Golf Players

Min Woo Lee Set For 1st Start At Detroit Golf Club

Min Woo Lee spoke to the media ahead of the Rocket Mortgage Classic, where he was asked:

– How excited are you to be here to make your first start at Detroit Golf Club?
– What are you most looking to accomplish before the playoffs?
– Thought son 15 year old Miles Russell being in the field?

yes very excited um I got a nice group on Thursday and Friday so I’d uh really excited for that and um the course looks amazing uh coming from the US Open it’s a bit more Greener so it’s uh it’s quite nice and uh hopefully the weather holds out and uh we can play a fun course obviously to get into the Signature Events I think that was one one thing this year that I kind of missed out on and uh would have really love to play those events uh yeah I think that’s um one of the bigger bigger goals and uh hopefully I can uh make it into the President’s Cup team too yeah it’ll be massive I mean it’s something that uh I felt like I I missed out last year you know by a small margin and uh you know really excited this year I’ve been playing a lot better since um not making that team last year or two years ago and uh yeah I’m really really excited for this year I know the American team is uh very strong and uh uh we got to play very well to beat them uh but yeah I’m really excited uh that’s you know team especially a team aspect you know I really love playing uh match play and uh yeah just being with a partner is is cool one of the big stories this week 15 yearold miles Russell is going to be playing in the field just curious how you would handle this stage as a 15year old and what would you what would you tell him yeah I I think when when you’re 15 you don’t really I mean I played I played pro events in Australia when I was 15 16 and yes I was nervous but I didn’t play for money or anything like that so it was just golf um I think it’s maybe a little bit different because it’s you know the social media side so big about it and uh you know he’s gotten a lot of attention over the past few months so uh I mean yeah hopefully he can take it well and um he’s got a good following and I think people are you know nice out here to you know support him and um you know only cheer him on again he’s only 15 so uh I don’t think there’s going to be a lot of you know too much expectation um obviously he’s a great golfer and I mean he’s got plenty of time to turn pro and uh still yeah years ahead of him so uh yeah hopefully he has fun and doesn’t beat me but does well

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