Golf Players

How the BEST Players in the World Compress the Ball

It’s like Scottie Scheffler can’t lose right now! We are not talking about his foot work, we’re talking about something far more important to his consistency in todays video. Enjoy:)

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it’s a big day are you sure you’re ready I am I am very ready you’re born ready before we get started though I think we have a special guest that wants to do our intro should we let him do the intro I think we should let him do the in let’s let him do the intro hi my name is D welcome back to my golf it’s time to let the big dog eat let the big dog eat today I can tell you right now we’re not letting the big dog eat because we’re talking about the man himself who are we talking about about Scotty sheer Scotty Sheffer folks holy smokes his sixth victory Of The Year folks has already happened and it’s only June my big question back to you is how soon do you think people are going to be starting to develop their personalized ice skating rinks in their house to start working on trying to perfect their footwork like Scotty Sheffer well they’re already doing it they’re already doing it they’re already doing golf instruction is so funny they’re already trying to mirror this golf swing when this golf swing is very much tied to his DNA and to be honest with you the right foot sliding on the ground has been around for eons there’s lots of players Greg Norman was a player that used to slide his right foot there’s a reason why it happens though and I know Scotty talks about the reason why he does it but there’s a reason why you would see this actually happening if you use the ground should we show him a little example show let’s show you a little clip I know I didn’t give you a lot of information there but rest assured that there’s going to be a video coming out on this topic and the sooner side um but I wanted to give you a a little snippet here so you can get the wheels turning now today we’re not talking about his footwork but we are talking about one of the things that he is so freaking good at what is he the best at he has those nice smooth wrists smooth wrists I like that he is a master of controlling his golf ball and when you are good at controlling your golf ball both from a front to back and a side to side standpoint then golf becomes a whole lot more enjoyable this week we’re going to be focusing in on exactly what Scotty does so well in his golf swing that so many other players do and he’s got a very buttoned up rate of closure down through the bottom of the Swing Arc and he’s got the stuff later on in the week Jason and I are going to take you out to the range we’re going to show you a really cool drill that we’ve been playing around with that helps you feel what it’s like to be able to move into and through a tour quality impact position without having to force schaffling that’s a pretty good idea huh we don’t like forcing shaing we don’t like to force shffl we don’t want to start you know slowing the club down and trying to force you to get the club to a certain spot golf clubs are designed to do a lot of this work for you you have to get out of the way but you also have to make sure that the stuff that you’re doing early on in the swing shape is buttoned up is that right and I mean buttoned up and I mean buttoned up now without further Ado let’s head inside the lab let’s take a look at this movement now before we get started do me a big favor head down below take 30 seconds of your day and hit that subscribe button for us and turn on your bell notifications and if you have any questions or comments keep it nice post that up below what else should we tell them to do oh hit the thumbs up button for us as well that’s good for Jason and I that we like that it’s good for our psyche we love the support so we live in a world with a game of golf that we have to be able to control our golf ball a lot you have to be on top of your distance control and you also have to be able to manage your side to side dispersion and sometimes people lose sight of how important it is to be able to hit the golf ball to a particular number I know that we have our stock shot distances and a lot of you just get kind of fixated on trying to hit clubs to that certain number but what I want you to remember is that the best players in the world will not just go out there and have one shot with one Club they’ll have a magnitude of shots and you can change your release pattern if you understand how to manage the club phas properly from beginning to end and that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about here today now schaffling is one of these things that can really be what’s a good word for it Jace chaffing is one of those things that can just be bastardized when it comes to the World of Golf instruction shaing is not something that should be forced it should happen as a result of two very important moves in the golf swing number one your center of mass moving a substantial amount in front of where it was address and the second thing is is making sure that you have the club phase prepped on the way down where you have your lead wrist in a position where it’s slightly flexed or at least anatomically flat if you can do those two things then you can play the game of golf really well now having lag inside of that is something that a lot of you try to strive for but the way that you get lag is trying to overdo things with your wrist at certain times in the golf swing and that’s exactly what Scotty does not do and the same thing when you look at Tom Kim is both players use a very high hand and arm position and very little wrist function at the top of the Swing shape by doing little with the wrists and allowing the glove to get into a good spot at the top of the Swing then the golf club and the wrist will start to form this natural sort of function on the way down that moves your wrists into a little bit more flexion you’re going to see two different style of releases here today but I want to highlight the face on video here first so you can see exactly what I’m talking about with Center of mass if we Mark a line from the belly button down to the belt buckle here at a dress okay and we look at the the hands and the club head here they’re very neutral right and so what you’re going to notice is as he starts the golf swing the center of mass moves in behind the ball just ever so slightly and now you can see a substantial amount of movement in front of it and you can see at the point of contact that his wrist bones in his lead hand right here are closer to the Target than his knuckles he’s not trying to force this angle to happen but now he’s increased his shaft Lan a substantial amount this is a allowing the club face to be very stable at the point of contact it’s not a position that’s forced now what you will see from time to time with the best players in the world is they’ll change how the wrists and the forearms function from one side of the body to the other by inducing more body turn or less body turn and that’s what you’re going to see when I show you these two different styles of releases looking at the left hand side of the screen we know that Scotty’s got some sort of short iron here okay and what I want you to do is I want you to focus in on what is wrist do early on in the swing shape you’re going to see here that his wrists just basically rotate a small amount and they set the golf club just a small amount from here you’re going to see that he continues to turn his body and Elevate his hands and arms and at the top of the golf swing his wrist is pretty much what we would consider almost anatomically flat here it may have just a little bit of extension in it but this is where things start to get really good on the way down that right elbow is going to start to work back in front of the body and if you look at it really closely with that right elbow moving back in front of the body and you look at the right wrist and then you look at the left wrist you can start to see something happening there that left wrist is moving from that little bit of extension now into flexion right that’s that bowing of the wrist that seems to be so in Vogue when it comes to golf instruction it’s not like he’s trying to force this to happen because the golf club is moving into the depth dimension of the swing and because he’s changing the Direction with his lower half and because he had the wrists in a good spot for this to happen then the wrist actually starts to naturally do this and this is where you’ll see most tour Pros when they are in a full swing shot is you’re going to see them with their lead wrist anatomically flat or slightly bowed with the club shaft parallel to the ground and the club head more or less in line with the hands or slightly in behind it now when we looked at Tom Kim he had it just a little bit out in front of his hands but he is a player that likes to hit a lot of cuts a lot of low Cuts now from this position this is what we need to focus on how are we’re going to get the club to one side of the body to the other what are we going to do if we want to flight the golf ball we want to take a little bit of distance out of it what you’ll notice here is that this swing has the hands and arms moving off to the left a substantial amount and you’ll notice that the club doesn’t rotate a whole lot at all almost like you could hold a glass of wine on it here when the um the hands are right up Bell tight on the lead side of the body now with a longer iron what you’re going to see is a pretty stark contrast but you will notice that on the way down that lead wrist does the exact same thing so you can see right there that lead wrist has got that little bit of flexion and and then as we get down into delivery here we are Club shaft parallel to the ground that lead wrist has got just a little bit of Bowing in it that means we have the golf club Del lofted and having it Del lofted and having the center of MK moving forward means we’re going to have the ability to be able to see forward shaing now if you look at it post impact here you can see that the toe of the club has rotated more up towards the sky you can actually see his hands and his arms still out in front of his body where you can’t see any part of his arms over here this would be more or less an efficient style release this is where he’s producing a lot more speed where this release over here is one that he’s probably trying to pull some out of it either way you are capable of being able to start to develop more shots if you have the golf club prepped when it comes down in front of your body and that’s exactly what we’re going to be working towards later on in the week we’re going to teach you how to feel that same sort of movement and transition we’re going to teach you how to look for it when it comes down in front of your body and then we’re going to teach you how you should move your body through the hitting area to be able to start hitting sorts of shots that you would see of the best players in the world we’ll see you guys on the Range later on the week [Music]


  1. I tried this and getting my body more open while on the range today. The longer I tried to do it the worse I got 😢. Hitting pulls and shanks. I am sure I was doing something wrong obviously. Just not sure what.

  2. New to your channel and just wanted to say how impressed I am with your content. I watch quite a few YT instructors and you are quickly becoming my favourite. Wondering if you have any videos on swinging on plane? Played today and hit a lot of pushes and hooks (when I used my hands more.). Thanks

  3. This channel, Kerrod Gray, Dr. Kwon, and athletic motion golf (I’m sure I’m missing a couple others) are some of the best channels I’ve come across. Thank you for all you do.

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