LIFT and TWIST | Stop Swinging Over the Top in the Downswing

Fix Your Over the Top Downswing in Golf with This Simple Golf Drill – Lift and Twist Golf Drill | DL Golf Tips

Struggling with an over the top downswing in your golf golf swing? In this video, David Leathem from DL Golf Tips introduces a revolutionary drill called “Lift and Twist” that will transform your golf swing and fix the over the top downswing. This simple yet effective golf drill is designed to correct the common issue of and fix the over the top in the golf swing, which often result in pulls to the left and slices to the right.

David begins by explaining what an over the top downswing means in the golf swing and the types of golf shots it typically causes. He delves into the mechanics of this common problem and reveals that the secret to fixing it lies in how we use our feet in the golf swing to connect with the ground. Through detailed slow-motion demonstrations, David Leathem shows the stark difference between an over the top downswing and hitting the golf ball from the inside.

In addition to the demonstration, David provides step-by-step instructions on how to practice the “Lift and Twist” drill so that you can seamlessly incorporate it into your golf swing and fix the over the top golf swing. This one simple golf drill has already transformed the swings of many of my students.

For premium leather golf gloves at a fraction of the cost, visit our channel sponsor at GX Golf Gloves and use code “david” for 10% off.

For personalized online golf coaching from David Leathem, check out his my Skillest Profile Get expert video analysis, specific drills, and video demonstrations, plus the ability to send swings for feedback at any time. Unlock a better golf game by clicking the link below.

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so if I was to tell you that the key to fixing this over-the-top downswing actually lies in what you do with your left foot you’d probably think I’m mad but this drill actually really does that and I’m going to prove it to you okay hey golfers and welcome back to my YouTube channel in today’s video we’re going to talk about something that I see a lot when I’m teaching in person or online and some of you watching this will suffer from this overthe toop down swing in Gulf and it’s disastrous there’s really a really stubborn move as well to fix well I got a really cool little feeling that you can do in your D swing that will actually fix it and I’ve had as I say really good success with this and my students so before we get started looking at that if you haven’t done so already please don’t forget to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button let me know in the comments where you’re watching from and let’s get started so if you’ve watched any of my videos before you know I like to explain things first as to what is an over-the-top D swing so that way that you can properly look at it and say yes I do suffer from that so that drill is relative to me this is not a generic allr drill it’s for an over-the-top golfer so if you are that person stick around this will really help you out so as we discuss what is over the top I mean that’s the sort of phrase the buzz word from it but essentially when you get to the top of your back swing the club would come down let’s say there’s a plan for the club to come down well we’ be coming down over the top of that plane okay now what then happens is because our objective is to hit the golf ball well if I start the down swing like this and the club is out well it can’t continue going that way because I would miss the golf ball my objective is to hit the ball so what happens is it comes out and then it has to now come back in this way to get to the golf ball and you can notice at the bottom of the Swing the club moving very left through impact this is also known as out to in what does that mean imagine a Target line here in front and behind the golf ball everything on this side of the line is out everything on this side of the line is in so out here towards in okay and that happens because Club gets thrown out over the top and there’s numerous reasons why people swing the golf club over the top and I got a really cool drill or feeling that is going to help you so that you know as well if you maybe don’t video your swing and you kind of Wonder am I over the top well the ball flights that you’ll typically exhibit from that will be a pull straight to the left so over here Club comes back in and let’s say we take our alignment face alignment and say your Club face you’re coming over the top out to in whatever you want to call it but your face is pointing the same direction as that path or the way the club is moving it’s just going to start left and stay there typically over the top golfers will have experienced that at some point generally because this type of downswing will more than likely lead to a slice and what they do is they think oh my Ball’s curving over here so I’ll aim over here and then they get that over the top face Square to that and they nail this thing straight left and why could I not do that when I was demon straight let me know in the comments if you’ve been there because I’m pretty sure like if I’m talking to people online or in person for coaching they’ve all experienced that they’ll L left and they’ll pipe one and nail it straight down the left hand side and think why could I never get that when I was even straight okay so that’s the pool that will be one of them you will also struggle with lack of distance um pure contact as well generally because of the Steep shaft you sometimes might have to come up to try and shallow that out and so on but that’s not what we’re about today so we’re here over the top now let’s say we leave the face open which is I’m not even just saying it but it’s so common for golfers to do this leave the face open at various points in the swing we come down nether f is pointing somewhere here and the Club is moving across and that’s kind of giving you more of a cut shot and this is the slice typically gets worse with longer clubs all right but anyway so that you know that’s what the over-the-top can cause that’s what you can look for on your camera if the club is coming dramatically out in this direction at the start of the downswing well then this video is really going to help you so let’s look at our drill it’s a little mad um it’s one that you can do on the Range it’s not one for playing or actually playing golf but to give you a sensation of what your body should be doing it’s really really helpful so let’s take a look at that so if I was to tell you that the key to fixing this over-the-top down swing actually lies in what you do with your left foot you’d probably think of mad but this drill actually really does that and I’m going to prove it to you okay so again referencing golfers that I’ve taught either in person or online some of the over-the-top players will do this some will not but I’m going to explain a second how if you are over the top you’re doing some amount of it okay top of the back swing left heel lifts off the ground okay you might be watching this now and think my left heel doesn’t but think of this more as where the pressure in your foot like I can keep my foot flat but still move the pressure to my toe and essentially if the lead heel is off off the ground all the pressures in the toe okay so from there and there’s nothing wrong with that CU I know that helps people get some more range of motion in their back swing and if you stamp it down correctly you can get some lovely par but basically that heel coming up and then as it starts to replant it will spin to the point where the heel has moved essentially closer to this foot right now eyes that bad watch as I make this move in my D swing so we’re up with the left heel we spin it the club is going to get thrown in that direction okay because by lifting it up and spinning it these hips back up his whole left side clears too soon Club nice swings way back in and you’ll even see some golfers who swing dramatically over the top and we’ll have their left foot like really with raw itself because they’re trying to create space for the club to come in this needs to get out of the road all right so you might be looking at your swing and say well Dave I don’t lift my left heel but I’m over the top as I said the pressure will be into your toe and the when you lift the heel and then as it replants well even if it’s flat when it replants the food will still be twisting inside your shoes some amount it may not be something that you can feel but it’s how you’re using the ground and it will be going this way so what do we do about it and you’ll see the difference in my down swing when I do this okay so let’s hit a another over the top one and we’ll slow it down so that you can really see that move happening okay needless no well no surprise wasn’t the B the strikes okay so g game opposites yeah we’ve talked about that before in other videos and what if I lifted the heel again not saying you have to play golf like this but as a drill this works wonders lift the heel slightly in the back swing so pressure is on the toe now what I want you to do is now as it replants you’re going to twist it so the heel is now in front of that toe or moves away from this foot okay so tricky to coordinate it first so up that way okay looks a little mad you should see me on the Dan floor that’s mad so up twist out that way right now watch it from this angle maybe I’ll do that someday get a video on the Dance Floor might get more views um okay so we’re up top pretty decent heal is up and then I’m re I’m twisting it to heal out there now look where that club has gone as we do this at speed and some flow to it it’s going to really change what the club does in the transition instead of it going this way or the foot flat and even the pressure moving using the grind the wrong way or that way so heel bang in there I’m going to attack that thing from inside and no word of a lie in lessons I’ve seen it I use trackman I’ve seen the path change from 7 8 degrees left this way to doing this and all of a sudden they’re hitting from the inside for the first time which is really really exciting as a golf coach and pretty simple move in theory okay so let’s try one again we’ll slow it down and we’ll have a look at that feeling yeah I can definitely F way more inside cool thing about this as well I’m not conscious any of that it’s just how I’m using the grind differently and how I’m using my feet so pretty much the secret is in your feet to fix the over-the-top move now how would I expect you to practice this like all my other videos I’m going to tell you how to practice it if you’re anything like me and you like to wear a good quality leather glove when you’re playing golf but don’t fancy paying a high price tag for it only to fall apart in about three shots well go and check out my channel sponsors page gxg golf use code David at checkout and you’ll save yourself a nice little bit of cash as well so to start you’re going to go feel heel up in the back swing even for some people that’s going to feel weird remember we’re not trans transitioning this into your go swing we’re going to just change how the pressure moves around in that foot and you can still keep the foot flat but for the drill I want it lifted okay so for some of you this can be really strange so feel it first he up right that to me feels Weir because it’s not something I do in my swing and I me personally I don’t want to need to yet maybe I might need to at some point because my swing speed is dropping dramatically the less I play but anyway so top up now keep the pressure in your heel as you start the down swing but I want you to twist the food I know it looks crazy but I can already feel that club starting to drop so from here these are practice swings at first this way is the right okay so really feel what you’re trying to do with that lead heel as you replant it it’s going to go this way not that way all right then feel it in a practice swing one full motion we go heel up and through he up twist really changing that D swing okay once you feel comfortable start hitting some slow shots all right people when they’re changing your swing go far too quick to make change truly happen so we’re going up and that way nice and easy and build yourself up okay guys give it a go let me know how you get on the comments as I say works wonders for people that I teach you can let me know in the comments how you find it thanks guys and before we go if you haven’t done so already please don’t forget to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and I’ll see you guys in the next one


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