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Who will step into spotlight at the Rocket Mortgage Classic? | Going For The Green | Golf Channel

Brad Thomas and Denny Carter examine the Rocket Mortgage Classic from a betting perspective and why they don’t like chalky outcomes this week. #GolfChannel #PGATour #RocketMortgageClassic
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Who will step into spotlight at the Rocket Mortgage Classic? | Going For The Green | Golf Channel

welcome in to another episode of going for the green this week we are talking about the rocket mortgage classic played in Detroit a tournament that I’ve gone to multiple times of course when I walk on and and say I cannot believe this is a professional course it’s too easy Denny Howard things going for you it does appear too easy uh every year it looks like just a complete birdie Fest from from start to finish and you know what I’m actually doing okay Brad because I’m brave enough to stand up and say I like birdie fests you know I mean there’s a place there’s a place for a US Open where these guys are struggling mightily to make par I I like that too but I don’t mind when these guys are going low last week was fun last week was fun watching these guys just just uh aim at every pin and hit it to five feet over and over and over I like that let’s get more of that this week yeah uh I’m an agreeance there listen the top of the board is so chalky like if you were to tell me Tom Kim Won I’d be like great but you’re betting on a guy who was 60 to1 last week 12 to1 this week the same thing with Cameron young who was almost 80 100 to1 now he’s down to 18 I just can’t put my money on those guys but I do have a play on cam young I’m gonna take him top 20 he’s had success here with a runner-up finish and if anything I think we could kind of look at Cameron Young’s game and say it might be at the level where he can win these kinds of tournaments and what I mean by these kinds of tournaments non- Signature Events non- Majors mental aspect for me and Cameron young is what really gets me and why I don’t think he’s better in the majors but man the guy can stripe the ball he’s pumping it off the te and here it’s not penal at all if you’re gonna miss these Fairways so a guy who I think he’s going to be one of those birdie Fest monsters that we bet on all the time moving forward and I don’t think I could quite get there at the 18 to1 but I’ll definitely play as top 20 yeah one concern there with young is is putting and you putting does stand out as an important factor here but um yeah shot a 59 if folks missed it last week uh he shot a 59 red hot on the weekend from a DFS standpoint cam young the entire top of the board is going to be super mega chalky there’s just no way around it a lot of roster ship is going to go uh toward those top four or five guys including Tom Kim and including young yeah I agreed there and uh I see that you are kind of avoiding the top of the board like I am and when you sent this Name Across Mr Bobby Mack Robert McIntyre I gas because I was like no way great minds think alike I do have a bet on them around 40 to 46 to one to win the tournament tell me what you like about him look okay I just want folks to know my process here with creating a model for this tournament for this course did not weigh driving hardly at all okay because a there’s no penal rough okay I’ve actually seen uh I have friends who are boots on the ground there and they’re showing us there’s you know uh not much rough to speak of um you don’t have to drive it long I mean it doesn’t hurt but you don’t have to uh we all remember Bryson tearing this course apart in 2020 but he also was great on the green so I’m weighing putting heavily and I’m weighing short approach play heavily meaning under 150 yards so Bobby Mack jumps out because guess what Brad there’s not a single person on planet Earth hotter than Robert MacIntyre on the greens right now over the past 20 rounds McIntyre is first in strok gain putting he’s first from 10 to 15 feet he’s third in three putt avoidance he’s had success on these greens at Detroit Country Club I mean he’s he’s just red hot and I so I I like that profile here um I looked at birdie or better uh metric for for everybody in this field he’s 11th uh over the past 24 rounds that’s pretty good uh and uh overall approach play has been average but he’s been good in the 100 to 150 yard bucket which again is CR here I don’t I don’t think he’s going to be super chalk super chalky this week like I said a lot of the roster ship’s going to go straight to the top of the board I think a guy like Bobby Mack makes for a good pivot you said everything that I want to say about Mr Mack thank you for doing that for me I want to be clear about the this week like there’s going to be so many ways you can build your model because there’s so many ways to attack this golf course um with my first pick in cam young I was going after a golfer who is powerful off the te now now for my second pick taking Alex norin top 20 I’m going for a golfer who’s just absolutely consistent and finally Denny noren is at a golf course that fits his game style right if we looked at him at the PGA Championship RBC Canadian open Memorial and US Open of course he’s going to struggle off the te this is a guy who’s hitting about 289 yards not one of these 312 flyers and if you look at those last three tournaments that I mentioned the US Open Masters and Canadian open he lost Strokes off the tea on all the well now he plays at a tournament that he’s had success at where you just hit Fairways and greens you can absolutely kill it and the length does not matter so for me I took Alex norin I just want to tell you in his last two Starts Here T9 T4 we’re back on the norin train he’s good on these greens and like you said norin is steady across the metrics you know not nothing really pops he has a good short game he’s good uh in approach especially under 15 yard so I I I’m with you and from a DFS standpoint he could be interesting in large Fields because like I said people will say I need the Comfort I need the comfort of Cam young and Tom Kim and and they’re gonna forget about no maybe yeah totally agree um so Mt mcney I think was sixth on my model oh fourth on my model behind Taylor pendrith Keith Mitchell and Pearson cudy so it looks like you have him rated pretty high as well what do you like about mad mcney this week yeah so I mean he is really really solid and consistent as a DFS option he’s made 13 of 14 Cuts this season um his past three finishes Brad 23rd 17th and he was seventh at the RBC Canadian open in early junee um he’s fourth best in birdie or better among players in this field this season H and I just think that people are going to kind of see mad mcney um on DraftKings and they’re going to just kind of scroll past them and and and not really f focus on getting him into their rosters I’m I’m good with that I want that uh as a large field tournament player myself uh so yeah consider him uh I think I think that the the sneaky way to go about roster building this week with DFS is to get just a bunch of mid-range guys all those guys can win this tournament including I think M mad mcney yeah I think the top of leaderboard is going to look kind of funny we’re going to see some names like how did this guy get up here he’s been playing absolutely horrible we have to remember this is a totally different course makeup than the last four or five weeks that we’ve had and I’m going with a guy he won me some money early in the season at the what Mexico open um but since then’s kind of tailed off right he had a had the the win at Mexico opening he won he got T4 at the cognant classic but a lot of miscuts scattered in between and that’s Jake knap I’m betting him outright I haven’t kind of figured out where I want his position to be and typically I’m not one of those guys who looks at a stat profile t48 miscut miscut miscut and says I want to bet on the guy anywhere you look it’s been red for the past four weeks but again we are going to an easier golf course and what I mean by that is I believe Jake knps just strength and length off the te and his ball speed with his irons gives him a massive Advantage especially without it being penal so I feel like about every few years maybe three to four years there’s that one long high ball Speed high club head speed golfer that we just bet at events like this whether back in the day it was cam young I mean Cam Davis and then we had cam champ well now it’s Jake snap’s turn he’s already picked up a win I think he can flirt with another one at 110 to one I will take my chances of him having an absolute Stinger but I like him at this price what you’re saying Brad is that it could be nap time it could be hopefully it’s a good thing for it to be nap I know you know that’s the thing you know he he actually has family members walking around the course saying it’s nap time right knna p p his last name and I get it I get the joke okay but also it just it’s it sounds like you know sleepy you know like is is nap time good is that is that are you excited about it I mean I am as a dad I I like nap time but listen if I’m if I have a golfer and it says nap time I feel like they missed the cut and I don’t even need to watch on Sunday um but okay you are going with a golfer not a household name uh Mr Chandler Phillips tell me what’s good not a household name at all I would say yeah Chandler Phillips uh comes in in pretty good form finished top 12 in each of his past two events uh he ranked top 10 in my model for this week which again emphasizes birdie or better scoring putting uh and approach play uh over his past 20 rounds uh compared to players in this field he ranks fifth best uh from 125 to 150 yards again you know I just I’m fixated on that on that bucket and and actually actually short uh because it’s going to be so important here it’s going to be a wedge Fest kind of like last week um and look Chandy Phillips is a streaky putter um he’s had some amazing uh putting runs this season he’s had some not so amazing putting runs okay don’t look at his stat profile I did it for you you don’t have to do it uh but so I will say things could go sideways but he’s cheap um if you throw him in there I think that you can kind of execute the strategy I was talking about earlier where you can stock up on guys in the eight to n th000 range yeah this is gonna be a fun week because there’s no Scotty sheffler thank goodness no Xander schofl no Rory mroy the only guys who feel like they consistently win tournaments Before I Let You Go Denny I have to say this because I was looking uh toad is my favorite character to play in Mario Kart I play Mario Kart like couple times a week with the wife but hey man this was fun I’m excited to get a new winner and uh let’s cash some tickets

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