Golf Players

INTERVIEW: Rahm, Hatton Will Have ‘Good Nerves’ Sunday | LIV Golf Nashville

Legion XIII stars Jon Rahm and Tyrrell Hatton meet with the media after the second round of LIV Golf Nashville to talk about their rounds and chances on Sunday.

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LIV Golf

okay everybody let’s welcome TL Hatton that’s t with two RS and two L’s and John ROM the captain of Legion 13 welcome guys you guys both had incredible rounds today John you shot an eight under and tal you shot a seven under you are you’re in the lead three ahead of John Catlin um amazing rounds from you both can you tell me a little bit about your day start with you TL yeah so uh um he got off to a little bit of a slow start in terms of scoring through the first um 11 holes um it’s a little bit scruffy te Green in places and yeah it was nice to to hold that Pat on 12 and then obviously chipping in on 13’s a bonus um although I wasn’t that far away from the hole it’s still um so you just kind of want to get make three and move on um yeah long and in a long p on 14 so I definitely had momentum on my side and carried that through to the finish so very happy with um how the back nine played out and John I uh besides my starting Hall of a day where I just got a little unlucky with my my lie on the bunker um the next 17 holes was really good golf me nine under never really was out of position uh really really happy uncomfortable with with the way I drove it I you know I was pretty much I can’t remember if if I missed the freway after that first hole and gave myself a lot of chances and uh didn’t really do anything wrong after that had plenty of looks and made a couple long pots on on 9 and 11 there were bonuses and took care of the rest uh I needed rout like that to get close to the lead obviously ter finished fantasting it’s still a little bit of work to do tomorrow but uh you know I I definitely needed I knew I could do it and it was nice to to get going quickly on the round to to should lose go score so your injury completely healed now obviously you’re feeling great out there I wouldn’t say completely but this is I I played nearly 18 holes painf free uh so I mean that’s probably why I hit it so much better yesterday it bucked me a little bit uh and it’s just in the back of your head for a second at least it was yesterday but not today never never really questioned um you know not being able to swing it and I I think that’s what made the difference terl you’re in position tomorrow to take home your very first live golf individual Championship are you going to have a little bit of extra nerves on that first te tomorrow um I mean yeah I’ll would probably be a little bit nervous tomorrow um but that’s I’d say that’s a good thing obviously if you’re nervous about something you generally care about it so um yeah it doesn’t change the fact that I’m still going to go out there and and try my best on every single single shot which I’ve exactly the same as what I’ve done the last two days so that’s all I can do tomorrow and um I’ll try and put together a good round to go not sure if you’ve ever been able to watch the live broadcast before but people will tweet in things about the players and what’s going on and somebody tweeted in that they hope that you win tomorrow because your presser would be so entertaining I tend to agree but are you aware of how beloved You Are by the people I mean people really really love you uh I don’t know I mean I’m just just being myself and saying I guess what comes into my head orbe it surprising for a few people sometimes but um it’ be nice to have some support tomorrow and I’m sure the crowds will be good out there and see I’ll be excited for the challenge last hard-hitting question for me you guys both chose country songs as your walkup songs this week are we going to see that Trend continue post Nashville John yeah and I think we both have the same artist tomorrow I believe so yeah yeah how was the party hole today it was good it was good uh it’s it’s always tricky when you have you know some sort of distance control wedge uh and then you have a song that you like in the atmosphere right you almost need to control to take the adrenaline into account which is not something we deal with very often so you just got to make sure you’re you’re counting a couple extra yards on that shot but uh it’s fun it it’s a fun atmosphere it’s fun to be around and and you know it’s always incredible to hear the cheers and and and how much fun everybody’s having right because just on that area 14 17 16 and 15 is it’s it’s a good vibe love it Mike ter when you were going through that uh stretch of pars did you feel your patients being tested at all uh most things test my patients so I mean I I’ve been I’ve I feel like the last couple of weeks I’ve tried to be a little bit better um I’d say last week it was easier to be more accepting of certain things but um around this golf course I mean this if you hit the ball good you’re going to have a lot of opportunities for birdie so um you don’t want to be making too many pars I mean it was It was kind of okay in the end um but I guess tomorrow won’t I wouldn’t want to be stringing 10 Pars in a row umly when you’re being chased so um yes my patience was tested and uh last Sunday aside did you feel like you’ve been trending uh really for the last few months did you feel like this kind of performance was going to come along sooner rather than later if you uh well no to be honest I think with how I felt in the practice rounds last week I wasn’t sure if I’d even break 80 come Thursday so um yeah golf’s a weird game I just had a good feeling in on my practice swing on the first hole on Thursday last week and then I hit it straight down the middle and just just went with that and um tried to take that into this week um not not think too much about Sunday’s round that was just a bit of a freak day um and yeah that I’ll try and do that again tomorrow and John uh when you were here earlier this week you weren’t really sure how it seemed like you weren’t really sure how things would play out this week with the injury are you a bit surprised at all that you’ve been especially today’s round yes and no uh you know from I hit balls in my simulator at home on on Monday before flying on Tuesday and uh I had the Speed the only question was walking 18 right and and yesterday towards the last four or five holes I started to notice that a little bit and uh but today kind of adjust it try to eat a hydrate a little bit more early in the morning and maybe get a little bit more food in me to account for that and feel like I did a pretty good job at mitigating that though and I feel like the more I play the more comfortable I’m going to get with it so I’m always confident I can shoot low I just didn’t know how it was going to play out and one last question for me obviously you’ve uh dealt with a post major win uh hangover or whatever you might want to call it uh how impressed are you with what Bryson’s been able to do this yeah I mean I’m impressed it’s is especially taken into account that he went and did the whole New York news show right uh I I didn’t do that and and playing the week after in Hilton Head was was quite difficult and tiring uh I mean but we saw Scotty win the week afterwards this year and you know Bryson seems to be a guy that naturally has a lot of energy so I would never question him being able to perform but I think it becomes more for a mental thing right can you focus on still playing good golf even though you’ve accomplished something incredible right I think I think it he’s in good enough shape physically that he can handle it is just being able to do it mentally and we actually mentioned that during the round I think one of the things that is never really talked about enough about PE like players obviously like tiger or Jack is the fact that they were able to win multiple majors in a season consistently and I don’t think most people understand how demanding that is mentally just to get that done the media obligations you have afterwards right and other wins amongst all those things right so uh you know it’s it’s definitely impressive to see what some other players have been able to do TL the decision that you made a few months ago about needing to ask about it your decision to opt out of being considered for the Olympics what went into that process and and at this point any the way you’re playing any thoughts of maybe wish you could take that back I think it goes off world rankings anyway doesn’t it so um with the cut off being last week and where I finished I wouldn’t have qualified anyway so um no I mean I sort of made that decision earlier in the year anyway that I wouldn’t have been playing um but yeah I’m I wish the guys all like the best of luck that go and represent team GB but um yeah it just wasn’t for me hi terot uh I followed you most of the day and you seem to have a few loose drives yet when you stepped up to 16 you still pulled driver was that always in your game plan today with that forward T what into that decision I didn’t know it was forward until I got there so I just walked around the corner of 15 and was oh it’s forwards and you just carry on and stand on the table skin it driver and off we go that’s yeah nothing to it yeah right thereal obviously big day for you what do you feel like are the this course is kind of defining characteristics I know you had a really good day but what’s the hardest hole for you what’s what’s been the most challenging hole for you so far um I think probably the most awkward t- shop is six uh just where we’re driving the ball it kind of Narrows a little bit and you have the water down the left um so I’d say that’s probably the the most awkward t-shot outside of that it’s fairly I’d say the golf course is fairly forgiving off the tea um there’s not a huge amount of rough I mean so I went in a few hazards today but I was able to to still hit the ball out of them um so maybe I just got lucky today but I mean I don’t want to be doing that tomorrow so hopefully we’ll just be in the Fairway John same question to you is there a hole that you find maybe awkward awkwardly suits your eye or anything that’s been especially challenging I I wouldn’t say that’s any of that’s awkward um six because you have hazard in play obviously uh can be a little trickier seven as well downwind today it’s uh you know if you hit driver down the right half of the fway could get close to to the edge um but it’s a golf course but he said is is not the most challenging of the te right I think the defense of the golf of course is obviously the greens um there’s quite a few slopes in most of them and and they can tuck the pins quite a bit but when you have some of the best players in the world in those soia fway where basically own a te every single time we’re going to be fairly confident trying to be aggressive and have plenty of Birdie chances right so um I think that defense if there ever were to do something we maybe played a little bit longer um you know a couple of the holes had there’s one more te behind the third hole we play the up te on five although I don’t know how else you play five if you don’t play it on the upt uh you know and just there’s a few too many short irons in that you know if you change that somehow mightbe a little bit more challenging but uh the main thing would be the greens right otherwise it’s also in absolute perfect conditions right I mean the balls rolling so good on the greens that it’s uh as a player is what you want to see right knowing that if you hit a good pot is definitely going to have a really good chance of going in last one right here T you you spoke a little bit about your frustration after 12 yesterday you bogied it today you birdied it what did you see differently today um well yesterday I sniped it off the tea which landed on the cart path and went in the hazard so instantly you’re kind of struggling um although I actually tried my best to do that again today I hit it so far out the toe and I don’t know how this thing flew straight to be honest it was like a knuckle ball but um it went a long way down there and yeah the difference was being in the Fairway I’ve got gap wedge today whereas yesterday I’m dropping and trying to chip an eight iron under the trees and get it somewhere up by the green that’s probably another one going back to a previous question like that for some reason that t-shot doesn’t really suit my eye um I whiffed it in the hazard and in a practice round and then and then I whiff one right in the proam so yeah I feel pretty comfortable when I’m on that tea it’s lovely guys it’ll be an awesome battle tomorrow between the two of you I’m looking forward to it good luck thank you so much thank you


  1. Getting Hatton is such a huge win for LIV. He keeps improving and his antics on the course are fun to watch.

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