Golf Players

PGA Rocket Mortgage Classic | June 25, 2024 | DraftKings DFS Picks, Plays and Process

Mike Petta (hoop2410) and Tyler Tamboline (ToeTagginTambo) break down their favorite PGA DraftKings and FanDuel picks and plays for the Rocket Mortgage Classic. They also give you some strategy and process for how they plan to attack the slate.

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all systems go clear for Lift [Music] what’s up everyone Tyler tamboline here AKA toag and Tambo back for another Edition a special edition of the Golf Show I say special edition because most people don’t care about the rocket mortgage classic in Detroit but hoop and myself going to be down there with many friends and people around the industry excited for this for the Fantasy Golf World Championship so very excited for that appreciate all the love and support everyone’s been sending out super special week ahead hoop I’ll bring you in you’re the man that’s local and we each got an entry 50 50 in the field and we’ve got one entry a piece so excited for this one man how’s it going yeah uh it’s going well very excited I mean we kind of been you know talking about this uh over the course of the last you know couple months knowing that we had seats and then uh involved in the playdown going from 300 to 150 to to 50 so you know you and I have been pretty pretty locked in fortunate enough to have two seats uh each of us have a you know one in 50 chance of holding that check at the end of the week and seems like a lot of things are lining up we always talk about it you know it started at the RBC Canadian open you’re from Canada you know played down obviously now we’re at the rocket mortgage where the live final is the rocket mortgage which you pointed out the other day which I don’t know how we missed that our logo is obviously a rocket everything seems to line up in my hometown it’s going to be a lot of fun um but you know we gota gotta get the job done and you and I are I know laser focused on these teams this week and um you know again holding that check at the end of the week in terms of what you can expect of this course I mean I’ve played the course I played in the proam if you guys didn’t know I’m not a great golfer um I say it all a lot of people talk up their golf game I’m the opposite like I’ll be honest with you in the best case scenario if I go out and shoot 18 it’s going to be probably mid 90s and that needs every I mean everything has to be clicking right I had success on this course at the proom I mean your boy was you know piping them down the Fairway getting the ball out of the rough I mean it is not tough and if you watch this on TV or you know wherever you you know it’s not tough it’s absolute birdie Fest uh boots on the ground obviously this week it it poured all morning for about five hours it’s Monday or wait is it Tuesday it’s not Monday it’s Tuesday so we’re a couple days out so it poured all morning uh now we have sunny skies it seemed like it was a lot of rain I don’t know how that impacts thing things come uh Thursday Thursday morning but again you’re going to have to make birdies uh the pricing this week I don’t know I’d say it’s pretty unfortunate what they did we’ll talk through it um when we go tier by tier here but um yeah very excited for this week have you in my hometown we’ll be hanging out and anyone you know that’s a a supporter of shipet nation or just you know watch these shows you know hit us up because we’ll be around uh downtown all week and we’ll be at the course for sure uh on Saturday and Sunday really looking forward to it yeah hit us up for sure if you’re there we’re not going to spend a bunch of time on marketing today but I will say my plus one our guide degenerate 75 super excited for him to be down there with us he’s bringing a buddy of his as well got our guy LSU Nick the sheriff will be in town looking out for everything he have to sign any waivers he said so he’s good to roll go collect our boy will be down there many others that hit us up in the Discord as well but just naming a few that I saw there obviously our guy Chris uh shaloo both of those guys got into the uh rain makers version so they’ll be in their own thing that’s going on at the same time so they’ll be down there with us Chris was the guy won the Millie back at the Masters who we interviewed here on this channel make sure you’re subscribed if not already my big giveaway I’ll talk more on that in a second but uh you know those guys will be down there de seep Danny C I think it’s CPO or sepio good dude anyway I was reading up on him um you know winning another he won a huge poker tournament like last year I believe it was and then just just won another one the other night so he’s just crushing it he’s got two entries in it so lots of good people down there excited to meet everyone and I don’t know who maybe it’s just because it’s like the four it took me for the last six years I made it in four times three times I could not get out of round two this is the first time getting out of round two so I feel like I’m the most relaxed I’ve ever been going into it just to be there it’s awesome G to be down there meet good people the ultimate goal of course is to come back with a trophy the money and then the biggest giveaway in DFS history that I’m aware of of up to $50,000 so uh if you guys don’t know I’m giving away 5% of all my winnings so I got the Min cash right now of 20 grand means a$1 thousand giveaway broken down five times $200 giveaways three are going to ship it Nation members and then two are going to maale media Network Watchers viewers Etc with Pat and myself that we did as we hyped it up throughout the the rounds three through one now if it goes up to a million it’s 50,000 that’ll be five time 5,000 for 25 and then shipet Nation myself are going to put on some pretty cool stuff with the other 25,000 we’ve got some ideas in mind President’s Cup in mind maybe we go to Sin City shipet Nation City you know Vegas we could go there and do some stuff there’s lots of different things that we’re going to be doing with the giveaway but want to make sure all are involved you want to get in like this subscribe to the channel comment on a video with a ship it and your ex handle go on my ex toag Ando repost things you can go check out all the giveaway stuff put up there down there be a part of it microphone’s done again microphone’s done again I’ll hop in because I’m not much of a planner uh you know tambo’s planned out his his giveaway and very generous and I think it’s probably the biggest um you know documented giveaway that that he’s locking in um I’m not much of a planner like I said I’m not the the best on the the social media platforms but you guys know me and I always give back so regardless where I finish I’ll be giving something away but it’s going to be directly in our Discord the shipit nation Discord you’re going to have to be in there when I won the Millie year and a half ago at the old spot you can ask anyone in there I gave away well into the five figure range um and uh I I will be giving back to the community as well based on obviously based on where I finished if I finish dead last the giveaway is not going to be as big as if I finished first for a million dollars so uh always looking to give back and again I don’t have it planned out like Tambo does but I’ll be giving something away there’s no doubt we got the mic fixed do we get the mic back I we’re back in Action yep we’re back in Action maybe it just means I’m talking too much but we can move on I do want to talk about the rocket mortgage I want to get into it uh you mentioned it hoop I think you you said like you’re not sure how it’ll affect it but I think that was a big talking piece coming in like that rain was apparently unexpected from anybody that’s down there it was a ton I mean I’m telling you it was all morning I mean it must have went for I don’t know I’d say five hours I’d say like 7 7 a.m. till right around lunchtime noon it it was coming down and it was hard uh Relentless uh heavy heavy rain so that hit us yeah this morning so 48 hours out essentially from the start of the event yeah and I was gonna say I don’t see anything else in the weather forecast right now but you know it’s standard wind 79 mph a little bit of gusts here and there both days colder temps in the morning that heat up by the afternoon again we’ll keep an eye on it as we get down to crunch time there but I will say softer conditions and we were already expecting this super low birdie Fest anything but any hopes of it firming up seems like those are out the window right so it’s going to play even softer than expected so that’s you know just one thing to note um that’s all I got for weather but this is what people want to talk about shout out to Pam here says 5K pricing makes no sense I was blown away when we started the week we knew on signature event weeks we would not have a 5k range that made sense we knew when it was Scotty or Rory headlining a field with you know three to one and four to one odds to win we would have a 5k range that’s what we’ve seen all season I was not expecting to see the 5K range with a 11k Tom Kim and only three guys behind him in the 10K range there’s no 12 no 125 it’s not Scotty it’s not Rory so do you have any thoughts on the pricing there yeah very unfortunate I mean no matter what sort of contest you’re in it’s very unfortunate because as soon as you look at and see that there’s a 5k range then that the max price is $1,000 you know right away all these guys at the top are going to get big ownership because it’s easy to not only play them but play multiple guys uh in the same lineup like you can you can you can easily if you want to play if you have a 5k guy like you could play three guys in the 10K range you can plug in norin Min mle cam Young play let’s say a 5,500 $1 guy then you’re back in the mid sixes so you can you know make the case that that you can play three 10K golfers in a lineup with ease that just should not be the case and you see it with the early ownership numbers all these guys up top are getting ownership and it it does kind of suck because it’s hard to get leverage again it doesn’t matter what sort of contest you’re in single entry um the the big 150 the 20 Max whatever it is it’s just going to be very hard uh to to get leverage on the field unless you can sell yourselves on some of these really shitty guys in the field and take a overweight stance on on those sort of golfers so I mean hopefully they get this fixed again fine with the 5K range if they do it right you know if they they do it right and if you’re going to have the 5K range in this field Tom Kim has to start at like at least 125 or uh you know cam young needs to be you know 12K somewhere around there and then bump everyone else up all this is doing is again same conversation we’ve had for the last couple weeks with the 5K range it’s even more extreme in this sort of event where guys that would be in the AK range are now seven guys that be in the sevens are now sixes just makes it very easy uh to get exposure to whoever you want at at the top end so probably got to get a little bit tricky or you got to get a little bit um you really got to to pull out pull some tricks out of your sleeve to to get uh to get off the popular type plays this week maybe leave salary on the table whatever whatever it may be but uh you know it’s unfortunate pricing this week there’s just no other way to put it yeah 122 guys 6,900 or less stupid yeah I mean just dumb it’s just it just it doesn’t make sense I mean I mean just it makes literally zero zero sense I don’t get it yeah three ways I would say just you mentioned most of them but to find leverage one would be leave salary on the table it’s a birdie Fest it’s anybody anybody it’s like we do this in s in single game like or sorry in a single day like a showdown slate where people get mad about it when you like leave three grand on the table but it’s literally you just need the six best goo guys for one day obviously over six over four days you’d expect it to play out differently but honestly with how easy it is and these are all Pros I’m not saying to go play you know 6 5K guys and leave all your money I’m saying that you could just get away with leaving a couple Grand on the table one or two grand if you wanted that would be one way um secondly would be roster construction I think you said it earlier we’re going to segue into these tiers in a second anyway but it’s the ownership is all you up top because you can play two of them easily if not three of them if you want so there’s that and so you’d have to get it different from a roster construction perspective I cover all that over on the site on the Slate plan so I’ll talk through more uh in that when I build it up for the week tomorrow and then lastly I think like you said it’s it’s like you said it’s hard to get up get leverage I think it’s easy to get leverage it’s not easy to get leverage if you think these guys are actually going to do as well as they are because it’s all the popular plays that are popular for good reason so you know you are having to go off the board if you have a range like this top one where you love all these guys you know zotus and Fowler will be leveraged Fowler’s last year’s Champion zotus is is has been good good but but not recently so that makes it really tough to feel comfortable going to those guys when you can just play the guys around them so I think it’s going to be roster construction where you have to get different but do you have any other thoughts on that if not we can talk about this upper range we got Tom Kim down to Alex noren are your four guys five figures and above yeah so I mean Tom Kim’s been playing very well and you know obviously lost in the the in the playoffs to Scotty shuffler but I mean if you’re going to lose to anyone in a playoff I mean it it better be Scotty Sheffer because you can immediately just write that off and say you know what I just lost to the the best guy in the world by a pretty wide margin I mean he’s the best guy he’s the best golfer in the world again by a wide margin he’s in a tier of his own so if you’re going to lose in a playoff to somebody you know you can’t you can’t be too mad at yourself if it’s him and I think he bounces back totally fine after he’s been playing well we’ve talked about on here a lot like he struggled early on and I go back to the Masters round four he shot that 66 and we’ve talked about it a lot did he find something there apparently he did because he went on a nice little little run of making cuts and now we’re seeing some higher end finishes and just back to doing what he he was doing when he was hot last year so at 11k yeah is he going to be uh unpopular this week absolutely not he’s going to get a lot of ownership for all the reasons we just talked about how easy it is uh to fit him in cam young fires off the what was it 59 or whatever yeah 59 shoots the 59 so he’s going to be in the conversation this week for that reason had a nice finish because of to the 59 but prior uh to all that it’s been it’s been a struggle for for cam young and again sometimes all it is is one round that gets these guys going again did that 59 get him going again it’s very possible um and coming to an event like this where it’s going to be very easy to get birdies and and length off the te can be an asset because the rough is not very penile cam young could easily find his way this week uh and you know based on the ownership so far it looks like all these guys are getting some but I will say in my eyes how I view this playing out I think the next two guys get less than the top two guys like I think people go to Tom Tom Kim Cameron young and then minie and noren I think get less than those guys just because we’ve seen cam young be expensive in the past you know Tom cam obviously been playing well so he kind of deserves this price I come off a second place finish I think Lee Lee and and noren uh have less ownership than then young and uh and Kim minu Lee at 105 then very very study 22nd 24th 26th 24th 21st and then norin was on that heater early on and then has missed some Cuts along the way missed a cut at the US Open missed a cut at the RBC Canadian open but prior to that I mean it’s a lot of you know 11 14th 23rd 3rd 12th 22nd he’s been studying this is a course that you know he can everyone can have success at this course so I guess when when I say that it really doesn’t hold all that that way like any sort of golfer can have success at this course it’s just that easy easy um and that’s how we’ve seen it play out in the past so you know my only takeway is all these guys will get ownership because of how easy it is to play them um I think it probably goes Tom Kim cam young and then um you know minwu and enor are probably pretty similar in terms of ownership yeah one thing I will say in the chat caught onto it a little our guy Ren shut up to Ren by the way no EVR is in the field this week so he’ll be happy but he won the shipet nation listener League last week so that was awesome to see with even without EVR got the job done so maybe that’s a Telltale sign it’s time to drop that dudee when he’s out of the field you ship it when he’s in it I don’t know that that seems like a better finish for you but I will say who Min woo is someone I think is gonna pick up steam here because one thing of note he he crushes the power fives also he you named it like 21st 26 22nd you know what tournaments those were in the US Open championship and the Masters the three Majors where he’s finishing basically three top 25s in them so now you get into a weaker field like this would actually make a lot of sense again um you know that’s just me saying he’ll get a little bit of steam I think people go to Tom Kim over cam young and I think if Lee and nor and get a little bit of steam near the end just for the savings or trying to get different and drop down that could be something we see but I will say too you say it all the time when the ownership gets spread out like this even though it’s kind of condensed but it’s also spread out at the same time because it’s condensed to the same 20 to 25 guys over that you know like we said there’s 122 guys 6,900 below so we know where it’s going you kind of just got to play your guys you’re not going to sit here and say cam young Young’s 21 Min W Le ended up 24 told you so like that’s not what it’s about it’s which guy do you want to play because they’re essentially the same so that’s really what it’s going to come down to this week with those guys I think is just sort of picking your spots noren um was someone who I think people thought was going to be sneakier first thing when the price dropped at 102 but I guess you know he’s gonna get something here I just because you can play three guys up here it has to be because usually someone has to get squeezed but we’re about to segue in and B is not getting squeezed I don’t think pendrith Jagger I don’t see those guys getting squeezed we know zalatoris and Fowler will be lower so maybe they get squeezed even further than expected like you can’t just throw double digits on them maybe it ends up being like seven and six where others may think they’re 10 and 12 I don’t know but um what’s your thoughts on this next range with like oet down to Fowler it just there’s only five guys yeah that’s the crazy part about all this it’s only five G guys in the 9k range with like a 5K range it just man it just it hurts a little bit uh you know I think you play your guys like you talked about for for me in this range it’s just kind of sticking with the guys that that I’ve been playing I’ve been playing a lot of batia the results have been good and the nice thing about him is is when his game’s on he has the chance to to win events to win golf tournaments and that that’s key um and he was good last week too and then pendri you pendrith we’ve been kind of riding pendrith for a while the results have been good core sets up well for him 96 is obviously a little bit of a a sticker shock on a guy like pendrith but you’re going to see a lot of that in this field because it’s so weak Jagger I believe has good course history here you can correct me on that if if I’m wrong but I believe he does and again he makes birdies he can find success I will say in in tournaments though like do I love this sort of setup for zalot Tores no you you typically we typically like at tough tracks where you got to grind [ __ ] out that’s definitely not here like that’s definitely not the place but if he’s going to be substantially lower own than guys like you know Jagger and and pendrith and batia in tournaments I’d like to get overweight and I [ __ ] on Ricky Fowler all the time and rightfully so the guy’s been a disaster but he likes this place he comes here and I can tell you because I’ve been to this event every year he’s the guy that people are following around on the course there’s no other course on tour where where it’s like Ricky Fowler is the main attraction this is the one spot on tour where Ricky fer is the main attraction people love this guy because of how weak this field is he’s going to get a lot of people folling around uh this week he feels like the man and and he’s had success here so I don’t hate getting overweight on a guy like Fowler in tournaments if he’s substantially lower than all these other guys again I’ve [ __ ] on Ricky probably more than anyone um in the industry and again rightfully so his game has been a a mess had a nice little run last year but it fell off quickly but man if he’s going to be um substantially lower own than than everyone else up here at a place where he’s had success he’s going to have the fans behind him like uh I could get get behind some Ricky fer this week for for sure so yeah it’s unfortunate we only have a few guys in this range but that’s kind of where my head’s at yeah and did you have any quick thoughts just on the nines versus the eights because I know it’s only five guys in the 9k but the 8K only has eight guys yeah it seems like McNeely Ry Davis Thompson like there’s your three that stand out maybe Keith Mitchell right in that crew as well but if you were comparing those groups what what side are you taking if you could have sort of the eight the four 9k guys you like the best or the four 8K guys you like the best which range do you think you like more yeah I mean it’s really you know it’s not all that dissimilar I guess between the two when you look at it like Keith Mitchell can can score on birdie Fest and do well Ry has been playing well McNeely kind you know kind of back for us you know we’ve I’ve always liked mcne and the results have been great for him 23rd 177 so to answer your question I guess it would probably just be the 8K range because of what I can do like if you you know live more in the 8ks versus The Nines like you don’t even have to mess with anything cheap you can build some really good teams even guy like Chris Kirk is always he’s always at this event I think he plays it every year so he he’s ve very familiar with the track Thorne bourson or however the hell you pronounce his name at at AK looked pretty solid last week you know he looks like a kid that’s gonna win on tour at some point so you know Davis Thompson as well uh has been playing solid so for me I’d probably just you know go with these guys in the AK range to be honest with you there is a safe too so I think if people kind of give that sort of five or whatever you want to give an extra push that way I am curious to see what people think like if you were you know picking aide it’s you know valor’s kind of weighing the first one down if you don’t consider last year’s win or last week’s 20th as much it’s pendrith and Jagger and baa they all look good but like it’s also people seem to like MAV rry Thompson quite a bit this week so with the price savings and what that can allow you to do uh I’m more curious to see where people go or if they just naturally go to the guys that cost more we know the ownership to me hoop it looks like at least early MAV and Ry get sort of the ownership of those 9k guys but the nines up to the Tom Kim stuff is where people go the most so I think if you’re not playing the guys up top you are sort of pounding in this next range anyway and that’s why the ownership is still showing there because you’re playing three or four of these guys so um you can definitely get away with that this week so 8K range talk about it more do you have any preferences on these guys like McNeely down to um old Thor there he he did look okay last week I don’t know I saw people betting him at like 40 and 50 to one I’m I’m never doing that personally but just that’s just me I don’t have that fomo sense of like I have to be on him um I thought that was you know a bit of an odd number to be honest I don’t think it’s right but people seem to think that was the number Hammer him at yeah um you know the guys that people are going to like here McNeely because he’s been playing well Ry at 8,800 again been playing well similar to mcne I think both those guys probably get uh equal ownership Davis Thompson’s a guy people who like to play Keith Mitchell will get some ownership and then theor bson or again I gotta come up with it can we just call Thor Thor yeah we’ll just go Thor yeah yeah yeah so like people are gonna like to play him it’s a new toy they’re gonna be excited so the guys that probably don’t get as much ownership in this range I’d say is probably Bobby Mack um sticker shock on him at 87 despite the win and in playing pretty well Ryan Fox I don’t think people really go to him I think Chris Kirk’s a name that could go a little Overlook like I said with Kirky I know he always plays this event so he has to be very familiar with the course and honestly with this course you probably don’t need to be all that familiar it’s that easy but can’t hurt you if you’ve been here and you’ve been playing it so um of the low guys that I think will be lower owned Kirk’s the one that kind of stands out to me just because of um you know his his history here and I don’t even know if it’s good history I just know his ass has been here quite a bit so it’s kind of where I’m at in this range yeah he’s pretty decent 14 17th 12th 21st I mean really good then yeah Kirky I think is a good play then if he’s gonna be low Ro yeah I think he’s like the fourth or fifth highest in this range like I definit would have Ry and McNeely at the top higher than him I think Davis Thompson is right in that mix and then probably Keith Mitchell more than him as well so I mean Kirk is just again that’s kind of what we were talking about earlier hoop where you’re not really GNA be able to get off these popular plays but you got you can go to the fifth in line versus where everybody else piles up the other four that’s kind of what you have to look at doing versus just forcing something in you don’t even want to play if there’s guys out there that you guys like in the chat that you want to throw names out there we can look them up or talk about them but I think um you know everyone’s landing on the same guys for good reason it’s just the way this is setting up with the pricing it gonna have to look to get different within roster construction I think it’s going to be tougher who at least one thing I could think about right away is for people to play 38k guys as much as that ownership is there I think it’s just a product of you get your guy up top and some will pick two of these guys versus some will take a 9k or you know two 9ks a couple 8ks I don’t know as many people will play three guys in the 8K range so that would be a way that I think right away you could just do do things just a little bit differently and then I’m not sure how much you could get in after that depending on who you like down low but you could probably play three 8ks and then maybe two cheap um 9ks or depending on which 8K guys you play I guess would set it up better so yeah we’d have to see but um let’s keep going let’s go to the 7K range and it is also smaller than usual like 17 guys total and Ben Griffin down to Eric Cole I think there’s a few guys that stand out here for some but then after that you mean there’s definitely guys in this range that are lower owned and then it starts to really spread out once you get to that 6K range I think Ren said it again here though this is true 7K range has many so many boom bust guys but in a weak field I like you so you you gotta kind of just play your guys here and pick your spots but it does feel risky with some of these guys who are some of the guys that you’re talking about here hoop man shocker that that Ren loves the the 7K range which includes a guy by the the name EVR I mean I’m I’m shocked that Ren’s excited about this range 78 hundo I don’t have much interest Ben Griffin at the top I mean hasn’t been playing well um but does have that second place finish at the RBC Canadian open Mark hward you guys know how he’s like Mark hovers fencon continues to play pretty well I think guys like Taylor Moore um are interesting 7500 I think he has some pretty good course history here but he’s been playing really bad but the books like him he’s like 4550 one range um which is some of the better number which one of the better odds like in this range at 75 so it’ll be curious to see what the field does with him um you know Cam Davis is another guy similar to Taylor Moore I mean Cam Davis always plays this event tends to play well but he’s not in the best form like do you go back to him at at 72 the books again like him too he has a pretty nice number next to his name I believe it’s like 60 UH 60 to one then you come I mean guys like Nick Dunlap could have success here like you can make a case for a lot of guys at this course I me it’s just it’s so damn easy um Patrick Rogers Bo Hustler Lee Hodes you know I’ve been playing a lot of Lee Hodges I Gotta Give Daniel Burger a chance I think at 7K in some large field stuff did finish 21st at the US Open um you know obviously a struggle with the injury struggle to get back but I think this is a a good spot for him to to find something and finally get go get it going so 7K Burger I’m in Clanton 6 7K I don’t know ton about him um did play the US Open and finished uh made the cut finished 41st like I’ll take a chance on a guy like that at 7K for sure and Eric Cole showed some signs of life last week um played pretty well over the weekend uh was pretty far back and he went 6665 over the weekend he’s 7K uh it’s just kind of more of like a gutfield play on a guy like Cole I played a lot of him early I played a lot of him early on in the season the results were absolute dog [ __ ] and you know he really hasn’t done much all year but I’ll give him a chance here at the at the old rocket mortgage and then even like uh Nikolai hoard like don’t love playing him but like 73 just man th this sort of course just opens up so many guys opportunities to to you know have success so um you know maybe in 150 expand your player pool a little bit and just just get some exposure to these guys because all the ownership is really going to be in the upper tier here because it’s so easy to to get up there so when you come down to the sevens a lot I’d imagine again I haven’t looked super deep at ship I’d imagine a lot of these guys are are pretty low owned and it’ be pretty easy uh to to get overweight on the guys you like in this range yeah to me it looks like um senson for sure getting a ton of ownership then it would look like probably Taylor Moore Cam Davis Ben Griffin like your usual suspects I think are are sort of what pick it up some steam I’m already hearing a little bit on Matt Wallace so Matt Wallace been playing pretty good you look at his numbers just coming off a 15th here he’s got a 10th 78th last couple years and then even like his recent stuff 27th 20th 4th he’s been fine as well so I definitely think people have some interest there Mayo media Network FOX Novak nap for a Millie it’s nap you know it’s na not nap time Novak time though birdie Fest could be so um noak’s down there at 6700 we’ll get to that in a second I think um some of these guys though like Patrick Rogers Nick Dunlap hogard Lee Hodes who you mentioned Sam Stevens Kevin Yu these These are guys that are you know are what Ren was talking about with these boom bust guys that that’s definitely what I’m thinking back on it too dad’s really trying to bail on this one he does not want to be associated with TW anymore he said it was a one-time thing he’s over it so we gotta we gotta give him a give him a break on that one but this was also our guy Ron Claus who excited to see him he’s down there this week he’s been there since Monday taking you know videos and interviews and all this stuff shout out to Ron PGA splits 101 on Twitter X whatever you want to call it he says Griffin just had surgery on his eyes it was kind of funny not really like not making fun of the guy but he had surgery on his eyes he said he’s still kind of seeing things wonky and in the picture he had his putter I think it was just the timing of the picture that it got taken but the first comment was like he’s holding the putter backwards so it’s like you can’t even see [ __ ] but he’s the guy that’s kind of been I think pretty solid let me just go look him up here but Ben Griffin 33rd here last year he’s had a second 16 13 67 some recent good finishes over his last six events or so and we’ll get to shout out to my guy emn holla posted up the Troy merits flowchart into the ship at Nation Discord today pretty solid stuff I might even post that out that was a good one we pinned it in the channel for those that need to know about a Troy Merit flowchart but it definitely fits this week anybody else in here you want to talk about hoop I mean I think this is where you’re taking your chances and just hoping that some of these guys go low early get the job done make the cut and then they all can score or have Spike rounds over the weekend some of those guys that we talked about yeah no nothing else to really add I mean a smaller range than we typically see and you know even the ones that seem like the the they are gonna get ownershi like Taylor Moore like been playing like [ __ ] Cam Davis been playing like [ __ ] so like either you’re buying into the the course history or you’re not on guys like that and you know buying into maybe the the talent in a weaker field but they haven’t been playing well so I’ll be curious to see what happens like more and Cam Davis definitely interesting um talking points I think this week but it does look people are going to give him the the free pass for the recent poor play and just go to them because ownership looks up on those guys yeah Ryan Fox got brought up more than once so just to go back and look him up for a second so 88,200 he was in the 8K range we didn’t really touch on him it’s really a product of who’s there like I said people are definitely playing MAV and Ry at the top they’re definitely playing the guys right above Fox with Davis Thompson and Keith Mitchell and then I think Chris Kirk is next in line to that that so I would say fox probably does get overlooked in that range sub 10% 7 32nd 56 fourth never played here but I mean playing decent and again field strength is not the strongest so uh something you can do there for sure I think who let’s go to the 6K range and the biggest thing here is just how many is too many like you could probably play four three or four sixk guys if you had to like there’s definitely going to be guys it’s just going to be hard to get them right so make sure you’re picking the ones you want to play but this just you know 6,500 and U range alone if you’ve got Justin low you’ve got who else Chandler Phillips who brought up a bunch this week Andrew Novak not saying they’re all getting ownership but just guys people are talking about Adam shank Davis Riley Rio always gets a little bit of love olison gim I mean there’s lots of guys in here just in this upper 65 to $6,900 range and there it is Guy Ren is back at it again he likes putting up 20 plus birdies so what are we doing here in the 6K range and how many are too many for you um for me this week you know I’d be fine loading up here I’d be fine playing three of these guys to be honest with you it’s just it’s a lot of volatility this week um you know the ones I do like 6,500 and above uh I like toasty at 66 I meaning a guy can just go out and bomb it there’s like limited uh trouble if you do go out and bomb it so I think he can have success here uh Kon at 6600 uh I’m fine taking a chance on him Phillips like you had mentioned and then Ren man and I’m good with him at the 6700 been playing well you know 10th at the Canadian open 12th at the Charles Schwab uh and yeah he can make birdie so I I like that Novak I’m good with uh I’ll probably give my guy shank a shot here he has not been playing well there’s no doubt about that but uh you know there’s no better time uh to find her stride than in a really really weak field such as this at a easy core so I’ll give shank shank a chance and uh you know those are probably my favorite five or six guys uh in this range but again I mean you don’t need to come down here you’ll see when you start building teams like you can you can stop in the sevens and be good and a lot of people might do that so coming down here and playing multiple of these guys might get you a little bit different I think in roster construction this week everyone’s on Adam Fenson and you actually need Adam shank is that what happens Adam or you could play both or you could play both I will definitely have teams with both I’ll promise you that that’s a good way to do it too I think yeah so I mean there’s there’s options here for sure um you know it doesn’t look like gim I think gets a little love here I actually think shank probably does fall in line as sort of the next guy but this is another spot where just you know doesn’t matter who you’ve heard mentioned it’s it’s not who gets mentioned it’s the people that actually get their name clicked right A lot of people will talk about something but will they click the button it’s something I’ve always said will they actually play the guy they’re talking about and I see a lot of guys here 5% or less ownership where you can just sort of pick your spot don’t have to worry that everybody’s talking about Chandler Phillips no they’re not I mean the five people that you listened to talked about them but then that’s doesn’t translate to him getting played so if you like Chandler Phillips play Chandler Phillips it’s you know he’s gonna be 5% or less you can get away with it you’re good to go guys like Novak Todd shank you know gim some of these guys there will definitely be um guys that they go to so others go to instead of those guys so just to say it you can definitely play the guys you want to play here I think you brought up some interesting ones let’s keep it moving let’s go down to this lower six range 6,400 and down any that stand out to you just uh you know someone brought it my boy ma Meisner Meisner is in the mix again here he is 6,400 sh Kim I saw there same price he also popped a little bit for me so uh who are some of these guys in this bottom 6K range that you like yeah Meisner I mean he’s a guy that people like to play so of everyone way down here I mean he’s gonna probably get some ownership but nothing to say oh I can’t play him like it’s never it’s not going to be to a number where you can’t play them 64 for him Jake knp I do like Jake knp here I think he’s a fine option the $6,400 range where you can go out just absolutely bombit and uh you know maybe gets a little bit of an advantage being close to the green on some of these holes so I will take some chances on Nap um I I will play chest and Hadley just because you know I played with him in in the prom event here a few years ago he’s my boy I always find him on the course and and touch base I have no idea if he remembers who who I am or not but he’s always a nice guy regardless you know I’ve gone out to him every year told told you guys he’s my son’s favorite golfer because of the experience that he gave my my son at that pram event very nice hung out with us after had dinner signed everything for him and you know every every year we go to this event that’s the first golf for my son wants to go find so uh has a special spot in my heart so I will be playing some chest in you know I don’t necessarily recommend him as a play but I will be playing him uh this Neil Shipley guy um 53rd at the Masters 26 at the US Open I’m going to give him a chance here at 6,300 for sure I’ll play I’m gonna give his caddy a chance to make some cash and try and get him to rock this hat for the let’s go I told you do plan we got to tell him man this is the the one show him the clip where the guy says that the guy says he can really move it and then the guy goes he can ship it that’s we got do get Neil Shipley low am at the US Open and at the Masters we got to get that guy rocking hat I’m bringing all the gear I’m bringing all the hats I have the I have shirts I have hats I got everything we need so we’ll uh we’ll bombard him with options and see which one he likes best you can have the hashtag ship it he can have the logo he can have ship it Nation whatever whatever he wants but yeah if he can if he wants to rep that like we’re in he’s gonna have some options so we got to track him down for sure how much is he what 63 I’m in I mean I’m definitely in on him for sure bramlet 62 I’ll have some of him people are G to make the case for cam champ because I what did he win here or he’s always played well here what’s the story just rund down I think it’s actually people like him because of the Sanderson Farms he’s had like a couple good results here I know he always plays here though he always plays the rocket morgage always link this to Sanderson Farms and gotta um he’s obviously done well there so that’s that’s why yeah but yeah he’s been [ __ ] awful at 6200 three of 12 Cuts I mean he sucks again not not playing him um coming down a little bit SMY you know maybe at 62 just Dart throw type stuff in 150 Gary Woodland at 61 um uh maybe keep him in the mix a little bit but man it uh it drops off here’s your boy TW your dad’s boy TW at what 6K flat Ben Cole’s at 6K I think you could keep in the player pool maybe but I mean you don’t need a lot of these guys down here um again you got to see when you go to build teams I just have a feeling when when you go to build teams um you’re just not going to have to come down in this range so you know I’ll keep these guys in but not necessarily like forcing uh forcing any into my lineups yeah and for the sake of the show and we’ll go through it just because we want to know they can throw ideas into the chat but I’ll tell you right now like it’s just you don’t need this I know people say it’s that what you need it’s what you want you know people are want to build in this but in this range I mean this this is probably where it cuts off for me like maybe some my boy MC Meisner maybe JJ spawn maybe you know Troy Merritt the flowchart we talked about is Troy Merritt playing yes is he cheap yes we keep moving is it a birdie Fest absolutely might be a 30 under winner yes play Troy Meritt you know that’s just how he lines up and then looking for pretty good over on the Old shipet Nation corit rankings too this week give a spoiler away but uh you know interesting stuff our guy Troy Meritt in the mix so he looks solid he’s 6300 you do have Shipley right there you do have other guys that people could play but I just think that’s you know somewhat interesting and then dropping down I don’t have a lot of love but in the 5K range hoop I’ll just say like you got to really pick your spots if you’re doing it but like Carson young dialon woo my my guy Mayo you’ll get him in on there and and after that Cy Brothers Cy brothers are here Mayo loves those Cy boys he can do that one I ain’t doing that and um Benjamin James 5,000 the stone minimum down there at 5,000 bucks I mean there there’s not many guys in this range and so like Justin says if those are your guys play those guys that that’s really what I recommend I do and I think it is fun this week I’m definitely play you know some people play in these live finals I’ve been there myself in the past where you don’t want to play a lot of volum because you’re in a live final this week I want to play Norm I want to play volume like I think this is a really fun tournament I I think as far as the pricing being so bad it can actually open up opportunity from a leverage perspective so I would like to have more lineups this week it makes it all that more fun to be in the fantasy Golf World Championship with just one but you know these guys are not going to make it in I just don’t have that much conviction on them and if I do play them I want to sort of play them to make it so that it’s a if anything if if they go right the other five guys should smash because I’m playing the best dudes up top so I’ll probably make a lineup that has a 5k guy in it but I’m just not getting crazy to go play these guys and a lot of it is like this too stories this is incredible miles Russell’s 15 years old it’s phenomenal but you know I’m not going to go out of my way um for something like that like that’s kind of a different story and if you love it I think you can get really good top 40 odds on some of these guys and and I would just bet it like that like put a hundred bucks down on it that way instead of needing to get five other pieces is correct where I know you’ll say oh but the payouts better you’re probably going to put it in one lineup so play the lottery if you want that’s fine or just put it on their top 40 number and hope that they do the job that you were hoping they do or do both yeah there’s a couple a couple for me down here um Carson young maybe at at 59 you know what happens when he’s in the field with uh with Cam young young and he’s coming off a pretty good actually three out of his last four been pretty good 30th at the CJ cup 32nd at the Myrtle Beach and then 14th at the RBC Canadian open so yeah I do like Carson young a little bit down here I like uh who’s the next guy up Robbie Shelton 5600 um in 150 I’ll take a chance on him he can score and he’s coming off a pretty good finisher or he had a miss the cut at the RBC but um Ninth at the Charles Schwab and 26 at the Myrtle Beach so I like Shelton as a play down here um Matt n Smith at 5,500 again not gonna take a h I’m not playing 15% Matthew neith but if I need guys down here he’s a guy I don’t mind um adding to the player pool or keeping in the player pool I was looking for my boy how what happened to our boy ster my boy Stanger like why is he not in this field this seems like the perfect Jimmy Stanger uh event and he’s not in the field unfortunately he for somebody else I don’t know I thought course he was gonna be in it when we talked about it but maybe um the way it sets up like certain uh certain accomplishments got other people in I didn’t see it though I didn’t see him get knocked yeah but again overall this range I mean you don’t need to come down here number one a lot of these guys [ __ ] suck um and that’s not good obviously when you’re picking golfers for a DFS lineup and there’s so many of them like it just I don’t know the main point is you really don’t need to come down here unless there’s someone that you really really like and think that they do well uh and by doing well it’s not just make the cut like if you come down here you need these guys to probably finish like top 25 for the most if you’re playing in the large field stuff so not only do they need to make a cup but they need to perform on the weekend and continue to make birdies all the way through you know can some of these guys do it you know most of them won’t I mean most of them won’t but if you have a guy you like I mean it’s uh you know they’re all G to be low owned we don’t need to come down here that’s the thing too and this is a very low six to six week in the past typically so I mean like if they make a cut they’re probably going to score that’s the thing about this weekend is there’s just you know too much too many scoring opportunities so the more the bigger issue is like if you get your 5K guy right do you get the other 5K guys everyone just assumes because the other 5K guys look like studs on paper that they get him through I remember one year here it was either I think it was the year before Bryson won it or it was the year after he won it I can’t remember which year it was might have it up here so in 2020 Bryson W so it must have been in 2021 maybe where he missed the cut as like massive chalk you know maybe it was because of that like one the year before sets up so well four par fivs etc etc so there is definitely stuff that can happen at a course like this where you know you just get crushed and that’s why I said even if you get your guy right down low you got to get the other five and if you’re going to play more popular guys that’s what’s going to happen this week when people are landing in these similar spots and and on the same ranges so that’s where you’re gonna have to look to get different I’ll have the roster construction stuff covered in the Slate plan over at shipet Nation hoop did you have anything else that you wanted to talk about here just uh you know going to pull up a couple things before we get out of here yeah the one thing I did want to say obviously it’s a big week for for you and I and not not only you and I but the shiping nation Community I mean we’ve made a point of making this a community thing our path uh to this live final event and you know you and I are two of the more generous people in this industry I mean I’ve probably personally given away I’d say I don’t know a rough estimate of probably $50,000 you know in giveaways out of my own pocket to um members of of this site and other sites and just people in the community you’re um putting up potentially $50,000 this week uh if I win obviously again I I talked about it I’m not as I don’t I’m not a planner tambo’s the planner I’m not the planner but I am also a giver and I will be giving away substantial amounts of money to members in our Discord depending on where I finish again yeah if I finish at the bottom it’s not going to be as high as if I finish at the top for for $1 millionar but there will be big giveaways and celebrations for for our community uh this week depending on on where I finish and where you finish and uh you know I I did want to say um appreciate all the support and I try to respond to all the comments I don’t know if I got to all of them but just wishing myself and Tambo good luck this week um and it means a lot I mean it gives us confidence gets me fired up to you know you know finish high up in this event so appreciate all the well wishes and um you know hoping we can get get to the top of this leaderboard and uh have uh have a big celebration when it’s all said and done that’s the goal this week that’s the focus and uh I’m confident uh that myself for you we’re going to get there man so let’s let’s get this job done and uh again appreciate all the support uh along uh along this journey yeah Echo everything that hoop says obviously we want to do big giveaways a lot of them will be member focused if you’re not a member yet you can join now you can still get in we’ve left the code up just for the end till the end of this weekend fgw C15 for Fantasy Golf World Championship 15% so it’s 15% off any of the monthly or annual plans if you just want to get in for golf you would get it off the 39 for 33 you can lock in the annual wrap right around till this time next year we all will have swing season the projections ownership the stone tool everything you see here I’ll cover the roster construction stuff in the Slate plan hoop will have his player pool we have our core reports the stone all the stuff for Showdown you see those logos up top week in week out appreciate all the support if you do sign up right now we’ll have more news on this in the future but right now you do get our Optimizer ship amizero with any monthly or annual plan so basically for a dollar a day at the 33 bucks you get an entire month of PGA DFS all the projections ownership rounds one through four all the other tools and rankings and everything and the optimizer comes with it as well most places are charging 25 bucks a month just for the optimizer then you got to go get your projections or sign up to another site for 500 for the year or 100 a month or 75 a month or whatever it is everything included right now over here when you sign up using that code fgwc5233ts for hoop for myself tow tag and Tambo let’s ship it [Music]


  1. Great show guys as always! Best of luck this week at the rocket mortgage to you both. you guys are the heartbeat of the DFS community! Nobody deserves it more than you two! bring it home. #ShipIt. @jmondi3

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