Weight Distribution in the Golf Swing

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In this video, Carolin discusses the importance of the forward and backward weight shift in the golf swing. She explains how this weight shift impacts your swing path and provides guidance on optimizing it for better performance. These insights will help you ensure you are executing the weight shift correctly for an improved golf swing.

Carolin Pinegger is a Leadbetter Certified Instructor & Previous LPGA Pro Tour Player

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hi everybody and welcome to my channnel I’m coach Carolyn and today I want to talk about your weight shift and not this weight shift not the lateral weight shift left and right but the weight shift that goes forward and back in the golf swing because I see this a lot in my students that they create power through a potentially incorrect weight shift and that impacts their path so your weight shift front and back toes and heels really impacts your path and so we want to optimize it and want to make sure how it works we want to understand it and we want to get it right so let’s jump into it okay so one of my students I worked with what he does particularly in his golf swing um he basically pushes off his right side a lot so this is what that looks like right so he has an out to in path he his misses a slice obviously because he comes over the top his Club kind of comes over plane in the downswing and there’s many reason why that can happen but for him it’s specifically because when he’s at the top of his back swing and the top of his back swing is actually really good he’s not too far inside which causes you know coming over the top sometimes so if you do roll it inside and your body wants to bring the club back to the front and then you get over playing that is not him in this case but instead he just is really strong in his right side and you know golf is a very asymmetrical Sport and some people have played other sports previously and some people are just set up that way naturally and genetically that one side is stronger your right-hander your left-hander right so when he takes back his right side really fires so his right side pushes forward and his right foot even pushes forward and what happens it pushes forward so much he actually slips backwards in his swing so then when he gets into his finish it look like this so when I push forward right if I wrote it hard I kind of like get my foot pulled back and then when he’s he’s finished he’s a little wobbly because he actually it’s hard because now your your toe is in line with your heel and you you have a hard time actually holding your finish because ideally your right foot would still be where it was in the beginning just simply on its toe right and kind of you know picked up a little bit just because you’re turned through and that’s this right foot turning through and standing up is more of a you know it’s not actively standing up it’s because you’re turning it just kind of pulls the fo the foot with it which is fine so his right side is extremely dominant and extremely strong so we need to relearn what the actual motion pattern is it doesn’t happen by firing your right side and pushing off that right foot or that trail foot um it happens through a weight shift that goes left and towards the target before you actually start to rotate so what I did with him and we were on the golf course and this is really important to me because you guys know I’m a previous professional player my job was not to look pretty on the Range my job was to look pretty on the scorecard and on the course and have things that I can take with me on the course that work so this works on the course and the best part about this is it’s not a swing thought because heck we have way too many swing thoughts as it is so let’s try to cram all the thoughts you’d possibly have in front of the Swing so you think about it at set up and then it’s done you don’t think about in your swing because if you think if you think about it at setup you can just do it and it’s out of the way and out of the Swing so now I worked with him on setting up and I’ve done this so many times in my playing career you set up to the ball and then you simply in his case because his right foot is the one that he’s pushing off of right he’s like doing this I told him to lift his right toe up so do you see how from down the line you can see how my right toes oopsie my right toes are off the ground and this is how I want to actually hit the ball and you know you can do this on the course nobody will really see it I mean you see it a little bit but you really have to pay attention to it in golf shoes these are my lul lemon trainers but I love to play golf in these obviously you guys always see me in it um it won’t look weird it feels obviously a little bit odd and I just wanted you to do it on your right foot because what this does is he’s up here and now it pretty much deactivates his right side because now it’s really hard to push forward if I have my weight on my on my heel much more and I don’t want to say I have my weight on my heel completely but I have my weight pretty much here I don’t have my weight here anymore so it really blocks him naturally by simply lifting his toes from coming over the top so now because your hip is more deactivated and your right side is more deactivated he can drop his hands down much easier and get those hands on plane again drop it down in the slot and then shift and then he starts rotating and so so now his hands had time to actually catch up with him and not shoot forward from the top of the back swing like this and be overplaying and struggle with this out to in slice so let’s hit a couple shots like this and it’s going to take a couple shots for you to feel comfortable with it but again if you feel like you’re slicing a lot on the course if you feel like your right side is just too strong and firing just lift up that right toe and here’s how I do this so I walk to the ball I set up so let’s say we’re on the course we’re setting up got you your your SC your setup and the last thing I just think about is lift my right toe lift that up keep it up keep it up through the entire back swing just keep it up don’t put it down and that’s really going to help you have a better lateral weight shift and not so much of a forward and back and there is obviously some forward and back weight shift in the golf swing but compared to the lateral one very minimally um and this is going to really stabilize your footwork and it’s actually have going to have such an impact on your path toe up and again I love this because it’s just so simple I’m not thinking about it during my swing and hit some shots like this start to feel comfortable with it and it’s really going to help you it’s just one of those little tricks cuz we ex players we always think for St of the stuff that we can actually do on the course not just stuff that adds ridiculous swing thoughts to our long list because everybody has a long list of Swing thoughts this should not be one of them whatever you can pack into the setup do it one more for you guys this this fun isn’t this so much fun I just love being out here this is like my switch off time toes up perfect little baby draw I hope you guys love this tip let me know what you think in the comments below let me know if you’ve tried it and if it’s changed your path if you feel like you can score better on the course and if it’s improved your impact it usually really improves my impact when I do this because a lot of the when we’re fast we also just kind of start coming out of our spine angle and this is another thing if you have your foot up your toes up here it’s really hard to come out of your spine angle because it’s just it’s just more locked and you’ll feel this try it trust me lift those right toes and then you’re going to feel like you can stay in your spine angle a lot better because you always see these um tour players kind of pushing their butt back right in the transition pushing the butt back oh I mean that’s an exaggeration right nobody nobody swings like this but you got to exaggerate in your real practice swing so that in your real Swing Swing you can actually do it and be closer to the motion again feel and real are very different in the golf swing so lifting this is going to help keep that butt back give your hands space to drop into the slot and be able to have a really nice impact so let me know what you think so glad you’re here thank you for watching and I’ll see you guys next time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]


  1. Le niveau de curiosité intellectuelle affiché dans ce fil est contagieux. C'est une joie d'en faire partie.👄

  2. Great tip! I'm going to try this out. By the way, where do you purchase your golf pants? I'm looking for a material and fit like that for men's golf pants. Let me know. Thank you!

  3. More then half the video talking about some guy!!! I don't think I am alone when I say these videos would be better if it was to the point.

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