best thrift store clothes I wore for 5 days on TV | THRIFTED WORK OUTFITS

#thriftedoutfits #journalist #tvhost
I often wear thrifted outfits for my job as a tv host, but this week I decided to go the entire week and do a week of thrifted outfits as a tv host. having good style and looking put together doesn’t have to cost a bundle! you can find amazing name brand clothes at your local thrift store. ENJOY!



I’m Carrie, a tv host and reporter from Wisconsin living in Kansas City, MO.



hello and welcome back or welcome if you’re new here if you are new here hi my name is Carrie I am a TV host and I live in Kansas City missoury it is Monday morning I just pulled into the parking lot at work and I’m getting ready to start another week of work and another video obviously and this week’s video is going to be something that I’ve been thinking about doing for a while and I’m finally pulling the trigger on doing it and I think y’all are going to like it I get a lot of times people ask me about how I pick clothes or have enough clothes for job every day which is as a TV host I need like a business casual or like a you know some kind of outfit that makes me look put together every day of the week for the show no work from home sweats sadly um and sometimes it is kind of a trip finding all these outfits and making sure I look uh fun and fresh and making sure it represents me as a person as I’m on air because when I look good or when I feel good in what I’m wearing I just do better on air like that’s just look good feel good perform good type of thing so I really do try and put effort into my outfits and what I’m wearing on air so this week I’m going to do a week of outfits on air Vlog but it’s going to be a little different because all of my outfits this week are going to be thrifted I love to Thrift it is like a scavenger hunt you can find so so so many good outfits pieces all sorts of things when you Thrift and I want to show people that you don’t have to spend a ton of money to have style you know to be able to portray what you want to look great A lot of the times the uh comments or compliments I get the most on are things that I’ve thrifted to be honest with you so this week all my outfits are going to be thrifted we are starting off today Monday and um I’ve got some good things up my sleeve so before we get into that I did go thrifting this weekend and I just went to my local Goodwill which honestly the Goodwill by me is kind of small and so the haul that I got is not that big but I did get a couple pieces that I’m going to wear this week so I’m going to first throw it back to Carrie from this past weekend and I’m going to take along for my little Thrift haul so Carrie take it [Music] away I’m always in need of more nice pants for work ooh cute oh red pants I think they’re going to be too big size medium I really need red pants though once the Chief season starts we do red Fridays at the station and you have to wear red otherwise I’m going to stick out like a sore thumb and I don’t want that okay another place I always check out is the skirt [Music] all right moving right along to blouses honestly blouses are so good for me to have cuz they’re versatile I can wear them with pants I can wear them with skirts and my skirt game for work is pretty strong but my blouse game is not good it’s not good and that’s travesty cuz you can find some really good high quality blouses from like J crew Banana Republic at your local thrift store so [Music] okay we’re definitely looking more for summer clothes but we are just going to take a jaunt through the long sleeves and see if anything stands out to us ooh cute try that it’s giving ’90s I love m a floral it’s kind of cute all right we’ll try it okay this is everything we have obviously I picked up a bunch of shoes to try on too so we’re going to go try it on let’s go unfortunately this is the problem I always have with pants is that I’m too tall and so they look just High watery on me so it’s going to be a no all right these are more promising I would love it if they were a little longer yet because I usually wear them with heels um but not bad we’ll see okay this top I kind of like but I’m not going to lie I wish it were a little smaller it’s kind of like billowing there um so we’ll see I don’t know I do wish it was a little smaller all right this top is so cute and obviously it would be really cute with a red pant or red skirt or like pink so I love this it’s like classic TV outfit another one I think is just like classic TV blouse I love the little neck tie here Kelly ripo wears a lot of blouses with like neck ties and I’m always trying to dress like Kelly Rippa so I think I like it okay I kind of dig this one like different but I like it ooh okay this one really hurts because these fit so well the length is good but the zipper is broken dang otherwise I love him oh my gosh okay this is the first thing I put into my cart it’s this chaps um polka dot dress and it’s a little big and I just don’t love it as my style like it’s just not my style the last thing I do always before I check out is I just go over everything and make sure there’s not a stain that I didn’t see when I first tried them on um because I have tried something on loved it gotten home saw a stain or a rip and then it holy like totally ruins the whole thing so we’re just going to go every over everything don’t see anything this one’s so fun honestly this one’s really fun too I already know a skirt I can wear this with honestly we got some good stuff today looks good this one still has the tag on it welcome to set the show is over for the day and I I’m actually wrapping up my stuff and getting ready to go I actually have to go to a little golf store in Overland Park because I am doing a bunch of golf segments at golf courses around the Kansas City area and this store store this store has offered to dress me in some golf gear cuz I really don’t have any like golf Weare so I need to go up there and pick up my stuff because my first shoot for that is tomorrow but first let’s get into today’s thrifted outfit okay so first up we have these trouser Jean type of things I got these at a thrift store on my way back from volun shift at the shelter a couple of months ago I’ve worn them once before and really enjoyed them they are black with the pleated fronts which kind of makes them look a little more fancy they are Shen brand and I think I paid $4 for them the blouse you actually saw me Thrift in the clips before I just got it the other day and I loved how different the sleeves were and it just gave like a very feminine look to it it has little polka dots and then it has little roses maybe little pink roses on it and I thought that it paired really well because the polka dots on this are black so this is our look for the day our thrifted look for the day the shoes are not thrifted I have not ever thrifted any shoes to be honest with you so none of my things this week like all the shoes are going to be things that I bought because I don’t know I just haven’t had good luck with shoes and thrifting but everything else will be from the thrift store so this is going to be outfit number one all right I am off to go pick up my golf outfits I will see you all again tomorrow good morning and happy Tuesday I just pulled into the parking lot at work and I’m about to go in and start the day we have the show today and then I have a post record post record post record at a golf course up North so I need to go to that after the show to shoot something last night when I got home from work I filmed a video a YouTube video honestly it was my book recap video so I filmed that went to a workout class and then I decided that I wanted to re-watch House of the Dragon season 1 because the thing I love about House of the dragon and The Game of Thrones Universe in general is that it’s in the details like all the magic and masterfulness is in the details and even though I love this series love this show love this universe I feel like House of the Dragon season 1 was 2 years ago literally 2 years ago and in that time A lot has happened we had the strike like it was just a long time for the buildup of season 2 so there were things and details that I forgot and I really wanted to go back and rewatch it I was just going to read like a briefer like I was going to go online and read like a brief but I’m like no that will not encapsulate all the details so I started re-watching season 1 I watched the first episode and already as I was watching it so many other little details were like oh that’s right oh my gosh I forgot about this oh this this that so I’m so happy with my decision and I’m going to try to watch episode a night they’re like an hourish or so long but I think it’s really going to help color uh the next season for me and I’m so excited I love this world I Love Game of Thrones I’m just giddy so that’s what I did last night long story short but all that out of the way it is time for another day at work I’ve got another really cute thrifted outfit coming your guys’s way for on air today and let’s just go get it started all right we’re back okay this is today’s thrifted outfit of the day this dress I got at a thrift store over in Raytown and it’s by maidwell and I remember it had the tags on so I did end up paying like $15 for it which is quite a bit for me to pay that much at a thrift store for an outfit but Madewell is a good brand and it still had the tags on so I was like okay $15 it is size medium usually I’m like an extra small and made well but because it’s a WRA dress I knew that I could make it work and make it fit I’ve worn it one other time on the show before and I paired it with some boot back then but it’s summer so I figured we would pair it with these little nude pumps okay that’s all for today I’ll see you again tomorrow good morning I am here at work ready for the day it is gloomy and rainy out unfortunately or fortunately it’s been really hot and sticky lately so maybe the rain will be good I’m not sure anyways I’m here at work I got all the way here and realized that I brought my vlogging camera but the memory card that I normally use is in my computer right now because I’m editing another Vlog and I really don’t have like copious amounts of like cards to use maybe I need to remedy that I don’t know anyway so I turn on my camera and it’s like the dreaded like no card in camera and I’m like o yikes yikes anyways I will improvise and I’m just going to Vlog on my phone today and we’ll just go from there on my way to work this morning I was listening to House of the r which is a house of the Dragon like recap podcast part of the ringer and I’m just so so glad to be back in Westeros like I don’t know how to explain my joy I have been re-watching the first season and I’m just happy to be in this sick little Medieval World like I just love it I love it I’m so happy so I have to go in and finish editing the package that I was assigned for today’s show but while I do that I’m listen to my house of the Dragon podcast so let’s get in there and get the day started I have another really cute thrifted outfit for today’s show so I’ll see you in there you guys I am dropping the ball left right and center today it’s kind of crazy done with today’s show and I was supposed to show you all my outfit like I’ve been doing and I just forgot I just forgot I did take a picture with my phone because I always take a picture of my outfits and then I post on my Instagram and I tag the brand of the outfit that it is so I did take those pictures so I’ll just post them now over the screen and I’ll tell you what I was wearing so first up we have the little fake like leather red skirt I got this almost a year ago thrifting at a a local thrift store in my neighborhood and it’s an Taylor so it’s great quality and I’m pretty sure I paid like $7 for it and I remember trying it on it fit perfectly the quality is so so good I’ve worn it a couple times on the show and I really like how it looks and I paired it with this kind of nice te it’s not a t-shirt it’s nice than a t-shirt but it’s not a blouse this nice top it’s got red and then black lines on it and then white as well and it’s kind of got these little puff sleeves a little bit and the shirt is from maidwell so I paired them together again I’ve worn both of these on the show but I’ve never paired them together and I really liked how they look together just a little fun light look for the for the show for the office for for being on air all those things so I apologize that I forgot to take a video today but hopefully this satiated you enough as it was and I’ll be better tomorrow I promise I promise all right it’s it’s Wednesday all right it’s Wednesday we’re doing the best that we can hello good morning happy Thursday I’m in the parking lot at work ready to go for another day it’s already been a morning y’all it is already been a morning I’ve been up for a while at approximately 4:30 a.m. my cat Cedric decided to knock down one of our ceramic dog bowls that we keep on the countertop when and we’re not feeding the dogs we just kind of put it up there and apparently he was Jungle jimming around and he just and knocked it over and it crashed on the floor and it broke of course but it made a big crash sound that woke up everyone me Casey the dogs and so I went out there to see what was going on and just make sure there wasn’t like a burglar in my house um and yeah it was just all in pieces so that was great and then after that I couldn’t really fall back asleep I tried to fall back asleep but Yoda puppy Yoda was was like Restless he wouldn’t like he would get in a little circle and then he would like be there for 30 seconds then he would get up and like he I he couldn’t get comfortable couldn’t get settled and then I was finally like okay 20 minutes of laying there I’m like let’s just get up let’s just car pay the day he gets up and immediately like throws something up like he threw up like a part of a toy so clearly that’s why he couldn’t get comfortable cuz he had something rumbling around in his belly so I was like that’s great at least he threw it up so we’re good to go he was much better after that and I was like we’re just going to go potty have breakfast and get the day started that’s the dog stuff go potty have breakfast that’s their stuff um so I did all that and then I just journaled and got my day started and I’m like you know what I got some stuff to do at work anyway I’m just going to get here early so I’m here I’m here we’re ready to go we’re ready to roll I’ve got another great outfit for today thrifted outfit for on air I’m excited to show you guys I apologized for yesterday but I’m going to do better today and then after the show today I also have a post record that is at a golf course so I’ll need to change into a cute little golf outfit that will not be thrifted um we’re actually working with a brand who is dressing me for those segments so I’m excited for that but that is later on so let’s get it going and kick it off Friday Eve we can do this I’ll see you in there hello here we are again okay so this is today’s thrifted outfit this dress I got at a thrift store by my house and the brand is called Trixie t r iixx i and I looked it up it’s like a little online boutique type of thing so I think I paid $55.99 for it and it’s super cute I’ve worn it on the show before and I really like it it kind of has you know a spring summer vibe to it perfect length I love the flowery shoulders here so yeah that is our thrifted look of the day I’ll see you again tomorrow oh hello I have to leave my car running because it’s so hot I cannot sit here and talk to you without the AC on okay so I just left my post record we were at a golf course I have this super cute little skirt Polo uh onesie piece from pxg they gifted me some stuff to wear for these shoots and it’s so cute anyways um I have a live shoot tomorrow for the show and I am not sure what I’m going to wear but I’m going to stop at one of my favorite thrift stores because it’s kind it’s in the town the little city that um my shoot was at so I might as well you know I might as well it’s called Thrift World and like I said it’s one of my favorites and they tend to have some really good stuff I’m not going to go crazy or anything but uh cuz I just don’t have that much time and I don’t feel like it honestly but I am like looking for some specific things I don’t know what they are and I don’t want to describe them right now cuz I wouldn’t even know how to but I will know when I see them so let’s go in and see what we can find good morning it’s Friday yes it is I am happy that it’s Friday it has been a really good week but I’m ready to just chill for a little bit and to be honest with you I’ve had migraine since yesterday I don’t love that for me I just don’t at all this tends to happen right around my cycle if anyone is familiar with hormonal headaches they’re brutal and Tylenol doesn’t always really help like I usually try and take Tylenol and sometimes it gives me relief but it really isn’t or it’ll give me relief for like an hour and then it’ll be right back and I could only take excuse me a certain amount of Tylenol day I can’t keep popping them every like two hours so it’s not great it’s not great but we shall persist we shall okay anyways onward and upward yesterday I stopped at the thrift store as you guys saw I did not show you guys what I got because I wanted to be a surprise for my final outfit today I am going to do something a little different uh a little more fun for today’s outfit because I am not in the studio hosting I’m going to be on a live shot and so I’ll be a part of the show but they’ll be sending like from the studio they send it out to me live and I am like doing a live interview it’s for this event called just for her which is like a big convention type of thing in it’s in Overland Park Kansas which is just outside of Kansas City and um the it’s like vendors crafts clothes Beauty wellness it’s all for women obviously it’s called just for her but it’s like for the Gillies it’s like a girly pop thing anyway so I’m going to be live from that I’m doing three hits I believe so it’s going to be fun exciting so my outfit is also just a little bit more on the fun side anyways I got that yesterday at the thrift store and I really love it I got three things um and they’re both they’re all really cute um one of them was just a pair of Lululemon leggings that I got a really good deal on anyway you shall see it soon enough I need it to be the weekend I’m just this headache is really just really just made me ready you know okay I have some editing to do before the show and then I need to get ready and drive on over to Overland Park so I’ll see you in there or rather I’ll see you out there either way I’ll see you soon all right y’all it is my final day of my thrifted outfits of the week challenge and this next outfit or my last outfit is a fun one so I was doing a live shot today for the show I wasn’t in studio and we’re at this fun event called just for her it’s this big conference room where they have vendors and there’s just all the girly things like there’s clothes there’s crafts there’s there’s food everything you could want like to spend a weekend with the girlies so I wanted my outfit to be fun and this dress is what I picked up last night when I went Thrifty so I’mma show you okay this little denim mini is what I picked up the brand is not a brand that I recognize so I don’t know where it’s from but I paid $6.95 for it and typically you wouldn’t wear it with the shirt underneath but I wanted to add the pop of color I thought that was fun and just make it a little more like covered up like it’s time like I’m at work uh type of thing but I think it’s so cute like I said this is what I picked up when I went to the thrift store yesterday I think it’s such a good find I also think it would be a really fun Fourth of July outfit you could put a white shirt underneath or like I said you don’t even have to put a shirt underneath cuz it definitely covers up enough but it fits me perfect and then the Green Top underneath I didn’t get yesterday but it is a shirt that I thrifted um probably like 2 months ago it’s a Forever 21 crop top that I got for like $3 at one of the thrift stores by my house so that is my outfit for the day my on air outfit of the day okay I’m back home I actually got home from work and did a couple things and then took like a 2hour nap which just was really what I needed to be honest with you and now I just fixed myself up My Little Smoothie I’ve been obsessed with smoothies lately I think I’ve made one every day for the last four or 5 days and I’m out of the supply supplies now so I need to go get some more I don’t know if it’s just the hot weather or what it is but I’ve been loving putting them in a wine glass and drinking them with my metal straws I don’t know what it is but they just it has this certain elevated feel to it and I’ve been loving it all right that is going to wrap up my week of thrifted outfits for on air I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did I would love to do more of them I’ve always Lov to Thrift but I’ve really embraced thrifting fashion clothes things like that because with a job like this I just just need to have fresh outfits pretty much all the time I will definitely uh outfit repeat and I love two pieces so like tops blouses skirts so that I can mix and match I’m a big fan of that but I love dresses you know I love stuff like that but I love dresses and I love just having something fun and new and exciting to wear and it’s really not in the budget to buy new all the time to be honest with you so I have to get creative and thrifting is a really great way for me to do that so I really loved all my outfits this week that’s the goal in this is to show you that you don’t have to you know sacrifice style or quality for thrifting I got some really good quality pieces in this video all of my stuff that I wore I had a lot of ant Taylor stuff I had uh you know made well like these are name brand you know stores and they’re in the thrift store so it’s good quality stuff um and you just have to go find it and then have a little uh imagination in making it into an outfit and so I hope you guys like this like I said if you did put the comments down below and I would love to make some more videos so I’m going to leave it at that I’m going to go finish this smoothie and uh just enjoy the rest of my evening and my weekend I’m excited to do nothing quite frankly thank you thank you thank you so much for being here each and every one of you I’m so grateful for anyone who Tunes in I’m sending you love wherever you are in the world and I will see you again very soon in my next video bye

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