Golf Players

2024 PDGA Masters Disc Golf World Championships | MP40 R1B9 | Rovere, McCabe, Feldberg, Vicich

Welcome to the 2024 PDGA Masters Disc Golf World Championships in Emporia, Kansas, USA! This is a 5 round PDGA Major featuring over 900 professional and amateur players from around the world!

MP40 Division | Round 1
Course: Champions Landing DGC

Feature Card:
Joe Rovere
Eric McCabe
David Feldberg
Dana Vicich

Coverage filmed and produced by @GatekeeperMedia

Commentary: Nick Hanson and Nathan Johnson

[Music] welcome back to Emporia Kansas for the 2024 PDGA professional Masters Disc Golf World Championships presented by Dynamic dis thanks for tuning in to this coverage of this major event brought to you by gatekeeper media I’m Nathan Johnson joined in the booth today by Dan Brooks Wells how’s it going Dan it’s going great man we have a beautiful awesome day we got some Heavy Hitters and we got this awesome course to enjoy yeah we saw Joe Rivier get out to a blazing hot seven down through n start on the front nine there Eric mccave Dave feldberg and Dana vichi trying to finish strong here and get themselves back in the mix it is going to be an absolute battle here in the MP40 division at Masters worlds we’ll see if some of these guys can keep on their hot streaks this is ho 10 par 4 585 ft there’s OB to the left and a lot of danger and OB to the right placement shot off the T and then having to deal with kind of a peninsula type of green just want to make sure you get down and to the left out of this t-shot yeah objective one is just hit this Gap anywhere out here in the open you can manufacture something up into the green so it’s not uh not too important after that yeah and this this is a this is a good hole design as far as you know this course is a golf course right um in the past and creating these wooded holes when there’s so much open field I think is important yeah it’s definitely a aspect of disc golf that you can’t ignore and it needs to be tested so nice Gap hits so far from the card we saw m catch a little bit of cabbage on his way out but still might have something to to work with there nice and smooth from vichi gets by that last tree and swings out nicely yeah so mbee after catching that limb is going to have a bit of a low ceiling and a little farther shot than the rest of these guys but he hits that Gap well and just needs this to check up should have himself a circle two putt for his birdie R here having to deal with a little bit of trees in his way but not too tough just a Hiser into the basket yeah just finds himself behind that one big tree on the green likely have a short straddle put coming up is Dave going through this tiny Gap I think he has to wow okay style points for feldberg there that’s a that’s a great shot going to give himself a birdie look as well and yeah vichi rewarded after this great drive just has a nice chip forehand into the green that is well executed yeah absolutely and uh correct me if I’m wrong I I believe you know we’re talking about how this was a golf course I believe this was bought by Dynamic and we’re looking at you know disc golf to be played here for ever hopefully yeah that’s the plan as we see a couple Circle two bids come up a bit short we’ll see if uh there are any big changes planned for the property now that they have kind of total control over it as oh Joe with a a short birdie putt Miss there yeah little uncharacteristic from Joe we’ve I mean we’ve just seen him being you know just shredding Dana able to put down the bird and uh you know he’s he’s got Strokes on these guys but we did see after the front nine he was tied with Jeff FaZe and he had you know with some other five Downs so you can’t stop and this is this is a marathon this is five rounds plus a plus a final nine so you just got to keep going speaking of keeping going we are going on to whole 11 this is a par three 395 ft pretty straight through this Gap OB to the left OB to the right up the hill yeah this hole is playing way longer than 395 with both that uphill and just the lack of left to right you know um airspace you kind of have to just keep the dis straight the whole way on just either a tight flex line like we’re seeing Joe go for or a Hiser flip um and that is so well thrown wow wow what a shot yeah and like you said he used the entire Fairway that was amazing you can see mape going for that Hiser flip line but just not quite enough air space on the rightand side catches some limbs over there and drops him down short very demanding hole felberg maybe a bit overturned find the right hand side as well yeah as long as it doesn’t sneak through those trees and finds OB can’t be too upset yeah this is definitely a bonus birdie these guys all kind of just pitching their upshots up to the green maybe we’ll see Dave give this 80f footer a run get it oh o good try gets a little metal there but not a bad effort not losing a lot of Strokes with a par here 77% of the field is taking par on this hole so yep and they are going to lose one to Joe though they’ve lot lost a lot of Strokes to Joe so far that’s fair everybody is if you’re paying attention to what’s going on in the rest of the field as well you’ll see that Jeff FaZe also got the bird on this so they are still tied at eight we are going to head to hold 12 this is a par three 44 ft OB cart path on the left OB on the right seems to be a common theme here just a bunch of OB make sure we keep it in the fair way look like Joe’s lining up that little ceiling right hand side he going to rely on the ground play to scoot his disc up inside the circle and does just that probably right around 30 feet or so for his birdie coming up yeah and you’ll notice this is a little downhill right so getting the disc to flip up and kind of ride right or ride straight using the hill to your advantage you know doesn’t necessarily take 404t of power I think most of these guys probably go on Fairway driver speed again oh my go do it again this might need to get down wow woo buzz in the tower Eric mccab hello they were calling it someone said do it again which makes me believe he’s hit metal in the past yeah I guess so would have been nice to get some some video of it but we have to try again in round three feldberg pulls that one just a bit catches the limbs on the right hand side of the Fairway so just going to have to pitch up here for his par that’ll do this is what you get after the yeah after the ace run 45 ft comebacker around the tree not a problem spins it in wow that always feels good after you have an ace run and you’re you’re looking outside Circle too you’re like man I deserve a better putt than this but awesome to knock him down Joe hasn’t really had to putt too much today he’s kind of been parked for most of the round and ah just leaves that one a bit high it’s one of those putts as we see beichi knocked down a nice one where like you get to this you step up to it and it’s whole 12 and you’re like you realize that like I haven’t had to putt all day like kind of feels like the first putt of the day sometimes can can sometimes get in your head if you’re not uh if you’re not rock solid up there nobody is immune to a course like Northwood black just throwing laser beams that’s so good resell the birdie the fist pump critical shot got to get up brell that is a shot of a champion your 2024 Champions Cup winner Andrew prell [Applause] visit quirky today we have over 100 Fun unique disc golf te’s along with Hats stickers metal wall art and much more use code PDGA 20 for 20% off whole 13 par 4 397 ft can take this right side Gap can take the left side I I wouldn’t imagine anyone taking the left side it seems like this right side is what people are going to want to do I think it’s cleaned up from years past so it’s a little bit more open here yeah and they’ve changed that right side area to Hazard rather than OB so it’s not quite as punishing if you don’t make it all the way to the group green you’re still going to advance whereas in years past it was basically just like a ret that’s right seems like these guys are making it past here I’m not sure how far how far do you think it is to clear this Hazard um it’s probably somewhere in the three 60 range uh maybe actually maybe less maybe maybe 340 340 it it is so it’s yeah so definitely uh still got to put a good move on but very much reachable for most of the field you can see these guys kind of all just bailing out a bit short left giving themselves some deep stabs at it see if anybody can ring it up yeah like you said in in in years past when that middle section was OB you’d see a lot more people go to the left and not even risk it um but this kind of makes it more of an easier hold a par uh it’s a common mistake to just kind of dump out left after you get past that Hazard Zone oh oh what a little forehand throw in from Joe r what a shot my gosh okay he is officially on fire 10 down through 13 with a couple of missed putts in there like are you kidding me what is what is going on right now he’s a man on a mission there’s a close run there man I can’t get over that that’s such nice touch on it too it came in so soft it did there was nothing wrong with that at all that was the only Eagle on hole 13 on the day playing as the second easiest hole on the course moving on to whole 14 this is a par 4 858 ft trying to throw a bomb off of this T getting to the landing Z somewhere in here pushing it farther if you can and pitching up to the basket OB to the right of that fence so we’ve seen forehand backhands rollers just trying to get out there as far as you can this will be this will be great there’s a cart path to the left that is Obi as well if you Heiser out pretty drastically hopefully it won’t come into to play too much this is the mistake you can’t make off this t-shot it’s it’s a good kick considering he’s out in the middle cuz if you kick to the right you have more trees to deal with yeah still very savable par from there it can just kind of blast something down the Fairway on the second shot but obviously not ideal let’s see what felber’s got lined up this looks like a great angle oh yeah little skip I’ll have a clear look into the green Yeah by far best Drive of the group from Dave so yeah you can see here not much in the way now for Dana just looking to smash something down there don’t want to go too far right though there is an OB fence over there looks like it checks up short of it yeah M was a little low off the drive so he’s left with a decent distance into the pin this seems to be heer out too early definitely does but checks up inbounds pretty generous Fairway on this hole here Joe overturns it just a tad we see da with the best driver the group deciding to take thiser outout over that uh Browning tree little putt yeah we’ll see how much that big tree comes into play on uh putts for filberg and R these two guys looking to get up and down for their pars first though Bei from that right side comes up a bit left short left going to have a circle to 8 footer for his par cab shouldn’t have too much in the way from the left side of the Fairway that’ll be fine birdie look for re r Dave with his little stepper oh just a little off I’m expecting one of those to fall here shortly yeah he’s had about three or four of them so far this round from that 45t range or so just hasn’t quite been able to connect Bei a little left a little short a little left here’s maave to clean up his par oh no seen some kind of putting woes from pretty much everybody on this card nobody really super consistent from that Circle Edge uh distance so far during this round but it is the world championship so you know yeah if you want to you want to take this down or be in contention you got to be making mostly everything inside the circle unless you’re Joe and then you can just throw in from whatever distance you like and then you don’t have to worry about anything all right we’re walking over to tpad 15 hole 15 Par 3 439 ft teing up from up the hill Obi on the left Obi on the right make sure we’re getting it in bounds here you are teeing off from OB so you do this does play like an island you do have to land inbounds or you go to a drop zone nice width on this one from R and oh what perfect ground play gets the nice Skip and roll up to the green yeah you don’t have to don’t have to putt if you just put it to six feet every single [Music] time yeah and this does remind me of hole I think it was hole three on the front nine where just kind of throwing a straight to heer shot and let the disc fall in probably most of these guys just going with the exact same disc just want to make sure you keep it wide enough this one is a bit early it should stay inbounds but yeah it’s not what Dana’s looking for I like the width on this if it has the distance and it does going to put mcab right around 20 feet for his birdie coming up first we got Dana vichi from Deep Circle 2 good looking Pace on it just coming up a little short here’s felberg with another chance at a stepper perhaps just a little low left it’s kind of been Dave’s Miss today on a lot of those just not quite getting the pop out of the hand that I think he’d normally like good drop in bird for rever good bounce back back for mcade and the rest of these guys will tap in their pars Ricky distance driver in hand what what just happened uh what just happened Yaki blows up the basket on the 16th I don’t know what that is but it definitely bombs here we are at the exciting whole 16 part 3 3 20 ft Island there’s a bailout spot to the right but I’m thinking most of these guys are going got to go for it on the island green here nice shot from Riv makes the right mistake which is just don’t come up short send it into that wall back there and then you can kind of make your decision on whether or not you’re feeling the putt but objective one has got to be put it on the island absolutely it I mean this is one of the most exciting holes in discol for a reason it’s later in the round you know this is a hole you’re throwing uh five six seven shots at during practice maybe more cuz you know you got to get it yeah and can definitely play different depending on the Wind some guys prefer to go straight at it some prefer this wider Hiser line nicely done from feldberg some people will go forehand if you’ve got it Dana looking to make it four for four on the island this one’s looking nice if it has the distance mhm it does thanks and this is where it gets scary right he’s at the back end staring at Water basically he can’t believe it honestly I like the move he’s 11 down through six like 15 holes I I think uh don’t mess up a good the good thing you got going right and my heart says run it I’m sure his did too felber’s running it dropping it in for the birdie that’s a nice 27f footer there for Dave yeah what a just take it a moment to appreciate the day they got a beautiful day beautiful weather nothing better playing some disc golf the whole 16 here yeah boring something crazy on this putt from a cave three birdies and three under on this hole is not something you’re going to see every day absolutely not and you know we might have seen a starf frame if if Rivier wasn’t having such a hot round I’m sure he would have ran it but uh that’s what we’re left with so here whole 17 par 4 645 ft OB left OB right getting up over this hill to this Landing Zone and pitching across this ball golf green OB green um so you’re trying to push this kind of as far as you can it plays uphill and then kind of back downhill and uh if you can get it off to the right a little bit you move closer to the basket that looks perfect wow what a drive from a cave he’s going to have probably under 300 feet into that green just perfect angle control and yeah like you said Dan able to turn the disc over slightly and hug that right side of the Fairway is going to make his next shot a lot easier great shot from Dave as well going to have to contend with that last Tree on his his upshot a little bit more but very well executed there’s Bey something else uh uh a fear that I have not uh said anything about is you know there is a little bit of a low ceiling so you can’t just Sky up in the air so it’s you know you’re throwing uphill and it can turn into a low ceiling makes it a little bit more difficult there’s a good shot there by R yeah so V left with this is just super demanding upshot into the green low ceiling again over OB the entire way and he absolutely pipes it wow that is a difficult shot yeah that was by far the most difficult approach of the group after these guys all ped their drives nice shot from Joe putting himself well inside the circle Dave looking to do the same looking good maybe a little short not too bad and this is about as good as you can get just just a little putter into the green yeah Eric MCC making this whole look easy there’s a little tester distance for River we saw on this one earlier but not this time that’s a good putt 12 under there 17 holes yeah and he’s looking at starting 13 under after the first round see if he can get get it done here’s a little tester put for delberg as well knocks it down see how uh far vichi is probably just in that 20 22t range as well be looking at a star for there it is the old Wendy’s four for four really well played hold we have found our elves ending this first round at whole 18 par 4 575 ft Landing zone right about here and then you are pitching up over this screen this is a new hole that we’ve seen implemented and I got to tell you I really like this design think it’s a nice exciting hole to end on yeah nice looking t-shot here from a cave we’ll see uh what he decides to do from there I would think pretty much all of these guys will be going over into trying to play for the birdie yeah it’s not it’s not a long hole right under 600 feet you can throw this first shot 330 and have a easy look into the into the basket but it’s the daunting over the water kind of you know island green yeah especially if you come up short T of catching some C there he’s going to probably have more in that 350 range into the green so we’ll see if he elects to get aggressive or not similar similar result for Joe looks like he’s going for it this looks good get up there oh just a bit short oh man sticks it in the hill but you could see that painted line a little bit higher up so out of bounds looks pretty good elevated pin if you can give that one to run awesome upshot by Dave not even worried about having to run a putt to end your day this just got over yeah looking on the edge a little bit so no Drop Zone here Dana just going to play from where he last crossed pitching over onto the green oh that’s a little short as well going to be a tester for bogy and Joe to get to 13 under par no oh no all right sat I think Joe had a birdie putt from Circle one on 16 out of the 18 holes oh my goodness maybe even 17 of them I was going to say like are you counting the eagle cuz he didn’t he didn’t have the look there he just made the eagle that’s I mean what an impressive round 12 down 1071 rated wow how about that yeah off to a hot start in his title defense this year we’ll see if anybody was able to keep up with him a nice round from Eric McCabe finish strong to get to eight under feldberg going to find himself at seven under par with that birdie and unfortunately yeah Dana vichi going to drop back a bit this is a bogey putt from Just Around Circle Edge but he’s able to connect that’s a good one to stop the bleeding keeps him at four under par still in the mix going to but going to take something special down the stretch get him back into this thing what a round yeah fun fun to watch we saw some really good golf got some hot birdie streaks couple of putting woes right but for the most part everyone played really well taking a look at the leaderboard three familiar faces for round two Jeff FaZe with an eight under going to jump his way up to the lead card should be exciting action make sure to tune in at Jones Park East for the rest of the Masters World Championships we’ll see you there


  1. Thumbs up for your coverage, but this is nearly unwatchable except for hole 16. This course is the definition of boring to watch.

  2. Great play! Nothing less of normal MPO quality all around!

    Why ís the OB-line painted like that on 18?! Thats one uncoherent mess, get a string to make a line, unnecessary pressure on the players to call close calls correct, don't want to see it in Masters, Junior, Amataur or pro Majors, DGPT or well… not even C-tiers on such a renown course.

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