99% of Golfers do this! It’s actually pretty easy to putter better if you stop!

Hi I’m Gary Martin welcome to my channel! This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, also to help you enjoy your golf more!

I specialise in golf equipment reviews, golf instruction & I play against some of the best golfers in the world!

I also want to make you play better golf by providing coaching video on all topics about golf, how to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons more pure, hit your irons closer to the hole and help you draw and fade your golf shots.

I will also help you lower your score by chipping better by stopping you duff and thin chips, pitch the ball closer and also create backspin. Also I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts!


Putt Better than 99% of golfers!

We are performing and experiment with WWW.GROOVEFIX.COM PUTTER TRAINING AIDS to see if we can lower our golf score, with just 10 minutes practice before teeing off!

Come and join our EXPERIMENT with a MID HANDICAP GOLFER and I (GOLF PRO)

How many strokes can we improve?…

We’re all guilty of either walking onto the golf course without practicing putting, or having a sporadic putting warm up without any calculated preparation!

Groove Fix Golf have some fantastic Low cost golf putting training aids which I think are perfect for helping lower the amount of putts in a round!



welcome back to the channel guys today join us at Huddersfield golf club with James mid handicap golfer where we’ve been sent a free gift very nice from Groove fix who’s seen your putting James and said they can help you yep it’s very welcome so I thought why not why don’t we do a test and I’ve got a great idea because I think we all could learn from this in a way of I think it’s fair to say most of us would have 10 minutes warming up before we play on putting green just to get a pace for the green so we’re going to do a test after 10 minutes warming up to see what score we get mhm and then we’re going to redo that test after 10 minutes using some training have you got any training a yourself no I’ve never used one before so I’m I’m eager to try one actually and what about your putting routine before you play is it you do any routine or no I’m very guilty of just getting on there dropping three balls on five minutes max and off a go so let’s see after this test how many strokes gained a pro can get and how many strokes gained a mid addap can get from 10 minutes using some training AG rather than just 10 minutes whacking balls around on a pting green which we’re guilty of y so some of the trainers we’re going to be using today and I’ve been following gr fix on Instagram for a while so I’ve seen some of the products they’ve done absolutely love some of these Simplicity um you know first one is just a ring to put a mark on your ball do you mark your ball James no I don’t no lines on your ball nothing no it’s just a really simple one there then I love this one because as you’re lining your lineup it’s so much easier if you’ve got a you know like a ball Mark with a line on CU I’ve seen people fiddling about you know trying to get these lines square at all it’s so much easier if you just Mark your ball with that because it’s like you’ve got two lines then to sort of help and you know speed that up so really good for your process and then some of the simple ones the donut so that just basically makes the hole a little bit smaller so I think when you’re warming up and you’re practicing it really dials you into the middle of the hole don’t it so I when you get out on the course it’s then going to feel like you’ve got a really big hole to a at that’s big bucket I’ll sticker slow-mo one of James’s putting Strokes in which when I were editing the other day I noticed that um you pulled the put from about 8 ft and I couldn’t believe how close your Club face where it impact so I think something like this the dart is going to give you a really good feeling because You’ got that visual line there at the front to be able to feel getting the putter back to square impact okay and it might feel like you’re having to manipulate the face a little bit first because you’re used to sort of like releasing it and it and it closing the putter uh so that’ll be an interesting one and then we’ve got a couple more trains in here again I think these are quite sort of great for trying to dictate your your cice and it might not be guys that you go out and buy all these trainers but you know thanks for groix for sending these cuz I think each different one will be great for someone you know obviously for my teaching and obviously videos that we do with with students so first things first me and James just going to have 10 minutes warming up sporadically like we’ normally do before we tea off we’ll Zoom through this then we’re going to jump straight into a test before practicing with the training AIDS [Music] right James we’re going to start us test now off camera you were guilty of just saying you’ve already spent twice as long as you normally would before you go out so I know we all say we warm up and presses but sometime we just go straight to it tea don’t we 100% but we’ve had a good warm up now so we’re going to do a freeart test we’re going to do one where we one putter from the hall one where with two Putters from the hall mhm um and then one where we do a long put we’ve got to get with’ been basically between the head and the bottom of the grip being length from the hole okay so we’re going to score our we’ll have three puts from each section so we’ve got a score of total of nine and we’ll see what we get and then we’ll see if we can improve on that after using a train a so when you’ve got to put this short James would you have flag in or out uh probably out out right so if you can take your free shots we’re going to get a score from just in between the t’s and then I’ll do the [Music] same oh glor esque I think James put pressure on me here right well two out of three for me three out of three for you what we going to be like from two Putters L are you using Prov I’ve got Prov yeah Prov One X yeah I don’t actually want to put well in this one do I no no just do it naturally don’t don’t try to manipulate anything that’s a beauty of these things you know it’s got to be a real test so um what you like from this distance um I tend to probably favor these ones over them ones really I get in my head a little bit with them ones yeah I’ve said that now I’ll probably miss off yeah positive talk come on I think being on camera now I’m starting to feel a bit embarrassed about my process when I’m putting uh cuz for a pro I should have a lot better process than I’ve actually got but you know when I started Golf and a lot of people agree with this there weren’t that much sort of coaching like these now there were no sort of online stuff for people to use as a guide so we kind of learn off people at golf club who we probably like if you’re a new golf you learn off mid handicappers yeah so like the level of coaching and process just weren’t there I’m stuck in his ways I guess got one I’ll take that right so you’re four out of six chance to get it back guys it’s everything becomes a comp don’t it yeah don’t matter what level you are you’ve got to beat your M yeah was done so back on par then is that right I think so what are we four no yeah four each four each four out of six this is a lag put I mean how many feet would you say that is about 20 ft yeah I’d go for maybe yeah just over slightly yeah yeah so we’re trying to get it I’ve measured it from the head of the putter to the bottom of the grip so it’s just under a Putter’s [Music] length just so that put on five five a piece five out of nine five out of nine a piece yeah that’s pretty poor well first thing we’re going to do is use the line fix 360 from Grove fix cuz do you know what once we got that camera on and we started that test I felt a bit embarrassed about my process someone being a pro should be going for a little bit better process than I’ve been doing so we’re going to mark his ball and put um you know a line on a 360 line I’m actually going to use the Prov and put it through that line good it isn’t it yeah so the dark training a the reason I like this one if you’ve not seen this one before I think it’s great for anybody that struggles for alignment because first of all you got to set the dot up how many inches would you say about 6 in left yeah probably not far so your body alignment’s Got to Now match that Dart so if you put your ball down yeah obviously get it Square so the line’s nice and square to the dart I like this because now you’re going to start to think about your tiptoes and make sure your body and your so your tip toes and your shoulders are square to that line and then if you make a good stroke and you’ve got that big white line on the dot to square your face up to and try to feel like you return it square that just come off the rail so then it went left obviously so you didn’t get that ball you must have pulled it slightly so it’s not gone straight down the D and it’s come off the rail so if you get this right it will roll all the way down to the end of the dart and yeah should go in the oil that will better hey up it’s working it’s fuing a treat so I can hear plenty of puts being dropped by James on the dart another one and I’m just going to practice now my process so I’ll put lines on the ball I’m actually using the donut Pro from roofix to make the hole lot smaller from a one Club length put and I’m just marking the ball with the marer the air line and lining up to the center cup I can all three of these I’m going to have no problem on the course [Music] sometimes we think these are too easy but now we’re thinking they’re hard aren’t we we’re thinking that’s very hard to get in that hole so your concentration is just so channeled which [Music] one we just add that in the right angle what’s that for that’s just to sort of like basically basic alignment you know just CL face so a little simple one so you’re just pointing at the O and then obviously like oh so it’s like Maring with this line it’s like visualizing your Club face impact so you’re trying to get your Club face Square as you you know like as it’s going over yeah I think these little ones that the most simple and easy ones you know you could have in your bag before you te off 100% so like you know that white line now that’s where you’ve got to focus on trying to deliver that club face over it nice yeah so like when you’ve held your follow through there you’ve held it your Club face a lot squarer okay um good news yeah and I don’t know if that’s just cuz you I I say they’re not training ISS that you’re having to rebuild your swing entirely are they they’re just focusing you yeah just focusing you on some key points put alignments on so last little training wouldve been sent a right angle Pro which again it’s another alignment Aid not sure if we’ve lined that one up correct we’ll see in a minute I think we’ve got that bang on if you hit it firm enough oh all the way around yeah and you can make the level of difficulty a little bit more difficult by changing the size of the bul bearan in the front but again it’s it’s something that’s just drawing you into that sort of like Leading Edge of your putter well done that will positive right James we’ both had 10 minutes I think it’s fair to say that we’ve improved his process a little bit which were your favorite train a to use um probably the dart I think yeah yeah just cuz it it gets you nice and square or it’s got that indicator to get you square impact yeah then also the alignment Aid of where the put’s going to go honestly guys you were off camera I would messing about here with a sort of donut Pro and all I could hear were UI it back at all you might even pick up on that on camera but for me I like the Simplicity of the door up PR me it’s just making the hole a little bit smaller and really like zoning on the middle of the ho and I also like so I’m going to pick it up cuz these are I think they’re barely cost anything they’re about $9.99 each the right angle um another simple one for just basically somebody that might be struggling to deliver the club face Square so you’ve got your target line and then you’ve got your Club face set a right angle you know them two things in your bag would take up absolutely no room that had no weight i’ I’d pair that up with the um the ball marker as well and obviously lining the ball up so you’d need the I’m all love it place here but we put it somewhere aren’t we it’s probably in one of us Pockets but you know obviously the 360 to line you ball up I think them free and I I would definitely recommend for someone like yourself the dart when I saw their Instagram profile there were like kids and stuff using them and newer golfers and it were like teaching them how to align the body yeah and feel confident when you’re not actually aiming at the hole and you know getting good start lines right enough of talking let’s get into this test what scores did we have to be were it six out of nine uh five I think were it five I think five yeah is that how bad it was yeah that’s how were it were five yeah well done I’m going to visualize the donut me to make sure that I don’t miss do you know what it’s a good idea because the ones we missed with the donut they were still gone in I know we were gutted weren’t we solid I like this guys honestly your stroke looks amazing three for three again we’ve only done this over like nine puts haven’t we yeah so imagine how many puts you know average person having in a round if we could not like one or two off over nine puts and then you times that by like three or four you’re going to take a big handicap drop Quick aren’t you yeah it’s really warming up visualizing the door not nice two for two this is to improve on the first score how’ you feel using that longer alignment tool what the this uh this a lot better I think that’s definitely speeding my process up because I know I would have probably stepped up looked at it and be like oh I need to redo that again without it so having that it’s mean that every time I step up and look at it I’m happy with the alignment I’ve got it Square there we go Improvement already right James bad news is we haven’t got a dart this time visualize it same process I’m going to give you that ball marker I think this is even like more important now we get the longer put to pick your start line a bit left of that I think looky even more left well I think wait I think it’s maybe just uh maybe you had the right line there bit more positive on the yeah be positive and confident okay it’ be easy for us to edit them out James you know and obviously be a commercial but that’s not what we are golf’s not perfect progress but I think the process we’re going through will only make us better yeah that’s a nice put that’s four this is to tie last time isn’t it already yeah yeah good stuff wait till Robinson gets back he having it just feel a bit more confident you know like that I can commit to St Str yeah three for three well we’ve already got some Strokes gained on to the final test can James beat his original score this is going to be it James presses on oh yeah just in I’ll roll that not that way for you excellent well done so you’re tied aren’t you tied with your original score oh this is to gain a stroke come on go in the all a yes just just on I think just on the line Well Done Right I could get the full out that’ll be some going I’m still going to actually line this up and go through the same process oh that’s way hard I think that’s just a rush your blood a bit bit of overconfidence it’s better Pace come on come on better oh good effort do you want to move that yeah yeah yeah that’s in just in eight out of nine eight out of nine yeah right James yes it’s time to go and play sounds good see if we can improve these putting scores I think it’s safe to say I definitely feel like I’ve got a better process now um and I think for you as a a m handicap golf if you’re practice and go through this routine before you tea off just having 10 minutes you know using a couple of training AIDS I think it’ll just get you into a little bit better mindset um and give you a bit more sort of confidence before you tea off so that were the train AIDS from gr fix thanks a lot guys for sending them out I’m definitely going to be using them U I don’t mind if you want to set that Dart yeah give that a go definely I’m going to take the three I’m going to I’ve got four exes that I want but I’ll see if I get your discount code to get the other ones you want but no on a serious note thank you very much go and check them out guys on Instagram they’ve got a website as well and they’re more than reasonable value for money and you know what I love about them as well they’re metal so I think they’re made out of aluminium so they’re not Plastics I’ve seen a lot of our guys on practice area we snap training age you know where they get it one with Club cuz of a bit angry and snapped it well you’re not going to be able to snap the these ones um so yeah no thanks for watching guys definitely improved our Strokes gained and let’s go and take it on to co yeah see if it translates on make sure hit the Subscribe button guys go and check out golf ADI Adventures did I say that right yeah golf ad Adventures golf ad Adventures on Instagram uh we’re doing quite a few reels on there at the minute and uh we’ll see you in a couple of days time bye


  1. Interesting watch that. I've been working on a putting aid, first prototype almost finished and is working like I was thinking. Not an aid like those.

  2. Love this video the missus and I start each round with 15 mins in the net, then 15 mins on the green, a warm up is so important especially for us seniors.

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