Best Golf Drill Ever! Master Your Golf Swing – The Staggered Stance Drill

Best Golf Drill Ever! Master Your Swing with the Staggered Stance Drill

The staggered stance drill is so versatile and has so many benefits for your golf swing it might be the best golf drill ever!

This simple yet effective drill helps you improve multiple areas of your golf swing, promoting solid contact and a consistent, repeatable swing.

In this lesson, you’ll learn how the staggered stance drill can:

Improve your shoulder and upper body turn for a full easy backswing
Improve your downswing transition, stopping the over-the-top out-to-in swing
Eliminate early extension and loss of posture for solid contact every time
Stirke the ball more solidly and hit it farther with less effort

This versatile golf practice drill is a game-changer for golfers of all levels. Give it a try and see the difference in your swing!

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hey in today’s tip I want to show you a super versatile drill that is so good for helping promote good solid contact it’s easy to do and that’s the staggered stance drill let me show you so with the staggered stance drill I’m using a very close stance I’m drawing my feet back together and you can see this angle here very close stance and what this allows me to do it does it does so many things for me first of all on the back swing it allows me to rotate back behind the golf ball properly so you can see how I’m I’m rotating and because the right side is drawn back already I’m going to get this nice back swing turn so it gives me that feel for that good rotation on the back swing really good for those of you that have restrictive mobility and have a tough time getting the club back well this kind of makes it a little bit easier to feel that good turn and winding up to get the club back now what this drill does so well on the downswing is a couple things when I’m coming down because I’ve got my trail foot back back here and I’m rotating back around that when I start down it eliminates early extension right it’s very difficult for me to go like this and for forward into it which a lot of golfers do because they’re trying to hit the ball they’re trying to over rotate and everything kind of goes together and they end up hitting the ball like this you upper body coming forward spinning out and around it swinging from out to in and it’s really tough to make good solid contact when you do that with the staggered stance drill while I’m back here I start down my trail side stays back I’m on that back foot a little bit longer and you can see what happens the club drops down I’m in this beautiful position here great leg lead arm extended the club head is behind my hands and then I can rotate through and I’m going to have this fantastic impact position where I’m going to be unwinding into it naturally where you can see my trail shoulder comes down a little bit lower lead shoulder comes up naturally my head and spine stay behind the ball naturally and I’m going to be in a really good impact position to hit that ball super solid boom just like that and it just helps train you to come down into it in a good shaft position from in behind it and strike out through the back of the golf ball for good solid contact just like that you’ll really feel that ball jump off the club face because of the path coming through and that release and boom great solid contact it’s a very easy versatile drill it does so many things well for you it’s simple it’s Dynamic practice it you’ll love the contact and the results you get [Music]

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