and scoel let guot Harris told you this they’re trying when he came out and said he’s trying to identify the core you should have took that at face value they don’t know who the [ __ ] the core is at this point when you have a lumbar fracture I reserve the right to have question that’s fair that is scary I’m sorry yeah I’m not saying he’s a bomb or a bust or anything like that but I am telling you I am concerned and that’s fair I don’t Max Clark are raking in ball just saying this thing might be more years right seriously this thing might be another two to three years out man I love both of those guys though Max Clark Max Clark has Aura so just a two-leg parlay oh my God I’m not it’ be weird if they both panned out I have a lot of I have very high on Max we’re not just going to sit here and be constantly negative we’re not Steve said you got to remember our best tagger is out dmac well somebody also brought up is notice notice that jav’s not around when you finally yeah the final blow I mean sort of gone downhill since he’s been on lineup I mean you know look at who knew he was the together ELO yeah man Elmer’s tagging glue what about pit oh plan of Fitness everybody we’re live at the Planet Fitness Studios it’s the best gym in the gym game I’ll never be a member at another gym why is that cuz Planet Fitness is the best value not in gyms in American consumerism that’s a fact over 2,500 planet fitnesses around the world you get access to every single one of them with a black card membership there’s over 50 in metro Detroit alone what does that mean it means no matter where you are you can get the work in it’s not far away wherever we’re broadcasting from there’s always a plan of Fitness close by you’re going to pass a couple on the way home guys you’ve been saying it forever you want to get in better shape so guess what you got to do it as I said you’re going to pass a couple plan of fitnesses on the way home just pulling the parking lot join right there and you are in there guys again the best gym in the gym game go to join there as well it’s Planet Fitness Mr Darren mccardy Planet Fitness 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largest variety of cannabis product come through our stores or order on diso dash today diso dispensary diso your local cannabis plug all right hour number two of the show Big D energy Woodward Sports Network Neil rule that guy Darren mccardy he won Stanley Cubs and stuff kg we ain’t good good but we still good man we ain’t good good on Tigers but we’re still good that’s my guy uh it’s Thursday by the way Thursday spin the block coming up I I was not prepared but tomorrow for sure A variation let me ask your white ass something yeah well it it might be a little bit of that and I might also speak on the recent emu transfer yeah and you got to do it with uh with Terry oh Terry’s going to be here is Terry here tomorrow I’m assuming I haven’t been told I’m assuming it’s going to be yeah let’s let’s push it to tomorrow push it to tomorrow yeah all right I’ll take care of you I got you yeah we we need we do need to talk about Rec recent Eastern Michigan University transfers you’re right yeah man shout out James but yeah we going we going to discuss that and maybe get a little ass great too yeah cuz we at Power neck here we can get his thought he he helped recruit him as a product of of the Emu program one of the Staples that turned the whole thing around he can speak to the culture of what might have brought such a highly touted recruit to the to the EMU campus he gave him the campus tour you know he did 100% so and like his transfer announcement got what like 2 million views on on X alone it was crazy it was crazy but we know why L it was just people waiting to comment on that though what are you talking about well yeah you know what I’m talking about I don’t but hey tune in in tomorrow he’s a three star linebacker that’s a good gift it was West Virginia or Eastern Michigan yeah it must have shelled out a bag for him what kind of Deal’s emu has been paying are we going to see some commercials you would think I wonder what I just feel for the play byplay guy it’s like we got to go back to like the college football just calling them by the numbers cuz yes no way and Noah with the tackle linebacker 44 no absolutely uh Mitten made get the hall for scooo and flarity Tra you’re guys you’re not getting a hall for flarity yeah he’s on an expiring deal scoo probably but yeah not flarity um Mitten made also said trade Tolson for a bag of better made uh red hot I’m not giving up a bag of better made red hot for torque I I think it’s time to maybe try to cut bait though cuz this I don’t think he’s going to be in the plans going point at this point it’s rock bottom so now you just put him in a trade package with whatever you trying to trade it brings down the value I mean you would love to throw up that 30 home run season that’s all you at this point you’re better off just that’s all you can pitch hey he had a 30 run season’s I don’t I don’t think it brings down the value I think some teams would still you know I can fix him he might can be fixed don’t trade him Rays he he could be fixed please don’t trade him to the Rays cuz if we trade him to the Rays he’s going to hit 50 home runs the next year no no doubt uh Ward Sports Chat thre jump into there get your thoughts out there and um you know anything that you have to say uh rack said so kg said we’re two to three years out so why are we keeping scoel now when his contract is up in two years you want to recite him are you hoping he stays healthy and consistent till then we need to trade him now and get what we can and I’m not mad at that I’m not totally against trading him I just feel like he is that that one a guy and we have money so once again to your point I’m hopeful Chris gets his head out of his you know what and spends some money it seems like uh over the next few Winters that may be the plan once they identify what young players they want to keep on the team dncn says rest in peace Drake uh all day that was a funeral looking at the Tigers roster for hitters maybe three guys to build around Keith Green and Ian can only hit lefties are we on the iban is a Cornerstone piece was that kg I didn’t say that we’re not on that right dmac uh never said he’s a great you know he’s a piece you could add to it but he’s not a core piece got to be able to hit right-handed pitching to be a at some point yeah no at some point I did want to talk about the Lions um because I’ve seen it I’ve seen it making its way around and National people have hooked on to this and yeah I want want to I want to get to you know the stuff that we have in there about the Lions and the offseason I’m going to but dmac you want to know how I know you’ve arrived as a franchise that the national folk are using you as a well a click well uh a a pay attention to me well where you or a bell you can just go and ring it and get people to pay attention to you have you notic that with the Lions yeah like some of the national folk out there well 100% but that’s noticed that as Dan Campbell last year made his presence in the not only the NFC North but also to the whole football everybody takes he’s a he’s a quote machine everybody wants you want to talk to this man right and whatever is coming out this only goes to show you right when you hear that they only what do they give that National coverage too right or may um it’s to teams that they truly truly believe our contenders will win the big the big prize because it only happens to you know there’s the norm right but who would you compare this to who is this like treat of the week right like where was it’s gone to different teams and stuff like this but because it’s new er right in the winning and aren’t they great quotes coming out of there like I I’m always interested to hear what comes out of Allen Park so why wouldn’t the rest of the of the football world espe especially with a team that not just here in Detroit but but nationally thinks could win a Super Bowl well it but I think that they’re doing it they’re not they’re not doing it for good though yeah you don’t think so because they’re doing it to self serve no no I get it but when they are self- serving each other you don’t think that the apparentness and the awareness that Dan Campbell and Brad Holmes and they have in the organization is that that’s what’s going on it’s just the same thing as if National things pick up different sound bites to whatever so who gives a [ __ ] why they’re serving it the fact is is that the people get to know more knowledge right more people in this country will know you watch next year I know the Cowboys are always America’s team but Detroit truly is America’s sweetheart and I guess at the at the core of it is this Seth Walder guy you know that came out with his top 10 list of quarterbacks and didn’t have jarro G like on the top 10 list of quarterbacks in the NFL but see like so so who’s that guy like big that’s nobody right to like in my opinion like okay I don’t know that guy or whatever that’s his opinion or whatever here I’m showing Jared gof and everybody in there because of the disrespect and just the laugh they don’t give a [ __ ] I’m not saying they should I’m saying like dud disrespect are popping up now they’re [ __ ] the flannels [ __ ] every they’re everywhere that’s what I try to tell you we have one raid [ __ ] here at this show that goes PFF or whatever but they truly believe to whatever so I don’t give a [ __ ] what their motivation is start talking about us it’s the wrestling adage Kenny yeah pop of emotion good bad right wrong you’re talking about me I don’t care what you’re talking about so that’s where we’re at and and it’ll they’ll have to give respect eventually what do we we sound soft we sound like jues here like we’re going to get offended the fact that they’re disrespecting our our team like they always have they understand how rabid of a fan base the Lions fan base is and we’re finally winning so we can actually defend our team properly now so yeah they’re taking advantage of that absolutely no but but see that’s like that’s the thing you know to come out and say something like that like obviously you’re using the Lions brand to advance and I guess I guess my question is is that where I’m wrong in this business bu cuzz I don’t when I when I say something I mean it I know who you are I know who you are Ru says something or whatever I stop and take this clown or those clowns or whatever like this that are using it where you can say oh they’re trying to where they don’t see it no you got to yeah not everybody you got to be true to you so that when you do say something and you are like you are on your Tigers then then it’s it’s true yeah don’t stop there’s only dude what do you expect over the next eight months it only going to get worse or dig in what I love about that [ __ ] though right Blackboard material is real motivated different you tell them to tell this team why they can’t do it and that motivates them that I believe yeah Lions remember all that [ __ ] we know that no I do but but again though that’s why I like and I know people get you know all ruffled up about it and they get all excited about it I just kind of sit there and laugh at it because we have become your your marketing Angle now Absol like your your your marketing Ploy your marketing tactic your marketing plan involves the alliance who to th it yeah 24 months ago it’s low hanging fruit you take a franchise that’s been sorry for over 50 60 years and now they finally start winning is it’s easy it it’s it’s comical to me you nailed it low hanging but that’s what this business is yeah for for 80% or the ones that you don’t know their names or whatever take the low hanging F we’ve been waiting Kenny you brought up a great Point why do you do that because anytime you throw anything positive or negative to the Lions fans way it’s a tornado yeah because we’ve waited so long to be here so I don’t begrudge anybody who that’s their right game plan or whatever but I mean it enjoy it we’ve been so long we haven’t been talked about or we’ve been the laughing stock now we’re not I don’t care even if they disrespect our guys our guys will go out and show it on the field so that we can make sure that guys like this know what’s up uh proud cheer dad Neil would you consider the season saved if they sweep the white socks this weekend uh no because everyone that plays a white sock sweeps them and they struggle with the white socks the first time around so you know that’s uh no there is there is no saving this those save huh you don’t want to be saved apparently tell them about Swiss insurance DM absolutely now more than ever it is critical for you to have your insurance reviewed Swiss insurance will make sure your carrier is not slipping in extra fees call my buddy Mark today at Swiss insurance 313 5301 1698 or go to Swiss braet with here Premier Pet Supply man just looking around who’s got it better than pets come on a baby stroller for Cota a chef for Lola really you don’t have to tell me who the real boss here is who’s got it better than pets nobody especially here at Premier pet supply for over 30 years in more than 13 locations Premier pet supplies has everything that your pet can dream of and guess what it’s all Under One Roof Premier Pet Supply familyowned operat and PR to call Metro Detroit home check out Premier pets or scan the QR code today who’s got it better than pets no nobody congratulations to the real Coach of the Year Motor City Dan Campbell just put your head down and go to work it’s about to be fun man it’s about to be fun Woodward Sports what happens when you run a great business for over 50 years you expand and offer more products to more people exactly what Les Stanford did by adding Les Stanford Buick GMC the same great service that customers have come to know and trust on Woodward AV just south of 9 Mile check out Le Stanford and Dearborn today at left Le Stanford Chevrolet together let’s drive all right keeping it pushing everybody Big D energy Woodward Sports Network on a Thursday Neil rule Darren mccardy we got kg in the house Spencer raxa as well Woodward heavyweights 5 to 7 shout out shout out check it out that’s right uh don’t forget too wake up Woodward by the way check 8 to 10: a.m. is a matter of fact damn right yep there it is um but no we we’re we’re just we’re talking Detroit Lions and it’s it’s just another sign of how far the organization is come uh they’re it’s a boost of The credibility organization because you have the ESPN folk and and National stuff and uh anytime that they want to get their name out there they come up with something right ridiculous to say about the lions like Caleb Williams being in a top 10 quarterback list yeah you know what I’m saying like just stuff like that that is you know just flat out laughable um but we do we take it and run with it so I guess it’s on us to some degree yeah um and the the the chat message cycled through already I forget who it was but they they said something to the effect of uh I’ve never cared what the national media has talked about we care oh no we care by by the mentions of the like tweets like this we care we waited so long for the national media to even mention us so absolutely the fan base cares what the national media say 100% like so we just need to be honest about that yeah like We Care a Lot still cuz we’re still new money exactly you know what I’m saying like we got the members ship in the country club right but we still ain’t dressing right in that country club we don’t put the napkin in the right spot right we don’t use the Right Fork yeah we not the traditional oh Dallas Cowboys oh look at their owner we like him so we’re just going to drool over the Cowboys yeah or the Chiefs you know the 49ers are have pretty much become old money now we’re still new money oh you’re AB dude you’re as new money because you know what it’s also got value and it’s got lasting value it’s not just the NFL where a lot of times we always talk about that you can turn it around in three years or stuff like this but this team the way that it’s put together is has potential Neil to one day be old money right finally we never had that opportunity and you know what I also like too it’s a summertime guys are away off and what everybody can run their miles and do whatever and and use whatever clickbait or whatever when it comes around to the season right and and whatever’s going on I just have a harder time believing that people will take shots at Dan Campbell and this team that as they get better and they become this older Money Team people are going to have to respectfully do it because I don’t think he’s gonna really allow it now that he has that’s what winning brings winning brings that attitude now he’s always had it in the protector but you know what there’s a narrative there and you know you better act right I just love would love to see one of these guys that’s critical being in the press conference asking that question face to face instead of sitting on a desk and analyzing it or whatever like this but to my point Brad Holmes Brad Holmes and Dan Campbell are not going to let anything deter that Locker Room by outside noise as the kids say dmac they stand on business damn right tto stand on business T to you want hey you know that villain right that we all like about y it’s time to turn it up a little bit yeah it’s I I I said this uh yesterday on heavyweights 5 to S shout outout out uh we are not this cute story anymore we’re not this oh look at this scrappy little Lions team Lions oh they haven’t won a playoff game in so they no the national media sees it they’re like oh [ __ ] this team’s actually good oh [ __ ] this team is better than our darling Dallas Cowboys oh this team is in the NFC Championship Game we’re sitting at the big boy boy table we’re realistic Super Bowl contenders so they can’t make their little cute fluff pieces anymore and they got to try to shoot us down and they also know that Lions fans pause no Diddy no Brady ride hard they are the hardest riders in the NFL when it comes the fan bases we sold out and took over the creamsicle Day in Tampa Bay we took over the frozen tundra of Lambo field they know if they say something about the Lions the fans will be out there to say hey shut your [ __ ] mouth we finally got a contender yeah I mean and again like I just bring this up because I see it for what it is and I see what the people are trying to do because the bottom line is is they’re a good franchise because they have top five players at multiple positions yes sir multiple positions it’s very easy if you want to if you want to simplify things it’s very easy why they are good Hut is a top five in his spot right yep right right there right at that number five p is number one p is number now that one mhm I’ll draw the sword against the crowd on that one yeah for sure rock is top five at his at his position yes sir no doubt about it just look at the numbers man go ahead and look at the numbers some people on X don’t think so but they’ll learn they’ll learn he’ll do it again you know what I’m saying it just means we for real man and it’s it’s not just the media too you know it’s the NFC North look at everything that’s happened with these other teams Green Bay making comments about our Banner raising during the draft combine look at all the moves the Bears made all the moves the Packers made they are doing that for us right they they are doing that because they realize like oh [ __ ] the lions are for real this is a real organization now they are running the show we can’t allow that to happen yep leapa top five player at his position already y ragau yep top five player at his position yep see what I’m saying here Brian Branch top five player at his position I’m going to say it yeah I don’t care I’m not mad at it like that’s that’s why dude so that’s why like again I don’t get caught up in all that uh like a lot of the other people do and you know again my my other favorite one Spenny is but who the whole Lions off season when did this become a thing by the way this uh this is is the same guy I’m pretty sure oh weird yeah I’m pretty sure same guy his uh this is his thing uh he gave the Lions a c only five teams in the NFL he gave lower worse grades than the Lions for their offseason moves said the biggest move was extending Jared Goff the move he liked the most was signing zeitler and Graham glas out of value prices the moov he disliked the most was the golf move this is uh the most important transaction the Lions had made in the four years $212 million extension they handed golf it’s not a move I can endorse at that price and it is a potential to hamper the organization for years golf is a divisive talent but I think most would agree he is not a top 10 quarterback and that offensive coordinator Ben Johnson deserves a fair share of credit for Detroit’s offensive success if Johnson leaves for a head coaching job in the near future how effective would golf be it’s a fair question like again it’s only it’s only this guy tell me you’re not here right you’re not here and you don’t know but like I don’t take as much offense to what he’s saying but this is somebody that doesn’t hear follow this team know the intangibles knowing that we we see we’ve got there this is a conversation from last year right who who makes it go Ben Johnson like you’re saying that Jared Goff he’s got to execute whatever it is there a great combination but you can’t say we’ve had this conversation the what he got is everything you want and this guy to that this tells me where’s this guy from obviously he’s he doesn’t pay attent this is like a superficial view of what the lions are this is sort of like talking to Spenny or easy about golf two years ago before the contract um it hips Neil can we get your take on JJ’s first pitch at the Twins game oh God yes you can I didn’t see it it was bad I I’m going to put you on the spot we got to pull it for the should still We we played it on wake up where it should still be uh the JJ pitch yeah check the download we’re going to get it for the next segment I got it yeah we’re next segment don’t go anywhere we will break down JJ McCarthy’s first pitch at the Twins game hips did you think I was going to miss that one yeah come on now come on now this is NE what we talking about what what’s the problem the tiger junkie they talked about in the morning show wake up Woodward that’s right 8 10: a.m. Monday through Friday right here on the Woodward Sports Network you know the players and you know the game that’s right Kool-Aid flannel Sam if he ever comes back from vacation might be the longest vacation you ever heard of with this guy I keep extending his dmax says it’s permanent said no he needs to spend quality time with his family so I just you know called down there get him that extended week he probably flew to Florida to cuss out JZ Chism in real life yeah they it as well to 10 a.m. though if he ever comes back you can watch him on wake up Woodward right here I’m Michigan’s number one sports network yes I said it because yes indeed it is true it is Michigan’s number one sports network Woodward Sports it’s time for the type of energy only Darren mccardy and Neil rule can give it’s time for Big D energy live on Woodward Sports join four time Stanley Cup champion and legendary badass Darren mccardy and the gold voice of Neil rule Monday through Friday 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. as they give their takes on all things Detroit sports the number one midday show in Detroit is on welcome to Big D energy love Woodward Sports love wearing clothes then you should be wearing Woodward sports clothes check out our full line merch at Woodward just click on shop we have all your favorite designs like Dan Campbell kneecaps would W Golf and of course our own logo out merchandise men women infants kids all love Woodward Sports impress your friends impress your boss impress your dog by Woodward Sports merch today Neil ruler here for Dr Pierce that’s right he has our injury Insider on Woodward Sports Network catch them every Tuesday right here on Big D energy and Thursdays with with bougie and Edwards where they can offer topnotch injury advice trust the guy that Darren mccardy trusted with his career facts yes his career Dr Jeff Pierce here to keep you in the game and keep you performing at your best for more info visit michigansports or give him a call at 28426 9944 I just found it on Twitter so give me a second yeah yeah no problem man uh keeping it pushing Big D energy Woodward Sports Network Neil Ru Daren mccardy kg Spencer raxter here in the building as well and um Cody Engel Armani and Edwards probably said it was the greatest first pitch of all time well you’ll have to tune in two to four I’m sure they [Music] will do you do you think that Armani is going to say it’s the greatest first pitch in the history of first pitches it was better than 50 cents right barely oh wow all right I got it okay so um here it is JJ McCarthy much heralded can’t miss NFL quarterback prospect that will in fact be going to the Hall of Fame according to Ryan armman probably um here it is he threw out the first pitch there he is on the mount rocks kicks and fires that one bounces in the batter box goes all the way to the back stop JJ McCarthy running in embarrassment yeah I like the skip after he threw it that was great yep so there it was dmac bounce into the now granted would jav bayas have swung at that yes he would absolutely that’s fair that’s fine but that is not a marker for whether or not it’s a good pitch as a matter of fact it’s quite the opposite I’ll tell you what I’ll give JJ some credit here he went from the rubber yep he went from the rubber a lot of people go from in front of the tit or or they allow you no no not that you can’t they don’t allow you to go from the rubber make you go from upfront from trust me from a guy that’s really okay had to had to petition I didn’t know that yeah they make you do that uh Cody Engel quote I was told JJ had an arm unquote he got it to the back stop that’s good he did absolutely power neck um the building Matt Krueger Neil is the ultimate tiger Michigan and Aiden Hutchinson hater um again I didn’t throw it to the back stop I don’t think you’re a tiger’s hater Kevin Kevin Donaldson Justin Jefferson watching like uh should ask for more um yeah no it absolutely is uh here’s here’s one of your ilk kg okay I’m good with them but I’m not good good yeah exactly good thing he’s not paid to throw baseballs yeah that’s a big facts a baseball is different than a football but I know I know absolutely uh fj1 1967 a girlyy pitch now I I don’t know about that we’re inclusive here I don’t know about all that but um uh DNC ENT Ryan will probably take McAfee’s take Dallas Turner’s pitch was Far outside so JJ tried to outdo Turner make him feel better he’s a good teammate so uh there’s that one as well DM you’ve thrown out first pitches before right I’ve had the pleasure to do that it’s fun it’s fun it is nerve-wracking yeah if you don’t get any throws in before it’s like hit the first it’s like hit that first t- shot when you have’t warmed up right when it’s the first swing of the day yeah now now I like the ones and you know what’s funny about this they had top 10 uh like opening pitches and who threw it and both like Russell Wilson and ich row threw at 85 or whatever like that but you got to like if you want to do it and just show you know you throw it in there at some Pace I bring the knuckle curve in there really really freak out the catcher back there no you got to let him know what’s coming yeah oh that’s fair well you just got to tip the glove best one I threw was the Andy like it’s had to be about 67 hell yeah Corner splitter dad with Tourette’s brings up a good point and maybe I’m going to tone it down about JJ’s first pitch give JJ a break he was never asked to throw that far at Michigan that’s a good point that is a good point that’s a great because whenever they had a throw that they had to throw deep they’d bring in the running back oh my God what I’m just let you have it bro what do you mean let me have it just go ahead what was inaccurate about dad with Tourette’s comment get your [ __ ] off deal it’s fine no what was inaccurate about it I’m just saying couple of those Michigan receivers got draft it that’s all I’m going to add to that that’s true so I’m just saying so did JJ yeah six people traded up to get he wasn’t just completing six-yard passes every time he was not the first quarterback off the board though that is that is facts there were better quarterbacks above him absolutely welcome power neck to the show oh he’s got the protein shake what are you what are you sipping on over there power neck a little Muscle Milk Man the other day this guy was eating a burger with no bun and Muscle Milk and I was like what the hell kind of strong ass meal is that hey K don’t hate the player hate the game hate the game bro look at this he’s he’s massing size in front of our eyes slowly and surely cultivating Mass hey what’s cultivating Mass hey what time you gonna be here tomorrow power Nick cuz um I might need you for my uh spin the block segment I I will uh I will be here at the start of the show man day scratching tomorrow yeah I I’m not going to be here tomorrow uh shout out to uh my friend Scott and Jackie they’re getting married tomorrow Port so I’m going to be up there for a wedding uh it’s going to be hot it’s going be hot uh sh I’m going to pop the dress shirt off pretty pretty early in the festivities I can tell you that but I’m excited it should be a lot of fun shout out to them I will how many buttons down we going oh no tie probably three buttons down to start yeah like showing up on the scene yeah I’m going to wear a coat like a jacket just so I canot wear a tie and it be acceptable taking the jacket off as soon as I get there and the hamburger meat’s going to be flowing oh yeah yeah um wife beater yeah because no no because that’ll that’ll help what at the beginning because it’s the whole shirts eventually coming off for whatever but that would be I heard I heard this question the other day is the wife beat her to man bra probably it’s pretty close yeah there are actual man bras now though well like not bras but they’re like they suck your stomach a girle type thing i’ get targeted ads for him on Instagram it’s weird why is that know you must have clicked but yeah it’s like a it’s like a it’s like a wife beater but it they got Shapers for yeah it’s literally like a shaper that’s all right just do some squ trying get snatched do some crunches man right trying to get snatched let’s go Red Wing spy power neck do you stir the nails into the muscle milk or do you consume those separately you know what I think 1250 today ask power neck yes let’s do it I ate a bow of hills for breakfast without what do you think what do you think about a ass power neck 100% 100 million per let’s get to know the PN before he takes charge tomorrow night all your emu questions and everything everything else you’ve ever wanted to ask power neck are you comfortable with this oh yeah I’m great with this I just like the fact that the the toughness meter in this freaking studio just went up three notches I just watched it go up you know I’m never felt more right now oh where was it um B bing bada boom said the man’s ear the man’s ear shout out shout out Seinfeld great show it’s a great show that’s a great episode RJ Graham what kind of power meal is that alltime quote right I swear how many how many grams of protein in a day uh it’s uh close to 300 300 wait what Jesus Christ what was the question how many of he said 300 if you want me to go now that’s yeah yeah let’s hear the breakdown you’re loading right are you try what’s the what’s the goal you try as your lift you try to get some sides like you’re trying to put on TR size trying to really cut down on fat so right now I’m like 240 235 240 so trying to cut down stay off the carbs you know like all protein more Pro reg you’ll sh up yeah no that uh you better be glad you still try to make it’s not high for the guy his size how do you eat 300 g of protein I want to hear the can you take us inside and I know we way it’s got to be it’s got to be more in drinks and stuff yeah what three protein shakes a day something like that it’s uh so yeah I start my day at 4:00 a.m. oh my God I have six eggs two strips of bacon hold on hold on okay I’m I’m going to I’m going to stop you at various intervals of this story okay Spenny do we have the Rocky music in the background he just said six eggs six eggs two strips of bacon or two two strips of bacon and then and then what are like are we done or is there more well then I head to my first workout of the day take my like supplements and stuff that I have before that so what kind of supplements we talking so like amino acids so it’s like kind of uh type of like protein type thing type of thing um and then take in a uh what’s called like a power pack it’s like a it’s like a various vitamins get throughout the day okay what time what time is this at this is all before this is all between 4: and 5:30 a.m Jesus you have fish oils in your diet what that’s it fish o fish oil what are we doing in the meat do you have hey do you take do you take the Beet supplement too that’s a big fish oils and the Beet supplement for your circulation and stuff so yep okay um a lot of people saying I’m out at 4:00 a.m. I’m out at 4:00 a.m. too okay but no for the rest that are still with you power neck so between 4:00 and 5 what are we doing in the meantime we’re just eating the whole time or what I do what’s called a morning routine so it’s like a Reading Writing journaling type thing and then I have my first workout of the day at 6:00 a.m. okay so you’re getting a mental space between four and six physical too with the diet so then we go to the we go into the gym what do we do we lift in truck tires what are we doing so I go to first time i’ ever had a trainer so I’m up at Michigan Mecca and no shout out great sh out um so I train there from 6:00 to 7:30 then I stretch from 7:30 to 8:30 9:00 um so then there I go drive home it’s about a 45 minute drive home so I get back around 9:45 10:00 I eat again what are we eating again right are we’re at more eggs 10 a.m. right you’re at 10: a.m. yes sir so I have a vegetable smoothie like fruit vegetable smoothie with protein in it so so that’s probably another 25 gr of protein and then I usually have some sort of either fruit or chicken there so I have like two chicken breasts or a salad so then what I bring in here usually is usually salad with chicken in it or um I’ve had in the past like I don’t know pork chops I’ve made throughout the week so yeah yeah that’s kind of my thing so then I come here I drink usually another protein shake as you guys see me sipping on one um um have my creatine and things in that usually and then as soon as I leave here uh I usually then go straight to my second workout of the day oh got so hey like with all that right we’re people don’t understand I want you to take that where this is a we take power NE college kid trying to just you know chasing his dream it the sacri this the sacrifice of what it takes to not even as and here’s the great thing to let you know as you ascend it gets easier what do I mean by that because all these things around you are more prevalent to your diet and where where it’s like right now the discipline you have to show not only for the times that you do but is a is sort of like 9th 10th grade high school learn and study habits that’ll carry you you know further on so it’s so God bless you it’s that commitment that you don’t see so if you I always say what have you put in to get out where you know yourself and and to people out there that are struggling with anything or want to get all you have to do is start yep and just start and and to those things and and like you said where you realize too power neck you can’t do it alone right whereas you can do so many things but you have never had a trainer how do you how do you that experience of going to that and having to be accountable to somebody else right during the which is a tough time so um Shadow I I like that I I think we should do a segment of just getting to know a little bit behind of the motivational what goes into to chasing your dream now this is this supplemental you know backup plan right or or trying to figure it out to whatever so you got to figure out how to mix everything in you know at one time what time so after your work or so how does your evening go like you go work out at what time is your second let’s do this let’s go to the break I got to hear the end of this then we’ll do the afternoon into the evening it’s it’s this is crazy to me you know when I was in college I was just pounding Bru flicking beans and eating Taco Bell and like that’s probably why I put on 50 lbs but you know it’s not too hard when you know it’s not too hard to to recreate it and think about it right click it bees eat taco be it’s the holy the natural transition is to talk about haircuts Jane absolutely cuz you have to look right well groomed is successful Spencer activities absolutely awesome is what a guy can be a guy get amazing haircut Lady Jane’s haircuts for me stop and sit back relax I want to Lady James Talent silus make you look and feel great walking any time 7 days a week lady James this we get awesome we don’t like to brag that we are the toughest Sports Network in Detroit but we do have a guy named Darren mccardy on her side Woodward Sports yo let me just say I love Planet Fitness trying out Planet Fitness and dang they got lots of equipment not me getting a Planet Fitness membership just for the 24-hour perk listen the pf black card is worth every penny for this hydro massage I’m a new man did y’all know that the PF app has workouts you can do at home cheapest therapy I can find is Planet Fitness all the benefits All For Less Planet Fitness big Fitness energy for all congratulations to the real Coach of the Year Motor City Dan Campbell just put your head down and go to work it’s about to be fun man it’s about to be fun Woodward sports bra networks here Premier Pet Supply man just looking around who’s got it better than pets come on a baby stroller for Cota a chef for Lola really you don’t have to tell me who the real boss here is who’s got it better than pets no body especially here at Premier pet supply for over 30 years in more than 13 locations Premier pet supplies has everything that your pet and dream of and guess what it’s all Under One Roof Premier Pet Supply familyowned operated and proud to call Metro Detroit home check out Premier pet or scan the QR code today who’s got it better than pets nobody all right guys let’s stop talking about protein for a second and get serious here because this is serious divorce child custody visitation family law issues as a whole who are you going to trust should trust Kevin and Catherine at KDK law right here in Birmingham they will have your back over 10 years of experience 247 availability you can scan the QR code on the screen you can call them at 248 97147 guys again this is serious here we’re talking about family law we’re talking about your children man we’re talking about visitation divorce all of it get the best team you can get on your side and that is KDK law say Woodard Sports sent you KDK will pay your filing fee KDK law they’ve got your back don’t let her take half of what you got there and there’s that as well um this kind of became like a pseudo yeah segment I was trying to be funny for for those you just just join in here power neck uh former football player at Eastern Michigan trying to give it a go trying to get set up for the Canadian football Le draft that’s the the method behind all this what he’s got going on wants to try his hand in the pros I would assume wants to empty the tank because if he makes it you made it and you accomplished a dream and if you don’t make it you know in your soul cuz we all have that question I think all of us at some point some point in our lives if we didn’t get somewhere we wanted to go we If we’re honest with ourselves we say we didn’t give everything we had yeah no what if that’s one of my number one rules now it can get you in trouble cuz you go hard all the time but I figured it out in the last a little bit but but it’s what at the end of the day look in the mirror and say what what have I done to earn this or what I if you put everything in and it doesn’t work out wasn’t meant to be yeah you can hold your head high and and walk away going man but look at what you’ve learned in the re in the process because the most impressive thing for PN telling us to schedule on The Daily it’s he this is every day this isn’t once a week once a month whatever this is dedication this is his life doubt dedicated so power neck here is a we got we got to the uh what did we get to we we’re we’re to we’re to the he’s here at Woodward knocking down his next protein shake and for those of you that are just joining us his morning kicks off at 4:00 a.m. with six eggs two strips of bacon yeah then there’s like a mental space where he gets right mentally then the workout happens all through the amino acids and all that roughly about 300 grams of protein and power I want to catch you up with what the people are saying about it right now A bada bing bada boom so you know this is going to be serious right now says I do a morning routine too I wake up at 8:42 I eat a hard-boiled egg and two Reese’s Cups then I try to convince my wife to sleep with me when she refuses I eat two more Reese’s cups and then I cry into my man’s ear so that Z come full circle we’ve talked about man’s ears awareness is on point absolutely keep grinding bro uh a to the stone okay Neil in this neck power neck segment now he’s making me feel like the laziest most unhealthy POS on the planet uh coach Richie uh today has been one of the better shows I’ve seen in a long time I’m laughing so much shout out coach Richie yeah we do this every day though you know absolutely yeah but he’s a coach he expects more than we expected of ourselves that’s true big fact he does um Steve OAB Spencer you’re a good dude don’t let these people on the show get to you no not never yeah what no I’m not I don’t know that’s in reference to if there’s anybody that’s comfortable in their skin spin what never I don’t I don’t know what that’s in reference to by got the rge y’all better stop playing man you know what whatever all right power neet we’re here we’re at Woodward uh you’re you’re here through the uh bouge and Edward show right yes sir okay so we we’re knocking down the second lunch uh the second protein shake all of it y okay so ban Edwards is on here um I won’t speak to that there’s no eating from 2 to 4: that’s for sure no sipping on anything got graphics you got stuff you got to do that’s a rule of the show no it’s just don’t give him more ammunition it’s just too much stuff yeah he’s he’s okay since we’re on the boan Ed are you allowed to make eye contact with Ryan Herman yeah yeah that just happened recently though don’t think he came in with you got to do there’s a uh the camera shots you got to would you would you say it’s high maintenance you could say that okay confirmed all right I like you so I’m not going to I’m not going to you know throw I’m not going to do it anymore okay all right so like I’m a truth teller so it’s like a baned house all right stock blink blink blink twice if you’re okay all right so he wants to talk about so I need help no we not hey chat we’re not going to ask him about lemon water or disinfecting Studios or any of that stuff all right yeah I know let’s go red wing power neck has to send a video of him lifting heavier to Ryan to make eye contact with them uh yeah okay anyway um all right so we’re done with Herman and Edwards done with armman and Edward thankful we exhale no I said that I said that no all right so we’re done with Armani and Edwards we we get our D no okay no we’re done all right so leave then what are we doing he was looking for he where we all right where are we going from there we drive home and we’re usually hitting up it depends on the day but Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays are running days so it’s either doing hill Sprints or doing field Sprints I do like bungee bungee like Sprints type things and then uh Mondays and Fridays are uh position drills so positional things for people are asking your position so I’m a linebacker so I do like change of Direction y can’t tell about a Nick shuffling um you do kind of hip turns Zone drops type of thing and then Tuesdays Thursdays Saturdays are like buildups so like 110 yard Sprints 60 yard Sprints 40s um and then the hill day I usually do on Saturdays so it’s like where the camps at Bald duck is where I train at actually it’s a hill like a big old Hill there like running uphill so and then uh yeah and you go to exhaustion right as hard as you can go yeah I mean I do about so Hill Sprints I’ll do 25 of them I I do five and then a minute break in between so it’s like good cardiovascular but it’s also pushing yourself up the hill type things um I mean I do this I mean not just for look honestly if I wasn’t trying to play in the NFL or do any of that I wouldn’t be doing it I mean it’s suicide like right but you know that’s always been a dream of mine and that’s some I’m uh that’s I mean I know what I got to do in order to get there so yeah you’ll pay you’ll pay any price pay any price so that’s why uh big uh J Ken turtleneck shirts I do wear turtlenecks man that is my go-to in the winter time I had a neck like that turtleneck chain if you had a neck is the go-to yeah turtleneck chain hell yeah CMB we all we got like The Rock in high school the you like that if the football thing doesn’t work out I mean you might want to wander over to the wrestling ring might be able to to work you into that uh no that’s uh definitely uh that’s dope uh Bucky says power net comes off like a smart fundamentally sound athlete you abolutely hey maybe if they start the power eating too I mean he sounds like he can pack away the groceries too uh Brendan Diller where does he play he played at Eastern Michigan part of the Eastern Michigan football renaissance renaissance was on your TV National Television bulll games he’s been there he’s he’s done all that before um so yeah that’s uh that’s what it is all right we’ll take the last break when we come back ask power neck anything you want to ask power neck played in college football bowl games I got a good one yeah I got a question for oh man but yeah get it in there everybody get it in there tell them about Randy Wise DX absolutely the Randy Wise golf tournament Celebrity Golf uh we’ve done it last year do it again this year stay tuned uh next week hopefully we will show you how you can sign up and be a part of it yes you can be out there with brilin myself Neil Timmy and everybody over at Randy Wis we do celebrity golf tournaments great uh we’re going to hit Calvin Johnson’s golf tournament my golf tournament and a bunch more you can be a part of it stay tuned no matter what I always make Randy Randy Wise the wise choice I love Woodward Sports love wearing clothes then you should be wearing Woodward sports clothes check out our full line merch at Woodward just click on shop we have all your favorite designs like Dan Campbell kneecaps Woodward Golf and of course our own lowo out merchandise men women kids all love Woodward Sports impress your friends impress your boss impress your dog by Woodward Sports merch today stop searching for a vehicle and start finding one Le Stanford 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awesome a ton of fun a ton of sports and a ton of man meat welcome to the Woodward heavyweights live daily 5: to 700 p.m. on Woodwards what’s up everybody new roal four Planet Fitness live at the Planet Fitness Studios and again the best gym in the gym game everybody I’ve been a member for over 3 years and I love Planet Fitness let me give you the why the why there’s always one close by the why they got clean facilities I go in there get my workout in take a shower get ready to rock and get here to the studio or the airport or wherever I have to be and I do it with Planet Fitness why there’s over 2,500 of them around the world there’s over 50 of them in the Metro Detroit area alone whenever you do a remote there’s always a Planet Fitness right there they they take that excuse away from you so if you want to make excuses and stuff like that then maybe it’s not for you power neck ain’t making excuses rock walls he ain’t doing rock walls there’s no rock wall there what’s that mean to you it means your gym membership’s not $100 a month where your Fitness is essential all right keeping it pushing ask power neck I had a good one yes uh yes Spencer raer power neck what was your toughest assignment in college like who was your toughest assignment that you had to either lock up with or tackle talking about oh oh you talking about oh uh Christian Watson played for North Dakota State I was at uh Val perzo that was the first time I ever seen 43 speed man plays for the Packers now he’s pretty [ __ ] good talk about that what is that like for somebody that’s been there or the speed of the game or somebody that that fast right because you’re talking 43 speed that’s like Jameson Williams or he’s even faster than that but until you see it what are you know what are guys like high four fives or whatever like what’s the difference like what was the oh [ __ ] moment CU I know exactly what you mean with guys on the ice that boom like that they’re gone I mean it was just he had a third or fourth gear it was just like he was close with everybody at one point and then it was just like you had to take the perfect angle to get him and so like I was a sophomore at the time playing in that game and I’ll be honest I was like Dam I got to get faster man I’m sitting out here like I’m like it was hard to catch you caught him on a Jet Sweep you were just if the no one slowed him down again to the edge he was gone we uh lost that game pretty handedly damn um Nick heden ask power neck what supplements actually work creatine BC BCAA uh tar Cherry what uh so creatine it does work um you want to get the creatine monohydrate that’s the only ingredient you want in it and then the amino acids the BCAA those are probably the best ones to get um so yeah that’s that’s kind of the go-to but I’ll be honest never did any of the supplements and stuff really until this year I always did the protein shakes but it’s kind of the first time uh Matthew how tall how much you weigh 61240 woo there it is what do you have one K I do I’m get a little personal with mine so you working out three times a day and doing all this craziness you a you ain’t got no time for your love life man what’s what’s going on for all the ladies out there and I know you’re a man of you like many flavors you know for for the potential ladies out there ask Robins over here are you available do you partake in a love life or are you just straight about the goals man no man I’m in a committed relationship so I mean now we’re getting place kg I got you uh man uh you know yeah in a committed relationship probably don’t talk to her as much as she would probably like you know what I mean how long y been together I go uh two years okay so but I’ll be honest man it’s good you you you can’t be distracted by you can’t be distracted by that by women man that’s an easy way to get off course they’ll try to get you bro they’ll try they will man I got nothing against them you know but it it can be a distraction and you know I think the hardest thing is getting in bed by 10:00 man that that that is the hardest thing um so yeah man I’m in a committed relationship can’t complain but for anyone wondering I like I like my women the same way I like my coffee so boy strong and black Brother D right uh there it is uh DNC ENT has your top speed ever been tracked yeah I mean it has um my current 40 right now is a high 46 trying to get down you not in the fives line I mean I don’t I don’t have a question for you per se but it’s more a comment like based on what you’re talking about people do not understand the line to be elite to be an elite athlete they do not understand how fine the line is like so I do have a question for you and you’ve heard me say this on the show before I talk about like Aaron Rodgers and why I think it’s falling off and it’s going to continue to fall off versus it guy like Tom Brady Tom Brady sells his life to the game everything he puts in his body on a daily basis every [ __ ] meal is geared towards playing in the NFL I don’t think Aaron roders is the same as that it’s like a job to Aaron Rogers and he’s extremely talented at it but the fallof will be quick because of that it it it that’s the line like P like people will be stunned to see how many times you playing National Television a lot yeah a lot like that’s that’s my point and again it’s just a general statement like no matter what happens you’re selling your life to get to this goal no matter what happens if you don’t make it you’ve done it you’ve been in the arena you’ve been on national TV you played Christian W you know what I’m saying like you play dudes in the league no matter what happens man I’m happy for you bro because you’re doing it you know what I’m saying I appreciate like for you’re doing it you’ve been out there like people that you know have things to say and stuff like that haven’t been in the haven’t chased Christian Watson before across a football field yeah so I’m happy for you man like you’re doing it bro and you’re selling yourself for it cuz that’s the only way it’s going to work it is if you uh have a plan B you don’t really believe in play in X that’s a bar and and that’s it man that’s a bar and uh before we get out of here before we end the show I did want to ask what is your favorite individual Collegiate like accomplishment or play not like team success obviously that’s you know we’re talking about power talking about you your favorite play you made or accomplishment you had personally o uh I probably would say man five sa game I wouldn’t even say it’s an individual game man more than uh I don’t know may be corny or cheesy but I’d say this is I’d say may not have always gotten along well I don’t know coaches always respected not necessarily may not have played me as much as I would have liked but they always respected my work ethic and one thing they’d always say is you know you never ask someone to do something you wouldn’t do yourself big facts so I mean that’s kind of for me having a respect the teammates is something that I appreciate so that’s probably about it yeah hell yeah we’ll probably get into it more tomorrow as a matter of fact on a Friday so that wrap things up uh people in the chat thanks power neck for that that was a lot of fun so appreciate it all right for dmac for kg Spencer raor for power neck Omni rule Big D energy nickel package Friday tomorrow everybody yay yay well see you later [Music] [Music]


  1. Neil is for whatever reason always obsessed with trading the best fucking player on the team for prospects and yet criticizes everyone else for believing in the prospects we already have. You sign Skubal you trade other less important pieces for hitters

  2. I wasn't aware that you could fill up your battery at a gas station in 60 seconds? Sometimes neal is just so empty headed. Then all his minions fell right in line

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