Arm swing vs Body swing. Can we separate them?

We need the whole body to join in when we try to hit a golf ball let’s put a stop to the separation between body swing and arm swing.

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Let me help you get an effortless golfswing with speed and accuracy. I call it the circle of speed. A good release will help you to a better impact and longer drives and irons without slice and hook. How to swing a golf club need to be adjusted to your skill level and experience.

Long and straight is the goal for everyone but it takes time. Try to focus on one thing not everything when you practise. Impact, face control and swingpath will always be the most important part to drill. We focus too much on rotation but no good golf shot will be executed just by rotating.

I’m naturally right handed but all my tips works for both left handed and right handed golfers.

We also need to understand that many myths in golf are misleading. Everything that you find on the internet isn’t true. Ben Hogan, Sam Snead are two of the legends that are often misunderstood.

We shall not keep our head still, only start with the hips, look only at the ball or keep the left or right arm straight.

If you use callaway, ping, titleist or taylor made clubs doesn’t matter you can learn to hit good golf shots. Your loft or your shaft on the club will not change but you can always get better.

Find what inspires you. Golf basics are the same for everyone. The pga tour, longdrivers or other good golfers can all help you find better golf shots. Watch what they do instead of listed to what they say. Listen mostly to your body and figure out what you need to do to produce the same results as the pros on TV. Be careful when you watch a golf swing in slow motion. The result isn’t always what the golfer is trying to do. Feel and real are seldom the same.

Mike Malaska, Mike Austin, Mike Dunaway, Pete Cowen and Steve Pratt are some of my favorite golf instructors online. Find the tips that make your golf better. Decide what you want to hit. I teach a draw but many like a fade and nobody likes a hook or slice.

Your hips or your lag is not the key to golf. Your hands will decide the shot and you can do like Tiger Woods and trust your hands. Teach your hands to hit different shots. Hit big hooks and slices to understand what happens. Only straight is not gonna teach you anything.

Bryson Dechambeu and Kyle Birkshire can inspire you to hit it longer. Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson can give you inspiration and motivation to test new things and new golf shots. Linn Grant, Viktor Hovland and Ludvig Aberg can show you the future of golf.

The Masters, Players Championship, The Players, The Open and US Open can make you love golf even more. See the best in the world solve all the problems we all need to master any golf course. Golf is a craft and you need fantasy, feel and skills to master it.

Filmed with Iphone 15 pro

hello my friends I uh I’m just happy to be back I’m still uh every day is still a fight but I will be back and uh starting doing videos is a lot of fun but thinking back of these 3 four month when I didn’t release any videos the questions ke kept coming and and this video is probably an answer to a question that I got almost once a week or even more actually do you consider your golf swing being more of an arm swing or a body swing and I will give you the answer [Music] [Music] today standing here with my trusty pitching wedge it’s an easy Club to hit but it’s still always the same do I think it’s more arm swing or body swing it all depends on what shot you want to hit my normal shot like you know is a draw and it still is a draw I didn’t change the program I didn’t hit golf balls but I didn’t change the program so a draw is a little bit more arms than body my arms are fast enough to close the club Club face a little bit so it’s a little closed to where it’s going it’s going inside and out with slightly Clos Club face to the path but it’s still open to the Target and what we need to realize if you watch any gol swing I do uh as long as I’m standing I’m not sitting on a stool um I will be using everything and for some reason I saw during the break I saw probably 10 15 videos that said how I turned my arms off get better engulf turn your arms off and it almost made me sick I mean we need them we all use them I haven’t met one golfer that didn’t bend the trail arm going back but I met a lot of golfers that always keep thinking arms are bad arms are bad and they hold their arms from going back to straight and extending through the ball and they slice it like crazy so we can use too much body it looks more stiff and we can simple explanation is that if you hit a draw your arms will be a little bit faster than your body turn and if you hit a fade you want to leave the club face slightly open so you you need your body to be fast enough therefore if you slice the ball you need more arms if you hook the ball you can cure that by actually moving your body a little bit faster I think we can cure it in a better way but that’s also a cure so we need all of it so when you see this and people start talking I think there’s some guy who’s even selling the body swing and uh I I I would never do that we use everything I think the closer we get to the club the more important it gets if my hands don’t understand the club face will be all over the place if my arms don’t understand I will hit it very very short arm speed and long drives or or arm speed and Club speed are very closely related so if I can get my arms to move very fast the thing I have in my hand will also move fast Club speed so we need this and I rarely I don’t remember one that I’ve told you need more body turn or body rotation speed because the sickness we have in golf is slice Pros have more of a hook issue because they already know that they need to use their arms and hands many golfers like Tiger Woods talk about it all the time he wants his hands to decide what shot he’s going to hit and your body will always follow your hands if I want to move my hand over there my body will turn and I move it back to oh it turned again so please let’s put a stop to arm swing or body swing so this video probably wasn’t what you’re thinking about we need it all there is no only body or only arms we need all of it every time


  1. Yesterday on the course, I had an amazing draw from 160 out landed on the green , thanks to your instruction. Felt so good. thanks

  2. Just saw the 2022 video where you referred to yourself as "a pretty heavy dude" 😝 The way you became svelte Marcus is not the way, but you’re looking good , sound good, and your swing is the same. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  3. Throat surgery for me 3 weeks ago.. radiation starts next week. I know your pain brother, but I take comfort that we can make it through these challenges. Your coaching is always much appreciated mate.
    Fantastic to have you back.
    Jacko 🇦🇺

  4. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we're happy to see you back.wishing you all the best on your recovery and as always thanks for the great advice

  5. Hi Marcus hope all is well with you, could you please give some exercises to help load the shaft please thanks again John

  6. Welcome back, Marcus. You look and sound great! I need your help. I can hit every club in the bag pretty well, but I just can't hit my driver consistently. I used to slice all the time, now I hook all the time. I'll hit one or two good straight shots, and then start hooking. Why can't I just hit it straight? I even hit my three wood pretty straight. It's just the driver I can't hit. Why is the driver so hard and what can I do to hit it straight consistently?

  7. Marcus it is so good to have you back on YouTube making videos. Wishing you continued healing and good health.

  8. Very true it all works together but I think it comes down to what each person feels is starting the downswing. For years I tried various body-led swings and inevitably I would end flying open and the hands & club being late and slicing. When I found your channel last fall, I started working on focusing on my hands being in the driver and the body just coming along for the ride. I've since had much better ball contact and notable distance increase even at my slower swing speed. Thanks again and welcome back!

  9. Welcome back Marcus🙏🏼 great video explaining how important the arms hands etc are. I been having a bad issue with the “PULL” shot. It starts left of target and goes approximately +- 10 yards further left. I really hate that shot. Could you please give me your thoughts and maybe a drill to get back to hitting more of a draw? Thank you for your videos👊🏻

  10. Marcus, your techniques and ideas have transformed me into an advanced player . Thanks

  11. Really good to see you back Marcus! Love your soothing relaxed aura when presenting your videos. Would love to see your take on a distance control with wedges video 🙏🏼

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