Golf Players

Bob Zany is HERE, Charlie Woods’ First USGA at 15 Years Old, Oliver Rioux 7’9 Freshman | Ep. 179

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Today special guest Bob Zany joins us, we’re talking Tiger Woods’ son Charlie Woods qualifying for his first USGA Event at 15 years old, Florida Freshman Oliver Rioux towering at an impressive 7’9, and more on Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero.



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[Music] hey happy summer solstice everybody today we have the longest day and shortest night of the year officially kicking off the summer season wo it’s only 109 downhill from here and I’m here to kick off this episode of punch signs I’m Frank nikaro longtime comedian lifelong sports fan and you know what today’s show I will not drop the ball like this fan at the Rangers game dropped the dog okay look at that we’ve showed this on the oh what are you doing Jeff hands on his head that’s a party Foul you know this is the problem with social media right Ryan I mean people want to show off their food twirling it and then boom weer on a guy’s shoulder it’s the problem with cardboard okay anyway the man who was afraid to laugh at that behind the glass which we had checked this morning since it’s the first day of summer it is indeed UV protective glass to protect his skin our hardworking list making Post building producer Vegas’s own Ryan B McCormick the b stands for brain power that he will use now to tell us on what tell us what’s on the show today he’s we’ve got Fungo trivia fun we’ve got a FBS game with Our Guest today yes uh we’ve got some good post with punch lines and a quiz for Bob zany or uh not a quiz but who what what are you talking about what who Bob Zan’s here ladies and gentlemen also on the show The One and Only very funny man one of the funniest guys ever uh he’s a Vegas Legend he’s an LA Legend I’m very excited he’s making a return appearance uh around 12:40 he’ll be here after we do our picks at 12:36 and you can check out Bob’s dyar special which has over 7.5 million views and if you forgot what Bob Zan’s like uh here’s a little snippet of his appearance last time crank the volume the return of Bob zany what’s your name this is Jeff parl so Bob come your chair is better is it CU you get here earlier it’s Jeff right did you know that Jeff Jeff Jeff you got a problem Jeff how old are you I’m 30 wow so and Alex was on the show with you last time she said that’s right and then you got replaced by a white guy welcome to the Frank nicker W is he talented is he smart is he that’s all it matters okay I don’t yeah stop this wow that might be the nicest thing Frank’s ever said about me actually well and it took me to bring it out Jeff especially in that shirt look the point is Old Navy called it’s time to get it back look and I noticed Jeff seems to be afraid to look at you did you know I saw you trying to talk to him and he was just staring Straight Ahead Jeff when you get it after the show Google what I was thinking oh [ __ ] a good time Jeff it looks like you’re remarkably wearing the same Shir shirt it’s very close it’s the same but it’s is it this is green that one was black so I don’t know it’s it it I trust me I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn’t wearing the same shirt because if I had done that that really would have been I was almost hoping you would by the way I have my Will already to go just in case if I don’t make it through the any 20 minutes today we’re very excited to have Bob come back he’s going to be doing the Dennis Bono show I think that’s once a month Dennis Bono or is it every Thursday uh isn’t it every Thursday every Thursday over in the showroom here at the South Point get your tickets jennis bone he puts on a fantastic Show tickets are cheap it’s an afternoon show you’re home by time Jeopardy’s on I don’t know before Jeopardy by the news anyway it’s a great show he has a great lineup I was supposed to be on it once and then I got bumped but anyway uh we’ll figure that out in the future we always like to follow up a great clip of Bob making us all out with our favorite comedy clip of the day and uh we dug up this one with Eric lindross remember Eric lindross course course muched Philadelphia Flyer for me great hockey player played played for a long time play for played for the Rangers at the end of his career yeah then he I think he had conc he had horrible concussion issues concussion issues uh so anyway he wants to a shotgun a beer on the golf course and uh kind of ends up like the girl who opened our show yesterday take a look oh you and me Big Dog what’s going on Eric got to get my oh Jesus Christ you did him dirty he’s a Savage holy [ __ ] he wasn’t that hot call you you got to do another all right so then you do too Messi isn’t that the guy that beat you oh back way huh I went the back way I was like where you go where’ you go for that’s right he always liked the back door Eric let’s hit this ball harder than Scott Stevens hit you oh goodness and the clip end and he goes over and gets a golf club and then he beats for that comment would have been Justified for the last one all right so Jeff during the clip Jeff parl told me breaking oh I didn’t even introduce Jeff did I no oh hold on I have an intro hi I’m Jeff everybody hold on sitting to the right which he is usually known wait sitting to the right which he usually is knowing about all sports the host of Sports by the book scene here at the so post Studios YouTube page as well Tuesday through Saturday 9:00 a.m. Mr Jeff parls yeah Jeff your breaking news and going to tease us about your picks at 1236 well yes because we love soccer so we’re going to have more soccer picks at uh at 12:36 hey we gave out a winner earlier in the week you did you gave out ALB Albania didn’t even even need the goal at a half they drew the match against Croatia they drew means they tied correct people know who don’t drama drama they scored late the tie the game and that was and what and what we talked about a month ago on this show is now going to be official JJ reck has agreed to a four-year contract to be the next head coach of Los Angeles Lakers does how much he’s getting I don’t see any money yet okay but there you go by the way we’re all over it a month ago Jeff is being very humble and he’s saying we were all over it Jeff you were the first person I ever heard to utter the words JJ reck will be the next Laker well it’s so illogical that it made sense that the Lakers would do something that stupid oh man and you know Monty Williams is sitting out there oh by by the way I know you talked about it on the show yesterday talk about it Monty Williams should just buy a house in Cancun and not leave for four years he has 85 million in dead money $85 million to not coach the Pistons and live in Detroit that sounds great to me 20 from Phoenix to 65 from Detroit the guys live in large so if you ever get a head coaching job just a little tip suck at it and then they have to pay you that and backup quarterback might be the two best jobs in sports failed failed NBA head coach and backup quarterback that doesn’t have that doesn’t have to play at all yeah like like uh who’s the guy from Missouri that played for the same Chase Daniel Chase Daniel yeah how much action has he seen hey he played less he played less than a full season and made like he finally leue done he’s out of the league he works for NFL Network I swear to God he was in the league forever Daniel cuz like when Drew Brees would get hurt you like oh my God who’s the quarterback Chase Chase Daniels still in the league he was around a long time uh Ryan what’s happening so today’s June 20th are you aware of this that it is first day of summer yeah longest day shortest night whatever whatever I said at the top of the show summer solstice yeah it’s summer this is it and I noticed your shirt’s amazing and I want to point out why because today ladies and gentlemen is world toas day which nice very nice Spain is playing right now so that’s even makes it even perfect and uh by the way don’t they have to break for dinner halfway during the game don’t they eat like really early and then they take a nap a siesta oh isn’t C isn’t it lunch early Siesta and then late dinner I don’t know Siesta Siesta all right so it’s uh World tap toest day National yard game day so break out the jarts national seashell day Ryan explain your shirt yeah well it’s just a bunch of where did you get that shirt seashells and conses uh in Hawaii oh but yeah actually my suitcase got stolen on the way to Hawaii it got stolen or lost by the airline stolen who stole it was it was my carryon oh my God and I was one of the last people on the flight so I had to just put it where I could find overhead space right and walking off the plane it wasn’t there anymore and we had so that was in LA we had to get on a connecting fight to Hawaii and so I didn’t have a carryon going to Hawaii so I had to get all new clothes in Hawaii oh my God was there anything valuable that you lost in there some of my favorite clothes and some other things like the t-shirt that you put on you just go ah and you had it all picked out for the beach and folded nice oh bass I’ll find out who it is yeah someone in La damn it yeah H it’s also National ice cream soda day nice National vanilla milkshake Day Kevin bellinkoff feel better Kevin is under the weather he tells us uh that the best Shake he’s ever had is at Kate’s corner here at the South Point the strawberry shakes the best in the world okay I’ll take his word for it yeah he had it and it’s National American Eagle day Kaden oh we got fun here it’s a lot of days please tell me you did something with AI this is a new feature that we love every okay okay so check out the eagle on the right he’s got a shake he’s got a cream soda what else is going is there a seashell in there down on the bottom right that’s on the the B the our left bottom left some seashells all right and what a yard games have any yard games going on I don’t know but you notice that half of those shakes are in waffle cone CS which in all honesty if anyone’s watching please invent the waffle cone cup that would be great someone has to be doing that by the way that might be the greatest image ever I think we should put out a coffee table book can we make money off these can we claim them as our own if AI made them I don’t know how that works no one really knows it’s the wild west do we have to get on uh reges and Kelly and have uh legs on this book a coffee table book about coffee table can I see that one more time please cuz I’m in love with that picture with the eagle with all the shakes that actually is the most American t-shirt like if I sold that right now if we if we made that if you if you sold the rights of that picture to friendlies yes friendlies would come back in business because of it someone someone make this happen kayen get on your phone make call call the CEO of friendlies right now get someone get someone that is the best picture I’ve ever seen we have so much fun with those Kaden nice job I’m I’m saying Kaden like Kaden like you know made it well hey I mean he had he had to type the words in that’s important how long does it take to make those three photos Max 10 seconds 10 seconds what we’re going to keep doing them because I love them uh the seashell I don’t have a seashell shirt I need one like that that’s a nice shirt it’s a great shirt yeah that was the one you bought in Hawaii because you had no shirts yeah and then the airline didn’t take any like hey we’ll give you 100 bucks nope because you can’t prove that it got stolen yep but someone’s walking around in Los Angeles wearing your clothes yep all right if you’re watching the show in La which I know some people are people look out for what shirt what shirt was the favorite one that they should notice well it was like uh there were three or four pairs of shorts that I really like too the perfect like uh it was yeah my whole did you have like CDs or DVDs or anything no because this flight was Tak how old were you when this happened this was two years ago oh so it’s recent no CDs or D I was the guy on plane who always had the personal DVD thing I’ve never I’ve never heard that on a domestic flight I’ve heard walk I’ve heard like horror stories of like international flights where that’s happened but never never domestically that’s that’s horrendous it is that that deserves prison time hold on Keith Lyall has breaking news JJ reic to be the Lakers head coach so Keith is watching the show from home or to my left Keith is Keith Keith hasn’t left since we had him on on Monday we don’t know how to get him to leave but Keith’s here he’s here you might have to get him a free buffet I don’t know I don’t know we’ll do it he’s over at the blackjack table uh yeah JJ let’s see oh by the way Aron no Conor Bob Zan’s lovely lovely wife uh Mrs zany is team parls I feel feel your pain so I think she endures this every day also uh uh parls does his research he can be a pro better says Minar oh I mean he is the not not I would never call myself a professional better there are so many there are so many smart people out there that do this yeah including my uh including my co-host Sports by the book in Alex white of course third generation Sports better now great article great order article in Chicago Sun Times by Rob M our good friend uh it is I look the people that do this professionally it’s exhausting it is exhausting it is pick a day sometimes and I’m like I mean look uh we right now I’m actually doing my best of not freaking out over this nil nil 11 minutes we have in Italy and Spain because I did bet the Italian oh God a guy flopped there’s a guy on the ground oh that is a wild neck Tac D though Brut that was weird wow JR says happy Thursday Jr we always like when you’re here and Reno Paul uh I’m not going to read that Paul Paul is going to be on the show tomorrow we have a fan clip from Paul tomorrow you want me to read it is it dangerous Paul says no he just says world topless day would be more fun we could have a topless Eagle next time all right it’s time for Lions of the night Jeff Jeff parls last night what did you find uh something for to share with the audience well you know I uh you texted me last night give me a line of the night I did and then I forgot to do it and then I was reminded this morning by Ryan Hey idiot you need need your line of tonight for the show he words he added a couple words so so so uh so I decided to go with Charlie Woods here today of course the son tiger of Tiger Woods uh future champ he uh won his qualifier to make it to the US Junior amiter there you go which you beat out 85 golfers that day Charlie’s 15 years old one underpar one is qualifier he’ll uh play in the US Junior Amer later this year I think this kid must have a three-stroke Advantage when the other kids see him right I mean the other kids have to be there’s got to be I you know what I I have no idea because so that works both ways right there could be some kids who are like oh I I can take I can be Tiger Woods’s son I’m like he not that intimidating or it goes the other way right I mean I don’t know how you would act Ryan if you were eight years younger now seven nine years younger whatever it is but uh no if he was if he was if I was if I was 15 yeah if he was in this Cas oh yeah he is only 24 he’s only 24 years wait you’re 24 right I thought he was 30 I keep thinking the well I’m 31 last Saturday uh I’m gonna I’m gonna start calling him Chucky Woods Let’s Make That official Chucky Woods copyright that with the eagle photo I’m I’m doing business deals here all right uh Ryan what is your line of the night uh my line of the night uh came out this morning um from EA Sports they released a trailer for the ingame uh but on this kickoff if you notice the Steelers Return Man is Justin Fields they had Justin Fields returning the kick in the opening Gameplay trailer Madden you know I watched it this morning we sent it to me I didn’t even realize that I was busy eating my breakfast as I looked and I looked away and I didn’t even realize that he said he’ll do whatever and there was a a joke that maybe Fields would return kicks but yeah uh they did sign uh C Cordell P Patterson Cordell Patterson that’s who he handed the reverse off to in that yeah that’s so I mean that guy’s a kickoff machine that guy return like seven or eight or n or 10 or whatever know will but Justin Fields is a good idea I don’t know if this got either of you two because of course the NFL is now doing the whatever what the UFL kickoff rules now it’s that still caught me off guard it’s like oh I know it’s that’s what it is and I’m sure when we watched the first preseason game and then when we watched the first regular season game it’s like unbelievable wow this is super super different you know I’ve seen a lot of d I’ve read a lot about it I still don’t understand it it’s supposed to make it a little more it’s obviously making it safer which is good but it looks like it’s going to be like kind of wide open well you know return the kickoff is kind of the kick return is kind of diff dissipated from the game because a the kickers are so good now they’re just bombing the through ball through the endzone through the uprights um but this I mean they moved the kickoff they move it back five yards too it’s at the 30 and also I believe correct me if I’m wrong McCormick it’s now if there’s a Touchback on the opening kick kick off it goes to the 30 I’m pretty sure so there’s there’s not there’s less incentive for a Touchback now yeah so you want to you want to kick the ball in play so you can keep them they really want yeah Touchback should go to the 40 if they really want you know but the 30 is good but it’s going to be interesting you’re right and um if Justin Fields is returning kicks I mean then maybe he can do the they can do the throw throw throw across field we can get a Frank White I don’t know I I it’s going to be exciting I mean every special teams coach has had to start over yeah and that the Steelers immediately signed Patterson and I thought you know maybe that’s a good move but you got Fields back there but I don’t want Fields getting hurt because is Russell Wilson going to play the whole year is either the starter in Pittsburgh the whole year no we don’t know I think so no I feel confident in saying no all right uh very good both those are great and EA Sports Matt everyone’s forgetting about Madden coming out because everyone’s so pumped for the college one yeah and the college one’s coming up soon right yeah next month next month uh was it I think it’s June uh no it’s July is it July July well regardless we’re going to do an over Ender ition on how much it generates the first day I still say I’m going to set the line at around $1 billion cuz GTA 6 did like we looked at it was like 860 something like that yeah all right all right my line of the night and we’re gonna talk about the late great Willie Ma I don’t believe we me oh we did mention it yesterday on the show yeah who passed away and Ryan you have something uh for the Alabama game tonight right you have an image uh yeah we’ll follow it with that with that okay so here was the line uh someone compared the Unicorn so this is Willie May and show Otani so that’s that on the right it’s a so 42 homers 19 steals eight triples in a Major League season has been done four times twice by Willie ma twice by shohi Otani look at those by the way the impressive thing about Willie ma is he did it nine years apart yeah but 42 homers 19 steals uh and eight triples in a and show so you don’t think of sh hitting triples either but God uh he’s got wheels that’s an impressive stat um here showy just homered by the way in Coors a day late did you have yesterday on hump homers of course you did I said every take every dod you only you only it only hits with otani’s home is when I give you the wrong line we talked about the only time that happens am I getting plus 550 or not oh I took it last I took Stanton and Otani last night and Stan hit it yeah and that would have paid $10 would have paid 135 got two on the board so you and Alex both have two Y and how many do I have I can’t remember let’s not talk about it we gotta move on we got a big show yeah I have none go well we your one has an asterisk because the game got postponed I it allowed it judge you you were very courteous I was I gave it I said you know what give the kid a break you know let’s give it to him I can’t I can’t find one I think it’s still I took show Otani in Coors Field who had three RBI two hits a double who had a homer the day had a homer on Tuesday and a homer on Thursday notun sandwich okay and I didn’t bet Kyle shorer he didn’t hit one yesterday did he uh no Phil only scored two RS it’s June I figured he did all right moving on from L of the night what did you have Ryan special about still with still with Willie Mays so the Giants and Cardinals are playing in Birmingham Alabama at rickwood Field tonight um and then they this uh Chuck styles did this mural um in Birmingham for Willie Mays in honor of Willie Mays um and I just thought that was really cool um having the say Hey kid stuff the the banners um yeah yeah and there was a press release he put out about that couldn’t be there said you know I’m not getting around but what a throw would be you know I it was just you know uh heart heart-wrenching but hey uh 93 Jeff you gonna make it to 93 I I hope I hope modern medicine modern Med you always hope with modern medicine you can go live longer than uh than than your relatives right Ryan 93 you got 93 and I think I think of the three of us here I think Ryan is the safest bet to get to 93 well if he hits 93 I’ll be approxim you’ll be dead I’m going to 3 he’ll be dead I’d be I would be uh you’re 24 I’d be a 100 if I make it to 100 my and that would be like family that’ll be like episode 7,000 you could do like a memorial to me that would be great all right moving on to happier news uh are we what are we doing next I forget so we’ll do our uh our Fungo trivia Franky Fungo trivia nice Thursday the Fung uh okay what do we got so Jeff has been bringing these in you and and Ryan put yeah you know so we we have the we have the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Tampa Bay Rays this weekend and you know yes we do the big problem with when you involve the Rays or the Diamondbacks they haven’t been around very long correct that’s my advantage so so you have an advantage of recency bias here and we start off with this guy okay who played for both Tampa and the the Pirates in 2013 in 2013 a lot of teams record careerwise high how when you he’s a pitcher honestly when you look at these numbers it’s kind of amazing he lasted as long as he did even though the bulk of the bad numbers came later in his career made his debut in 1999 as a Chicago Kev that’s not Chris Archer it is not Chris Archer that’s that’s the trade that has played Des the worst trade that the Pirates have ever made basically pretty much uh pit and Tampa Bay Pitcher right-handed pitcher yeah right-handed pit for nine m not Octavio doel am I finally said correct made mention of him on the show I believe with Matt ah n rever I’ll give you that he’s a relever not Solomon Torres Tampa Solomon Torres is a solid guest but it’s not Solomon Tes ton of teams is now a bodybuilder yeah oh God is oh not Kyle Farnsworth Kyle Farnsworth Kyle Farnsworth Kyle Farnsworth okay Kyle Farnsworth I forgot he played for the Pirates the reason uh he popped up in my brain too is because the other day uh PTI closed the show someone charged a m on him I didn’t realize he played college football and then after he retired from baseball he played semi-pro football yeah and had 11 sacks in a season he was a maniac he’s a crazy person what’s that yeah he’s a crazy person when you looking look at him and yeah wow that’s a great trade traded one for one for Ivon Rodriguez how about that yeah God what a horrible trade by by the other side there Farnsworth Farnsworth by the way uh is it Heaven Can waight with Warren batty that the butler’s name was Farnsworth I think it’s a great movie if you’ve never seen Heaven Can waight Warren batty football movie uh I know Chris is in the back he he’ll agree with me here comes Mr Jordan was the original but I think Farnsworth was the uh the butler anyway all right we have one more or is that it we have one more well we we uh I gave Ryan three he picked two you can go with you can go with the other one here which is a little bit of a fun one recent player for both of these both name this player played for both Pittsburgh and the Tampa Bay Rays Tampa Bay for four years Pittsburgh in 23 is this Shawn Rodriguez no good guess again it’s the Japanese first baseman correct or Korean uh South Korean uhu Kim no traded with Rich Hill to the yeah I know uh I can gwan Bay no that’s you got you got the first name correct G soon Gman Choy Gman Choy all right we would have been here a while I get like a I get like a half a point for that uh and I don’t know if he’s still in the league or not uh he’s on the Padres I don’t think he’s played yet this year right you I think he just got released yeah he got hot after the break and hit a few home runs chy was also on the Mets and spring training this year Rich Hill and uh Rich it’s funny God last night I Googled Rich Hill because I saw somehow I was like is Rich Hill still playing because he played 19 years someone on social media was talking about and I don’t think he’s resigned with anybody he played 19 years richill also probably be throwing 79 mes hour at this point barely 79 when the Padres took him and Choy I was like thank you I don’t even know who the Pirates got in return in that trade um maybe it was just cash who knows by way the the other the other guy was going to be John J today but we didn’t have time oh my god with the dreads yeah okay John J I might have got that he played for Oakland and then Pittsburgh and he played for the Rays as well and the Rays that’s right that’s where he actually that’s where he had his good years yeah and with Pittsburgh after he retired he bought a boat and he just sailed away I think he lives on a boat for real yeah I swear to God he had dreadlocks all the ladies thought he was you know like this hot guy would I’m pretty sure he retired and just got on a boat and he’s gone why not yeah so there you go the baseball player in the sea is it I’m right you are 100% right there you go see what a tag team the three of look at deal Rich Hill and Gman Choy to the Padres for Alfonso revas who Jackson wolf what and estto Saro wow how horrible Jackson wolf is a left-handed pitcher I think right he’s a pitcher I I think we ended up turning him loose or flipping him to another team but he actually pitched one or two games for the Pirates and he did okay but I don’t remember um he pitched five innings in the majors there you go I thought yeah he was the not blue chip but he didn’t he didn’t pitch with the the Pirates he didn’t nope maybe I was just thinking about the miners maybe I think in the triple 18 I think he I don’t know T guys I never heard of yeah exactly so that they were that was a salary dump and should we should we Sound the Horn what we got wait we got one more one more well one more Player thing yeah we W talking about this that you yeah said you had made fun of a lot when you were younger when I was a kid well you know this guy did play for the Pittsburgh Pirates and I remember him as a Montreal Expo you have him in a Oakland a uniform yeah and I remember him he was just he was an All or Nothing guy I want to say he led the I think he tied for League lead in homers one year it might have been 81 where he tied with Bobby grit 81 or he hit like or 40 and led the league I don’t know why him Bobby an 81 the American League home run title was Bobby grit and like four guys and I want to say Tony armos Tony armos because that was the Shan year yeah was was tied for the American League lead in home runs was it Bobby grch I have to look at the rest of the list but 22 okay 22 was good enough he also led the league in homers in 84 okay I knew a couple times he was a b hit bangers yeah I I remember 81 strikes this is I’m I I don’t know how the amount of beer I’ve drank that I still remembered that but uh not today ladies and gentlemen but uh I remember him I think there was like four people that year in 20 in 1981 I’m looking it up right now I just feel like Bobby gr anyway the reason this name is funny to me is because when we were kids you’d say oh Tony armis his name is four body parts say his name slowly Jeff Tony armas we’ll say the last one like armas there yeah there you go there you go yeah there you go uh so there you go and look at him just just you know killing with the ladies look at this guy that pose in the old o by the way his body is built like mine in that picture I these guys back then that hit homers they were not big men so by the way you were right Bobby grit it was four-way tied 22 I said four Tony armas Bobby grit and the other two played in the American League East were they or and one of them one of them was an oral one of them was a red Murr Eddie Murray and who is a Red Sox Jim Rice good guess Dwight Evans Dwight Evans had the big year I and you know and you know who was one Homer off the pace in the American League no the bull Greg linski GRE linski I had a baseball card with the 1981 strike short year of the Home Run Champs and I knew it was for I did pretty that was good thank you you you know you’re you’re impressive on these why your dad has to know that Craig parl are you watching Jeff and I we have our our Jeff’s current I’m old we would we would again the the new Jeopardy would be great we give coric for the for the for the new stuff and we would really be good wish and I’m I can tell you the strike shorten year of 1981 you might be too high-profile to be on that Jeopardy show though I actually can’t be I know guys that work on I would never be allowed on there all right uh do you want to sound the horn sound the horn sound the horn in yeah there it is ladies and gentlemen post with punch signes two boxing gloves come up look at all the icons that’s where we find them all really we only find them on Twitter X and Tik Tok really but we find them finds them I find a few send them to Ryan he puts them together and it’s always a lot of fun all right what are we leading off with today so this one’s going to be a little game with Jeff I love it Colin Wilson did this video going around asking uh B wilon Colin Wilson is one of the best college football handicappers on planet Earth he works for Action Network right now this is why Jeff is here see there we go so he went around I believe the believe in Omaha he was in Omaha um asking people FBS football teams based on their logos very Tennesse Titan is um right which they yeah we they still the best of all so what we’re going to do here is we’re g to play the answer show the logo with their answer and then we’re going to have Jeff tell us what that logo is and move on to the next one all right um so here we go wait these are football teams oh crank the volume please all right by the way you’re going to get the side of my head because I can see this monitor better right here uh that’s uh FIU oh my God yeah yeah that’s the Fashion Institute I didn’t realize I had a oh that what no no we’re just yeah well I mean he gave it away it’s Temple but I mean the temple temple hes graduated I need do I need the mascot too no it just tells what’s Florida International Panthers oh my God go keep going is right keep going Kansas City Bulldogs King Bulldogs a that’s James Madison Dukes I like the Kansas City King Bulldog that’s gooders uh New Mexico State agies there you go keep going let’s go uh you kept miners show you the other they called him the Grim Reaper yeah all right so far he’s like five for five Tampa Bay Lightning uh that one’s a little trickier that’s Air Force the Falcons but that is tricky though because it is just a bolt and by the way it’s not the Tampa Bay Lightning it’s the Ning that’s not oh that’s East Carolina Pirates is it uh Sandra bulock Sandra Bullock graduated from there little tit still good Ryan I yeah I believe so lion I know this one okay that one’s a little that one’s a little bit tough that’s South Alabama Jaguars though God I was to say that’s close I like the litany Lions though I like that though all right Jeff is undefeated so far keep going bird uh Ball State Cardinals David Letterman’s graduating School country cougars uh Texas State Bobcats come on yeah yeah yeah the green Hawks the green falcon green Eagles that’s an eagle that’s most eag like I’ve ever seen uh North Texas mean green I knew I knew CU Joe Green went there and that’s why they called The Mean Green yeah Joe Green steal their best best ever blobs oh the blobs blobs that looks like a t Koolaid man well that’s Western Kentucky the hill Toppers but I have a fan I look if we call the team the blobs I’d be all blobs is a great name matter of fact Western Kentucky Ken get on the phone after you get off with friendlies the Western the Western Kentucky Hill topping blobs there we go Toppers yeah right if he worked on a farm the Illinois Lincoln Illinois okay this is a tough one oh this is a tough one corn I’m pretty certain this is Appalachian State pretty certain it’s the Appalachian State Mountaineers is that correct pretty certain on that it’s close though this video we’re having a t fun with it is is that right it is is that the last one no oh God he’s un he has not missed one the bre oh that’s UAB Blazers I like that the dragon dragon breath whoa that’s Oregon State Beavers okay so I don’t know I I I they were really excited about that one yeah is that the Green Wave it’s too late too late I actually got that okay the boogers yeah that one was my favorite how many more uh I think three I love this oh well that’s Sam Houston State Bearcats but stepen Hawking Bobcats is pretty good though yes it is rainbows a ha Hawaii Rainbow Warriors yeah that’s where Ryan’s luggage never made it Eagle H ihawk pelic pelic well I mean that’s the I Hawk guys I mean they were close on on on a multiple times it just couldn’t quite get there and no offense on that one of the no offense they don’t score thank you oh that’s Southern Miss golden eagles Jesus oh what quarterback went there Southern Miss that’s bread fa BR fa this this is the last one right well Arc it’s a Razer back is that the last one I’m standing up for that I’m going thank if you like that clip follow us click and subscribe plenty of useless information in my brain but that was I mean how many college teams are there uh too many too but you do everyone that was very R will say I will say apple Asen state was the hardest one by a wide margin because you don’t see that M that that logo very often of the gentleman with the pipe in his where did Matt never go to college he went to Appalachian State went to Appalachian State that’s what I thought so he would have given me a lot of garbage if I had missed that I feel like can we can we go viral using a viral clip because I would put that up in a second Jeff parl doing that that was mighty impressive Jeff nice job man all right uh unbelievable I I I knew some college football I mean that that’s your that’s one of your bread and butters right there I can’t wait for college football season who wins the national championship this year who wins the national championship do you want do you want the do you want the biased opinion or do you want the actual opinion biased and the biased opinion is my alma MO Missouri yes yes the the actual opinion right I think it’s gonna be Ohio State oh Ohio State black guys all right I I they are now we’ve seen plenty of problems in big games with Ryan day but they are just so loaded this year and load up yeah I I think it’s Ohio State should be the favorite Georgia is the favorite betting wise but Ohio State should be thec just lost a couple blue chippers USC won’t be that good yeah well I’m a Bruins fan so I don’t care well they well they have they have a a new first-time head coach UCLA uhy James close enough Des Deshawn Foster the former running the former Carolina Panther yeah I do I will say though I know people call me biased but if you can if you can find a 60 to1 on missou to win the title there are a lot that good went 11 and two last year and basically the whole team’s back right into town so this could be a Monday headline for January it would be 2st or whatever dude I Frank I just want them in the playoffs like if they don’t win the title fine but just how many teams are in the playoffs this year remember so it’s 12 it’s five Auto bids right the ACC Big 12 big well whatever we’re whatever we’re calling the Big 12 now Big 10 and the SEC Auto Champions Auto Bid And there’s the non power four Auto bid for the highest rated non power four Champion which you would hope if you’re the Mountain West you’re hoping Boise State runs through this year and goes 13 and0 oh my God I think we got to do it look at the timing we got within posts of punch lines it’s time for Jeff and I to harmonize we’re lip sying 1236 there it is all right ladies and gentlemen it’s time for picks at 12:36 Jeff you’re our guest you’re the co you’ve just spouted off tremendous amounts of knowledge on college sports but what do you have for us today in professional sports back to soccer we uh cup America begins tonight and you don’t have to tell me that usually this is just the teams in South America but because they want more money okay the tournament is being held here in the United States and the North America teams are playing it it also are you serious yeah so tonight in the South American rivalry of Argentina versus Canada Frank oh my God you throw out the record books the throw out the record books when Argentina and Canada get get together uh Lono Messi of course makes his debut today uh in this tournament we’re going to go over two and a half on Argentina and Canada uh Argentina really just plays these fast paced games Canada I think will struggle to defend they actually have an American managing their team Jesse Marge okay who coached over in England for a little bit but we’re going over two and a half in Canada and Argentina here today Frank there’s Jeff’s pick it’s a soccer pick ran I I might be the first time you call Brian I said Brian Ryan I might abstain from pick today I had yesterday I said the white sock was only a lean so it doesn’t count against my record you had uh what did you have yesterday uh I took the Yankees money line which ended up going to Extra Innings and losing I had the over in the Dodgers Rockies game which had seven runs in the first two innings and then eventually got there then I also had John car John Carlo Stanton to hit a homer so I you had we’ve already talked about that and gled just throw that out there your favorite pitcher for the Yankees gills pitching tonight but are you taking anything tonight uh no I uh nothing stuck out to me on the card today I’m going to take the Diamond Backs and the Guardians today congratulations you’re two and 0 oh they both won already okay never yeah congratulations I did it again very good very good another pick from Frankie fun I I don’t I don’t I I’ve never the Royals just started that was 12:37 I was going to do a bit that we only had a minute to get that bet in but uh I don’t think I’m giving a pick today I’m I’m I’m staining maybe the you should do a bit of a game that already started that’d be pretty good I do like the Roy I mean the Royals on the road against the A’s I kind of you’re trying to avoid being swept yeah exactly so the Royals kind of look good to me but the game already I’m actually not going to I won I I got by with the Phillies the other night so I feel good about that and I’m I’m sitting at about uh like 13 and four I think in the last 17 on baseball that’s good Frank documented baby document I’m the number one handicapper okay ladies gentl and and you did not kill the Grimace streak I did not kill the Grimace streak there were others who were guilty of that but not you so uh our special guest is here ladies and gentlemen I want to bring them in right now I don’t know if I’m early okay what’s that I’m early is that okay you’re early no it’s 12:39 we said 12:40 so you’re perfect timing ladies and gentlemen the one and only we showed a clip of him before his last appearance he’s appearing at the Dennis Bono show you can find his dry bar special online it has over seven and a half million views I follow him online I hate these stols I know we’re getting a new desk ladies and gentlemen Bob zany is here thank you thank you very much Bob I know we’re getting a new desk if you want to stand you’re more than welcome to stand it’s a good point Thank you and I really thought you weren’t help in the show by the way I’m watching the show from out here and then I see Ryan come up in the middle right I thought it was prime minister Justin Trudeau that’s very that’s how sad are you Canadian no cuz if you need a dollar I got 52 cents he’s born and raised here in Las Vegas well someone had to be right look I’m so excited to be here and I I don’t really have the time today so is there any way we can just run that Montage of me making fun of Jeff one more time I thought we could but I mean you already saw it you saw it on the way over no I didn’t on the way over I was driving okay I you know I’m not like you you know you text and driving it’s against the law okay Frank well I I’m having trouble driving around Vegas talk to someone new from La I’ve popped three tires in four months here in Las Vegas well you have to it’s the pressure and then the heat you got to you got to yeah you gota by the way I love your poster out there you can hardly tell it’s temporary look the point is they they’ll find a new show could slide right out where’s Homer at by the way where’s Homer the Homer the you isn’t Homer your camel no uh we call him Forest Hump is your lovely wife named him Forest Hump well mine was uh Homer humps a lot didn’t you like that I like I don’t remember seeing that one well that’s because my wife sent it over so obviously she didn’t all right so next Wednesday by the way she is a she she I love this show I have to tell you that I just wish I had the time to watch it but my wife Aaron oconor watches this show religiously she does she’s always watching yeah she can’t wait to give it up for lint look the point is you see what I did there and I wrote it up right over there in that chair joke you just unloaded that there’s a lot of new stuff Frank you’re always writing you’re always coming up with stuff and Ryan Ryan I’m so sorry Jeff I I I am sorry that they ran in Montage I think that’s just wrong it’s wrong you’re a good guy and I look at you and I just want to take swim lessons at the YMCA by way honey that joke worked did you see that is tell me no do that Jeff not doesn’t look like that yeah he does everyone look I was going to say you’re making a good assumption that you know that I know to swim well maybe you don’t I I do actually which is kind of an upset you w this is just exciting stuff it’s very exciting what you bring to the show I can actually have taken away well he does his own show at 9 you over there who Kaden how you doing man how old are you Kaden 21 wow exciting isn’t it now you can finally officially drink after 10 years of drinking he had a f well we can’t talk about that and that’s Sean over there and Ann our director you know yeah an I was calling for an wasn’t I didn’t I say an i i and you’re doing a great job by the way keeping these kids in line she kind of oversees everything here she really does because it’s at her get up and actually leave she does she and she that that’s the fantasy exactly we all have that fantasy uh yeah so right in the middle of a show you just want to go you know what it’s not working have you ever walked off stage in the middle of a show no I haven’t but I oh God I wanted to I’m a professional Frank and I say this on my epith all I want to say is he was a pro that’s all I want yeah there you go that’s not really there’s more but I don’t probably the years now you’re doing the Dennis Bono show today no I’m not I’m doing it next week now we moved it oh I got two shows tonight Delirious through uh Saturday night with Aaron okay and guy fanton I believe is his name and who’s the other guy Lance Burton yeah Lance Burton’s actually doing the show Lance Burton he’s actually a good friend of mine well you know Lance Burton we interviewed when I did Street smarts here in Vegas which we interviewed you and right yeah and I didn’t make the show you got all right so we interviewed Lance Burton and we ended up being able to use him twice now Lance Burton is born and raised in Kentucky and the question was uh how do you pronounce the capital of Kentucky is it Louisville or Louisville and he said Louisville and I said actually it’s Frankfurt so he actually missed that question oh W that’s good so yeah and then we made I’m like ah you idiot and then he made me Disappear With Frank as part of the question you probably remembered it look the point is it’s I’ve been there many there’s a hotel called the G House downtown has a glass elevator I’m sure I’ve stayed there I once came down it at a college convention which I’d probably get trou I came down and I was naked with a guitar oh wow yeah and it hasn’t changed here at the South Point either I hear I was talking to security over there they like it when you’re naked Frank you know security knows me as the guy who locked himself out of his room four times in one week oh really I just kept leaving the key in there that’s impressive I thought I had people that would open the door for me you know you’re not that big but I I’m just excited to be back on the show I feel really bad that I don’t have any sports Ryan you’re doing okay you’re staring up at the monitor doing great yeah get to go home soon you get to take your pill what’s going on Ryan well Bob it’s National seashell day that’s why he’s wearing the seashell shirt oh that’s very exciting I love seashells by the seashark he sells them uh Ryan puts everything again he does a fantastic job on the show so tonight or when’s the delirium it starts Friday delirium that actually said in yet earlier today but Delirious The Comedy Club sorry Don barnhart’s Delirious there look I gave Don a little PL he’s sitting around counting his kidney kidney stones going my God he’s he’s feeling much better now but my I you know and I thought this bad tooth I had was something we’re gonna get him on the show Jeff you’ve actually experienced oh okay he I had the kidney stone KY Stone one time was not fun would not would not recommend I’ve got you be well I don’t think people actually do recommend it Jeff I you never you never you never something just happens it’s usually through dehydration and you were in the desert that’s exactly what happened so I I thought you were on the Dennis Bono show today you’re doing it next no I’ll do it next next uh Thursday I’ll be on but yeah then you’re on the Dennis Bono show this no I just I was I was I was booked and then not booked oh so they saw your tape yeah well no Kathleen Dunbar who’s a friend of right and she had she goes oh can you do this to promote when I played the right the Italian restaurant down there which is called the Italian American Club no no no no boot leers yes that’s right the Copa room the Copa I played the C we set that up for you Frank I know you know there’s a lot of things we’ve done look at the Keith over there he’s going to have to come home soon okay well he’s kind of he can’t cross in front of the camera so he’s stuck in Jimmy he can walk across ACR you’re doing a great job playing Space Invaders on your phone I don’t know if we could have found someone who could actually play a game from the 70s go ahead Frank or was it the 80s um so listen uh you’ve played Vegas for years decades right do you have a great Vegas story about someone you worked with or something that happened to you when you were in Vegas well I you know I there’s about 20 some hotels I performed at and there’s there’s two ways to get rid of a hotel in this town as you know right one they imploded or two they book me which the Tropicana did both you know here this hotel has a lot of memories because uh I co-hosted a Jerry Lewis ton here with Jerry Lewis Ed McMahon Casey kasm Tom berser on blou rolls you can just go down the list of all the people who were successful and then I was on the show but I remember watching him I watched the Jerry leou telon every year it was always the thing to do I did the late nights yeah yeah no I know I remember Bob I remember trust me uh I remember watching it I didn’t realize that it was done here you know for a while uh here at the south point but Jerry Lewis was like a hero of mine I’ve read a lot of books on Jerry and I know there’s things that are said about Jerry but I mean he did a lot of good but what was Jerry like do you have a Jerry Lewis story well I have many Jerry Lewis stories but he the reason why he uh I got to do the tone for 17 years wow cuz I I knew to keep my distance Frank right you know what did that’s real it’s real important and again Jeff hasn’t learned that yet he wants hey what are you doing after the show Frank what do you what do you want to do now nothing Jeff just do your show show up maybe tuck in the shirt at some point oh no that’s never happening that’s that’s the brand tuck it you don’t tuck yeah you should hear the joke I have for that I won’t be doing it on this program now this one’s big on me see yeah I have I have that but it’s it’s got the it’s not untuck it okay okay I know thank you but anyway the point is Jerry Lewis one year I was doing the warm-up for the uh emys and he got Lifetime Achievement Award George Lopez was hosting the show and I go by the way I’m out there and it’s just not going well cuz everyone’s coming in and they’re looking at each other and all I’m up there trying to do jokes I’m getting nothing all a sudden Fred Willard walks up the stairs and goes Bob can you show me where my seat is did he really yeah huge laugh and it just saved my day you know but I sat with Jerry for about an hour in the dressing room and he was telling me how great I was and I wish I could have recorded it now was he wearing pants in the dressing room he didn’t wear pants on I understand cuz he he wore a tuck on stage he no he didn’t wear pants but the boxers were were over the pants so that was kind of weird it was towards the end you know as you get older you do things Ryan you don’t understand that now because you know you’re young and you’re Canadian did you call him Ron Ryan Ryan okay no you called him Brian earlier you know the bee is silent um Ryan I see Aaron oconor we have some comments could you could you fill us in on what’s going on online now uh well Keith had said that the joke and then she said not so much um that’s nice I can’t wait to get home and she said Jerry Lewis was lovely to her very very nice to her Kaden said that uh you’re very quick and it’s hilarious wait Kaden’s Kaden’s in the live chat that’s K he’s live chatting are you actually live chatting me right now oh thanks man you know I’m right here you know and they got a camera they cut oh look at you’re on the camera right is he no he’s not no we have a side camera that can kind of show people and then I want look professional there you go Keith wanted to make sure he got his turn in so he he asked any of the other teleon co-hosts still alive now Lou RS is still alive is he not no he passed passed away passed away Jan Carl was one of the co- Jan car Tom berson berson’s still alive yeah he’s still alive there’s a few Casey KAS was a lot of I mean I got to work with Casey many years ago did a TV pilot called Rocket to the Stars okay and it was a Dick Clark production and both of us thought this thing was going to go places and they were going to fly us out to napy and New Orleans and before couldn’t sell the show it’s a tough business I’ll tell you I uh uh Casey KAS the uh what was I going to say about Casey Cas I’m sorry he was Shaggy from sco was Shaggy can you believe that I would eat cereal and watch yeah I’d watch Scooby-Doo and then I worked with a guy yeah uh I never met him but I know uh uh I used to listen to America’s top 40 all the time and then there’s that outtake of him having to read the dedication about it’s very funny and that’s all he’s going to be remembered for what was Rod Stewart remembered for anyway point is you do one bad thing different and then it catches on right Jeff you don’t know what I’m talking about sheep I have no clue now the Rod Stewart thing I know you’re talking about it’s in the neighborhood of the yeah we’re not going to say it cuz you’re a professional and I’m going to rise above it so in the last 10 minutes we usually we kind of show some posts that are some funny stories Ryan might have one that we could show now and Bob if if you wouldn’t mind it’s kind of sports related maybe you come in and you jump in and have a take on it I will what do we have we have a couple you want to do the name or the tall kid uh let’s do the tall kid yeah skip the name we do the tall kid you have to see this Ryan explain who this is kid that is now a freshman at the University of Florida is 7 fo9 79 there he is so these are some of his highlights um he weighs 290 is what that said that’s him right there Oliver is his name yes and and is he on the [ __ ] basketball team he actually he actually going there he is Canadian oh he is Canadian yeah wow he’s going to get out of there fast drank a lot of milk n think about that but you know they talk about this on Ancient Aliens there was once a race of giants that died off so why can’t they come back look at this Bob he could Bob I he looks like Shaggy if he didn’t smoke pot all the time all right we have a comparison in height here we go this is the comparison of me and Jeff standing next to this young man uh here’s what it looks like okay I’m not 46 and why no I think I don’t know why I don’t know what the hell I’m doing I mean my God I I I I look like someone just been flattened me with K like doing is you’re showing off your untucked shirt yeah 100% like look at me I could take off like he’s been hypnotized as a board light as a feather yeah by the way by the way that was really really cold of Caden to make you 46 I know well I mean I mean I know cuz you’reall you’re you’re about 49 there you foot on there and that’s right it’s okay to be short man it’s not it’s not about the size it’s about the girth we live anyway we live longer short people you do you really do and I I that’s why the munchkins are still alive they’re all running around you know the set in paramont thinking they’re going to come back right and they made that movie under the rainbow with Chevy Chase about how they were like they were Madness on set of The Wizard of Oz like they were drinking they were drunking I know but you get away with it when you’re little you know what it’s like you get away with a lot Frank um you come down the elevator naked and then you announce you’re running for president what would you do if you were seven foot n inches I wouldn’t know and you know this poor guy you could imagine the middle seat oh he’s not you see him walking in and just sitting down and you’re going no no he con I had that I had that happen I was in the exit row and this guy was about as big as him Giant and the the big you know spaces right there cuz that’s the Poor Man’s first class it is it’s the extra leg room so I’m sitting in the and he takes over everything I’m like this you know and he’s going isn’t this great I said are you looking at me um I this guy would be constantly calling the flight attendant with his head right he would just be banging yeah that’s a good point but you just call it because you’re lonely right exactly cuz the people around you won’t talk to you and don’t recognize you from streets Mar it’s a long time ago all a long time ago and I’m glad there’s tape that we can have destroyed Ryan what else do we have uh so from a 79 79 person uh to the Rookie of the Year in the NBA who is 74 seven short Victor wanyama somebody pulled a one of one of his card this is we like watching these card breaks they call it where people open packs of cards and get lucky and find these cards that could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars buy this so here’s this guy getting a wiana card oh my god dude oh my God oh my God I’m just going to do it oh my God one1 gold one1 did he just win something supposed to be worth over $100,000 yeah it’s worth 100 Grand he just destroyed optic you know before he got the 100 Grand he wasn’t dating a lot that’s why he’s just one and then he got the cash you know what I’m talking about right Annie you’re doing great over there you don’t even listening you just want to go home you just want to go back in the yard and just look for a scorpion under the rock what is that mean I don’t know but she has she has a lovely backyard she had a little Barbecue on Memorial Day bless her I an and I defeated Ryan and Jerry in a game of cornhole she had never played before Oh cornhole cornhole and pickle ball are the two most popular sports now in the country yeah though you can’t play both of them simultaneously in Mississippi it’s illegal and by the way here in Vegas on St Rose Parkway I keep watching this building going up it’s called chicken and pickle and apparently it’s going to be a a chicken place and a pickle ball court do you know about this I have I have seen the building I didn’t realize I didn’t realize there was chicken involved too I think it’s chicken and or is it just a chicken and I’m making that no I think it’s it’s a great idea you’ve seen the places where you can drink and throw axes yeah yes just brilliant you know because you know you’ve never been ax throwing Bob chicken and no I haven’t I haven’t done that yet Jeff and again you’re young and you have hope wow um what else do we got we well I don’t know I don’t know if we we got someone opening up a condom or anything my God what let me get my slow news day no wonder why you brought me in early you to bu uh uh uh manm mantis toag toaga man whatever oh that’s the doctor I totally just someone that’s the ficial doctor from it’s only Sunny yeah I’m gonna stop talking all right he’s stop talking and standing what’s going on my watch told me okay oh wow is that the light is that what’s called getting your light and he finally stands up and The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow at your bottom dollar tomorrow okay he’s gonna say chicken and pickle is what chicken and pickle has shuffle board pickle ball cornhole pingpong Battleship and like big versions of Battleship and Jenga and it’s a restaurant yeah that’s that was my name Jingo was my name oh no bingo bingo um we have to we have to do a party there we have to do our uh we finally figured out what you’re going to pay us back with chicken and pickle day there you go Jeff Jeff were you at the backyard Memorial Day I was not I was unfortunately out of town I missed no you weren’t you weren’t invited tell you what I did and sit down again what I did what I did hear though is that they did not there was grilling going on right Frank Frank was not allowed to grill yeah they didn’t allow him to do it well you know there was that incident in uh 89 where he it was Frank a grill and George Foreman and no one wants to talk about it and thank God it’s been sealed I’m not allowed to speak of it I think I think the receiver one’s going to be too hard to do what do you think uh yeah we just talk about uh the fourth year at tight end University okay let’s do that okay did you follow golf or football do you follow football is you have a team a little bit of everything you know I play high school football did yeah yeah I was on the same team as Tom berky did I ever tell you that I I know he was a cardinal outfielder and minnes twins he w a ring with the twins yeah I remember 87 he my junior year he was senior and he had me put on the gong show for the Letterman’s Club because that’s all I was good at you know my I was on the offensive line I played left out and speaking of The Gong Show were you not on the gong show I was on The Gong Show and because of that he said well maybe you could do this Bob he didn’t care the nicest man in the whole He it was track baseball and football I mean the guy who did everything I mean he was all American and there and then there was me yeah it’s like me I played high school ball you did yeah let’s talk about that let’s talk about what were you a short stop a short stop second base I lettered oh you did letter I lettered too that’s ex I have a letter it was ninth grade baseball but I I played a little intense no just you had to play a little bit to get the letter I did I did I was defense replace I couldn’t hit I was only 46 you know well the by the last game of the season we were like 40 to zero and the coach said okay you can go in zany again yeah get my 15 minutes so I get my letter is Bob zany your real name no it isn’t and I can I do that real name of course my real name is big dick Mcgee right you have to love a mom that names your big dick I mean that’s a woman with a vision I just Problem by the way I got that t-shirt that t-shirt’s available at Bob and I have to tell something about that joke because it means a lot to me Rodney Dangerfield you know I did his HBO special I worked with him for two years booking his rooms and he came to see me showcase at the Riviera and I’m walking him to his car he goes big dick Mcgee man that’s funny okay it’s funny I know that’s why I I play Dean I set you up for that joke that’s that’s kind of Dre come true you know who else did that and I thought I couldn’t do it I I did warmup for Roseanne and she came out one night B what’s your real name and I said can I do that and she said it’s my show yeah right of course you can do that b uh Ryan what go ahead so what do we got okay so we wrap up with this at tight end University uh Bryson Des Sho decided to make a guest appearance okay this guy just won the US Open Bob golfer so he brought the the trophy to the party at te this is where all the tight ends in the NFL once a year is it this one oh no this is yeah this is in oh well we could have showed that that doesn’t matter well he ended up in downtown Nashville downtown Nashville walk around with the carrying the trophy around yeah so he’s carrying the trophy in downtown Nashville have you played Nashville yes I’ve played Nashville I’ve done it all I know you have I’ve played Hendersonville I did Huckabee he tapes his TV show on the Trinity Broadcasting Network I’ve done two episodes of Huckabee in Hendersonville which is part of the whole exciting Nashville experience and of course I live in Henderson now right exactly is there a city you’ve never performed at that you want to there no not the major cities I mean you know you done them all well obviously it’s other countries now I’ve done about 14 15 countries really yeah holy mael all right uh so do you have the clip of him drinking yeah so yeah so him and George kdci k your wife probably loves because he’s on the ners so they’re drinking out of the US Open and KD goes for it right there Bryson couldn’t finish so George decides to help him out and you think okay he’s almost done nope he’s almost done nope still going still going this bod’s well for the Niner season there we go well I mean k went to Iowa so there that’s what you’d expect right I guess that was impressive the sad part is he was the a n a driver uh do you think that’s it uh sure okay sure Ryan’s calling the shots I don’t know so you know Ryan is on top of the world I want to point these out these have been are these These are we got these parlay cards down here at the South Point uh the first week of football season Jeff for $5 you just picked the winner just pick the winner right you can win5 this year and that you can think Bob you have thoughts on the NFL playing a game in Brazil this year playing a game brail hope you know because I know a lot of the guys on the Rams are uh learning Portuguese they are no okay uh so so at least I know in Brazil Portuguese is p language not brazilan so so it’s this year it’s 14 games okay and oh boy the total in the Jets and the ners game on Monday night see well Aon will want to probably have a pick on that but you can win $25,000 only cost you $5 it’s a good deal yeah and I really need to have her make those bets cuz what happens is she won’t do it and then they they win and go I should have done that I said yeah you should have you should have right honey where you at which camera did she come with you no she’s watching at home she’s watching at home we got shows tonight Frank okay some of us are actually working in town wait I at Brad gett on October 6th on good and I made the call remember that you did help me with Cindy yes I did you did I I don’t know what to tell you Frank I can make so many calls Jee I’m going to make some calls for you because I when I go to Walmart the greeter I don’t like them and I think it would with your untucked shirt I mean that’s you’re going to class up the joint I want to end with this that Jeff is interested in doing some open mics he wants he has some material together what would be your advice to a an aspiring comedian he wants to go this is all about getting on stage you know it’s all about stage time getting your comfort level when you’re on stage why you’re up though though Jeff why are you up there because of the fame of this show yeah cuz trust me no I want to I want to try something new take something do something out of the you afraid to stand in front of uh an audience not really okay then you’re going to be great then we’ll hopefully do all right then Frank already approved the half a joke so good shape you remember the first time you performed I did it was May 4th at the Funny Bone in 1988 I went up I uh I had I left my shirt untucked I had a tie that I kept loose and my first joke was uh I found a girl that I thought didn’t exist I couldn’t believe it I found a girl who’s happy with her current weight that was my big joke and then uh Michael you don’t you don’t have that anymore do you no I then I hope you lost that one I hope that I had a Michael Jackson and John Holmes chunk uh and the Elephant Man’s Bones how Michael Jackson good and then I had a big closer was Spuds MacKenzie which was the Bud Light mascot at the time so that was my uh Spud MacKenzie I killed and then I’m like this is going to be easy second time on stage no good yeah and but usually it’s that first one you have to have the first one where it goes well so you you keep doing it you know the only reason why now as on The Gong Show and folks can go to YouTube it’s on the channel right Keith my gong show the official Bob zany YouTube channel very funny if you watch it if you watch it uh I I do I don’t do well okay but I got paid and I really believe to this day if I didn’t get paid $125.99 I don’t think I would have continu with standup it was that our house painting you tell me it was the 98 cents that made the difference right it was no it was actually also a waffle iron oh Jesus wow yeah and my parents we were pissed cuz we were a pancake family and but the beautiful ending to that story is you were later judge on The Gong Show correct yeah about 10 12 years later they had me come back and I did a couple weeks as a judge worked with Dr Demento Bob Eubanks who to this day still doesn’t remember and he’s still alive too he brought the Beatles you know he mortgaged his home to bring the Beatles to the Hollywood Bowl in 1963 I did not know that and they all said you’re a fool you’re an idiot and he was able to produce the show for like three more years wow and I do know that uh wink marale also a game show host was the first person to interview Elvis and there’s like an old kinoscope very rare interview that he did when I was on on the game show debt I talked to wink about it and he was very impressed that I knew that yeah and back then he wasn’t wink he was just a a sty on that note ladies and gentlemen uh we appreciate you watching the my wife did uh debt with wink Martell she worked with wink oh did yeah I was I won 7 I won $14,000 yeah which was great because you were $180,000 in debt exactly because I heard the jokes you would do how many people did you have to pay to go on the air 7,041 okay um tomorrow Alex white is here uh it’s a Friday and we also have Greg vau former major leager Greg Von is going to stop by and bring his grandson who we understand is a baseball expert and knows this so we’re gonna we’re gonna quiz uh Greg Von his uh his son son his name is Major what a great name major Von much better name than than Bob zany am I still here uh you can catch Bob at the delirious Saturday night and then Aaron will be there through Sunday I’m head out to San Diego for a little corporate thing okay A little corporate thing in San Diego corporate you know I’m always working Frank and again something to Aspire to okay now thank you so much for watching guys please follow L all the descriptions are in the link below the links are in the description below uh Keith ly is here helping out today and Kaden and who’s over in the corner that’s Sean Sean Sean’s over in the corner how could you not see I got this monitor blocking me and Je Sean you have been instrumental to the show you know he didn’t even know you were here you understand how phony this guy is he just walks around going did you see the show no one sees the show Frank I’m gonna go make sure my poster is still there Jeff is here for sports by the book you’re here tomorrow morning he’s here every Thursday we love when Jeff is here always a right Bob can’t thank you enough for coming in can’t thank me enough is right going to hook you up all right we’ll see you tomorrow on punchlines line stands for live in Nevada every show boom a [Music]

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