Golf Babe

I Surprised My Friend With A Cart Girl…

I set him up on a blind golf date…

Ash Reunites with the very first cart girl that started his girl journey. She had been following JNA socials and came up to us while filming last September on the golf course. She continued to talk to Ashton over the round and even called herself his good luck charm. How will Ash hold up on a 9 hole golf date with her!?

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I thought that you needed a nice girl in your life and maybe she’s your good luck charm oh my God tomorrow I’m setting my introverted friend Ashton up on a blind golf date over the past year he’s formally been known on social media to be terrible with the cart girls but as of recent he’s actually been getting better it started with me setting him up on a date with my cousin and then about 2 weeks ago he got his first cart girl phone number but my cousin lives across the country and he doesn’t text her and the car girl I think he sent her like two texts and that was it so it’s time to give him a new girl I asked him the other day if I had permission to set him up on a blind golf date and he agreed and I think I have the absolute perfect match after getting millions of views on his cart girl interactions and thousands of comments clowning him it’s time to do a full circle moment and set Ashton up with the first cart girl that started this whole journey let’s see how he reacts on a date with a car girl all right I just came outside and the campman arrived I think Ash is ready you think he’s ready no I think this will be the best video we ever filmed yeah I wouldn’t be surprised it is all we told Ash is that get ready at 12 here he is hello what’s going on tell me I think it’s appropriate for you to stand what are we doing dude what are we doing dude you literally told no you told me y we got to talk that yesterday like what are we doing well on and I we’ve been talking and we’re like there’s a video we want to film and uh we have a blind date ready for you today at 2:50 p.m. the freak do I say like what am I supposed to be happy like no I’m in chambles like what am I supposed to do you we’ve had this look if you keep getting ready we’re going to leave soon but the blind day I’ve been telling you about is today I don’t know like you’re not forced to do this I’m not shaking your hand dude look at him he’s scared look at him dude I don’t know what to freaking do man that one really good it went really good yeah just think about it yeah I’ve been freaking thinking about it for the last 30 minutes in 2 hours you will reveal blindfold and see a random girl look this could turn into something special you never know no it actually could so look I just want you to go into it like this I am here today to experience something I’ve never experienced and I’m going to treat this like a real date get to nowhere and Just Vibe up you know got to perform girl can we do any of the kiss probably not going to work I’m not I hate this cuz I’m not in control I don’t know what anything is in control it’s your I’m not I’m not in anything I don’t know anything once your blindfold is revealed you’re in control I don’t like this all right Ash let’s go get flowers no are we actually we have to yeah you’re joking hello Mom yeah the boys are setting me up on a blind date today and they said I need to buy flowers oh tell me more what what what flowers should I get Daisy but they’re bright solid colors what did Daisy look like over there can’t go around yeah yeah yeah yeah we’ll go white yeah they do don’t they yeah they beautiful I’ll just give them yeah wish me luck you’re do good thanks thank you [Music] I just want to know how you’re feeling surprisingly calm yeah I think it’s cuz I have a golf club in my hand well that’s how you can impress her today does she value golfers I think so oh my goodness this is where all the girl lore started the first cart girl interaction right here I know no overall what are you feeling what’s your game plan you had an hour to think in the car yeah that was probably the worst part no like when I get nervous my lips I’ve noticed ever since that cart girl video I go really mm and I like don’t want to talk I’m going to have the blindfold be like looking for you been searching hard to girl who one being alone can we talk real quick about Ashton’s past he didn’t go to high school prom he’s never dated a girl I remember one time we were in the wait room and he let one riip in front of all the girls and the wait room cleared all the women were disgusted today’s training for confidence with the girls today is maybe the day he meets his future wife we are in for one today now I’m starting to feel nervous I’m no no it’s not chill there’s nothing about this that is remotely chill there’s a girl there’s a girl I’m blind okay after after the first hole I think you’re going to ease out you’ll be good maybe first hole could be a disaster just got to text I’m here in the white malib let’s go set up on the first tea Owen will go get her oh cow it’s getting real I’ll be right back with her Ash if you beat me in the 1 V one today I’ll pay for a second date if that is so something you guys choose to do like go out to dinner yeah okay like another time yeah shoot wait does that work yeah dude I legit can’t see a thing I know I got to look like an absolute dork right now he’s over there I’ll blindfold it up are you ready yeah I’m so ready that looks so funny no isn’t it crazy though he he has no idea who it is really yeah from being here no just keep breathing just keep breathing scale from 1 to 10 how ready are you uh maybe like seven seven that’s pretty good I’m a little nervous so well he’s out of this world nervous so you have nothing to be nervous about dude my hands are so freaking sweaty it’s not even fun look at him oh here we go stand great goe so he’s here yeah take it off not yet I thought that maybe you needed a nice girl in your life and who better than the one I chose so let’s have a nine-hole date let’s begin maybe she’s your good luck charm oh my God oh my God holy cow hey are you no kidding I thought I’d see you here here you go thank you these are gorgeous wow this is where it all starts holy cow how are you not too bad not too bad wow don’t know what to say I like your pink shirt thank you thank you I like your shoes oh W oh my gosh yeah white flowers it’s perfect yes we did oh my God all right so I think we’re having a 1 V one match right yep do you want a caddy for me sure yeah let’s test it out to so I’ll have you just help me pick out my clubs uh what do we have here I feel like last time I didn’t hit driver so let’s go something a little less than driver maybe the Caddy will help you out that so driver Three Wood you need this one sure right yeah not good at being a caddy but I’ll try what’ you get at Three Wood yeah is that bad no that’s I think it’s good first hole at the emerald let’s have a day everyone I can’t believe this this is crazy what a full circle moment you two versus me essentially an Anda okay I like that where’d that go that is oh that’s left left uhoh looks like Ana is off to a good start already nervous start I think Johnny’s more nervous than me oh that should work get a kick it’ll work it’ll work good luck charm good luck and we’re off oh shoot thank you you’re welcome I’m honored for the first flowers yeah aren’t those Daisy you’re asking the wrong guy I don’t know either dude that went way better than I expected Vibes are good great Vibes are great they’re just talking but I’m going to punch out and then let Ashton probably beat me on this hole wow perfect get out here I have something for you I love surprises because you golf right a little bit yeah I feel like the last time we were here you said you golf so cuz you’re helping me c dude no way oh my God from our sponsor Vortex what yeah for you this cool do you want me to use it today heck yeah oh oh that’s really cool what a good guy gifting A Rang finder a Vortex rang finder are you kidding me a nice guy how far it’s 180 I could have told you that could be decent yeah good shot good shot Johnny 112 that says 130 but I don’t know it looks a lot shorter than 130 do you want me to try no I want to do it 110 go like 54 yeah oh look that’s what I was going to choose to yeah she got a lot of her too yeah sorry I a little impatient what a bad break you know this is like couples couples go through ups and downs just like go oh that is so good out of there wow oh it’s short ooh beach in go to the beach I thought that was perfect you know here you go perfect he’s crazy wow good shot nice good luck charm that was good wow that’s fast yeah it’s pretty straight maybe go a little bit that way okay go a little right just a tad all right it’s fine all right Johnny make it we tie good roll wasn’t leaving that true AA up 1 through one congratulations need a driver okay let me grab it for you are you sure you want him to go driver all right don’t yeah don’t let me second guess myself I think I have honors you do oh I drew it too much get lucky did it fall straight down I think it was pretty good you like the the three-wood play oh I do like the three-wood play You’re were hitting it great in the last video Stay it’s kind of what I was trying to do play no dude I saw fall you’re going F yeah no I come down yeah you’ll be good she did her hair for him today you see her hair it’s all cly and fancy that’s a good sign for us that was the first thing I thought when I saw her I was like she got ready for him yeah Ash has no clue though I guarantee you he’s like this is just how she looks normally like get out of bed look like that I wonder if he complimented her hair that’s what she should that’s what he should do we should tell him yeah we’ll text him new Rangefinder oh yeah 91 mhm yeah that seems right which one do you like better you’re 54 or 58 you’re the caddy you got to decide that I’m just trying to get to know the golfer yes see she’s got she’s got to get a feel my yardage what she give you 58 okay that’s s she got to get a feel long as the Miss here so anything along of this pin will be good go get up H not bad actually you know that’s the famous spot right hm right there that’s where you first met that’s where we met a all right we got 84 yards all right Johnny H it go up pretty good from there not too sh with you not bad my boss ended up posting on YouTube or not posting on YouTube but she shared it the video yeah on Facebook and so all of the people that go golfing at the emerald were like your famous ell and I’m like guys no that was literally the video that started it all and now now look where we at now we’re back together look at this huh do I putt this or chip this um that’s a question for the good old caddy you can tap her in just a little one oh good touch oh good touch you want to tap it in okay let’s do this it’s good no pressure hey I don’t know if I should chip or putt this it’s an easy putt that’s the thing all right we’re putting it oh hit it should have hit a few putts on the practice screen no good F that’s good down two oh it is down two yeah oh shoot he here we go here we [Music] go she said she was going to ask for his number on the first day what yeah I was going to ask for your number that day too but I was just waiting to see if you were going to say anything first guess all the comments were right I think we go with the big D the Big D here you go thank you stop mansplaining let her do her job pick the club for you go your ball yeah I do need a ball thank you dude this is crazy you guys literally got hurt I did not expect dude that’s crazy she was going to ask for a year number that’s crazy it’s perfect now here we are where it all started oh no Ally get lucky be a bounce back in you might be Hazard all right Johnny Do’s open take advantage here Skipper I will that’ll be good over there yeah yeah all right it’s all right dude how well is this going what how well is it going it’s going great way better than the sorry Paige but can we get a reenactment right there we need to text him get your phone out yeah I’m not hearing a lot of compliments I’m not hearing a lot of compliments yet so tell me like what do you look for in a guy someone who makes me happy someone who makes me laugh okay someone who’s confident in themselves too M well I didn’t do a good job of that on the first uh first interaction oh that’s okay you’re making up for it yeah yeah hey it’s right there wait seriously yeah did you just drop it there no it’s right there I swear to God see it was hiding behind the leaf you found it yeah I found it she’s my good luck charm yo that’s not fair 275 like right here we’re going to shoot the shot we’re going to Lo three one oh wait yeah we’re going to do that yeah yeah that’s what we’re going to do you cheater bro you know what they call me Ali right Scotty shuffler yeah oh oh no you’re out it’s actually fine not seeing a lot of r five my time dud take one back 270 good swing dude oh good ball that’s going to get close I love that oh oh nice oh roll up there do better 140 so like an eight maybe nine shutting up I’m shutting up blink once if a nine like twice if eight maybe less she gave me a wedge how far out 147 right yeah 140 140 is he whispering in your ear no no no no we are playing by the rules it’s 140 confirming right 160 that was say 160 I think that’s fine pitching W yeah yeah 140 160 there’s no difference no fine oh get down with the wind it’s 160 whoa hey that wasn’t bad okay well like I told her we do I might need to like shank one or two cuz we need to keep the video going wow how do you feel about that no I’m going to play good I’m going to get a birdie to get back on how’s it going so far I think it’s going pretty good yeah he’s actually really sweet that’s good that’s good he’s really nice all right if we can get up and down for bird we take the hole all right no B it’s not bad oh it came out so good sit no came out way better than I thought it was so good you’re going for par I’m going for birdie yeah so if I don’t make this I’ll just give it to you okay let me help you read it real quick oh yeah I think it’s breaking to the left dude it’s going pretty good isn’t it I think it actually is actually kind of surprised yeah probably that way a little oh buddy just say I was not thinking about the golf there you too putt you’re good that’s good I’ll be generous today down one through [Music] three Al you want to grab us a number on the te she’ll grab me a number you want to go scan it up there here well we need to we need to know how far it is well it says 219 the pin moves around like dud this is crazy yeah guys are good how far it’s 240 240 really I think that’s what I said try one more time have trust Ash 210 yeah that’s better yeah yeah 200 okay do you want to use your eight I’m not going to talk you choose I think you have good intuition you know I’ll just say that what do you get we’re going to roll with it what do you get nine nine yeah that’s not bad not bad no this is this is good how far like 200 yeah 200 yeah all right no I like this play I like my chances here holy shiz that was not like the last hole am I safe over there Ally you actually might be so bad at safe I think it might be in the water oh no okay uh well I’ve got nine iron in my hand I think we’re just going to aim at the center of the green and uh hit and pre I mean that’s a good safe swing little short did you not saying that one all the way through I hit that as hard as I could can I see that tour card yeah can I give her cheat cheat there’s no rules against that no I think it’s a great idea it’s a great idea 200 we’ll go 765 okay 200 yards so like that that’s just like a baseline number do you want more in depth does that help at all that might not that might have actually made the problem worse I think that um I’m like underestimating you I don’t think there’s any way John see I don’t think he is either so do you do like what’s it what’s like the hair thing like what’s the hair like if you’re a hair person hairdresser yeah or a hair stylist or like do you do that no oh your hair looks good though I have naturally curl hair do so yeah it’s really curly like so every time I straighten it or like curl it or anything I try and like get it to last as long as I can okay you get a perm no no I swear to God I’m surprised I don’t get more comments about it I like the curly hair I like dark curly hair do you yeah it’s a good thing yeah wait John did you find yours yeah no you didn’t yeah I did yeah he dids B how the heck do you how like what are the Chan you got to know the course Allie’s been telling me all the tricks behind your back all right 70 she she feels bad for a guy that can’t seem to hit the ball straight could be good it should be good I think that’s a little long that’s good Ash what happened happened to what how are you so far back uh long story I think it’s like like 60 okay like let me say something real quick like the date with Paige it’s weirder cuz it’s my cousin the date with this girl is like it’s a girl he can just Vibe out he doesn’t have to think about that cousin Factor what how much green do I have uh like none great thinks I’m going to tell him oh oh my gosh see that’s what I knew it would happen if I tell him he had no room to work with he tried to place it perfectly he so much room embarrassing oh I had green okay good touch that was really good remember if you win this it’s freaking free second date big freaking steak here yeah true true lot on the line pick up the game buddy yeah but it’s like the longer I keep the match going the longer the date is go no it’s downhill oh that’s not bad is that good yeah so that means I need to make this yeah yep good po Johnny good job thank you bogey little pushy today huh no I kind of thought it would move it’s okay takes us all even you know there’s highs and there’s lows right now we’re in a low but we’re all even it’s all right Ally I like where we’re at 350 350 to the green yeah to the pen H maybe your driver Big D oh car c Johnny good so funny it is super fun it’s actually really nice too good I’m going three-wood you’re going three-wood mhm I think that’s a bad play I do too yeah I saw what you originally picked Johnny like I told Ally I like feeling like an underdog climbing a mountain we were on top purposly put myself at the bottom we’re even now that’s crazy did you see my text compliments did you yeah yeah did you our hair yes did that hair probably took like 2 hours I’m not even kidding all right three wood down the center pulled that so hard stay in I think that’s out you got this oh the wind is taking it it shot left on it did that did not get a friendly kick I do have to say from knowing Ash I’m pretty impressed the good luck charm is bringing out the best in him I’m going to nonchalantly say like some lowkey good things about Ash that show over here you know build some attraction yeah all right 80 yards I got to turn this around I’m the one that doesn’t even have to worry about a date I can fully focus on the golf 80 yards the land is 75 draw shot yeah good shot John wow got look taking a quick drop allly gave me my favorite Club 58° Hoy cow this is like a 320 yd Drive yes it is I caught a thin noall sit oh Ash is that off okay yeah shoot oh I was aggressive he’s okay slow down the rumor in high school is these were the fastest greens in Michigan that is true break yeah it did move this way didn’t it holy cow not good fast not that fast all right if I make this I win the hole oh my God we are putting on a putting display what are you guys all square through we’re all square all square through five [Music] I remember being a soccer kid chunkier Ash you were chunker oh my God now I see you in the gym dude like a eight pack bul do you work out no no not as often as they should you look like you do it’s like we’re getting wedding photos yeah it does feel like that as a girl perspective does this look weird on me no no no I like it it goes perspective like yours is hugging your chest like oh oh yeah no it just looks like it doesn’t it looks like you get or you could get a smaller size I want it to fit like ashes how it shows his muscles dude I want to you don’t need to you’re fine I be wrong person don’t copy me wow holy sh Nike that’s P that was really good okay let’s see what you got that was the crispest knuckle I’ve ever had good okay you guys you guys know how to play golf now yeah we found it oh great kick that was so good all square after five it’s time to turn it on time to freaking start playing some goof if I was Ash right now I would probably I would probably flirt a little more he’s been touching her really yeah I’ll show you looks back at it I’m just going to ask him if he likes her that’s what we need to know yeah but I don’t know if he’s into her yeah I think he is I think he is too but I don’t know if it’s just for the video or not over here so do you like her genuin than’s 130 we’re all square through five I need a good shot here let’s get this on the green 137 wow oh be good that was a solid swing yes Johnny freck think through five I’m turning it on let’s go okay come on looks like you’re going to need a good luck charm here good thing you brought one we didn’t bring you guys surprised me come on hold it wind okay it’s long that was good that was good Ali this is going downhill really fast who’s better go in your Ash yeah all right I’m not going to answer that right now that was good good that was good it was good it was good I really like those Nails thanks do you like my broken one yeah I do add some character you need to mix it up yeah those are acrylic right yes yeah I know my girl stuff we’ve had some hard wed shots today you think I land this short or on the green um short and then let it dribble on yeah yeah it’s like a foot it’s a foot too short thoughts you’re doing good just keep it keep it up I just wish I was playing a little better but like I’m so focused on her that it’s like it’s tough yeah make this putt we go one up through six whoo you got to hold in the cam oh and turn to that he’s a natural I’ve been training her wow what do you mean you’ve been training her I should be training her oh she dope ooh Oh I thought you made that I did too yeah got to make it we make this we go one up through six I’ve got my putting figured out I’m I’m liking my chances now we got a part five here too right I think mid round interview real quick the woman I’m having a lot of fun I think he’s very nice he’s very sweet he’s flirting he’s cute it’s good to hear I don’t hear that a lot to be honest he’s easy to talk to too it’s nice to talk to him yeah he’s a good talker over the last year he’s become more confident with himself for sure that’s what I told him that I like in a person I like a guy who’s confident in himself okay what else do you look for someone who makes me giggle like laughing does he make you laugh yeah I think so I think I’m just giggling because it’s such a funny like way to hang out with each other like so Random yeah okay I got my phone set up in the bathroom I think this is actually going well what the hell do I do do I make a move I’m going to go for the hand hold I’m going to say look at my black glove and then she’s going to grab it that’s the plan I saw comment that comment that I’m taking your guys’ advice do not let me down all right let’s go honestly I don’t know if drivers to play because it it’s that dog leg if you play a cut all right well you have honor so I’m going to see what you do thinking about getting some food you want anything Ally I think Ash is paying for it I’m okay screw it we’re going driver oh here we go oh here we go like to follow the Sheep your sheep oh shoot sorry about that y take us out don’t worry about that I’ll get over here allly do you think aim at the corner of the trees on like the right yeah cuz it curves over that way okay oh he played a draw that’s a really good swing though that’s fine that’s perfect Fairway good job all right I think we’ve established it’s pretty clear that she likes him I don’t think I don’t like he I don’t think he likes her really I don’t think he likes her enough to take this to a second date I think he’s having fun and likes her as a person but I don’t think he wants to date her I texted him and he said I don’t know and just me knowing Ash he’s having a good time but I don’t think he wants to take it further we have 477 not too far out I’m going to go with three Woods get there in two we’ll be fine oh it where did it go straight straight up right at the flag now okay y oh nice you’re probably you’re probably by my I got under that I think we have fans watching us they said alley no behind right here oh there’s one over there too oh guess what it is oh noodle I like how they’re called long and soft and long and hard yeah I think I think it’s funny yeah no it’s great there how far it’s 200 is it 260 heck is this your first golf date Ally H is this your first golf date I have had one other golf date but clearly didn’t work out okay so it’s if I playing like 280 yeah this is good yeah it’s good okay see if I can get there you can I believe in you pretty dang good really a good swing the wind just held it with your oh oh my gosh oh hey oh my gosh that’s on the green that might have been good what did that hit is there a car path there I think there is dude it’s a mat we are right back in this Scotty you hit that so good you’re like a pro good luck guys at 221 going go uh it’s another four iron oh my goodness oh my gosh on a rope what a golf shot is that on can you see it’s got to be like 5T said that drive we’re going to come back it don’t matter all right whole seven it’s coming down to the wire last time we were coming down to the wire I told Ash you either have to hug her give her a kiss on the cheek or a kiss on the lips I don’t what is he going to do this time what do you think a kiss is so bold dude didn’t even give page a hug last time crazy I know I think a hug is a step forward oh my gosh Ash bounce off the path to 5T is that for birdie this is for birdie yeah okay we’re going for Eagle here Al I know it’s crazy he’s going for beat big roll oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what a par I learned my lesson on the second hole I’m not putting that all right well if you two putt that you win the hole and take it back to square those were some golf shots sit Ash o it’s okay got to make it if he doesn’t make this he ties the hole he had an easy win Ash Ash always tells me he putts bad around pretty girls so I guess that’s a good sign if he’s putting bad we’re hitting and praying here Ally I don’t know without a doubt wow nice even through six or this is that’s seven that’s seven oh we have two holes left Alie do you mind if Ash rides with me I don’t care I have my thoughts how are you feeling I don’t know man dude I it’s hard judging a girl like does she like me does she not like well I 100% think she likes you I’m just wondering what you think I clueless this is no video BS no I think I’m actually clueless like I have like I think I so many things going on I have no emotion have you asked her questions that you would want to know in order to know if you want a data girl yes and did she fit those or no it’s close yeah close it’s close so it’s like right on the edge it’s right on the edge okay well then that comes down to the end it’s like well first of all if you beat me you get that second date but are you you going to ask her on a second date how is this going to end last time I asked you are you going to hug kiss does this video end how does this video end I don’t know what are you getting 140 oh we’re going into a strong win 130 oh 130 mhm what will she choose oh what we got what do you choose H you know yeah this one what is that what do you choose 58 oh sweet what’s the wrong what’s the wrong oh it’s great it’s great it’s 130 not 140 oh it’s like 130 yeah I’m going to go wedge just like ash there’s no way Ash get there with a 58 you going to Blade it have you ever seen a controlled blade it all funnels down too yeah but we’re going into the wind 130 I’m going try and blade it how are you going to end it a controlled blade oh no I didn’t blade it Ash Tracer Tracer I went right under it no I don’t know they’re not talking as much right now separated zoom in let’s take this hole all square after seven oh sit that could be good could be really good that could be I swung hard little along it’s Sor right back the green not too bad is there anything you want to talk about I’m getting a vibe that when the camera’s on like a c cam that’s when Ashton’s really talking to her but if it’s not on he’s not making her feel super involved I could be wrong a girl will like you based on how comfortable you make her and I think he’s making her comfortable but I think he’s slacking in the times the camera’s not rolling I don’t know you tell me cuz she was sitting on that bench all alone all right time for the candy review this is my favorite part of are you a candy girl I am a candy girl are you what kind like what’s your favorite I don’t know I like chocolate I like chocolate mils Snickers good you know what I am a sour candy type of guy oh no they’re melt melted yeah I don’t know if I’ve ever had these really I love these I love the caramel ones do you mhm oh no I didn’t know there was anything inside yo boy what happened they’re full of like oh they’re full of something they’re a little melted huh a little melted but I didn’t realize they’d be full of something allly did you get it on you no no she’s clean as could be I think they’re good I like these what do you rate that the candy was a 10 out of 10 wow was a 10 wow is a Critic wow no it was a 10 out of 10 okay melted just like it was melted to the and your performance eating it was also a 10 out of 10 you did a good job eating it I would say otherwise but a Frick now I’m all wet go so close so close job you’re going to beat him I know it I’m going to chip this in this what I’m going to do going to try beat him it’s so good wow oh my do keep rolling that is fast that’s unbel the first few holes I got the feel for the greens got chip that in to to yes I do oh not pain for no second B heck no all right this has to go if this doesn’t fall then John wins this hole and he’s one up going into the last you got this oh oh oh my goodness get down there and blow on it so close yeah what do you think Ali’s down one only one to go I think he can do it I think it believe [Music] yeah I like that that’s good good luck all right John I’d love to see what you did on whole four here nice hot final watch out for those yeah you guys having a good date yeah yeah I think it’s not too bad all right well I’m going to beat you guys so you had your fun stay yeah that might be really good that was really is that going to get a kick too oh yeah perfect so Ally he has to shoot one stroke better than me this hole in order to tie and force a playoff and we’ll go to Whole 10 if that happens but if not video ends there and I win and your golf date comes to an end I promised him if he beat me I’d pay for any second date if you guys wanted it but if he doesn’t beat me then so that’s what’s on on the line for him okay I think this is what they call pressure and all comes crashing down that could work you think I think I think we can find it uh I don’t remember what was on the side the range oh yeah we’ll find it okay we’re coming down 9: I’m telling you right now this isn’t going good it’s not no oh really no it was off to a hot start but yeah I don’t think it’s going good to be honest why not I just don’t think she’s into him really I think she thinks he’s sweet and cute but not into him and I think he is kind of into her but not enough I don’t know it’s just like I’m getting a feeling this thinking uh there’s no second date listen that’s what we think right now but we’ll see what happens honestly just get par win this video end the date or should I extend the date I have the power in my hand end it dude you think I should end it give him a sense of urgency to freaking do something that’s true it’s going to be so freaking good I can’t see the pin where’s that at it went directly at it I think you got to put it close I’m pretty sure I hit a good shot did he did he pulling tight yeah he hit it good all right I got 153 yards or 133 sorry go go I got under it ah came out weird high and spinning oh boy that is all on me I don’t know if that was the wrong club or what so I pretty much have to make this yeah no pressure that’s for my birdie yeah and you’re one up yeah it’s a little heavy it’s not too bad I was giving it a chance wait there the Walk of Shame two Putt and you win you’re going to ask for the second date I don’t know what to use your heart use your intuition cuz it’s ending here ending right now it’s not ending here you’re going to blow it by it’s downhill so I just tap it put it right by the hole and it’ll be over sit wow that’s so fast got me these may be the fastest screens in Michigan they are flying jeez that’s 5 ft if you make this you stay in it we’re going to make sure this is not the final thought I’m thinking like right in here yeah but not too not too hard yeah no it’s going be fast but you like that line he got an audience joh oh we got an audience too all right this has to go such a good putt that was so good all right Johnny two Putt and I win yep well good thing you missed it darn all right that concludes it second golf date I’ll let you end it off good match beat you by one yes you did Allie thank you what a good surprise boys what a good surprise I had fun so did I I L of fun so did I [Music]


  1. Some parts were hard to watch 😂😂. But what an absolute legend ashton. Keep at it.

  2. Bro gets hits with the perfect ally oop and misses every time I don’t get it she was feeling him and everything 🤦🏾‍♂️

  3. The compliments were so cringe. 😂 you don’t need to make her think you know about hair and nails to give compliments

  4. Damn ended it with a hug and no number! Damn that’s sad! What’s the worst that can happen. She says no. There’s a million fish in the sea! Gotta start shooting your shot! Get rejected 100 times who cares!

  5. That was a fest of cringe at times. A great personality. She needs a recurring role on this channel.

  6. Ashton, ask that young lady on a 2nd date but totally OFF camera. If you two connect then have her on the channel again for a golf date or something.

  7. Ash fumbles the bag time after time this girl is the prettiest of them all and she seems to be into him yet he can’t close

  8. Never dated but has crazy expectations for girls… this girl seems sweet and is clearly in to him and he's still like i dont know…. go on some dates. Do something off camera where you can just be you and get to know her at least. 😅

  9. I hope that after the round was over, you asked her to get drinks, food or to go some where. She spent a lot of time getting ready, she should at least get fed!

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